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4581  Other / Politics & Society / Re: [POV] War in Ukraine (I will answer your questions). on: June 11, 2022, 05:42:59 PM
All you Ukraine sympathizers are being duped.

The Ukraine war is a racket

“War is a racket, wrote US Maj. General Smedley Butler in 1935. He explained: “A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small ‘inside’ group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.”

(Article by Ron Paul republished from

Gen. Butler’s observation describes the US/NATO response to the Ukraine war perfectly.

The propaganda continues to portray the war in Ukraine as that of an unprovoked Goliath out to decimate an innocent David unless we in the US and NATO contribute massive amounts of military equipment to Ukraine to defeat Russia. As is always the case with propaganda, this version of events is manipulated to bring an emotional response to the benefit of special interests.

One group of special interests profiting massively on the war is the US military-industrial complex. Raytheon CEO Greg Hayes recently told a meeting of shareholders that, “Everything that ‘s being shipped into Ukraine today, of course, is coming out of stockpiles, either at DOD or from our NATO allies, and that’s all great news. Eventually we’ll have to replenish it and we will see a benefit to the business.”

He wasn’t lying. Raytheon, along with Lockheed Martin and countless other weapons manufacturers are enjoying a windfall they have not seen in years. The US has committed more than three billion dollars in military aid to Ukraine. They call it aid, but it is actually corporate welfare: Washington sending billions to arms manufacturers for weapons sent overseas.


4582  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Sudden Adult Death Syndrome: ... Healthy People Dropping Dead At Alarming Rate on: June 11, 2022, 05:26:33 PM
Down under deaths are rocketing since the whole country (almost) has been jabbed.

Uh oh. The mass Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccination” campaign in Australia did not produce the results that were promised.

Instead of turning the land Down Under into a covid-free utopia, the injections, which almost everyone in the country received because they were forced in most areas, have triggered a wave of death that is showing no signs of slowing any time soon.

On May 25, the Australian government reported that deaths throughout the country were 21 percent above normal in early 2022. Excluding even the deaths that were blamed on “covid,” the death rate in Australia was still 10 percent above normal.

But wait! Were not the jabs supposed to decrease deaths? That is what was promised, after all. The reality, though, is quite starkly the opposite of what was promised.


4583  Other / Politics & Society / Sudden Adult Death Syndrome: ... Healthy People Dropping Dead At Alarming Rate on: June 11, 2022, 05:21:51 PM
Covid vaxx results are starting to be seen and felt by everyone. Watch the video at the site.

Sudden Adult Death Syndrome: Young, Healthy People Dropping Dead At Alarming Rate

Doctors around the world are suddenly warning the public about a strange and mysterious rise in “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome,” a condition where, apparently, young previously-health adults can suddenly drop dead of heart failure. They’re warning about it in the UK, and in Canada, and here in the US as well.

Before 2020, there were never more than 10, and typically fewer than five, sudden on-the-field deaths among high-level athletes. Suddenly, in 2021, there were more than three hundred such cases, and more of them are pouring in this year.

Look around this country and pay attention, and it’s clear. People are dropping dead, a lot more than they used to.

According to the CDC’s data, all-cause mortality in the United States, in the first three months of this year, was up 21 percent over the rate from 2015 through 2020. In fact, mortality this spring is higher than mortality from the first quarter of last year. That’s despite a whole year of rolling out the vaccines that were supposedly going to save all our lives. The vaccines didn’t make a difference at all. If anything, they made things worse.


4584  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The KRAKEN rises, meaning the 2020 election fraud is being corrected. on: June 11, 2022, 05:04:03 PM
^^^ Have they arrested the Capitol cops who ushered the people in?

4585  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: June 11, 2022, 05:00:43 PM
Russia is only doing an UN approved police action

Must be some Russian knock-off version of UN that "approved" it. Don't be shy, give us the link to the Kremlin conspiratard blog that fed you this bullshit.

Here are two sites:

Do your own search to find many more.

Did the UN Security Counsel admonish Putin?

4586  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Police action proves unborn babies are alive and worth protecting on: June 11, 2022, 04:33:17 PM
To be fair it's about 8 mos old, they couldn't really use the "blood clot" argument against it. And even if it was and that there are debates whether when it becomes "life," (which I'd rather not get into) I prefer to base it on the accountability of the action.

Look, if a woman don't want the baby, she gets to aborts it coz it's a "body part" of her she can terminate. If she wants it, even if the guy don't, she gets to keep it coz it's her "child". It's either "not human" or "human," it can't be both. Its status shouldn't be based on just whatever happens to be convenient for the mother.

The body part happens to be another person. However, if we can't tell for sure, let's make the mistake on the side that is right... assume that abortion is murder. That way we won't be killing somebody accidentally.

There might be many women who don't have sex until they are married and have a home for the baby. But there are almost countless numbers of women, young and old, who are out there enticing guys all over the place to have sex with them. Stop this, so that they aren't enticed later to have an abortion, and maybe kill their own child.

4587  Other / Politics & Society / Re: [POV] War in Ukraine (I will answer your questions). on: June 11, 2022, 04:16:18 PM
Even though this war is very personal to me, and even though I feel like I have to stay objective, I can't stand the mess you've made here anymore (although I must admit I'm still mad at some brainless individuals). I will continue to post, but until then the thread will remain closed. (Video of burnt equipment) (Detailed animated 3D map)

In addition, while you were arguing here, I visited Kyiv and did some useful things (but more on that later).

Well, I can understand your anger. Now if you would only realize that some bad, bad leaders in the Ukraine are the cause of the war, and that by supporting them, you are doing it to yourself.

Russia being blamed for locking up Ukrainian ports so grain cannot be shipped, but it’s actually Kyiv’s fault for dropping mines in the waters

While it’s true that Russia did invade Ukraine after building up its forces for several months, not much else about the war there that we’re being told by Kyiv-friendly Western media is accurate.

For instance, Russia is being blamed for ‘blocking Ukrainian grain shipments,’ thereby ‘worsening the food shortage around the world,’ but in fact, Russia has been working with the United Nations and anyone else who will listen to unblock the grain. Only, Kyiv isn’t cooperating.

In fact, Ukraine has mined ports and harbors previously used for exports including grain, and Russia is in talks to try and get them de-mined so much-needed grain can begin flowing to the neediest parts of the world again.

Zero Hedge notes:

For days the United Nations has been in (so far unsuccessful) talks on cobbling together an agreement on plans to unblock Black Sea grain exports from Ukrainian ports, including controversial discussions with Russia, which has stood accused of ‘weaponizing’ global food supply with its military blockade of key ports. Moscow has in turn charged that Ukraine said ports, making tanker traffic impossible, while also saying the West must ease sanctions if it hopes to get crucial grain exports flowing again.

UN officials have said President Vladimir Putin’s offer to lift the blockade if sanctions are dropped is “complicating” the already “fragile” negotiations. Washington has been watching with skepticism.

“The bottom line is that, apart from leveraging overland routes, we need to get the ports back up and running so we can boost food supplies for those most in need,” a State Department spokesperson said in weekend comments.

Earlier this week, Moscow reportedly reached an agreement with Turkey to build a de-mined “grain corridor” that provides safe passage for Ukrainian cargo ships hauling grain off of the Black Sea port of Odessa, under joint military escort.

4588  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: June 11, 2022, 04:02:49 PM
Besides, this is typical propaganda move:
Die Welt - June 5, 2022
Edward Luttwak
"The curious and strange thing about Russia is that even if it didn't have nuclear weapons, it would be impossible to achieve a Ukrainian victory in the sense that the Russians would be forced to withdraw completely, maybe even from Crimea".

Edward Luttwak is telling that this is unlikely that Ukraine will free Crimea. And kremling puppet Veleor trying to show it as an example for statement "Ukraine is unlikely to get victory". Trying to use verbaly similar thesis to prove his statement.
Far example: I'm telling "Oh, i can't jump up to the Moon" , Veleor: "Johhny tells us that he can't jump"

Ha ha Edward Luttwak, my himself, told pretty the sama things as me here:

Russia is only doing an UN approved police action, same as the US has been doing around the world for decades. That's why the US isn't becoming formally involved this time, even though they are handing over all kinds of money and armament to the Ukraine on the sly.

Do you think those police actions were something that the people of many of those countries loved? Of course not. They died for their rebellious activities, just like what's happening to Ukraine.

Here's what some American soldiers think about all the police actions they were forced into on behalf of the UN police-keeping policies. Don't blame Russia that they are being forced into doing the same things. Rather, back off and listen-to/obey Mother Russia.

The following video is kinda old.

Norwegian Soldiers Lip Sync to "Kosovo" - MUST SEE! [CC]

4589  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Build yourself on: June 11, 2022, 03:42:57 PM
Don't build yourself. Rather, deny yourself and build Jesus instead. Build Jesus by telling people the great news, that there will be a resurrection to eternal life for all who trust in Him. If you do this, Jesus will build you into greatness in Heaven, as thanks, for all the people you brought to Him.

Start by filling yourself on the words of the Bible. Start with the Gospels at the beginning of the New Testament.

Build Jesus, and you will be building yourself in the only way that counts.

4590  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Police action proves unborn babies are alive and worth protecting on: June 11, 2022, 03:15:00 PM
Is a fetus a child the day before it is born? How about the hour before it is born? It is a child all the way back to conception, because nobody has the ability or right to truly determine the dividing line between fetus (or other) and child. Actually, fetus is simply a stage in a person's life.

When a woman allows herself to be in a position of becoming pregnant, her body is no longer hers. She has accepted a sacred trust for the baby she bears. The man is the grantor. The woman is the trustee. The child is the beneficiary. And as long as the woman understands this, she will easily receive help from God to bear the child; this help is built into nature, and is there for believers and unbelievers alike... for the benefit of the child.

There are a lot of things that are wrong with this world, because of freedom and because of sin. Someone has said: "Might makes right." That's not true. Might or strength only makes what happens. Often it is very wrong. Pregnancy only makes the woman a trustee of the property being built inside her to be given to the child/beneficiary. Her body is no longer her own for 9 months.

This subject has been hashed around for a long time. Voluntary abortion, when there are no extenuating circumstances, is first degree murder, no matter what the laws or the courts say.

4591  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why USA Should Supply more Offensive Weapons to Ukraine on: June 10, 2022, 10:24:47 PM
Congress isn't so dumb that they don't know the below stuff. Rather, they need something like this for one very important reason. The whole fiat USD money and banking system is a Ponzi. While it looks like give-away money to us, there is a really intricate mess of borrowing and loaning money going on here. It keeps the Federal Reserve Bank alive. I mean, we wouldn't want all those oil dollars to suddenly become worthless, now would we.

ENDLESS LIES: Top Ukrainian official admits to lying about Russians raping Ukrainians in effort to obtain more weapons from West

After being removed from her position for lying about Russian soldiers raping Ukrainians, former Ukrainian Parliamentary Commissioner for Human Rights Lyudmila Denisova finally fessed up to making up the fairy tale in an attempt to score more weapons from the West.

In a vote of no confidence that was passed in a 234 to 9 vote, Denisova was pulled from the position and shamed for spreading misinformation that “only harmed Ukraine,” according to parliament member Pavlo Frolov. Denisova presented “numerous details of ‘unnatural sexual offenses’ and child sexual abuses in the occupied territories [that] were unsupported by evidence,” he added.

In a later interview with a Ukrainian news outlet, Denisova admitted that she manufactured lies on purpose and that they were successful in convincing Italy, which is the example she used, to procure Ukraine more weapons to fight against Russia.

“When, for example, I spoke in the Italian parliament at the Committee on International Affairs, I heard and saw such fatigue from Ukraine, you know? I talked about terrible things in order to somehow push them to make the decisions that Ukraine and the Ukrainian people need,” Denisova explained.

Italy’s Five Star Movement, she went on to reveal, was originally “against the provision of weapons to us, but after my speech, one of the party leaders … said that they will support [Ukraine], including by the provision of weapons.”
CNN and the Washington Post both spread Denisova’s lies (among many others)

Even though it was easily verifiable that Denisova was pulling these rape stories out of her behind, fake news giants such as CNN and the Washington Post ran them, repeating them ad nauseum to their scant viewers.

“The media was quick to put this woman’s BS claims out, but couldn’t care less about correcting the record,” wrote Chris Menahan from Information Liberation about the travesty that is Western “news.”


4592  Other / Politics & Society / Re: How long Putin can continue this nonsense war?! on: June 10, 2022, 10:10:39 PM
I believe in less than three months Putin's kingdom is over , what do  you think?

False. Russia will hit until it will be able to do so. For russia (not only for Ukraine, yep) this was is existential. If it will fail - for russia this will means an and and country (as we know it) will collapse.
That rare case when I agree with you. Russia does not have much choice to continue or end, there is too much at stake.

The Ukraine is so fragmented with little, local political groups, and even groups claiming they are the real Ukraine, that it is amazing that her soldiers are as strong as they are. All they keep saying over to themselves is, this is for Ukraine. They don't really even know what that means, since so many of them have Russian friends and relatives.

4593  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why USA Should Supply more Offensive Weapons to Ukraine on: June 10, 2022, 04:53:42 PM
But without proper training (and not a daily course) Ukraine army with high-tech weapons will be mishitting everything as stormtroopers Cheesy

The best training - is on the battlefield. USA and other countries before supplying weapons to Ukraine, teach out soldiers at first. And after that our army practicing against orcs hordes  Cool

So yeah, the best way to teach ukrainian military is to provide more heavy weaponry to it.

It's so sad that all these nice, young, Ukrainian soldiers have to die in training, but what else could anyone expect? Wishes and hopes don't make what is happening. And what is happening is that the part of the Ukraine that has become corrupt is failing. But the whole war is a cover for other things that are going on.

Ukraine President's Inner Circle Buying Multi-Million $ Mansions in Switzerland!

Oh, and how are they affording $9 million for those houses?  Is U.S. "foreign aid" being stolen so they can buy multi-million dollar mansions?

Like most countries, Switzerland has land registry records showing who owns a particular property, how much it sold for, and what taxes are paid on it.  Extracts from those land registries can be accessed by the general public.

Among the owners of luxury real estate in the country of banks and alpine meadows, are high-ranking officials from Zelensky's entourage.

We begin with Dmitry Razumkov, a Ukrainian politician and former Chairman of the Verkhovna (Legislature).

According to land registry extract Mr. Razumkov seems to have bought himself a luxurious home for 8,954,621.00 Swiss Francs, which are about equal to the value of a U.S. Dollar.  His name is at the bottom of the property sale record:


4594  Other / Politics & Society / Re: [POV] War in Ukraine (I will answer your questions). on: June 10, 2022, 04:45:29 PM
I mean unstoppable Russian hypersonic weapons that can easily destroy city blocks

The main problem that there to few of such weapons in russia.
For example, X-32 missile has a velocity around 3,5—4,6M. But the main problem that there around 30-40 such missiles (!!!). If orcs will use them all, they will be without such weapon at all. This rocket uses western parts in it, so there will be no more new missiles X-32 anymore. Only what's left.

And the same story with all new weaponry in Russia.
The main "working horse" of the war - Kalibr cruise missile, late soviet project, mainly was built since 1994 , when there were no sanctions at all (the same story with Iskander ballistic rockets). And we can't see any new (which was announced after 2014) weapons on the battlefield in significant numbers. Why so? The answer is easy: sanctions after 2014. And after 2022 I doubt that russian will be able to built even 5 missiles in year.

So the answer for your question can be enough simple: orcs and their rules - gnomes, just economize their few modern missiles and rockets.
It would be to my advantage to leave you in the dark about the true state of things, but I'll say it anyway. The main workhorse of Russia now is cannon artillery, and ammunition supplies are almost unlimited. Of the missile weapons, the main workhorse is the X101 air-launched cruise missile. However, since it has no export analogue, the sea-based Caliber missile, which became the main star of the operation in Syria and remains the main star of the operation in Ukraine, took all the glory of high-precision missile strikes (there was even a special term "calibrate"). I don’t want to upset you, but Russia’s stocks of these missiles are quite large and are constantly replenished.


Further, by this time, Russia which has never stopped preparing for self defense, not only knows how to build most of the West's military machinery for itself, also has added war machinery that it has developed, and that is different that that of the other nations.

4595  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Re: The KRAKEN bobs lifelessly on the P&S board on: June 10, 2022, 04:38:01 PM

If they're far anything, they aren't main stream - by definition.

When the mainstream is far left, and the definitions of it are far left... well, you don't need me to explain it to you.


This isn't about anyone's definitions of anything, it's about your apparent inability to understand a basic concept.

My child. The basic concept in response to your post is, you don't really have anything to say, or you might have expressed it. So, I will express it for you.

The Revelation in the Bible has foretold about the great Dragon coming back up from the abyss (death) to rule the world for a short time. He will gather the armies of the world together to prepare to fight Jesus when He returns as He promised.

There will be some small "camps" of Christians left on earth at that time. They will be protected by the Holy Spirit, so the Dragon will ignore them in his building up of his military.

What does the Dragon stuff have to do with this thread or the immediate posts, here? The Dragon has risen or is about to arise. His people will prepare the way for him by shutting down what is good and right as much as they can. In other words, it is war, and always has been war, between good and evil.

Good will be forcing its way through in the form of the Kraken for a while. Then the Dragon's evil will force its way through for a while. Trump's stolen election was simply the evil on the rise again.

The question for you and me is where will we stand?... with the Dragon or with Jesus. Because Jesus will beat the Dragon and his people, firmly, and decisively in the end. In fact, the only real reason why the Dragon is allowed up from the abyss at all is so he can be marched down the hall to the permanent execution chamber... the Lake of Fire.

4596  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Joe Biden is a senile, old Bitch on: June 10, 2022, 12:27:03 AM
The smart rats are jumping ship as the Dems go down with their hero.

More Members Of White House Press Team Departing As Biden Approval Rating Hits Record Low

This is the largest gap to President Trump's job approval rating at this point in their terms...

Interestingly, as reports, Biden's diminishing standing should be alarming to Democrats working to hold control of Congress in the midterm elections this fall.

While Biden's decline has not yet dragged down approval for most Democratic incumbents on the Senate side of the aisle, studies have shown an increasing association between a party's House performance and their president's job approval rating.

Perhaps that is why, as The Epoch Times' Katabella Roberts reports, a number of key staff members of the White House press office have left their roles in the past week amid reports of tensions behind the scenes.

Mike Gwin, who has been the White House rapid response director since January 2021, will depart to become the deputy assistant secretary for public affairs at the Treasury Department, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre announced on Tuesday.

"On a sad note, our dear friend and colleague, Michael Gwin, will be leaving us for Treasury, where he will serve as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs," Jean-Pierre said during a press briefing while praising Gwin for "responding to the most challenging and difficult issues imaginable" during his time in the press office.

"Yet, amidst these often emotionally-wrenching stories, Gwin's poise and moral clarity are unfailing, and his willingness and ability to step up has made him an indispensable member of the team," she continued.

White House press assistant Michael Kikukawa is also leaving to serve in public affairs at the U.S. Treasury, Jean-Pierre confirmed.


4597  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Monkeypox, are you vaccinated ? on: June 09, 2022, 11:38:25 PM
Am not one of those who criticize the government but truth be told the government has acted wickedly to her citizens and they deserve not to be trusted by no one, not even for health nor any issues that has to do with human life, locking her citizens in the case of Covid was bad and right now people who they strongly influenced with fear to accept and take the Vaccine is not getting better . Am no fan of the government and I wouldn't advise no one to take and shit called vaccine just live your life without fear.
Don't tell me you still have a single trust for the government all this year after their irresponsible, callous, and selfish behavior. This is the reason why i respect Satoshi for making the decision for creating something unique for humanity.
Having said that, about the issue of the Monkeypox what i read was there's no actual vaccine for it but (VIG) vaccinia immune globulin is used to control its outbreak.

Many US States and small governments around the world are rejecting the world's official ideas on monkeypox. We can see this in their fight against the new WHOs world Pandemic Treaty.

WHO Do You Think You Are? Nations Reject Pandemic Treaty

All the world leaders supporting the Great Reset were eager to relinquish complete power to the World Health Organization (WHO). The WHO wanted to seize the ability to force health mandates on the global population. The Pandemic Treaty would have allowed the WHO to bypass national laws and implement their will on the people.

A message from the WHO:

    The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed gaps in the governance, financing and systems needed to keep the world safe from epidemics and pandemics. There is an emerging global consensus around the need for an international treaty or other legally binding instrument, to provide the framework for a more coherent and coordinated response to future epidemics and pandemics.

Botswana was the first nation to say, "NO." Then the entire continent of Africa declined to join the treaty, which is no surprise considering that these health organizations use their nations and people for experimental purposes. Russia, India, China, South Africa, Iran, Malaysia, and Brazil also rejected the treaty.

"National sovereignty is not something to be handed over to WHO or other entities and to be renounced just to join a club of seemingly advanced nations," Brazil's Bolsonaro said after threatening to exit the WHO. Former President Trump attempted to exit the WHO, but Joe Biden dragged America back into the organization. Trudeau does not care about the Canadian people and has continued to fight Parliament tooth and nail to hand his nation to Schwab on a silver platter.


4598  Other / Politics & Society / Re: How long Putin can continue this nonsense war?! on: June 09, 2022, 11:20:15 PM
Really depends on what Putin is able to sell as a win domestically. There's a lot of Russian losses, sure, but Ukranians are hurting too, and Putin's territorial gains in the East are non-trivial. If the Donbas is secured + a land corridor to Crimea, and he can get some kind of negotiated promise of Ukranian neutrality re: joining NATO, then that might be enough to sell domestically as a win.

Remember, Russians have historically tolerated leaders that have racked up high domestic body counts, but have been less tolerant of leaders perceived as weak. Hence, Putin's survival lies in being able to spin a tale of victory.

Stalin essentially destroyed the Soviet Union by doing just that. The leaders after Stalin couldn't stop the fall of the U.S.S.R.

In the new Russia, Putin and those before him don't/didn't operate like that. They recognize the Stalin failure, and are doing things differently... because they don't want national failure to happen again.

Putin is having success because he is doing it based (more or less) on free trade... or was until the sanctions. His reactions to the sanctions are showing us that his free trade is stronger than US/Europe sanctions.

4599  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: June 09, 2022, 11:15:33 PM

Do not complaint after for the payback. Killing a POW by deciding that he is a "terrorist" calls for equal terms for the captured RF orcs. Not that you care about them, I know, I am just saying this for those who may be considering joining the RF army.

Just so that I am clear: Anyone joining the RF army must know that their government is executing POWs and that is likely to end badly for any RF soldier captured.

So now you think it is execution for POWs when Ukraine commanders are ordered to shoot any of their own soldiers that surrender, or even look like it.

4600  Other / Politics & Society / Re: [POV] War in Ukraine (I will answer your questions). on: June 09, 2022, 11:10:58 PM
Let's not forget Russia did not send Kamikaze passenger planes into these buildings, but rockets, which cause a totally different type of destruction.
The nature of the destruction from Russian sea- and air-launched missiles used in Ukraine is fairly well known. Most likely, the photographs show traces of destruction from downed Russian missiles, for which we must thank the Ukrainian missile defense system.

Deny, give fake info, repeat all common places about the RF capabilities... RF does not have enough precision weapons to wage this war, nor they care much about the civilian damages. You are bot repeating official propaganda over and over despite massive evidence of how the Psychos that direct the RF army specifically using tactics that destroy cities without any sense. Seen in Aleppo, seen in Mariupol and seen anywhere the orcs set foot.

Even the most stupid of Adolf Putin's orc followers knows that the RF army is just a cheese grinder that can't tell their own mouth from their ass when shelling.

We'd really like you to go back to Russia so you can find more info to feed us. Grin

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