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4701  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Pregled Bitcointalk Signature-Ad kampanja on: April 15, 2021, 07:53:26 AM
nisam primetio da je broj BTC sad preko 200 miliona, a koliko se secam iz citanja istorije bio je dogadjaj kad je 184 miliona BTC poslato na dve adrese u okviru BTC mreze? kako je to ispravljeno, a da se nije uradio "reverse" mreze, molim te da objasnis, nije mi bas najjasnije, tada bi early adopteri BTC-a izgubili sve

2016 je za ETH, sto 2010 za BTC, po vremenu nastanka
Pmalek je svojedobno pokrenuo zanimljivu temu The Ethereum VS Bitcoin Fork sa tim pitanjem, u kojem je jedan clan bas detaljno to sve objasnio, evo njegovog odgovora.

Hi, I think this is a good question and a lot of people struggle to see the difference, including many Ethereum twitter influencers. Here's my interpretation of it

> 1.   But why is it that one network is being criticised for not being immutable while the other isn’t?

In the case of Bitcoin, the protocol did not work "by the spec" so the implementation was flawed and it needed to be fixed.

> 2.   Why do people (including highly ranked Bitcointalk members) think of Ethereum Classic as the ‘real Ethereum’?

Because in the DAO hack, the Ethereum network was worked exactly as designed. There should be no intervention to bailout people when they mess up things. This is the whole point of having a blockchain, you let it run and it's running. The only way to keep the network neutral is by having a network that doesn't care what is happening on it - who is transacting, who's getting scammed etc. That's not what the network should care about, these things should be solved outside of it or not solved at all.

> 3.   If that is how it should be, shouldn’t we also have a ‘real Bitcoin’ where two addresses hold 92 billion coins each?

No, because the fork was not Bitcoin, it had a different schedule than it should. By fixing this protocol implementation bug, I would say they actually forked to the real Bitcoin chain.

> 4.   Why is it not OK to perform a fork to refund stolen ether due to a buggy code, but it is OK to invalidate bitcoin blocks due to wrongly generated bitcoins?

The bug in the DAO hard fork was in a software that was written on the Ethereum network, the Ethereum itself was working as designed. Why should people not intervene? No one should be able to do a state transition on chain that doesn't have a valid signature. If we bypass the cryptographic signatures, what are we left with? Not much really.

> 5.   Is bitcoin not attacked for the fork because the bug led to the creation of bitcoins much higher than the maximum supply?

Exactly, it made the Bitcoin implementation derail from the spec.

> 6.   Would the opinions have been any different if a much lower number of coins were generated?

No. The implementation would not match the spec, so it would need to be fixed.

> Both forks fixed bugs in the codebase. One allowed to generate a huge number of bitcoins, the other to transfer big amounts of ether.

Not really, Bitcoin wasn't working and it was fixed. Ethereum was working and it was "fixed".

There's one big difference in the two forks. Bitcoin fork went back in time, but didn't add any invalid state transitions. This means that you can control whether something ends up on the network or not, but you can't really manipulate the state in any way you want. On the other hand, what Ethereum did is exactly this. The move on the Ethereum side is equivalent to adding "unsigned transactions" to the network in the name of others. This gives you a much bigger power than just reverting blocks. When you revert a block you can censor things. But if you can manipulate the database values without valid signatures, you can also end up with the same balance state as when "reverting blocks" by simply inserting invalid "inverse" transactions. But it's worse, you can do anything with these values, not just revert them, so you can take anyone's money and move it around. Did they do this? no, they set the values of the specific addresses they labeled as "bad", but again, the protocol shouldn't care. They introduced the human interpretation of the good and bad on the network.

You can check the main part of the DAO hard fork code here . Mutating the database values without valid signatures is a big no no if the protocol was working correctly.

To je jedna stvar koju ni ja ne volim čuti. Ether većina jakih članova na Bitcointalku ne voli jer je dosta centralizovan oko Ethereum fondacije
I tako to krece, jaki clanovi ne vole ETH, pa onda novi clanovi da bi se lakse uklopili i pokupili merit ponavljaju istu.pricu, sto dovodi do echo chambera. Pa se onda netko cudi zasto nema zanimljivih rasprava te se sve svodi na mlacenje prazne slame i ispunjavanje kvota za sig kampanje. Svi su kao neki super duper cypherphunkeri i revolucionari, briju na sve te spike, a oni istinski kao Hal Finney su se na forumu registrirali sa svojim punim imenon i prezimenom.

Mislim, kuzim da je ovo ipak bitcointalk pa je normalno da fokus bude na bitcoinu, ali mislim da nije dobro biti zadrt i iskljuciv, nije dobro za forum.

Daj zovi ih Grin
Sto se tice bug foruma, kripto teme tamo pratim samo pasivno jer mi se zgadilo. Tamo je situacija po pitanju kripta kao na bitcointalku po pitanju ETH; stariji i ugledniji clanovi bug foruma BTC uglavnom smatraju ponzijem i prevarom te guse svaki pokusaj normalnog razgovora na temu, a meni je dosadilo dobivati kartone Cheesy

Još samo treba da se Bitcoineri i međusobno počnu dijelite u one koji koriste i hodlaju od 2010/11 i oni koji su kasnije ušli od 2018 npr. I da onda jedne druge napadamo ko je kakav.  
Pa vec sam vidjao to, da se napada one koji koriste centralizirane mjenjacnice ili neke druge servise sa kojima trose BTC. Samo direktni peer to peer, nista PayCek, Binance debitna kartica ili nesto trece Cheesy

4702  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: Don't use CITEX on: April 14, 2021, 08:03:00 PM
Is very bad exchange and very bad service, reason I used them is because they where one of the few exchanges that listed the ARRR blockchain, also what I notice is that their prices are very different from reality
at the moment price for ARRR is at 2.46$ on CoinMarketCap
their price for ARRR is 0.7220 $

that don't really make sense
Yeah that's how they usually attract new users, by listing some shitcoin that can't be anywhere else so in order to sell those tokens you have to use them, and more often than not that ends up badly like in your case. I guess it was just your bad luck to choose Citex out of few other exchanges that have ARRR listed..
4703  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: List of fake wallets on Google Play, 9 active at the moment! on: April 14, 2021, 07:37:15 PM
@Rikafip - another fake Exodus on Google play

Thanks for letting us know! The list has been updated with your finding, and after checking out those 9 previously active fake wallets it looks like Google managed to remove all of them. At the moment there is only one active, and even after i did some checking I didn't find any others on Google Play.

I do hope that they started checking app submission more thorough and this is not just a temporary situation after which we gonna see again ~10 fake wallets available.
4704  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Nove NFT igre? on: April 14, 2021, 04:02:10 PM
Sad fino majnajte i upgrade-ajte equipment. Svaki NFT je skocio za jedno 3x od jucer, pa je malo zajebanije, al eto, da se isfarmat dnevno sigurno jedno 20-30$
Bome da, u pravu si. Bas sad gledam Standard Drill je sada skoro $15 a ja sam ga platio manje od 4. A i mislim da ce cijena TLMa rasti sa vremenom, ici ce to do $1, te NFT pizdarije se tek zahuktavaju. A do tada se klika svakih 6-7 minuta i pomalo majna, ide fino par dolara po satu. Nekad davno sam kopao secernu repicu i za manje od toga Cheesy.

Jedino sto je iritantno je sto su dodali captcha za svako claimanje jer su naravno exploatali sistem sa botovima pa su morali uvesti ovo.
4705  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Pregled Bitcointalk Signature-Ad kampanja on: April 14, 2021, 10:15:58 AM
nije tema, ali bas me voleo da cujem sta to nudi BTC nekom ko je zainteresovan za kripto tehnologiju? negde sam procitao - super je biti BTC hodler, prst u uvo, i samo trebas da cuvas hardverski novcanik, da bi pratio ETH moras svaki dan potrositi sate prateci razvoj tehnologije - iz zivotnog iskustva ne vidim mogucnost da to za rezultat ne donese "flippening"
Ima istine u ovome sto si napisao. Ja sam prvenstveno fan BTCa jer sam ziheras, a 99.99% altcoin projekata su rijesavali "probleme" koji u biti nisu ni ti postojali, niti su trebali blockchain da to rijese. Samim time su bili nepotrebni, sto je vrijeme dokazalo. Ovaj razvoj NFta me priznajem narajcao, pogotovo ta sprega sa gejmingom i to cu pratiti sigurno.

opet, kad bi cuo sta to BTC nudi u vezi razvoja kripto tehnologije, mozda bi promenio misljenje, ali nisam za sad uspeo da pronadjem te tehnologije razvijene na BTC mrezi
Takodjer istina. Kupis BTC, stavis ga na wallet, i hodlas. Sta dalje raditi sa njim nakon sto ga kupis? Trenutno ga trositi nema smisla zbog cijena transakcija. Znaci preostaje pasivno hodlanje. Druga je naravno stvar ako kao mi ovdje na forumu zaradis nesto BTCa pa ga onda koristis na druge nacine, kao sto ja recimo trosim BTC preko Binance kartic skoro svaki dan. Eventualno kupiti BTC pa ga onda trositi na neke stvari na kojima ti je bitna privatnost, ali koliko obicnih ljudi ima tu potrebu je jako veliko pitanje.

Bitcoin je jednostavno postao prvenstveno store of value i kao takav automatski je manje zanimljiv za rasprave vecini ljudi.

4706  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Nove NFT igre? on: April 14, 2021, 10:04:44 AM
Poceo sam i ja igrati Alien Worlds prije par dana. Potrosio sam za sada jedno ~15 USD da  malo boostam majnanje te sam kupio neki gear.
Kako si uspio potrosit tako malo? Ja sam jucer htio potrosit slicnu cifru i nisam nasao nacina da kupim WAX za tako mali iznos. Ako kupujem za kripto onda valjda samo ERC 20 transakcija kosta vise od toga. Ako kupujem s karticom napise mi da je minumum 100 eur.
Ja sam uzeo nesto sitno waxa sa ETH da kupim 3x Standard Drill (mislim da su me 3 kostala malo manje od 12 USD). U taj trosak nisam  uopce racunao cijenu transakcije, bas moram pogledati koliko me uopce izasla.

edit: evo provjerio, znaci 12 USD oprema+5 dolara transakcija (cca 0.002 ETH)  Nije puno sve skupa, a boosta dosta majnanje.
4707  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Pregled Bitcointalk Signature-Ad kampanja on: April 14, 2021, 10:00:56 AM
Ali zato su tu ljudi kao Danijel B. i Erik Nurm koji kao gljive popunjavaju prazninu sa svojim mlm-ponzi telegram i facebook grupama Smiley
A ta ekipa je tako naivna da bi popusila pare kako god da okrenes. Da vidis tek sastav grupe, vecina su neke babe od 60+ koje onda pozivaju kume i prijateljice  Cheesy

Mislim da je nama potrebno nekakvo uputstvo za nove članove lokalnog foruma kako početi i brzo bi mogli napredovati, a ne gubiti se u smeću stranih postova.
Najveci je problem sto ni ne dolaze. Ja se ne mogu sjetiti niti jednog novog clana koji je napravio account u zadnjih godinu i pol a da je dogurao makar do Full Member ranka (isprije ako takvih ima). Realnost je takva da je jako malo novih ljudi u biti zainteresirana za BTC jer misle da je prosao vlak, pa onda ni nemaju nekog interesa za bitcointalk, jer je to u biti jedina tema na forumu (uz valjda kako ne popusiti lovu na scamovima) gdje se moze stvarno dosta nauciti i gdje je koliko-toliko solidna razina razgovora.

Ako ih zanimaju altcoini, kad odu u pripadajucu sekciju moraju imati bas konjsku upornost da prezive svu silu smeca jer je kvaliteta razgovora u tim dijelovima foruma nula. Evo mene recimo pocinju zanimati NFT igre, ali mi ne pada na pamet ici pisat na altcoin dio jer me od (ne)kvalitete razgovora zaboli glava. A zasto je kvaliteta takva kakva je? Zato sto je vecina postova tamo rezultat sig kampanje, a ne stvarne potrebe da se napise nesto. Catch 22.

Svi koje me znaju u irl, znaju da ja nisam ljubitelj altcoina i da mi je velika vecina portoflija u BTC, te osim ETH, imam jos nesto sitno u pat altova(i to tek od prije par mjeseci) ali sam svjestan toga da je jako puno ljudi na ovaj forum doslo iz tog razloga; zaraditi na bountijima, aidropovima etc ili su naletili na altcoin na nekoj drugoj platformi, dosli ovdje pa su kasnije skuzili da je velika vecina smece te su se okrenuli BTCu. Sto imas vise iskustva, vise cijenis BTC, tako to ide.

Novi altcoin projekti (cak i oni rijetki koji nesto valjaju) su skuzili da im od promocije na bitcointalku nema apsolutno nikakve koristi a da su bounty kampanje bacanje bovaca, te ih zaobilaze u sirokom luku. I s razlogom, ovdje se jedan ETH naziva shitcoinom, a to je logika u razini onih koji BTC nazivaju prevarom. Taj sistem razmisljanja. I na kraju ti ostane circlejerk.

Na forum se ne dolazi samo radi zarade nego i se može nešto i naučiti o Bitcoinu i crypto valutama, a ako ne želiš ništa učiti o tome onda sigurno nećeš dugo ostati na forumu.
Ma naravno da bi prvi razlog trebala biti zelja da se nauci nesto novo, ili da se recimo rijesi neki problem/pita za neki savjet (na vecinu foruma sam upravo i dosao na taj nacin). Vecina ljudi nakon sto pita sta ima za pitati, jednostavno nestane. Tako je na svim forumima, nije bitcointalk iznimka.

Kao sto sam rekao, nije vise 2012-2013 kad je bitcointalk bio valjda jedini izvor kripto informacija, a dosta domace ekipe je na na druga 2 popularna domaca foruma. Zanimljivo je vidjeti kako na bug forumu gejmeri masovno majnaju ETH, ulazu profit u druge valute, slazu rigove.. Te teme su  tamo jedne od najaktivnijih zadnjih par mjeseci. Da se pola te ekipe prebaci ovdje, brijem da bi bili u top 3 lokalna foruma po aktivnosti, lagano.

4708  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Nove NFT igre? on: April 14, 2021, 08:44:16 AM
Poceo sam i ja igrati Alien Worlds prije par dana. Potrosio sam za sada jedno ~15 USD da  malo boostam majnanje te sam kupio neki gear. Da nakon par dana da prodam sve sto sam izmajnao (imam cca 70 TLM) cak bi zaradio duplo od toga Cheesy. Uglavnom nelosa pasivna zajebancija. Najveci cirkus je bio jucer kad je bilo listanje na Binance te je naravno cijena roknula za 90% posto je na nekom lijevom exchangeu cijena bila debelo prenapuhana.

Moram priznati da stvarno vidim puno potencijala u kombinaciji gaminga i NFTa, jedva cekam da netko izbaci neki posteni mmo/mmorpg!
4709  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: OSCARS 2021- Nominees, Odds and Predictions! on: April 13, 2021, 09:47:39 PM
I haven't watched any of these movies but I am affected by the odds.Nomadland has an 1.4 odd while the others have really high odds compared to this.I don't think we can judge by the odds in movies like we can in sports because each one of us has different emotions during a movie.Some people may prefer the movie with the highest odd so I would not bet on any of these events.

A lot of talk about Nomadland, and people claim that it is almost assured of the prize for best movie. I checked the odds for other movies, but they are far behind. The Trial of the Chicago 7 seems to be in the second place, but there is a wide gap between the two. Moonlight and Hidden Figures are also talked about as potential nominations. A few others in picture are Minari, Promising Young Woman and Judas and the Black
The thing that I don't understand is how Trial of the Chicago 7 has such a low odds ( and high chances for the win). For me personally it was an average movie, and I am a big fan of courtroom dramas. I just expected more from it.

When I sum it all up, I like the Nomadland the most. It's kinda melancholic and almost made in documentary style+superb photography but definitely not movie for everyone and I can understand why someone might not like it. Close 2nd for me is The Father, and I really hope that some miracle happens and Anthony Hopkins gets his well deserved Oscar.
4710  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: Don't use CITEX on: April 13, 2021, 09:33:33 PM
First, sorry to hear about the issues you have with Citex in regard to withdrawing your funds. I must say that I never heard before about that one.

I just did some Googling about the exchange, and their rating sucks even on Trustpilot, the platform that is known by bunch of fake positive reviews so when you see so many people labeling it as a scam exchange then you really not that is a bad one. So yeah, I wish you good luck with your effort, but it seems that their behavior towards you it's more like a rule than exception.
4711  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: UTRUST refused to reimburse some traders who bought UTK tokens BEFORE snapshot on: April 13, 2021, 06:05:59 PM
I can't believe they didn't refund or reimburse this long time case and it ended up being unsettled for months. Sorry to hear that loss mate, actually utk is considered as one of the potential project and been listed on Binance since then. Probably they overlooked this case or lets just say that don't want to reimburse it since utk price is so high now.

Supporting the flag mate.

I must say that I am also surprised by UTK move, not reimbursing people that lost the money. Up until now I only heard good things about them, some of my friends are using their debit card and are very satisfied with them (I also considered getting one but now I will think about it) so it sucks to hear that they screw up the people that way and that no solution could have been made to sort it out.

Flag supported!
4712  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Pregled Bitcointalk Signature-Ad kampanja on: April 13, 2021, 10:59:31 AM
Mislim da čak nije problem ni u meritima već vidim da je i veliki dio ''starih'' korisnika napustio forum i ovdje više ne piše.
Samo pogledaj postove od prije 4-5 godina i vidjet ćeš da velikog dijela tih ljudi više nema ovdje.
S druge strane, definitivno se vidi pad interesa novih članova za ovaj forum.
Vecinu novih ljudi koji su novi u kriptu zanimaju altcoini, DeFi, NFT i sve to novo sto je sada popularno,  a ja stvarno ne vidim zasto bi ijedan clan kojeg to fakat zanima i kojem je to prioritet dolazio na forum. Altcoin sekcija je teski kaos i totalno zapustena, i da dodje neki kvalitetan clan tamo pisati, brzo bi digao ruke od svega toga. Jos pogtovoo sto ako je aktivan tamo nema skoro nikakve sanse napredovanja na forumu jer tamo merita ima na kapaljku.

Čini mi se da većina novih članova koji dolaze su tu isključivo zbog mogućnosti zarade a to je i razlog zašto je gambling sekcija najaktivnija na forumu.
Svi moraju pisati tamo zbog uvjeta svojih kampanja.
Budimo realni, forum duguje jedno 90% aktivnosti sig kampanjama. Vjerojatno bi dosta ljudi i dalje povremeno piskaralo na forumu, ali koliko nas bi pisalo 20-50 postova tjedno da nema nikakve sanse za zaradu od toga? A i kad bi pisali, to bi bilo tamo gdje mi hocemo i gdje nas nesto zanima a ne da se ispuni kvota u odredjenim dijelovima foruma.

Ali kao sto vidimo, cak ni sig kampanje nisu nikakav motiv novim clanovima. Na prvu se cini da je lako doci do visih rankova, ali kad kreces od nule, potrebno je jak puno sati,  i truda da bi se napredovalo u skladu sa activityem.

Ja sam svojevremeno provodio minimalno 3-4 sata dnevno na forumu (u zadnja 3-4 mjeseca sam to smanjio na max dnevno a nekad ni toliko) cackao, gledao sve i svasta, svako malo otvarao nove topice te je merit samo dolazio. A jos uz to sam u kriptu godinama i imam cca 20 godina iskustva na drugim forumima pa mi je sve ovo bilo poznato i brzo sam sve pohvatao. I sad zamisli pocetnika u kriptu kojeg vise zanima ta alt prica, te nema bas iskustva na forumima. Napredovat ce jako sporo te su velike sanse da ce brzo dici ruke od foruma.

4713  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: ROI minning on: April 13, 2021, 10:36:07 AM
You're right.

The devs have been talking about that for a long time. The change of phase is very slow and let's see if they're going to fulfill the promise that they've said for this upcoming month of July or August for the 1559.
Based on all those previous false promises so far around Ethereum and POS, I wouldn't put my money on it. I honestly don;t even understand why they put deadlines instea djust saying "it will be done when it's done" to decrease amount of drama.

Now that you mentioned EIP-1559, I read that ETH miners are even planning to protest against that change, which is not a surprise at all. You can read  more about it in the link
4714  Economy / Services / Re: Need help for signature campaign! on: April 13, 2021, 10:27:57 AM
Acquiring copper membership is good solution but also for more productive result better hire a campaign reputable manager since they will give you proper guidance on how to run a campaign without any troubles.
While I do agree that hiring an external manager is an easier solution and probably works the best in majority of the cases ( even more so if you don't know anything about bitcointalk and OP probably doesn't as he is unaware of Copper member) doing it on your own can also be a viable solution, if you have time and will to do it and especially if you plan to do it for a longer period of time.

Good example of that is BestChange sgnature campaign that is going on for more than a year now and is among the best led campaigns on the forum.
4715  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: ROI minning on: April 12, 2021, 07:52:12 PM
You will probably get the best answer to your question if you head to either Bitcoin mining or altcoin mining sections. Be aware of the one thing though; majority of the websites that have highly efficient asic miners readily available are scammers, so make sure from who you are buying your equipment from.

But if you can't, follow the guy who has said about GPU/video card mining. And mine Ethereum while you can because it's about to be stopped soon.
They keep saying for years now that Ethereum will switch to proof of stake, but as we can see, Ethereum mining is still alive and kicking and will probably be around for a couple of years more. That switch is much easier said than done and that's why they keep delaying it.
4716  Economy / Speculation / Re: Someone Big Again Just Bought 12600 Bitcoin at 60k on: April 12, 2021, 07:33:01 PM
I don't know, but someone buying 12600 Bitcoin is hardly a news nowadays considering how many bug names are interested in bitcoin, no matter the price the the fact that's 756 million USD. I mean, Grayscale often bought even bigger amount in a single day, so as I said, just business as usual.

I do agree with other part, that we are most likely going up and that we are nowhere near the top of this bull run.
4717  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Bitcoiners Show Me Your Scars!! on: April 12, 2021, 07:18:37 PM
Bruce Wayne didn't promise to himself to get rid of evil and end up being Gotham's protector if it weren't for his parents being murdered in cold blood by a criminal right in-front of him.

Rikaflip, Bitcointalk's crypto Batman.  Grin
Haha you really made me chuckle Cheesy

Sounds corny, but that old saying that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger is true, and really builds up a character.

I think you can be wounded and scarred by not doing something, like in my example. I have been away from the altcoin scene for many years because my goal is to improve my bitcoin portfolio. Back in Nov/Dec when Polkadot was still trading at $5 a coin, I had half a grand at an exchange that I hadn't withdrawn for long-term storage yet. I thought about purchasing DOT for that amount but I changed my mind in the last minute. DOT is now worth $40 a coin and I missed a great opportunity thinking it's just another alt getting some temporary attention that will soon be gone. There is an example of how fear of being scarred and wounded causes you not to act on your instincts.     
I think that many of us that survived 2017/2018 altcoin demise have the same fear, and due that missed some good opportunities to increase our BTC amount that way.
4718  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: SCAM upozorenja Zbirni topic on: April 12, 2021, 11:16:28 AM
Žalosno je to kad ljudi zaslijepe od pohlepe ili od želje da zarade neki novac i rješe neke svoje životne probleme. Nažalost imao sam priliku da slušam i gledam uživo neku dalju rodbinu sa mamine strane kako priča o nevjerovatnoj ponudi koju su dobili da pomognu jednoj bogatoj arapskoj obitelji da izvuku novac iz zemlje. Za svoju pomoć bi dobili par miliona dolara ali prije toga naravno moraju platiti par hiljada za naknade, registraciju, itd.

Nikad nisam saznao koliki novac su dali jer smo izgubili kontakt i prije toga. Ne mojom greškom. Upozoravali smo ih da je riječ o klasičnoj prevari, da ne budu naivni, itd. Tad sam vidio koliko pohlepa može da utiče na čovjeka. U njihovim očima, ja sam bio ljubomorna budala. Optuživali su mene i roditelje da nam je krivo što mi nemamo priliku da zaradimo taj silni novac. Da sam ljubomoran na njih što su oni "izabrani" a ne ja. Oni su zapravo i vjerovali da su posebni i da su ih zato bogati arapi odabrali među milijonima drugih kandidata. A ja, bezobraznik ljubomorni sam želio da uništim njihove snove.

Tako da ništa me ne čudi Rikafip. Vjerovatno ti se neki od njih smiju i smatraće tebe neprijateljem koji im oduzima priliku da zarade novce.      
Strasno, ovo je level onog emaila od nigerijskog princa. Zalosno da ljudi padnu na takve fore, cak i  nakon sto ih se upozori.

Misliš da mu je Danijel B. njegovo pravo ime? On kaže da je nekad bio novinar i da je u kriptu od 2018, znači moguće da je i na Bitcointalk lokalnom forumu.
Lako se može napraviti profil sa lažnim imenom na facebook a ako je stvarno stavio svoje ime onda je ili lud ili nema pojma o kriptu.
Da, detaljno sam to pregledao i 100% sam siguran da koristi svoje pravo ime i prezime. Isti lik je na linku webinara, FB profila, te u nekim drugim clancima u kojima se spominje njegovo ime, tako da nema sanse da je sve to fejkao. Evo jednog od tih clanaka iz 2017 pa mozes vidjeti da je to isti jedan te isti lik zte je on na vrhu Troncase balkanske piramide. Jednostavno ima debila koji su spremni i sa svojim imenom promovirati prevare, nije to nista cudno.

On je naveden kao sluzbeni zastupnik za Hrvatsku na njihovoj stranici Posto izgleda ostale ex-yu zemlje nemaju svoje, on je velikodusno preuzeo na sebe to pa skuplja ljude sa cijelog tog podrucja. Kao sto sam rekao ranije, najgore je to sto ljudi uvlace u ovo svoje prijatelje i familiju...

Da vidio sam taj review, ima ih jos par i samo potvrdjuje ono sto itko sa imalo iskustva u kriptu moze odmah vidjeti cim baci oko na Troncase.

Mislim da je često to više pitanje očaja a ne pohlepe.
Čovjek se nalazi u teškoj financijskoj situaciji, težak posao s malom plaćom, možda je i ovršen i ne vidi izlaza.
Kada mu se slučajno ukaže neka prilika on ''želi vjerovati'' ne zato što je pohlepan već zato što je očajan i ne vidi drugog izlaza.
To su jako teška stanja uma koja je teško razumjeti i takvi ljudi više ne žive u stvarnosti već u mašti ili nekoj drugoj stvarnosti u kojoj je sve moguće.
Racionalno razumijevanje i logika u takvim stanjima uma i duha se potpuno izgube i zato gubiš vrijeme s njima, morat će se sami suočiti sa posljedicama.
Evo bas se danas potvrdilo ovo o cemu si pricao. Kao sto sam rekao, sa jednim accountom sam u grupi te kako se javljaju novi clanovi tako ih pokusavam upozoriti da vade novce cim mogu te sam naletioo na poruku od jednog clana koji je izgleda uletio u to bas zbog toga sto duguje neku lovu. Posto koristi svoje pravo ime/prezime i sliku (ljudi u grupi su nevjerojatno naivni po tom pitanju) taj dio cu sakriti.

Nakon toga sam mu se javio preko PM i objasnio mu situaciju. Kasnije smo jos nastavili chatati i naravno da je totalni pocetnik u kriptu, pitao me za neke savjete gdje kupiti kripto pa sam mu predlozio bitcoin store ili bitcoin mjenjancnicu posto zivi na relaciji Beograd-Zagreb

Kontaktirao sam neke ljude koji imaju veze u policiji, pa cekam da mi oni daju povratnu informaciju sto je najbolje napraviti u ovakvim situacijama. Do tada cu na ovakav nacin kontatirati nove ljude pa mozda bar nekome pomognem da ne izgubi sve, jer ih sa tim 1700% prinosom namame da ne vade novce nego da reinvestiraju, a za godinu dana kad bi kao trebali dobiti novce, ova piramida vise nece postojati.
4719  Economy / Services / Re: I need a lawyer who can act against on: April 12, 2021, 06:01:17 AM
What a ridiculous guy lol, looking for a laywer on the bitcointalk forum.

What we actually have here is some weak ass attempt to get some more attention about his case and intimidate, which won't work for obvious reasons.
4720  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Bitcoiners Show Me Your Scars!! on: April 11, 2021, 08:12:43 PM
Since i can't bother to write it all over again, I will quote part of my post from the interview few months ago. It was pretty traumatic experience as i was never hacked before, that almost made me quit crypto all together. To be honest, I was more angry at myself than I was at the scammers. But as you can see, I didn't quit crypto and in the end that is probably  the main reason why I am active on scam busting scene,

So, few days before Christmas 2017 (iirc it was 23.12) I was waiting for some BTC so I opened blockchain wallet. It was quite a shock to say the least when I saw that instead of 0.1 BTC my balance was 0. Completely confused I am sending the message to friend, asking can he check my address, but of course only thing he could do is confirm that my BTC is indeed gone. Upon checking the address where my BTC went I saw quiet a lot of BTC, and new one kept coming, making me believe it was a work of an experienced scammer.

Mistake I did? Earlier that day for some stupid reason I typed "" into Google instead having it bookmarked, leading me to a phishing page. After few sleepless nights during which I seriously considered to get rid off crypto I had left ( beside BTC I had a little bit of ETH ) and simply forget about all this. But then I said to myself "fuck it, shit happens, move on" and I did. Next day I ordered hardware wallet and here I am still.

By @Pokapoka124 definition, I guess i fall into "scarred" group.

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