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461  Local / Altcoins (Monede Alternative) / Re: KYC este periculos si nefolositor.. insa Monero rezolva acest lucru partial. on: February 11, 2021, 03:17:11 PM
Si acum daca intri pe subreddit-ul lor, tot anti advertising sunt. Si inteleg pe de o parte, pentru ca voiau sa finanteze o campanie pentru a il convinge pe Tesla sa vanda masini si cu XMR. Nu suna rau, dar am vazut ce s-a intamplat in 2017 cu toate monedele care au avut astfel de "reclame": au fost acceptate de companie/corporatie.. pana au realizat ca nu se justifica, deoarece mai nimeni nu vrea sa plateasca in crypto.

Pe langa asta mai este o campanie interesanta "in lucru" si anume Atomic Swap XMR-BTC :
Sa vedem daca este finantata si daca reusesc sa faca ceva stabil si sigur. Ar putea schimba multe...
Ce e drept din 2018 se tot joaca cu ideea, analizeaza, lucreaza la un protocol.
Daca se leaga ceva in Q2 2021 se ingroasa gluma  Grin

Aici gasiti WP daca sunteti curiosi :
462  Other / Meta / Re: I want to host a giveaway on the forum. on: January 28, 2021, 12:34:24 PM
If the giveaway is not in BTC read this: How to do private giveaways
Guess it would work in both cases, for BTC or alts.
Good luck with it
463  Other / Meta / Re: Ledger database leak --> Phishing on: January 26, 2021, 03:13:01 PM
Why do I have the feeling this refers to the seed? Can't really think of way of loosing the funds on a physicall device just because of a SIM swapping....
This is what it sounds like. If he "confirmed" the passphrase with the "operator" than it's 100% on him. These thieves can be very tricky but this should be common sense.
I guess this in one of the reasons the masses are reluctant to use crypto, because there is no 0800 number to call and get them back if you do some dumb shit. Both privacy and comfort come with their price tags.
Look on the bright side. In a parallel universe the "Facebook hardware wallet" might have the seed in plain text. At least it's not the case here.
464  Other / Meta / Re: Public request to Theymos for a name change on: January 25, 2021, 02:31:27 PM
Do you think The Sceptical Chymist is too long (especially it has spaces in between). I doubt that it will fit well in the account description area on the left of each post.
...sneak preview  Tongue It is indeed long but does not seem to break anything. Good luck, even if you may be sceptical about it

465  Other / Meta / Re: Reason for ban? on: January 19, 2021, 06:20:36 PM
Also it would be highly advisable to change the password and email once the account is recovered  Wink
466  Other / Meta / Re: Can Theymos give update on image size and dimension limits on: January 19, 2021, 05:22:53 PM
What about dimensions width and height?
9999px is the limit. I am 99.99% sure it would suffice in any situation
This limit was introduced a few months ago after Veleor found an issue with images on the Epochtalk implementation and theymos also modified it here.
467  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Guvernul vine! ANAF si DIICOT ii urmaresc pe traderi on: January 10, 2021, 06:55:29 PM
De maine ANAF va avea acces la conturile bancare pentru persoane fizice si juridice, urmarind mai toate tranzactiile si beneficiarii acestora
468  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Metode legale de schimbat bitcoin cu taxe minime on: December 29, 2020, 06:52:44 PM
Dupa cate am studiat eu, nu se plateste CAS.
Se plateste taxa 10% si CASS fix 2676 RON (10% din 12 salarii minim brute, daca ai castigat cel putin 12 salarii).

CASS ar fi 10% din profit, nu din alea 12 salarii minime brute. Deci in total ar fi 20% taxe din profitul obtinut.

Pentru veniturile din monede virtuale se datorează impozit pe venit de 10%.  Īn plus, dacă veniturile din această sursă sunt cel puţin egale, īntr-un an, cu echivalentul a 12 salarii minime brute, trebuie plătită şi contribuţia la sănătate (CASS) - īn cotă de 10%. Anul acesta, echivalentul celor 12 salarii minime este 26.760 de lei.

La partea cu bancile iti dau dreptate...
469  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Ce banci din Romania accepta tranzactii initiate de kraken on: December 29, 2020, 04:05:54 PM
pana anul asta scoteam din transilvania, m-au sunat acum ca nu mai primesc de pe bitstamp. si ns unde sa fac cont nou.
ms de info.
Stiu persoane care au schimbat de-a lungul timpului 6-7-8 sau mai multe banci. In momentul de fata cam la toate ai riscuri reale sa iti inchida contul. Incearca ING, BRD cum ziceau ltcrstrbrt si bumbu100. Asta pana se termina colaborarea cu astia si te muti la urmatorii. E aiurea, e trist... dar asta e situatia actuala.
Multa bafta!
470  Other / Meta / Re: Is Bitcoin LN considered an altcoin on Bitcointalk? on: December 29, 2020, 11:43:48 AM
It's very borderline. This is of course my personal opinion...
WTB btc with fiat or alts - bitcoin marketplace
WTB btc with alts = selling alts - altcoin marketplace

Maybe I see it differently but this makes the most sense to me
471  Other / Meta / Re: Is Bitcoin LN considered an altcoin on Bitcointalk? on: December 29, 2020, 11:30:43 AM
TBH I also see it fits in altcoin board.
I'm saying this because you want to sell altcoins. Fair enough, you want btc for them but the idea of the thread is the sale of some alts.
Just my 2 cents...
472  Other / Meta / Re: Newbie copy pasting each other's post on: December 28, 2020, 02:41:14 PM
On the next bitcointalk update, it Would be nice if the Dev team can implement an auto-filter bot mechanism that will automatically detect and delete bot posts from the forum.

I see lots on this bot actions being carried out on different threads, but the post gets deleted within some few minutes.

On Epochtalk there already is a similar option available that does certain actions when detecting blacklisted keywords: reject post, change word with something else, temp/perma ban user etc...
473  Other / Meta / Re: Newbie copy pasting each other's post on: December 28, 2020, 12:00:07 PM
After a google search for one of those domain names (colomboserboli dot com noticed keeps repeating) and the first result looks like this:

Might actually not be backlinks after all...
474  Other / Meta / Re: Suggestion to add support for 2FA/MFA on: December 27, 2020, 07:15:11 PM
This is a very custom version of SMF. So even installing a SMF plug-in is not that straightforward. Not to mention that plug-in you mentioned might not be compatible with v1.1.19
475  Other / Meta / Re: Ledger database leak --> Phishing on: December 27, 2020, 05:39:18 PM
Ironically the best place to store crypto for Ledger owners is the Ledger itself.
I feel for these people that suffered losses because of the leak but some precautions were necessary since day 1. Like remove any 2fa with phone number, do not leave the funds on exchange and lay low. SIM swapping would have been the hacker's first choice. Guess the current bull trend is not helping in that regard.
Stay safe and be smart!
By the looks of it this type of db breach will be more and more of an issue going forward.
476  Other / Meta / Re: signature thread is bumping everyday unnecessarily on: December 27, 2020, 02:49:15 PM
Not sure that bumping post was done by the OP itself but threads can't be deleted or locked until OP is violating the rules so in my opinion giving temp ban for the people who keep bumping that thread can be the right solution to stop them.
It's not the OP. It's a group and morons creating accounts and posting all sorts of links everywhere. Either malware, back-links or both. They are nuked on sight anyway Smiley
477  Other / Meta / Re: signature thread is bumping everyday unnecessarily on: December 27, 2020, 02:18:42 PM
It seems the thread was used by these link spam morons. Reported the OP and asked mods to lock the thread.
And pretty sure not the last dead thread that will get bumped by them.
There is still a positive side. I managed to read some actually interesting old threads because of their spam. So at least there's that  Grin
478  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Bancile au restrictionat accesul legat de cumpararea sau vanzarea monedelor on: December 27, 2020, 02:05:26 PM
Sincer imi vine greu sa cred ca sunt oameni care ar vrea sa "investeasca" intr-o CDBC pentru ca in mare parte ma astept sa fie stable coin-ish. Eventual doar sa te astepti ca dupa toata nebunia asta cu Covid-ul si printatul de bani... sa crezi ca euro (digital euro) ar creste in valoare fata de dolar (USDT/C sau orice alta litera), sau poate ar scadea mai putin...depinde...  si poate faci profit pe perechea asta. Adica la fel ca azi cu fiat-ul. Dar altfel exclus.

In momentul de fata singurul beneficiu ar fi, probabil, costuri de tranzactii mai mici si un fel de a trimite valoare mult mai repid decat pana acum. Fara sa te gandesti ca azi e vineri seara si daca trimiti banii acum celalalt ii primeste cel devreme luni. Probabil in sectorul b2b ar avea cateva beneficii dar si MULTE parti "mai putin bune".

Sunt curios daca vreun stat/banca/firma ar accepta transparenta pe aceste tranzactii. Sa existe si block explorere private, nu vreunul oferit doar la ei pe site (daca o fi si ala).

Despre descentralizare nu avem ce sa vorbim pentru ca este off-topic intr-un thread despre banci  Tongue

De fapt Facebook păcălește aproape 3 miliarde de oameni  Grin
De asta s-a suparat Federal Reserve (ii depășește cu mult!!!)

Plus ca Facebook ar putea printa trilioane de Libra, sau Diem cum isi spun mai nou, cu doar cateva click-uri. Nu batraneste ca in Cassa de Papel la imprimerie  Cheesy
479  Local / Offtopic / Re: Craciun Fericit tuturor 2020 on: December 25, 2020, 02:22:25 PM
Craciun Fericit BTCaieti si fete!
Fie ca spiritul lui Satoshi sa va aduca sanatate, bucurii si independenta financiara!
480  Other / Meta / Re: Merry Christmas to the Forum on: December 24, 2020, 05:20:36 PM
Merry Christmas guys!!
Did you leave the QR code under the tree for Santa?  Tongue
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