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4721  Economy / Speculation / Re: Someone Big Again Just Bought 12600 Bitcoin at 60k on: April 12, 2021, 07:33:01 PM
I don't know, but someone buying 12600 Bitcoin is hardly a news nowadays considering how many bug names are interested in bitcoin, no matter the price the the fact that's 756 million USD. I mean, Grayscale often bought even bigger amount in a single day, so as I said, just business as usual.

I do agree with other part, that we are most likely going up and that we are nowhere near the top of this bull run.
4722  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Bitcoiners Show Me Your Scars!! on: April 12, 2021, 07:18:37 PM
Bruce Wayne didn't promise to himself to get rid of evil and end up being Gotham's protector if it weren't for his parents being murdered in cold blood by a criminal right in-front of him.

Rikaflip, Bitcointalk's crypto Batman.  Grin
Haha you really made me chuckle Cheesy

Sounds corny, but that old saying that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger is true, and really builds up a character.

I think you can be wounded and scarred by not doing something, like in my example. I have been away from the altcoin scene for many years because my goal is to improve my bitcoin portfolio. Back in Nov/Dec when Polkadot was still trading at $5 a coin, I had half a grand at an exchange that I hadn't withdrawn for long-term storage yet. I thought about purchasing DOT for that amount but I changed my mind in the last minute. DOT is now worth $40 a coin and I missed a great opportunity thinking it's just another alt getting some temporary attention that will soon be gone. There is an example of how fear of being scarred and wounded causes you not to act on your instincts.     
I think that many of us that survived 2017/2018 altcoin demise have the same fear, and due that missed some good opportunities to increase our BTC amount that way.
4723  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: SCAM upozorenja Zbirni topic on: April 12, 2021, 11:16:28 AM
Žalosno je to kad ljudi zaslijepe od pohlepe ili od želje da zarade neki novac i rješe neke svoje životne probleme. Nažalost imao sam priliku da slušam i gledam uživo neku dalju rodbinu sa mamine strane kako priča o nevjerovatnoj ponudi koju su dobili da pomognu jednoj bogatoj arapskoj obitelji da izvuku novac iz zemlje. Za svoju pomoć bi dobili par miliona dolara ali prije toga naravno moraju platiti par hiljada za naknade, registraciju, itd.

Nikad nisam saznao koliki novac su dali jer smo izgubili kontakt i prije toga. Ne mojom greškom. Upozoravali smo ih da je riječ o klasičnoj prevari, da ne budu naivni, itd. Tad sam vidio koliko pohlepa može da utiče na čovjeka. U njihovim očima, ja sam bio ljubomorna budala. Optuživali su mene i roditelje da nam je krivo što mi nemamo priliku da zaradimo taj silni novac. Da sam ljubomoran na njih što su oni "izabrani" a ne ja. Oni su zapravo i vjerovali da su posebni i da su ih zato bogati arapi odabrali među milijonima drugih kandidata. A ja, bezobraznik ljubomorni sam želio da uništim njihove snove.

Tako da ništa me ne čudi Rikafip. Vjerovatno ti se neki od njih smiju i smatraće tebe neprijateljem koji im oduzima priliku da zarade novce.      
Strasno, ovo je level onog emaila od nigerijskog princa. Zalosno da ljudi padnu na takve fore, cak i  nakon sto ih se upozori.

Misliš da mu je Danijel B. njegovo pravo ime? On kaže da je nekad bio novinar i da je u kriptu od 2018, znači moguće da je i na Bitcointalk lokalnom forumu.
Lako se može napraviti profil sa lažnim imenom na facebook a ako je stvarno stavio svoje ime onda je ili lud ili nema pojma o kriptu.
Da, detaljno sam to pregledao i 100% sam siguran da koristi svoje pravo ime i prezime. Isti lik je na linku webinara, FB profila, te u nekim drugim clancima u kojima se spominje njegovo ime, tako da nema sanse da je sve to fejkao. Evo jednog od tih clanaka iz 2017 pa mozes vidjeti da je to isti jedan te isti lik zte je on na vrhu Troncase balkanske piramide. Jednostavno ima debila koji su spremni i sa svojim imenom promovirati prevare, nije to nista cudno.

On je naveden kao sluzbeni zastupnik za Hrvatsku na njihovoj stranici Posto izgleda ostale ex-yu zemlje nemaju svoje, on je velikodusno preuzeo na sebe to pa skuplja ljude sa cijelog tog podrucja. Kao sto sam rekao ranije, najgore je to sto ljudi uvlace u ovo svoje prijatelje i familiju...

Da vidio sam taj review, ima ih jos par i samo potvrdjuje ono sto itko sa imalo iskustva u kriptu moze odmah vidjeti cim baci oko na Troncase.

Mislim da je često to više pitanje očaja a ne pohlepe.
Čovjek se nalazi u teškoj financijskoj situaciji, težak posao s malom plaćom, možda je i ovršen i ne vidi izlaza.
Kada mu se slučajno ukaže neka prilika on ''želi vjerovati'' ne zato što je pohlepan već zato što je očajan i ne vidi drugog izlaza.
To su jako teška stanja uma koja je teško razumjeti i takvi ljudi više ne žive u stvarnosti već u mašti ili nekoj drugoj stvarnosti u kojoj je sve moguće.
Racionalno razumijevanje i logika u takvim stanjima uma i duha se potpuno izgube i zato gubiš vrijeme s njima, morat će se sami suočiti sa posljedicama.
Evo bas se danas potvrdilo ovo o cemu si pricao. Kao sto sam rekao, sa jednim accountom sam u grupi te kako se javljaju novi clanovi tako ih pokusavam upozoriti da vade novce cim mogu te sam naletioo na poruku od jednog clana koji je izgleda uletio u to bas zbog toga sto duguje neku lovu. Posto koristi svoje pravo ime/prezime i sliku (ljudi u grupi su nevjerojatno naivni po tom pitanju) taj dio cu sakriti.

Nakon toga sam mu se javio preko PM i objasnio mu situaciju. Kasnije smo jos nastavili chatati i naravno da je totalni pocetnik u kriptu, pitao me za neke savjete gdje kupiti kripto pa sam mu predlozio bitcoin store ili bitcoin mjenjancnicu posto zivi na relaciji Beograd-Zagreb

Kontaktirao sam neke ljude koji imaju veze u policiji, pa cekam da mi oni daju povratnu informaciju sto je najbolje napraviti u ovakvim situacijama. Do tada cu na ovakav nacin kontatirati nove ljude pa mozda bar nekome pomognem da ne izgubi sve, jer ih sa tim 1700% prinosom namame da ne vade novce nego da reinvestiraju, a za godinu dana kad bi kao trebali dobiti novce, ova piramida vise nece postojati.
4724  Economy / Services / Re: I need a lawyer who can act against on: April 12, 2021, 06:01:17 AM
What a ridiculous guy lol, looking for a laywer on the bitcointalk forum.

What we actually have here is some weak ass attempt to get some more attention about his case and intimidate, which won't work for obvious reasons.
4725  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Bitcoiners Show Me Your Scars!! on: April 11, 2021, 08:12:43 PM
Since i can't bother to write it all over again, I will quote part of my post from the interview few months ago. It was pretty traumatic experience as i was never hacked before, that almost made me quit crypto all together. To be honest, I was more angry at myself than I was at the scammers. But as you can see, I didn't quit crypto and in the end that is probably  the main reason why I am active on scam busting scene,

So, few days before Christmas 2017 (iirc it was 23.12) I was waiting for some BTC so I opened blockchain wallet. It was quite a shock to say the least when I saw that instead of 0.1 BTC my balance was 0. Completely confused I am sending the message to friend, asking can he check my address, but of course only thing he could do is confirm that my BTC is indeed gone. Upon checking the address where my BTC went I saw quiet a lot of BTC, and new one kept coming, making me believe it was a work of an experienced scammer.

Mistake I did? Earlier that day for some stupid reason I typed "" into Google instead having it bookmarked, leading me to a phishing page. After few sleepless nights during which I seriously considered to get rid off crypto I had left ( beside BTC I had a little bit of ETH ) and simply forget about all this. But then I said to myself "fuck it, shit happens, move on" and I did. Next day I ordered hardware wallet and here I am still.

By @Pokapoka124 definition, I guess i fall into "scarred" group.

4726  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: SCAM upozorenja Zbirni topic on: April 11, 2021, 11:40:40 AM
mislim da policija ne anticipira prevare u nastanku, odnosno ljudi prvo moraju izgubiti novac, pa onda mozes podneti prijavu za to
da me ne shvatis pogresno, vidi se iz svega sto si napisao da je u pitanju klasicna ponzi shema, ali nisam siguran da se nesto moze preduzeti pre nego sto neko izgubi novac
Pa nekako mi se cini da je kazneno djelo i samo aktivno promoviranje i uvlacenje ljude u piramidu, sto bi znacilo da ima osnova za prijavu. Ali cu se svakako raspitati detaljnije prije nego napravim slijedeci korak.

Ne znam baš da to ide tako. Mislim da bi dokaz namjere da se nekoga prevari trebao biti dovoljan za neku vrstu reakcije.
Bas to, mislim da bi i namjera trebala biti dovoljna. Ali kao sto si rekao, mi tu sada nagadjamo.

Mislim da bi se prvo trebalo posavjetovati s nekim odvjetnikom, stručnjakom za kazneno pravo i onda platiti tog odvjetnika da podnese kaznenu prijavu kod nadležnog suda.
Treba to stručno napraviti, na temelju prave točke u kaznenom zakonu a to ti može napraviti i odraditi samo stručna osoba.
Pa ne bi dizao ja osobnu tuzbu protiv tog lika koji je "zastupnik" za region pa da placam odvjetnike za prijavu i sta sve ne, nego bi ga jednostavno prijavio policiji za krsenje tog i tog clana zakona etc. Koliko ja znam, policija generalno reagira na takve stvari, samo ne znam da li su sposobni pojmiti kripto prevare. Kad se ta shema urusi, njega ionako ceka privatna tuzba od nekog tko izgubi vecu kolicinu love, a nadam se da ga netko od ostecenih bude i osobno "posjetio".
4727  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: SCAM upozorenja Zbirni topic on: April 11, 2021, 10:19:00 AM
Stvarno mrzim te prevare, a najgore mi je što imam frenda koji je 99% već nasjeo na nju. Nije inače glup ali ne mogu mu objasniti da nema besplatne love nigdje, pa ni u kriptu. Zadnji put mi je poslao sav zadovoljan link na neki cloud mining bitcoina di plaćaš samo 200$ mjesečno a dobijaš barem 2000$ BTCa svaki mjesec. I ja mu onda kažem zašto bi to netko uopće prodavao a ne samo zadržao lovu i on se svejedno prijavi i onda mi kaže da je BTC prevara jer nije ništa dobio.
Ma da, klasicna prica. Oni jednostavno vide kripto kao neki magicni novac koji raste na drvecu i donosi nenormalne profite jer slusaju okolo price kako se xyz obogatio na kriptu pa bi tako i oni. Ujedno i odgovor ovima kako netko moze pasti na takvu glupu foru.

Mislim da postoje ljudi i u policiji koji bi ti mogli itekako pomoći ali vjerujem da ih je malo i nemam pojma kako ih pronaći. Sretno.
Da, mislim da cu se prvo raspitati malo preko nekih ljudi koji imaju kontakte u policiji. Za sada skupljam i arhiviram materijal.

Ako imaš volje, svakako predlažem da ga prijaviš policiji. Ponzi prijevare su postojale i prije kriptovaluta i mislim da policija zna kako postupati u tom slučaju. Ne znam koliko za shvaćanje ove ponzi prijevare treba biti u stanju shvatiti kripto ali svakako ponzi nije ništa novo i prilično sam siguran da u zakonu postoji neka odredba koja zabranjuje takvu vrstu "ulaganja".
Ma naravno da su ponziji stara stvar i da je to rijeseno u kaznenom zakonu, samo je veliko pitanje da li policija moze uopce shvatiti kripto aspekt price, pa me zanimalo da li mozda netko ima ikakva iskustva.

Ono sto je najzalosnije je sto takvi uvlace svoju familiju i prijatelje u to, jer koga ces drugog pozvati nego nekog koga vec znas. I onda ce kripto biti kriv na kraju.

4728  Other / Meta / Re: New report feature? - Good, bad, unhandled reports on: April 11, 2021, 09:57:57 AM
Quite a lot of my reports have been threads where one user has posted multiple times (usually five or less minutes apart) - at a guess, the admin/mods have looked at the sheer numbers reported and decided not to bother.
Hm, that is weird, that user was clearly breaking forum rules and that admins/mods decided not to do anything, but I really doubt that has anything to do with the amount of posts you reported, or that they were lazy etc so thats why they didn't do anything. I don't know if I understood you correctly, but did you report whole threads, or posts inside?

I've used to report posts in bulk, usually several hundreds at once and I never noticed that mods decided not to do anything just because I reported a lot. I know that some users even reported several thousands of posts in a single day and it got deleted, so that's why I don't think that's the reason for your posts staying unhandled.

By the way, care to share some of those posts that stayed unhandled, if you can find them?
4729  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: SCAM upozorenja Zbirni topic on: April 11, 2021, 09:37:17 AM
Prije par dana sam nabasao na novu ponzi shemu koja se siri ex-yu podrucjem. Naime, netko je na napravio temu te podjelio par linkova na Troncase, jos jednu u nizu TRX baziranih prevara.

Proradila je znatizelja da cisto vidim o cemu se tu radi jer se glavni i odgovorni za ovu regiju potpisao imenom i prezimenom. Naravno, ispostavilo se da je rijec o najobicnijoj piramidi koja koristenjem "auditiranog smart contracta" laze ljude da je sve cisto i odrzivo. Ono sto je zanimljivo je da je iza Troncasea Martin Karus, osoba odgovorna za piramidu EVBLYiM koju sam prijavio prosle godine.

Troncase website

Ovo je nacin na koji se u samo godinu dana na ulog od $100 zaradi cak $1700. How yes now.

Ono sto mi je bas diglo tlak je kad se udje u Telegram grupu i skuzi da je ogromna vecina ovih koji ulazu stariji od 50 godina te da nemaju apsolutno pojma kako kriptovalute uopce funkcioniraju. za njih je to magicni novac a takvi prinosi su im skroz normalni. Ono sto je najgore je da sam se preko PM javljao ljudima pokusavajuci im objasniti da je rijec o piramidi, ali osim njih par koji su mi povjerovali, oni jednostavno odbijaju vjerovati u to. Hrpa ljudi sa balkana su vec uvuceni u ovo, i velika vecina ce izgubiti lovu, osim mozda njih par na vrhu koji zapravu znaju o cemu se radi i namjerno ljude uvlace u ovo.

Po dapp radaru, Troncase je trenutno druga najpopularnija na Tron blockchainu, znaci ovo se fakat rasirilo i primilo.

E ono sto mene u biti najvise zanima je kako zakon u Hrvatskoj gleda na takve kripto piramide, jer razmisljam da podnesem kaznenu prijavu protiv regionalnog lidera koji koristi svoje ime i prezime, znaci nije neki fejk profil, sto se moze potvrditi putem linka na webinar te ga se moze naci i na Facebooku. Znaci, da li je nasa policija uopce sposobna skuziti o cemu se tu radi  ili je to gubljenje vremena, i njihovog i mojeg?

Jel ima mozda netko nekakva saznanja ili iskustva sa time, jer mi bas takvi dizu tlak, koji iskoristavaju neznanje totalno neupucenih te im prodaju price o lakoj zaradi, pa ce takvi onda siriti price da je cijeli kripto jedna velka prevaram nakon sto popuse lovu.

4730  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: BTC losing its dominance big time on: April 11, 2021, 07:22:29 AM
78% Shocked Where did you get this? That aggregator probably doesn't have a lot of coins/tokens listed on it or it has a completely different way of computing. Coingecko has it at 53% while it's around 54% at Coinmarketcap.
That graphics is taken from and they calculate it a bit different. In their BTC dominance calculations they  include POW coins only, and without any of those ICOs or stablecoins. They include 12 of those (BTC, ETH, ETC, LTC, BSV, BCH,DOGE, DCR, BTG, DASH, XMR and BSV) so no wonder that BTC dominance is way higher acccording to them than it it on CMC, Coingecko, Tradingview or whatever else people are using.

Whether that's the right way to check dominance is debatable, but here are the explanations from their website why they exclude stablecoins and ICOs

Bitcoin Dominance excludes ICOs because they are each controlled and issued by a centralized entity and so therefore cannot act as hard money. Even if the ICO intends to be money, it cannot offer any improvement over the current fiat system of centralized banking and money printing.

Stablecoins have a very specific use in mind: Stablecoins act as on-ramps and off-ramps between fiat and cryptocurrencies and are just an extension of government controlled fiat money.

Because The Real Bitcoin Dominance Index is only interested in tracking which cryptocurrencies are capable of becoming global money replacements one day, stablecoins cannot be included since their value and purpose depends on fiat dollars existing.

Regarding BTC temporarily loosing dominance, it was kinda expected after hovering between 55-60k for some time. It will last for some time, some people will make shit load of money while even more will loose before all that profit goes back into BTC.Few altcoins will survive while others will die. Rinse and repeat.
4731  Other / Meta / Re: New report feature? - Good, bad, unhandled reports on: April 10, 2021, 05:12:00 PM
I’ve sometimes wondered why the 300 good report threshold must be met in order to gain access to the last 30 day report detail window. At some point I guessed it was a perk that had the threshold as an incentive, but it’s not really common knowledge, so the incentive theory doesn’t quite add-up.

Some time ago I asked the same thing, why don't we have report history feature right from the beginning, instead having this obstacle in order to get it and I got the same answer from others, that it serves as an incentive. But it would be much easier for beginners to have that feature right from the beginning as if you have report posts in bulk and some get deleted and some don't, you have no idea what are you doing wrong. I know that would have helped me at when I started reporting the posts for the first time.

Then again, there is much spam on the forum that if someone really wants to reach 300 good reports in order to unlock that feature, he can easily do it in a day. Just head to altcoin section  Cheesy

You've got to wonder what the admin/mods are doing to let over seven hundred reports go "unhandled" especially when reports tend to disappear from the "your reports" list after a month or so.


Are they still there?  Why are admin/mods so undecided?
Iirc, I've read somewhere that unhandled status is sort of euphemism for "soft bad", like report is most likely bad, but mods are not sure and don't wanna mark it as such etc in order not to ruin report accuracy so they just leave it unhandled, or something along those lines.
4732  Economy / Reputation / Re: KICKICO-KickEx:Legit business or scam in making? on: April 10, 2021, 06:47:27 AM
Unfortunately, you can stay assured tokens value will dump hard once they are unlocked (maybe end of 2021 if i correctly understood ?).

This token is faking our wallets real value by now !  Sad
They way I understood it, tokens are unlocked when you are active on their exchange. AS you are trading, you are earning what they call "$KEX tokens" which are used to unlock KICK tokens. So the only way to unlock them is to actively trade, and how many successful traders you know?

I have no updates on this token, if they ever unlocked it, it will bring down the value to zero but at least I can get rid of it.
Sooner or later it will go to 0, but until then it will remain annoyance in the wallet, that's for sure.

The bait actually worked and when i was going through my old wallet which were empty i found one with $400 odd and was checking how it came to my wallet but never found an answer and now after seeing this thread i knew i made a mistake as i already transferred ETH to that wallet thinking i could send and then came to know about the restrictions  Undecided.
Hah yeah, that sucks, but at least you didn't decide to buy more of that KICK tokens, or to register on their exchange and trade in order to unlock them, which was their main plan.

So anyone here tried to unlock the coins and how much dollars worth you need to trade for the coins to be unlocked.
Bare in mind that KICK is pump&dump shitcoin, so current price can dramatically change any day now. While current value of 888,888 KICK is ~500 USD, just one month ago it was ~25 USD. Every once in a while they have this pumps as an attempt to attract people like you to register and trade on their exchange. So chances are that by the time you finish with unlocking price will go down where it was before, close to 0.

Thing is, if you are good trader, this money is peanuts for you and you can make it easily on any other exchange. But if you are not, you will loose more money while trying to unlock KICK tokens than they are worth. As simple as that.
4733  Other / Meta / Re: @JohnnyLVC - Abuse and violation of the forum's good practices on: April 09, 2021, 07:26:58 PM
I thought it was just for club members.  Cheesy

Haha I thought the same thing when I saw that thread for the first time, and I was reluctant to post there for some time as I thought that first I have to be accepted in the Spambusters club. But then I realized that it's not so strict and that I can report my findings there or ask for an advice/help, without being an official part of the club.
4734  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: Dating apps and websites crypto scam on: April 09, 2021, 07:02:55 AM
Hah yeah, that is a know scam approach that unfortunately works quite good if scammer plays the long game and works on his victim for a few weeks. By then fool falls in love  and is willing to do pretty much anything. "Pretty ladies" contacted me many times on Telegram, trying to do the same thing. Usually I just block them immediately after the first message (rule of thumb on Telegram is if anyone sends you unsolicited PM, its a scam) but few times i went along to see how long will it take them.

Usually they try scam you the same day, but once or twice they were very patient, chatting with me for a week, before they steered the conversation towards "incredible investment opportunities. One of them even used her real picture, as I asked her to send selfie holding piece of paper with the current date written, before I deposited BTC and she actually did that.

Similar techniques existed long before cryptocurrencies, and with crypto it became much easier to scam. Recently I heard about the case in Croatia where some woman went to the bank to deposit 2,000 EURO to her "fiance" from South Africa (iirc), and when bank clerk asked her to give her the name of her fiance she said "let me check Facebook". Bank clerk was suspicious that she doesn't even know her "fiance" name by heart, started asking questions etc and it turned out to be a scam.
4735  Other / Meta / Re: @JohnnyLVC - Abuse and violation of the forum's good practices on: April 08, 2021, 08:34:42 PM

I have opened this topic so that I can explain better and refer to it when I report to the moderator. I guess it helped because his posts were removed shortly thereafter.
In case you have some questions about spammers, not sure what to do or you just wanna report some suspicious behavior, you can also use : [CLUB] The SpamBusters! Busting rule-breakers constantly. Thread is maybe  not as active as it used to be, but plenty of experienced spambusters there that can help you.
4736  Economy / Reputation / Re: KICKICO-KickEx:Legit business or scam in making? on: April 08, 2021, 05:40:12 PM

I'm following this thread as I was also surprise I have some KICK in my wallet, I cannot remember I participated in a bounty campaign before.. maybe I did but it was a long time ago and this token has no value before so maybe it slipped in my mind.

You don't remember doing anything to get KICK tokens because you didn't have to do absolutely anything to get them, except to have relatively active ETH wallet at the time they were sharing those shitcoins. Tens of thousands of people have those useless shitcoins that they never wanted, or did anything to get them.

If I remember correctly their plan was to distribute 888,888 KICK to 1 million addresses, with the hope that some will swallow the bait and either buy more KICK  or register on their exchange in order to unlock them.
4737  Other / Meta / Re: Bitcointalk Memes! on: April 08, 2021, 08:43:00 AM
4738  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: Bitcoin Forum on: April 08, 2021, 06:56:56 AM
Perhaps I'm missing the post here, but could you elaborate on the reason that made you make this thread? What is it that you want to discuss about? Or am I missing something?
Its simple really, he is trying to promote that website on bitcointalk, and what's the better way to do it than this?

Problem with these kind of rating sites that it can be easily manipulated. I mean, just look at ICOBench, FoundICO or any other similar tracking site. Bunch of fake reviews and paid "experts" giving their ratings for a couple of bucks, and I don't see a way in which this attempt  of bringing "Ratings that can be trusted" doesn't end up the same way as all the others.

So yeah, even if people behind this have best intentions, I would trust this site as much I trust any random anonymous person on the internet writing a review.
4739  Economy / Reputation / Re: KICKICO-KickEx:Legit business or scam in making? on: April 08, 2021, 06:31:45 AM
But who would have thought, currently this frozen token is now showing a value of around $ 440. Even so, until now I have not been interested in withdrawing it. My reason is that apart from having to complete KYC, as a trader with small capital, it could take me one year or more, to be able to release all the tokens from frozen wallet. It could be that this is also a hidden pump plan for the KICK token.
This current value of ~$440 is temporary as few weeks ago KICK token was 1/10 of the current price. This is just another pump and dump round of KICK tokens, something that they do in regular intervals in order to attract new people to try unfreeze those locked tokens.

It could be that this is also a hidden pump plan for the KICK token. Thus there will be many members who eventually become interested in registering and following the process for claims their frozen airdrop otokens.
But imagine how much trading you have to do in order to unlock those tokens, especially if you are small time trader, and only those will go through something like this to get few dozens of dollars worth of tokens. Since they are probably not an experienced traders, they will probably end up loosing more through trading than those tokens are worth.

Yobit and HitBTC are Coinbase for these guys..
4740  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: [Possible scam] NCAT Token on: April 08, 2021, 06:08:26 AM
Lambo giveaway in itself is a huge red flag that I've only seen in scams. I can't imagine a legit crypto project giving away Lamborghini car worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, let alone some meme shitcoin like this NCAT.

Regarding Alpha Capital, they claim to be involved in multiple project as a seed investors, but when you check their website on whois, you see that its less than 2 months old. Another red flag is the fact that haven't been mentioned by any of the projects they claim to be invested in like CardStarter, FrogDAO, Konomi etc. They list thier investors & Partners, but no sign of Alpha Capital. Some of those projects are already listed on exchanges, meaning their seed phase was long time ago, before Alpha Capital even had their website running.

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