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481  Local / Polski / Re: Signature campaing - regularnie płatne pewniaki on: March 14, 2021, 11:58:40 AM
Manager: Hhampuz
Nazwa kampanii: Signature Campaign
Ile do zarobienia/tydzień / ilość postów: Full Member - $25 w BTC/tydzień, Senior Member - $40 w BTC/tydzień, Hero Member/Legendary - $55 w BTC/tydzień
Jakie rangi: Łącznie 4x Full Member, 4x Sr. Member, 6x Hero Member/Legendary
Dodatkowe informacje: Minimum 20 postów tygodniowo, w tym minimum 5 postów w sekcji "Gambling". Lokale nie liczą się.
482  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: POLL: Have You Ever Used the Lightning Network? on: March 12, 2021, 08:44:47 AM
[...] however, the risk of losing the coin is near zero because if your counterparty were to attempt to double-spend this transaction, they would be risking a near-certain loss of far greater funds.

"Double-spend" in this context sounds inaccurate. It suggests that the other party can freely create any transaction which is not the case since the funds are locked in a multi-signature address. Instead, the other party can perform an uncooperative channel close and broadcast an old state of the channel (an old commitment transaction). Such a transaction can be easily revoked by the other participant of the channel if they come back online before the locktime expires. Also, a penalty transaction can be broadcast if that happens.

You can read more about it in this blog post.

The risk is not the same for the other participant in the channel because he didn't deposit his own coins. What you described will be a great manipulation prevention method when dual funded channels get implemented. That way, both parties can fund the channel and they risk losing their money in case of fraudulent attempts.

There is a risk even if you don't deposit your own coins. For example, when someone asks you to route their payment through your node then you receive some coins from them in one channel and you need to use some other channel to send the exact same amount (minus your routing fee). Now, if your node went offline and that person broadcast the previous state of the channel, you could lose money this way.

Also, both parties need to maintain a channel reserve, which is equal to about 1-3% of the channel's capacity. So, if you open a channel to someone, transact with them a couple of times and the other side ends up with the 0 balance. The other party can still lose money because they have to maintain that unspendable channel reserve on their side.
483  Local / Polski / Re: Polish Hyde Park on: March 08, 2021, 09:35:52 AM
Mam prośbę, pytanie, czy ktoś może mi wyłuszczyć, jak działa reklama na Bitcointalk?

Co kilkanaście dni w sekcji "Auctions" pojawia się nowy temat z licytacją 9 slotów na reklamy z 10 dostępnych. Na każdej stronie dowolnego tematu pod pierwszym postem zawsze pojawia się losowa reklama. Im więcej slotów wylicytujesz, tym większa szansa, że Twoja reklama zostanie wylosowana. Szczegółowe zasady przebiegu licytacji możesz sprawdzić na przykład tutaj.
484  Bitcoin / Electrum / Re: Electrum Lightning Network walkthrough on: March 04, 2021, 11:00:33 AM
Once I did, I closed the channel afterwards. Should I?

I wanted you to try receiving a payment after making a few small purchases on Yalls since you should have gained incoming liquidity this way.

It's a multi-signature address sending 0.00299665 TBTC to one of my change addresses. Shouldn't there be an extra output with 0.0015 mBTC?

0.0015 mBTC is equal to 150 satoshis which is below the dust limit. If an output is below the dust limit then it is added to the transaction fee automatically.
485  Bitcoin / Electrum / Re: Electrum Lightning Network walkthrough on: March 04, 2021, 10:08:51 AM
[...]and waited for 3 confirmations. (Not sure why they've chosen 3)

It's a hardcoded value which you can freely choose in other implementations for each channel separately. Three is the most common value as far as I remember.

But this is what I get when I send money from "Charlie" to "Alice": "Failed after 10 attempts".

What is going on?

Did you make sure to spend some coins from Alice's channel? As I wrote in my previous post, you won't be able to receive any coins unless you make some room for incoming funds first. You can use the testnet version of for that. Also, you can double-click on a channel and you should see how much exactly you can receive through that channel.
486  Bitcoin / Electrum / Re: Electrum Lightning Network walkthrough on: March 03, 2021, 09:31:04 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong but in order to spend from that address, two signatures are needed. One mine and one node's. That's why it is larger than the others. (?)


How can Charlie join this? Does he need to open his own channel? Or join mine? From my second wallet I generate a lightning address and I paste it on my first's "Pay to". Once I do, it probably decodes it to its HTLC form (256-bit in hex). [...] And that's reasonable. They probably have to connect somehow with "Bob" or in this case "STRANGESET".

You cannot join an existing channel. Right now, payment channels are established only between two people (channel factories are kind of close to what you mentioned, but they are not a thing yet). "Charlie" needs to open a channel to either the same node or any other node that is connected to your node through other channels.

Note that you won't be able to receive any funds through that channel unless you spend some coins (both parties need to maintain a channel reserve which is equal to about 1-3% of the channel's capacity, so a part of your initial payment will be used to fill other parties' reserve). If "Charlie" does not open a channel with the same node as you then his payment will need to be routed through other channels and it might fail due to lack of routes or enough liquidity in the intermediary channels.
487  Local / Polski / Re: Signature campaing - regularnie płatne pewniaki on: March 02, 2021, 08:36:30 AM
Manager: CryptopreneurBrainboss
Nazwa kampanii: DeFireX Yield Farming Signature Campaign
Ile do zarobienia/tydzień / ilość postów: Full Member - $60 w BTC/2 tygodnie, Senior Member - $80 w BTC/2 tygodnie, Hero Member/Legendary - $100 w BTC/2 tygodnie
Jakie rangi: Łącznie 10x Full Member, 10x Sr. Member, 10x Hero Member/Legendary
Dodatkowe informacje: Minimum 70 postów w ciągu 2 tygodni. Maksymalnie 8 postów na dzień. Lokale nie liczą się.
488  Local / Polski / Re: Przewodnik do sieci Electrum Lightning on: February 28, 2021, 06:41:27 PM
No wygląda to na super apkę, oczywiście teraz znowu pozostaje problem z adopcją i tym, że tak na prawdę nigdzie tymnie zapłacimy jak na razie, no oprócz kilku sklepów online podanych na stronie.

Sklepy wymienione na stronie biorą udział w jakimś specjalnym programie cashback. Przy użyciu Strike możesz wysłać monety na dowolny adres BTC lub opłacić dowolny invoice poprzez Lightning Network.

Dalej nie mogę zrozumieć w końcu czym płacę? Płacę w krypto czy FIAT?

Główną zaletą tej aplikacji jest możliwość przesłania komuś BTC płacąc za całość przy użyciu karty. Z tego co kojarzę, to da się kupić BTC i trzymać je we wbudowanym portfelu, więc podejrzewam, że można je też wykorzystać bezpośrednio do płatności.
489  Bitcoin / Electrum / Re: Same transaction different fees on: February 28, 2021, 06:14:32 PM
One note, neither wallet is charging me the 2FA fee for 20 transactions. I still have 10 paid.

One of your wallets must be trying to combine many small inputs in order to match your output's value. The more inputs you have, the more your transaction weights and the higher fee you have to pay. This article might help you to understand it more easily.
490  Local / Polski / Re: Przewodnik do sieci Electrum Lightning on: February 28, 2021, 09:45:46 AM
Rozumiem, że po prostu właczamy ukrytą opcję w normalnym Electrum?

Wystarczy, że będziesz miał najnowszą wersją Electrum pobraną bezpośrednio ze strony.

W każdym razie, może ten portfel umożliwi realizację mojego pomysłu, tzn. automatyczną realizację małych reszt na adresy LN?

BlueWallet jest raczej nadal najsensowniejszym wyborem, jeżeli chodzi o Twój pomysł. LN w Electrum działa trochę inaczej i nie ma możliwości uzupełniania swojego stanu konta LN poprzez jedną, małą transakcję on-chain.

Jestem ciekaw czy jest już jakiś portfel, że Lightning Network, jest tak skonfigurowane, że użytkownicy nawet nie wiedzą, że z niego korzystają?

Jest już jedno takie rozwiązanie (Strike) i podobno działa całkiem nieźle. Nie miałem możliwości przetestowania tej usługi, bo nie jest ona dostępna w Polsce. Użytkownik nie musi przejmować się tym czy sprzedawca akceptuje płatności on-chain lub off-chain, wystarczy, że zeskanuje kod QR, a portfel sam utworzy odpowiednią transakcję, jednocześnie pobierając odpowiednią kwotę z jego karty debetowej/kredytowej.
491  Bitcoin / Electrum / Re: do i have to open a channle to use lightning network with electrum? on: February 28, 2021, 09:25:33 AM
what if you send the bitcoin to a legacy wallet non wetsig/lightning will you loose the bitcoin or can the transaction be cancled

You need to be more specific; it's difficult to understand what you mean. You can send your coins to any type of addresses from Electrum. Since Electrum has RBF enabled by default, you can cancel a transaction by replacing it with a transaction paying a higher fee. You can do it easily by right-clicking on an unconfirmed transaction in the "History" tab and selecting "Cancel transaction". Lightning transactions cannot be cancelled once they are initiated; in most cases they are settled in just a few seconds. If such a payment fails for some reason (e.g. there's no route or some peer stops responding), you will be able to spend your coins again after some time.
492  Bitcoin / Hardware wallets / Re: [ESHOP launched] Trezor: Bitcoin hardware wallet on: February 16, 2021, 04:14:11 PM
Web wallet says to update Trezor T to firmware version 2.3.6 but there has been no tweets, nothing updated on website or firmware changelog announcing this update that followed so soon after version 2.3.5. What's up Trezor?

You can always check the latest version of the changelog on their GitHub. It looks like that update was supposed to be released tomorrow and it isn't critical.
493  Local / Polski / Re: Lightning Network - ogólna dyskusja on: February 16, 2021, 03:28:54 PM
Przykładowo mając  do zapłacenia  908 a majac na adresie 1000, zakładając  fee 50 zostaje  mi 42 ktore chce przesylac na LN - i fajna bylaby opcja automatyzacji, ze żeby  jesli z danego adresu wysylam > 80% i te pozostałe  20% jest mniejsze niz 10krotnosc fee to zeby on automatycznie  zamiast na adres reszty  wysylal  je na adres LN

Rozumiem o co Ci chodzi, ale akurat w tym przykładzie wyglądałoby to trochę inaczej. Pozostałe 42 satoshi zostałoby automatycznie doliczone do opłaty transakcyjnej (ze względu na dust). Dla niewtajemniczonych - chodzi o to, że BlueWallet pozwala na doładowanie portfela Lightning poprzez zwykłą transakcje on-chain. Niekastodialne portfele i węzły póki co nie pozwalają na coś takiego (aczkolwiek splicing-in & splicing-out jest w planach).

Co do automatyzacji, nie mam pojęcia jak za to się zabrać, bo moja znajomość programowania w tym momencie to podstawy C/C++. Może dałoby się napisać plugin do Electrum w Pythonie, który pozwalałby na ustawienie na sztywno adresu reszty pod pewnymi warunkami, ale obawiam się, że bez znacznej ingerencji w kod źródłowy nie będzie to możliwe.
494  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Lightning channel recovery on: February 16, 2021, 02:34:57 PM
Static Channel Backups work only if the other peer is online. Such backups store only data required to re-establish the connection and initiate data loss protection. Unless you somehow manage to recover your old wallet.db or the other peer comes back online, there is nothing you can do to recover those coins.
495  Bitcoin / Hardware wallets / Re: Ledger Nano S does not recognise my BTC Segwit Receive Address it issued on: February 16, 2021, 01:05:24 PM
How would they know? Does Ledger not allow the creation of Segwit compatible addresses (starting with a 3)?

They do. You could create such addresses in the old Chrome app and you can still do it in the Ledger Live. If OP told Ledger that he had tried multiple derivation paths in Electrum then that might be why they insist on saying that the address does not belong to his wallet.

I have also tried Electrum and different derivation paths etc and still no joy.

What derivation paths did you try specifically?
496  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: The Lightning Network FAQ on: February 15, 2021, 09:47:21 PM
With all of that being said, it might not be you but the ACINQ channel itself. I have had several issues with them in the past, and actually stopped connecting to them. Fold, WalletofSatoshi, OpenNode, Coingate. No issues at all. ACINQ was....not fine.

I ended up closing my channel with ACINQ and opening a new one to I can't perform a loop out for that channel as well as for the CoinGate one. I will try opening a channel to one of the Loop's peers. I am also thinking about opening a large channel to Loop so that other people could balance their channels through me.
497  Bitcoin / Electrum / Re: do not recieving BTC with Electrum - please HELP on: February 15, 2021, 12:20:12 PM
I realized I have a red dot on Electrum, no sync. That must be the reason. I tried to connect to a server, unchecked “Select server automatically” and selected one from the list, but still have a red dot. May I ask, do you have any idea why is that ?

What version of Electrum are you running? Most of the old versions are unable to connect to any available server. Also, your client should automatically choose a new server on restart.
498  Bitcoin / Hardware wallets / Re: A few questions about hardware wallets on: February 15, 2021, 12:09:30 PM
I just checked it, it seems nice, I just don't understand why it costs 3 times more than Trezor One.

Its hardware is slightly faster (some coins are not supported on the first model). Its large touchscreen must be the most expensive part. Honestly, I wouldn't buy it again - I don't like the fact that the built-in SD card has only one application and it's been already 3 years since it was released. The developers seem to be completely focused on the Trezor Suite right now.

I still don't get why it keeps the mnemonic inside, though.

If not the mnemonic, it would have to store your Master Private Key derived from it. Either way, it could still be extracted using this exploit.
499  Bitcoin / Hardware wallets / Re: A few questions about hardware wallets on: February 15, 2021, 11:36:56 AM
What happens if someone steals it? I assume that once you write the 24 words, anyone with the device and its PIN has access to your funds.

Posters above have already mentioned the unfixable seed extraction exploit. You can mitigate it using a passphrase. If you changed your mind and bought a model T instead then you could enable the SD card protection which encrypts the contents of the device.

Is it necessary, for the mnemonic, to be 24 words? Can't it be 12 words? There's no reason to write 24 words, unless you want to brute force it sometime in the future.

You can use trezorctl to initialize your wallet and generate a 12, 18 or 24 word seed. Trezor T generates a 12 word seed by default.

Is the LN also available?

Yes and it works fine. Trezor is only used to sign the channel opening transaction. You don't need to plug it in to pay someone over the Lightning Network. Keep in mind that your recovery seed won't restore your Lightning channels.
500  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: The Lightning Network FAQ on: February 14, 2021, 08:51:48 PM
Has anyone here experimented with the Lightning Lab's Loop? It worked fine for a node with only a couple of channels, but it failed for my channel with ACINQ which is significantly better connected to the rest of the network. I recall having some routing problems in the past when my channel to them was the only one I had. I am about to open a few more channels since the transaction fees have decreased significantly. I will report back once I try "loop out" on them tomorrow.

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