I've read in your site that you won't be including info such as Fees per weight unit for example etc. I understand that you want to make the interface as friendly as possible but If this is going to be a universal blockexplorer, maybe you should include advanced info, If not shown by default, then display settings on the footer.
And since you have plans to support multiple languages, feel free to drop me a message, I could help with both the French and Arabic translations.
Does anyone here have some info regarding KYC and HitBtc? I've found a tweet where a user claimed that accounts will automatically get frozen (until you send your documents) as soon as a deposit of 500$ (or higher) is made, how accurate is that?
I started using some time ago and back then, the fees were 0.95%. I've just checked my recent transaction and they were either 4.95% or 2.95% but never as high as 10%. I've never paid attention to it, to be honest, but and now you're mentioning it, it's very possible that the fees change automatically based on bitcoin's price or some other criteria.
I've tried to make an exchange now, and the fees showing are 1.95% (USD). If you change to EUR or GBP however, you'll see that the fees are increasing to 2.95% and 9.95% which is very strange.
Something I've missed apparently and that's worth mentioning is that they started forcing KYC, so If you're against that, you might want to rethink about using them.
what are the best alternatives to this game?
There is Crypto-games and also BetChain, they're both reputable services and have threads on the forums in case you want reviews from people who actually used them.
للأسف القائمة لم تضم بلدان شمال إفريقيا أعتقد أن حكومات دول الشمال لن تؤيد هذه الصناعة، ربما سيحدث ذالك إذا تمكنت الشعوب بإسقاط الأنظمة الحالية التابعة للمعسكر الفرنسي كما حدث مع إثيوبيا،
ممكن مصر و تونس فقط. ليس لدي معلومات عن الصحراء الغربية لكن فيما يخص البلدان الأربعة المتبقية فلا أمل منها. الجزائر و المغرب حظروا استعمال العملات المشفرة أما ليبيا و السودان فهم معاقبون دوليا و لا يمكنك ايجاد أي منصة تبادل أو حتى بنك الكتروني يدعم البلدين.
About passwords, certainly the only password you should know is your strong password of your password manager. All other passwords should be automatically generated by it. -snip-
This. Make sure to not use online password managers such as LastPass tho, stick to KeePass or something similar (open-source/offline). You should also not post your email address publicly, it will just get picked by bots and you'll be a target of hacks/phishing attempts (emails).
It's showing perfectly fine for me but from the content of the tab, it does look buggy, I'm pretty sure that's not supposed to be the displayed text. If your problem persists, I would suggest DMing them on Twitter or posting on their forums.
According to this blog article, the only users who are supposed to go through KYC are the ones who are using their conversion tool (through ShapeShift). So If you're not doing that, that should not be a concern. If you want to be in full control of your funds and to not run into issues in the future, you may want to consider other options for accepting payments such as BTCPayServer.
Listing info: SouthXchange, Bleutrade. As for fiat-trading, both Bleutrade and Coinex don't support that (I've checked the sites and also some reviews online).
Do you lend FIAT?
I apologize for the late response but I don't. I only lend BTC. Loan Amount: 0.05 btc Reason: Personal life needs BTC Address: 1KqEqMzJe4h3SxQxHJwf9QR2Uov1MrvhDp Duration: 4 Months Collateral: Bc https://bitcoinconfidential.cc/أخي الكريم بالله عليك لا تجعلني أقع في الربى مع شخص آخر وأسأل الله أن يكرمك في الدنيا قبل الآخرة و السلام عليكم٠ Check your pm my brother. 1. You're a newbie 2. I haven't asked for any collaterals and even If I did, yours won't be considered a valid one as you are giving something that is ranked #1200 in CMC and basically has no value. 3. You're asking for 4 months duration. You basically ignored everything I mentioned on the OP and still wondering why I declined your loan request on the P.M?
Localbitcoins (which was the best option) removed in-person cash trades two months ago so you're left with either Mycelium's local trader or Hodlhodl. Alternatively, you could use local.bitcoin.com where you buy BCH in person and then trade it for BTC using an online exchange.
There is ForkDrop (BTC) which I find to be better as it shows the price, and also the exchanges the coin is being traded on.
شخصيا لا أرى أي مستقبل للعملات المركزية, خاصة على المدى البعيد فمع تزايد الديون و الأزمات الاقتصادية في العالم, البيتكوين يعتبر الملاذ الوحيد.
الان و بعد 10 سنوات من ظهور البيتكوين. في اعتقادي السبب الوحيد لعدم استعمال الناس لها أو للعملات المشفرة (اللامركزية) هو الجهل (لأن البعض يعتبرها صعبة الاستعمال) أو عدم الثقة (بسبب هجوم الحكومات و البنوك المركزية عليها) لذلك أعتقد أنها مسألة وقت فقط حتى نرى استعمالا أوسع لها.
It allows you to sell your BTC for fiat, but how (and where) can you withdraw them afterward, the bank only? Does WooCommerce have some kind of built-in wallet? As for the fees, the website you're currently using is known for overestimating, use Coinb.in instead.
I managed to find a service called Bitcoin Super store but not sure how legitimate it is, I suggest you do more research about it. I would also recommend checking Bitrefill.com for gift cards (You might find whatever product you're trying to buy in Walmart, Target, eBay or other services). You can also order a bitcoin debit card If you're from EU/US. As a last resort, you can try to find someone to do it for you on the forums. It shouldn't be hard to find someone trustworthy, as long as you're paying a a fee. The only downside of this is that it can be time-consuming sometimes.
لا أعتقد أنه يوجد اختلاف كبير في استعمال المحافظ التي ذكرتها فعلى حسب معلوماتي كلها تستعمل Changelly أو ShapeShift فيما يخص تبادل العملات.
أنا شخصيا أنصحك ب:
- استعمال Binance... هي منصة مركزية لكن لا داعي للخوف, يمكنك سحب 2 بيتكوين من دون أي مشاكل (أو طلب وثائقك الخاصة) - استعمال الموقعين الذين ذكرتهما أعلاه عن طريق محفظة (Exodus, Coinomi الخ) مع استعمال VPN في كل معاملة. لا تسخدم خاصية التبادل مباشرة من الموقع - استعن بشخص موثوق من قسم Services مقابل عمولة بسيطة
أما بخصوص الاستثمار فأنا أنصحك في بالبيتكوين, الايثر, مونيرو و ليتكوين فقط.
I would recommend www.coincards.com (ref link) have used them for years and spent over $3000 with no issues. They sell Apple Gift Cards, which is the best way to get a genuine pair of Apple Airpods. The U.S version of the website doesn't have Apple gift cards and as TryNinja mentioned, I'm looking for discounted cards.
You can use the forums but it could be hard to find someone to trade with If you're using a reversible payment method as you're a newbie and no one would trust you.
Neither mercatox.media nor .org are affiliated with the original website (.com). If you check the footer of the website, you'll also see that they have no discord channels. You have clearly been phished.