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421  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Fuhrer Putin criminal on: July 24, 2023, 03:45:25 AM
The Russian Fuhrer refused to go to South Africa for the summit. He was afraid of arrest, so he sent Foreign Minister Lavrov in his place. By the way, Putin, even in Russia, does not climb out of an underground bunker, fearing the criminals around him, like himself, who will hand him over in order to save themselves.
422  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Fuhrer Putin criminal on: July 24, 2023, 03:37:32 AM
I don't know why op seems to hate Putin that much but from my findings and little research I knew that Putin is not the kind of person we think he is. I would even prefer Putin that Biden that had decides to inflict pains on other countries that do not join his outrageous agenda. Take a look at the NATO using Ukraine and a center of ammunition testnet.

 I think it is now the Ukraine president will know that the US and NATO are using his country to fight Russia sending deadly weapons which they know that Russia will always retaliate indefinitely. The US had caused more trouble to the world than the so called Russia having just few percentages.

  There is a small but important nuance in all this, the President of Ukraine asked Biden to help protect Ukraine from Russian invaders, whose goal is to destroy the country and its people.

Just like every government. Ask for help from the slave-maker of your choice. It just happens that Russia allowed this slave-making of Ukraine, by the US, to go on as long as it has. Why did Russia do this? Because they were allowing Ukraine to have freedom of choice.

Russia's single reason for fighting is to protect itself from the US/Nato that wants to destroy her.


 What nonsense! Russia attacked Ukraine, that's a fact. That is why the UN recognized Russia as an aggressor. There is no fact to say that the US attacked Russia. You don't have to lie. This is not a kindergarten for you, so that people would believe in your childish babble.
423  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Belgorod Governor Says Cluster Bombs Used Against Village In Russian Territory on: July 24, 2023, 03:32:09 AM
Now the US even admits that they sent cluster bombs to Ukraine. These are illegal worldwide. But the US is still doing it. For the salvation of the world? No! Rather, to extend US territories and expand the US Empire.


You obviously don't know what an empire is. Read in the encyclopedia what an empire is, because with an opponent who does not know the basics of debating, it is useless to engage in a dispute. Here Russia is an empire, but the United States is not.

Let me wake you up a little. I know. It probably won't work, but...

Which language do the worldwide airlines speak? American English?

Which banking system is the world leader, where the money is used around the world? Could it be the US Dollar?

Which country is hiding the facts about their world control so well that most people haven't been able to put 2 + 2 together yet? Could it be the US, with the most subtle empire the world has ever known?

Which country enslaves as many others as it can, with a slavery that offers freedom, but takes a cut behind the backs of everyone? Certainly not Russia. And not China, either. I'll let you guess about this one.


 As I understand it, you never turned to the encyclopedia to find out the signs of an empire. When a person does not know the basics of the subject he is arguing about, then he looks like a capricious child, and not like an adult.
424  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Belgorod Governor Says Cluster Bombs Used Against Village In Russian Territory on: July 23, 2023, 09:16:56 PM
Now the US even admits that they sent cluster bombs to Ukraine. These are illegal worldwide. But the US is still doing it. For the salvation of the world? No! Rather, to extend US territories and expand the US Empire.


You obviously don't know what an empire is. Read in the encyclopedia what an empire is, because with an opponent who does not know the basics of debating, it is useless to engage in a dispute. Here Russia is an empire, but the United States is not.
425  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The moral side of the grain deal on: July 23, 2023, 09:01:54 PM
Ukrainian grain is poison. It has been sprayed with Monsanto poisons. Those countries that lose Ukraine grain will find food elsewhere. And that will be good for them.
Ukrainian grain poison Huh Ok, who sprayed it with Monsanto poisons? Give me a source

Try these two sites...

I'm sure you can figure out additional search words and phrases to get more sites.


I am not inclined to discuss your fantasies. I express my opinion on the forum. If you can refute it, then please, but I do not intend to discuss your attacks on me.
And why should I?

That's the point. It doesn't matter about you. You have sold yourself to your agenda, and no amount of proof that you are wrong will ever sway you from your direction.

But maybe yhiaali3 wants to look at the rest of the story... except, of course, if yhiaali3 is a pseudonym of yours.

426  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The moral side of the grain deal on: July 23, 2023, 07:41:45 PM
Ukrainian grain is poison. It has been sprayed with Monsanto poisons. Those countries that lose Ukraine grain will find food elsewhere. And that will be good for them.
Ukrainian grain poison Huh Ok, who sprayed it with Monsanto poisons? Give me a source

Try these two sites...

I'm sure you can figure out additional search words and phrases to get more sites.


And why should I?
427  Other / Politics & Society / On the fate of Strelkov - Girkin on: July 22, 2023, 11:43:31 AM
Alik Bakhshi

On the fate of Strelkov - Girkin


      Russian citizen Igor Strelkov, real name Girkin, former Minister of Defense of the self-proclaimed, so-called Donetsk People's Republic, is known as an active, and, most importantly, courageous critic of Russia's top military leadership, as well as a war criminal, convicted by the district court of The Hague as the culprit of the destruction of a Malaysian civilian aircraft and the death of 298 people, and sentenced in absentia to life imprisonment. Officially, Moscow does not admit guilt in the downing of the plane, despite fairly strong evidence (1), and does not extradite Strelkov to Dutch justice. But, surprisingly, instead of the Hague prison, Strelkov ends up in a Moscow prison. The Russian dictator seems fed up with the incessant accusations against the generals and the Minister of Defense, and he finally decided to put the obstinate accuser behind bars, despite some circumstances linking these two war criminals. The fact is that Strelkov is dangerous for Putin by admitting his guilt in the crash of the Malaysian airliner, which can shame Putin in a lie before the entire world community. Undoubtedly, Putin had the opportunity to physically eliminate Strelkov, but I have no doubt that in this case, all the circumstances of the death of the passengers of flight MH-17 would become public knowledge. (2) It is unlikely that Putin's bloodhounds managed to immediately block all channels of the possibility of Strelkov's confession getting into the media. On the other hand, who knows, because they had enough time, given that Putin did not yesterday instruct them to deal with this secret matter. Or maybe everything is much simpler, namely, Putin does not give a damn about the opinion of the world community, especially since he has been convicted of lying more than once, and even issued an arrest warrant for kidnapping Ukrainian children. So, the fate of Strelkov-Girkin is unenviable and identical to the fate of Navalny, both of them are destined to spend the rest of their days in a prison cell, if before that what happened to Muammar Gaddafi does not happen to the dictator.

1. MH-17, or Russia in a lie.
2. Why are they alive.

428  Local / Политика / О судьбе Стрелкова - Гиркина on: July 22, 2023, 11:28:31 AM
Алик Бахши

О судьбе Стрелкова – Гиркина


     Гражданин России Игорь Стрелков, настоящая фамилия Гиркин, бывший министр обороны самопровозглашенной, так называемой Донецкой Народной Республики, известен как активный, и, главное, смелый критик высшего военного руководства России, а также как военный преступник, признанный окружным судом Гааги виновником уничтожения малайзийского гражданского самолёта и смерти 298 человек, и заочно приговорён к пожизненному заключению. Официально Москва не признаёт вины в сбитии самолёта, несмотря на достаточно веские доказательства (1), и не выдаёт Стрелкова в руки голландского правосудия. Но, вот удивительно, вместо гаагской тюрьмы Стрелков оказывается в московской тюрьме. Российскому диктатору похоже надоели непрерывные обвинения в адрес генералов и министра обороны и он наконец решился посадить строптивого обвинителя за решетку, несмотря на некоторые обстоятельства, связывающие этих двух военных преступников. Дело в том, что Стрелков опасен для Путина признанием своей вины в катастрофе малайзийского лайнера, чем может посрамить Путина во лжи, перед всем мировым сообществом. Несомненно Путин имел возможность физически ликвидировать Стрелкова, но я не сомневаюсь, что в этом случае все обстоятельства гибели пассажиров рейса MH-17 стали бы достоянием общественности.(2) Мало вероятно, что путинским ищейкам удалось разом перекрыть все каналы возможности попадания в СМИ признания Стрелкова. С другой стороны, как знать, ведь у них было достаточно времени, если учесть, что Путин ни вчера поручил заняться этим секретным делом. А может быть всё гораздо проще, а именно Путину наплевать на мнение мирового сообщества, тем более его ни раз уличали во лжи, да ещё выдали ордер на арест за похищение украинских детей. Так, что судьба Стрелкова-Гиркина незавидна и тождественна судьбе Навального, им обоим до конца своих дней суждено провести в тюремной камере, если до этого с диктатором не случится то, что случилось с Муамаром Каддафи.

1.   MH-17, или Россия во лжи.
2.   Почему они живы.   




429  Local / Политика / Re: Почему они живы? on: July 22, 2023, 09:22:54 AM
Похоже, Путин не выдержал и всё же засадил Гиркина за решетку. Неужели он не боится признания вины Гиркиным в сбитии Боинга рейса MH-17.
430  Local / Политика / Re: Фюрер Путин уголовный преступник on: July 22, 2023, 05:46:26 AM
Жалко и обидно. Вот что бы было бы, если бы ЮАР бы пригласило бы Путина. К себе на саммит.

А вместо Путина прилетел бы двойник.

ЮАР бы арестовали бы двойника, а тут из Москвы из бункера вылезает НАСТОЯЩИЙ путин и говорит, что он - конкретно настоящий. А в ЮАР был двойник. И начинает войну с ЮАР. Засылает туда недоремонтированный недоАвианосец Кузю. Который будет туда плыть примерно месяц. А также самолеты времен СССР. Которые туда будут лететь сутки. Если их не собъют сомалийские пираты.

Вот примерно как-то так я думаю, будет будущая война России и ЮАР. А что думаете вы?

 Не знаю как насчет двойника законченного Мудака, но то, что с ним никто не хочет разговаривать. - это точно.
431  Other / Politics & Society / The moral side of the grain deal on: July 21, 2023, 12:07:55 PM
Alik Bakhshi

The moral side of the grain deal

            In the expression "grain deal" there is a subtext of something not entirely legal and secret. On the other hand, the word "deal" can be replaced by the more correct word "agreement", which in this case carries the same semantic load. However, I still think it is not without reason that the word “deal” is used in the agreement on the export of Ukrainian grain, concluded between Russia, Turkey and the UN. The fact is that there is an element of blackmail here. So, Ukraine sells its grain to countries interested in buying it, that is, a normal international trade operation, but Russia, which has nothing to do with this, puts forward a condition, and not to Ukraine, but to the West, which must lift anti-Russian sanctions, otherwise Russia does not guarantee the safety of ships entering the ports of Ukraine. There is the most gangster blackmail that Russia has already used, if we recall the “gas blackmail” against the EU. However, what can be expected from the St. Petersburg bandit Putin, for whom "roofing", and this is exactly what Russia's demand in the concluded grain deal looks like, adequate to the usual gangster protection. Putin does not care that his African friends will be left without much-needed grain. By the way, Ukrainian grain is also supplied to China, Russia's strategic ally.

        I must say, in this case, the threat is quite real, given that Russia is at war with Ukraine. It is necessary to pay attention to some very important nuances in legal terms. Russia does not recognize that it is at war with Ukraine. So why on earth are Ukraine being targeted with rocket attacks on its grain warehouses and port facilities if Ukraine is not a party to this deal. Moreover, if there is no officially recognized war on the part of Russia, then its missile strikes on the entire territory of Ukraine are interpreted only as terrorist. No wonder Russia is recognized as a sponsor of terrorism. Along with strikes against Ukraine and its territorial waters, Russia also intends to sink merchant ships in the neutral waters of the Black Sea, which is a violation of international shipping standards. In principle, ships with grain may not use neutral waters, but use the territorial waters of Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey, following the coasts of these countries, which are also NATO members. It is unlikely that Russia will dare to sink ships in the Black Sea waters of NATO countries. The only vulnerable place for transport ships is actually Ukrainian ports and territorial waters of Ukraine.

        It is very interesting what will be the reaction of Turkey as the most active party to this grain deal. What will Erdogan do if Russia still starts sinking ships with grain. Erdogan has several options here. Turkey, which has a powerful navy that surpasses Russia's, can take over the security of shipping instead of Russia, which was the guarantor of security for the duration of the grain deal. It should be taken into account that Türkiye will not violate any international norms in this case. Its ships will not be located in the territorial waters of Russia, including the occupied Crimea. It is unlikely that a Russian ship or plane will dare to fire a shot towards the Turkish fleet, which does not violate the boundaries of the territorial waters of Russia, no doubt, it will suffer the fate of a Russian plane that somehow flew into Turkey. The second option is that Turkey will abandon all economic projects with Russia, which will make the latter lose a lot. And the third - Turkey will close the Black Sea straits for Russian ships, with all the ensuing catastrophic consequences for Russia.

       The Russian Fuhrer, with his insane revanchism, put Russia in the position of a pariah in front of the entire world community, and Russia's behavior in the grain deal well demonstrates the moral inferiority of Putin's Russia.

432  Local / Политика / Моральная сторона зерновой сделки on: July 21, 2023, 11:54:50 AM

 Алик Бахши

Моральная сторона зерновой сделки


           В выражении «зерновая сделка»  присутствует подтекст чего-то не совсем законного и тайного. С другой стороны слово «сделка» можно заменить более корректным словом «договор», несущем в данном случае ту же смысловую нагрузку. Однако, думаю всё же неспроста в договоре о вывозе украинского зерна, заключенном между Россией, Турцией и ООН, используется именно слово «сделка». Дело в том, что здесь присутствует элемент шантажа. Так, Украина продаёт своё зерно странам, заинтересованным его покупать, то есть обычная международная торговая операция, но Россия, не имеющая к этому никакого отношения, выдвигает условие, причем не Украине, а Западу, который должен снять антироссийские санкции, в противном случае Россия не гарантирует безопасность судов, заходящих в порты Украины. Налицо, самый, что ни на есть бандитский шантаж, который уже использовала Россия, если вспомнить «газовый шантаж» в отношении ЕС. Впрочем, что можно ожидать от питерского бандита Путина, для которого «крышевать», а именно так и выглядит требование России в заключенной зерновой сделке, адекватное обычному бандитскому крышеванию. Путину наплевать, на то, что его африканские друзья останутся без столь необходимого им зерна. Кстати, украинское зерно поставляется также и стратегическому союзнику России Китаю.

       Надо сказать, в данном случае угроза довольно реальна, если учесть, что Россия находится в состоянии войны с Украиной. Следует обратить на некоторые весьма важные нюансы в правовом отношении. Россия не признаёт, что ведёт войну с Украиной. Так с какой стати Украине наносятся ракетные удары по её зерновым складам и портовым сооружениям, если Украина не является страной участницей данной сделки. Более того, если нет официально признанной войны со стороны России, то её ракетные удары по всей территории Украины, трактуются не иначе как террористическими. Недаром Россия признана страной спонсором терроризма. Наряду с нанесением ударов по Украине и её территориальным водам, Россия также намерена топить торговые суда и в нейтральных водах Черного моря, что является нарушением международных норм судоходства. В принципе суда с зерном могут и не использовать нейтральные воды, а воспользоваться территориальными водами Румынии, Болгарии и Турции, следуя вдоль берегов этих стран, которые к тому же являются членами НАТО. Навряд ли Россия осмелиться топить корабли в черноморской акватории стран НАТО. Единственное уязвимое место для транспортных кораблей это собственно украинские порты и территориальные воды Украины.  

       Очень интересно, каковой будет реакция Турции как наиболее активной стороны данной зерновой сделки. Что предпримет Эрдоган, если Россия всё же начнёт топить суда с зерном. Здесь у Эрдогана имеется несколько вариантов. Турция, располагающая мощным военным флотом, превосходящем российский, может взять на себя обеспечение безопасности судоходства вместо России, которая была гарантом безопасности на время действия зерновой сделки. Надо учесть, что никаких международных норм в данном случае Турция не нарушит. Её корабли не будут находится в территориальных водах России, включая оккупированный Крым. Навряд ли русский корабль или самолёт осмелится сделать выстрел в сторону турецкого флота, который не нарушает границ территориальных вод России, без сомнения, его постигнет участь русского самолёта, как-то залетевшего в пределы Турции. Второй вариант – Турция откажется от всех экономических проектов с Россией, отчего последняя многое потеряет. И третий – Турция закроет для русских кораблей Черноморские проливы, со всеми вытекающими катастрофическими для России последствиями.  

      Русский фюрер своим безумным реваншизмом выставил Россию в положение изгоя перед всем мировым сообществом, а поведение России в зерновой сделки хорошо демонстрирует моральную ущербность путинской России.


433  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian-Ukrainian war of 2022- ... for the salvation of the World on: July 21, 2023, 07:22:37 AM
The Russians ruthlessly launched rocket attacks on non-military targets in Odessa.

It's like I told you in that other thread. If Ukraine keeps on asking for it, they're going to get it.


Strange assumption! Will Ukraine really ask Russia to let Russian missiles destroy houses and kill people?

Is this the answer you were looking for?

The War in Ukraine Is an Undeniable Disaster for the Biden-Harris Regime


There can be no regime in a democratic country like the dictatorial regime in Russia, where there has never been a democracy. The Russian people, because of their mentality, cannot live under democracy, because in this case they will lose their empire. See "People's fate or each cricket has its own hearth" for more details (
434  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Whose Crimea on: July 21, 2023, 07:00:21 AM
Original owner! A new slave owner showed up. The "indigenous" Russian people are fleeing their primordially Russian land of Crimea, in contrast to the "non-indigenous" Tatar people, creating many kilometers of traffic jams and this is at the height of the summer season, when normal people, on the contrary, go to the sea. This shows well who the indigenous people really are.
435  Local / Политика / Re: Чей Крым on: July 21, 2023, 06:07:46 AM
Так называемые коренные жители русской национальности спешно бегут из Крыма, в отличие от не коренных татар. Много километровые пробки на Крымском мосту в разгар сезона, но удивительно не в Крым, а из Крыма.
436  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Whose Crimea on: July 20, 2023, 05:26:04 PM

In response to the bombing of Odessa, the Ukrainians launched a missile attack on the Crimea. Military warehouses are burning there. The Crimean authorities are evicting residents of the areas closest to the fires.

So you see, it is Ukraine that is the evil one.

Russia often peacefully puts up with naughty, little Ukraine. But naughty, little Ukraine is out there destroying anything they want... mostly what they would consider their own people if they (Ukraine) weren't so evil.


  Why should Ukraine obey Russia?
If the president of Ukraine is wise enough, he would not allow the West to use his country as a center of weapon testing by the NATO. I was so surprised when the NATO did nit allow him to give a speech at the NATO conference which is displeasing. Everyone now see Ukraine like refugee that needed serious help. It is very clear that the US and it's NATO allies do not want the war to end and want to use Ukraine to fight against Russia but it is clear that Ukraine can never defeat Russia that is the world power country in the world before. Russia has powerful weapons and artilleries US might never have seen. The world should wise up and stop the war between Russia and Ukraine.
Fortunately, the world has wised up, though belatedly. The Ukrainian people will overcome the Russian aggressor just as the Afghan people drove the Russian invaders out of their country.
437  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Fuhrer Putin criminal on: July 20, 2023, 05:20:10 PM
I don't know why op seems to hate Putin that much but from my findings and little research I knew that Putin is not the kind of person we think he is. I would even prefer Putin that Biden that had decides to inflict pains on other countries that do not join his outrageous agenda. Take a look at the NATO using Ukraine and a center of ammunition testnet.

 I think it is now the Ukraine president will know that the US and NATO are using his country to fight Russia sending deadly weapons which they know that Russia will always retaliate indefinitely. The US had caused more trouble to the world than the so called Russia having just few percentages.

  There is a small but important nuance in all this, the President of Ukraine asked Biden to help protect Ukraine from Russian invaders, whose goal is to destroy the country and its people.
438  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian-Ukrainian war of 2022- ... for the salvation of the World on: July 20, 2023, 05:10:37 PM
The Russians ruthlessly launched rocket attacks on non-military targets in Odessa.

It's like I told you in that other thread. If Ukraine keeps on asking for it, they're going to get it.


Strange assumption! Will Ukraine really ask Russia to let Russian missiles destroy houses and kill people?
439  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Fuhrer Putin criminal on: July 19, 2023, 08:32:42 PM
Russian Fuhrer Putin will not represent Russia at the BRICS summit in South Africa due to an ICC arrest warrant issued against him. Putin is so afraid that even in his own country he spends most of his life in an underground bunker.
440  Local / Политика / Re: Фюрер Путин уголовный преступник on: July 19, 2023, 08:28:23 PM
Русский фюрер Путин не будет представлять Россию на саммите БРИКС в ЮАР, по причине выданного на него ордера МУС на арест. Путин настолько боится, что даже в своей стране большую часть жизни проводит в подземном бункере.
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