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561  Economy / Services / [Hiring Paid Testers] Testing our new Casino Platform on: December 13, 2022, 03:27:49 PM
Hey guys,

We soft launched our crypto casino and I was thinking of employing a few forum members to help me test it out.

The user would get $100 in BTC through CoinsPaid upfront, from which $20 would be to gamble, and $80 for your service.

The list for troubleshooting includes several things, but will mostly cover:
- The registration flow and your comments on it
- The deposit flow and your comments on it
- Testing out the providers with one game
- Testing out the customer support via live chat or e-mail

Important: Once you register, your account will be marked as a test account, you'll not be able to withdraw your winnings.

I'm of course open for suggestions on how to work this out Smiley

We would most probably start this week, latest Friday GMT+1.

Thank you.

562  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: What would be an ideal KYC solution? on: December 12, 2022, 04:11:26 PM
2: an imagination and an IQ slightly above the average intellect of  recent respondents to this thread
4: the ethical values of the average casino owner

I was laughing on this a bit too much Cheesy

I loved the overview, and you're completely right, it would be doable.
563  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Pregled Bitcointalk Signature-Ad kampanja on: December 12, 2022, 04:02:38 PM
To je neki stari dobro poznati casino sa novim vlasnicima ili nešto drugo?

Godinu dana stari casino koji je bio "crypto-side-projekt" jednog većeg operatera, ali je ekipa doslovce bila nesposobna jer su navikli na fiat brandove, pa smo mi sada uskočili i preuzeli komplet sve. Čekam još samo da se approvaju neke payment platforme do kraja pa ćmo onda launchat kak treba, za sad je neka prva testna faza. Platforma je SoftSwiss i sajt je užasno responzivan, tako da se veselim cijeloj priči Smiley
564  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Valve's Steam Deck as a Mining Machine? on: December 12, 2022, 12:50:59 PM
I spoke with Glenn from, the same guy who loves to write extremely long tests and overviews of the Steam Deck (check out his SD Card article here) and he agreed to test out the Linux Etherium miner on the Steam Deck, I'll keep you posted guys Smiley

565  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Pregled Bitcointalk Signature-Ad kampanja on: December 12, 2022, 12:19:58 PM
Mislim da cijelu tu priču treba gledati malo šire.
Postoji i nešto što se zove brandiranje proizvoda ili usluge a to znači da se očekuje od tebe da budeš prisutan na određenim događanjima ili site-ovima da te ljudi vide i zapamte, čak i ako neće odmah kliknuti na tvoju reklamu.
Kako izračunati ekonomsku korist reklama na nekom stadionu, ili na dresovima sportaša?
Gotovo nemoguće ali to je sve proces brandiranja tvog proizvoda a svaka ozbiljna firma ima svoj advertising budget i strategije reklamiranja.
Da od reklamiranja na ovom forumu nema nikakve koristi, nitko to ne bi ni radio, niti trošio svoj novac na nešto što nema smisla, bez brige  Grin

Ako si Stake, vjerojatno Cheesy Ali za ove manje igrače mislim da je već neka konverzija u igri, ali nisam još prokljuvio koja. Srecom je to sve web, postoje tracking linkovi, ali se slazem s tobom da je branding bitan. Ako te ekipa vidi i ako im iskačeš iz paštete već će te nekak prepoznat. Sjećam se kada je netko bio radio case study po zagrebu i gdje su ispitivali ekipu što asociraju s bojama, basically za Rozu im je uvijek bio t-com, za žutu im je bila hrvatska pošta - što ti dovoljno govori o tome koliko je pranje mozgova s brandingom bitno Cheesy
566  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Pregled Bitcointalk Signature-Ad kampanja on: December 12, 2022, 10:53:40 AM
Trofo i ja smo počeli nedavno (pred cca 6 mjeseci), vodimo sig kampanju za Livecasino, World Cup natjecanje za Sportsbet i još nekakve sitnice sa strane.

Ako želiš dobru kampanju, računaj na barem 70-80$ tjedno po korisniku. Mi smo kad smo kretali Livecasinu predložili 4$ po postu i krenuli smo s 2 mjeseca budžeta u escrowu - kako bismo privukli dobre korisnike iz drugih kampanja.

Na forumu ima dosta spama i treba malo isfiltrirati koga se uzima, a ako želiš ljude koji na forumu imaju nekakav status ne možeš ići ispod navedenih brojki.

Ako bilo što treba, javi nam se na PM pa popričamo.

Ma upravo to me i brine, ovaj spam u gambling sekciji je užasan. Može, javim se za koji tjedan kada dobijem budgete pa popričamo Smiley

Oho! Smiješi li nam se to još jedan aktivan član naše lokalne sekcije? Ako je tako, dobrodošao Smiley

Što se tiče signature kampanja na forumu, vidiš i sam da ih ima jako puno. Mene jako zanima kako se vlasnicima projekata isplati davati nekoliko tisuća dolara tjedno da bi imali reklamu na forumu. Valjda ja nešto propuštam jer očito im se isplati. Konkretno su u mojoj kampanji, koja traje već valjda dvije godine, nedavno povećali broj članova i ako sam dobro izračunao, plaćaju tjedno 7000 dolara! Meni je to abnormalno velika svota za reklamu na forumu ali očito ima koristi...

Thanks \o/ Nisam bio regan i aktivan na forumima još od kako je Gameplay propao i HCL počeo trulit., bio sam se gubio neki dan u BB codeu, zaboravio kak se stavljaju linkovi Cheesy

Što se isplativosti tiče, ne znam ti stvarno u ovom trenu, ali ću ti moć reć jednom kada krenemo. Mora očito biti neki ROI u igri, drugačije ne bi forum bi flashao sa svim tim sigovima Cheesy
567  Economy / Gambling / Re: What else should an established crypto casino add? on: December 12, 2022, 10:24:59 AM
As for the probability, I think you mean odds in sports betting, and what I personally have noticed is that odds can be good on one site for one game, and on another site for another. You will never find a site where odds for all games are better than anywhere.

This also depends on their provider, some companies like Betsson have their own sportsbook department that they are outsourcing to other sports betting operators, so basically whoever is in that chain has the same odds across all matches.
568  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: What would be an ideal KYC solution? on: December 12, 2022, 10:22:58 AM
Text to image generation software using deep machine learning,
can already generate KYC images and ID documentation that can pass KYC acceptance levels.

The issue for KYC is being able to determine if there is a real person at the other side of the process.

I didn't know about this, do you have any examples which I could take a look at?

I'm aware that AI content is entering it's renaissance period, I'm dodging those AI writers as crazy this year, but to generate KYC imagery is a new thing that I didn't know exists Cheesy 
569  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Pregled Bitcointalk Signature-Ad kampanja on: December 12, 2022, 10:20:13 AM
Da, dobro si to skužio. To je glavni razlog. Na primjer, ako se tema premjesti u drugu sekciju foruma, iz bilo kojeg razloga, svaki interes za nju odmah prestaje.

Usput, dobrodošao na forum! Ako te nisam prije već pozdravio.

Hvala hvala Cheesy Dio sam teama koji je preuzeo jedan crypto online casino, pa sam se ubacio na forum da malo proučim community prije nego ga launchamo. Za sad nisam pretjerano oduševljen s gambling sekcijom upravo iz gornjem razloga, ali budemo vidjeli, tek mi je mjesec dana.

Znači, ako sam dobro shvatio, za pokrenut jednu signature-ad kampanju se cijene kreću oko $40 tjedno i od ekipe se traži da su aktivni?

S obzirom da sam sam okružen s Maltezima i Šveđanima, bilo bi kul uzet nešto domaće ekipe za ovo Cheesy Startali bi vjerojatno tamo u prvom mjesecu, ali moram još proučiti pravila foruma, ne bi htio pokupit ban.

Budem još prošao kroz ad pravilnik pa vas pingam ovdje uskoro Smiley Ako ima netko ovdje koji već ima iskustvo s postavljanjem takvih kampanja slobodno me pingaj.

570  Economy / Gambling discussion / Anyone Attending ICE London 2023? on: December 09, 2022, 03:38:16 PM
Hey guys,

I'll be hanging around IGA and ICE in February and wanted to grab some drinks with some forum members:

If anyone is planning to go and needs some company or just wants to grab a beer, ping me and let's organize a forum-meetup Smiley
571  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Pregled Bitcointalk Signature-Ad kampanja on: December 09, 2022, 03:32:31 PM
Minimalno 20 postova tjedno (od toga barem 10 u Gambling-u) a računa se maksimalno 5 postova dnevno. Local postovi se broje u tjednu kvotu.

Essss.... Pa zato ima toliko govno postova u toj gambling sekciji Cheesy Sad sam tek skužio (zahvaljujući ovom postu) kak to funkcionira.
572  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: December 09, 2022, 03:29:59 PM

Kad smo već kod Indexa, je li znate možda koliko je portal zaradio zadnjih godina od 2020 i kako je povećao dobit 18 puta!?
Skromna dobiti od 900 tisuća kuna u 2019 godini je skočila na 17 milijuna kuna 2021 godine...  magija ili nešto drugo.

A šta, stalno imaju neke drame i clickbaitove. Briljiraju naslovima i ekipa ih posjećuje, trenutno su jedan od najjačih domaćih portala zbog toga. Dok svi ostali naplaćuju PR par tisuca kuna, index traži 10k, a što je najgore, fakat se isplati jer ti dostave hrpu klikova i konverzija za te pare.

Ne slažem se s time though, prije se u novinama imala zasebna "crna kronika" sekcija, sada se sve samo vrti oko crne kronike, cica, hrane i love.

Cijela familija mi dnevno visi na tom govnu od portala i moram se borit s njihovim zaključcima koje donesu od svih tih članaka. Užas.
573  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Discussion (Altcoins) / Re: Which Crypto would you like to see more in Online Casinos? on: December 09, 2022, 03:25:15 PM
Usdt is my opinion for sure.Because we can withdraw with minimum fee from the casino. When we use of Trx network, the transaction fee is low for Usdt. Usdt had many networking to withdraw funds with low fee. Even we can use the Binance Smart Chain Network for the withdrawal of Usdt. Even you can choose the tron for withdrawal from the casino.
I'm also comfortable using USDT since it offers lower fees. We all know that most gamblers prefer transacting with minimal or cheaper fees. Some networks would require us to pay high fees which is a big struggle especially if we are just withdrawing small amounts of funds. If casinos would consider stablecoins and other altcoins with lower network fees, it will be convenient and we can save since instead of using those funds as fees, we can add the amount to our gambling capital.

Yes this is true, I saw a lot of operators using USDT. I'll add it to my list, thanks Smiley
574  Other / Off-topic / Re: Suggest you favourite anime on: December 08, 2022, 04:57:06 PM
If you're a fan of anime like Berserk, check out Dororo:

It has an interesting twist on the whole heroes journey thing, has a bit of old japan and dark fantasy to it as well.

Little to no fan service, great animation as well.
575  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Kako besplatno dobiti (ili zaraditi) Bitcoin ? on: December 08, 2022, 04:53:15 PM

Jos jedan dobar servis preko koga se moze zaradtIt Bitcoin SATS

Burki ja mislim da si ti ovdje samo da spamaš taj sajt Cheesy
576  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: binance pao? on: December 08, 2022, 04:50:21 PM
Jeli mozete otvoriti binance?

Edit: brisi, na downforeveryoneorjustme  pise neradi na isitdown radi, na mobu mi isto nije otvarao, ali evo sada proradio.

To ti je Binance Cheesy

S njima sam bio krenuo, ali mi je downtime toliko išao na falus da sam se preswitchao nakon neke ozbiljnije love. Najgore je kada krenu oni periodi padanja, to onda ispadne kao da djele sarmu 24/7, svi jašu po njima i serveri se krahiraju.

Najgore je kad te zaloopa sa captcha screenovima nakon toga, vjerojatno ih netko roka sa DDOS-om ili nešto konstantno.
577  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: What would be an ideal KYC solution? on: December 08, 2022, 04:44:21 PM
Maybe for now, Stake is still giving an exception and just require KYC whenever a huge amount is being withdrawn. But I’m not totally sure if it stays that way for long when most of the casinos are already requiring it from the start, and you can read it in their own rules that as long as KYC is required, user should submit to it. So let’s just be realistic about KYC, there is no solution to it, the government has set its rules and casinos are obliged to follow.

If I remember right, Stake is set at 1,5 BTC lifetime withdrawal limit, once that is reached, the KYC is triggered. But don't take my word for it, it has been a while since my research.
578  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Discussion (Altcoins) / Re: Which Crypto would you like to see more in Online Casinos? on: December 08, 2022, 04:42:31 PM
I'm sure that almost all the crypto payment providers have bitcoin in default along with some of the major cryptocurrencies like ETH, DOGE, LTC, USDT. If all these are available in any casino, where's the necessity of any other coins & why even some casinos create their own shit token? I see no single reason TBH.

As I already mentioned a bit before, I'm seeing a lot of casino reviews mentioning "no exotic crypto's" as complains, so I was curious on what the community has to say. But from what I can tell, it seems like it doesn't matter as long as the standard set of coins is there.
579  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Valve's Steam Deck as a Mining Machine? on: December 08, 2022, 04:40:25 PM
Mining on game consoles was relevant during the shortage of video cards and their very expensive cost. Mining was very profitable, so laptops and game consoles were used for mining. Now it is irrelevant and not profitable due to the end of ethereum mining and the presence of a large number of inexpensive video cards on the market.

Yeah I remember the Ukrain PS4 farm that was in the news last year Cheesy Here it is:

This is why I was curious and started the research.
580  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: How much initial startup to Start Cryptocurrency Casino? on: December 08, 2022, 04:36:26 PM
In fact, the license for online casinos is not so expensive. If I am not mistaken, the license in Curacao costs about 15k euros, and in Malta about 25k euros.

Yes, the license is cheap, but the requirements that you need to meet before you apply aren't Cheesy

For MGA, the Malta one, as an example, you need to have a developer in your team that has experience with iGaming with a minimum of 3 years of experience. People like these are 60k EUR per year easy.

For the Curacao that you mentioned, you need to have an office in Curacao and the site needs to be hosted in Curacao, with minimum bankroll requirements.

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