my balance is still 0. Is there any way to recover my lost coins or are they gone forever? The transaction is confirmed 53 times..
I guess, the balance will appears after restarting the wallet. I also suggest you export a private key/address into another wallet such as electrum to check it all. you can follow the instruction below on how to get the private keys. If you can manage to get it running... you can export your keys and then import them into another wallet like Electrum... If you just want to get it open, and 0.96.4 still won't run for you, you can try the older version and do the key export without worrying about syncing with Core etc. NOTE: exporting keys should not be taken lightly. There is a chance your keys may get compromised if your computer is not secured and you could suffer coin loss as a result.To export your keys, you can use the following menu options in Armory: - Wallet Properties - Backup This Wallet - Select "Export Keys List" (top left box) - Click "Export Keys List" (bottom box) - Select the following options: "Private Key (Plain Base58)","Include Unused (Address Pool)"... and make sure "Omit spaces in key data" is checked You'll end up with a list of all the private keys displayed in the text box. The private keys will be labelled as "Plain Base58". Note: if you are looking for one specific private key, and you know the address, tick the "Address String" box and you'll be able to find it easier You can then "import" or "sweep" those private keys using the wallet of your choice (like Electrum or Bitcoin Core). I would highly recommend "sweeping" (as opposed to "importing") as the private keys could potentially be compromised/exposed during the export/import process.
Sepertinya penggunaan trust list bagi member Indo masih cukup awam, terlihat masih itu2 aja orang nya Ada kemungkinan bahwa kebanyakan dari member Indo sudah banyak tahu bagaimana penggunaan trust list tapi tidak membutuhkannya karena mereka banyak aktif di bounty. Banyak dari mereka bahkan tidak pernah peduli tentang bagaimana feedback itu berfungsi meskipun saat mereka mendapatkan scammed dari manager bounty. Pemain bounty sangat butuh trust list tersebut untuk menanggulangi manajer dan tim yang tidak bertanggung jawab, jika suatu waktu ada apa-apa, flag akan menandakan supaya bounty hunter yang lain tidak ikut bergabung. Tapi selama ini saya lihat, karena kurangnya tag DT tersebut akhirnya mereka mengadu di scam dan reputasi board.
Dari sepengetahuan saya, itu fungsinya untuk membekukan address tersebut agar dana yang ada disitu tidak bisa digunakan untuk mengirim Bitcoin, sementara untuk menerima harusnya masih bisa digunakan (saya belum test untuk mengirim aset ke address yang di freeze ini).
Saya sudah coba kirim ke alamat yang di freeze, hasilnya btc terkirim. Akan tetapi ketika saya akan ngirim, saya klik maximum, btc yang di freeze tidak muncul, amount saya tetap 0. jadi benar fitur ini untuk membekukan/tidak mengikutsertakan alamat yang di freeze dalam pengiriman, jika tiap address ada bitcoinnya.
Hi, How do I withdraw? What should I type in payment_request?
that's Lightning network payment, this means you have to input/paste your request payment from LN wallet. go to your LN personal wallet, click deposit, create and copy the invoice, then paste it to the withdrawal box on the website. you will get an error if paste it as an amount satoshi.
Untuk versi Android saya coba install manual file apk nya (saya jadikan watching-only wallet), karena saya cek barusan yang ada di Google Play masih belum diupdate. Electrum saya lihat di playstore sudah updated ke versi 4.1.2 Saya juga mencoba fitur baru dari electrum yaitu freeze address Tapi belum tahu bagaimana cara kerjanya, apa memang freeze tersebut benar-benar tidak bisa menerima atau mengirim bitcoin.
Jadi commit update terbaru ini mengharuskan seed electrum tidak valid di BIP39
This is to give opportunity to players who also wants to hold fun but unable to buy at this moment because the transaction fee is quite high.
. I don't see a transaction fee below. Players don't need to pay a higher fee when a transaction using just hold on-site you will also get an opportunity such as cashback and freespin if reached the holding period.
How do you have to be a fool to fall for this link? Not a bit like the official link
people with carelessness and who don't care to double-check the website will fall into this trap. people who engage in google searching would be the scammer target also. people who always perform the advice will be safe.
Hi, I am looking for other sites that people trust that allow player to player transfers of bitcoin.
It isn't much. there is a lot of Ann casinos that allowed you to transfer their own chips such as $, but you will get hard to find tips as bitcoin and it can't be withdrawn also, I guess (wager and BTC deposit requirement). good luck. How it can be hard to find tip in bitcoin while most sites that has this feature allows players to send a tip in any coins? Stake for example, you can send any coins that you have on your balance to other users as a tip. I'm not really sure what do you mean by "hard" here while it is a very common thing in any sites that has tip feature. he has mentioned bitcoin. "hard" means OP must have register every casino to know where he can send/receive tips as bitcoin. That feature only allowed as a member, right?. I don't find the casino can receive tips if not become a member maybe it could be required wager and deposit also.
Bukan webnya kalau menurut saya tapi shared nodenya. di situ yang punya node bisa mengumpulkan informasi (Private key dan password) dari si pemakai node yang disharing. saya juga tak bisa menuduh node-nya siapa, apa si mahmoud, andrew, rioda dan ada beberapa yang saya coba (lupa), karena banyak yang sharing di group tele. ini buat jadi pelajaran aja buat kita semua untuk hati-hati memasukan private key idena khususnya dan cryptocurrency lain pada umumnya. Ada baiknya agan DroomieChikito melakukan pengecakan ulang terhadap sistem dikomputer, apakah terindikasi adanya virus berbahaya atau tidak?
Mungkin juga, karena saya pakai PC yang sering dipakai browsing dll, bukan PC khusus wallet. saya juga tidak begitu ngotot untuk bagaimana selanjutnya, ikhlasin aja.
Well with most of the FUN under their control, I do expect some of the changes that could happen is that under the fortune of wheel we may soon have Fun tokens to be up for winning. Also, in wining lottery we might have the fun tokens to be won rather than btc which is now. Though this change depends upon admin if they want to introduce something like this.
Good idea, just now you can easily exchange it for FUN token if you got 320 or 3200 satoshis in the WOF. Maybe, if they approve your suggestion between 5 -50 FUN tokens could be listed on the wheel. Also, buy-sell token still available on site, you can play by multiplying it using btc and come back to the page to buy FUN token.
long term yang agan maksud itu termasuk jadi hot wallet ya? kemarin sih nano ledger S emang jarang banget ane pakai, soalnya kugunain jadi cold storage.
hardware wallet tuh termasuk dalam jenis cold wallet, kalau hot wallet itu apa yang dinamakan web wallet termasuk juga exchange dll. ya ga pakai custody wallet/exchange wallet kali,kecuali buat trading. dulu biasanya buat transaksi sering tu ane pake electrum buat btc metamask buat ETH. jadi biasanya ledger nano S(cold walletku) cuma dipake buat ngirim ke software wallet(hot walletku), lalu ke exchange. muter aja terus gitu. ehh... dipake rata2 2 bulan sekali, ga sampe setahun layarnya udah ga hidup (( kupikir dari harga vs kualitas ya itu mahal banget, ga worth banget Kalau kamu paham dalam pemakaiannya, cukup ledger nano s itu saja, tidak perlu banyak wallet (electrum dan metamask), karena ledger nano s itu support banyak altcoin juga. dikirim pun tidak perlu berbelit-belit ke > software wallet > ke exchange. cukup ke ledger > exchange.
Wallet saya kena hacked > ke alamat idena > 0x350AeD1A78D93eE589A35e9C752Ce0A5e73ab31E ketika saya check pagi ini, balance di idena tersisa 0. Asumsi saya mungkin ini karena pakai web idena ketika saya import private key ketika validasi tempo hari. Hati-hati saja jika kemaren kalian menggunakannya, karena punya saya tak seberapa (33 idena). Kalau bisa ditransfer segera ke wallet yang belum pernah private keynya diimport ke web.
Hi, I am looking for other sites that people trust that allow player to player transfers of bitcoin.
It isn't much. there is a lot of Ann casinos that allowed you to transfer their own chips such as $, but you will get hard to find tips as bitcoin and it can't be withdrawn also, I guess (wager and BTC deposit requirement). good luck.
Thanks, udah Updated. Updated 9 April 2021
Update 09/04/2021:The dashboard gives you access to anyone’s complete merit history in the TX tab, surpassing the 120 day limit. Link: BitcoinTalk Merit Dashboard. Updated the Merit Dashboard to reflect the most recent sMerit available data: Total sMerit: 878.069 Total TXs: 475.105 From Users: 23.312 To Users: 38.459 minDate: 2018-01-24 22:12:21 maxDate: 2021-04-09 02:48:01 Aggregate awarded sMerit for the last complete week (29/03/2021 .. 04/04/2021) is 3.759, which is up 7,71% from the previous week. In addition, there are 1 new Legendary and 4 new Hero Members this week: aliashraf -> Legendary from Sr. Member during Merit System kick-off. elma -> Hero Member from Sr. Member during Merit System kick-off. esmanthra -> Hero Member from Old Era Newbie during Merit System kick-off. NotATether -> Hero Member from New Era Newbie during Merit System kick-off. seek3r -> Hero Member from New Era Newbie during Merit System kick-off. New: added Matrix Tab (last Tab) to reflect and update this analysis: Merited on multiple Subsections and the Correlation MatrixNote: -Copper Members and non-native ranks (staff, etc) are displayed as real (regular) ranks.
Top 1000+ Earned Merit User IndonesiaPeringkat | | | User | | | Earned Merit | | | Defaut Trust | | | | | | | | | | | | DT1 | | | | | | | | | | | | DT2 | | | | | | | | | | | | DT2 | | | | | | | | | | | | DT1 | | | | | | | | | | | | DT1 | | | | | | | | | | | | DT2 | | | | | | | | | | | | DT2 | | | | | | | | | | | | DT2 | | | Top 500+ Earned Merit User IndonesiaPeringkat | | | User | | | Earned Merit | | | Defaut Trust | | | | | | | | | | | | DT2 | | | | | | | | | | | | DT2 | | | | | | | | | | | | DT2 | | | Top 100+ Earned Merit User IndonesiaPeringkat | | | User | | | Earned Merit | | | Defaut Trust | | | | | | | | | | | | - | | | | | | | | | | | | - | | | | | | | | | | | | DT1 | | | | | | | | | | | | - | | | | | | | | | | | | - | | | | | | | | | | | | - | | | | | | | | | | | | DT2 | | | | | | | | | | | | - | | | | | | | | | | | | - | | | | | | | | | | | | - | | | | | | | | | | | | DT2 | | | | | | | | | | | | - | | | | | | | | | | | | - | | |
Sumber:1. @ ddmrddmr2. @ LoyceV3. 4. Log DT15. Log-Ninjaspace- below Indonesia board 09/03-09/04Nomor-nama-(jumlah post) 1. MAAManda [96] 2. Husna QA [70] 3. abhiseshakana [63] 4. blue Snow [58] 5. joniboini [47] 6. khiholangkang [47] 7. DroomieChikito [46] 8. masulum [39] 9. skarais [29] 10. Ljunior [28] 11. aroel_even11 [26] 12. mu_enrico [26] 13. ShowOff [25] 14. Javi_Anibarro [23] 15. roycilik [21] 16. alexsetiawan [20] 17. bitLeap [20] 18. randegibran [20] 19. rainingbitcoins [19] 20. akar87 [18] 21. Vinaa77 [16] 22. retreat [15] 23. Bitinity [14] 24. Dread Pirate Roberts [14] 25. ryzaadit [14] 26. Arifan1998 [13] 27. mamesso [13] 28. ringgo96 [13] 29. Princeofpoetry [12] 30. Luzin [11] 31. kawetsriyanto [11] 32. Rengga Jati [10] 33. BITCOIN4X [9] 34. [9] 35. Wedos02 [9] 36. Pink NordFX [8] 37. echa123 [8] 38. koang [8] 39. maulana8833 [8] 40. spatialiste [8] 41. TelolettOm [7] 42. cissrawk [7] 43. 99Percent [6] 44. dihari [6] 45. inanilujimi [6] 46. rannovan [6] 47. ahoenk [5] 48. bitjoin [5] 49. pakecrypto [5] 50. redwine49 [5] 51. HaekalZ [4] 52. Ozymon [4] 53. [4] 54. akbaral497 [4] 55. bayu7adi [4] 56. damar_wulan [4] 57. piqulhdt28 [4] 58. Asinggan [3] 59. Godday [3] 60. JariKriting [3] 61. Jualanakun [3] 62. MUHAMMAD NUR AMANAH [3] 63. Rajaureung [3] 64. Tsuryana [3] 65. bangkrutmina [3] 66. bekti3 [3] 67. fulled [3] 68. mspufferfish [3] 69. sicoco71 [3] 70. sinyofx [3] 71. Agus Trisila [2] 72. AhmadM [2] 73. Aslikaya [2] 74. B!tcoinL0ver [2] 75. Coroline [2] 76. Emerald688 [2] 77. Farul [2] 78. Ghani [2] 79. KH2000 [2] 80. Ludmilla_rose1995 [2] 81. Mr.sprin [2] 82. Raditanie13 [2] 83. agoes1908 [2] 84. devollito [2] 85. fauzan123 [2] 86. p4njul2021 [2] 87. panjul07 [2] 88. rahmat86 [2] 89. -D- [1] 90. AnakJendral [1] 91. Bestia987 [1] 92. BitLoader [1] 93. DU18 [1] 94. David Brown [1] 95. Dhoe [1] 96. ETFbitcoin [1] 97. Father Bitcoin [1] 98. FeeJee [1] 99. Fineder gems [1] 100. Hagz [1] 101. Jack_Dan [1] 102. Jioji13 [1] 103. Kuncha [1] 104. Loepuenkyou [1] 105. NPG331525 [1] 106. Onika84 [1] 107. ShuttleBox [1] 108. SlarkBoy [1] 109. ThinkBig [1] 110. Wiseless [1] 111. _IRMAN [1] 112. agustafocena [1] 113. aliansikoin [1] 114. altorans [1] 115. amimarah5 [1] 116. aqil [1] 117. bebascrot [1] 118. bounceback [1] 119. dansus021 [1] 120. deepblue01 [1] 121. ejbeter [1] 122. fillippone [1] 123. foukya46 [1] 124. iBeyy [1] 125. imamusma [1] 126. jidonk [1] 127. jidut [1] 128. kuroashi [1] 129. mandor [1] 130. onko [1] 131. optigon [1] 132. panjay [1] 133. persija2020 [1] 134. poldanmig [1] 135. scarelia88 [1] 136. techcust1 [1] 137. turkandjaydee [1] Yang merantau, jangan lupa balik kampung.
First goal minute : 50 HT prediction : 0-0 FT prediction : 0-1 BETOP.GG username : droomiechikito
kalo buat beli lagi kayanya ga deh. salah gw juga sih cuma simpan mnemonic pharase bukan private keynya ((
mnemonic phrase itu induknya private key, udah bener kamu nyimpen itu, lagian di hardware wallet (ledger) itu tidak ada opsi untuk membac-up private key. tapi disitu cuma nongol import private key. bukan memonic
mnemonic di electrum itu ada di paling bawah pojok kanan gambar kecambah. ane kemarin sudah coba coba untuk download apps yang third party di situ. habis berjam jam tapi nihil gan ((. belum yakin 100% juga apakah ane ada yang salah nulis mnemonicnya atau ga. sebelum ane paham 100% tentang mnemonic seed, ane punya solusi beli ledger nano S lagi untuk memastikan apakah salah tulis atau tidak.
dicoba dulu di sini; (offline-save as html). lagian, dikasih yang mudah malah mempersulit diri sendiri.
ternyata setiap software wallet sekarang ini ga bisa nerima mnemonic pharase dari ledger nano S
Ledger Nanos S itu pake BIP39 Mnemonic seed, jadi tiap software mana saja yang kamu maksud?, Karena hampir rata-rata wallet yang beredar saat ini menggunakan itu, bahkan yang bukan wallet tersebut pun bisa nerima, contoh; electrum (dengan mencentang box bip39 seed).
I updated my Idena node to the new one, but now I cant seem to connect my client to the server node. I have never had this problem before in any earlier updating. Does anyone else have this issue?
No, I don't have any issue, all fine, I still mining using Client version: 0.22.2 and Node version: 0.25.2 and what node version did you mean?. sometimes happens to me when restarting VPS, I just correct the time then it would be fixed. go to setting time > change date and time > internet time.
Is there any way to backup labels somehow?
another way as a comment above, I never try it before, but electrum had also a plugin function for the synchronization label. So when restoring the wallet from seed, the label will show up without importing the wallet file.