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4821  Economy / Exchanges / Re: Seeking review on binance DEX on: February 20, 2019, 07:07:08 PM
Would be great if they could add smart contracts and atomic swap ...and a  light theme for the sake of my eyes...

Ehh. One thing is for sure, I don't think it should be called a "decentralized" exchange. Sure yea, slick UI and UX for sure, but I really don't see where it's actually "decentralized". The only positive thing I see with it, is that you control your private keys, and that's it(though this is definitely a good thing).

Not only the DEX doesn't have your private keys but there is No regulation, No KYC, No 3rd party, just you and your Ledger device  or your keys.
You can also run a validator node or full node to participate
4822  Local / Le Bitcoin et la loi / Re: Compte à l'étranger à déclarer... en retard on: February 19, 2019, 07:33:26 PM

Y avait la même histoire à l'epoque avec Paypal, ca avait même été en justice. Ca se trouve ils vont pareil et nous dire qu'au dessus de 10.000€/an on aura pas besoin de reporter, tant que l'on ne s'en sert pas pour son activité pro.

Sinon dans la logique je dirais, comme tu declares ton compte Kraken et non le compte bancaire de Kraken:

INTITULÉ DU COMPTE :  Kraken, Payward Ltd

DÉSIGNATION DE L’ÉTABLISSEMENT, L’ORGANISME, L’ADMINISTRATION OU LA PERSONNE GESTIONNAIRE DU COMPTE : la banque de Kraken (c'est elle qui "gere" les comptes au nom de kraken)

ADRESSE (NO ET RUE) : adresse de kraken a san fransico
NUMÉRO DE COMPTE : la case "Public Account ID" 
CARACTÉRISTIQUES DU COMPTE : On écrit quoi ? des emojis avec des fleurs et la moon
DU COMPTE LORSQU’ELLE DIFFÈRE DE CELLES INDIQUÉES CI-DESSUS :  rien vu que c'est les mêmes infos donné avant

Mais a mon avis ca va tellement etre la galere pour l administration etant donné l'ambiguité sur les mots "compte bancaire" "compte de paiement" ca m etonnerais pas qui lachent l affaire
4823  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Question About Golden Visa - Invest with BTC on: February 19, 2019, 06:41:16 PM
I didn't know such programs exist but by logic, It's based on the value of the property, not the means of payment to pay it  Wink
Imagine different rules for different payments means used to "invest" in your property. Saying no to someone because he paid the property with  400 tons of peanuts Cheesy. And you don't report your payment methods to the taxes office Wink
4824  Economy / Economics / Re: Italy already in recesion on: February 19, 2019, 06:22:21 PM
The risk for Italy is a lot bigger than Venezuela. Italy will damages full least... and it could have also an impact on the worldwide economy. Greece received 10 trillion from the IFM to recapitalize the country, but they won't be able to do the same with Italy. Nor it will be enough.
4825  Economy / Marketplace / Re: Earning cryptocurrency doing your everyday shopping in this bear market. on: February 19, 2019, 06:00:14 PM
I always use a cashback website while shopping on the internet. At least as much as I can, but I check always if there isn't a cashback offer.
The main problem with the crypto related sites is their cashback offers target only the Tier 1 countries  (US.UK.AU). Would be great to enlarge the audience
4826  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Shop directly on with Bitcoin on: February 19, 2019, 03:15:34 PM
I would certainly be interested if there were other Amazon languages, it could be a good alternative although I don't get how the website receive the payments since users send cryptos (it's a matter of APIs?). Secondly, in term of security, how secure it is? The coinbase account is logged in our browser app and/or data are saved in a server?
4827  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: From crypto exchange to Payoneer? on: February 19, 2019, 02:49:32 PM
... I don't expext peer to peer platforms to have similar troubles with payoneer, i mean localbitcoins or paxful. What do you think?

Technically no. You make/receive funds from a random individual and not from a company related to cryptos. If you were receiving funds from LocalBitcoin, for example, it would be another story. (LB wouldn't even able to get a Payoneer account)

I do not know if there is a possibility of a transfer between bunq and Payoneer.

I don't see why there shouldn't be a possibility. As long as it is a bank and not a payment system this should not be a problem.
Otherwise, it would mean that people are unable to deposit money into their Payoneer account
4828  Local / Actualité et News / Re: [Journal du Net] Les crypto-banques font cohabiter euros et bitcoins on: February 19, 2019, 01:20:10 PM
Ce qui n'est pas le cas non plus pour les crypto banques mentionnées dans 'article (mis a part bitwala (et pas les cryptos, que les €)

Y a pas d'argent dans la caisse des garantis des fonds bancaires. Quelque chose comme un ou deux milliards, 30e par personne super! Et une banque c'est déja 2 milliards à couvrir sans parler des entreprises. Et c'est pas le FMI qui pourra y faire quelque chose.
4829  Economy / Speculation / Re: CRYPTOS TO THE MOON???? on: February 19, 2019, 12:41:32 PM
Anyone noticed how often the crypto market follow the stock market? Both reacted identically, again. For the SM It was caused by news about the Federal Reserve, I don't remember exactly what it was about but it's all over the news.
It's 10 days now since the uptrend started, I hope it was not just for Valentine's day, we would need at least 3 consecutive months to grab again the attention from media. and to title "BTC to the Moon Again!" Cheesy
4830  Economy / Exchanges / Re: Your thoughts about KYC on: February 19, 2019, 11:32:57 AM
Why use cryptos if you're ready to send your documents to the first (trusted) service asking you? Cryptos are created to avoid using a 3rd party (banks, payments service, etc...). If you're really ok to give your personal identity info then why not going back to fiat? You're already verified lol.
4831  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Your favorite Trading Terminal on: February 16, 2019, 12:11:50 AM
I like ugly websites, for example I liked Cryptopia, BTC-e, and Kraken. Now that Kraken revamped its website I like it less.
I would even be ok to use a terminal in a Linux distro and to write something like:

sudo apt-get trade xBTC/xETH
sudo apt-get purge BCH

I only use Binance nowadays because it has highest altcoin trading volume
My favorite trading terminal is Binance because Binance listed good coins and have a big trading volume.
Binance gives their traders 25% discount using BNB for a fee.
For mobile users, they released mobile friendly app, trading view charting etc.
I only use Binance nowadays because it has highest altcoin trading volume

You didn't read the OP correctly (or not at all). It was referring to the user interface, not based on the testicles size
4832  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Pension funds bringing money to Bitcoin. on: February 15, 2019, 11:10:01 PM
Canada: Quebecor World retirees lose half their pension funds

United States: Californian pensioners have had their retirement pensions reduced by 60% all at once

Pension Crisis Too Big for Markets to Ignore

Just posting the links, since a lot of people posted how pensions funds are wonderful and super!
Are you guys aware that it's the pension funds that drive the current financial system? The same that we complain about, the same we want to be changed, the reason we use BTC.
Search on the web also to know in what they invest in, you could be quite surprised and you will wonder where is the ethic

4833  Economy / Exchanges / Re: Coinbase EU customers can now withdraw to their PayPal accounts on: February 15, 2019, 08:24:57 PM

Coinbase isn't a bank, nor a payment service. They don't have to report your activities (otherwise customers would need to provide their Taxes ID while joining). And I even remember (last year?) when The US asked to Coinbase to provide any information regarding its American customers, Coinbase refused to give (I don't know how this story ended then)

"[2] If it's under 20k (annualy) and..."
A Form 1099-K is for the US citizens mate
4834  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: Private phone numbers on: February 15, 2019, 07:59:02 PM
Get a free SIM card from Lycamobile or Lebara  Tongue. They ship to you a SIM for free, it's a prepaid phone number, so if you want to keep the number just verify your ID, otherwise if you need it once only then don't verify your ID and they will close the line after a period like 2 weeks.
4835  Local / Actualité et News / Re: [Journal du Net] Les crypto-banques font cohabiter euros et bitcoins on: February 15, 2019, 07:23:51 PM
La plupart des banques et même les assurances utiliseront une blockchain et des smart contracts. Si ils ne s'adaptent pas ca deviendra des dinosaures. Avec les neo banques ils s'en sont rendu compte rapidement pour certains, tardivement pour d'autres qui ont preferé racheter des entreprises.
Sans doute les gens utiliseront une blockchain sans même le savoir...
4836  Economy / Economics / Re: Will people come back to gold on: February 15, 2019, 06:45:31 PM
I do not know much about the gold-dollar relationship.

The dollar was backed by Gold until Nixon decided otherwise

I've had mixed feelings about gold for years now and still do.  There seems to be an undertone of impending doom that doesn't seem to be abating in the least, but I'm not sure what's coming.  We had a global financial crisis in 2008 that went on for years; I'm not certain if we're going to get another one or if armageddon is coming, e.g., nuclear war or a severe terrorist strike.  If it's the latter, we need to be buying survival stuff like seeds and land instead of gold. 

I'm not sure what all this buying of gold was on the part of the governments.  That doesn't seem to indicate doomsday, but I don't have an explanation--and I distrust what I read about such things.

The current financial system is like a Ponzi scheme. The only thing that makes it still alive is the machines to print money.
We live on borrowed money, the whole system is based on loans. It can't work indefinitely, like HYIPs there will be a point of collapse. It's almost mathematical.

Governments borrow money for everything, they can't even pay interests, some borrow money just to pay the interests. More debts for the countries and so its citizens.

It hasn't need to be something more dramatic like a world war, it could come just from one bank collapsing, or it hasn't need to be worldwide, it could be just located to an area like America or Europe. As an example, I could name Italy which is a country that could "crash" the whole European economy and perhaps more, banks are in serious troubles there

Who buys gold?
Central banks, Indians, rich Arabs. In Europe, gold is very, very regulated. In some countries, every transaction has to be declared, and sometimes, it's also taxed. It's a bit better in the US, but not by much. Gold also requires you to rent a deposit box at your bank, and it's hugely difficult to travel with. Shares or cryptocurrencies, which you can trade online, are a much smarter choice for the individual.

Right, but people have no problem to declare the gold bought or sold as well to pay the taxes that come with. Especially since you don't sell your gold you just buy and store it. The minimum period before reselling your gold is at least 20 years. And when it comes to taxes people don't really care because 1) if they have a loss, no tax 2) if there is a profit it's a bonus for them (because they did buy gold not to make a profit but to secure their capital)

Russia and Turkey made a lot of gold purchases.. now the states prefer to keep the gold instead of storing the dollar. I think that makes sense. what do  you think?
Yes it make sense since they know the potential value of gold in the future and it can be more than enough for them to generate money. The market situation doesn’t trigger people from coming back to gold, since most of the hodlers are still holding and traders are still active, though gold is more stable I still want to invest on cryptomarket because I think this is more convenient to buy, hold and sell.
You can buy gold at the supermarket, can you buy Bitcoin?

Using a safety deposit box introduces another element of risk.

During the recent Cyprus banking crisis with capital controls in place customers were prevented by the banks from accessing their safety deposit boxes.

Always comes back to "if you dont hold it you dont own it", same applies to leaving all your crypto sitting in an exchange.
That's the reason people rent a safety box in countries where the governments can't take out your gold, like Belgium and Switzerland.
4837  Bitcoin / Press / Re: [2019-02-14] JPMorgan Chase to Launch ‘JPM Coin,’ Using Crypto to Speed... on: February 14, 2019, 08:23:40 PM
JPMorgan was already working on blockchain/crypto solutions based on ETH, they developed Auroracoin. Its target is/was mainly companies and institutions if I remember correctly. I didn't waste time on it and I did a good choice since I have almost never heard about it since.
4838  Economy / Exchanges / Re: Coinbase EU customers can now withdraw to their PayPal accounts on: February 14, 2019, 07:33:29 PM
I usually use paypal when I want to buy something online, so don't know well how things work but have some questions that comes to my mind from OP's post. When you receive money on paypal, you have to withdraw it to your card or bank account to get your money in your hands, so this way government will be able to ask you about sources of your money.

Yes, and I can tell anything I want and say It's the money I earned by fucking the cougars here and there, I am a gigolo. If they say it's not true etc, then I will tell them, ok then give me a proof so, and if they give it I will say, see yourself you didn't need me to ask the source of my money you found it alone. Why waste my time?

On a serious note, Paypal isn't considered as a bank account, a government can see you received money from Paypal but can't know for what. (unless there is a serious investigation of course).
4839  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: From crypto exchange to Payoneer? on: February 14, 2019, 06:01:35 PM
Payoneer forbids any transaction related to cryptocurrency, (the T&C label it as digital currencies) so your account will be terminated in a matter of time

What four bank accounts you reffer to in your post?
Payoneer gives to users dedicated bank account numbers for each currency

We can't help you if you can't develop a clear question with clear mentions
She/he can't make it more clear as it is. It s just that if someone knows Payoneer it's clear enough.
4840  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Will This Project Succeed? What Do You Think? on: February 14, 2019, 05:36:20 PM
As long there is a demand there is a market. It's all about how do you market your product. Despite that you need a decent budget to promote it, there is nothing really stopping you. Then as you know there are already a lot of services around, you really have to give something different compared to others. Ask yourself this question: Why should I use X while there are a lot of established businesses with the same services
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