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5601  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: regulushr ban on: April 25, 2020, 06:52:29 PM
MA kolko vidim nema tu kruva.
Samo naša ekipa tamo posta, a admini izbjegavaju u širokom luku.
Vjerojatno nitko ne želi preuzet inicijativu da se ne bi pocelo kopati zasto su neki unbannani a neki ne

Nije samo naša ekipa;  uključili su se i drugi i dodatno pojačali "javni pritisak " na vodstvo foruma.
Sada se već postavljaju javno pitanja o objektivnosti admina i da li ima nešto što nam kriju i zapravo ovo je već  njihov poraz bez obzira kako će ovaj slučaj završiti.
Ako ne odgovore,  mislim da će barem 90 %:običnih članova foruma zaključiti da admini nešto kriju ili nisu objektivni i to će naštetiti  njihovoj reputaciji i oni su toga svjesni.
Zbog svojeg pokušaja ignoriranja i "zakapanja " ovog slučaja doveli su se u situaciju da članovi preispituju njihovu motivaciju i razloge i siguran sam da im nije to ugodno čitati i pratiti  
S te strane,  mi smo već "moralni " pobjednici jer smo "dokazali " ono što cijelo vrijeme tvrdimo, da forum admini nisu pravedno i objektivno rješavali ovaj problem, i u skladu sa svojim vlastitim pravilima.
Još uvijek postoji mogućnost da budemo i "stvarni " pobjednici ako se javni pritisak dodatno pojača i theymos krene u akciju "kontrole štete " te ukine permaban Regulusu.
Bitno je sada nastaviti dalje i ne popuštati "stisak " 😁😁

Jos od 2014 je poznato da je dobar dio admina na forumu korumpiran, i da novac  ide dalje nego djela.
Dosta "pionira" crypta koji su danas multi milionasi su odustali od foruma i ne planiraju se nikad vratit, zbog pritiska i ucjena raznih admina koje necemo imenovati, a jos uvijek su u toj funkciji.

Stvar je u tome da admine vjerojatno boli ona stvar za njihovu reputaciju. Čovjek koji kreće u kripto zapravo nema izbora nego biti član ovog foruma. Pogotovo kad dođu i shvate da se ovdje uz malo truda može i zaraditi koja "pinka". Meni da je netko prije par godina rekao da ću dobivati deset, dvadeset pa i više dolara tjedno za pisanje po forumu, rekao bi mu da nije normalan.

Istina, ima raznih Facebook grupa ali meni to nikad nije to. Facebook grupe i razni Telegram kanali su dobri za trenutnu komunikaciju. Tu nema postova koji ostaju kao trajna vrijednost. Zato je forum meni i dalje najomiljeniji način komunikacije. Možda sam ostario ali tako je...

Želim reći da se teško može napraviti nešto protiv samovolje admina ovdje na forumu jer drugog izbora nemaš. Možemo mi pisati postove i postove o tome kako je nešto nepravda, ali ako ekipa na vrhu odluči to ignorirati, što možeš?
5602  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: April 25, 2020, 06:42:19 PM
E ako ce biti cardano, onda svaka cast. Imam ga previse na binance da me je frka. A volio bi da bude nesto od njega u konacnici.
Bar da skoci na $10/ADA Cheesy
Koliko vidim Ledger već ima podršku za Cardano, međutim to sve ide preko web novčanika Yoroi i AdaLite.
Jel netko koristio nekad te third-party novčanike sa Ledgerom i koliko su zadovoljni sa tom vrstom usluge?

Meni su OK ti third-party walleti na kojima se samo prijavljuješ s Ledgerom. Ja koristim NEO i ADA wallete i sasvim mi je OK. Jedino je nezgodno ako Ledger Live koristiš za prikaz portfelja. Onda se ti coini ne prikazuju. Ali mislim da to ionako nitko ne radi.

Kad smo već kod Ledgera, oni opet najavljuju podršku za novi coin.

Mišljenja oko njihovog Ledger Live softvera su podjeljena. Dosta članova smatra da bespotrebno uvode podršku za sve više i više coina dok postoji dosta nerješenih problema prilikom ažuriranja firmware-a i drugih bugova koji se misteriozno javljaju kod određenih korisnika. Ali... šta je tu je.  

Oni mogu da uvedu svih 5000 crypto shitcoina ali neka stave to kao BETA verzija.
Pa kome je to potrebno neka skida i instalira.
Neka ostave normalno stanje za BTC i ETH.
Ovako mi nisu jasni.

Ne razumijem... Zašto bi tebe (ili bilo kojeg drugog korisnika) trebalo mučiti ako Ledger napravi native podršku za 5000 coina? Pa neće to sve biti na Ledger Live aplikaciji po defaultu nego ako instaliraš. Ti ako na njemu želiš imati BTC i ETH instaliraš njihove wallete i bez brige si. Mislim da sam čak vidio opciju da se isključi podrška za Ethereum tokene. Doduše, sad više ne mogu pronaći tu opciju pa su ju možda maknuli.
5603  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Budućnost Ethereuma i ostalih altcoina on: April 25, 2020, 06:30:01 PM
vjerojatno je opet do USDT-a

Koji je uopće razlog da su dio supplya prebacili na Ethereum mrežu? Zar im ne bi bilo bolje da su prebacili na neku drugu mrežu koja nema tako skupe transakcije kad je malo veći promet. Ne znam sad ima li koja mreža tokene, a da može "progutati" veći broj transakcija od Ethereuma ali ovo je stvarno žestoko sranje. Mislim, nije puno dati pola dolara za transakciju, ali kad ti je cijela transakcija vrijedna nekoliko dolara onda je ipak puno.
5604  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: April 25, 2020, 12:54:56 PM
ne znam kako ce biti, ali razlika je sto kod ETH postoji odrednica od 32ETH za node, ni manje, ali ni vise, pa pool ne moze bas da prihvati koliko hoce ETH-a, ili moze to da ugradi u cenu, pa ako ima 105, stake-a 96 ETH u 3x32 ETH, a 9 drzi on-hold, ali ti to utice na profit

isto i za ledger, moraju imati varijantu kako ovo da prevazidju sa pojedinacnim stake-anjem

ako imas 100ETH, najjednostavnije je da dignes svoj node, inace testnet je aktivan, i vec je zakljucano 720k ETH u testnet-u (22738 x 32ETH u ovom trenutku)

evo jedan dodatak za 32ETH stake, i ako se uzme da ce 10% ukupnog broja da bude stake-ano (bice verovatno i vise), za 10 godina imas skoro 50 ETH, ukoliko bude vise od 10% stake-ano, imas manje od 50 ETH

Vidiš, nisam znao da se može stejkati točno 32 ETH. Mislio sam da je to minimum za pokretanje svog nodea. To će svakako otežati stvaranje staking poolova ali vjerujem da će ljudi pronaći način. Ipak je ETH trenutno najpopularniji altcoin i siguran sam da će biti ekipe koja će osmisliti način kako ljudima uzeti fee za stejkanje u poolu Smiley
5605  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: DAG token swap on: April 25, 2020, 12:50:26 PMć

DAG token swap je zakazan za 29.04., ako je to nekome interesantno, Constellation network ce krenuti kao mainnet

Da, dobio sam mail o tome ali nisam nigdje uspio pronaći DAG tokene. Jel to bio neki bounty ili airdrop? NE da mi se tražiti po raznim burzama jel imam možda nešto tih tokena. A negdje sam očito upisao svoj mail pa sam valjda i tokene dobio.
5606  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Grupa za trading strategije on: April 25, 2020, 11:10:45 AM
Zapamti, u Burundiu ti treba cca $5 dnevno za ugodan život Wink

Dobro, Burundi nije bas neka lokacija za lagodan zivot, bez obzira koliko ti tamo treba novaca da budes “baja” Smiley

Jesi uspio popratiti sve tipove sta su na telegramu dali za Binance?
Zanima me koji je P/L na tim tipovima, ja ih pratim za sad samo na bybit-u

Ja sam pratio tip za ALGO i zaradio nekih 7,5%. Short term zarada je trebala biti 10-20%, a stoploss je bio 5-6% od cijene po kojoj kupuješ (ovisno koji ulaz uzmeš). Sad sam prodao da popratim ovaj zadnji tip za CELR. Sell target bi trebao biti 20-30% pa ćemo vidjeti... Neka bude 10% i ja zadovoljan Grin
5607  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Grupa za trading strategije on: April 25, 2020, 09:55:36 AM
MA mene svaki cent zarade veseli. To je ono sto dosta ekipe ne kuzi, ak imas hrpu streamova  koji kapaju, skupi se to brzo u veliki mjesecni iznos. Jos pogotovo ako ne moras nista raditi (ono, investiras i cekas)

Jos malo sredit neke sitnice i mogu komotno na kubu ili filipine zivjet ko car od tog dnevnog incoma Cheesy

Apsolutno se slažem. Samo trejd ALGO-BTC nije nešto što će kapati mjesečno kao stalan priljev love. A što se tiče ETH-a, on mi je najjača pozicija u portfelju i zato bi tu sa stejkingom mogao imati neki sitni mjesečni priljev. Sve ovo ostalo je presitno da bi nešto značilo.

Da sam krenuo dovoljno rano i da sad imam par stotina BTC-a, lijepo bi to podijelio, stavio na stejking i guštao na način koji spominješ.

Da si imao par stotina BTC-a imao bi i par stotina prijatelja vise Cheesy
Ma sve te price "da sam tada..." su budaleštine. I svi koji se prave sa "ja sam znao..." seru. Kad je BTC buknuo, svi su bili u nevjerici.
Drz se ETH-a i probaj izvuc koji dolar od altcoina i bit ce dobro.

Zapamti, u Burundiu ti treba cca $5 dnevno za ugodan život Wink

Da... Zaboravio sam napisati jedan dodatak. Da sam imao 100-tinjak BTC i onda zaboravio na njih do kraja 2017. sad bi bio car  Cool

Ma ne žalim se... Sasvim sam zadovoljan kako ide moja "kripto priča". Neka se samo tako nastavi i bit ću više nego zadovoljan.
5608  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Grupa za trading strategije on: April 25, 2020, 09:45:11 AM
MA mene svaki cent zarade veseli. To je ono sto dosta ekipe ne kuzi, ak imas hrpu streamova  koji kapaju, skupi se to brzo u veliki mjesecni iznos. Jos pogotovo ako ne moras nista raditi (ono, investiras i cekas)

Jos malo sredit neke sitnice i mogu komotno na kubu ili filipine zivjet ko car od tog dnevnog incoma Cheesy

Apsolutno se slažem. Samo trejd ALGO-BTC nije nešto što će kapati mjesečno kao stalan priljev love. A što se tiče ETH-a, on mi je najjača pozicija u portfelju i zato bi tu sa stejkingom mogao imati neki sitni mjesečni priljev. Sve ovo ostalo je presitno da bi nešto značilo.

Da sam krenuo dovoljno rano i da sad imam par stotina BTC-a, lijepo bi to podijelio, stavio na stejking i guštao na način koji spominješ.
5609  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Grupa za trading strategije on: April 25, 2020, 08:59:20 AM
Danas su dali 2 tipa za altcoine, TRX i ALGO.

Bas ih idem popratit za $100 svaki pa da vidimo hoce li biti expected 15% profit Cheesy

Ja sam popratio ALGO i za sad imam 7% zarade. Nije loše u manje od 24 sata Grin Jedino nisam siguran je li bolje sad prodati ili pričekati ovih 30-40% mid-term što su najavili. Zna li netko išta o tom projektu? Nije mi jasno temeljem čega očekuju toliki rast mid-term.

ja sam uzeo tih 7% zarade Cheesy

Na svotu koju sam ulozio, to mi je cca $1.5 profita lol

Al ajd, to je 20 bitvest postova Cheesy


Možda tebi koji si još uvijek Tier E. Mene spasila ona čistka alt accounta pa sam brzo došao do Tier C. I dalje nije velika zarada ali je tri puta više nego u E.

Što se tiče ALGO, neka još stoji. Ionako mi je ta lova čekala da ETH padne. Čekao sam ga na 144, a on je došao do 148 i otišao na 190.
5610  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Budućnost Ethereuma i ostalih altcoina on: April 25, 2020, 06:27:11 AM
Zna li netko zašto su ETH transakcije već danima skupe? Nije to nešto previše, ali već danima na Ethgasstation nisam vidio niti Safe Low da je 1 gwei, a kamoli da je Standard 1 gwei. Nije to tako skupo, ali "igram" se sa stejkanjem SNX-a pa su mi transakcije jako skupe obzirom na to koliko je SNX-a u igri. Recimo ako stavim gas 5 gwei, u dolarima je to preko $1 što mi je puno. Pretpostavljam da je to zato što ne prebacujem ETH nego radim interakciju sa smart contractom pa mi uzme puno više za gas nego da prebacujem ETH.

I da, kad radim takvu transakciju, uvijek mi uzme skoro sav gas koji odredim. Za zadnju transkaciju mi je uzelo 96,5% gas limita.
5611  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Grupa za trading strategije on: April 25, 2020, 06:10:07 AM
Danas su dali 2 tipa za altcoine, TRX i ALGO.

Bas ih idem popratit za $100 svaki pa da vidimo hoce li biti expected 15% profit Cheesy

Ja sam popratio ALGO i za sad imam 7% zarade. Nije loše u manje od 24 sata Grin Jedino nisam siguran je li bolje sad prodati ili pričekati ovih 30-40% mid-term što su najavili. Zna li netko išta o tom projektu? Nije mi jasno temeljem čega očekuju toliki rast mid-term.
5612  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: UEFA : Complete Domestic Competitions! on: April 24, 2020, 09:01:45 AM
Playing with many spectators should be ok... nothing prevents them (spectators) from practicing social distancing (and have their protection gears on) to  prevent the  crowd situations.

I wonder if the players will play with masks and other protection gears. Can they even avoid body contacts in such competitive sporting events? They probably shouldn't be doing this if they take the health organizations safety measures recommendations seriously.

Well, I think people should be able to enter stadia without going against the health organizations safety recommendation which some or most governments rely on.

There's no way anyone in their right mind would allow playing a football game with fans. There is just too much risk involved. True, they can be separated on the stand, but how will they enter? There is no way that several thousand people can enter a stadium while practicing social distancing.

I wonder if the players will play with masks and other protection gears. Can they even avoid body contacts in such competitive sporting events?
Playing with face masks is almost impossible, it would greatly affect the players breathing. And it's also impossible to avoid body contacts in such a short as football.

It's impossible to avoid body contact in any sport like football. Maybe tennis and such sports where players are separated on the field, but you can't play any team sport without body contact.
5613  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Newbies and Problems on: April 24, 2020, 08:27:28 AM
It could be that forum users think of higher ranking users as already proven as good posters so they give Merits. As for newbie accounts they probably have to try a little bit harder to earn their first Merit.
In most situations, i think the reverse applies. Higher ranking users are expected to have more knowledge on certain cryptocurrency topics (this is not always the case, but mostly is), and so they are judged using a much higher bench mark than newbie accounts. New members to the forum can be merited for showing genuine curiosity and willingness to learn. The fact that there are lots of newbies who spam the forum makes it a lot easier as it is relatively easy to spot the good posters.

To rank up, one has to put in the effort, this is an online forum and you are judged by the content you put out. Be constructive, do thorough research and be willing to learn.

True. As I said, I didn't pay that much attention about the ranking of a user that I send Merit to. I wrote that because @santosmichael said that newbies have to try harder to earn their first Merit. As for me, if I see a useful post, I will merit it (if I have sMerits at that time). It doesn't matter if a user is Newbie or Legendary.
5614  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Merit isn't everything in bitcointalk! on: April 24, 2020, 08:11:16 AM
There is no hard and fast rules for gaining merit. If your boss wants then you can get promotion. If your interviewers wants then you will be hired.
Merit is important for every newbies. People who are trying there best but did not get any reward then they will lose hope. Many members have no patience. On the other hand who are gaining merits regularly they will not give up. They will continue to hunt merits.

Like it's been written on a number of other topics... Every user who thinks that his post deserves a Merit but didn't get one can try applying on the Merit Giveaway topic. Owner of that thread (and probably other users) will review posts and Merit the ones that truly deserve a Merit.
5615  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Newbies and Problems on: April 24, 2020, 07:55:09 AM
I'm also a newbie. and the one that disturbs my mind regarding merit is,

there is a member who ranks newbie answers quite clearly accompanied by links and screenshoot, but does not get merit ,,
but there are high ranking members like heroes and senior members, they answer clearly too, tend to be comments, but they get merit,

are there certain considerations related to this ?  Undecided
sometimes this makes the newbie who has tried to give a good answer but feels disappointed to see how easy the member ranking above is in getting merit compared to newbie members.  Cry

and thank you for listening newbie problem  Smiley Smiley

I didn't notice that higher ranking users get their posts merited more often than newbies. But I'm not paying too much attention to that so maybe you are right. As for reasons... It could be that forum users think of higher ranking users as already proven as good posters so they give Merits. As for newbie accounts they probably have to try a little bit harder to earn their first Merit. That could be because there is a lot of newbie accounts that are just shitposting and spamming. But after you earn your first Merot it should become easier because you won't be a newbie any more.
5616  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Is ETH decentralized? on: April 23, 2020, 11:21:17 AM
Reading all these comments, I think it would be better to say that Ethereum network is decentralized but the problem is that Vitalik's influence is just too big. And probably every decision that he make will be OK with the community. Because of that influence, I would describe Ethereum as pseudo-decentralized network. Would you agree?
Any decision that has already taken by ethereum developer will put miners as a party that plays a big role. I guess you must need to read the whole story of DAO hack. I just suggest you read this

Just like that the implementation fo the EIP will never happen if the majority of miners say no for that proposal. This is similar as when bitcoin was also doing BIP and the community ( miners) were voting for which proposal that made them all interested.

True, all of the EIPs has to be accepted by the majority of the miners in order to be implemented. No one is saying that Vitalik can implement an EIP by himself. But his opinions are very influential and most miners will accept whatever he says. That's why I'm saying that Ethereum is pseudo-decentralized.
That's not only happening with ethereum. Even bitcoin does it. If you were seeing how there was a lot of dramas before BCH and BSV born. Roger, Jihan, CSW have also become an influential person in the bitcoin community that makes the community got divided.
In a big community and this is a common thing when there was an influential person. Tron community has justin sun too

Well... Bitcoin doesn't have that one person (or a team) that could have influence on the miners with their statements. Bitcoin forks that you mentioned (BCH and BSV) have influential person but they have nothing to do with Bitcoin.

I think if no one controls the price of Ethereum it can be said to be decentralized, but if there is someone who controls the price we need to be suspicious, so far Ethereum has been good from project development, ETH 2.0 will be launched, and that is a new generation of cryptocurrencies.
Do you still think that the creator of Ethereum is the one controlling the price? That is NO. He can only use his influence on people and perhaps manipulate the minds of investors, only if they agree to it. He cannot outrightly control te price. Ethereum is already a community coin and that is why it is still alive till today, else it would have been a long-forgotten thing or would have totally lost its value.
Had it been it is not decentralized, the total supply can be easily increased, it might be subject to changes in security and people would have lost their coins unknowingly. In fact, you will not have full control on your asset, particularly your private key.

The price of Ethereum (or any other project) has nothing to do with it being centralized or decentralized. Here is the article describing the difference between centralized and decentralized crypto exchanges. The same concept can be applied to all crypto projects.
5617  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Bitcoin: "Lakše je prevariti ljude nego ih uvjeriti da su prevareni"(Mark Twain) on: April 23, 2020, 06:45:07 AM
... Zato je to moj zadnji post na ovoj temi ...

Čekaj, stvarno??? Shocked Ma nemoj... Daj nas još malo na Bitcoin forumu zamaraj s time kako je Bitcoin ponzi shema. Ili ćeš sad otići na forum o psima pričati koliko su psi loši jer seru po kući za razliku od mačaka koje seru u kutiju s pijeskom?
5618  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: This guy gambles and wins a total amount of Ł400,000 and quits while ahead. on: April 22, 2020, 10:40:22 AM
It's easy to say "I won't gamble if I win $100.000". But the problem is that everyone always have a feeling that it takes just a little more luck to double that winning. And $200.000 is much better than $100.000. And then you start losing. Then you gamble more to cover that loss. And then headlines start to appear: "Winning $100.000 ruined mans life"

Unfortunately the other situation for people who win that $100,000 amount or even higher is to gamble back again since for sure they will hope to win,earn more the same amount and to earn richest out from it since we can't deny the fact that winning such huge amount can cause addiction but that's not reflect or applicable to all and I'm impress with people who have self control which can able to hold their urge to play more on the games they like.

I really don't know what you said there... You have one (1!) full stop in the whole paragraph and it's in the end of it.

I guess you try to say that some people have great will power and are able to stop gambling once they win big. That's true, but if all people were like that, casinos would lose money. They live out of people that want to increase their winning or cover their loses.
5619  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Are blockchain & 5G offering new opportunities for online bitcoin casinos? on: April 22, 2020, 10:37:17 AM
What could 5G as a technology bring to online casinos? 5G is only a more advanced technology that will enable bigger Internet speed on mobile networks. I don't see how could that benefit online crypto casinos except that their web sites will load faster than they do now.
5620  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Implement a Max Bet Option on Sportsbooks on: April 22, 2020, 10:12:00 AM
That would be good way to introduce new users to Sportsbooks. It would sound like they take care for their users and don't want them to gamble all of their money. Besides, in the long run it's better to have users that continuously gamble small amount of money than to have users that lost a lot of money and then never returns.
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