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541  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: ⚡ [ANN] ⚡ DeepOnion TOR ⚡ DeepVault ⚡ Cryptopia 🚀 Airdrop 17 of 40 🚀 New Rules on: November 06, 2017, 11:49:55 AM
DeepOnion community is all about protecting your identity. But sometimes that is not the only thing that needs protection.

We proudly present our head protection device for dumpers.
You dumped your Onions so you probably don't use your heads that much but we are still thinking about you and want to protect you from hurting yourself even more.

For my other designs go here:

If you want a wallpaper you can get it here:
542  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: DeepOnion lokalni podforum za Balkance on: November 05, 2017, 12:02:19 PM
I ovaj fazon sa DeepPointsima će se pretvoriti u farsu. Ljudi masovno pokušavaju nabiti broj postova da bi dobili što više poena.
Upravo sam prijavio lika koji je u posljednja 3 dana naspamovao 245 postova!!! Samo u posljednjih sat vremena 20 komada.
Ovdje će moderatori morati da reaguju i da počnu oštro da kažnjavaju takve pokušaje ili će relativno dobar sistem da ode u tri lijepe...
543  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: DeepOnion lokalni podforum za Balkance on: November 05, 2017, 09:52:43 AM
Trenutno ti je account previše "mlad" da bi bio primljen. Trenutno se prihvataju accounti sa ovog foruma koji su registrovani prije 1. Oktobra. Ali taj limit su već nekoliko puta pomijerali tako da možeš da se nadaš da će za mjesec-dva da to opet pomjere pa ćeš onda imati mogućnost da upadneš.
544  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: DeepOnion lokalni podforum za Balkance on: November 05, 2017, 09:33:47 AM
Upravo broje DeepPointse na forumu.
Ovo je poruka koja se dobije kada pokušaš da otvoriš nešto: Sorry, we're currently unavailable. Please check back later. We count DeepPoints will last few minutes.
Uskoro ćemo da vidimo šta će da bude od toga.
Imam osjećaj da će sledeće sedmice aktivnost na forumu biti bar uduplana. Zakrčiće forum spamom samo da se dođe do što više bodova.

545  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: ⚡ [ANN] ⚡ DeepOnion TOR ⚡ DeepVault ⚡ Cryptopia 🚀 Airdrop 17 of 40 🚀 New Rules on: November 05, 2017, 09:30:06 AM
Counting of the Deep Points is in progress in the DO forum.
This is the message that you get when you try to browse it:
Sorry, we're currently unavailable. Please check back later. We count DeepPoints will last few minutes.
546  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: ⚡ [ANN] ⚡ DeepOnion TOR ⚡ DeepVault ⚡ Cryptopia ⚡ 🚀 Airdrop 16 of 40 Rounds 🚀 on: November 02, 2017, 09:51:18 PM
Quick question, please let me know if it's been answered elsewhere.

On the DeepPoints airdrop for Sunday (?), has there been a published formula or more details on how that is being handled?  I saw a mention of it on the community forums in the NewsBank, basically stating that it will increase the number of Onions received, but no specifics.

Just curious if I missed it somewhere, or with the new airdrop rules and changes we'll hear more about it later?
I think the top 50, 75 or 100 (don't remember the exact number) of DeepPoints holders will receive a split of the additional airdrop that is reserved for DeepPoints. Probably same formula as the "regular" drop, where the amount of DeepPoints that you have determines your "weight".

I don't think it is limited to top anything. I think that forum members will get a share of 25000 Onions in relation to their DeepPoints regardless of their position in chart.
Only thing that is not clear to me is will all members get that share or only members that are getting coins from the main airdrop.
547  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: DeepOnion lokalni podforum za Balkance on: November 02, 2017, 09:46:34 PM
Bice nesto oko 10% od tvog iznosa u walletu u to sam siguran. Ja očekujem mnogo veći dobitak u ovom sekundarnom airdropu koji se dobija za DeepPointse.
548  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: DeepOnion lokalni podforum za Balkance on: November 02, 2017, 12:28:20 PM
Neka pripaze svi koji učestvuju u airdropu da ne smanjuju broj Oniona u Walletu danas jer će biti isključeni iz ovog airdropa. Svaki četvrtak će se provjeravati stanje i ako neko proda ili prebaci coine sa airdrop računa i bude imao manje nego što je prvobitno utvrđeno isključuje se iz airdropa za tu sedmicu.
549  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: ⚡ [ANN] ⚡ DeepOnion TOR ⚡ DeepVault ⚡ Cryptopia ⚡ 🚀 Airdrop 16 of 40 Rounds 🚀 on: November 02, 2017, 11:52:38 AM
Hey guys,
Did anyone of you already receive the airdrop coins?

I havent got anything yet :/

Airdrops are on Fridays, today is Thursday so you will have to wait one more day to get anything.
550  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: ⚡ [ANN] ⚡ DeepOnion TOR ⚡ DeepVault ⚡ Cryptopia ⚡ 🚀 Airdrop 16 of 40 Rounds 🚀 on: November 02, 2017, 10:28:11 AM
Man it's such a shame that I have to miss the next airdrop, been part of them for quite a long time already but the activity on the official deeponion forum is what was lacking apparently. Still think that the coin is doing great and I'm more active on the official forum now, but darn would I want to be in the coming Friday one Smiley
What do you mean? The new rules with the 3 x posts in the official forum is in effect from this week, not last week... so you still have time, unless you are already blacklisted?


Maybe he doesn't have 100 required Onions in his wallet. There are many members that don't have that amount and this thing with Nova didn't help with the situation.
551  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: ⚡ [ANN] ⚡ DeepOnion TOR ⚡ DeepVault ⚡ Cryptopia ⚡ 🚀 Airdrop 16 of 40 Rounds 🚀 on: November 01, 2017, 10:42:43 PM
i have a question regarding the airdrop, it says on "status: accepted" does this mean i will come into the enjoyment of recieving sweet onions?
Yes @Kanahide, by what you said you are accepted for next airdrop, just pay attention not to move your onions from your addres from tommorow till friday  Smiley

What really ?? i got like instantly accepted.. is this even posible ?

check your signature. You should have ID there. ID it is not nickname.

Yes i checked it with my User-ID and it says i am accepted.

Your signature is not correct, you need to put your ID number instead of xxxxxxx not your user name.
Your ID number is 1060137
552  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: ⚡ [ANN] ⚡ DeepOnion TOR ⚡ with DeepVault 🚀 Airdrop Updated 16 of 40 Rounds 🚀 on: October 31, 2017, 06:01:55 PM
Happy Halloween. I had a lot of patience and a really small knife so I carved some onions.  Grin Grin Grin

553  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: ⚡ [ANN] ⚡ DeepOnion TOR ⚡ with DeepVault 🚀 Airdrop Updated 16 of 40 Rounds 🚀 on: October 31, 2017, 01:15:21 AM
Special edition of one of my previous wallpapers for our well known member and moderator @themonkii:

You can find full resolution version and other wallpapers here:

554  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: ⚡ [ANN] ⚡ DeepOnion TOR ⚡ with DeepVault 🚀 Airdrop Updated 16 of 40 Rounds 🚀 on: October 29, 2017, 11:18:54 PM
Hello everyone, I hope that you had a great weekend. I have made something to bring some color to your desktop.

You can find a full resolution version and all the wallpapers made by me here:

I would like to ask mods of the DO forum to put a vector or high resolution png file of the DO logo in the Media Resources thread so anyone who makes wallpapers or any other graphic work can use HQ version of it and improve quality of their work.

As always any feedback is welcome.

555  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: DeepOnion lokalni podforum za Balkance on: October 29, 2017, 09:34:27 AM
Ako nista vredi ti malo piskarati na oficijalnom deeponion forumu, jer kako vidim moguce da ce nedeljno moci da se izvuce nekih 30tak evra od tog
malog airdropa, a mesecno je to lep dodatak na nasa primanja  Smiley
Usput ce uvek nesto naleteti i skupice se plata solidna za nas region, e sad ko voli nek izvoli, treba se bar na pocetku malo vise truditi, ovde se to uvek isplati.

Koja je matematika iza tog malog airdropa? Nisam ga bas pohvato.
Skuzio sam da ce se 10% coina od glavnod, dijeliti na malom airdropu, ali sad pokojem principu...

Koliko sam ja shvatio taj mali airdrop će biti dijeljen po količini DeepPointsa. Čini mi se sa su rekli da će u sledeću nedelju da bude prvi. E sad još uvijek se nisu tačno izjasnili da li će podjela biti linearna - koliki postotak DeepPointsa od ukupnog imaš toliki postotak mini airdropa dobiješ, ili će biti i neki drugi faktori uključeni.
556  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Po vasem sta se isplati kopati najvise sad on: October 27, 2017, 12:29:33 AM
Ni slučajno nemoj da kupuješ te mining edition kartice. Em nisu nešto mnogo povoljnije od standardnih kartica, em im je garancija mnogo kraća, a kao najveći nedostatak im je baš to što nemaju video izlaze.
To nikada nećeš moći ne samo da prodaš, nego ni da bar pokloniš nekom klincu iz komšiluka da igra Minecraft.
Bježi što dalje od tih gluposti.
557  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: DeepOnion lokalni podforum za Balkance on: October 27, 2017, 12:25:50 AM
Ma Zmaku ce bit CDO (Chief Design Officer) Balkanskog Communitya kada ga dobijemo Cheesy
A i sada su ubacili nekakvu opciju DeepPoints na forum tako da cemo moc zarađivat na lajkovima i slično. Tu kreativci dolaze na svoje Wink

Moze ako cu dobiti TOZ bojice i siljalo, bez toga nema nista. Cheesy

Zmaku, druže stari, pošto je naša sudbina po pitanju "Deponion airdrop"-ova, tropa (tj.propala) želim da Te angažujem da za mene izradiš po uzoru na novčanicu "10 dinara - Alija Sirotanović"  novčanicu od "0 Oniona - Matrix3" i spreman sam da potrošim sve pare iz "Deep Onion walletta" za realizaciju ovog "Projekta" , a javno obećavam da ću Ti se odužiti i večno lajkovati sve tvoje postove.   Smiley  Pa nek ide "lanac i po livade"   Cheesy

Ma kakvih 10 dinara, tebe moramo staviti na nešto sa više nula. Jedna nije dovoljna.  Grin
A drži se ti livade i nemoj tako lako da se toga odričeš jer koliko mi se čini na kraju će nam trebati trava da imamo šta da jedemo.  Wink
558  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: ⚡ [ANN] ⚡ DeepOnion TOR ⚡ with DeepVault 🚀 FREE Airdrops 🚀 15 of 40 Rounds 🚀 on: October 25, 2017, 11:19:25 AM
I will be making DeepOnion wallpapers and I made a thread in DO forum where I will be posting all of my future works:
There you can find links for full resolution versions.

This is first of hopefully many to come. I hope that you like it. Any feedback is welcome.

This hoodie nails it every time. Nice work man.
I didn't delete a picture when quoting this on purpose it deserves to be edited lots of times. Cool

Thank you very much. I'll have very busy rest of the week IRL but I will try to make a few more in my spare time.
559  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: ⚡ [ANN] ⚡ DeepOnion TOR ⚡ with DeepVault 🚀 FREE Airdrops 🚀 15 of 40 Rounds 🚀 on: October 25, 2017, 02:32:26 AM
I will be making DeepOnion wallpapers and I made a thread in DO forum where I will be posting all of my future works:
There you can find links for full resolution versions.

This is first of hopefully many to come. I hope that you like it. Any feedback is welcome.

560  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: ⚡ [ANN] ⚡ DeepOnion TOR ⚡ with DeepVault 🚀 FREE Airdrops 🚀 15 of 40 Rounds 🚀 on: October 24, 2017, 01:07:55 PM
It is time for a new design.  Grin
I hope that everybody got their ticket. Please take good care of it until the Airdrop ends.

You can find rest of my designs in this series here:

I do like the protein shake products that you have designed and the magazine, the magazine is the best I think. But I don't like the credit cards design, it's too feminine I think (I'm biased to dark colours). Overall it's good, keep up the good work for our community!

I think that the magazine is the best too. I am very proud of that one. I have tried to make it look real and professional but tried to put some humor in it too and I think that it works really well.
I have plans to make a real 20-30 or more pages PDF magazine that will be more serious and will contain all of the important information about DeepOnion and everything around it. I am just waiting for new rules for the Airdrop to be finalized and will try to get some of the well known community members to contribute with articles, graphics and maybe some interviews.
That magazine could be shared as downloadable file that people would be able to verify with Deep Vault and I think that it could get attention to this project.

I will post updates about that as I make progress. I just hope that it will not be more than I can chew.
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