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461  Local / Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia) / Re: MEMAKNAI COIN/TOKEN DI ALAM YANG NYATA on: July 26, 2021, 02:05:24 PM
Terimakasih gan sudah mengingatkan, jika memang ini dianggap pelanggaran sebaiknya saya ikuti saran anda, untuk menjaga kestabilan agar tidak terjadi pelanggaran, jika pun saya memiliki referensi, namun sifatnya berbahaya, maka sebaiknya saya indahkan saran anda
Percuma saja agan memindahkan thread kalau memang posting diatas agan ambil dari situs web lainnya yang agan modifikasi maka itu masih akan dinamakan plagiat. Jadi jika agan memiliki referensi mungkin bisa langsung tambahkan di akhir thread. Jadi intinya thread dipindahkan + referensi, itu saja gan.

Btw, coba perbaiki lagi quote nya biar tampak benar.
Ini murni tulisan saya, bukan di ambil dari postingan orang, saya hanya ingin memberikan pandang sesuai apa yang saya fikirkan, memang tulisan ini tidak saya bagikan dimana pun kecuali disini, sehingga saya tidak mampu menghadirkan referensi dalam bentuk link, tetapi saya tegaskan ini adalah tulisan saya sendiri
462  Local / Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia) / Re: MEMAKNAI COIN/TOKEN DI ALAM YANG NYATA on: July 26, 2021, 01:57:38 PM

Dalam banyak kisah, coin/token sering menunjukkan sikap yang tidak ramah dengan orang, mereka lebih cenderung tidak setia dan selalu berubah-ubah pada pasar market (Harga).
Fluktuasi adalah hal yang wajar dan akan selalu ada untuk pasar crypto. Jadi tidak benar ungkapannya menjadi tidak ramah karena perubahan harga setiap saat. Jika agan ingin berinvestasi pada coinstable juga boleh seperti uSDT, itu mungkin akan lebih dianggap ramah karena harganya stabil dan jarang merugikan trader, namun resikonya tetap.
Tidak ramah yang dimaksud adalah ungkapan yang halus, untuk menggambarkan situasi, artinya saya hanya mencoba memberikan analisa, supaya bahasa yang digunakan sopan dan baik.
Tapi apapun itu, ini hanyalah pendapat pribadi dalam menggambarkan apa yang terjadi, Mudah-mudahan bukan bahasa menyudutkan
463  Local / Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia) / Re: MEMAKNAI COIN/TOKEN DI ALAM YANG NYATA on: July 26, 2021, 01:52:14 PM

Karena kebanyakan orang awam akan menganggap itu adalah sesuatu yang tidak masuk akal. Bagaimana suatu barang diperdagangkan dengan harga yang cukup tinggi tetapi tidak ada bentuk fisiknya. Jelas bahwa perkembangan teknologi bagi sebagian besar rakyat Indonesia masih sangat kurang apalagi jika agan tinggal di pelosok pedesaan. Mereka bahkan akan menganggap apa yang agan lakukan adalah sesuatu yang diluar nalarnya alias gila.

Inilah maksud saya, kita perlu jeli dalam mengikuti perkembangan zaman, sebab tidak semua orang yang tinggal dipelosok pedesaan awam terhadap teknologi atau gagasan baru, artinya kita perlu meluruskan atau memberikan pemahaman terhadap tantanan dunia Baru, semua orang harus yakin bahwa sekarang adalah tantanan dunia baru untuk perkembangan selanjutnya dan perlu persiapan sumber daya yang banyak untuk menghadapinya.

464  Local / Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia) / MEMAKNAI COIN/TOKEN DI ALAM YANG NYATA on: July 26, 2021, 01:07:32 PM

"Semakin banyak coin/token yang ku kenal, semakin bingung rasanya aku berinvestasi".

Ungkapan provokatif ini tiba-tiba melintas kembali dalam benak saya. Sebuah kalimat yang tidak menggambarkan kepribadian ku dalam mengejar apapun yang ingin aku capai.

Sudah cukup lama memang. Tapi ungkapan yang terkesan sangat ganjil ini tidak pernah terlupakan. Saat itu saya melihatnya dengan kesan lucu dan nyeleneh. Tidak mampu membidik sisi filosofi dari ungkapannya.

Token adalah sebuah aset digital yang diterbitkan oleh suatu project yang bisa digunakan sebagai suatu alat pembayaran dalam ekosistem project tersebut.

Token bisa berfungsi sebagai aset digital, merepresentasikan saham/kepemilikan perusahaan,  memberikan akses ke suatu fungsi dalam project dan banyak lainnya.

Sedangkan coin memiliki kesamaan dalam hal fungsinya sebagai currency yang berlaku dalam ekosistem projectnya sendiri.

Tetapi bedanya, coin memiliki blockchainnya sendiri atau dalam bahasa lain, “membangun mainnetnya sendiri".

Dalam banyak kisah, coin/token sering menunjukkan sikap yang tidak ramah dengan orang, mereka lebih cenderung tidak setia dan selalu berubah-ubah pada pasar market (Harga).

Saat saya hendak berangkat kerja, semua orang membicarakan coin/token setiap pagi, tapi saya tidak begitu peduli terhadap pembicaraan mereka, karena saya menganggap hal ini bukanlah alam nyata buat saya dan tidak begitu penting untuk saya ketahui.

Namun akhirnya, pembicaraan mereka menjadi suatu sebab untuk saya pingin belajar mengetahui coin/token tersebut, entah saya penasaran atau hanya sekedar pura-pura ingin tau, agar tidak dibilang ketinggalan zaman.

Dari sinilah akhirnya saya mulai menyukai coin/token tersebut, yang pada dasarnya saya tidak begitu pingin mengetahuinya dan tidak pernah terfikir untuk belajar atau ikut menikmatinya.

Di Negara saya, dulunya coin/token kurang populer sebagai aset yang berharga. Orang lebih memilih bekerja di kehidupan nyata, dari pada mencoba mempelajari mereka.

Coin/token bisa membantu orang dalam mengelola keuangan yang tidak stabil akibat negara tidak menyediakan pekerjaan yang layak untuk orang bekerja, karena mereka tidak memiliki syarat apa-apa untuk didapati, namun bisa memberikan keuntungan dimana negara tidak bisa menjamin itu.

Begitulah peristiwa keseharian yang saya rasakan dulu, saat berinteraksi dengan dunia nyata namun pada akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk ikut bergabung didunia Crypto walau dasar pengetahuan yang sangat kurang.

Ini berpulang kepada keinginan masing-masing pribadi. Setiap individu punya jalan yang berbeda satu sama lain. Kembali ke pada hal provokatif tadi. Hingga saat ini, saya masih belum mampu menginterprestasi makna dari ungkapan yang ganjil itu.

Mungkin kita bisa saling berdiskusi mengenai kata-kata ganjil itu tadi.
465  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Coin Meme Phenomenon With BTS and ETH on: July 25, 2021, 08:11:39 PM
Among the many coins on the market, BTS and ETH are among the more stable in price. So every season many people buy it. People assume that the market response to BTC and ETH is always positive.

It's different with Coin Meme, although at certain times the price soars, but at other times the price can fall to the lowest number. This very extreme price fluctuation makes people not dare to speculate on this Coin Meme. Hence, BTS and ETH are options.

People should be able to learn from experience, that the rhythm of the market repeats itself throughout the year. Usually market conditions are determined by demand. These price fluctuations follow natural conditions, seasons and the influence of certain countries. The weakness is, because people are not able to manipulate Coin to get around this situation.

On the other hand, this phenomenon occurs because of the powerlessness of the market. The background of people so far is low. As a result, the Crypto world does not experience the engineering process of resources and new innovations are not born from ordinary people. What people do is just an ordinary investment, while hoping for market conditions as they are.

Young people who have an education in computer engineering are not interested in becoming a coin maker. Existing abilities are left abandoned just like that. Even though it's beneficial if you want to use it to create Coins, it has proven to be profitable from a market aspect.

To answer this challenge, a strategic mind is needed. Young people whose knowledge is still fresh, must take over the Crypto world. Make it a field of life.

But in reality, Computer Engineering graduates don't want to be the ones who can create Coins. Can't see the potential of the Crypto world as promising, they just become connoisseurs of people's creations.

So it's only natural, if the Meme Coin phenomenon continues to whack the Crypto world, then BTC and ETH will continue to be people's choice at any time, even though this opportunity must really be used to stabilize Meme Coin by those who have the ability in this field.
466  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: The views of developed countries with developing countries on bitcoin on: June 09, 2021, 02:01:42 PM
Personally speaking, maybe yes, but what happened was not as expected, the Chinese state limited bitcoin because of the large amount of hidden data, so it was feared that many hackers would attack, due to increasingly powerful resources.
There is no hidden data on Bitcoin, all transactions and addresses are public and traceable. Governments which ban Bitcoin do so because they fear the freedom of the citizens and use money as a medium to control the public. Hackers and scammers can use other sources to carry out their activities.

the government is too worried about it excessively, so that the rules made are not in line with the wishes of young people who have resources in the field of technology, controlling well but not by providing rules that are not excessive.
rest assured bitcoin can be used for good things, if the government controls it properly.
467  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: The views of developed countries with developing countries on bitcoin on: June 09, 2021, 01:56:52 PM
Different countries different options. A country's development fully depends on the government. Some countries don't want to welcome Bitcoin because they are unaware of Bitcoin technology and the future of Bitcoin as well. They are developing countries, they can't take the real-time decision and actually, that's the reason why they are developing countries instead of developed. On the other hand developed countries know about technology more than developing countries. They are taking advantage of Bitcoin where developing countries are backdated. Developed countries don't want to stay back, and they take the real-time decision. So the view about Bitcoin never would be the same between them.

de facto people who live in developed countries will continue to improve and will continue to start something new, if one thing fails they will continue to do something else.

while in developing countries something new is taboo and difficult to develop, so progress is more difficult to achieve, not to mention government regulations on bitcoin's view itself.

If we are honest, it is easier for us to live in developed countries than developing countries, lazy people are able to make a lot of money just by using technology.
468  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / The view of bitcoin in the eyes of the world's millionaires on: June 09, 2021, 01:49:29 PM
The COVID-19 pandemic has succeeded in making many people around the world invest. From stock market instruments, financial products, precious metals, and most recently there are cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin.
The cryptocurrency market has succeeded in attracting the interest of many people because the profits derived from the increase in the price of the coin have increased dramatically.

Although it can be used as an investment instrument, cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin are not included in the list of conventional investments such as deposits, gold, foreign exchange, property, bonds, or stocks.

From a profit perspective, investing in cryptocurrencies can be more profitable. Because the price increase is very high compared to other investment instruments. Especially at this time, the prestige of bitcoin cs is on the rise.

it would be nice if bitcoin was developed well by those involved, so that the achievements could be felt indirectly by people who have not joined, if bitcoin can be put to good use, then it is possible that there will be a lot of interest among young people.

hopefully bitcoin can still exist and be able to incarnate or answer the concerns of young people who are increasingly unemployed whose future directions are not clear.
469  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: The views of developed countries with developing countries on bitcoin on: June 08, 2021, 05:26:14 PM
Personally, I think the distinction is not due to the level of development but rather the style of leadership (when it comes to Bitcoin). Developed nations like China, with one of the world's best economies is hostile to cryptocurrencies while far less developed nation's are very accommodating. This is cause the Chinese government is a restrictive one, and opposes the freedom and transparency which Bitcoin offers.

Governments which are transparent and progressive (developed or not) would create a welcoming development for Bitcoin.

Personally speaking, maybe yes, but what happened was not as expected, the Chinese state limited bitcoin because of the large amount of hidden data, so it was feared that many hackers would attack, due to increasingly powerful resources.

but whatever it is bitcoin is king for developed countries while developing countries consider bitcoin to be pseudo
470  Other / Beginners & Help / The views of developed countries with developing countries on bitcoin on: June 08, 2021, 03:54:37 PM
Developed countries see the potential of digital or bitcoin as something important and needs to be developed, so that the potential of youth to develop is much more possible, especially since existing resources can be used properly.

considering the increasingly advanced era, the greater the opportunity to be used to meet daily needs, even if we focus, the income in bitcoin will be far from sufficient.

while developing countries often view something new as unimportant, considering that the resources they have are very minimal, as a result developing countries are often left behind in the digital world, especially bitcoin itself.

not to mention the rules made by the government are very unlikely to allow the existing resources to wrestle this world, even if there are very few people involved and willing to follow the rules of bitcoin itself.

difficult patterns will be a reason not to want to start trying, plus there are no resources that can access bitcoin with the complexity and rules that apply.
471  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Mining Bitcoin at a Glance 🔊 on: June 08, 2021, 03:40:56 PM
The term 'mining' is closely related to how one gets Bitcoin. Basically, this activity is just a simple description of the computer process to get Bitcoin, which is like mining gold.

For the Bitcoin system to work, people can instruct their computers to process transactions for everyone.

Computers are arranged in such a way, in order to be able to perform very complex calculation processes. From there, the owner of the computer gets a reward in the form of Bitcoin.

Because the calculation process is very complicated, it takes a strong computer to get Bitcoin. This is what is then referred to as 'mining'.

However, the Bitcoin system has been set up in such a way that the calculation process required to acquire Bitcoins becomes more and more difficult as time goes on.

This is done to prevent too many Bitcoins from being generated, and eventually circulating. If someone starts mining now, it may take years before they finally get one Bitcoin

On the other hand, it takes a lot of money to pay for electricity and to assemble a computer powerful enough to be used to mine Bitcoin.

developed countries will develop, if bitcoin continues to be developed with the potential for more and more enthusiasts, basically bitcoin does have positive and negative values, but if developed properly, the potential to change the direction of youth becomes easier, skills and income will be needed if youth are able keep up with the times
472  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Token bounty must hold or sell? on: May 22, 2018, 09:31:39 PM
if you need to save it, then save it first until the price increase period, but you should really understand every project you follow, for example see a white book for more directive directions, if something we follow without studying the instructions then we will definitely experience difficulty
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