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421  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is humanity gone? on: November 22, 2017, 03:17:43 AM
Everywhere we see double faced people. People help you but it seems like they always have an motive behind it. Is humanity really gone?
Humans are still existing but humanity is partially gone. Only few people are practicing being humane.
422  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What are your favorite & trusted News Sources? on: November 22, 2017, 03:06:03 AM
By trusted I mean News sites that do not engage in Propaganda and onesided/bias information dissemination.
Someone suggested Any other you know?
No news sites now are not controlled. Every news site is controlled because they need funding to sustain their news sites, so they need sponsorships. Better trust your local news.
423  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What are your favorite & trusted News Sources? on: November 22, 2017, 02:48:33 AM
By trusted I mean News sites that do not engage in Propaganda and onesided/bias information dissemination.
Someone suggested Any other you know?
No news sites now are not controlled. Every news site is controlled because they need funding to sustain their news sites, so they need sponsorships. Better trust your local news.
424  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Do you want to live? on: November 21, 2017, 11:42:44 PM
We will ask you a strange question: do you want to live? Of course - the majority will follow the answer. But the point is that life is offered in the future. Scientific developments have reached such a level that the resurrection of a person from just one cell, the business of the foreseeable future. For example, having handed over your cells now for storage (and this is just a few hairs), as millions of people in the USA have done, you get a unique chance to appear at least once again on our Earth.
Yes. As long no more sufferings.
425  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do people kill for religion? on: November 16, 2017, 11:36:55 AM
We are all witness of recent events, war, killings, and terrorism claiming they are doing it for their god. What do you think of this belief?
It's a big lie. It's ridiculous. Those people who are covering their bad acts from their religion are actually not believers. It is their black propaganda to make a certain religion negative and bad to others eyes.
426  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The taboo of child marriages. on: November 16, 2017, 11:28:13 AM
Being forced to live with a person you barely know for the rest of your life, with no way out is totally horrifying. According to stats in Pakistan 20 percent of women are married before the age of 18, and most of these marriages are forced. To many it may seem like a high profile social issue, but if you think about it on a personal level you will realize that it is simply cruel. Forcing a child in a marriage, whose happiness is in playing freely and living peacefully with their parents, is no way fair. They barely know the meaning of marriage.

In Some countries, early, arranged or force marriage is legal and part of their culture and tradition. While in many countries, this is taboo. Even if we say that we are against this kind of act, we cannot control it because it is part of their culture. Personally, I am also against this early marriage because their just after the sexual intercourse with a very young girl...
427  Other / Politics & Society / Re: End of the World on: November 16, 2017, 11:17:33 AM
Many people say that we are the last generation of human race. Some say that the end of the world is near. What do you think, how will the world end?
Nobody knows when the earth will melt,beacause the only God can say when it will melt and we all prepare for it drop because all believers will have him  ascend to his kingdom, and no one can tell when it and when will the world be.Amen . Godbless 😇
nobody knows when the end of the world because God can only know when the end of this earth because he Create this beautiful world so we need to prepare and Ready for that.
i agree to that. Tell me how to prepare for that?
428  Other / Politics & Society / End of the World on: November 16, 2017, 04:06:03 AM
Many people say that we are the last generation of human race. Some say that the end of the world is near. What do you think, how will the world end?
429  Other / Politics & Society / Re: why most products now are made in China? can we trust these products? on: November 16, 2017, 03:59:43 AM
Almost all products nowadays are made in China? is it a good thing or not?
Most companies/industries/factories are located in China, why? because China has a huge manpower yet minimum wages. There are products that are made in China which are good to use if the manufacturer or the company is well-known for its quality products. Also, there are a lot which are imitations. If you are a good customer, you know how to differentiate between original and pirated. and its up to you if that product is good or not.
430  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Being truthful on: November 14, 2017, 07:48:25 PM
What do you prioritize in the aforementioned?
Education. If you have this, you good job. Then you can have a family. Then money and liesure. And you can enjoy sex. Haha!
431  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Freedom of will on: November 14, 2017, 07:38:58 PM
Freedom of will means to do whatever we want to do in our life. It means the overall freedom of our life even if it is good or bad. But are we really free to do everything in our society ? Or we are bound to follow the rules and regulations ?Are we really getting the freedom we need ?
we are free to do everything we want but we are also bound with the laws. As long as your freedom makes the society a beneficial one, then its good. But if your freedom affects your country or your self, then you have to think twice. Life is a balance wheel, we have freedom and there are laws.
432  Other / Politics & Society / Re: do you believe in your government? on: November 14, 2017, 07:36:29 PM
do you think they told you the truth about the condition of your country?
I believe in my government because i am a part of the government. Only paid media or news make the government worst. Fake news and everything make it bad.
433  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What's your opinion of gun control? on: November 14, 2017, 07:35:05 PM

Guns are made for one purpose, and that purpose is to kill.
I believe that guns are not weapons, they are tools. How they are used is up to the person holding it.
Guns are especially dangerous in the hands of people who don't know how to use them (i.e., kids and teenagers) as well as those who are mentally ill and/or have a temper problem.
Gun control will not stop violence because a violent person doesn’t need a gun to be violent.
After the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, support for gun control increased dramatically.

Generally in America, the support for gun control has outweighed the support for gun rights.
Are gun control laws constitutional?
What would be your ideal set of laws regarding firearms?

I agree to your statement that guns are made to kill. Made to kill living things and destroy non living things. Guns should be use with proper precautions especially if you have kids or teenagers. At home, parents who have gun/s should keep it in the right place where children can't access. However, in terms of our community awareness on gun control, it depends on every country. There are countries in which guns are overused and underused.
434  Other / Off-topic / Re: Examination the true test of knowledge on: November 14, 2017, 07:30:00 PM
A Lot of controversies have trailed the assertion as to whether examination is the true test of knowledge. What is your take
I think it is. Because even there are many contreversies, still examination exists and being implemented in all countries as the main basis for evaluating one's learning or knowledge. It is the most reliable and easiest way to assess one's knowledge.
435  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Population on: November 14, 2017, 06:09:25 PM
What is the best solution to resolve our problem in overpopulation?
First, identify which country is overpopulated.
Second, investigate their cause of overpopulation.
Third, provide solution like jobs, awareness campaign on overpopulation, and birth control alternatives.
436  Other / Politics & Society / Re: When will Religions die? on: November 14, 2017, 06:03:20 PM
Religions made a lot of damage to human beings and our world in general. I'm not talking only about Islam, but every kind of religion, more or less, caused lots of problems.

I'm sure they will end. They won't last forever. But how will they end?

Which could the scenario that leads to their disappearance?
Religion wont die. As long as their are people who believe in God or in Allah, religion will continue.
Also, people caused a lot of damages and problems, not religion. As the saying goes by, people come and go but religion will stay.
437  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Negative effects of technology on: November 14, 2017, 08:50:32 AM
Technology is not always a good thing.

One example is with the children.
In the old days, children used to play outside with their friends.
Now majority of them are just staring at their iPads.

Many negative effects:
1. we are near to our loved ones yet so far. We dont even have time to eat together, talk together and hang out together.
2. we are making the a zombie like world. Look at people walking on the street, all of them have phones and walking or taliking with their phones.
3. Dying cultures and traditions.
4. Making the world toxic. Radiation and its effect!
5. No more quality time.
438  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Who will win WW3? on: November 14, 2017, 08:45:49 AM
2017 edit: Russia v USA: Global Nuclear Showdown (2017)

. . .
If you vote, please state some reasons. I think Russia and China will win because they have more resources, manpower and gold plus autocratic leadership.

Please don't spam "everybody will lose" or "next war will be sticks and stones" bullshit. World War 3 will be won by some faction.

Best comment thus far (10/28/2015):
I heard recently that the science that the concept of mutually assured destruction was based upon was a well intentioned lie. Humans tend to overestimate their importance. Some people are more resistant to radiation than others, and while birth defects increase quite a bit, there are still many healthy babies born in irradiated zones. The main radiation depletes very quickly after the blast, and the cone of wiping out all life on earth is based on the nuclear winter, not radiation. I heard this is also a myth, and that while it would result in a much colder climate worldwide still enough solar radiation would come through the debris clouds to grow plants, and it would be possible to run heaters and UV lamps using nuclear reactors.

   Besides, the weather patterns would shift all the debris around so there would be clear spots everywhere anyway from time to time, and I heard that there is no way it would take decades for the dust to settle. Also, by the time the dust settles the radioactivity present in it will most likely have subsided below harmful levels. Some people less than 100 yards from ground zero in Hiroshima survived in open, above ground bomb shelters that were only designed to protect from blasts and shrapnel without any injury. Also, a nuclear bomb that is 1000 times more powerful does not destroy 1000 times the area, because the blast emanates spherically, it requires exponentially increasing energy to expand the blast radius.

   Not to say that it's not serious, but just saying the extent of the threat of nuclear weapons has probably been over stated for understandable reasons.

     War is simply the continuation of politics by other means. So there can be various degrees of success like in any form of negotiations. It depends on the will of the populations, but also on the resources available. No matter how determined Germany was in world War two, there were simply not the resources in terms of population to sustain the war effort. In this sense a war between China and Russia and NATO would likely be much more protracted. Also, the will of the citizens of NATO is not very strong- this generation is very soft and clearly has no stomach for hardship, so it is likely that the NATO powers would descend into civil war when their luxuries started being curtailed.

    Russia and China already have more totalitarian systems in place which would be able to exert a greater level of control, but they are also dependent on a lot of infrastructure, like for the internet, that is based in the West and would be swiftly cut off in a conflict situation. There are enough resources in Siberia and Southeast Asia, which would likely fall under Chinese dominion, as well as Africa, which has a growing Chinese presence, to make for a very protracted conflict. It is likely that Africa would be a major battleground of this conflict due to the the prevalence of rare earths there. Most of the materials used in the electronics we are addicted to are mined in China or Africa, and China would be fairly well insulated from any kind of a direct assault due to the ease of deploying defense systems from Russia through the Siberiañ plains, so NATO would likely counter by trying to attack the markets that are the lifeblood of the Chinese economy and limits their access. This would give rise to a revival in American manufacturing as the economic war heated up.

   If you want to understand the power, follow the money- while Western backed institutions like the IMF and Bank for International Settlements may be active in the formation of policy in places like Brazil and and India, the new BRICS development bank sponsored by Russia and China will assuredly try to supplant the IMF wherever it can, forming a globalization of resistance to the current dominant schools. Anti American sentiment in South America is also very high due to decades of the US and CIA backing brutal and unpopular dictators there, so you could easily see a bloc of Brazil, Bolivia, Venezuela, and possibly other states forming against American aligned Colombia, Ecuador, and Panama.

  You have intelligent and rational players making the decisions here- Putin's popularity is at an all time high because Russians feel the pride of imperial glory returning, however, nobody is going to take any unnecessary risks. It is a simple question of what can be gained. I heard someone once say that in Chinese the word for "crisis" and "opportunity" are the same word.

      In Western Asia Russia sees an opportunity to expand its influence through an emerging shiite bloc composed of Iran, Iraq, and Syria, putting pressure on US backed Saudi Arabia by backing Shia in Yemen. This gambit is likely to fail in the long run because of the preponderance of Sunnis in the region, but they can be used simultaneously to secure a presence in the Eastern Mediterranean and to block access for Qatari gas to the large and lucrative European market which is currently the lifeblood of the Russian economy, and would be threatened by a consolidation of NATO power in Western Asia.
      In other words, all Russia really has to do in order to win in West Asia is to not lose. This means a stalemate is actually a desirable outcome, and the present offensive in Aleppo is likely more defensive then genuinely aimed at retaking territory.
       It would honestly be very hard to estimate who will win this war since there are many factors that cannot be calculated, but I think it is safe to say it will not be like World War 2 where you had a decisive victory in a few short years, but it is rather more likely to be like the wars of the middle ages that spanned generations. I  would expect it to last at least three generations, and by the time something resembling "victory" is finally obtained, the political landscape will probably have changed so much that the winner may not even be recognizable to us.

Of course, looking at history is the best way to determine the future, and we can see that fortunes have been fluctuating between West and East, with Roman and Persian empires going at it for centuries. The last few centuries have been characterized by dominance of the inheritors of the western Roman empire, now known as NATO, due to a surge of resources resulting from the conquest of the Americas. This momentum is starting to run out though, and you can see the economic center of gravity of the world shifting to the east, causing the Indian and Pacific Oceans to eclipse the Atlantic as the most important bodies of water. Control of the Atlantic belongs pretty completely to NATO, but as the Atlantic declines in importance expect the battle to heat up in the pacific, where the Russians and Chinese have a much stronger presence.

Russia will win together with china. They are powerful countries in terms of population or human resource, equipments and preparedness.
439  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Abortion on: November 14, 2017, 08:36:58 AM
I have come across a post on facebook where a user have been deliberately selling drugs that can abort a baby. She even have packages of aborteficient medicine depending on which trimester the expectant mother is currently in. This incident have stirred up many netizens on facebook.
Are you PRO or ANTI abortion?
I am anti abortion. Its killing an innocent life who doesnt even see the light and beauty of the world. Why does a forming life be killed where in fact he/she is innocent..
440  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why People Are Not Honest. on: November 14, 2017, 08:32:32 AM
Can I ask why people are not honest. As in, why is it that people don't keep to their words even when they can do so? Can't I just do business with someone without signing papers and get lawyers and witnesses and still keep to my words? Can't we get trustworthy people anymore?
Honesty is a precious character. Being trustworthy is precious as well. However, there many people who are unhonest and untrustworthy because of many factors. Maybe in family background, in their attitudes and behaviors in the society. If we cannot be trusted in simple ways, it is difficult also in bigger things
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