Ja recimo planiram sad čekati halving. Ako nakon halvinga cijena padne, onda ću dokupiti. Jedino što vjerujem da sad svi čekaju halving i pad cijene jer se pad cijene dogodio nakon prošlog i pretprošlog halvinga pa bi se moglo dogoditi da na kraju cijena uopće ne padne nego krene prema gore. Ali na kraju krajeva, nitko nema pojma gdje će cijena Da, i to bi mogla biti dobra strategija. Vjerojatno ću i sam pokušati prebaciti nešto novaca u stablecoin da bude spremno na mjenjačnici nakon halvinga.
Misliš da bi pisao na forumu da nisam prije probao to što pišeš? Neozbiljno od jedne firme da im pise adresa a ne mail ili(i) telefon
Il' sam ja lud il' je nešto drugo u pitanju. Kod mene uredno gore stoji mail i broj. Doduše, nisam probao zvati pa možda nije u funkciji... Ili misliš baš na broj fiksne linije?
If whales predict and recommend something I would do just the opposite. Everyone works and speaks for their own interests, so their predictions can have the effect they want, which is exactly the opposite of what they say. I know. Sometimes, I don't make sense even for myself.
I don't really know about mining, but I think it's better to focus on 1 coin so that the results obtained are more satisfying. apart from that, I think ethereum is currently the best coin for mining. split some rigs, or hash power will only make your income decreases.
I agree with this. Split mining will only reduce profits. Concentrate on just one coin that currently brings you max profits or that you believe will be the most valuable in the future. Otherwise, you'll only overload your hardware and spend more on electricity.
Yeah! Scammers will always try to come up with different ways to steal your hard-earned money. Not much can be done about it. The good thing is that some are so lazy that it's very easy to expose them.
i also fell for one of these fake announcements , some weeks ago there was a new thread with a minable coin which i was happy about to see, i downloaded the wallet and from that moment on my computer seems to do actions which i never ask for so , BE CAREFULL with downloading wallets from newbieprojects
Not just 'be careful' but AVOID IT completely. Many such 'projects' contain malware in their binaries. Unless you are fully aware of the risks and have the ability to test in an isolated environment, you should never install such wallets.
Seems like they don't even care about plagiarism, as I asked OP in their announcements thread about those issues and he decided to casually ignore and answer some other redundant questions.
After revealing their real plans they have got only one weapon on their hand and that is "ignore". I don’t think they have proper explanation and that's why they are not interested to give answer. Don't need to be worry for that. You have done well and its investors turn to believe or stay far from this obvious scam. It makes me think that they exactly knew what they are doing, and just hoped that it will go unnoticed.
Yeap,,,they are always one step ahead than us because they know its a complete scam from the beginning . All their hardwork is just for hiding their fake contents. Looks like we have an official reaction to the accusation - they've moved the announcement to a new topic... LOL!
Hi, care to explain why you took parts of someone else's whitepaper and presented it as your own? Don't you understand that's plagiarism? Here is more about in this topic https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5243386.0Warning for others: if they are not capable/willing enough to put some effort and make their own content, guess how capable they would be with investors money. No answer from the dev team? They can always admit and rectify their whitepaper to correct things here. It is okay to get some parts from other projects, but you need to put that in your references and also paraphrase the statements so it will not be word for word. But if you will just copy without acknowledging your resources then, how can we trust your project? Their answer is to move the announcement to a new topic?! Very professional! LOL Not the best way to start a new project ...
Yeah, I used Anti-Spyware shortlinks mostly but 'beat the antibot' is definitely more interesting and totally acceptable. I have nothing against it. By the way @jamboom, when can we expect market changes you mentioned earlier?
Martingale is system that lowers your probability of winning. There is no need to talk about it/ collect data. Just realize that it is a loosing strategy and forget about it.
This. You may think that with a martingale strategy you reduce your chance of busting everything, but in fact, you do not. The concept of 'losing streaks' is just an example of a gambler's fallacy because individual bets are independent of one another.
Ajmo! Šta ste se svi ušutili? Bitcoin divlja, a na forumu nitko niti "a". Mora da zbrajate pare zarađene od longanja i shortanja Bitcoina Nema bas pre vise da se javlja... to "divljanje" nije nista cudno... znamo da dolazi halving a sto su veci skokovi sto ce biti i vece oscilacije. cryptofrkova TA jos uvijek stoji... prosli smo resistance oko 7800 (koji je znaci postao support)... sada nas ceka sledeci resistance (tu oko 10.000). Vidis oscilacije... Ili proboj ili pad nazad (ko ce ga za sada znati). Sad osobno ne radim previse: kupovao BTC/ETH jos ono oko 6500/150 (kad sam i rekao ovdje) sad da vidimo sta ce se desiti (meni je osobno ocigledno da cemo sa halvingom i probiti 10.000 znaci najveci deo crypto-potfolija HODLam dalje, ali ajd da vidimo). Umedjuvremeno se malo zezam sa futures/leveragom uz pomoc bota... Znači, po tvojem mišljenu, još ima prostora za 'ulaz'? Pa jedan dio shortati na oko 10k a ostatak longati ili je bolje čekati proboj resistancea? Što bi ti napravio sa određenom sumom casha trenutno? Naravno, ne tražim 'investment advice' i sl. već samo tvoje mišljenje...
Zanimljivo. Da me netko pitao, kladio bih se da će ove mjere u borbi protiv korona virusa pozitivno utjecati na našu forum zajednicu... Očito je da smo socijalno distanciranje shvatili previše doslovno pa se manje družimo i u virtualnom svijetu.
Neznam za telefon dali je bio na stranici kao da se sjecam da je ali -> Skrolaj do “saznaj vise” iza tog gumba je mail adresa Kad kliknes otvara ti se “mail to” Ne postoji ta mail adresa. Pokusao sa dva razlicita maila poslati ali dobijam isti odgovor. "Vaša se poruka nije isporučila na adresu info@bitlucky.eu jer se adresa ne može pronaći ili ne može primati e-poštu." A, možda da pokušaš otvoriti web stranicu na računalu? hehe! Inače, imaš dolje i sve podatke o tvrtki uključujući i sjedište pa vjerujem da se može 'iskopati' još kakav kontakt podatak u imenicima i slično... "Bitlucky d.o.o. za usluge | Sjedište: Glavani 121, 51221 Kostrena | Ured: Riva 8, Rijeka"
It would be better if I put a quotation mark ("") instead of a colon ( : ). But the reader understands that it is already a quote. <cut>
You probably didn't violate the forum rules knowingly and I can see your point but, as Lauda stated, this is not the way to properly attribute someone else's work. I'm sure the authors of those articles would agree with me. They are the ones who put in the effort and time to write those sentences, right? Then 'credit where credit's due'.
@Timmzzy, yes Africa is included now that the virus has gone VIRAL.
It doesn't get any better than this It's only logical...
50K satoshi per a month? I can´t believe it. Can you please give me a feedback how you do that. ...
Don't do jobs. Unless you have no choice. Energy is always better spent on world quests, even on crypto missions.
Ok, glasanje je danas do ponoći psa požurite. Sutra proglašavamo pobjednike i dijelimo nagrade!
Odazivam se pozivu 3 boda - 13. Rikafip: Vodič za pravilno korištenje Trust sustava 2 boda - 12. ovcijisir: Registar tema u glavnoj sekciji foruma 1 bod - 6. dkbit98: [Guide] Best way to Archive Bitcointalk and other webpages
Treba ulozit u prostituciju onda Passive income prostituciju i cannabis treba pod hitno legalizirati kod nas to je uz turizam, jedino sta nam preostaje i uvesti porez crkvama. Procvali bi, odma bi bili mediteranska svicarska ...i šerijatski zakon za lopove. Dubai nam ne bi bio ni do koljena!
Ljudi bi se totalno iznenadili da znaju u biti gdje su trenutno u HR aktivne 5G antene Al eto, ako koga tjesi, 5G ce biti dostupan samo u vecim mjestima i gradovima. Isto je bilo i sa 3G u početku... Kad smo već kod toga, sjeća li se još netko 'wap' stranica?
... 15 godina radim sa i za operatere, i alergican sam na takav pristup. Svi bi jebali bez da uđe.... pardon my french
Da, tu smo definitivno na istoj valnoj dužni! (pun intended)