liat ini thread diatas jadi ke inget ane masih ada stock dari bounty tapi ratenya anjlok euy.. bakalan hold lama nih sepertinya sambil nunggu yang ngepump aja deh.. coindash masuk hit btc gak mempengaruhi rate yak , lain soal kalau masuk bittrex
Pay attention!
We are not responsible for the actions committed in private applications and also with the purchase of other accounts. All questions related to the purchased account must be addressed to the person who sold you the account. We don't recommend you to buy accounts, it carries a certain risk. It will be better to wait for the exchange, you will have the opportunity to buy coins without risk and possible losses.
hello dev, how are you .. we all know that August is over, but until this early september you have not been able to put your project on the exchange market. please be firm and confident about asserting your project on the exchange market. i think its very thoughtful and professional success
Bukan nya di MEW login nya gak pakai password ya? Tapi pakai Private Key? ane bikin akun MEW malah password nya asal saja ane buat, yang penting privkey nya ane simpan.
lah stau saia bukannya prosedur membuat address diwebsite myetherwallet pada step awalnya kita harus masukin password, kemudian kita baru dapat aksess untuk - melihat / mendapatkan private key address yg kita buat.. begitupula untuk create new wallet dektop ethereum kita diminta password.. nah guna password tsb. untuk mengimport file yang dimaksud UTC atau KEYSTORE CMIIW btw op/ts thread kalau kesulitann japri ane aja yak isnya allah dibantu
wah ane pernah mengalami hal serupa gan, lupa password etherwallet malah sempat ane PM dan diskusi sama admin ethersan via email dan via twitter.. hasil nya nihil ane lupa privatekey dan hanya memiliki keystorenya eth wallet dekstop, tapi skrg udh bisa ane aksess
Good travel service from my country indonesia to support payment with fave coin for your trip. Good luck for your business bonabit. BTW If someone is in doubt about the bonabit travel service, I am willing to assist you to make transactions directly on the spot. Meet directly to transact ticket booking traveling.
ada info baru dari chanel slack nya insurex. kira2 ada update apaan yak jadi penasaran juga ane... mudah2an sih info IXT resmi masuk bursa bittrex Dari @gurcan [InsureX Community Manager] [5:36 AM] 'Seperti yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya, kami memiliki pengumuman untuk dibuat. Ini akan terjadi pada hari Senin 28 Agustus, antara pukul 12: 00-14: 00 waktu Inggris. ' link TKP
Ahh, so that's why the price of Insurex pumped on HitBTC. IXT never really dump so hard like the other ICO tokens. I wonder why. Maybe because no one cared to use HitBTC?
The actual price level may be after ixt is launched in bittrex or liqui exchanges, (maybe ) such as the insurex ceo ingemar that is common on insurex slack channel. So let's wait and see further developments. May they announce quickly.
kalau itu sih sudah jadi resiko seorang investor sih gan , ane rasa sih semua investor juga pasti berharap segera masuk market besar. ya semoga segera bisa masuk ke market besar dan tidak harus membuat para partisipan menunggu lama ho'oh gan, resiko para investor dah digantung-gantung kalau XFC belum resmi mengumumkan akan dilist pada makret mana. ngomong - ngomong pendistribusian token investor berbarengan sama bounty hunter yak ini token xfc ane rasa pas masuk market ini token harga openingnya stabil, mungkin sesuai rate ico.. atau lebih kesian juga sih yang invest, karena mereka akan mencoba atau ketagihan pada game dan pasti membeli kartu pemain menggunakan token yang mereka punya. bisa2 investor udh habis duluan tuh untuk membeli kartu pemain menggunakan token sebelum masuk market
ane yakin nih..klo dct akan di pump hbis"an melewati harga 2 X ICO ny...krna inpo y ane dpt dr hsil ubek" isi forum ini,,di perkirakan tgl 5 september n itu juga di kasihny estape ckckckckc
wih yang bener gan 5 september bakal didistribusi bountynya? semoga aje hasil bountynya gurih-gurih sedap. ane kira udeh pada lupa sama bountynya decent wkkwwkwk, ini kalau gak salah para investor sudah didistribusikan ya? dan tinggal distribusi peserta bounty campaign aja yang belum? lama kali ini project dihold untuk pendistribusian bountynya
wah ICO Perbankan, sepertinya layak untuk ikut berpatisipasi nih guys.. syaratnya gak neko - neko, alias cukup mudah.. dan sekilas ane visit websitenya penjabarannya cukup padat, ditambah pula dukungan dari softbank, alibaba dll. tapi peresmian ico belum dipublish yak ? mantau dulu ahh..
Bro2 semua, klo kita lupa backup wallet MNX gmn cara balikin address yg kita punya??
walaupun address agan dapat dilacak dengan coba cara PM bounty id agan yang ada di web diportal minexcoin PM ke devnya untuk melacak address agan yang dikirim ke wallet, tapi sepertinya sudah tidak terselamatkan deh gan. tapi dicoba aja dulu gan stau ane kalau file backup nama formatnya filenya adalah .dat, bukan alamat address MNX.
Congratulations to antarogitsu .. you are the winner of this logo contest !! Congrats!! A nice effort, because he made logos and made 3D background objects parasitic. I'm sure that's your plus point as the winner of this contest. i like that Hopefully your work can inspire the contestants in the next time/next logo contest.
i need someone who can do iCloud activation lock removal service i will pay him through BTC my phone model is Iphone 4
Have you tried to bypass your iphone 4? It's very easy, even lots of tutorial videos on the yotube page. good luck my brother If this does not work then I make sure your iphone 4 can not be used. that's what Aveatrex says: "There is currently no way to open Apple devices when iCloud is locked" ~Apple fanboy
IXT tokens setup as defult in myetherwallet now Great job, hope Ill see IXT in new major exchanges soon yes brother, i think ixt ready to listed to liqui exchange and bittrex exchange soon Like what dev has on the assurex slack channel. ceo ingemar say : We have submitted requests for listing on Bittrex and Liqui and we are working with their teams to make sure our submissions are going through smoothly. Updates on the progress will continue to be posted. any goodnews dev ?
I've added all ETH addresses so far posted in this thread. You're free to post them over there and I'll add them in the sheet over time.
hello sir.. i'm participant in signature campaign BitDice Please add my ETH address 0x39cac9765fe2e4be47eb2e0e28002711362a60d4thank you
hahaha.udah bisa di buat catatan kerja ini bounty di btt.sekarang udah tumpah hampir tiap hari muncul 1.ini konsepnya seperti tabungan atau asuransi ya?
sekilas memang mirip seperti asuransi ya gan, tapi rata-rata para investor kakap pasti sudah memiliki asuransi untuk jaminan pensiunan mereka sih sepertinya ngemeng ngemeng itu foto leadernya rock n roll gan rock n roll
udah lama gak nyimak ini thread, menunggu update exchange yang ntah tau kapan berlabuh wkwkw tak tahunya si dev masih sibuk update bug macam ini hihih btw gaswat juga tuh akun liarnya segudang yang ane tau katanya bulan agustus akan diumumkan exchange tapi kayaknya super delay lagi nih gak jelas yang sabar lah
i'm interested for join and support your project "Change coin" hey dev or team changecoin, by the way...the office Change coin at Marina Bay Financial Centre (MBFC) 1 Building? this right? sure? hmm i think MBFC is a great and Strategic for business location, yeahh MBFC is a Building Financial District, Singapore goodluck for your project !!
wah kaba bagus donk nih kalau sampai koin ini masuk bittrex, yang aih hold koin dari lama bakalan bisa meraasakan keuntungan yang berkali lipat. semoga terealisasi diskusi antara pihak dev dan pihak bittrex jadi bisa masuk ke exchanger secepatnya. iya om, pada minggu yang lalu tepatnya tanggal 11august.. memang dev sempat chat ke gereral community bahwa insurex akan masuk bittrex dan liqui, isi pesannya begini pada chanel slacknya, ingemar from slack insurex channel We have submitted requests for listing on Bittrex and Liqui and we are working with their teams to make sure our submissions are going through smoothly. Updates on the progress will continue to be posted. isi konten nya mengarah ke akun medium blognya insurex, atau untuk lebih jelas ane lampirkan link ke Tkp medium insurex