LakeBTC WebSocket API launched WebSocket API today after testing for an extended period of time. Customers and partners may access LakeBTC market data via a persistent TCP connection. Users are encouraged to retrieve (near) real time ticker and orderbook data over the latest technology. About WebSocket APIWebSocket is a protocol providing full-duplex communications channels over a single persistent TCP connection. The WebSocket protocol was standardized by the IETF as RFC 6455 in 2011, and the WebSocket API in Web IDL is being standardized by the W3C. WebSocket API will provide our customers faster and more responsive financial data services. As one of the big four bitcoin exchanges, LakeBTC takes security, liquidity, and service very seriously. WebSocket API is one of our recent improvements and will bring our customers, both professional traders and casual users, most update-to-date market data. With live data streamed directly to customer, this feature is expected to further enhance user experience and market activities. Our years of risk management and internal control experience in financial industries build the most solid foundation for ensuring customers' fund and privacy being safe and secure. How to useUsers who wish to use LakeBTC WebSocket API may visit LakeBTC API documents for instructions, sample code, and Javascript lib file.
Bitcoin withdrawal confirmation improvement Users, We are pleased to introduce an improved confirmation process for bitcoin withdrawals. Effective immediately, users may add one or more bitcoin wallet addresses, confirm only once by SMS messages. No additional confirmations are necessary for all future bitcoin withdrawals to the same confirmed addresses. All users are still urged to pay close attention to all bitcoin withdrawal addresses, and make sure they are still valid and under your control. It's strongly recommended to add aliases to bitcoin addresses, and delete any obsolete or incorrect addresses promptly. It is solely your responsibility to supply LakeBTC the correct withdrawal addresses. This change is expected to save users time and cost incurred by the bitcoin withdrawal confirmations, an important security measure to fight against theft and fraud. Since all bitcoin transactions are final and irreversible, we ask users to confirm their bitcoin withdrawals by sending us an SMS message to protect their fund. LakeBTC takes the safety of our users' assets very seriously and implement a series of security mechanisms to protect users fund and personal data. Thank you for choosing! LakeBTC Team
| Users, We are pleased to introduce an improved confirmation process for bitcoin withdrawals. Effective immediately, users may add one or more bitcoin wallet addresses, confirm only once by SMS messages. No additional confirmations are necessary for all future bitcoin withdrawals to the same confirmed addresses. All users are still urged to pay close attention to all bitcoin withdrawal addresses, and make sure they are still valid and under your control. It's strongly recommended to add aliases to bitcoin addresses, and delete any obsolete or incorrect addresses promptly. It is solely your responsibility to supply LakeBTC the correct withdrawal addresses. This change is expected to save users time and cost incurred by the bitcoin withdrawal confirmations, an important security measure to fight against theft and fraud. Since all bitcoin transactions are final and irreversible, we ask users to confirm their bitcoin withdrawals by sending us an SMS message to protect their fund. LakeBTC takes the safety of our users' assets very seriously and implement a series of security mechanisms to protect users fund and personal data. Thank you for choosing! LakeBTC Team
Can you deposit for PayPal? I just have some balance can be used in PayPal..
Currently we support USD deposit via bank wire, Ripple, and EgoPay.
The problem was solved. The support was quick and helpful.
Thank you for your understanding and support. The demand is strong and our partner needs some time to catch up.
I made a deposit of $ 5,000 on LakeBTC few hours ago. I contacted support and they told me they are with low reserves to process my deposit. Dear User, Again, a few points to reiterate: 1. Users are alerted when the reserve is low and the deposit will be pending. They can either cancel or choose to continue, knowing the fund will be in a pending state. 2. We are working hard with our partner to get this resolved ASAP. We tried our best but unfortunately the ETA is out of our control. We will keep pushing on this and get our partner to fix it ASAP. 3. We are sorry for the inconvenience, and thank you for your understanding.
What is the specific time to adjust your fee?
we are working on it. stay put
how does it works? would the orders within the dark pool to be priority? no. all orders get matched in the same way. dark pool orders are not displayed in public orderbook - that's the only difference.
dark pool 最终是保护了绝大部分投资者利益的。
唯一需要憎恶 dark pool 的是那些在金融市场兴风作浪的人。
一直以来觉得LAKEBTC是唯一令人有好感的中文交易所,这次有很多疑惑: 1. 各种平台都是2秒读取一次行情,1秒内交易API只能使用一次,我不知道几十毫秒甚至几毫秒速度怎么来。你算法再强也受限于网站对外接口读取速率吧?除非交易平台自己内部接个炒币机。 2. 我也不是憎恶dark pool 你没这功能别人也会写。从架构来看,外部接入的算法受制于访问速率,dark pool相当于交易所内部提供了一个炒币机,供所有人使用,这就造成了一个问题:信息不对称!dark pool 若是尝到甜头,试问谁还买卖委托单?你的量怎么体现。用户去交易所发现一点深度都没有还会充值嘛?除非我是特大户,舍得花钱买实时dark order information dark pool => 委单减少 => 成交量跌 or 盘口过大 => 老人撤资 新人不敢跟进 => 委单减少 这是个恶性循环,望lakebtc重视。 交易所就像ZF,需要公开透明维持一个良性的市场环境,依靠口碑发展更多用户,发展交易量。dark pool这段代码不如用API写好开源发到github上,让用户自由部署。从外部接进来的机器跟散户其实是公平的。 首先感谢支持。 1。市场上专业的交易API不是你问我答式的,而是直接socket接口,有事件即时通知。几十毫秒是指速度差,别人比你快几十毫秒,就能有很多好处。今天的专业交易世界里,几秒钟就像几年一样漫长。现实就是,手工下单的时代已经过去了。 2。嗯,不要说股票。即便是比特币,我们也不是第一家。我们一贯的态度是审慎的。 dark pool是有门槛的,单笔50BTC以上。以后要另外收费。dark order信息不出售给任何人。所有人是公平的。这个东西对普通用户没有影响,甚至保护了普通用户,因为机器人看不到更多的信息了。 我们与多家专业的做市商合作,另外将调整费用结构,所以市场深度和流动性不会受到影响。 这条公告在海外客户中没有引起这么大的反对,在中文区大家有争议,也是好事。都说说清楚,可以分辨是非曲直。
舉個現實的例子就是,2月底Mt. Gox破產前一天上午在bitstamp出現近萬BTC的賣單牆,如果這種情況在lakebtc,這牆所有人都看不到。簡單來說黑池就是掛單人一人得利,而所有其他交易人的利益全部受損。
Dark pool 跟所有其他金融工具一样,本身没有对错好坏。有人不明细节,有人把它妖魔化了,比如 Michael Lewis。 美国的禁枪,枪不杀人,是人杀人。金融危机的 subprime,CDO 本身也没有问题。 Dark pool 运用得当,可以减少市场波动,减少金融大鳄利用市场信息狙击用户的订单。最终大多数市场参与者是受益的。 另外主意,我们的 dark pool 跟投行在股票市场的 dark pool 不完全一样。 既然dark pool沒錯,那為什麼世界各大股票交易所沒有這個東西?隱藏掛單本身對交易者就不公平!公正的交易所本身就應該致力於提供公開透明的信息給所有交易者,而不是為了方便一個人! 因为股票大户,都是通过投行券商挂单,投行有专门的算法和团队帮助机构客户分散成交,找到最优价格。同时,也发展出了黑池交易。 现在美国大大小小的股票黑池有几十个,主要就是为了大客户的大单成交,减少市场波动。 不可否认,的确有人利用黑池做过坏事,但是黑池本身有更多积极意义。不必妖魔化它。 比特币太小,还没有投行券商,没有专业的团队帮助他们分散挂单、大单撮合。 我们致力于公平。如果他能看到,你也能看到。如果他看不到,你也看不到。 今天的市场已经发展到专业化,同样的公开信息,有些机构可以通过 co-lo,latency arbitrage一样杀死你。 这些情况下,如果都不公开,反而保护小客户,对小客户更公平。 黑池交易就是因為大戶避開官方股票交易所的信息透明而搞出來,目的就是要隱藏自己的交易意圖。 你們推出黑池就是不公平,這本來就是挂盤人自己知道,而其他人都看不到。 只要是小散,基本上都不會喜歡這東西! 給你們一個忠告,堂堂正正行事才能成為老大。 dark pool 最终是保护了绝大部分投资者利益的。 唯一需要憎恶 dark pool 的是那些在金融市场兴风作浪的人。 他们有超快的机器、专业的算法,利用几十毫秒甚至几毫秒的速度优势,左右市场收割散户。 LakeBTC的风格,懂行的人自然明白,不懂的人自然会追随各种大神。 毋须多言。
舉個現實的例子就是,2月底Mt. Gox破產前一天上午在bitstamp出現近萬BTC的賣單牆,如果這種情況在lakebtc,這牆所有人都看不到。簡單來說黑池就是掛單人一人得利,而所有其他交易人的利益全部受損。
Dark pool 跟所有其他金融工具一样,本身没有对错好坏。有人不明细节,有人把它妖魔化了,比如 Michael Lewis。 美国的禁枪,枪不杀人,是人杀人。金融危机的 subprime,CDO 本身也没有问题。 Dark pool 运用得当,可以减少市场波动,减少金融大鳄利用市场信息狙击用户的订单。最终大多数市场参与者是受益的。 另外主意,我们的 dark pool 跟投行在股票市场的 dark pool 不完全一样。 既然dark pool沒錯,那為什麼世界各大股票交易所沒有這個東西?隱藏掛單本身對交易者就不公平!公正的交易所本身就應該致力於提供公開透明的信息給所有交易者,而不是為了方便一個人! 因为股票大户,都是通过投行券商挂单,投行有专门的算法和团队帮助机构客户分散成交,找到最优价格。同时,也发展出了黑池交易。 现在美国大大小小的股票黑池有几十个,主要就是为了大客户的大单成交,减少市场波动。 不可否认,的确有人利用黑池做过坏事,但是黑池本身有更多积极意义。不必妖魔化它。 比特币太小,还没有投行券商,没有专业的团队帮助他们分散挂单、大单撮合。 我们致力于公平。如果他能看到,你也能看到。如果他看不到,你也看不到。 今天的市场已经发展到专业化,同样的公开信息,有些机构可以通过 co-lo,latency arbitrage一样杀死你。 这些情况下,如果都不公开,反而保护小客户,对小客户更公平。
不管交易所大还是小,这种隐藏挂单就是对小散的不公平!讲究公平的交易所都不会干这事! 最看不惯就是lakebtc说国内交易所怎么怎么样,说完别人怎么不说说自己? 为什么对小散不公平?如果看不到,小客户看不到,其他大客户也看不到是吧? 收费?大客户如果着急要买要抛,这点手续费不在考虑之列。 证券市场 dark pool 发展多年,比特币市场我们也不是第一家。产品本身没有问题,不要被舆论误导妖魔化。 其实,小散对大客户,永远是不公平。大客户有更好的机器,更好的算法,更好的策略,更好的研究团队 。。。。 所以,除非你自认比较专业,不建议散户来搏短线。
lakeBTC 这种小站,爱怎么搞怎么搞得,小站死的很快的,没几个人会去。
呵呵,死生有命。请教哪个站大? Mt.Gox 大不大? 老不老?
本来一直看好la'ke 没想到也沦落了
看来大家不了解。有机会给大家科普一下 dark pool 的前世今生。 金融教育,任重道远!
还是那句话,大家独立思考,避免人云亦云。 Dark pool 只是一种金融工具,被人妖魔化了而已。
舉個現實的例子就是,2月底Mt. Gox破產前一天上午在bitstamp出現近萬BTC的賣單牆,如果這種情況在lakebtc,這牆所有人都看不到。簡單來說黑池就是掛單人一人得利,而所有其他交易人的利益全部受損。
Dark pool 跟所有其他金融工具一样,本身没有对错好坏。有人不明细节,有人把它妖魔化了,比如 Michael Lewis。 美国的禁枪,枪不杀人,是人杀人。金融危机的 subprime,CDO 本身也没有问题。 Dark pool 运用得当,可以减少市场波动,减少金融大鳄利用市场信息狙击用户的订单。最终大多数市场参与者是受益的。 另外主意,我们的 dark pool 跟投行在股票市场的 dark pool 不完全一样。
LakeBTC - Dark pool orders, one of the big four bitcoin exchanges around the world, launched the dark pool trading feature to benefit average users by reducing unnecessary price fluctuations and better serve institutional investors. Dark pool orders are not included in the public orderbook, and are invisible to financial market predators. Investors will be able to buy and sell large quantities of bitcoins without driving the market up and down dramatically and thus may achieve better execution prices. In the meantime, dark pool will help minimize excess volatility therefore protect individual investors. Why dark pool?Ultimately, the key benefit of trading in the dark pool is "price improvement". If an institutional investor places a large block public order to trade on the exchange, financial predators from all over the world will smell an intention spike in orderbook, which may promptly affect the price. While staying in the dark pool, they are not visible to the predators and thus avoid sudden changes in market prices. How much does it cost?Currently there is no extra charge for dark pool orders. Minimum order size is 50 BTC. About is a leading bitcoin platform with rigorous risk management and internal control schemes. Security, liquidity, and service are three attributes that make LakeBTC stand out of the crowd. More and more individual investors, miners, merchants, trading firms and institutions trade bitcoins, manage portfolios and hedge risks on LakeBTC every day.
Edited: I emailed support and received an answer.
How to do with BTC withdrawals SMS verification failed?
most likely it's a carrier specific issue. pls contact customer support.
So this is a exhange for chinese and europe ?
it's for users around the world we support USD and CNY trading as of now