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4541  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Use of Coporal Punishment over a Child on: October 08, 2022, 04:15:50 PM
The sergeant has more authority and power (generally) than the corporal. Use corporal punishment when necessary, so that sergeant punishment doesn't have to be administered.

In other words, it isn't the punishment that makes the child. It's guidance, so that the kid won't wind up in prison or living on the streets.

4542  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Joe Biden is a senile, old Bitch on: October 08, 2022, 04:09:31 PM

Looks to me that Biden has Trump way trumped regarding failures.

4543  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Power Or Money ? on: October 08, 2022, 04:07:02 PM
^^^ Remember one basic thing. When the Earth was made, there was no money involved. The extreme complexity involved in life around the world was set in place without any money ever being involved. To be able to manipulate things like that is REAL power.

Sure, the way the world is now, we can manipulate a few things if we have money. But even money isn't enough to save anyone from death. Or, do you know of some rich guy who is, say, 300 years old?

I would rather have the power. Money is weak, and only causes dependency without being able to provide REAL power results.

4544  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What can stop the Russia-Ukraine crisis. on: October 08, 2022, 03:58:50 PM

The point is, even though the Russian Bolshevik Revolution was set in place by the US banking system, Russia is one of few countries in the world that is successfully resisting what the US is doing.

Why would anyone want the US that wouldn't even let them get on the plane (Afghanistan) safely. I mean, this part of the US that is involved inn world affairs is screwing people over. Dentists even die over it.

Russia is far from perfect. But at least it has seen through the US banking Ponzi enough that it is resisting the US.

There is so much damage the wars and COVID has already done to the world.
The world is bleeding and there is nothing which can help healing the world - the war lord are trading deaths all over the world at the cost of peace.

You have hit the nail on the head. What I mean is, did you ever notice how nature wants to live? People fight to live. Animals and plants fight to live. Even the few trees that are thousands of years old, have only sustained themselves by being renewed with new parts while the old ones die.

People believe and feel that there is benefit to life. Yet, history shows us that we all died. Or, have you found somebody who is, say, 300 years old... or older, and still alive? I'm not saying that there isn't someone like that. But if there is, it isn't common knowledge.

The point is, God made living things to want to live. And because people are important to Him, He gave them a way to live. The way is by believing in Jesus-salvation. God's Son, Jesus, was strong enough to take the death consequences for all of us, and then to arise from the dead 3 days following His own death.

Now, Jesus, Who is alive, offers life to everybody simply by believing in Him that He is offering this life to everybody. Faith in Him now = eternal life at the Resurrection. No faith in Him now = eternal damnation following the Resurrection.

It's a long story. And I don't like the idea of dying any more than most people. So, get a copy of the Bible in your native language, and start reading (or find someone who will read to you) at the beginning of the New Testament, the Book of Matthew. If you find it hard to believe, consult scholars who can show you that the nation of Ancient Israel was faithful in writing Bible history.

4545  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: October 07, 2022, 10:12:18 PM
Now we lost track of the Belgorod Russian sub. This is the sub with the 6 Poseidon nuclear torpedoes that can cause 1,600 foot high, radioactive tsunami waves if they are detonated off the coast. And they move under water so fast that we can barely track them, to say nothing about defending against them. And we lost track of the sub in polar waters.

Well, that shouldn't really be a big deal, right? After all, ancient Tartaria of the lands that we call Russia and Siberia ruled the world thousands of years ago. Why not again, now?

The Belgorod Nuclear Submarine Was Completely Off Our Radar. Shouldn't We Keep Track of That?

Do you remember those nuclear torpedoes Russia has that TOP covered some time ago? Well, it looks like six of them are "out there," and we had no idea where.

Within the past few days, NATO issued a warning that the Belgorod – the largest submarine built within the past 40 years and equipped with the Russian Poseidon Unmanned Underwater Vehicle – had disappeared from the Arctic Circle.

There is one main theory we've seen covered so far with where the Belgorod is going: it's heading to the Kara Sea, where it's preparing to test the Poseidon in the Arctic Circle.

Whether it is or isn't, this doesn't bode well.

Remember that the Poseidon creates a nuclear tsunami, with a wall of radioactive water 1600 feet high. Also, remember that the Poseidon travels so fast – 108 knots – that it's largely deemed to be unstoppable once it's released.

On October 5th, Naval News confirmed (with quite a bit of sarcasm) that the Belgorod was indeed in the Arctic, in the Barents Sea. However, they could not rule out whether or not the Belgorod was there to perform a nuclear test.

Isn't something this powerful a thing we should keep track of?


4546  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: October 07, 2022, 09:35:09 PM
There goes Zelensky, on his way to starting WW3 or whatever number it really is. What a cocky little son of a gun!

I suppose. What else could he do? The Ukraine is so far lost that he's probably tired of all this playing around. He knows he is going down, so do it with a splash. At least the world will remember him for a week or two.

Power-Mad Brinksmanship: Zelensky Demands "Pre-Emptive Strikes" on Russia

Speaking via video link to the Australian Lowy Institute, Zelensky made his seemingly insane comments in response to a question from Lowy executive director Michael Fullilove.

"Mr. President, in your remarks you mentioned nuclear blackmail," Fullilove said. "Mr. Putin told us the other day that he's not bluffing. So may I ask you, do you believe that the likelihood of the use of Russian nuclear weapons against Ukraine has risen, and what more do you want NATO to do to deter Russia from using nuclear weapons?"

Zelensky replied that NATO should "eliminate the possibility of Russia using nuclear weapons".


Tucker Carlson: This is insane

4547  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: October 06, 2022, 10:12:29 PM

In modern times, there aren't many who are happy with being drafted. In the US, why we aren't drafting people for war ISN'T a mystery. It has to do with the fact that the Dem leaders and Biden are doing everything they can to destroy US preparedness for a REAL fight with ANY other nation. To see this, all you have to do is look at how they are running America's stock of self-defense materials into the ground by sending it into the Ukraine black hole... along with the money of the American people.

As far as billions have died in the past... check out Gobekli Tepe and her sister site, Karahan Tepe, that is even older. According to the latest and best understanding about how old GT is, it's about 11,500 years old. And It is well advanced beyond the prehistory standard that says that 10,000 years ago people were simple hunter-gatherers. Modern archaeology is only scratching the surface regarding how many people have lived in the past, ancient past, and prehistoric past.

According to what modern archaeology is finding out now, is the fact that earth has been populated for a lot longer, by people who were almost as capable of killing each other off as we are today. Up to the point of 2 or 3 decades ago, prehistoric people weren't smart enough to do much of anything beyond inventing the wheel. Now, we are finding that we were wrong in thinking that.

Certainly millions, but as many as billions, of people have died in past times... if you want to believe what modern archaeology has found over the last 2 or 3 decades... even if they don't want to rub their own faces in the realization of their former mistaken ideas.


And Bluesondine cures COVID... same sources (I am asking because you do not mention any). At the risk of wasting a few second of my valuable time on earth, most people do not die killed by other "eye to eye". Take WW II, 55 million civilians, 25 million military. That is what modern warfare looks like. An old warfare sometimes even worse (Romans were well known genocidal).

 Anyway, back to something that is not you and your ego: Today the RF gloriously made a "precision strike" on a building in Zaporiyia. A civilian building with no strategic value whatsoever that was, obviously, in use. Again, this is Mafia rules: senseless killing of civilians that makes no sense: it does not stop the war, does not provide any advantage nor is any other way beneficial for the RF war effort. Senseless destruction that not even animals engage in.

Come on. In all of the hundred years of 1900 to 2000, there were only about 200 million people killed by their own governments. That's nothing compared with the many thousands of years back to and beyond Gobekli Tepe. Besides, the world population in the 1900s was big enough that the murdered-by-war were barely a drop in the proverbial bucket.

I mean, since you have looked at GT a little by now, there weren't merely 1 or 2 million people on earth back then... 11,500 years ago. GT and a whole bunch of other archaeological sites show that there were at least hundreds of millions, and maybe billions. Simply extrapolate a little. And they weren't at all ignorant, even if their thinking was along different lines than ours, scientifically.

As far as Russia making a strike on a civilian area - if they did - they wouldn't have done it if there weren't a war advantage against Ukraine somehow... like Ukraine soldiers hiding behind civilians again, or the civilian structures being used to house Ukraine military equipment of some sort.

That's war. Ukrainian civilians have had months to move out, difficult though it may be for them. If they're going to stay, what can they expect except that some of them are going be casualties in this war? What's interesting is that many of them know that the Ukraine military is using them as shields, but they would rather stay, virtually committing suicide, in their willing allegiance to Russia. "Mother made me what I am. Mother has the right to use me to take out her enemies, even if I die from it."

If it were Russia's aim to kill everybody off in Ukraine, they would have started using tactical baby nukes long ago. All the way back in the 1960s and 1970s the US was making small nukes the size of a breadbox. There is no way that Russia doesn't have technology like that, now.

4548  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russia on the way to zero on: October 06, 2022, 09:42:10 PM
Russia might fail after all. Why? Because they are forcing their troops to get the Covid vax... which will kill them off on a gradual basis.

Anybody heard if Ukraine is forcing its troops like this? If they are, the war is guaranteed to be over soon... as a stalemate... due to nobody being left to do the fighting.

4549  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russia on the way to zero on: October 06, 2022, 04:02:02 PM
No Russian zero here. Rather, extended preparations for the next World War.

New satellite images show Russia's Poseidon nuke-carrying 600ft submarine Belgorod lurking in the Arctic amid fears Putin is planning to carry out a nuclear test

Satellite images show Russia's nuclear submarine has left its White Sea base

The nearly 600ft Belgorod was spotted in the Barents Sea on Sept. 22 and 27

The sub features the Poseidon nuke which can trigger a 1,600ft nuclear tsunami

Putin has threatened the West with nuclear weapons over the war in Ukraine

New satellite images show Russia's huge nuclear submarine, allegedly carrying 'apocalypse' and 'doomsday' weapons, lurking around the Barents Sea as fears grow that Vladimir Putin is planning to carry out a nuclear test.

The nearly 600ft Belgorod submarine has disappeared from its home base in the Arctic Circle and may be on its way to the Kara Sea to test the Poseidon nuke, a NATO warning note leaked over the weekend has suggested.

Satellite images publihsed by Naval News show the submarine is currently operating on the surface in the Arctic.


4550  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Leaders And Readers on: October 06, 2022, 03:54:03 PM
Nobody knows how much understanding of God Russian people have. However, if you look at the cold war history, you will find that many Russians asked the American people for help... because they understood America's people to be Christians.

Many of America's people still are Christians. It's just that they have come to believe that their system of banking and the media is right, as well. This has come about because of the way government has infiltrated their thinking over the years.

The point is, if Putin and the Russian people get back to a correct understanding of God and Jesus-salvation, God will use them to wake up American Christians. The process might not be a happy one. Nobody likes being forced to believe, by the factual evidence, that he was wrong.


"They [the West] are moving toward open Satanism," he said in a speech broadcast to millions online.

Western elites were teaching "sexual deviation" to children who changed their gender, he said. "We're fighting for historical Russia, to protect our children and grandchildren from this experiment to change their souls," he added.

Putin invoked Jesus by name to bear witness to his "truth" and portrayed himself in messianic terms.

"I believe in the spiritual power of the Russian people and my spirit is its spirit, the suffering of the people is my suffering," he said.

"The destruction of the Western hegemony is irreversible," Putin added, as he neared the climax of his oration.

Putin also blamed "Anglo-Saxons", referring to the UK and US, for blowing up two Russian gas pipelines to Germany this week — in a potential casus belli with Nato.


4551  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: October 06, 2022, 03:12:26 PM


I am against war and killing. You have been justifying the RF aggression because is "a fight against capitalism".

It's wonderful to see this attitude. Many of us who have had reasonable life success are not really in favor of this attitude.

In history, especially before the advent of the gun, many people (millions or billions) have looked into the eyes of the person running the sword through their abdomen, and saluted their enemy mentally, before they died and existed no longer.

Millions - maybe billions. So, I salute you that you can have this 'peace' attitude, even if (as) it kills you.


Obviously, I am against it, it is not that I am blind to the world nor understand the use of violence and that you cannot accept being killed or enslaved without a fight. Well, unless you are an RF citizen being recruited, they seem to be fine with it.

Oh, you having reasonable success... bullshit if you say thinks that "billions have died looking at the bla bla..." but I will not waste time educating you on who, why and how many die in wars, your assertions have the same sense as all your other mumbling.

In modern times, there aren't many who are happy with being drafted. In the US, why we aren't drafting people for war ISN'T a mystery. It has to do with the fact that the Dem leaders and Biden are doing everything they can to destroy US preparedness for a REAL fight with ANY other nation. To see this, all you have to do is look at how they are running America's stock of self-defense materials into the ground by sending it into the Ukraine black hole... along with the money of the American people.

As far as billions have died in the past... check out Gobekli Tepe and her sister site, Karahan Tepe, that is even older. According to the latest and best understanding about how old GT is, it's about 11,500 years old. And It is well advanced beyond the prehistory standard that says that 10,000 years ago people were simple hunter-gatherers. Modern archaeology is only scratching the surface regarding how many people have lived in the past, ancient past, and prehistoric past.

According to what modern archaeology is finding out now, is the fact that earth has been populated for a lot longer, by people who were almost as capable of killing each other off as we are today. Up to the point of 2 or 3 decades ago, prehistoric people weren't smart enough to do much of anything beyond inventing the wheel. Now, we are finding that we were wrong in thinking that.

Certainly millions, but as many as billions, of people have died in past times... if you want to believe what modern archaeology has found over the last 2 or 3 decades... even if they don't want to rub their own faces in the realization of their former mistaken ideas.

4552  Other / Politics & Society / Re: To Russia, and in regards to the Nord Stream Issues on: October 06, 2022, 02:41:06 PM
Germany has a second chance at Russian gas. God doesn't want His many faithful people in Germany and Europe to be destroyed... not even by freezing to death. He wants to save His faithful people all over the world... even in America and Europe.

Special Report: One of the Nord Stream 2 Pipelines was Undamaged

According to Bloomberg News, the incompetent US military failed to blow up one of the lines of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.  Germany now has an opportunity to escape the energy deprivation the government has placed on Germany by ceasing to comply with US Russian sanctions and signing off on the opening of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

The only question is whether the German officials are paid enough by Washington to sacrifice the German economy for their own self-enrichment.

Of course, the US might return to the scene of its crime and finish off the line it missed, but this might finally provoke some retaliatory action from the Goody Two Shoes in the Kremlin.


4553  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: October 05, 2022, 01:52:11 PM
Out for a while.  Got back and re-evaluating.  I feel it time for another explainer on what is actually going on for those who get most of their info from the [J/N]ews.


I think you are too conservative. It seems that Russia's submarine, the Belgorod, has left port and is sailing... where?

If this is only a Russian test, great. But we don't know that. Of course, the US navy doesn't reveal most of what they know.

The point being that the Belgorod might be moving into position to launch its Poseidon torpedoes... if it hasn't already launched them, and the Belgorod is simply out there watching over its 'brood'.

Anyway, this whole Russia vs. US thing is becoming very unfunny.


I am against war and killing. You have been justifying the RF aggression because is "a fight against capitalism".

It's wonderful to see this attitude. Many of us who have had reasonable life success are not really in favor of this attitude.

In history, especially before the advent of the gun, many people (millions or billions) have looked into the eyes of the person running the sword through their abdomen, and saluted their enemy mentally, before they died and existed no longer.

Millions - maybe billions. So, I salute you that you can have this 'peace' attitude, even if (as) it kills you.

4554  Other / Politics & Society / Re: To the results of the Russian-Ukrainian war on: October 04, 2022, 11:17:03 PM
Guys, if you stopped quoting each other in every single post, you'd make the thread almost readable and much shorter Wink
Quoting 3 last posts makes no sense if there's only 2 of you talking...

Sorry. Embarrassed

4555  Other / Politics & Society / Re: To the results of the Russian-Ukrainian war on: October 04, 2022, 09:41:04 PM

No. You didn't understand again.

Ukraine is 20% smaller than it was at the beginning of 2022.

Russia is larger by taking over what Ukraine lost.


Not lost, but Russia took away.

Ukraine lost it because they were antagonizing Russia since 2014. Russia is simply doing something about it. If you want to tease the big Russia guy, you are going to get results. And that is what Ukraine did and got.

4556  Other / Politics & Society / Re: It's time to expel Russia from the UN on: October 04, 2022, 09:38:16 PM
Any honest country wouldn't be part of the UN. What's the matter with Russia that they are hanging in there so long? A little leverage, maybe. But is it worth it? The UN, one of the most corrupt, useless organizations in the world... designed to fool people of participating countries into the idea that there is good in working evil together.


No Country, Nation, State or Institution is corruption free in the world. Yes UN is corrupt because of the world politics that is involved in the organisation. But upon all the corrupt practices in in the organization UN still does a good work for stable world order and peaceful co-existence in the world market.

Russia would have stopped the war by seen that Ukrain is not up to their level of power contest. I did not say what Russia did is bad because I noticed that Russia is also trying to create bipolar system which USA might not agree with them. Russia is trying to maintain the communist society which I also like it.

Russia should cease fire... we need peace. Let peace reign.

But look at the nations of Europe around Russia. How many of them are NATO nations? Loads.

Does Russia have an organization like Nato that it has spread around the US? No.

So, who is the aggressor? The one who can advertise the most. US media says Russia bad, bad, bad; US/Nato good, good, good. People don't even look or think. They simply believe the media.

4557  Other / Politics & Society / Re: To the results of the Russian-Ukrainian war on: October 04, 2022, 09:29:35 PM

I didn't respond to your post to move the topic aside. I was trying to figure out how your post fits your topic.

The point 'To the results of the Russian-Ukrainian war' is that Russia is larger, and Ukraine is about 20% smaller... no matter what your rant in the OP says.


OK. Russia is 20% larger than Ukraine. Far what? Плoxo paбoтaeтe, Пyтин нe зaплaтит.

No. You didn't understand again.

Ukraine is 20% smaller than it was at the beginning of 2022.

Russia is larger by taking over what Ukraine lost.

4558  Other / Politics & Society / Re: To the results of the Russian-Ukrainian war on: October 04, 2022, 08:22:51 PM

It's your personality within your posts that makes it hard to understand what you are saying... even the topic.


However, you find something to comment on and every time you try to move the topic aside.

I didn't respond to your post to move the topic aside. I was trying to figure out how your post fits your topic.

The point 'To the results of the Russian-Ukrainian war' is that Russia is larger, and Ukraine is about 20% smaller... no matter what your rant in the OP says.

4559  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The Origin of the Ikwere's on: October 04, 2022, 08:09:21 PM
How accurate is the 2005 movie 'Sahara'?

Sahara (2005) - Trailer

4560  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russia on the way to zero on: October 04, 2022, 07:53:18 PM

I meant 'good', in the sense of 'capable'. They are good at being a passport, because they have a self-imposed imperial world view (you said). Others must agree with them if they, as a passport, operate as an acceptable passport. Capable.

To tell the truth, I did not understand anything. But you continue to actively participate in my topics. As they say, the main thing is participation. It's the only thing you're good at. Waiting for an answer.

Is this topic your topic? If it is, get the mods to delete my posts out of it, if you don't like them. Or do it yourself. Otherwise it's simply a forum topic... and anybody can answer.

Ask somebody how to make a topic yours so you can delete posts in it.

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