Hallo manager, why i not get stake on facebook campaign? I always like and share on facebook. Please check back number spread sheet: 98
walo cuma airdrop tapi kalo dev nya mau kerja keras dn banyak ide ternyata bisa jadi token yang bikin untung banyak ye khususnya yang punya alamat genesis MNE ini.. beruntung banget mereka. noh, harga di cryptopia dan livecoin dah bangkit dari tidurnya tuh MNE. selamat dah yang punya alamat genesisnya. dan jangan lupa buat yang punya token MNE siap siap hold, karena dev sudah akan membuka ico dengan menggunakan MNE dan ETH, jadi silahkan lihat threead utama nya untuk semua informasi terlengkap
hebat bro.. banyak yang panen,selamat berbahagia buat peserta bountinya Opus yang sukses dapat OPT,ternyata lancar juga ini proyeknya.
sesuai dengan kerja keras nya gan, karena rule bounty nya kemaren juga lumayan ribet. dan sekali ico nya kelar pasti juga panen
Bounty payment accepted, thank you very much and good luck
Accepted LTE for airdrop, thanks dev. will be a fun day as it could be part of this LTE airdrop. regards
which exchange markets that be planned for XBL??
Exchanges Shortly after the Token Sale we will deploy the "Become a Billionaire" decentralized raffle Smart Contract on the Ethereum Network. The code will pass through a series of peer-reviews and security audits before being deployed. All information will be made public knowledge - we seek to be as transparent as possible. We believe that after the ICO, people will need another way of safely acquiring Billionaire Tokens, and as such we will personally pay the listing fees for the Exchanges. We are looking at the following exchanges for initial listing: - Cryptopia - Novaexchange - Livecoin - HitBTC - EtherDelta After the "Billionaire Hold'em" poker game is released, we will be aiming higher. Although exchanges like Bittrex and Poloniex are usually more difficult to get in, we are very optimistic that after we will have a solid foothold in the crypto-gambling industry, such exchanges will be more than happy to welcome us. ---- -- - It's good to see this, that some big exchanges will be an option for this token to be there. I am very glad to hear it about Billionaire Tokens.
so this is a charity concept. Have often heard about charity, but this looks very good. i will join the bounty if it exists
pastinya investor bakalan seneng juga.... kalau ane lebih seneng kalau proyek ini bakalan jalan ....jadi demand juga meningkat..... sama gan ane juga ga sabar liat harga AHT
qoutenya jangan diangkut semua bro kasihan bagi fakir kuota ... Tentunya mau koin sehebat apapun project dan rincian di whitepapernya sudah pasti harganya sewaktu pertama masuk exchange kecil akan jauh dari harga ico jadi jangan kaget. hah fakir kuota masa sih ... ga mungkin .... lagian malu kalau udah main disini yang dibahas kaya gitu terus ...... ga ada yang kaget soal naek turun bro ...udah biasa ... kalo saya sih gapake kuota kan kasian bagi yang lain bro gacuma kalangan atas aja yang main btt hehe. liat aja nanti kalo udah listed di exchange paling itu yang diomongin sama orang sini haha ...yang main btt pasti orang yang pinter dan adalah uangnya.... #amin .... iya sih bro emang pada ngomongin harga nantinya .... tapi itu cuma karena ga ada topik bahasan aja....padahal ada yang seneng juga kalau harga turun.... udah biasa itu mah.... ane mah ketawain aja.... hitung hitung ilangin stress wkwkwk... semoga aja AHT bagus naik turunnya..... tau aja agan LUCKY kalo yang maen btt pasti orang pinter, dan uang nya mesti ada,, . ya semoga aja rate nya bisa bagus nanti kalo masuk di excanger
I have received from airdrop, now I will wait for the exchange for PRXY, and this has been a good start. thanks manager
hello manager campaign please add my eth address. eth addres: 0x3229b2AA8A1B07d3812f954db8EAf700ff788842 twitter link: https://twitter.com/fitra_alpieruser name twitter: @fitra_alpier
buat peserta bounty sosmed, udah ada pengumuman dari menejer kalo bounty sosmed akan berakhir tanggal 27 agustus jadi ini minggu terakhir untuk bounty sosmednya, jangan lupa ngerjain tasknya ampe senin.
Mantap Tinggal beberapa hari selesai nya Tapi gajian kemaren kok ane cuma bayaran facebook aja ya, twitter gk dapat gajian Ada yang mengalami hal yang sama? bayaran facebook dan twitter untuk minggu ke 8 udah beres semua bro coba check ulang walletnya, kayaknya udah semuanya dikirim kalo diliat spreadsheetnya. kalo twitter kayak nya belum semua gan, soal nya punya ane masih belum bayaran, dan masih status pending.
Dalam waktu dekat bounty campaign BUGU akan segera dirilis, jadi mohon menunggu iya di tunggu updet bountynya gan.. timnya orang asia semua ya masih pada muda tapi gelarnya udah master dan yg aneh itu bener gan nama asli foundernya ? Wah kalau masalah itu ane juga ngk lihat KTP nya gan tapi jangan berpikiran yang aneh2 yah. Pendiri bugu orang yang cukup profesional ane baca itu ada manager nya ANTSHARES juga ya gan, bakalan bagus nih proyek, soal nya dari segi tim nya sudah ada jam terbang nya
Hallo dev, i want to ask. Whether we can join a blog or article using the local language, and not English?
wah selamat ya gan pada dapat banyak nih dari projek IFT, saja sih gabung di sosial medianya aja cuman dapat sekitar 700an , ya udah lah alhamdulillah masih dapat bagian hehe, congrrats rata2 emang kecil dapetnya ya kalo social media doank gak segede signcamp Betul sih gan kalau cuman ikutan sosmed aja dapatnya gak segede sigcamp, ane lihat yang ikutan sigcamp dapatnya pada banyak koin iftnya, soalnya pesertanyapun sedikit cuman 100 orang kalau gak salah, panen ini yang ikutan sigcampnya tapi semua harus di syukuri gan, dapet gede apa kecil nya. kalo yang join signature nya dikit pasti dapet nya lumayan, apa lagi rate token nya juga bagus
Is the airdrop is already ended. I want some if it is not yet ended and what wallet did you use. How to recieve it. Thanks.
yes the airdrop already ended few times ago, you are late if want to join the airdrop URHOC is ethereum token so we use ethereum wallet like https://www.myetherwallet.comDoes URHOC already enter ethdelta? As the news sounds this coin will enter the list of exchange eth, if it is true information is very fun for who get airdrop at that time Hopefully sell well in the market That's right, this token has been on ethdelta for a long time. You can see there, and some sell requests also exist
The participants were paid as far as I know. They said the got their bounties but the problem with this token is that its not listed on any exchange and no team member has ever been here talkjng to the investors which is why there is no market to it. If they distributed the bounties, maybe the do have plans somehow.
Yes some of the participants already paid, but until now I still have not received payment from this campaign bounty. And still no response
Good update DecentralizeEconomics i read the timeline and i see the token swapp is in november good job.
Thank you. What is the ratio swap?
The swap ratio will be 1:1. Each Ethereum URHOC token that you hold will grant you one URS on our own blockchain. What overall amount will be? Where i can buy URHOC token now - or I can receive URHOC for anything? You can buy on this exchange https://etherdelta.github.io/#0xba54621876dfca50d15705201a5c3b12949b2a79-ETHIt can not be opened, because maybe yourchain is not there. We just wait for the latest update from the developers who are always active here Works fine on me ,, there's no problem opening that link using google chrome browsers. Btw, what browser do you use to open that link ,, ? Now it works fine, after I restart my cpu. And I also see a lot of sell orders there, but still no buy order
Very good in seeing and reading op, about this ASEANCOIN as it brings the idea to southeast asia, which belongs to my country. I want to join the campaign and free for this coin
Dear Mr. doktor1897, We are delighted with your interest in our project and our ASEAN's developing!!! Please keep your support and make something better for our region. Please download Asnwallet and address your asnwallet here, we will give you free ASNs immediately. We will keep you updated as soon as possible so that you can capture the price, get your first coin with the cheapest price, and get high profits when the price increases. Thank you so much! Hope for your support more than ever! Sincere! Okay, thanks. I am sending a pm to you