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441  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: September 02, 2014, 05:09:01 PM
Mother of Russian Soldier Killed in Ukraine Confirms Defeat of Russian Motorized Brigade Near Snizhne: 120 Dead, 450 Wounded

This is stated in the article of Novaya Gazeta, Censor.NET reports.

Date of death - "August 13, 2014," place - "point of temporary deployment of military unit 27777," time - "during the performance of military duties, reason - combined injury. Multiple shrapnel wounds of the lower limbs with damage to major blood vessels. Massive blood loss."

"On the night of August 12, a column of 1,200 people entered Ukraine and in the afternoon of the 13th they stopped at the plant in the town of Snizhne, Donetsk region, 15 kilometers from the border. The trucks with weapons and ammunition were placed very close together. On the afternoon of August 13, the column was hit by Grad.

The mother notes that "the boys (fellow soldiers) said that of the 1,200 people, 120 died, and 450 were wounded." "They were somewhere in the back and my Anton was in the front. No trenches, no protection... Panic, some jumped into trucks, scattered in all directions. They got out any way they could..."

"I called the Soldiers' Mothers (organization), and they were like: "18th brigade? 120 dead, we know," that is, I was not the first one to call them," the mother of the killed Russian soldier says.
442  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: September 02, 2014, 04:58:02 PM

During an August 20-22, 2014 visit to Luhansk, under siege by Ukrainian armed forces, Human Rights Watch interviewed more than a dozen people who witnessed or became victims of artillery, mortar, and rocket attacks that killed or injured civilians in populated areas. Many of the attacks appeared to be indiscriminate, in that they did not or could not distinguish between civilians and combatants, Human Rights Watch said. Indiscriminate attacks violate international humanitarian law, or the laws of war.

The precarious security situation in the city made it difficult to conduct full investigations of individual attacks. But interviews with witnesses and victims about the attacks, and Human Rights Watch observations on the ground, suggest that many attacks were unlawful in that the attacking force used weapons in populated areas that could not be targeted with sufficient accuracy to distinguish between civilian and military objects.

Human Rights Watch urged Ukrainian authorities and rebel forces’ commanders alike to order all their respective forces to immediately stop using Grads in or near populated areas, to cease all use of cluster munitions, and to refrain from indiscriminate attacks.

While it was difficult to establish with certainty responsibility for individual attacks amid ongoing fighting, circumstantial evidence indicates that government forces were responsible for many of the attacks Human Rights Watch investigated in the city and that insurgent forces were responsible for several attacks against areas under government control on the outskirts.

Waiting for trolls.
443  Other / Politics & Society / Re: World War III on: September 02, 2014, 04:30:51 PM

Russia to review military policy towards NATO
444  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: September 02, 2014, 03:30:06 AM
Putin says he's not invading Ukraine. Here's a video of Putin's tanks invading Ukraine.

On Tuesday, several days after Russian self-propelled artillery moved into eastern Ukraine in what was clearly a hostile invasion that Vladimir Putin insists is not occurring, someone took a video of some very heavy tanks crashing around an eastern Ukrainian town near the rebel-held city of Luhansk. While they look suspiciously like Russian tanks sent as part of the invasion, Moscow and the pro-Russia rebels have all insisted that any heavy equipment was stolen from or abandoned by the Ukrainian military.

But now military analysts have taken a look at the video and say that at least one of the tanks could only come from the Russian military, apparently settling the issue of whether these are in fact Russian military forces.

Joseph Dempsey, an analyst with the International Institute for Strategic Studies, told the BBC that one of the tanks is something called a T-72BM, a modern variant identifiable by its special "Kontakt-5 Explosive Reactive" armor, and one that Russia has not exported but uses heavily in its own military. That is a new development, and one that suggests not just that Russia is invading, but being increasingly brazen about it.

Dempsey told the BBC, "The Soviet-era tanks operated by the separatists have until now represented those that could have been potentially acquired internally within Ukraine, providing a degree of plausible deniability to any suspected third-party supplier." That degree of plausible deniability is now gone.
445  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: September 02, 2014, 02:07:22 AM
ruSSian Troops Reportedly Massacre Ukrainian Soldiers Waving White Flags

Russian troops reportedly massacred hundreds of Ukrainian soldiers after striking a deal to allow them to retreat.

Reports say that troops loyal to Kiev were trying to leave a beseiged city about 22 miles east of Donetsk. After their Russian enemies agreed to let the troops retreat, they reportedly reneged and opened fire, leaving hundreds of bodies littered along an agreed retreat route.

Lt Col Nikolai Gordienko, of the Ukrainian National Guard, said: “They were given the corridor to exit and they were shot.

“It is a violation of international conventions.”

Reports say that the soldiers were waving white flags when the Russian troops opened fire from all sides.

More than 1,000 Russian troops crossed the border into Ukraine this week, prompting outrage from the international community. World leaders have called for Russia to leave, while also enacting strict economic sanctions against Russia.
446  Other / Politics & Society / Re: World War III on: September 01, 2014, 11:59:35 PM
If Putin goes nuclear

by Tom Nichols

I don’t miss the Cold War, but apparently Russian President Vladimir Putin does. Either that, or he’s now clinically insane.

There aren’t a lot of other explanations for Putin’s nuclear chest-thumping in the past week or so. So far, it’s vintage Putin: swaggering braggadocio about Russia’s nuclear status that isn’t actually linked to a specific threat, but with enough dots to connect that any foreign observer can take his meaning. Like the mobster he is, Putin never directly threatens, but instead talks in circles, sort of the way a loan shark explains the many ways you could have an “accident” if you don’t pay up.

This isn’t as new as it looks. The Soviet and later Russian militaries have always been obsessed with nuclear weapons — yes, even more than the Americans — but mostly, in the last few decades, to compensate for the pitiful state of Russian conventional forces. Apparently, nuclear deterrence has now reverted back to Cold War dice-throwing.

(And by the way, I took a raft of shit was subjected to serious academic criticism for saying in my first book two decades ago that unreconstructed “Sovietism” in the Russian Armed Forces was the biggest threat to post-Cold War peace. I would gladly take an apology from the scholar who led that attack back in the 90s, but he’s dead.)

So what, exactly is Putin on about? Let’s look at this seriously for a moment, as if Putin isn’t a gangster or a lunatic. Is there actually a strategic logic to the use of a nuclear weapon anywhere in this current crisis?

Russian commentator Andrei Piontkovsky thinks that Putin, at least, believes there is. As Paul Goble reports:

Clearly, [says Piontkovsky], Putin does not seek “the destruction of the hated United States,” a goal that he could achieve “only at the price of mutual suicide.” Instead, his goals are “significantly more modest: the maximum extension of the Russian World, the destruction of NATO, and the discrediting and humiliation of the US as the guarantor of the security of the West.”

To put it in simplest terms, Piontkovsky continues, Putin’s actions would be “revenge for the defeat of the USSR in the third (cold) world war just as the second world war was for Germany an attempt at revenge for defeat in the first.”

(To read Piontkovsky’s interview in Russian, go here.)

If Putin is the old-school Soviet thug I now think he is, then his notional plan will look something like this:

1. Provoke a crisis within the current crisis. There are rumors, for example, that the shootdown of MH17 was actually supposed to be the shootdown of a Russian airliner that could then be used as a pretext for invasion. That’s a little too clever for me, but imagine a sudden Russian lunge toward, say, Odessa, and the US and UK take the recent advice of Ben Judah in the New York Times and send troops to hold the airport there. Now we have exactly the NATO-Russia standoff for which Putin has been striving for months.

2. Get some Russian soldiers killed. Make sure it looks right on RT, preferably with Ukrainian soldiers using Western weapons. (Or better yet, with NATO soldiers returning fire on innocent Russian “peacekeepers” and “aid convoys” or whatever idiotic ruse Putin uses the next time.)

3. Use a nuclear weapon. NATO shatters as everyone west of Warsaw loses control of their bladders.

I’m not saying this is a good plan, but it might be the one Putin and his cronies are considering.

Of course, this is pure crazy talk on many levels.

First, I can’t figure out how even Putin thinks he secures the future of Russia by becoming the first nation since 1945 to use nuclear weapons. If the Russian president’s goal is to make the world forget about Hiroshima and Nagasaki, place a permanent stain on the word “Russia” for all time, and united the entire planet against his still-poor, still-weak country, then he is not only unhinged, he’s just plain stupid.

There are other considerations, of course. Exactly what does Putin think he’s going to hit with nuclear weapons? A NATO base in Poland, perhaps? A UK submarine pen? A US ICBM base in Wyoming? This is one of those ideas that probably sounded good after that fourth vodka at 3 am in the Kremlin, hanging out with the boys and getting a shoulder rub from Alina Kabayeva.

Indeed, you can almost see it: jackets open, ties loosened, cigarette smoke hanging in the air, the clink of glasses, the generals and the spooks sitting around smugly talking about NATO having a collective pants-browning over the display of Russian nuclear might.

Unfortunately (for them) it’s not 1974. It doesn’t work that way. No matter how Putin’s team or his courtiers in the Russian media try to spin the story, the first use of a nuclear weapon is still the first use of a nuclear weapon. Russians, raised on the idea that only the bad guys would ever use nukes first, will know exactly what happened. And then they will wait for the cloud of fallout to hit them — as it will within a few days if the target is in European NATO.

And some of them — especially the smarter ones who are already trying to get the hell out of Russia — will wonder why their lives and futures are being sacrificed for the sake of the memory of a country that ceased to exist while they were still toddlers.

How any of this helps Russia is beyond me. Even if the exchange stops at one weapon — and I don’t think any U.S. President needs to retaliate by adding yet more poison to the planet, but that’s just me — Russia will forever be contained by the international community as the Worst Country In The World.

Of course, if Putin thinks the exchange will stop with one weapon, then he’s the most confident gambler since Hitler in 1936. (I’d also bet that the Chinese are probably rooting for Putin to get off the leash and go nuts, because it will allow them to finally get the stink of Mao Zedong’s crazy off of them and make it stick forever to Moscow.)

If the exchange doesn’t stop at one weapon, then the rest is irrelevant, and you and I will likely not be sitting here calmly reading and reflecting on international affairs.

Putin isn’t going to live forever, and after using a nuclear bomb his successors will have two choices: either revert to complete Soviet-like isolation and self-sufficiency in world that will forever hate Russia (and live off pickled herring and apple juice for another century) or abjectly throw the Russian Federation on the mercy of international opinion, and engage in prolonged atonement that would almost certainly require demilitarization of the Russian state and war crimes tribunals for the surviving leaders and generals.

I used to think the chance of any of this was about zero. But of course, that’s the problem with “about zero:” it’s not actually “zero.” Anything that’s not impossible has a finite chance of happening. Putin’s provocations might have only a million to one shot of producing a nuclear event, but if he tries those provocations a million times…well, you do the math. I keep waiting for cooler heads to prevail in Moscow and thought this might have reached some kind of resolution over the summer. But that was 2500 Ukrainian deaths — and one innocent airliner — ago.

Still, I’m used to Soviet…er, sorry….Russian leaders talking about nuclear weapons, and so I’m assuming this is business as usual, circa 1980. But the fact that Putin is willing to throw away Russia’s future for the sake of a Soviet past means that this crisis is not close to being over. It also means that there is no way to deal with this crisis through negotiation: if Putin is so locked in the past that he thinks he can make nuclear threats, he’s not likely to change course now.

I also worry about one more thing, on our side rather than theirs. Putin is taking huge risks based on the idea that Barack Obama is the weakest American president in modern history. The Kremlin has plenty of reason to think so, especially after the graceless powder we took in Syria a year ago. There is no question that President Obama is among the least, uh, decisive leaders the White House has had in a long time, but even weak Presidents can only be pushed so far.

I worry that Putin, like other Soviet — sorry again, Russian, I mean Russian — leaders thinks that America is as leader-centered as Russia is, and will not understand that at some point the American foreign policy establishment will create a response that will totally surprise the Kremlin. That’s how major wars get started, but it’s not clear that Putin knows this, or cares.

copyright and source:
447  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russia invades Ukraine on: September 01, 2014, 10:33:29 PM
ruSSian soldiers killed in Ukraine


funeral of ruSSian soldiers killed in Ukraine


448  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: September 01, 2014, 09:36:40 PM
Novaya Gazeta: death certificate of RU soldier killed on 13.08.2014 in Ukraine
449  Other / Politics & Society / Re: World War III on: September 01, 2014, 08:43:21 PM
Finnish PM says Russia trying to irritate with airspace violation

(Reuters) - Russia is trying to irritate Finland by its repeated violations of Finnish airspace, Prime Minister Alexander Stubb said on Saturday, while playing down suggestions that the Nordic country was edging closer to NATO.
450  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: September 01, 2014, 07:09:56 PM
This works, slowly but surely.
Dozhd has changed its layout and both right and left are photos of Russian soldiers who were sent into Ukraine, got arrested or disappeared... It works like a drop of water on a stone. Drip...drip...drip... And all the time when Putin or Lavrov say their soldiers are not there their faces add one comment: YOU ARE LYING

451  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: September 01, 2014, 06:50:11 PM
Mariupol versus Putin

The representatives of the so-called DNR aren’t concealing that one of their main aims is to seize Mariupol for the second time. This was stated by the “prime minister” of the so-called republic, Oleksandr Zakharchenko, in his interview to Reuters. While Oleh Tsarov explained that the seizure of Mariupol is also necessary due to the town’s strategical stock of grain. “There are no storehouses with food in the territory that is under our control,” complained Tsarov. Mariupol is located only 40 km from Novoazovsk, that was seized by the separatists on August 27, with support from Russia.

Mariupol survived a month under the rule of the DNR, and now the number of the “people’s republic” supporters has decreased significantly. A rally in support of united Ukraine took place on August 28, attended by thousands [of people]. Right now, the citizens of Mariupol are preparing for the defense of their town by digging anti-tank ditches and fortifying the checkpoints together with the servicemen.
452  Other / Politics & Society / Re: World War III on: September 01, 2014, 06:41:33 PM
Vladimir Putin: 'I Can Take Kiev In Two Weeks If I Want'

^ with "peacekeepers" of course

Russia-led military bloc ready to send peacekeepers to Ukraine
453  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: September 01, 2014, 03:14:06 AM
Books by Crimean tatar leader Mustafa Cemilev have been removed from the shelves in bookstores in the Crimea.
The persecution of Crimean Tatars is gathering speed quickly. Indeed, Soviet Union 2.0
454  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: September 01, 2014, 03:03:34 AM
LostIvan: русские солдаты пропавшие в Украине

455  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: September 01, 2014, 02:16:42 AM
Historic Ruble Low: Kremlin invasion of Ukraine sends Russian currency tumbling

Ordinary Russians are paying a high price for their president’s imperial ambitions in Ukraine: the Russian ruble has fallen to an all-time low against the dollar.

tragedy of ruSSian Pskov airborne division

456  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: September 01, 2014, 01:42:23 AM
over 400 injured ruSSian military are in St.Peterburg hospital now
457  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: September 01, 2014, 01:07:10 AM

All these propaganda about Russian soldiers in Novorossia is just to distract everybody that this is an American war because it is commanded by an American general which was fortunately wounded in a special operation.

General Major Key Randy Allen studied in the Reserve Officer Training Corps (University of Oregon). He was a navigating officer in the B-52 jet-powered strategic bomber’s crew and a pilot on the military transport plane. Kee Randy Allen took part in the Pentagon operations in SouthWest Asia, Balkans, and Afghanistan. Afterwards he worked in the US Ministry of Defense and the Headquarters US Air Force, Mobile Air Response Center (Deputy Commander-in-Chief), Directorate of Strategic Plans and Politics of the Joint Staff (Deputy Director for Politics in Western Hemisphere).

 According to the Haldelsblatt, the US has always failed in its wars since the Normandy landing and lost in all the rest like Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc.

It lost the latest one. UKraine is a war of America & it lost again. This is its second defeat from the Russians after the Syrian War where Russian missiles stopped the American missiles bound for Damascus. The War which ended before it began.

it's fun to see a desperation of ruSSian liars Cheesy

dude, probably V.Lukin are from gosdep?
458  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: September 01, 2014, 01:01:04 AM
The moment, the Ukrainian ship explodes after being hit by the Russian jet.

Pagan is not merely a troll but a special agent. His post is  a perfect example of disinformation, complete with a fake photograph (CGI again like the Pentagon pics?)

The boats were hit by artilery from the shore. Fortunately we have a video with sounds.

In this internet age, the old tricks are outdated. I actually found these disinformation offensive to our intelligence.
459  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: September 01, 2014, 12:47:42 AM
And again russian military captured, who "accidentally" entered to Ukraine
460  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: August 31, 2014, 11:42:02 PM
Russian troops storm the Luhansk airport

Ukrainian military had to leave village Georhiivka and retreat from the Luhansk airport.
Reports Ukrinform with reference to the leader of the organization «Just cause» Dmitro Snihiriov.
«Our military had to leave village Georhiivka, situated on route Luhansk — Krasniy Luch — Snizhne to avoid personnel losses.
Also a large part of the garrison, which was holding the Luhansk airport, managed to escape from the airport, which has recently been intensively shelled by Russian artillery.

Judging by the precision of the shelling, these are professional gunners of the armed forces of the Russian Federation. About a hundred fighters are blockaded in underground bunkers and give a desperate resistance,» — said Dmitro Snihiriov.
A large concentration of forces is noticed around town Lutuhino and near town Snizhne on the northern side of the river Severskiy Donets. Looks like in the near future we can expect the assault of these towns.

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