Is Dogecoin a real coin and have a good potential or just pumped because Elon Musk tweets? I mean is that Dogecoin has a good technology and active development... or is a fake coin!!!
Dogecoin is, indeed, a real coin with real technology and development. But that doesn't mean the current market price is justified. The DOGE is currently ranked fifth in terms of market capitalization due to a massive supply. On a technical level, however, there are cryptocurrencies with much superior characteristics that are rated lower than it. The current price is inflated mostly due to current hype, and all investors should exercise extreme caution.
Hello Everyone, I am looking for an campaign manger, for an Bitcointalk campaign on twitter/facebook followers advertising payment.
You can handle your bitcointalk campaign yourself, but it will perform better if you hire an escrow/campaign manager. There are many experienced managers here, and a list of the most popular ones can be found in this post by OcTradism: Find your managers
How far will Dogecoin be pumped before it is dumped?
It all depends on how far or how long Elon Musk pumps it. The crypto industry has exploded this year with investors betting on almost every coin out there. Whether it's Ethereum, Bitcoin, Binance Coin or even Ripple, investors have been flocking to them with most of them being inflated in value. But, I never expected for DOGE to perform this well, and I never considered it a long-term investment. The extent of Dogecoin's PR boost may also hinge on what comes next.
Just imagine if I create 370+ separate topic for each of this website. it is an unnecessary waste of my time and an unnecessary burden on the forum space. I think it's enough to gather all of them in one place. I completely agree. It is much more efficient to compile a list of all related scam sites into a single thread. Still have a waiting list of more than 200+ websites, which wait for some free time to check it and add them to the list.
Perhaps you should start a new thread with a list of all the sites you've encountered so that the rest of us can assist you in identifying scams? I hope this will help someone and save him money.
I'm sure it will.
Samo da vas upozorim Dogecoin je shitcoin i pazite se vlastitih očekivanja.
Nisam pratio, što je Musk sada napravio? hehe! EDIT: Našao sam!
I'm relaying information from this topic, started by TheNineClub:
240$>3800$ didn't understand. I think you mean 0.025=240$. Correct. The principal amount was about $240 at the time, and the total remaining (0.015+0.001*46) is about $3800 now. I don't think it's fair to convert amounts into dollar terms. Especially not in terms of the values they once had. 1 BTC will always equal to 1 BTC. Had bitcoin continued to decline since 2019, this could also have gone in the opposite direction. While I personally oppose such high interest rates, it is up to lenders and borrowers to come to an agreement. I support the flag because I believe that Continuous has violated the contract. At the same time, despite numerous attempts to accommodate him, he leaves a retaliatory negative feedback to shasan.
lol jollygood, save your breath ^^ you have nothing better to do ?
was this your troll accounts ? and how comes your energy into that ? what is your account name? and do you have any unsolved problem ?
if no. then its a pleasure for me to that i give you some spot to redirect some other problems
He may not have a problem personally, but many users still do. How come you have time to belittle one member who devotes most of his free time here to detecting and alerting of various scams, for the benefit of the whole community, but you don't have time to respond to complaints about in the Scam Accusations section?
... Anyone who is interested in donating to my new new forum project should contact me privately. I'd give a dime for that crap! You should put this in a white paper and launch a crowdfunding campaign, or maybe even an ICO / IPO.
One day within the next couple of years I think it just might make it to $1 I don't know anything for sure right now. I haven't learned enough about trading to say how likely it is that DOGE might make it to $1, but it's not impossible at all. If Bitcoin's strength were to decline, and I think it will at some point, this could lead to a new rally in DOGE. More speculative buyers may even try to push the market above $1. Now for the bad news. I think that I see no fundamental driver that would keep DOGE's momentum going at this point. All of the hype over the last few months has been rooted in Elon Musk's shilling. All we know is that he is the only one pumping this altcoin. I'm not sure why. But what do you think will happen if he doesn't resume?
but i do understand what you are saying, its just that i am fully legit and will provide.
I don't want to sound skeptical, but a little more credibility in this forum wouldn't hurt. I understand if you've just recently joined this community, but since you've never posted in the local Croatian community, it's difficult to say whether your offer is genuine or not. Don't take this the wrong way; the crypt community is filled with various attempts of fraud, so we're telling you this in your best interest. At the very least, I recommend that you introduce yourself to the local community. You may also contact some of the respected members and provide details and guarantees in private communication. If all checks out, I'm sure many members will be able to assist you and vouch for you.
Evo, kako je i najavljeno Binance je otvorio trgovanje sa Coinbase Stock tokenom ($COIN). Uz $TESLA token, ovo su za sada jedine dionice dostupne na Binance platformi. Binance will list Coinbase Stock Token (COIN) and open trading for the COIN/BUSD trading pair at 2021-04-15 3:00 PM (UTC). Users will be able to trade fractional Coinbase stock on Binance.
FatFork i dva anona se već druže, uz kavu, pivo, rakiju... (ne nužno tim redom), barem dva-tri puta mjesečno. Ali, znaš kako se kaže: Što nas je više, to je veselije!
Evo, da i ja nastavim ovdje.
Zagreb: FatFork (+2 anonymous-a): 10%
Osijek (ili Našice, Đakovo, Vinkovci, Vukovar): FatFork (+2 anonymous-a): 90%
Ja razmišljam da organiziram nešto u Slavoniji, ako ima dovoljno zainteresiranih...
Naravno da uvijek mora biti netko tko će sve organizirati. Zašto pitaš, volontiraš da ovaj put ti sve organiziraš i pozoveš ekipu? Pa, znaš da sam razmišljao o tome. Samo, koliko vidim iz te teme, većina vas je iz ZG-a, pa se bojim da bi vrlo malo ljudi zbog toga bilo zainteresirano prevaliti malo ozbiljnije kilometraže. Možda se varam. Inače, ideja bi bila organizirati nešto malo više off the grid, u prirodi, daleko od civilizacije.
Što, ja se ne brojim? Haha, da znas da te nisam zaboravio, nego sam nekako za cut off uzeo 1.1.2020, a posto si ti napravio acc 29.12.2019 nisam racnao na tebe, samo sam se krivo izrazio . Kad si se vec javio, daj malo stisni da dodjes do Hero ranka, nije toliko daleko koliko se cini na prvu Da, u pravu si. Nije toliko daleko... Razmišljao sam o tome, ali nemam ideje! Trebam nekakvu temu za istraživanje, pa ako imate bilo kakav prijedlog...
Ja se ne mogu sjetiti niti jednog novog clana koji je napravio account u zadnjih godinu i pol a da je dogurao makar do Full Member ranka (isprije ako takvih ima).
Što, ja se ne brojim? Totalni offtopic ali sada kada pišem o ovome mislim da je stvarno vrijeme da organiziramo neko novo druženje ljudi s foruma čim se dignu korona restrikcije.
To kažeš da kao da ste do sada bili 'on topic'. Nema me samo jedan dan a vi se tu raspisali kao da sutra ne postoji!
Nego da se vratimo na temu druženja... Kako je to bilo organizirano prošli puta? Netko odluči za vrijeme i mjesto i svi koji žele mogu doći? (Moram pronaći tu temu na forumu ako postoji.)
NASDAQ is for big companies like google. Coinbase is sure considered as one for having 100B cap and yes it's no surprise that BTC had also pumped up to $64K just yesterday. Binance had also announced to list the $COIN of coinbase. Does anyone have an idea of the use case of the $COIN?
I don't believe $COIN has a use case. It's a Stock Token. What are Stock Tokens? Stock tokens are tokens that closely track the performance of traditional financial securities, particularly shares of publicly traded companies. Stock tokens are delta-one products that are backed by physical shares. This means for a given instantaneous move in the price of the underlying asset there is expected to be an identical move in the price of the derivative.
None of them are free...
I believe you are mistaken. Both Underscores and Cornerstone, as far as I can tell, are completely free and can be downloaded from GitHub. The Genesis framework is not free, but I can see that it comes with some predefined ready-made templates. I need to look into it further. You're right. Genesis framework is not free; I was wrong about that. If I remember right, I think it was free in the past. However, given how much time it has saved me in developing each new website, I find $50 more than a worthwhile investment. The free templates for Wordpress sucks, to be honest, the only way to have a nice template with Wordpress is by paying for it, and the best site to buy a Wordpress theme is believe you're missing the point of what WP Starter templates stand for. These are core templates for developers, not ready-made templates that you can simply install and use on your website. This is the starting point from which you can create your unique-looking website. Many professionally built templates, including commercial templates available on the envato market, have these starter templates as their foundations. The only way to create a nice site for free is with a HTML template, but for this, we should have basic knowledge about HTML and CSS.
I don't think you're right about this. WordPress is a very popular platform, with tens of thousands of free templates available. True, most of them will not give you full control over changing the design to your requirements and preferences, but it is wrong to say that all free templates are bad. The only way to have full control over design and content is to build your own template from scratch or use the starter templates. Of course, I'm not going to downplay the value of hiring a skilled front-end developer, but that doesn't mean that no one can't create a nice, functional website on their own.
| kampanja ima slobodno mjesto za jednog Hero/Legendary člana. $70 za 20 postova tjedno. Local postovi se broje u tjednu kvotu. We have 1x position open, apply now! kampanja ima slobodnih mjesta za tri Legendary člana. $70 za 20 postova tjedno. Local postovi se broje u tjednu kvotu. 3 Legendary Spots Open
Bull iz 2017. sam pratio onako 'sa strane'... Nisam bio izravno uključen pa sam uglavnom samo čitao vijesti po portalima. Ali, ovo trenutno stanje meni uopće ne izgleda kao 2017./2018. Više mi izgleda kao nekakvo 'zatišje pred buru'.