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461  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: [VELIKA LISTA] Hardverski novčanici (80+) on: July 10, 2021, 11:16:59 AM
Ok od svih ovih walleta na list, kolko ste ih onako osobno probali?
Jer vidim uglavnom samo teorije bez puno cinjenica.

Evo da ja pocnem, imam Ledger S, Ledger X i Trezor One.

I od svih, mogu reci da su u foto finishu sto se tice koji je bolji. Moja osobna preferenca je tu Ledger X, ali iz cistosubjektivnih razloga.
462  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Budućnost Ethereuma i ostalih altcoina on: July 09, 2021, 04:26:42 PM

Zanimljiva ideja... Iako nisam baš siguran da će ljudi prihvatiti prijavu preko Ethereum accounta na mjestima gdje se upisuju osobni podaci (na primjer u nekom web shopu gdje upisuješ adresu dostave). Na taj način povežeš Ethereum account sa svojim podacima i automatski gubiš anonimnost.

da, danas to izgleda tako, ali moguce je da ce se ljudi prilagoditi, a i mreza, da imas jednu adresu koju ces koristiti za prijavu na servise, i to ti nece biti glavna adresa na kojoj drzis veliki novac

vec sada ljudi povezu svoj domen .eth sa Ethereum adresom, i to bi mogao postati trend da imas neki ENS koji ces koristiti umesto Ethereum adrese, a privatnost moze ostati niša na trzistu kad/ako kripto ode u "mass adoption", kao sto je uostalom i u web2.0 ekonomiji
niko ne zna sta ce biti, svi samo razmisljamo naglas

ENS se vec dugo koristi. I ovo sto pricas vec postoji, tj za svaki DeFi projekt, se moras connectat sa walletom koji je jedinstven za tebe. A i sami znamo da to moze bit skroz nova adresa
463  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: July 09, 2021, 07:39:58 AM
Europska Unija želi zabraniti sav Proof-of-Work PoW mining i ne samo to nego su doneli i neki zakon kojim mogu čitati sadržinu svih email poruka i messenger aplikacija... tj. prati se Kina 100%

Nekako mi to djeluje kao FUD tbh.
Tj nije to kina gdje nema lobija za ljudska prava. u EU ih ima i vise nego sto treba
464  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: July 08, 2021, 07:15:29 AM
Važno upozorenje Hrvatske narodne banke o kriptovalutama :

Ako do sada niste bili "svjesni ' opasnosti sada znate 😂
A ako ostanete u cryptu svjesno se i odričete "zaštite " HNB i države koju vam onu "velikodušno " nude.  Grin
Samo par dana nakon intervjua šefa Hanfe sada ovo "važno " priopćenje Hrvatske narodne banke;  slučajnost ili. ..?
A naravno portal Index je odmah požurio copy pejstati ovo priopćenje bez navođenja izvora.
Što kaže naša crypto zajednica?
Vjerujem da ste zahvalni što se država i njene službe toliko brinu za vas i vaš novac 😂😂

Ja ne znam kako vam se da čitati takva priopćenja. I bez čitanja možeš znati o čemu pišu jer se zna stav HNB-a o kriptovalutama. A još onda i Index članci... Uh. Ne znam kad sam zadnji put otvorio bilo koji od hrvatskih portala, a pogotovo se to odnosi na Index. Ne znam je li novinarstvo izumrlo u cijelom svijetu od pojave portala i društvenih mreža ili samo kod nas.

Svaki portal koji samo par centimetara ispod takvog članka ima placeni clanak "o magicnoj metodi zarade putem kriptovalute INSERT_COIN_NAME_HERE" mozes odma prekriziti kao pouzdan izvor informacija. Bar sto se toga tice
465  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: 🔥 Looking for people with Twitter accounts for weekly tasks (paid in USDT) 🔥 on: July 07, 2021, 06:49:40 PM
No sorry, only looking for twitter
466  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: DSR - Alive or Dead? on: July 07, 2021, 08:37:32 AM
if you can mine it and you can immediately sell it, then do it.
No need to hodl shitcoins for long. they serve only one purpose - profit
467  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: 🔥My DeFi Pet Discussion thread🔥 on: July 07, 2021, 08:33:34 AM
Not gonna lie, this does look kinda interesting. Definately better than that axie infinity bullshit.
Might give it a try and see if i like it

Any tips on what to buy?
468  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: about axe coin on: July 07, 2021, 08:30:40 AM
maybe because it looks like a pointless shitcoin, and no one wants to waste time and money on it?

honestly if this is your attempt of a shill, you did a lousy job
469  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Crypto - place where promise is worth more than product on: July 07, 2021, 08:29:17 AM
Imo, most of these people just want to ride the hype train.
Meaning they buy with idea that they'll sell very soon, once the hype kicks in.

And as history has shown us, this can be profitable for some, and cause loses for others
470  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Is it worth buying other cryptocurrencies other than bitcoin? on: July 07, 2021, 08:27:51 AM
I heard about Bitcoin and ethereum around the same time. Bitcoin was I believe around $15k and ETH was below $200. I couldn't afford to buy 1btc so I didn't buy any and I didn't buy ethereum because I believed Bitcoin was the only genuine crypto currency to buy. But since my discovery of this forum I have found members who believe different. Looking back I see I have lost on both fronts and wasted an opportunity. So my question is this which is more important factor to consider before buying a coin, do you buy because of the technology of the project and what it has to offer, the utility of the token or the news?

For long term investments, best approach would be to check the fundamentals.
FA is what determines your long term investments, while TA is what could determine short term ones
471  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: July 07, 2021, 08:13:35 AM
Zanima me samo kako je izračunao cifru koju je prijavio u imovinskoj kartici (i kako mu se to može provjeriti ako recimo sve drži na anonimnom virtualnom novčaniku) i da li je već pokušao nešto povući i platiti porez?

Bacio sam pogled na tu imovinsku karticu. Koliko vidim, vrijednost imovine se navodi prema preračunatoj vrijednosti na dan podnošenja izvješća. Pod naziv poslovnog subjekta je navedeno "Coinbase Ireland Ltd". Dakle, to je samo 'sitniš' koji su prijavili a ono što drže na anonimnom novčaniku je i dalje anonimno. [op.a.] Grin

I ja se nadam da će ovakvih primjera biti sve više, pogotovo uzimajući u obzir mlade generacije dužnosnika koji dolaze na funkcije.

Ja se ne nadam nego očekujem da će toga biti sve više. Ali kako si i sam napisao, oni će navesti kripto imovinu koju imaju na burzama gdje trebaš napraviti KYC. A svi znamo koliko lako je trgovati i držati kriptovalute bez odrađivanja KYC-a tako da nisam siguran da će u imovinskim karticama biti spomenute ogromne svote koje drže u kriptovalutama.

Stavit ces neki minimum cisto da te ne idu gledat. A ostalo ces trejdat preko dexeva i otc, kao svaki normalan trejder
472  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: PlanetWatch projekt - novi Helium? on: July 06, 2021, 10:42:29 AM
Napokon se i meni poceli skupljati tokeni.
Mislim da nije puna 23 dnevno, ali je nekih 15 dnevno sto je vise nego dovoljno za pocetak

Sve ovisi koliko često provjeravaš aplikaciju je li pokrenuta. Otkad sam počeo koristiti onog bota koji mi šalje notifikaciju kad nema data transfera, dobivam skoro maksimalnu količinu tokena. Osim ona dva dana kad sam uređaj ostavio na poslu pa sam dobio neku mizeriju...

Pa ostavio sam u uredu preko vikenda, i kad sam danas pogledao, bila je pokrenuta. Realno, neda mi se babysitat nista za tako mali iznos. Radi radi, ne radi, prodat cu uređaj i bok
473  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Projects worthy of attention in Solana Ecology on: July 06, 2021, 08:50:37 AM
Solana Ecology has the potential to be the next BSC Ecology, and it is recommended to focus on projects on Solana Ecology that have received official support.
I recommend you a new project of Solana Ecology. This project has not only obtained the official ecological support, but also is a very promising track for DEFI + NFT.

You are also welcome to recommend other noteworthy projects in Solana Ecology.

Actually there are quite a few on solana in their early stages, in private sale round at the moment.
I'm part of the pool where i participated in them, and i expect at least 10x returns.

One such is Solstarter, a project launchpad on solana
474  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: What do you think about Baby Doge? on: July 06, 2021, 08:46:05 AM
Yesterday, as always, Elon Musk tweets again about a coin called Baby Doge coin. We saw earlier that he tweeted about Shib token and we can see SHIB is now  in 28 number position of coinmarketcap. What do you think about Baby Doge coin?  Will it be in a better position like Doge and SHIB? Does will Binance also list Baby Doge?

Elon Musk Tweet -

By now you should have put Elon on your twitter ignore list.
He shills shitcoins and probably dumps them on his 4M followers
475  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: The aggregated Defi Financial landing application dApp DFBTC on: July 06, 2021, 08:44:08 AM
I'm not sure i understood this thread.... there's alot of text, but no information.
Do you have any url?
476  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: July 06, 2021, 08:39:54 AM
Ja na burzi drzim neku sicu koju stejkam, ali sad da hocu prodati par BTC i isplatiti 200k€, tesko da bi to mogao napraviti bez KYC.

Ako si na Binance onda je 24 satno ogrničenje za dizanje 2 BTC-a
tako da u 4 puta bi mogao podignuti tu protuvrijednostu u nekom stablecoinu, ali
ako dižeš direktno EUR  onda mislim da se mora KYC raditi.

Da sve iznad 2 BTC treba imati kyc.
Ja sam odradio KYC i limit mi je 100 BTC
477  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: PlanetWatch projekt - novi Helium? on: July 06, 2021, 08:35:12 AM
Napokon se i meni poceli skupljati tokeni.
Mislim da nije puna 23 dnevno, ali je nekih 15 dnevno sto je vise nego dovoljno za pocetak
478  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / 🔥 Looking for people with Twitter accounts for weekly tasks (paid in USDT) 🔥 on: July 05, 2021, 09:50:05 AM
We're looking for between 30 and 60 people with active twitter accounts, for weekly tasks including tweets, retweets, likes, etc...
This service is aiming to be long term cooperation between us and twitter users.

- must have a Telegram account
- must have minimum 5000 followers
- must be active

Chosen participants will be contacted via Telegram with an invite link for a private Telegram group.

Once in the private group, participants will be given weekly tasks which they have to do. Tasks are simple, and usually only like and retweet of certain posts.
Reporting will be tracked automatically via Twitter API. No weekly report will be neccessary.

Payment will be between $5 and $7.5 weekly, paid in USDT on Tron network (TRC20). Payment will be sent once per month.

Applications are open INDEFINATELY

Apply here:

Note: After 1st trial week, everyone will be paid for the week's work, however we will cherrypick most promising users to continue with the service.
479  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: What are your top picks to buy the dip? on: July 03, 2021, 10:05:46 PM
without a doubt it would be, of course, ETH

its was a good opportunity to buy it under $2k, especially since ath is in the mid $4k range
It’s like the market was on a big sale last few weeks but for now the price are slowly recovering. I’d also choose the best and increase my holdings with them because I know they are good enough to raise money. I’ll go for ETH as well and play long term with this one. Some altcoins are also worth buying even if they are not on the best list, they are still promising as they offer the good product, you can have it as well.

IMO i expect one big dip before we go parabolic mode.
This bull is bound to last another 6 months or so. Hope i'm right Smiley
480  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: What are your top picks to buy the dip? on: July 03, 2021, 09:29:17 PM
without a doubt it would be, of course, ETH

its was a good opportunity to buy it under $2k, especially since ath is in the mid $4k range
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