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541  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Fuhrer Putin criminal on: March 28, 2023, 01:04:22 PM
If he did not annex part of the Ukraine then this issue never would have happened.

Putin annexed part of Ukraine because he wants to restore Russia within the borders of the USSR.

No Fuhrer at all! Simply trying to give the people of the area what the majority of them want. Russian freedom rather than Ukrainian (US and Nato) slavery.


It seems that Russian freedom should be understood as the freedom to kill people.
542  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Empire of Lies and its chief liar on: March 28, 2023, 01:01:22 PM

And, I did agree with you about Putin and his lies. So, what lie am I talking about? The lie that Putin's lies are greater than the lies of the US, Nato, and Ukraine.

Let me ask you. Did you say that the US, Nato, and Ukraine are lying? Maybe you did, somewhere. But when you focus on Putin's lies the way you have been, and don't focus on the lies of the US, Nato, and Ukraine, you are really saying that Putin's lies are worse.

Putin's lies are NOT worse than the lies of the US, Nato, and Ukraine. But when you indicate that Putin's lies are worse, like you have been doing, you are lying. Maybe it's an accidental lie. Maybe you don't know any better. But if you tell an untruth, you are really telling a lie.


Listen, firstly, you don’t have to invent, I’m talking about the lies of the USA and Ukraine and don’t tell anyone else. Secondly, here is the topic of deceitful Russia and its President Putin. If you want to tell us about the lies of Ukraine and others, then write a topic and discuss it, but here is another topic.

Finally telling the truth for once, that you are lying and want to keep it that way, and feel good about yourself at the same time. By your own description of Putin, you must be Russian. Underhandedly fighting against your own country Tongue


 You have moved on to the discussion of the topic author, which emphasizes the value and relevance of the topic. By the way, what difference does it make who I am, what matters here is the topic. And the theme of Putin's lies that you can not refute.
543  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russia returned to the era of war communism on: March 28, 2023, 12:52:32 PM
Always comparing Russia to the USA. IRS taxes are voluntary in the US. The IRS even says so. Lol.


Dear, what does the USA have to do with it? There was no war communism. I understand that you have nothing to say on the essence of this topic.

My dear Kiss, the US has become more communistic that Russia, even though they try to tell Americans that they are not communistic. The difference between the two countries is the structure of their governments, not the fact that they are both a form of communism. So, Russian communism isn't the worst kind after all.


There is a childish babble in your words, which causes a condescending smile.
544  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian world order on: March 28, 2023, 12:47:07 PM

Now UN officials are having meeting with Russia and insisting them to stop the war.
No sanction has worked so far. I wish Russia should choose an option of peace as well. So that there is stability in the world

 For peace and stability, Putin must withdraw the Russian army from Ukraine, and pay compensation for the damage caused, as Germany did after the defeat in the war.

Only if they lose the war like Germany lost. If they win, who will make them pay? Certainly not the beaten West.


  German fascism was defeated, and the same will happen to Russian fascism.
545  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian-Ukrainian war of 2022- ... for the salvation of the World on: March 28, 2023, 12:41:41 PM

NATO countries seem to be beginning to understand that Russia cannot be left with a chance to win the war with Ukraine. The negotiations Putin insists on in order for Russia to get a breather will only perpetuate the threat to the world. Putin's Russia must be persuaded to capitulate, as was done with Hitler's Germany. But there is a very significant difference here. Germany was not an empire, but Russia is an empire that swallowed up many peoples. As a consequence, the defeat of Russia will lead to its inevitable disintegration.

Yes. Salvation of the world. Salvation from the tyranny of the West. It's happening right now.

Here's Why NATO Isn't the Strong Alliance You Thought It Was…
According to a reuters article,

Hungary will veto any European Union sanctions against Russia affecting nuclear energy, Prime Minister Viktor Orban told state radio on Friday.

Ukraine has called on the 27-nation EU to include Russian state nuclear energy company Rosatom in sanctions but Hungary, which has a Russian-built nuclear plant it plans to expand with Rosatom, has blocked that.

So what to expect?

Well, we'll likely see a flood of "aid" to NGOs in Hungary. USAID, for example, which is a well known face to the CIA will seek to bring everything from "media freedom" to "democracy initiatives" and whatever other doublespeak is required. Within 6-8 months I suspect we will see riots in Budapest. Don't be misled, I'm telling you this now, ahead of time. They will be instigated by the aforementioned group or groups with the ultimate goal of unseating Orban, a democratically elected and wildly popular leader or the ruling party.

The difference this time is that it appears many are onto this tried and tested and repeated strategy. It is why Orban has been taking preventative measures ahead of time. Will it be successful or will there be a "color revolution" in Hungary? I dunno, but I do know there is a war on and it'll not be televised — at least not what is really going on. Interesting times, my friends.


  Again, you are leading the discussion of the topic of Ukraine's war to the nuclear power plant in Hungary and Orbant. Understandably, you do not like my topics about the shameful war of Russia in Ukraine, so you post all sorts of nonsense, moving away from discussing the topic. There is only one explanation for this behavior - you are Putin's troll on this forum.
546  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Awakening of the West on: March 28, 2023, 12:32:22 PM

 A similar thought voiced by Lavrov at a conference in India caused loud laughter. Stop lying!

Laugh, all the way to destruction.

Sunday Morning, Norway Sounds ALERT: Advanced Russian Subs & Missiles Detected, North Sea
Norway has not yet given further details about which submarines, but the "rumors" say Borei Class.

Borei class includes a compact and integrated hydrodynamically efficient hull for reduced broadband noise and the first ever use of pump-jet propulsion on a Russian nuclear submarine.

Russian news service TASS claimed the noise level is to be five times lower when compared to the third-generation nuclear-powered Akula-class submarines and two times lower than that of the U.S. Virginia-class submarines. The acoustic signature of Borei is significantly stealthier than that of the previous generations of Russian SSBNs, but it has been reported that their hydraulic pumps become noisier after a relatively short period of operation, reducing the stealth capabilities of the submarine.

The Borei submarines are approximately 170 meters (560 ft) long, 13 meters (43 ft) in diameter, and have a maximum submerged speed of at least 46 kilometers per hour (25 kn; 29 mph). They are equipped with a floating rescue chamber designed to fit in the whole crew.

Smaller than the Typhoon class, the Boreis were initially reported to carry 12 missiles but are able to carry four more due to the decrease in mass of the 36-ton Bulava SLBM (a modified version of the Topol-M ICBM) over the originally proposed R-39UTTH Bark. Cost was estimated in 2010 at some ?23 billion (USD$734 million, equivalent to US$863 million in 2020 terms.  In comparison the cost of an Ohio-class SSBN was around US$2 billion per boat (1997 prices, equivalent to over US$3 billion in 2020 terms.

Sorry, it seems to me you are confused with the topic. The topic here is not about submarines and missiles with their technical data, but about the fact that the war in Ukraine is not Putin's war, but the war of the Russian people. As I see it, this is not the first time you have taken the topic in a completely different direction, which is typical for Putin's trolls.
547  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russians as a state-forming people on: March 28, 2023, 12:11:47 PM

Russians as a people might have existed for a thousand years, but, Russians as Tartarians existed for thousands of years longer than that. Russians as individuals exist for how many years? Maybe 50. Maybe 80. Maybe 100 in a few cases.

Where does a Russian baby get his general, ethnic direction? A little of it might come from racial memory. Science isn't sure that racial memory exists, or what it entails. However, if you take a Russian baby and raise him in some other country, his life direction is not Russian any longer.

The point? Russians, like all other people, are influenced by things around them, as well as what they dedicate themselves to be. One of the things that influenced Russians was their contact with the US through the Bolshevik-times, when the US interfered with them by actually starting the modern Russian country. European contact influences them as well. If China were closer land-wise, Russians would have a much larger amount of influence from them.

If modern Russians met Russians of 1000 years ago, they would recognize a form of comradeship between themselves. But they would also recognize their foreignness.

If you look closely, you will find that the attributes that you assign to Russians, and especially Putin, are the same attributes that you find in Ukrainians and Zelensky. Why is it this way? Because for thousands of years they were one people... if you can even really call a group of people, or a nation of people, one people... because differences exist between every individual human being, to say nothing about and within groups or nations.

You are entirely falling into the same failure that many historians do. This failure is that you are forgetting about the strong, basic unity found between all people - because all people are human - and focusing on mostly make-believe differences that all people have. Differences and similarities exist in many ways and in all people.


  What nonsense! Again, the US is to blame! How did the Americans manage to found modern Russia. You definitely drank too much whiskey, otherwise only a drunk or a fool can express such an idea. You wrote here, if China were closer by land, the Russians would have much more influence on their part. Since it is China that borders the United States, not America. Learn geography before spouting nonsense here.

You forget that the US and the wealthy elite of the world funded the Bolshevik Revolution. Then they supported the new Russia with materials and training and equipment. If they hadn't done this, the Bolsheviks would have failed.

I don't blame you for picking on me. It's called 'ad hominem'. It's what people do when they are trolls, and can't figure out an answer to make their own lies stand. Thanks for showing what you really are.


 As I see it, you are using it as a template, the same for all my topics, in which I accuse Russia and its President Putin of an aggressive policy, seeking to justify this aggression by the existence of America. Here the topic is about Russia and its people, where does the United States? If you want to discuss intelligently the United States, then open a topic about issues that interest you.
As for accusing me of trolling, this is exactly what you are doing, always supporting the murderer of Putin.
548  Other / Politics & Society / Re: People's fate on: March 27, 2023, 08:24:10 PM
You seem to forget that the reason why the US is using Ukraine against Russia, is that the US failed in using Russia for its dastardly purposes. Russia freed itself from US domination years ago.

You must have writers working for/with you to print up so many words, without being able to even get around to your point, clearly.


 Извините, Вы это о чем? Здесь тема совсем не о том, что Вы тут излагаете. Найдите другую тему более подходящую для Вашего поста.
549  Local / Политика / Re: К вопросу кто убил Рабина on: March 27, 2023, 03:20:59 PM

  Верующие хотя и составляют меньшую часть израильского общества,  но они сильны организованностью и дисциплиной. Большевики тоже по численности уступали меньшевикам, но благодаря сплоченной организации и железной дисциплине они захватили власть в России.
    Отдав на откуп религиозным ортодоксам  магистральную улицу Бар-Илан, секулярное население в конце концов потеряет Иерусалим, а там не за горами и становление еще одного  после Ирана религиозного государства, в котором власть будет принадлежать даже не королю или диктатору, а почти наместнику Бога, воля которого не будет и обсуждаться. И поди разбери тогда, что здесь первично, а что вторично.
    Истинно верующий далек от суеты, ему совершенно безразлично, кто, где и когда ездит, кто и что ест, он один на один с Богом в час молитвы и не нуждается в посредниках. Недаром страны западной демократии и даже мусульманская Турция, поняв в чем корень зла, отделили религию от государства и религия сразу приобрела человеческое лицо, очистившись от людей, жаждущих власти.        
   В мире и демократии, в этих двух неотделимых друг от друга понятиях, религиозная олигархия совершенно верно усмотрела угрозу своим корыстным целям. Хотя механизм борьбы за власть ортодоксами запущен, он не успеет набрать обороты, потому что начатый Рабиным мирный процесс завершится установлением мира и приходом настоящей демократии, которую так бояться политиканствующие раввины и которая вернет их к тому, чем они обязаны заниматься - к Творцу и вере.
    Вот вам и ответ на вопрос, кем и за что был убит премьер-министр Израиля Ицхак Рабин.

550  Local / Политика / К вопросу кто убил Рабина on: March 27, 2023, 03:14:33 PM
В Израиле Нетаньягу, чтобы остаться во власти и сохранить правительственную коалицию пошел на уступки религиозным и крайне правым политикам, которые покусились на третью власть в стране, а именно судебную систему, которая была прежде независима. Нетаньягу как торговец совестью готов на что угодно, лишь бы остаться во власти. Мало того, что страна не имеет Конституции, а с ликвидацией независимости судебной власти Израиль скатится к группе стран с тоталитарным режимом. Есть же Исламская республика Иран, почему не быть Иудейской республики Израиль, ведь в Израиле религия не отделена от государства, как это во всех демократических странах. Народ Израиля поняв к чему может это привести вышел на улицу. Грандиозные демонстрации захлестнули страну, на сторону протестующих встали даже военные. В результате Нетаньягу приостановил процесс изменения в законодательстве, касательно судебной системы. Что будет дальше не ясно. Но вполне может случиться, вновь в который раз состояться вынужденные выборы. Я предвидел подобную ситуацию в 1996 году.  

Данная статья была опубликована в Израиле в газете “Наша страна” ( 04.12.96.) по следам убийства премьер-министра Израиля Ицхака Рабина еврейским террористом. Сегодня израильтяне левых взглядов отмечают 19 годовщину гибели человека, надеявшегося принести мир своей стране. Надо сказать, что при Рабине замирение между евреями и палестинцами было гораздо ближе, чем сегодня.

Алик Бахши
К вопросу кто убил Рабина
   Более двух лет назад народ Израиля прощался со своим премьер-министром Ицхаком Рабиным. Боевой генерал, боровшийся с многочисленными врагами Израиля и не знавший поражений, был подло убит своим же соотечественником, молодым религиозным евреем только за  то, что страстно желал мира своему народу. Судьба распорядилась так, что евреи и арабы, эти два семитских народа, имеющие общих предков и богатейший тысячелетний опыт мирного сосуществования, внесшие ценный вклад в мировую культуру, стали врагами. Но, та же судьба сегодня предоставила шанс, которым и хотел воспользоваться Ицхак Рабин.
   Да евреи и палестинские арабы не могут и не желают жить в одном государстве, но это не означает, что они не могут быть мирными соседями. Увы, другого выхода просто не существует. Политическая ситуация такова, что только прочный мир является залогом будущего Израиля. И если не понять этого, то еврейский народ может вновь оказаться без своего государства.
   Израилю необходимо наладить добрососедские отношения  с окружающими арабскими странами прежде, чем Америка откажется от активной военной и экономической поддержки Израиля, а это рано или поздно произойдет, потому что США  последнее время идут на более тесные контакты с мусульманским миром, что прослеживается на примере, как ряда арабских стран, так и Боснии.
   Давайте сразу договоримся, что будем оперировать фактами, а не сослагательным наклонением, что было бы,если бы Рабина не убили, а к власти все равно пришли  бы правые. Факты таковы, что Рабин убит, власть в руках у правых, мирный процесс топчется на месте, политическая обстановка обострилась и, как следствие, на горизонте ухудшение экономического положения в стране. Cпланированные провокации с пресловутым туннелем Хасмонеев, со строительством на Хар Хома, вызвавшие очередную серию беспорядков и терактов, не принесли никаких политических дивидендов. Цель этих провокаций показать всему миру, что с палестинцами невозможен политический диалог и лишний раз указать на ошибочность политики Рабина и Переса, позволившей автономии создать вооруженные полицейские части, которые не преминут использовать данное им оружие против евреев.
   Застой в израильско-палестинских переговорах ставит Арафата в весьма незавидное положение. Все его попытки придать хоть какое-то движение мирному процессу оказываются тщетными. Население территорий начинает терять надежду в реальность обещанных договором перемен. Получается, что правы были лидеры ХАМАСа, призывающие к бойкоту всякого диалога и утверждающие, что только уничтожение Израиля, как государства, решит палестинскую проблему. Уход Арафата с политической арены привел бы к тупику. Говорить и вести переговоры было бы не с кем.
    Глобальные политические перемены, происшедшие после развала Советского Союза, коснулись и Ближнего Востока. Москва почти полностью потеряла свое политическое влияние на события в регионе, что хорошо проявилось во время войны в Заливе. Ценность Израиля, как союзника, для Америки понизилась и даже служит помехой в налаживании дружеских отношений с арабскими странами. Невидя никакой политической и экономической выгоды Вашингтон отречется от столь строптивого союзника и тогда, боязнь уподобиться [простите за столь грубое, но яркое сравнение] брошенной хозяином цепной собаке вынудит Израиль принять единственное разумное решение - возобновить мирный процесс, но на этот раз инициатива на переговорах будет на стороне арабов и условия станут более жесткими. И некого будет винить, как только самих себя.
   Израильское общество живет в мире иллюзий, стремится выдать желаемое за действительность. Яркий пример тому, как иллюзии оборачиваются бедами, мы видим в России. И не надо Жириновским и Солженициным искать виновных и выдвигать предположения, что кто-то спаивает русский народ и устраивает для него революции. Только русский народ и виноват во всех своих бедах. Только он, а не приглашенные на заре русской истории Рюрики, не немецкие монархи, перешедшие в православие, не Маркс со своей коммунистической сказкой, не заговор “сионских мудрецов” и не чеченская мафия. Чем дольше живет иллюзия, тем печальнее конец. Вот и нам не следует идти на поводу у иллюзий, чтобы потом не искать виновных в постигших нас бедах среди американцев, арабов, французов или еще кого.
   Израильское общество тяжело больно, оно разобщено по политическим, национальным и религиозным причинам и убийство премьер-министра является симптомом этой болезни. Убийца Рабина не сумасшедший и не одиночка. Он исполнил то, о чем мечтали многие. Кто-то призывал открыто с плакатами, кто-то в мыслях желал смерти премьер-министру, обманываясь тем, что со смертью Рабина они смогут увести мир в прошлое, во времена соперничества сверхдержав. Но Советский Союз рухнул. Европа претерпела колоссальные изменения. Лавина политических изменений пришла в ближневосточный регион. И на этих реалиях базировалась политика Рабина и Переса.
   И если не падет теперешнее правое правительство то, то что не успел сделать Ицхак Рабин, придется выполнить его оппоненту Биби Натаниягу и я не удивлюсь, если вновь какой-нибудь раввин, размахивая Танахом, не заклеймит его позором и назовет не иначе, как предателем земли Израилевой и вновь замаячит тень смерти в исполнении религиозного фанатика-убийцы. Увы, так решаются политические проблемы в условиях израильской демократии с религиозной начинкой.
   Можете ли вы назвать хоть один случай, когда американский министр здравоохранения  или, допустим, транспорта выступил бы с политическими заявлениями? Думаю, не сможете. Даже министр обороны США не позволит себе подобные выступления. Это прерогатива президента и госсекретаря. У нас же политикой заняты поголовно все министры. Видимо, это гораздо проще, чем решать конкретные проблемы своих министерств. Вот и господин Щаранский успешно абсорбировался среди членов правительства. Он выступает с политическими заявлениями такого характера: мы дескать, не можем вести мирные переговоры с Сирией, пока там у власти режим Хафеза  Асада, а в сирийских школах преподают историю по нехорошим учебникам. Пусть сначала в Сирии установиться демократия, тогда и будем разговаривать о мире… Здорово, да? А пока суд да дело можно и повоевать в о славу демократии.
   Неужели министр Щаранский считает Израиль истинно демократической страной? А как быть с тем, что страны демократии не приемлют подавления одного народа другим.
   Страна, до сих пор не имеющая конституции, страна с социалистическими принципами управления, страна, в которой исполнительная и законодательная власть не разделены, страна, в которой часть населения не имеет вообще никаких прав, страна с конгломератом из взаимо исключающих друг друга демократических и галахических законов, наконец, страна, которая меняет своих премьер-министров с помощью убийц, не может быть демократической.
    А если так, то у арабских соседей есть все основания не вести с нами переговоры “до наступления демократии”.
   “Гомо сапиенс” отличается от других представителей фауны тремя созданными им ценностями-это искусство, наука и религия, которые являются плодом творения свободного духа и не терпят регулирования, а любая попытка использовать их в антигуманных целях оборачивается бедой.
    Использование науки и религии в целях распространения власти над людьми связано с колоссальными жертвами. Применение достижений науки и технических изобретений в войнах унесло миллионы человеческих жизней.
    Особенно опасна власть, опирающаяся на идеологию, в основе которой лежат догмы, будь то религиозные или коммунистические. Используя догмат  веры и спекулируя  именем  Бога, чиновники от религии добивались неограниченной власти над людьми. Европа пережила целую эпоху средневекого мракобесия, когда любое свободомыслие жестоко каралось. Тысячи сожженных на кострах инквизиции, четвертованных, повешенных, замученных изощренными пытками- так чиновники от религии, наделив себя правом вершить суд от имени Бога, расправлялись со всеми, кто покушался на догмы веры, которая использользовалась в качестве фундамента их власти.
    История зло надсмеялась над ними, увековечив Джордано Бруно, Галилео Галилея, предав забвению имена их палачей. Синедрион времен Понтий Пилата приговорил к смерти человека, проповедовавшего новую философскую концепцию, и мир узнал имя самого популярного еврея- Исуса Христа.
    Надо четко понимать, что ни наука, ни религия сами по себе не повинны в том, что ими пользуются в угоду своих эгоистических целей грязные душой люди.
   Придя к власти в Иране, мусульманские фундаменталисты ввергли страну во мрак средневековья. В одно мгновение Иран стал опасен для всего мира. Во имя Аллаха поджигались кинотеатры, заполненные людьми, смотревшими “непристойные” западные фильмы, и стражи Ислама с превеликим удовольствием устраивали публичные казни несчастных женщин, осмелившихся появиться с открытым лицом или уличенных в неверности мужьям.
    Есть ли принципиальная разница между мусульманскими фундаменталистами, принуждающими всех женщин носить чадру, и израильскими ортодоксами, запрещающими ездить в субботу и поджигающими некашерные магазины. И в том, и в другом случае это в конечном счете покушение на свободу личности.
    Суть религии не в принуждении, а в свободе духа, только тогда верующий близок к духовному началу природы. А там,  где религия становится на путь принуждения и запрета, она превращается  из дороги к Богу в пагубную дорогу к власти.
   Борьба ортодоксов за закрытие улицы Бар-Илан по суб
551  Other / Politics & Society / People's fate on: March 27, 2023, 11:37:49 AM
Alik Bahshi

                                                        People's fate

         Everyone is different and distinct from each other, not only visually, but also features an individual thinking and behavior. Each man has his own destiny, and attempts to change it is hopeless, because change itself, not as a person. A similar observation can be transferred to people. Inherent to every nation on the common features is not very difficult to recognize the typical representatives of different nations. Just as we can give a description of an individual, and can be characterized by a whole people. Every nation has the genotype, that is, hereditary characteristics, which are likely the people can identify and which determine its historical destiny. Thanks genes we have such a variety of people and as a result states. From this we can conclude that it is the people as a group of people united not only by a common historical past, but also a common future, that is destiny. Thus determine the fate of hereditary characteristics from which no getting around it, which once again points to the validity of the famous wise saying "can not escape the fate", and most importantly in our case, this is true for all the people in general, not just for the individual.

      The question is, why Peter touts Germans in Russia? Because he realized that only the Germans (not French and Italians) can teach Russian law, and the management work that only they can rely on it to his intended reorganization of the state reformatory. In the former Soviet Union can be found German villages, which contrast with the beauty, neatness and order. Even when you are not in their homeland, people do not leave their habits and lifestyles. If they say that, in cases Englishman can usually rely on the word, it goes without conclusion is that, when dealing with someone else, you should not rely solely on words. Gypsies love liberty, but hard work is a burden to them. Russian differ in their .... However, it is better not to detail these differences, because both positive and negative traits can be found in every nation. We note only that, however, such as the Arabs did not want to, they can not be like the Scandinavians, and is not that important external difference as a difference in mentality.

You can spend a mental experiment. If the German, Russian and Hebrew, along with their families to land on a desert island and visit them, that way, in ten years, in what condition we find them? It seems most likely the following simplified picture. The German - solid house with a garden and a strong economy. Russian lives in a mud hut, and rotten to the Germans, and a Jew is mediating between them, say, to buy vodka at the German and Russian markets. Or let's say, what if all the Swiss move to Mexico and Mexicans in Switzerland. How do you think, what would be in this case, well-groomed, and how rich Switzerland transformed Mexico. Probably not hard to imagine what would happen to Germany and Russia, if we make the cross-migration of peoples. No climatic or geographical conditions do not change the character of the people. Why did the Japanese live richer Vietnamese or Russian? Because they are the Japanese and the other explanation is needed. Give Roma land, give them the opportunity to live and handle it, alas, the next day you're gypsies in the land will not find. A similar case is unnatural for Roma, they have a different way of being, however, is not for them alone. Impoverished after the war, do not have any natural resources, Japan and Germany, but by the willingness and ability of their people to work much more than that, what country is Russia. Finland, a former colony of Russia, not a rich mineral resources, with severe climatic conditions far ahead of Russia in terms of life and an explanation of this one, there lived Finns. There is no other explanation. Quite the opposite result, we will have, if hypothetically settle in this territory Russian. I do not for a moment doubt that if the Russian succeeded in 1940 again returned to Finland in the empire, then the standard of living adequate for today's Russia there. So that Finns know why they need the freedom and appreciated this neohodimosti condition for people who can work and wants to decide their own destiny. An empire could not break this will to freedom.

There are no racist or nationalist ideas, I do not pursue, just stating the fact that every nation has its own character and therefore his fate. It would be sheer folly to assert the superiority of one nation over another on the basis that they are at different stages of social development. Yes Englishman richer gypsy, he has his own house, his own country, the Falkland Islands, in the end, there was nothing like a gypsy, but he did not have to, because he belongs to the whole world. Summarizing, we can say that's what people probably unknowingly, and according to their own way, people's mentality is an addiction, and it has. You can realize many of the social phenomena associated with a particular people, and according to its historical destiny.

Unless the person who has musical talent and love music trying to make a talented mathematician, it is unlikely to come out of this venture is something worthwhile. Beginning with Peter the Great Russian people literally pull the ears in Europe, but the distance is not at all close. The latter idea, related to the introduction of Western-style democracy, torn Russia, just kak all previous Russian foreign to the spirit of innovation. Since the days of Rurik Russian used to be ruled and desirable by people because they themselves are useless organizers.
Russia has reached the highest dawn of Catherine the Great, which is two words, then in Russian could not connect. In Russia Oblomovism this phenomenon, not a special case. Who made up the backbone of the Bolsheviks, led by Lenin? Whether there was a lot of Russian? Do not want to be like Russian nationalists, accused of all misfortunes of the Jews. But on the other hand, where you were Russian businessmen, when for example, given the freedom of economic activities after the collapse of the communist ideology. Why were people oligarchs, well, non-Russian nationality? And again, there's no guilt Russian. The fact that the Russian see other value for money than the Jews or Germans. The value of money for the Russian people, is to have fun. From classical Russian literature: Russian aristocrat could dissipate money, drink, and not as I do not spend for useful work. For a Jew money are valuable in themselves, and are a means to enlarge the scheme: money - (mediation, foreign exchange) is money - in other words, the money put into circulation, to make money. The desire to have money in preference to any other property, whether land, factory, farm, make the Jews mobile. They like the Roma, who appreciate the absolute freedom and gold, are not tied to one place and can migrate to any vending their country. A good example is the mass migration of Jews associated with the collapse of Communism and the collapse of the USSR, and preference was given to America and the rich countries of Western Europe, mainly Germany, despite the Holocaust, and not problematic for Israel. But not always for the money can buy everything. For example, there was a famine, no one will sell you bread. And then, the money can be taken away, the one who made the money gun. No wonder the prophet Moses warned his tribe from the worship of the Golden Calf. Unfortunately, either then or later, that charge is left without proper obedience. The people who can not feed himself, will always depend, - gold not grow corn. And in order to grow grain, we need not only his own land, but also their sweat. Germans see the money means for production, that is, they do not appreciate the money as such, but a product that can be made on the money (according to the scheme: product - money - product). Therefore, banks have been the Rothschilds, and the means of production from the croup. The Russian is no such cycle (money - fun - ...). Of course, this is a very rough and simplified scheme to caricature.

In post-communist Russia bankers, traders Tipster emerged mainly from the Jews not to leave the country, but the major manufacturers have not appeared. Though again shills in the country of the Germans. Group of oligarchs that emerged under Yeltsin, the authorities take this free enterprise and using the lack of initiative of the Russian population, achieves a significant impact, both in financial and political spheres. Yeltsin, who regarded himself as the guarantor of the Constitution, which in Russia has always been a dead letter, in fact, is the guarantor of the financial well-being of the oligarchs. It was under Yeltsin symbiosis of power and money reaches its highest peak. The new government, which replaced the communists, provided an opportunity for easy dressing, so instantly corruption permeates all echelons. Money and power gain in the circumstances, Russia unlimited possibilities. For the money, the oligarchs bought parliamentary seats in the State Duma and government posts. Berezovsky is the richest man in Russia with Israeli citizenship, became secretary of the Security Council. Though later, already, as secretary, Berezovsky rejects Israeli citizenship, but this fact only underlines the uniqueness of the situation. Can you imagine a similar post in Israel occupied people, an ethnic Russian, and even with Russian citizenship. In Putin as in traditional executive officer KGB oligarchs saw limp puppet, which will allow them to further enrichment by the sale of the country's natural resources without creating manufacturing enterprises. This trend in the economy could put Russia in a position of countries that are resource fringes of the West and Japan. Russia from the former dictatorship "of the proletariat" could turn into a country of the dictatorship of the oligarchs. (By the way, America is wary of Russian oligarchs close some of them to enter.) This outcome was favorable pathologic complete political bezinitsiativnost Russian people. New new rich did not associate their future with Russia. First of all, they saw it as a country. They are all pre-produced rear in Israel and in other countries, taking out there as much as possible their capital. Russia is for them only a means of enrichment. However, Putin's time they did not see the other side of his nature. As a true security officer, he managed to hide his ambitious future intentions, mixed with strong patriotism. Then the oligarchs did not foresee the danger to their financial empire is Putin. On the other hand violence against the oligarchs prevented spontaneous pogroms, which inevitably would occur, with further economic stratification of society, when one of the causes of such a bundle is readily apparent national factor.
It is worth noting that the fight against oligarchs Putin and his anti-democratic politics, was a lightning rod of an approaching storm in the form of the growth of a large number of various nationalist and clearly pro-fascist parties and organizations in Russia.

The victory of democracy turned around for the Russian people to complete impoverishment and ultimate collapse of the Russian Empire. Can I like the Russian people to pay for their freedom? Do all the freedom, the people who carries a gene Oblomovism? Only a dictatorship for the society, who does not want to engage in any political or economic problems. So the rise of Putin is not accidental, but fatal for the Russian people.

The collapse of the communist ideology has put the Russian people in a dilemma of choosing between freedom and dictatorship, and the people decided not to tempt fate and chose tradition, according to the mentality, the last. The unpopularity of democratic ideas in the Russian environment is reflected in the composition of the national leaders of the Democrats. Moreover, unjustifiably high political ambitions of each individual, Yavlinsky, Nemtsov and Hakamada, ripped, in the end, the balloon of their verbiage.
Russian people prefer the Little Father in the face of Putin, the man did not take place in any party, which is a simple, international, without any ambiguity, vowed to strangle the vermin (ie Chechnya), fighters (ie Chechens), wet in the toilet, and all the other Western guardians of democracy to get circumcised. Do you think it was possible after such a clear and concise policy speech to select a presidential some busybody Democrat willing to distribute empire infidels. Magnificent triumph in the presence of priests and high officials of the state on the occasion of Putin as president more like a coronation to the throne than the taking of the oath.

Putin came not so much a revival of the empire, and how many, continued her agony that is dangerous to the world, even more so when one sixth part again, apparently installed a totalitarian regime.

In the incident, of course, wine mladodemokratov Russian who had to take into account the mentality of the Russian people during the market reforms in the economy and not to go to a situation appears oligarchs. Mladodemokraty naively believed that enough to deprive the communist government, the people gladly take advantage of being given the opportunity for free political and economic activity, by which Russia is sure to reach the standard of living of the world's leading powers. But in reality, trying to taste democracy, the Russian people, in fact, rejected it as not acceptable for domestic use.


I want to say a few words about the "Other Russia", a new party - a new attempt talkers Democrats, led by American paratroopers emerged from Garry Kasparov, Russian fool and seize power. He decided to checkmate the Russian people outside the chess board. True to the role of first violin there like Kasyanov claimed, but "The Other Russia" is not the Russian party. Even if we assume that they will be able to buy the Russian voters, they are still not good for Russia will not do (you can not change people's character and his destiny), and only an even stronger robbery happen, because they, unlike Putin, all currency will place on foreign banks, and the Russian people do not get it. Russian people for himself nothing of democracy will not win, because, I repeat, democracy requires the active participation of people in politics and the economy, that is, what is not traditional in the Russian people. It is this fact, and it is tempting for people like Kasparov (Weinstein), why not use the political passivity of the people and enter into power in pursuit of personal interests. Thought, why Kasparov-Vanshtein not try to Armenia or Israel, but there it is reaching out to Russia, where it is possible to use passive people. The closer the elections in Russia, the more active of the natives of the "Other Russia" for self-promotion. Truly greed for power and money overthrew former players - the new leader of talkers Democrats.
552  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russians as a state-forming people on: March 27, 2023, 11:31:14 AM
Russians as a state-forming people

You have it a little mixed up their. Back at the time of the Bolsheviks, the people of today's Russian lands were a State-forming people. That's how they formed Russia out of the lands of the Czars. Back then they had the help of the US to do it.

Then, in 1991, Russians became a State-RE-forming people. While the US didn't help them this time, the US still encouraged them by lying that they wouldn't push Nato further east.

Now all the US wants to do is tear Russia down. Poor Russian people. Pushed this way, and then that way, and now being asked to dissolve rather than reform.

Russians are getting a little fed up with the US... always pushing them this way and then that. This time they might do something about it, and make the US into a dissolving-State, if the US isn't careful.

Here the topic is about the Russian people, their mentality, and what does the USA have to do with it? Is there really a connection between the mentality of the Russian people, their history and the United States? None other than some kind of nonsense! Russians as a people with their mentality have existed for 1000 years, and the United States for 200. Your comment is more like childish babble than the reasoning of an adult.

Russians as a people might have existed for a thousand years, but, Russians as Tartarians existed for thousands of years longer than that. Russians as individuals exist for how many years? Maybe 50. Maybe 80. Maybe 100 in a few cases.

Where does a Russian baby get his general, ethnic direction? A little of it might come from racial memory. Science isn't sure that racial memory exists, or what it entails. However, if you take a Russian baby and raise him in some other country, his life direction is not Russian any longer.

The point? Russians, like all other people, are influenced by things around them, as well as what they dedicate themselves to be. One of the things that influenced Russians was their contact with the US through the Bolshevik-times, when the US interfered with them by actually starting the modern Russian country. European contact influences them as well. If China were closer land-wise, Russians would have a much larger amount of influence from them.

If modern Russians met Russians of 1000 years ago, they would recognize a form of comradeship between themselves. But they would also recognize their foreignness.

If you look closely, you will find that the attributes that you assign to Russians, and especially Putin, are the same attributes that you find in Ukrainians and Zelensky. Why is it this way? Because for thousands of years they were one people... if you can even really call a group of people, or a nation of people, one people... because differences exist between every individual human being, to say nothing about and within groups or nations.

You are entirely falling into the same failure that many historians do. This failure is that you are forgetting about the strong, basic unity found between all people - because all people are human - and focusing on mostly make-believe differences that all people have. Differences and similarities exist in many ways and in all people.


  What nonsense! Again, the US is to blame! How did the Americans manage to found modern Russia. You definitely drank too much whiskey, otherwise only a drunk or a fool can express such an idea. You wrote here, if China were closer by land, the Russians would have much more influence on their part. Since it is China that borders the United States, not America. Learn geography before spouting nonsense here.
553  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Awakening of the West on: March 27, 2023, 11:21:28 AM

 A similar thought voiced by Lavrov at a conference in India caused loud laughter. Stop lying!
554  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian-Ukrainian war of 2022- ... for the salvation of the World on: March 27, 2023, 11:16:56 AM
The war for the independence of Ukraine has essentially become a war between freedom and tyranny.
555  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian world order on: March 27, 2023, 11:13:55 AM
Imagine being so beyond time and still believe in a empire. Free humans neither bow down to a emperor, party, club-boss, doctrina, czar, tycoon....or be lead by any other cult figure.
That's just the point. We are way past eras of colonisation or subduing a people by waging wars. That savagery has gone with the 20th century and we've been more better since then, looking out for civilised means to archiving a goal.
I can try to see reasons why a nation would wage war when peaceful resolutions isn't reached in order to protect its borders from invasion but, not for the purpose of editing the maps and sourcing for resources.

Talking about slavery and a people, I think Africa ought to say the most here but no, it's history and trying to do anything other than restitution and forging ahead would be issues of course, aggression and retaliation. We don't need these in our world today.
In my opinion none of the Ukraine and Russian ally has really tried to save them from war .. .
The have accelerated the war and created so many problems for the world. Now the whole world suffers the inflation created by them. Everyone is in the state of panic these days. Thanks to the superpower for creating disasters in the world around.

Look for the cause of the war in Putin's revanchism, and not in the allies.
Now UN officials are having meeting with Russia and insisting them to stop the war.
No sanction has worked so far. I wish Russia should choose an option of peace as well. So that there is stability in the world

 For peace and stability, Putin must withdraw the Russian army from Ukraine, and pay compensation for the damage caused, as Germany did after the defeat in the war.
556  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russia returned to the era of war communism on: March 27, 2023, 11:08:23 AM
Always comparing Russia to the USA. IRS taxes are voluntary in the US. The IRS even says so. Lol.


Dear, what does the USA have to do with it? There was no war communism. I understand that you have nothing to say on the essence of this topic.
557  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Empire of Lies and its chief liar on: March 27, 2023, 11:04:10 AM

Those big piles of words you post must be automatic writing. How can we tell? You quote my post, and then ask the question that my post answers.

You have pretty good automatic writing abilities, even if your reading comprehension is next to zilch.


  Is this the cry of the soul? What are you talking about? I am writing about specific things, namely that Putin is lying based on facts known to all, and, as I see it, you cannot refute the essence of the article. Your comments contain the same lies as in Putin's words, and your objections are more like childish babble in simple denial: no, it's not.

And, I did agree with you about Putin and his lies. So, what lie am I talking about? The lie that Putin's lies are greater than the lies of the US, Nato, and Ukraine.

Let me ask you. Did you say that the US, Nato, and Ukraine are lying? Maybe you did, somewhere. But when you focus on Putin's lies the way you have been, and don't focus on the lies of the US, Nato, and Ukraine, you are really saying that Putin's lies are worse.

Putin's lies are NOT worse than the lies of the US, Nato, and Ukraine. But when you indicate that Putin's lies are worse, like you have been doing, you are lying. Maybe it's an accidental lie. Maybe you don't know any better. But if you tell an untruth, you are really telling a lie.


Listen, firstly, you don’t have to invent, I’m talking about the lies of the USA and Ukraine and don’t tell anyone else. Secondly, here is the topic of deceitful Russia and its President Putin. If you want to tell us about the lies of Ukraine and others, then write a topic and discuss it, but here is another topic.
558  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Fuhrer Putin criminal on: March 27, 2023, 10:56:39 AM
If he did not annex part of the Ukraine then this issue never would have happened.

Putin annexed part of Ukraine because he wants to restore Russia within the borders of the USSR.
559  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Empire of Lies and its chief liar on: March 27, 2023, 06:01:27 AM

Gladly. Putin is a liar in the same way any person in the world is... except the little children, of course. His lying is way less than yours.

You might be telling the exact truth in the way you think about your words. But other people don't think about your words the way you do, so your lies are in the form of deceit, except for the direct, out in the open lies you tell.

And if you or anybody says they were simply mistaken, the stuff is still untruths. Simply lies without realizing it.


In this case, give examples where I lied.

Everything you say about Putin is lies. Why? Because you try to make him seem worse than many other leaders of nations. He is not worse than the others. He is better than many.

If you want to see 'worse', the leaders of the US banking system are way worse. They have fake money called fiat. And they have talked people into believing this money has value. And they are using it to conquer the world in a deceptive way.

What is this deceptive way? They are using other countries, like Ukraine, to conquer the world for them... for money. Look at the money that has gone from the US banks into Ukraine. Nobody knows where it went for sure. This has happened all over the world. We can tell, because the US is powerful - more than Russia - all over the world... because of the US lying banking system.

You fell for the US banking fiat lies, and now you are telling lies about Putin on behalf of the US banking system. Or, are you getting paid special by the banks to make Putin seem to be worse than he is?


Where did you find the lie? The fact that Putin kills people with rockets and bombs, poisons people with a "newcomer" is not a lie, it is a reality that is impossible not to see. And the fact that you are lying like Putin is also a reality.

Those big piles of words you post must be automatic writing. How can we tell? You quote my post, and then ask the question that my post answers.

You have pretty good automatic writing abilities, even if your reading comprehension is next to zilch.


  Is this the cry of the soul? What are you talking about? I am writing about specific things, namely that Putin is lying based on facts known to all, and, as I see it, you cannot refute the essence of the article. Your comments contain the same lies as in Putin's words, and your objections are more like childish babble in simple denial: no, it's not.
560  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Fuhrer Putin criminal on: March 26, 2023, 08:32:56 PM


Biden is the biggest racist in modern day politics "Hey you ain't black if you ain't voting Biden".

If Trump had said anything like that racist statement AND EVEN APOLOGISED FOR IT, we would never have heard the end of it.

Biden is completely unhinged and out of control.

Furthermore, Obama and Biden, along with the American war machine (the Pentagon), have been influencing Ukraine to attack Russians in what was temporaruily Ukrainian land. It was their home. But the Ukraine military attacked them.

Putin the savior, has stopped the attacks as best he could. But Zelensky, propped up by the US, simply won't quit with his aggressive, Hitler-like activities.

You constantly here on the forum demonstrate baby talk that makes the readers of your posts smile.
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