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501  Other / Politics & Society / Re: World War III on: August 29, 2014, 07:06:51 PM
Don't mess with nuclear Russia, Putin says (and start invasion to Ukraine)
502  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: August 29, 2014, 06:51:27 PM

citizens preparing to defend Mariupol against ruSSians army troops

503  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: August 29, 2014, 05:53:16 PM
Two wounded Ukrainian anti-aircraft gunners blow themselves up together with 12 Russian paratroopers

Officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Majors Oleksandr Kandesiuk and Oleksiy Shepeliuk of the 51st brigade, after having been encircled, blew themselves up together with 12 Russian paratroopers, Ukraine's defense ministry has said.
504  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: August 29, 2014, 05:41:12 PM
Exclusive - Over 100 Russian soldiers killed in single Ukraine battle - Russian rights activists

By Thomas Grove

MOSCOW (Reuters) - More than 100 Russian soldiers were killed in eastern Ukraine in a single battle this month while helping pro-Russian separatists fight Ukrainian troops, two members of the Russian presidential human rights council said on Thursday, citing accounts from eyewitnesses and relatives of the dead.

Ella Polyakova and Sergei Krivenko, both members of the council - an advisory body with no legal powers and an uneasy relationship with the Kremlin - said around 300 people were wounded in the same incident on Aug. 13 near the town of Snizhnye, when a column of trucks they were driving, full of ammunition, was hit by a sustained volley of Grad missiles.

"A column of Russian soldiers was attacked by Grad rockets and more than 100 people died. It all happened in the city of Snizhnye in Donetsk province," Krivenko told Reuters.

Polyakova said she had been given the same figure for the number of Russian soldiers killed.

They said they had spoken to around 10 relatives of the dead and fellow soldiers who witnessed the attack, some of whom had accompanied the bodies back to Russia. Their sources said there was no documentation proving the soldiers had been in Ukraine, and the death certificates were filled out to suggest they had died elsewhere.

"When I talk to the guys who accompanied these coffins of these contract soldiers, they tell me that the order was given orally, there were no forms of documents," said Polyakova.

If confirmed, the deaths would support assertions by Kiev and its Western allies that Russia is fuelling the conflict in eastern Ukraine by supplying the separatists with both weapons and soldiers.

They pose awkward questions for the Kremlin, which has consistently denied involvement in the conflict. A defence ministry official repeated that denial in strong terms on Thursday.

No one answered the phone when Reuters called a ministry spokesman to ask about the Snizhnye incident.

"The soldiers serving on contract are given an order, and the columns go across Russia and they stop at a camp, as though part of a training exercise, on the border with Ukraine," said Polyakova.

"They take off all the (identification) numbers or blotch them out, and then cross the border," she said.

Rebel leader Alexander Zakharchenko said on Thursday that active Russian soldiers were fighting with the rebels against Ukrainian troops but were doing so while on vacation.

Polyakova said not one of the soldiers she or her colleagues had spoken to had filled out a form to go on vacation, standard procedure for contract soldiers.

Krivenko said that around the middle of August they had received complaints from parents of the soldiers that they could not contact their sons.

The pair said they had asked Russia's Investigative Committee to open a probe into the case.

"We've made requests to official bodies, but as of yet we've received no answer," Polyakova said.

(Reporting by Thomas Grove; Editing by Mark Trevelyan and Will Waterman)
505  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: August 29, 2014, 03:34:46 AM
A Moscow printing house has received an order from the Russian Ministry of Defense to print 10,000 death certificates

Как утверждает Блог Москвы со ссылкой на источник на московской полиграфической фабрике 26 августа 2014 года на предприятие поступил заказ от МО (министерства обороны) РФ на изготовление бланков извещения о смерти (в народе - "похоронок"). Количество - 10 000 штук.
506  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: August 29, 2014, 01:00:07 AM
ruSSian president vladimir putler called on its troops and puppets pro-ruSSian thugs to provide a "humanitarian corridor" in east Ukraine for encircled Ukrainian government troops to leave the battlefield, the kremlin said in a statement on Friday.

Last time putler ordered a "humanitarian corridor" was Grozny 1999: ruSSian army set it up then shelled / bombed fleeing refugees.

507  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: August 28, 2014, 11:35:50 PM
wow, some ruSSians from St.Peterburg #дедываевали и #фашизнепройдет

afigiet  Grin
508  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: August 28, 2014, 11:30:49 PM
@ Balthazar "Вот только на днях прессе пришлось констатировать - якобы "убитые на войне" десантники начали звонить родственникам и сообщать, что с ними все хорошо, они живы и здоровы."

 Roll Eyes живы и здоровы
509  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: August 28, 2014, 10:30:54 PM
Putin getting rid of MH17 witnesses -Valeriy Bolotov is killed today in #Russia

510  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Could someone provide evidence that the majority of Russians aren't insane? on: August 28, 2014, 07:23:58 PM
Russia is failed state

via Max Skibinsky: no Russian

Many people in Silicon Valley inquired over the years why I was not coming back to Russia often (I visited once in two decades) or why I’m not spending much time helping Russian startups. I usually answered these questions in generalities while keeping my grim thoughts and predictions to myself. The events of the past few days, unfortunately, show that the worst predictions I feared all these years did come true. The nightmare scenario is now unfolding as we speak, and Russia position in the world is now altered forever.

The mass murder of passengers & crew of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 using Russian’s weapons and (most likely) by hands of Russian military squad exposed to the world  that Russia is now complicit in committing crimes against humanity. That was quite a journey for a country that just six months ago were considered a full member of the global community, even if notoriously ornery one. How was it possible for things to collapse so far and so fast?
The Empire of Lies

    “How did you go bankrupt?”
    “Two ways, gradually and then suddenly”
    -Ernest Hemingway

To understand Russia’s lighting fast descend into the abyss one has to understand a simple truth that many (myself included) suspect all along: Russia was and is a failed state. What is seen from the outside is just a facade imitating a functional country and government. High oil prices, residual infrastructure of USSR and internal mass propaganda machine maintained the illusion for more than a decade.

Silicon Valley is far removed from that part of the world (Russia is non-entity when it comes to startups and innovation, besides being inexhaustible source of great engineers, we will come back to that), so let’s review some basic facts about Russia.

In simple terms, Russia is a mafia state. All the way from Moscow to regions and to small towns, everything is controlled by various mafia gangs. Police and judiciary are parts of most powerful gangs. They usually assist in extortion or theft of property earned by local small and medium size businessmen. Big business is subject to federal mafia clan wars.

The mafia-state formation is logical consequence of Russian economy: it is totally dominated by oil and gas revenues. Oil, gas and derivatives provide meaningful employment to about 1M people. Russian population is about 150M. How do they survive? The majority depends on various forms of government handouts.

With russian-style oil production you don’t have to think, innovate or even hire smart people. All you have to do is to cash the check. Gazprom is ranked as one of the most grossly inefficient enterprises in the world. So what happens when a small, totally incompetent minority controls country-wide oil rent while the rest of 149 million people are a burden? The answer is obvious: that 1M would create a mafia state to keep the rest of 149M in check by means of police and judiciary abuse and mass propaganda.

Russian propaganda machine is vast, it now exceeds the one of Soviet Union. Official TV propaganda lies professionally and constantly. There are no independent TV channels; everything is controlled by government stooges. The “news” teams employ special teams that do video editing and fabrications to present absolutely falsified accounts for TV transmission. Then these fabrications are broadcast to brainwash captive population.

The population at large is, statistically speaking, not very bright. Many are deranged from overuse of alcohol or drugs. A big number are simply aging elderly rooted in USSR-centric mindset who never adjusted to the modern world. Most of them do not “work” in the sense we understand full-time employment here: they occupy placeholder positions sponsored by the government. Being dependent their whole life on government help, they are psychologically unable even to think government can do something wrong.

The families, wives, children of Russian elite (think top 1% of that 1M strong oil & gas service clan) doesn’t live in the country. They actually despise Russia and it’s people. All of the live in the west, many in London: Russian’s oligarch family spending is major contributing factor to London overall economy. They have absolutely no long term interest in Russian country or population survival.

Corruption and theft are endemic. Recent Olympic games ended up most expensive in history of the planet not because they were so well built: it was because it gave an excuse to a huge number of mafia clans to steal on a gigantic scale.

Modern Russia is not a weaker version of Soviet Union “empire of evil.” This capability is, thankfully, long gone. Russia is “cargo cult” of Soviet empire. It lacks competent professionals, leaders and minimal work ethics to accomplish anything on that scale. It just have enough capacity to cover everything in a blanket of lies, and as long as it works on captive domestic population that is all that it’s leaders need to keep channeling profits from Russia to London accounts.

The best way to understand modern Russia is to imagine a steep pyramid. At the very top there is a clique of KGB-affiliated oligarchs, who manage barely-competent class of middle-managers (which can and do steal a fraction of everything they touch) which in turn sit on top of largely brainwashed and deranged mass population living on life-long government welfare.

Needless to say this is most toxic environment imaginable to incubate a startup ecosystem.

Creative Class

Despite all that titanic effort, modern technology is far more powerful than any attempts by a backward medieval government to hold it back. Internet, web and mobile formed so called “creative class” in Russia. In general, these folk are young, smart, energetic, totally in tune how to leverage modern technology to find out the truth or to achieve their goals. They were the spearhead and main organizers of December 2011 protests against Putin’s mafia state. When you see smart young Russian engineer in Silicon Valley, most likely, you are talking with a member of this creative class.

Yet, Macbook Pro Retina is a poor weapon when fighting AK-wielding government thugs. Mass propaganda and intimidation do work at mass scale. It is much easier to be dumb and “patriotic” than smart and inquisitive ( even US population had to learn that lesson the hard way after Iraq invasion ).

Creative class was a minority in modern day Russia and there is a strong emergent behaviour that draining their numbers. That is a class of people with the skills most in demand in Europe and USA. During “peaceful” decade of Putin’s rule over two million people emigrated from Russia: this is a number higher then immigration after communist revolution and civil war.

By my estimate there is probably few hundreds of thousands of people in the creative class in Russia. This vocal, yet very small group so far never succeeded at thwarting russian mafia state at anything. Then, recently everything had changed.
Ukrainian Valor

The differences between “Ukrainian” and “Russian” people are cosmetic. The distance between Kiev and Moscow is about same as Sacramento to San Diego. Even today, after all that happened, the most likely language you will hear on the streets of Kiev is Russian. So why Kremlin was so enraged about recent Ukrainian revolution? After all Ukraine has no natural gas or oil, there were no riches to divide, what was the fuss all about?

What happened is that first time in history, large group of ethnic “Russians” had overthrown a mafia clan in a popular uprising. Until then, Ukraine was a satellite state, and exactly because it had no natural oil and gas, much larger portion of the population had to develop “creative class” skills rather than going to work for oil company or police enforcement. Then suddenly this social group had enough heft and popular power to overthrow local mafia don.

You can imagine the amount of terror it produced in the gang occupying Kremlin right now. If was and still is an extensional threat to them, hence they pulled out all the stops to overthrow or destabilize a new government in Kiev, and at the same time whip out xenophobic mass-hysteria in a local population.

At this moment, Kremlin can not really stop. If Kiev government survives, it will fairly quickly unlock economic benefits of non-mafia, free economy. The large parasitic class living by bribes and extortion will be displaced: it will have the same effect as if base tax rate would suddenly drop by a double digit percentage. Next door, progressive Russians would quickly notice and spread information about growing prosperity and opportunity in a city next door. What was half million Euro-leaning progressives, would become a million, then few million: before long you can picture a Gaddafi-style demise for the Kremlin gang.

Kremlin is fighting for its own survival: supplying weapon system and military crew to a roaming criminal gangs is nothing for them in big scheme of things.
Russia’s brand is over

This situation will get worse before it gets better. Kremlin will fight to the last: we will yet see the massive flood of lies and deceit they will unleash to mitigate the anger of their recent mass murder. Very unfortunately everything they do will be branded with the words Russia or Russian. Can’t say the rest of the country is blameless: Putin got a stratospheric 71% support level after annexation of Crimea. Many in creative class would do the logical thing: give up the hopeless fight and emigrate. We are probably going to see another, super-massive wave of immigration coming from Russia in next few years.

I think we came to the end of the line with regards to Russia as a name, culture, a global brand. For the time being the country future is destroyed, police state is well-entrenched and the narrative for the brainwashed locals would be xenophobic tale of struggle with the “West”.

Here is what it all means for Silicon Valley:

    Expect to see a lot of resumes coming from Russia. Keep in mind internal situation for smart and talented person is dire, they are not just looking for a job, they looking to save themselves and their families.
    Try to differentiate between “creative class”, a few brave people trying to swim against incredibly dangerous tide and the rest of brainwashed population.
    Help Ukraine. They have terrific outsourcing shops and consulting firms. Send them business if you can. Recent revolution would unlock even more creative force in this economically modest, yet energetic country. They are the first large group of ethnic “russians” who become free on their own power and valor. To understand the scale of that achievement, here is the last group of Russians who were not ruled by khans, czars, communist chairmans or KGB generals: Free Novgorod Republic. That was over 1000 years go. Ukrane was a cradle of Russian civilization – they might become a source of it rebirth yet again.
    Boycott anything and everything related to Russian government and associated banks and corporations. Any business you send to them only strengthen the regime. Your contract dollars will pay for next Buk missile.

Personally, I’m thinking to start calling myself Euro-Slavic instead of “Russian”. It’s a flimsy defense, yet Russian brand, after already being tainted with gulag and the rest of its toxic legacy, is now synonymous with mass murder of innocent civilians. There is nothing of value left to recover.

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The Village
Euro-slavic translation by AIN:
Ukrainian translation
511  Other / Politics & Society / Re: World War III on: August 28, 2014, 07:09:21 PM
Das ist Krieg, Europas Krieg
512  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: August 28, 2014, 07:01:08 PM
BBC: 17:14: Russia's defence ministry says that claims of Russian troops in Ukraine bear "no relation to reality" - Interfax news agency.  Grin

New paratroopers of the russian federation under Ilovaiskaya

513  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: August 28, 2014, 06:40:37 PM
As expected, NATO is talking about using their air force or sending in a "coalition" to repel the "Russian invasion"

I lose a little more faith in this world everyday.

how to negotiate with ruSSians:

Еще я помню такую историю. В 35-ом Пермском лагере был такой межнациональный совет. И совет неофициально решал лагерные проблемы, чтобы произвола не было. И вот на совете украинцы говорят: у нас проблема, нашего пожилого интеллигентного учителя из Закарпатья все время вызывает кум (кум, это лагерный опер), а из своего кабинета посылает в карцер на пятнадцать суток. И так все время, а человек пожилой, здоровьем не блещет. Мы, говорят, не знаем, что делать. Я отвечаю, что ситуация ясна: «Кум его вербует, а он не умеет кума послать. Учитель интеллигентно говорит, ой не могу, не хочу. А тут надо четко по-русски послать, глядя в глаза». Высокий совет попросил меня все это ему объяснить. Выходит человек из карцера, я к нему подошел, мы заварили чайку, и я объяснил ему, что мне поручено научить вас, как послать кума. Учитель покраснел, говорит, мол, не могу говорить таких слов. Часа два я его учил посылать. У него даже губы не складывались для этого выражения, он знал несколько языков, а послать не мог. Но научил его. Кум его снова вызвал, учитель послал, его снова заперли в карцер. Но больше его не трогали.

Посылать — это великая наука, которую Запад никогда не освоил, имея дело с советскими. А тут нужно именно так. Потому, как КГБ – особая порода животных. Слово «нет» они не понимают, договориться с ними нельзя, на компромисс сами не идут, а компромисс противника воспринимают как слабость. И если ты не послал КГБ, значит, что ты сам себе сделал большое горе. Это значит, что они будут давить дальше, пока не завербуют. У КГБ есть только две ипостаси: или ты их враг, или ты их агент. И между этими двумя больше ничего.

Поэтому Путину надо посмотреть в глаза и сказать: «Путин, иди вот ты вот туда». И все.
514  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: August 28, 2014, 05:48:31 PM
2more #Russian troopers detained in #Ilovaysk by encircled #Ukrainian battalions

Mariupol rallies for Ukraine as russia's troops close in only miles away.

515  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: August 28, 2014, 05:30:19 PM
Reuters Top News ‏@Reuters

Merkel says EU summit on Saturday will discuss issue of sanctions on Russia in light of presence of more Russian troops in Ukraine
516  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: August 28, 2014, 04:50:19 PM
New Satellite Imagery Exposes Russian Combat Troops Inside Ukraine 28 Aug 2014

Mons, BELGIUM – NATO released new satellite images on Thursday, 28 August 2014, that show Russian combat forces engaged in military operations inside the sovereign territory of Ukraine. The images, captured in late August, depict Russian self-propelled artillery units moving in a convoy through the Ukrainian countryside and then preparing for action by establishing firing positions in the area of Krasnodon, Ukraine.
517  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: August 28, 2014, 03:33:39 PM
Bitcoin Malware Attack Exploits Russia-Ukraine Crisis

The program secretly installs a malware package called Kelihos. This malicious program, first identified nearly five years ago, is capable of stealing the contents of a user’s bitcoin wallets, among other negative effects.
“We, a group of hackers from the Russian Federation, are worried about the unreasonable sanctions that Western states imposed against our country. We have coded our answer and bellow [sic] you will find the link to our program. Run the application on your computer, and it will secretly begin to attack government agencies of the states that have adopted those sanctions.”

Russian Ruble Tumbles To Record Low Against Dollar

The Russian Ruble has collapsed this morning to its weakest against the USDollar on record. The drop - similar in size to the drop when US and Europe unleashed Sanctions 3.0 - has sent USDRUB to 36.89. Russian stocks are down 2.2% this morning - biggest drop in 3 weeks - and Russian bonds are weaker (10Y +20bps back above 5%). We can't help but think somewhere Shinzo Abe is getting ideas about how to really devalue his nation's currency to competitiveness...

Ruble at record lows against Dollar.
518  Other / Politics & Society / Re: World War III on: August 28, 2014, 03:17:31 PM
German Security Expert Warns "War Between Russia And The West Is A Real Possibility"

"Russians without maps" also in Finland: Third Russian airspace violation in a week
519  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: August 28, 2014, 01:22:54 AM
You should apply as a gossip columnist in a lowbrow tabloid, they sell better than the Western mainstream press. Actuall, all these small tidbits are irrelevant because the bigger picture is moving fast, it is making all the delusions irrelevant. But we'll go to the bigger picture last, I'll just teach you proper - and civilized, fair- logic first.

My simple analysis says that Russia is in a bad situation. They are highly reliant on gas exports, and they just buy everything they need from the EU or Asia. Meanwhile, Europe is developing shale gas and other alternative energy sources, and that's putting pressure on Russia's energy dominance in the region.
Russia's GDP: 2 billion
EU's GDP: 14 billion
need I say more?

Well, your simple analysis is way-off because it is basically dishonest and just following the talking propaganda points given to you by your propaganda paymaster .Russia is not in a bad situation after all the Western sanctions because it  is more financially stable than the highly-indebted Western countries and it really doesn't need the Western financial system because the world's financial system is already pulling away from the Western monopoly (and this is the fact which is making the hegemon US insane that's why it's flailing irrationally now), while the Western countries are drowning in debts and have anemic economies that the simple Russian counter sanction staggered them. Russia didn't show signs of recession all throughtout the sanctions (it grew in the last quarter by .8%) while even Germany just shrunk by .2% in the last quarter. Notice that despite the talks of Russian soldier entry into Ukraine lately, nobody is talking about sanctions anymore. Have they realized nobody is intimidated by them anymore and that they have become laughingstock? In fact, people are now talking of something more surprising, I will mention below for the climax.

The GDP figures you mentioned are useless because a person with $100 is poor if his debt is $1,00,000. Just like America with an inflated $17 trillion GDP but with $220 trillion unfunded liabilities (look at Princeton studies) hidden in its books. Germany has a $3.3 trilion GDP-PPP for 2013 which is smaller than Russia's $3.4 trillion GDP-PPP (according to WOrld Bank figures for 2013, Russia is the richest country in Europe per parity purchasing power) but Deutsche Bank alone has $70 trillion in derivative liabilities. UK has an official $2 trilion economy but its unofficial debt is $16 trillion, etc. So just stating the GDP figures which one can look up in the NSA-controlled  Wikipedia is simplistic, only a simpleton will believe that the major European players & particularly the US are not insolvent because they are really insolvent, their liabilities are far, far, far bigger than their incomes. That's the reason America has been relying on the printing of money (which the ECB might be forced to do now because the EU is in the cusp of triple-dip recession). That's the reason the Western sanctions did not work because it was basically a comedy show put up by bankrupt countries, threatening to deny funds which the country they were sanctioning had in abundance (Russia has a very low debt, only $800 billion compared to the US' $220 trillion unfunded liabilities & has the third biggest reserve behind China & Japan). The Western sanctions were intended just to show they are powerful, relying on their propaganda machine to create the hype of their power- but look what happened, they fell flat on their faces & the world laughed. The bankrupt Western countries have become comedians (if I were a producer, I would give them the showbiz name- The Wannabe Powerful, or better yet, the Has-beens)

The Ukraine crisis is a desperate effort of the US to cling to its empire. It is failing. It was able to stampede the EU countries to issue economic sanctions  against Russia after the CIA initiated the MH17 false flag but then, after the simple Russia countersanction, it exposed their real weakness. The EU countries are all reeling. They can't sanction anymore. The latest false flag (the Russian soldiers entry; 400 Ukrainian soldiers entered Russia but Russia returned them the next day but the Ukrainians made an issue of merely ten soldiers, and judging by the corny dialogue that was given to the soldiers for the propaganda video, it was obvious they were done to gather momentum for the next hate round and consequently sanction. It fizzled because everyone will not suffer for a distant bankrupt country called Ukraine.

So will the US still hold its empire intact? Not for long. It is breaking. Faced with sure economic dive, the most powerful leader in the EU is having second thoughts .
Merkel Slams US Hegemony? "America Can't Solve All The World's Problems Anymore"

This is all about the battle for the Anglo-American empire. If Germany goes, the rest of the economically depressed EU follow. The Ukraine comedy will soon be forgotten.

So look beyond Ukraine now. Faced with a sinking economy & the US' ire, the German show has begun.

It's doesn't matter high or low debt numbers. Real money is only interest rates. And russia is a economical failed state atm
520  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: August 28, 2014, 01:00:21 AM
Logic of current situation is that as ruSSia denies invading Ukraine while doing so, NATO countries can help Ukr while pretending not to.  Cool
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