Iya gan. Maklum lagi sibuk di dunia nyata, jadi jarang online. Apa benar sudah selesai, padahal ICO belum dimulai lho gan. Kalau memang benar bounty sudah berakhir ya untung buat bounty hunter dong, bisa ganti promosi yang lain ketika ICO belum selesai. Lebih jelasnya nanti tak tanyakan sudah atau belum. Thanks gan sudah mampik ke thread saya.
Regards Hyudien
udah berakhir bountynya gan tinggal menunggu perhitungan stake, tapi sampai sekarang belum dihitung kayaknya. makan gaji buta nih agan hyudien ibarat penjual yang jarang mampir ke lahannya sendiri kurang2in gan kesibukannya karena pasti banyak bounty hunter lokal menantikan kabar terbaru dari agan mengenai proyek ini. ga begitu lah gan, masak sampe harus ngurangin kesibukan. lagian kan ga ada di rules bounty ini untuk translator menjadi moderator di thread ini. bounty laennya itu karena ada hitungan stake, kalo ga ada mereka juga ga bakal mau. Hahahaha............ Makasih gan sudah membelasa saya. Saya juga masih belum dihitung stakenya dari apa yang saya sudah kerjakan, padahal waktu di telegram kayak sudah care sama saya dan kayak sudah profesional, eh nyatanya malah belum selesai penghitungan dan kabar baru tentang bountynya belum juga di update. Regards Hyudien
Wah lama tidak check di website mereka tenyata presale mereka sudah dapat dana $2M lebih nih. Semoga terus menanjak dah ketiaka croadsale di mulai. Stay tune gan, dan jangan lupa untuk invest sebelum terlambat. Atau bakal menyesal entar kalau terlambat Regards Hyudien haha jarang update ya gan btw, bountynya kan telah berakhir tapi kok spreadsheetnya ga pernah di update ya? sudah sebulan lebih sejak bountynya berakhir tanggal 10 maret kemarin. Iya gan. Maklum lagi sibuk di dunia nyata, jadi jarang online. Apa benar sudah selesai, padahal ICO belum dimulai lho gan. Kalau memang benar bounty sudah berakhir ya untung buat bounty hunter dong, bisa ganti promosi yang lain ketika ICO belum selesai. Lebih jelasnya nanti tak tanyakan sudah atau belum. Thanks gan sudah mampik ke thread saya. Regards Hyudien makan gaji buta nih agan hyudien ibarat penjual yang jarang mampir ke lahannya sendiri kurang2in gan kesibukannya karena pasti banyak bounty hunter lokal menantikan kabar terbaru dari agan mengenai proyek ini. Aih makan gaji buta Kan tugas saya sudah selesai gan, kok bisa makan gaji buta. Lagian saya kan bukan bounty manager dari proyek ini, jadi tidak ada hubungannya sama bounty hunter dong. Dan juga saya kan manusia yang tidak luput dari salah, ya wajar saja gan kalau terkadang saya tidak bisa aktif karena kendala kendala tertentu. Regards Hyudien
Wah lama tidak check di website mereka tenyata presale mereka sudah dapat dana $2M lebih nih. Semoga terus menanjak dah ketiaka croadsale di mulai. Stay tune gan, dan jangan lupa untuk invest sebelum terlambat. Atau bakal menyesal entar kalau terlambat Regards Hyudien haha jarang update ya gan btw, bountynya kan telah berakhir tapi kok spreadsheetnya ga pernah di update ya? sudah sebulan lebih sejak bountynya berakhir tanggal 10 maret kemarin. Iya gan. Maklum lagi sibuk di dunia nyata, jadi jarang online. Apa benar sudah selesai, padahal ICO belum dimulai lho gan. Kalau memang benar bounty sudah berakhir ya untung buat bounty hunter dong, bisa ganti promosi yang lain ketika ICO belum selesai. Lebih jelasnya nanti tak tanyakan sudah atau belum. Thanks gan sudah mampik ke thread saya. Regards Hyudien
Important Notes
- The coin is trading at Yobit and community feedback indicates you can buy/sell but you cannot deposit and you may or may not be able to withdraw
So, what must i do to collect my coin from yobit exchange? for this momment i have seen the withdraw button still working. But i don't know it working or not, cause i don't withdraw it yet. Regards Hyudien Many members have reported that they sent coins to Yobit and the coins transacted and show in the block explorer but then the coins never were displayed in the yobit wallet and so the coins were lost. There have also been members who reported they could not withdraw coins from Yobit. My advice is that if you send or withdraw from Yobit be very very careful and only send a couple of coins to test it... Is the wallet from the official website still same with yobit wallet or it was updated. If still same, i think it'll working correctly. And i think you should contact the admin of yobit to clarify about PWR coin. And, it'll be better for us to always support this project and got belived from the community. Regards Hyudien
Wah lama tidak check di website mereka tenyata presale mereka sudah dapat dana $2M lebih nih. Semoga terus menanjak dah ketiaka croadsale di mulai. Stay tune gan, dan jangan lupa untuk invest sebelum terlambat. Atau bakal menyesal entar kalau terlambat Regards Hyudien
Hi admin, there is someone contact me to translate the ANN thread. Is that your team? His name DenTIt and this his profile link. If like that, i have replied his PM but till today i didn't get any respond. Hope you'll clarify it asap Regards Hyudien
Important Notes
- The coin is trading at Yobit and community feedback indicates you can buy/sell but you cannot deposit and you may or may not be able to withdraw
So, what must i do to collect my coin from yobit exchange? for this momment i have seen the withdraw button still working. But i don't know it working or not, cause i don't withdraw it yet. Regards Hyudien
Can i know when the spreadsheet will be updated, cause till today i did't get any new stake calculation on your spreadsheet sir.
Good project . What will be Hard Cap? It's around 45.000 ETH, You can see it on their website. And for softcap 3.000 ETH. Regards Hyudien
Judulnya kumpulan, tapi ketika saya lihat cuman sedikit kata kata pembukaan di awal thread. Sekedar saran sih, kalau judul di ganti diskusi giveaway, kontes, dll saja gan. Jadi malah bingung ketika saya lihat di halaman utama, mana yang kumpulan.
Regards Hyudien
Mungkin dulu agan gak pernah main kesini, dulu itu beda dengan sekarang bos qu, dulu banyak GA yang hadiahnya itu btc iya btc percaya ga ? Hahaha... Mungkin ini thread di up karena banyak airdrop dan mungkin orang takut post diluar karean udah ada thread yang sejenis ini aridrop = Give Away (sama2 gratisan) nah itu lah mengapa ini thread up lagi Btw ssot ada airdrop nih : https://airdrop.ssothealth.com free 100 SEHR confrim email, dan 20 SEHR tiap 1 refferal btw ngereff boleh ga ya ga spam kok cuma atu ? wkwk nih tambahain dibelakang link diatas kalo infonya emang bermanfaat buat ente /?r=Q5DJ9w8UtpGleYf Oh iya juga sih bener kata agan. Tapi seandainya di kasih link spreadsheet gitu apa masih di anggap manyalahi aturan di btt? Kan yang saya tahu jenis apapun dari airdrop/giveaway tidak diperbolehkan sama admin btt. Walaupun setelah keluar pemberitahuan seperti itu masih ada saja ntah dari mana thread tentang G.A/airdrop disini. Mungkin luput dari pengawasan kali ya? Regards Hyudien
I can't see the filipino language on the translation part
If you don't see a language available that you'd like to translate, select other and enter in what you're proposing and we will get back to you about getting it added! thanks Is that any spreadsheet for bounty like translate, etc. If not, how to know am i accepted or not? Will you PM us, or you have anything else method? Regards Hyudien My application for translate still didn't get answered. Please answer my question. I want to strart to translate it Regards Hyudien
Judulnya kumpulan, tapi ketika saya lihat cuman sedikit kata kata pembukaan di awal thread. Sekedar saran sih, kalau judul di ganti diskusi giveaway, kontes, dll saja gan. Jadi malah bingung ketika saya lihat di halaman utama, mana yang kumpulan.
Regards Hyudien
I can't see the filipino language on the translation part
If you don't see a language available that you'd like to translate, select other and enter in what you're proposing and we will get back to you about getting it added! thanks Is that any spreadsheet for bounty like translate, etc. If not, how to know am i accepted or not? Will you PM us, or you have anything else method? Regards Hyudien
can you please post the register link of the website? and also the twitter/fb links too. thanks
I think the team didn't ready yet. The website looks like cool, but there is some trouble with the link fuction and something else. Hope the team will fix it before ICO launch. And if that bug still not fix, may some people will say this scam project. Good luck team King Regards Hyudien
#Proof of ownership Username twitter: @hyudin_udien Username Facebook: al hyudien
#Proof of Joined Translation Campaign: Name : Hyudien Language: Indoensia
Is there nothing trial video? May it'll make some people interest and curious also. Just give a little minutes 5-10. Regards Hyudien
I have read so many information in comment. But i can't find more information in your main thread. Hope you'll update more information on your main thread. It's very boring to read many comments to get a little information. Good luck
Regards Hyudien