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5741  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Well Organized Scam Projects on: April 13, 2020, 06:54:32 AM
How can we safe ourselves from well organized scam projects? Some projects are so well crafted and in the end they scam people, to my own understand research doesn't help here at all, use case, whitepaper, team, every thing are so real and make sense, please give advice about this

The best way to detect a fishy or a scam project is if it's promising something that sounds to good to be true. If someone is offering you a guaranteed 5%, 10% or even more daily, weekly or monthly gain, then that is a scam. No one can guarantee that much gain on such a short period. 5% gain on a yearly basis is great and everything more than that should be considered at least suspicous.
5742  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Is USDT trusted to use? on: April 13, 2020, 06:51:16 AM
All of you who says that USDT is the best stablecoin and that no one can take it's number one place. Did you know that most of stablecoins can be frozen? And by frozen I don't mean stablecoins that you hold on an exchange. Even stablecoins that you hold in your own wallet can be frozen in order to remain compliant with regulations. According to post I have linked, only DAI coin can't be frozen.
5743  Local / Off-topic (Hrvatski) / Re: Politika u Hrvatskoj on: April 12, 2020, 10:28:46 AM
Kod nas, na žalost, nema discipline i osjećaja društvene odgovornosti kao npr. u Švedskoj ili npr. u Japanu i J. Koreji.
U Švedskoj vlada dijeli samo preporuke, ne mora ništa naređivati ali ljudi imaju osjećaj društvene odgovornosti i slušaju.
Izabrali su izbjegavanje potpune karantene i pouzdaju se u to da će ljudi biti odgovorni i slušati.
Još je to izraženije u J. Koreji i Japanu.
U J. Koreji su bili na rubu ''talijanskog'' scenarija ali su se ''čudesno'' izvukli kombinacijom tehnologije i odgovornosti ludi.
Kod nas toga nema, i zato naša vlast i nema drugog načina nego da naređuje i kažnjava.
Ipak, kada pogledamo što se događa u jednoj Italiji ili npr. Španjolskoj mi smo za sada super prošli a mislim da je glavni razlog za to što su se političari malo povukli u stranu i glavnu riječ su dali stručnjacima.

Upravo to što su se političari malo maknuli nas je spasilo. Ovo je valjda prvi put u povijesti Hrvatske da premijer ili predsjednik u vrijeme krize nisu u udarnim terminima vijesti. Ali naravno... Opet postoji ekipa koja je počela raspravu o tome što Milanović kao predsjednik radi sad za vrijeme epidemije, odnosno zašto ga nema u medijima. A što bi trebao? Svaki dan iznova ponavljati da ljudi ostanu doma? Ili, još gore, miješati se u struku i davati svoje mišljenje? Onda bi opet ti isti ljudi pričali kako se miješa tamo gdje ne treba. Još jedan primjer kako nama Hrvatima stvarno nikad ništa ne valja. Jedino znamo kontrirali svemu.

Samo da se razumijemo... Nisam niti za niti protiv Milanovića kao predsjednika. Samo mi užasno smeta to hrvatsko kontriranje svemu i svačemu...
5744  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: FOOTBATTLE - Besplatna AI nogometna igra (menađer) na Ethereum mreži! on: April 12, 2020, 05:44:52 AM
Ako ništa drugo, sigurno utječu na OVR ekipe i igrača jer perkovima poboljšavaš performanse (ne znam kako bi ih drugačije nazvao Grin ) pojedinih igrača. E sad, koliko to stvarno ima ulogu u cijeloj igri je rasprava koja traje otkad je sama igra počela.
5745  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Grupa za trading strategije on: April 12, 2020, 05:41:49 AM
O kakvom uplaćivanju sredstava se radi? Naplaćuju se savjeti za trgovanje ili se grupno trguje?

Koliko sam shvatio, btcltcdigger je u pravu. To je grupa sa signalima temeljenim (valjda) na TA. Što se tiče uplata, koriste Bybit platformu za koju imaju referral link na grupi. Ako se registriraš preko njega i uplatiš USDT, dobiješ neki bonus. Ali ne znam koliko se treba uplatiti niti koliki je bonus.
5746  Local / Off-topic (Hrvatski) / Re: Politika u Hrvatskoj on: April 12, 2020, 05:36:56 AM
Nikako mi nije jasna matematika oko koronavirusa. U Hrvatskoj inače prosječno umre 150 ljudi dnevno, a od korona virusa je umrlo do sad službeno 21 u oko mjesec dana, znači ni jedan dnevno. Ok shvaćam da je i taj jedan važan ali valjda je važno i ostalih 149. Shvaćam  i da zdravstveni sustav to ne može podnijeti jer imamo valjda 800 respiratora, a 5% zaraženih trebat će respirator pa zato moramo svi u karantenu, da broj zaraženih ne bi prešao neku brojku (16.000 x 5% = 800). Kako ćemo proći taj vrhunac ako nas istovremeno može biti samo oko 16.000 zaraženih na oko mjesec dana, a ukupno nas je oko 4.000.000? Zašto je baš presudno važno da se sada ne "opuštamo" kao da ćemo se moći opustiti za mjesec, dva ili godinu ili očekujemo neko čudo pa će virus sam nestati? Sve brojke su možda jako neprecizne ali mislim da je svejedno jasno što je nelogično.

A zato sto je vani sada lijepo vrijeme, plus uskrs.
Ja sam primjetio da je zadnjih par dana puno vise ljudi vani nego prije. Pokusam popodne sa klincem otic na neki parking vozit romobil, no parking pun ekipe, piju pivo, rostiljaju, druze se.
Prije cca 10 dana taj isti parking je bio prazan ko drzavni proracun.

Da, ja isto primjećujem puno više ekipe vani i auta na cesti nego kad su krenula ograničenja. Ali kao što sam napisao, s vremenom svaka vijest (pa tako i korona) prestane biti zanimljiva pa se ljudi opuste. Meni je drago da ne živim u gradu pa imam dvorište u koje mogu izaći s klincima. Jer stvarno ne znam kako bi preživjeli nekoliko tjedana zatvoreni u stanu.

A što se tiče ovoga što je napisao Nenad65, za godinu-dvije ćemo (valjda) imati cjepivo ili će virus nestati (nije nikakvo čudo da virus nestane; SARS je isto samo nestao) pa ćemo se moći opustiti.
5747  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: The biggest mistake Bitcoin maximalists doing !!! on: April 11, 2020, 07:12:47 PM
Bitcoin and Altcoins form an ecosystem. No matter what happens, you can't just call them scam to protect the ecosystem. Sometimes you need to invest in those Altcoins even though it's so risky. This involves Whales of Platform coins too. As an example, Ethereum and Waves. Ethereum and Waves whales have to/need to invest in tokens under these platforms to make sure those platforms keep running and have enough liquidity. Let's take Waves into account. Waves whales need to invest and support Waves tokens more than users and newcomers because The more those tokens succeed the better the ecosystem works.

I don't agree with you on this one. At least when we're talking about Ethereum. I think that Ethereum network has enough good and already established tokens and ETH whales doesn't need to invest into Ethereum tokens just to keep the Ethereum network running. It will run without it because Ethereum tokens have enough trading volume on their own.
5748  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Will stablecoins be the future of cryptocurrency? on: April 11, 2020, 07:02:18 PM
Stablecoins aren't giving us anything new or better than cryptocurrencies. They are only used by people who want to go around fiat exchange laws in their countries and/or not go through full KYC, as exchanging into a stable coin is like doing a crypto-crypto transaction that gives you a feeling of escaping into fiat. In reality, you are not really getting fiat and you are not escaping volatility as you're exchanging a real useful coin like BTC into a coin that mimmics fiat stability, but at the cost of centralization and lack of privacy.

I'm not sure if I understood your post correctly, but not all stablecoins are centralized. Have you heard of DAI? It's decentralized stablecoin. True, it has it's own problems but centralization is not one of them. But I don't think that centralization is the biggest problem with stablecoins. I think the biggest problem is when companies behind a stablecoin starts to act like banks and issuing stablecoins out of thin air. Of course, this is hard to prove but a rumor is sometimes enough for people to stop trusting them. That's why I like USDC. It's centralized (Coinbase is the company behind USDC) but they have monthly audits that checks if every USDC is really backed by a real $.
5749  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: FOOTBATTLE - Besplatna AI nogometna igra (menađer) na Ethereum mreži! on: April 11, 2020, 05:05:59 PM
Kako ne mogu smisliit Saleta, to je nešto nestvarno Grin

6-1 u šutevima, doma, valjda 150 veći overall i opet 1-1. Pa jebemu sve, na ovakvim utakmicama se titule gube!
I s Trofom 1-1, isto ga primio iz jedinog šuta prema golu. Patriot golman bi mogo dobit papire.

Haha! Da, nekako protiv tebe moji uvijek najbolje igraju Grin Iako, nije da mi je to nešto bitno jer stvarno provodim jako malo vremena igrajući Footbattle. Malo sam izgubio volju, a i nisam više na poslu pa nemam toliko vremena. Na poslu mi je inače uvijek otvoren tab pa stalno nešto gledam Smiley
5750  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: April 11, 2020, 05:02:19 PM
Restrikcije su jako dobro kratkoročno rješenje ali mislim da će dugoročno donjeti puno više patnje većem broju ljudi pa i državi. Takav udarac na ekonomiju ne mogu izgurati ni puno "jače" ekonomije a pogotovo naša hrvatska di pola ljudi živi od turizma. Da, restrikcije su vjerojatno spasile dobar broj života trenutno ali nitko nikada neće izbrojati koliko će ljudi izgubiti život tokom sljedećih 10 ili 50 godina kao posljedicu ovih restrikcija.

A da ne pričam uopće o tome koliko će pasti kavaliteta života velikom dijelu populacije. A još imamo i problematiku osobnih sloboda i privatnosti koja je u najboljem slučaju nepovratno narušena na jedno duže razdoblje.

Ne kažem da nije tako... Moguće da će puno ljudi umrijeti kao posljedica krize (ne kao posljedica restrikcija nego kao posljedica krize) koja će uslijediti nakon korone. Ali naša ekonomija je toliko u banani da vjerujem da bi završili u krizi bez obzira koliko stroge ili blage restrikcije uveli. Prema tome, ajmo pokušati spasiti što više života tako što ćemo ostati doma. Zar je kava, piva, šetnja parkom stvarno toliko važnija od života nečijeg bake ili djeda? Istina, svi koji su do sad umrli imali su kronične bolesti. Ali vjerujem da bi njihovim obiteljima ipak bilo draže da su poživjeli još koji mjesec ili godinu. Recimo moj tata je tlakaš. Prema tome automatski je u rizičnoj skupini. On se s visokim tlakom nosi dobro jer uzima terapiju i siguran sam da će živjeti još puno godina. A tko zna što bi bilo da se zarazi...

Ali poanta mog posta nije bila u propitivanju trebaju li nam restrikcije ili ne i u kojoj mjeri. Poanta je bila da mi (tu mislim na Hrvate kao narod, ne na kolegu Rikafipa) uvijek samo volimo kenjkati i nikad nam ništa nije dovoljno dobro. Sad smo pri dnu po broju zaraženih i umrlih ali imamo jako restriktivne mjere. A da imamo manje restriktivne mjere i da smo pri vrhu po broju zaraženih i umrlih, onda bi opet kenjali kako Vlada ništa nije napravila da zaštiti narod. Jer onda bi za primjer uzimali Vladu neke druge zemlje koja je pri dnu po broju zaraženih.
5751  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: April 11, 2020, 12:26:06 PM
imamo najvece restrikcije od svih zemalja u odnosu na broj umrlih i nama je to dobra stvar

Čekaj, stvarno? Pa zar bi to trebala biti loša stvar? Zar bi bolje bilo da imamo blage restrikcije uz veći broj umrlih? A da je među tim umrlima (ne daj Bože) netko od tvoje obitelji? Onda bi isto tako mislio?

Ova tvoja izjava je samo dokaz da nama nikad ništa nije dobro. Sad nije dobro što imamo najveće restrikcije uz najmanje umrlih. A da je obrnuto onda bi opet pisali kako Vlada (opet) ništa nije napravila da se situacija s koronom ne dovede pod kontrolu  Roll Eyes

EDIT: Znam da ovim postom samo otvaram mogućnost rasprave do unedogled, ali nisam mogao šutjeti. Da je situacija takva u Italiji, a kod nas da je situacija iz Italije onda bi svi pisali kako je Vlada opet prekasno reagirala i kako su talijani super to izveli.
5752  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: What matters to grow the price of an Altcoin on: April 11, 2020, 12:14:35 PM
The exchange does matter because it creates the volume of that coin. A good exchange means that the coin is serious with what they are working with. Unlike the other coins that lists their coin everywhere and mostly unpopular exchanges, they just want to get rid of it as much as they can because they don't want investors to be the first one to dump it off and that's the main agenda of the developers. But, if they are serious and looking long term for the coin, they'll create a good volume through listing to a good exchange.

I don't agree. I think that a good project doesn't have to be listed on a good exchange (I guess that by a good exchange you mean Binance). I think it's better for a team to focus on the development and not on the listing. It's better to pay more money for a good developer than for a listing on Binance. And if you create a good project, then it will be listed on Binance sooner or later, and without paying the listing fee.
I think that too much focus in crypto is on listing on Binance and other "good" exchanges. More focus should be on having a good idea for a project and a good team that will support the project.
Well, I agree with @batang_bitcoin, I think what he meant by a good exchange means that it should be listed in an exchange where it is most likely used by a large number of users. It has a positive effect wherein it has more potential to be invested by large investors.

You are mixing up paying to get listed on an exchange and paying for marketing. I think that paying for the marketing is by far better than paying for a listing. Especially if exchanges want several hundreds thousands for a listing. And multiply that by the number of exchanges... And now imagine what would a good marketing specialist do with that amount of money?
5753  Local / Off-topic (Hrvatski) / Re: Politika u Hrvatskoj on: April 11, 2020, 12:11:30 PM
Ne znam što su to popustili... otvorili trgovine nekoliko sati duže tri dana prije Uskrsa? Ne vidim kakve koristi ima crkva od toga. A ako misliš na procesiju 'za križen' s Hvara, čini mi se da je na procesiji sudelovalo manje ljudi nego što napravi đir splitskom rivom u jednom satu. Wink

Ne, ne, nisam mislio na taj izolirani slucaj sa Hvara, nego se zadnja dva dana toliko ljudi pojavilo na ulice da je to nenornmalno, cak su popustili sa pregledima propusnica
Ljudi su vani i druze se kao da se sve pomalo vraca u normalu a mi na vrhuncu epidemije
Zasto? Zato je se uskrs mora proslaviti? Pa mogla se nacija strpiti jos desetak dana i popustile bi mjere, bojim se da nam nove rigoroznije mjere ne ginu od sredine iduceg tjedna na dalje

Ne bih rekao da je Uskrs glavni razlog za popuštanje. Mislim da je jednostavno ljudima dosta izolacije. Nisu navikli na to, a sjedeći doma jednostavno izgubiš svijest o tome kako je virus i dalje "vani" te je i dalje opasan. Ja gledam po sebi... Zadnja tri tjedna radim od doma i jednostavno sam nekako manje opterećen virusom i bolesti. Naravno, to ne znači da izlazim van ali jednostavno ne razmišljam više o paničnom pranju ruku nakon svakog dodira kvake.

Osim toga, ovo s propusnicama je takva glupost da to nije normalno. Ne kažem da je nepotrebno nego da se provodi bez veze. Jučer sam pročitao da je izdano nešto manje od milijun propusnica. E, MILIJUN propusnica u državi koja ima četiri milijuna stanovnika. Pa koji će nam vrag propusnice ako ju svatko može dobiti?

Što se tiče Crkve (namjerno sam napisao velikim slovom jer mislim na instituciju, a ne neku građevinu), osuđujem svakog svećenika koji zanemaruje pravila Stožera i svejedno planira održati misu. Vjernik sam ali svejedno mislim da je tako nešto nedopustivo!
5754  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: What matters to grow the price of an Altcoin on: April 11, 2020, 12:02:31 PM
The exchange does matter because it creates the volume of that coin. A good exchange means that the coin is serious with what they are working with. Unlike the other coins that lists their coin everywhere and mostly unpopular exchanges, they just want to get rid of it as much as they can because they don't want investors to be the first one to dump it off and that's the main agenda of the developers. But, if they are serious and looking long term for the coin, they'll create a good volume through listing to a good exchange.

I don't agree. I think that a good project doesn't have to be listed on a good exchange (I guess that by a good exchange you mean Binance). I think it's better for a team to focus on the development and not on the listing. It's better to pay more money for a good developer than for a listing on Binance. And if you create a good project, then it will be listed on Binance sooner or later, and without paying the listing fee.
I think that too much focus in crypto is on listing on Binance and other "good" exchanges. More focus should be on having a good idea for a project and a good team that will support the project.
5755  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Analyze Ethereum 2.0 to Explore The Future of Consensus Algorithm on: April 11, 2020, 05:47:18 AM
I'm more concerned will the transition to the PoS finally solve the scaling issues than what will it to for the price of Ethereum. Of course, I would love if Ethereum could make 10x but let us focus on developing rather than on the price. Price increase will come if the devs manage to make a smooth transition to Ethereum 2.0
5756  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: IEO vs ICO my opinion, tell me yours on: April 10, 2020, 02:48:06 PM
IEO didn't put an end to the scam. IEO promoted scam tokens to a new level when you look at how many projects cts have exit scam since the onset of IEOs. Exchnage were supposed to do a thorough background chack before carrying out any IEO for any project but some exchnage doesn't.

That is why you should not join the IEO of small and bullshit exchanges in this market. Most of the IEOs on small exchanges are scams, you cannot get a profit by investing in projects there. If you want to make a profit from IEO then you should join IEO of the leading exchanges in this market, you will definitely get a profit because those are good projects.

If a team conduct an IEO on Binance, it doesn't mean they have a good project. It just means that they have more money to pay for the IEO. Don't be fooled by thinking that every project that has IEO on Binance (or any other "leading" exchange) is a good project. Besides, even good projects can turn out to be a failure if a team behind it isn't good enough.
Binance has a lot of money, so they won't need the money for new projects. If you want to be IEO at Binance exchange, your project must meet their standards. They will have multiple tests on your project before making final decisions

Warren Buffet has a lot of money too, but don't expect him to do something free of charge.   I'm not saying that Binance will reject an IEO of a good project. I'm saying that if someone pays them enough money, they will surely conduct an IEO for them.
They will not risk their reputation with IEO. I think that to be IEO at Binance exchange, projects have to spend a lot of money, but their projects must be of high quality. I have looked at most of the already IEO projects in binance, all of them are the best projects in 2019

Were those the best projects in the 2019. or they brought the most money to the investors? That's not he same. Of course that projects that conduct an IEO on Binance brings the most profit to the investors because an IEO on Binance brings hype to those projects.
But I don't think that a project is good just because it conducts an IEO or gets listed on Binance. Why wouldn't a project be good if it conducts an IEO on some small exchange? Good project is a project with great team and that solves a real world problem. It doesn't matter where they conduct an IEO or gets listed.
5757  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: IEO vs ICO my opinion, tell me yours on: April 10, 2020, 02:20:06 PM
IEO didn't put an end to the scam. IEO promoted scam tokens to a new level when you look at how many projects cts have exit scam since the onset of IEOs. Exchnage were supposed to do a thorough background chack before carrying out any IEO for any project but some exchnage doesn't.

That is why you should not join the IEO of small and bullshit exchanges in this market. Most of the IEOs on small exchanges are scams, you cannot get a profit by investing in projects there. If you want to make a profit from IEO then you should join IEO of the leading exchanges in this market, you will definitely get a profit because those are good projects.

If a team conduct an IEO on Binance, it doesn't mean they have a good project. It just means that they have more money to pay for the IEO. Don't be fooled by thinking that every project that has IEO on Binance (or any other "leading" exchange) is a good project. Besides, even good projects can turn out to be a failure if a team behind it isn't good enough.
Binance has a lot of money, so they won't need the money for new projects. If you want to be IEO at Binance exchange, your project must meet their standards. They will have multiple tests on your project before making final decisions

Warren Buffet has a lot of money too, but don't expect him to do something free of charge.   I'm not saying that Binance will reject an IEO of a good project. I'm saying that if someone pays them enough money, they will surely conduct an IEO for them.
5758  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: IEO vs ICO my opinion, tell me yours on: April 10, 2020, 01:35:41 PM
IEO didn't put an end to the scam. IEO promoted scam tokens to a new level when you look at how many projects cts have exit scam since the onset of IEOs. Exchnage were supposed to do a thorough background chack before carrying out any IEO for any project but some exchnage doesn't.

That is why you should not join the IEO of small and bullshit exchanges in this market. Most of the IEOs on small exchanges are scams, you cannot get a profit by investing in projects there. If you want to make a profit from IEO then you should join IEO of the leading exchanges in this market, you will definitely get a profit because those are good projects.

If a team conduct an IEO on Binance, it doesn't mean they have a good project. It just means that they have more money to pay for the IEO. Don't be fooled by thinking that every project that has IEO on Binance (or any other "leading" exchange) is a good project. Besides, even good projects can turn out to be a failure if a team behind it isn't good enough.
5759  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Is USDT trusted to use? on: April 09, 2020, 01:58:21 PM
USDT is the leading stablecoin in this market, and its 24h volume is even higher than bitcoin. So why do you doubt it? If you don't trust USDT, I think you shouldn't trust any other project, even bitcoin. You should leave this market as soon as possible if you dont trust this market

Well, actually, crypto should be a trustless system so users shouldn't have to trust no one. When you have a centralized crypto project (like Tether), then users must trust the team behind the project. That trust is (at least for me) broken for Tether. True, all stablecoin pairs have the best volume with Tether, but I would never leave my money in Tether for the long period.

I trust USDC and I use it as my favorite stablecoin. True, it is another centralized system, but they have monthly audits that show that they really have $ in the amount of USDC.
5760  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Which Altcoins Should Be Watched Closely in 2020 on: April 09, 2020, 01:36:31 PM
The altcoins that we need to watch this year is ethereum it is very highly recommended coins of the crypto investors.
As we see right now in the market the movement of ether is going up and once a bitcoin increase it increase more ethereum.

But having only 1 altcoins is not enough for us to get enough profit I guess this year just buy coins in the rank 20.
1-5 alts if you have good amount to invest, 3 of your coins should be inside the top 20 alternative coins while those two you can choose one IEO and one ICO as you there's still chance that some of those projects from initial offering can still deliver good benefits.

I woudn't participate in any IEO or ICO. It is just to big risk as there is really only a handful of projects whose ICO/IEO succeeds and bring profit for those who participated. Unfortunately, there are many more scam projects than legit ones and this is really bad for crypto in general.

As for advice... If I would have to choose 5 projects to invest into, I would definitely choose BTC and ETH with 50% of my portfolio (I know OP wanted advice for altcoins but BTC should be "a must" for any serious investor), 35% of the portfolio would go to two or three of the top 20 CMC projects. I would "gamble" with the last 15% of my portfolio and invest into some low-cap projects that could bring me great profit.
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