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4241  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Germany League - Bundesliga Prediction Thread on: June 21, 2020, 01:44:55 AM
I havnt seen any of the matches but yeah looks like Dortmund has some run , sadly to late !
Augsburg is safe now as they have played a draw and just needed the 1 point for stay in the League.
Will be intresting who will get the relegation games and how they playing on it .
Maybe Hamburg or Heidenheim i guess will be the Teams for.
4242  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Germany League - Bundesliga Prediction Thread on: June 20, 2020, 03:58:05 PM
OMG Leverkusen did it again and lost there game as they normaly should win it.
Guess that was it for Werder Bremen also as they lost there match against Mainz and they should be safe now.
Schalke lost also and maybe we will see next season maybe a new Coach there.
Dortmund have done there job about Leipzig, just a few bets was right today , damn.
4243  Other / Meta / Re: Report Malware and Suspicious Links here so Mods can take Action ! on: June 20, 2020, 02:39:40 AM
Suspicious ANN !!

Thread : [ANN] [HNS] HandShake - peer-to-peer root system [POW/Own algo/Exchanges]

User : HandShakes

Archive :


Looks like copied and pasted from there Webpage as there is no source link in the Thread !

About HNS
HandShake - decentralized, permissionless naming protocol where every peer is validating and in charge of managing the root DNS naming zone with the goal of creating an alternative to existing Certificate Authorities and naming systems. Names on the internet (top level domains, social networking handles, etc.) ultimately rely upon centralized actors with full control over a system which are relied upon to be honest, as they are vulnerable to hacking, censorship, and corruption. Handshake aims to experiment with new ways the internet can be more secure, resilient, and socially useful with a peer-to-peer system validated by the network's participants.

Handshake is a decentralized, permissionless naming protocol where every peer is validating and in charge of managing the root DNS naming zone with the goal of creating an alternative to existing Certificate Authorities and naming systems. Names on the internet (top level domains, social networking handles, etc.) ultimately rely upon centralized actors with full control over a system which are relied upon to be honest, as they are vulnerable to hacking, censorship, and corruption. Handshake aims to experiment with new ways the internet can be more secure, resilient, and socially useful with a peer-to-peer system validated by the network's participants.

Source :

The next thing is on the Github from is also a folder !

But on the Webpage they have the Github:


Dont know whats going on with this thread from that User and will watching it !  

We got in the past an User firehawk71 that has posted the same ANN too but it got deleted !
4244  Local / Anfänger und Hilfe / Re: Discord App Client kann eure Passwörter , Coins stehlen über PM Links ! on: June 19, 2020, 03:59:02 PM
Echte Projekte kontaktieren Benutzer nicht und bieten ihnen Software Updates oder Kryptowährungen an. Jeder muss das verstehen.

Genau so ist es , alle wirklichen Projekte die es ernst meinen machen ihre Updates für wallets oder neue Informationen meistens in deren News Channels oder Update Channels.
Das problem ist das viele einfach dann nur die Links in den PMs sehen und die dann anklicken nachdem sie nur schnell die PM gelesen haben .
Bei jeden neuen Update für wallets oder was auch immer sollte auf die Webseite geschaut werden und man sollte nachschauen und sich informieren ob die News , Updates auch wirklich stimmen.

Super Thread @Lafu! Neben deinen sehr wichtigen Hinweisen zu Discord, kann ich vielleicht auch noch eine kurze Anekdote zu Telegram erzählen, nachdem Pmalek Telegram im vorherigen Post angesprochen hat.

Dankeschön , und dazu fällt mir auch ein das bei paypal mir sowas ähnliches passiert ist .
Habe vor ein paar wochen eine Paypal zahlung gemacht ohne probleme , und nach ein paar stunden bekamm ich emails von 3 verschiedenen paypal support seiten ( die natürlich fake waren )
und die mich gebeten hatten meine daten zu aktualisieren da irgend was mit der transaktion schief gelaufen ist. Alle 3 seiten hatten zudem 3 verschieden Transaktions nummern  Cheesy.

Das böse und die Scammer schlafen nie und sie benutzen jede möglichkeit um an Geld oder Daten zu kommen.
4245  Other / Meta / Re: [CLUB] The SpamBusters! Busting rule-breakers constantly. on: June 19, 2020, 03:18:14 PM
This thread : {ann} Bitcoin Ocean - Announcement - Core Wallet 1.0 - Airdrop - Masternodes is using an paid Service it looks like to pump the thread .
And the best is they just doing it like the old school bots have done with " Good Project " and things , just got a smile because havnt seen that for years how they doing.
Have reported a punch of it today and yesterday and guess will be just a ask of time if the thread gets deletetd if they dont stop .
4246  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Germany League - Bundesliga Prediction Thread on: June 19, 2020, 03:48:20 AM
So the last 2 match days all teams will be playing on the same day and at the same time.
An intresting match tomorrow will be Leipzig against Dortmund for sure and my bet will be for Dortmund even they lost the last game.
Also the game between Mainz and Werder Bremen will be intresting nad hope that Bremen will win that maybe.
4247  Local / Anfänger und Hilfe / Re: Discord App Client kann eure Passwörter , Coins stehlen über PM Links ! on: June 18, 2020, 07:01:28 PM
Auf gleichem Wege kann auch jegliche andere Malware verbreitet werden.
Generell gilt sowieso, dass man keine nicht vertrauenswürdige Software ausführen sollte.
Aber viele lernen das leider nur auf die harte Tour.
Und sich verbreitet wie ein Wurm meintest du wohl. Würmer verbreiten sich automatisch. Trojaner ist ein Begriff, der nichts über die Verbreitungstechnik aussagt  Tongue

Klar ist das verbreiten von malware , trojanern und schädlicher Software vom prinzip her immer das gleiche. Infiziert --> weiterverteilen per email oder freundesliste an andere!
Und du hast da sowas von recht das man nicht vertrauenswürdige Software einfach so ausführen sollte , erstmal nachforschen und eventuell sich darüber erkundigen bevor man diese Installiert.
Ich durfte das auch auf die harte tour lernen als nocht nicht solange hier im Forum war , deswegen versuche ich so viele darauf aufmerksam zu machen und ihr Geld bzw Coins zu schützen.

4248  Local / Anfänger und Hilfe / Discord App Client kann eure Passwörter , Coins stehlen über PM Links ! on: June 18, 2020, 04:51:19 PM
Da ich jetzt fast über ein Jahr auf der Jagd nach Malware und verdächtigen Links hier im Forum und auf Discord bin
möchte ich einen Artikel den ich gefunden habe auch hier schreiben und euch darüber Informieren
was für eine Art Malware das ist und wie das passieren kann.
Ich glaube das viele Discord benutzen wegen dem einen oder anderen Projekt und auch ist es erklärt wie ihr die Infektion (falls ihr betroffen seit) wieder los werdet.

Habe diesen Thread zuerst in Beginners & Help im englischen BEreich geschrieben : Discord Deskt. client can steal your Password,Cryptocurrencies via PM Link!
Der Hauptartikel ist auf Englisch darum hier die übersetzung!

AnarchyGrabber ist ein beliebter Trojaner der häufig kostenlos in Hackerforen und in Youtube Videos verbreitet wird in denen erklärt wird wie Discord benutzertoken und Accounts gestohlen werden.
Die Hacker verteilen den Trojaner dann auf Discord getarnt als wäre es ein Cheat für ein Spiel , ein Hacking Tool oder ein Update für eine Wallet oder Software.

Dies ist der AnarchyGrabber3 ein hoch ansteckender Trojaner der Passwörter und mehr aus Discord Accounts stiehlt,
2FA deaktiviert  und sich verbreitet  (wie ein Trojaner) durch direkte Nachrichten an die Freundesliste mit auffälligen Angeboten (kostenlose kostenpflichtige Spiele, kostenlose Premium Software oder sogar kostenlose Kryptowährungen).
Dieser Trojaner, Malware greift Benutzer mit der Desktop-Version von Discord an.

Sobald der Trojaner das System des Opfers infiziert hat überschreibt er die JavaScript Datei index.js im Pfad des Discord Clients und verbindet sich automatisch mit den Computer des Angreifers ,
der sich dann in das Konto einloggen und alle Coins entfernen kann.

Woher weis ich ob ich mit dem AnarchyGrabber3 Trojaner infiziert bin?

Ihr müsst in das Verzeichnis auf euerer Festplatte gehen mit dem der Discord Client aufgerufen wird.
In den meisten Fällen (für Windows Benutzer) ist dies  C:\Users\Your_user\AppData\Roaming\Discord\version\modules\discord_desktop_core.
Wenn ihr dort seit , öffnent ihr die Datei mit einem Editor index.js

Überprüft ob eure Datei wie im folgenden Bild aussieht.
Wenn dort zusätzliche Textzeilen vorhanden sind wurde euer Discord Client wahrscheinlich von diesem Trojaner kompromittiert.

Wenn ihr infiziert seit gibt es dort noch eine andere JavaScript Datei des Modifizierten Discord Clients.
Diese Datei lädt dann eine weitere schädliche Javascript Datei namens discordmod.js in den Client.

Die bösartigen scripte melden den Benutzer dann vom Discord Client ab und fordern euch auf sich neu anzumelden.

Sobald sich das infizierte Opfer anmeldet versucht der geänderte Discord Client die 2FA für das Konto zu deaktivieren wenn dies aktiviert ist.
Der Client verwendet dann einen Discord Webhook um die E Mail Adresse, den Anmeldenamen, den Benutzertoken, das Kennwort und die IP Adresse des Benutzers an einen Discord Kanal der unter der Kontrolle des Angreifers ist zu senden.

Nachdem die ausführbare Datei AnarchyGrabber3 ausgeführt hat und die Discord Clientdateien geändert wurden bleibt diese nicht resident oder wird erneut ausgeführt.
Daher kann die Antivirensoftware keine böswilligen Prozesse erkennen. Der infizierte Benutzer ist dann weiterhin Teil des Botnetzes wenn er eine Verbindung zu Discord herstellt.

Wenn also neben " module.exports = require ('./ core.asar') ;" eine weitere Zeile geschrieben ist solltet ihr schnell eure Internetverbindung deaktivieren,
dann geht zur Systemsteuerung - Software und deinstalliert Discord vollständig.
Ihr solltet danach einige Scans mit verschiedenen Antivirenprogrammen und Malware Erkennungssoftware durchführen um eueren PC zu checken und davon zu reinigen .
Danach könnt ihr Discord erneut installieren oder meine persönlichen Vorschlag , verwendeet die Browser Version für Discord die ist in diesem fall sicherer und kann nicht infiziert werden.

Wie könnt ihr infiziert werden ?

Zum Beispiel

Ihr seit in einem Discord Server Channel von einem Coin Project.
Einer der User im diesem Kanal wird oder ist infiziert oder der Hacker selbst ist dort, er sendet an jeden Benutzer oder zufällig eine PM an euch auf Discord.
Normalerweise erhaltet ihr keine PM direkt vom infizierten Benutzer, dies kann aber auch passieren.
Meistens hat der Benutzer von dem ihr die PM erhaltet den Namen wie das Projekt, nennen wir ihn Wallet Update Bot oder ähnliches.

Source : PM vom meinem Discord

In dieser PM heißt es ihr müsst euere Wallet oder euer Konto oder was auch immer aktualisieren und auf den Link klicken.
Wenn ihr auf den Link klickt und ihr etwas herunterladet oder die Dateien installiert, dann kann es passieren das ihr Infiziert werdet.

Ihr könnt dies vermeiden wenn ihr nur die PM löscht die ihr bekommen habt und nichts anklicken oder herunterladen was ihr nicht kennt.
Die meisten Projekte schicken euch keine PMs und kündigen neue Updates meistens in deren Channels an.
Ihr werdet nicht Infiziert wenn ihr die PM erhaltet

Artikel , Bilder und Sources die für diesen Thread benutzt wurden sind von hier:
4249  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Discord Desktop client steals your Password and Cryptocurrencies via Malware! on: June 18, 2020, 03:13:27 PM
The title "Discord Desktop client steals your Password and Cryptocurrencies via Malware!" literally says Discord (the app) steals password through a malware.
Yeb you are right and it was a misstake from my side and i have changed it to " PM links in Discord Deskt. client can steal your Password ,Cryptocurrencies "
Hope its more Informative and explaining now.

If you think your discord token has been grabbed, you can change your password. When your password changes, your token changes.
So this is easy to recover from Smiley

It has nothing to do with the Discord token for itself .
You can change your password 1000 x if you dont get rid of the extra line in the index.js file the script gets loaded again.
Discord loads everytime this file new when you loggin and run the script .

It does not spread through Discord. It spreads when you visit a hacking site and try to download anything, or follow a youtibe tutorial of hacking. That's what OP said.
Thanks for the heads up Lafu.

You are wrong on that. This malware was changed and is only optimized designed for Discord  .
Its spreads through Discord and has nothing to do with other websites.
You get infected from Discord .

Can you share a little more detail on how this Trojan spreads? You said through discord but I think it'd be useful to also know if Discord's client has any vulnerabilities or perhaps if there are any suspicious behaviors that users should be aware of and avoid. Can it spread to a user unbeknownst to them for example or does it require some action/trickery?

Its just simple how can get infected.

For example :

You are in a Discord Server Channel from a Project .
One of the Users in channel get infected or the Hacker itself is in there , they sending to every User or randomly a PM to you on Discord .
You dont get a pm directly from the infected User normaly , but can be happend too.
Mostly the User you get the PM has the name like the Project has , lets call it Wallet update Bot or something similar.

Source : PM from my Discord

In this pm they say you have to update your wallet or your Account or whatever and click the Link .
If you click the link and download it or install there files thats where the magic happens.

You can avoid this if you just delete the PM you have got and dont click or download anything you dont know.
All projects dont PM you with updates and they just write there updates in there one Project Channel.
You dont get infected when you receive the PM

Hope its now a bit better expalined how it works and can be happend .
Will update my first post with that too.

Sry that you have missunderstanding it all in the first line , was my fault and hope its better now!

4250  Other / Beginners & Help / PM links in Discord Deskt. client can steal your Password ,Cryptocurrencies ! on: June 17, 2020, 11:11:30 PM
As i hunting now over an year posted Malware and Suspicious Links here on the Forum and on Discord i wanted to share a Article i found .
Because i guess a lot of Users are using Discord also and they should be knowing that and also how you can remove the Malware when your pc is infected.

AnarchyGrabber is a popular trojan that is commonly spread for free on hacker forums and within YouTube videos that explain how to steal Discord user tokens.
Threat actors then distribute the trojan on Discord, where they pretend it's a game cheat, hacking tool, update for a Wallet or copyrighted software.

This is AnarchyGrabber3, a highly infectious Trojan that steals passwords from Discord profiles,
disables 2FA and in turn spreads (like a Trojan) through direct messages to the friends list with flashy offers (free paid games, free premium software or even free cryptocurrencies).
This Trojan attacks users with the desktop version of Discord.

Once the Trojan enters the victim's system, it overwrites the JavaScript file index.js in the Discord client's path and automatically calls the attacker's machine,
which can log in to your account and remove all the coins.

How to know if you are infected with the AnarchyGrabber3 Trojan?

You have go to the path of your hard disk containing the Discord client.
In almost all cases (for Windows users) it is C:\Users\Your_user\AppData\Roaming\Discord\version\modules\discord_desktop_core.
being there, open with an Editor the file index.js

Check that your file looks like the following picture.
If there are any extra lines of text, your Discord client has probably been compromised by this trojan.

Is there a other Modified Discord client JavaScript file in there .
This file will then load another malicious javascript file called discordmod.js into the client.

The malicious scripts will then log the user out of the Discord client and prompt them to log in.

Once a victim logs in, the modified Discord client will attempt to disable 2FA on their account.
The client then uses a Discord webhook to send the user's email address, login name, user token, plain text password, and IP address to a Discord channel under the attacker's control.

After the AnarchyGrabber3 executable is run and modifies the Discord client files, it does not stay resident or run again.
Therefore, there is no malicious process for antivirus software to detect, the infected user will continue to be part of the botnet whenever they connect to Discord.

So if there is another line written, besides that " module.exports = require('./core.asar'); ", quickly disable your internet internet connection,
then go to Control Panel - Add or Remove Programs and uninstall Discord completely.
You should be make some scans with diffrent Antivirus and Malware detecing Software to clean your PC.
After that you can install Discord again or my personal suggestion use the Browser version for Discord.

How you can be get Infected

For example :

You are in a Discord Server Channel from a Project .
One of the Users in channel get infected or the Hacker itself is in there , they sending to every User or randomly a PM to you on Discord .
You dont get a pm directly from the infected User normaly , but can be happend too.
Mostly the User you get the PM has the name like the Project has , lets call it Wallet update Bot or something similar.

Source : PM from my Discord

In this pm they say you have to update your wallet or your Account or whatever and click the Link .
If you click the link and download it or install there files thats where the magic happens.

You can avoid this if you just delete the PM you have got and dont click or download anything you dont know.
All projects dont PM you with updates and they just write there updates in there one Project Channel.
You dont get infected when you receive the PM

Article , Images and Sources used for this thread are from:
4251  Other / Meta / Re: Report Malware and Suspicious Links here so Mods can take Action ! on: June 17, 2020, 10:05:11 PM

I support this Flag but you have to create maybe for Flags your one thread in Reputation.
Because the link on the Flag just directing to the thread and not to your post .
It always bring you just to the thread on the first page when you click the link on the flag.
And you have to research the whole thread for the post for the Flag.

Maybe that would be an suggestion for @theymos that its allowed also to link to posts on flaggs when you create them.
4252  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Germany League - Bundesliga Prediction Thread on: June 17, 2020, 08:30:26 PM
OMFG what is that shit , Dortmund just lost there game at home against Mainz with 2 goals , did i missed something ?
Leipzig was struggeling against Düsseldorf also and only played a draw against them .
Leverkusen and Hoffenheim was aware of there chances and won there games .

Cant believe Dortmund lost there game , or they just helping Mainz with that ?
4253  Other / Meta / Re: Don't give up on the Noob you encounter on the forum, help them BUIDL. on: June 17, 2020, 03:46:30 PM
I'm Legendary 🙏

Congrats from me also CryptopreneurBrainboss for the Legendary Rank (welcome to the family), well done and the title of the thread says it all , never give up !
You deserve it for the work you have done and doing.

I also just got about 2 weeks ago the real Legendary selfmade Rank and it was always one of many goals for me to make it myself to it.
Hope you keep up the work you doing after you reached that Goal now.
4254  Local / Deutsch (German) / Re: WARNUNG!!! FAKE USDT im Umlauf on: June 17, 2020, 03:11:13 PM
Da sieht man mal wieder das es ein großes risiko ist solche summen privat zu tauschen und dann noch

" von einem bakannten eines freundes " alles klar .
Source :

Nie im Leben würde ich sowas machen .
Selbst wenn es der beste freund wäre , selbst ist der Mann und solche Summen immer über die Bank oder eine vertrauenswürdige Exchange mir verifiziertem Account gemacht werden.

Bin sprachlos wie leichtsinnig manche leute mit soviel Geld umgehen.

4255  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Germany League - Bundesliga Prediction Thread on: June 17, 2020, 02:56:07 PM
Paderborn for sure.

Yeb Paderborn for sure is going down into the second League.
And if Mainz dosnt win against Dortmund what i expecting and also Düsseldorf dosnt win in Leipzig there is still a chance for Werder Bremen to be in the first League.
But it will be very intresting for the last few spots as they all have so close points to each other.

Also just an reminder from the second League , its still possible that Nürnberg can be get down to the 3rd League , damn never thought that this will be happen.
4256  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Germany League - Bundesliga Prediction Thread on: June 17, 2020, 10:29:24 AM
Congrats to all Bayern Munich Fans in here for the title.

As i has expected they have won there game and also all other matches that was yesterday was right for my bets.
Lets see how the things will be going today , the intresting match i guess is Frankfurt vs Schalke and my bet goes for Frankfurt.
Leipzig and Dortmund should be normaly win there games with out any problem , hopefully !
4257  Other / Meta / Re: Report Malware and Suspicious Links here so Mods can take Action ! on: June 16, 2020, 02:08:33 PM

The thread is already deleted , nice catch !

Fake Github and plagiarism (copy and paste)

Thread : [ANN] DaggerGpuMiner

User : njpopert  <-------  Please Ban that User

Archive :

GITHUB: [url=][/url]

Releases: [url=][/url]

Launch parameters:

1) GPU benchmark: DaggerGpuMiner.exe -G -M  

2) GPU mining: DaggerGpuMiner.exe -G -a <WALLET_ADDRESS> -p <POOL_ADDRESS>  

3) CPU mining: DaggerGpuMiner.exe -cpu -a <WALLET_ADDRESS> -p <POOL_ADDRESS> -t

Different features and optional parameters:

1) "-h" - show help

2) you can list all available devices using parameters "-list-devices -G".
You can check what platform ids and device numbers they have.
3) by default GPU-miner uses all OpenCL devices on the selected platform.
You can specify particular devices using parameter "-opencl-devices 0 1 3".
Use your device numbers instead of "0 1 3".

Also use can use parameter "-d <N>" there <N> is count of used devices.

Workaround on issue with high CPU usage with NVIDIA GPUs.

There is an issue with NVIDIA GPUs leading to very high CPU usage. The reason is improper implementation of OpenCL by NVIDIA. When CPU thread waits for results from GPU, it does not stop, it spins in loop eating CPU resources for nothing.
There was impemented a workaround on this issue: before reading results from GPU current thread sleeps during small calculated time. CPU usage was decreased in 90%. The change made optional, use launch parameter "-nvidia-fix" to enable it. The change can decrease hashrate a bit in some cases. But GPU rigs should gain increase of hashrate. So try it and choose to use or not to use it.

Fake Github : https_://

Real Github : https_://

Original Post and Github

Original Post from the Dev of that Miner :

User : jonano

First beta-version of GPU miner is released.
Link to download
Source codes

Launch parameters:
1) GPU benchmark: DaggerGpuMiner.exe -G -M
2) GPU mining: DaggerGpuMiner.exe -G -a <WALLET_ADDRESS> -p <POOL_ADDRESS>
3) CPU mining: DaggerGpuMiner.exe -cpu -a <WALLET_ADDRESS> -p <POOL_ADDRESS> -t
N     (N - is a number of threads)

Different features and optional parametes:
1) "-h" - show help
2) you can list all available devices using parameters "-list-devices -G"
3) by default GPU mining is performed only on the first OpenCL device.
You can specify several devices using parameter "-opencl-devices 0 1 3".
Use your device numbers instead of "0 1 3".
Also use can use parameter "-d " there is count of used devices.

This text was added on Github in (committed) on 11 Feb 2018
Workaround on issue with high CPU usage with NVIDIA GPUs.
There is an issue with NVIDIA GPUs leading to very high CPU usage. The reason is improper implementation of OpenCL by NVIDIA. When CPU thread waits for results from GPU, it does not stop, it spins in loop eating CPU resources for nothing.
There was impemented a workaround on this issue: before reading results from GPU current thread sleeps during small calculated time. CPU usage was decreased in 90%. The change made optional, use launch parameter "-nvidia-fix" to enable it. The change can decrease hashrate a bit in some cases. But GPU rigs should gain increase of hashrate. So try it and choose to use or not to use it.

Source :
4258  Other / Meta / Re: [TelegramBot] Merit watcher and Mention Notification Bot on: June 16, 2020, 12:45:37 PM
I got the last notification from the bot on the last Saturday when i was quoted !
Dont know whats the probelm realy as there was never a problem with it but the lst days it even dont shows notifications on  my phone or on my pc.
Just thought maybe its because on my phone the telegram has to be updated , but also this dosnt solved the problem and its still not working for quotes .
Or have i to activate it again ?
4259  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Germany League - Bundesliga Prediction Thread on: June 16, 2020, 10:19:16 AM
Bayern will win normaly today against Werder Bremen and making the Championship title fix .
I would see Bayern to lose but i have placed my bet for a win for them.

Gladbach also should win there match today about Wolfsburg if they want to get a place on the Champions League spot.
Also place my bet on them.
4260  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Germany League - Bundesliga Prediction Thread on: June 14, 2020, 06:03:24 PM
Damn hasnt expected that will Schalke will get a point from this match against Leverkusen.
Thats an slap in the back for Leverkusen also and it will be a close race about Gladbach now for the Campions League place.
Sadly they dont have won that and my bet wasnt right on that match.
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