An excellent project of terrific ideas, doubts are only the side of monetization and Buddy Coin.
Судя по информации с сайта,проект собирается предоставлять огромный спектр возможностей по поиску нужных людей начиная от работы и карьеры заканчивая совместным шоппингом или различными развлечениями,такими как походы в кино и куча всего разного.
Judging by the information from the site, people are already actively buying tokens
Здравствуйте а планируется ли интегрировать прозрачный аукцион на блокчейне?
Interesting. Reading your White paper gives the impression that you are a very promising project. Well done, you came up with a very good idea, if you run the game on at least one of these platforms, you will be happy)
I would like to know?which hotel chains already at this stage?express their desire to work with you??
Reading your White paper, I create a vision that the project is very promising. I hope you will do everything to implement the project))
Of course, I want to get as much information as possible about the game itself. There is a notion that this is a shooter, but that's all (
I came across your video in YouTube. Excellent done by the way, only the views would raise.
The goal of the project is excellent, but strong market players can prevent realization Many hotel chains would like to work with us. We will announce our partners soon. Hotels do not want to work with Booking and OTA Name a few for example for the sake of interest. Are there already large figures on your list?
В теории ваш проект может охватывать колоссальное количество сфер,жизни человека.Но мне кажется люди слишком привыкли к соц сетям.)
Желаю,удачи вашей команде в реализации столь интересного проекта. На первый взгляд всё располагает к тому чтобы у вас всё получилось.Буду следить за вами.
What other languages do you have at the moment?))
Решить задачу девятикласснику - это я понимаю, а вот как научиться фехтовать по скайпу - пока представляю очень туманно. Даже если мне предложат встретиться с тренером, который живет от меня за ... км, то тоже не вариант. Если у меня есть возможность заниматься с тренером, я это сделаю и без помощи Buddy, а если такой возможности нет (к примеру по причине отсутствия финансов), то здесь и Buddy - не лучший друг.
Very interesting White paper from your project. Having read it came the understanding in many things and gives the impression that the project is very promising. Good luck! In the Bounty I will participate.
ExoLover’s innovative devices are capable of the highest-quality transmission of sexual sensations. Also, yes, the decentralised EXO webPlatform will provide the anonymous connection of users.
Have you already tried innovative devices from Exolover? I heard that many of them have already been developed and are on sale. Can share your impressions? No. As far as I know, there are only device prototypes and patents for them.
the issue of the environmental problem in the world is very important, and it is very good that such projects appear, such teams who want to solve such problems!
I really want to be involved in environmental improvement. My children and grandchildren still live here.
what is the demand in this industry? What people, or it is better to say, consumers want to have? What do they want to find in this world?
Demand, as for me, is clear. Consumers are looking to simulate sexual intercourse! Or another variant – to make the intercourse they are having with partners more pleasurable. It is understandable, that in the world people are looking for sexual satisfaction…but it is not a fact, that they can find it(( And, unfortunately, the answer is often, no. How do people or admins think.. How many people don’t like their current sexual life. How many of them do want to change anything? Does statistics know anything? no one will provide you with accurate statistics, as everything looks different in different countries. But on average, I think there are many people who, because of their complexes do not have sex