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61  Local / Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia) / Re: [ANN+BOUNTY] *TIO* MEREVOLUSI SEKTOR PEMANDU DAN OPERATOR WISATA - DI ETHERDELTA on: December 03, 2017, 02:14:01 PM
Diterjemahkan dari pos "Tios123" di thread asli kami.

Sebelum membuat pengumuman berikutnya, saya ingin meminta maaf atas peluncuran situs panduan tur yang tertunda. Alasannya karena seseorang mencoba hack dompet kita di website kita.Mereka yang mungkin tidak tahu, misi utama kami di sini adalah membangun sebuah platform untuk turis, pemandu wisata dan operator tur untuk saling berhubungan dan memesan hotel / wisata dan layanan lainnya dengan menggunakan TIO.

Apa artinya ini adalah bahwa keamanan dompet online kami sangat penting untuk menghindari kerugian saat orang mulai mendanai dompet mereka dan menyimpan uang mereka di platform kami. Kami telah menyewa beberapa insinyur internet teratas untuk membantu kami menggabungkan ini dengan benar.Mereka saat ini mengerjakannya, jika kita berpikir bahwa selesainya dompet yang aman akan memakan waktu lebih lama, kita akan meluncurkan platform tanpa dompet untuk saat ini, sehingga Anda dapat melihat seperti apa, dan masuk dan bermain dengannya. Tolong beri lebih banyak untuk membuat keputusan itu.

Tapi sejujurnya, kebanyakan orang di sini lebih memperhatikan keuntungan tinggi daripada menggunakan platform baru, terlepas dari seberapa hebatnya, dan akan ada sedikit permintaan di platform kami untuk sementara waktu sampai kami memperluas userbase kami. Peluncuran platform kami . . tidak ada hubungannya dengan nilai / permintaan token kami.Saya rasa ini adalah alasan mengapa banyak perusahaan bahkan dengan produk yang bekerja buruk.

Selain Platform Tour Guide kami, hotel kami sedang dibangun, dan semua proyek lain yang kami miliki di tempat kerja, kami memiliki sebuah proyek baru yang akan segera membangun tekanan permintaan pada mata uang kami.
62  Local / Altcoin Announcements (Pilipinas) / Re: [ANN+BOUNTY]*TIO*RE-INNOVATING THE TOURS GUIDES & OPERATORS SECTOR-ON ETHERDELTA on: December 03, 2017, 02:01:53 PM
Before making my next announcement, I want to apologize for the delayed launch of our tour guides platform. The reason is because we suffered an attemped hack on our platforms wallet. Those who may not know, our main mission here is to build a platform for tourist, tour guides and tour operators to easily interconnect and book hotels/tours and other services using TIO.

  What this means is that the safety of our online wallet is extremely important to avoid losses when people start funding their wallet and keeping their money on our platform. We have hired some top internet engineers to help us put this together correctly. They are currently working on it, if we think that a completion of a hackproof safe wallet will take much longer, we will launch the platform without the wallet for now, just so that you can be able to see what it looks like, and log in and play around with it. Please give some more to make that decision.

  But in all honesty, most people on here care more about profit than using a new platform, regardless of how great it is, and since there will be very minimal demand on our platform for sometime until we grow our userbase, the launch of our platform would have had nothing to do with the value/demand of our tokens. I guess this is the reason why many companyies even with working products are doing badly.

  In addition to our Tour Guides Platform, Our Hotels being built, and all the other projects which we have in the works, we have new project which will instantly build demand pressure on our currency.
63  Local / Criptomoedas Alternativas / Re: ANN * TIO * A PRIMEIRA CRIPTOMOEDA PARA GUIAS DE VIAGEM E OPERADORES DE TURISMO on: December 03, 2017, 01:52:20 PM
Traduzido da publicação original "Tios123" em nosso tópico original.

Antes de fazer o meu próximo anúncio, quero me desculpar pelo atraso no lançamento da nossa plataforma de guia turístico. A razão é porque alguém tentou cortar nossa carteira em nossa plataforma.Aqueles que podem não saber, nossa principal missão aqui é construir uma plataforma para turistas, guias turísticos e operadores turísticos para se conectar facilmente e reservar hotéis / passeios e outros serviços usando TIO.

O que isso significa é que a segurança da nossa carteira online é extremamente importante para evitar perdas quando as pessoas começam a financiar sua carteira e manter seu dinheiro em nossa plataforma.Nós contratamos alguns engenheiros de internet para nos ajudar a juntar isso corretamente. Atualmente, eles estão trabalhando nisso, se acharmos que a conclusão de uma carteira segura anti-hackeira levará muito mais tempo, vamos lançar a plataforma sem a carteira por enquanto, apenas para que você possa ver o que parece e logar dentro e brincar com ele. Por favor, dê mais alguns para tomar essa decisão.

Mas com toda a honestidade, a maioria das pessoas aqui se importa mais com o lucro do que usando uma nova plataforma, independentemente de quão fantástico é, e uma vez que haverá uma demanda muito mínima em nossa plataforma por algum tempo para crescer nossa base. os usuários, o lançamento de nossa plataforma não teriam nada a ver com o valor / demanda de nossos tokens.Eu acho que essa é a razão pela qual muitas empresas, mesmo com produtos funcionais, estão fazendo mal.

Além da nossa Plataforma de Guias de Turismo, dos nossos Hotéis que estão sendo construídos e de todos os outros projetos que realizamos, temos um novo projeto que aumentará instantaneamente a pressão da demanda em nossa moeda.
64  Local / Annonces / Re: [ANN+BOUNTY]*TIO* Re-Innover le secteur des guides touristiques . on: December 03, 2017, 01:41:02 PM
Avant de faire ma prochaine annonce, je m'excuse pour le lancement tardif de notre plateforme de guides touristiques. La raison en est que quelqu'un a essayé de pirater notre portefeuille.Ceux qui ne savent peut-être pas, notre mission principale ici est de construire une plate-forme pour les touristes, les guides touristiques et les voyagistes pour facilement interconnecter et réserver des hôtels / visites et autres services utilisant TIO.

Cela signifie que la sécurité de notre portefeuille en ligne est extrêmement importante pour éviter les pertes lorsque les gens commencent à financer leur portefeuille et à garder leur argent sur notre plateforme. Nous avons embauché quelques meilleurs ingénieurs Internet pour nous aider à mettre cela ensemble correctement.Ils travaillent en ce moment, si nous pensons que l'achèvement d'un portefeuille sécurisé hack prendra beaucoup plus de temps, nous allons lancer la plate-forme sans portefeuille pour le moment, juste pour que vous puissiez voir à quoi il ressemble, et connectez-vous dans et jouer avec. S'il vous plaît, donnez-en d'autres pour prendre cette décision.

Mais en toute honnêteté, la plupart des gens ici se soucient plus du profit que de l'utilisation d'une nouvelle plate-forme, quelle que soit sa qualité, et puisque la demande sur notre plate-forme sera très faible jusqu'à ce que nous développions notre base, le lancement de notre plateforme n'aurait rien à voir avec la valeur / demande de nos token.Je suppose que c'est la raison pour laquelle de nombreuses entreprises, même avec des produits fonctionnants, se portent mal.

En plus de notre plateforme de guides touristiques, de la construction de nos hôtels et de tous les autres projets que nous avons en cours, nous avons un nouveau projet qui va immédiatement créer une pression de la demande sur notre Crypto-monnaie.

65  Local / Altcoins (criptomonedas alternativas) / Re: [ANN] *TIO* INNOVANDO EL SECTOR GUÍAS TUR. Y TUROPERADORAS - AHORA EN ETHERDELTA on: December 03, 2017, 01:27:25 PM
Traducido del anuncio "Tios123" en el hilo original.

Antes de hacer mi próximo anuncio, quiero pedir disculpas por el retraso en el lanzamiento de nuestra plataforma de guías turísticos. La razón es porque sufrimos un intento de pirateo en nuestra cartera de plataformas.
Aquellos que no lo sepan, nuestra principal misión aquí es construir una plataforma para turistas, guías turísticos y operadores turísticos para interconectar fácilmente y reservar hoteles / tours y otros servicios utilizando TIO.

Lo que esto significa es que la seguridad de nuestra billetera en línea es extremadamente importante para evitar pérdidas cuando las personas comienzan a financiar su billetera y a mantener su dinero en nuestra plataforma. Hemos contratado a algunos de los mejores ingenieros de Internet para ayudarnos a armar esto correctamente.Actualmente están trabajando en ello, si pensamos que la finalización de una billetera segura a prueba de intrusión durará mucho más, lanzaremos la plataforma sin la billetera para comenzar, solo para que pueda ver cómo se ve y registra. Por favor, da un poco más para tomar esa decisión.

Pero honestamente, la mayoría de la gente de aquí se preocupa más por las ganancias que por usar una plataforma nueva, independientemente de lo grande que sea, y ya que habrá una demanda mínima en nuestra plataforma por algún tiempo hasta que aumentemos nuestra base de usuarios, el lanzamiento de nuestra plataforma no habría tenido nada que ver con el valor / demanda de nuestros tokens.Supongo que esta es la razón por la cual a muchas empresas, incluso con productos que funcionan, les está yendo mal.

Además de nuestra plataforma de guías turísticas, nuestros hoteles en construcción y todos los demás proyectos que tenemos en preparación, tenemos un nuevo proyecto que generará instantáneamente presión de demanda sobre nuestra moneda.
66  Local / Альтернативные криптовалюты / Re: [ANN]*TIO*ДЛЯ ТУР СЕКТОРА-Сейчас на ETHERDELTA on: December 03, 2017, 01:08:38 PM
Ну вот, в ветку заходите, про новости информируете, а вопросы про выплаты просто игнорируете. А потом снова будете говорить, что это мы НЕ ЧИТАЕМ ваши сообщения. Продолжайте в том же духе

Нам очень жаль greenco, для более позднего ответа. За последние пару дней мы очень много работали, как указано в нашей оригинальной теме. Мы скоро вернемся к вам. Спасибо за Ваше понимание.
67  Local / Altcoins (Deutsch) / Re: [ANN][ICO][GER]*TIO*DIE 1. KRYPTO WÄHRUNG FÜR REISELEITER UND REISEVERANSTALTER on: December 03, 2017, 11:45:45 AM
Wichtiger Hinweis

Unsere Link adresse auf Etherdelta wurde geändert von zu

68  Local / 山寨币 / Re: [公告 + 赏金 ] *TIO* 重新创新导游和旅行社行业 -上市 ETHERDELTA on: December 03, 2017, 11:41:53 AM

我们在ETHERDELTA的链接地址已经改变 从 至

69  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / Re: [BOUNTY]*TIO*RE-INNOVATIONG THE TOUR GUIDES & OPERATORS SECTOR-NOW ON ETHERDELTA on: December 03, 2017, 11:33:30 AM

70  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / Re: [BOUNTY]*TIO*RE-INNOVATIONG THE TOUR GUIDES & OPERATORS SECTOR-NOW ON ETHERDELTA on: December 03, 2017, 11:32:27 AM
Hey , are we supposed to receive the other half bounty on the end of month (november) ? It's already 3rd of desember now  Huh
Sorry for the wait, guys. The human factor in timing got a hold on us. We've been uploading the domains on the website..still working on it, hopefully getting it done tonight.
Your stakes of the bounty have been calculated. We'll proceed with the payment as soon as we clear out the work load that's on us, that also includes the payment of the other half of the first bounty.

Thank you for your understanding.
71  Local / Altcoin Announcements (Pilipinas) / Re: [ANN+BOUNTY]*TIO*RE-INNOVATING THE TOURS GUIDES & OPERATORS SECTOR-ON ETHERDELTA on: December 03, 2017, 11:27:03 AM

72  Local / Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia) / Re: [ANN+BOUNTY] *TIO* MEREVOLUSI SEKTOR PEMANDU DAN OPERATOR WISATA - DI ETHERDELTA on: December 03, 2017, 11:26:14 AM
Pemberitahuan Penting

Alamat link kami di ETHERDELTA telah diubah untuk

73  Local / Criptomoedas Alternativas / Re: ANN * TIO * A PRIMEIRA CRIPTOMOEDA PARA GUIAS DE VIAGEM E OPERADORES DE TURISMO on: December 03, 2017, 11:22:22 AM
Notícia importante

Nosso endereço de link em ETHERDELTA foi alterado de  para

74  Local / Альтернативные криптовалюты / Re: [ANN]*TIO*ДЛЯ ТУР СЕКТОРА-Сейчас на ETHERDELTA on: December 03, 2017, 11:18:06 AM
Важная заметка

Наш адрес ссылки на ETHERDELTA был изменен с  в

75  Local / Altcoins (criptomonedas alternativas) / Re: [ANN] *TIO* INNOVANDO EL SECTOR GUÍAS TUR. Y TUROPERADORAS - AHORA EN ETHERDELTA on: December 03, 2017, 11:09:44 AM
Noticia importante

Nuestra dirección de enlace en ETHERDELTA ha sido cambiada de  a

76  Local / Annonces / Re: [ANN+BOUNTY]*TIO* Re-Innover le secteur des guides touristiques . on: December 03, 2017, 11:07:57 AM
avis important

Notre adresse de lien sur ETHERDELTA a été modifiée de  à

77  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN+BOUNTY]*TIO*RE-INNOVATING THE TOUR GUIDES & OPERATORS SECTOR-ON ETHERDELTA on: December 02, 2017, 11:33:25 AM
when the next division bounty tio I have not got it in this month and in the last month and only half of it, and I want to ask when there is more news about the existence of the market that will come out again whether there is a desire to sell the market in Indonesia

Your stakes of the second bounty have been calculated.The other half of the first  bounty will also be paid, We'll proceed with the payment as soon as we clear out the work load that's on us.

Thank you for your understanding. We're always online..don't hesitate to ask any questions. Thank you.

Thank you, Mwkakul for keep bringing up the listing on Bitcoin Indonesia. Yes, we would love to get listed on their exchange. May I ask, if you have a direct relationship with bitcoin indonesia?
oh yes introduce me is @rozaannf on Twitter and ferry blaster on my Facebook is one of the TIO awards and see my photos I've been traveling around the area using TIO clothes and there is one photo where I'm in bitcoin center of Indonesia and if the TIO wants marketing in bitcoin Indonesia I can help for success in the future because I give you a member to see how much the number of members in bitcointalk Indonesian people almost half of Indonesia, and I will help with my way to the center and ask for contacts that are distributed in Indonesia to trade TOP in Indonesia market and I will help promote TOP at grub bounty hunter Indonesia, I will continue to introduce IOP in Indonesia because I am member of TIO during this bounty period, and if you want to ask question With bitcoin market Indonesia I can be an intermediary between TIO with Indonesia market if you want to ask how much will be in to remove if marketed there, or I can request direct contact from the market of Indonesia, I will help TIO for the future to be successful.

Oh, we didn't know it was you @rozaannf..we couldn't find your bitcointalk username in our bounty spreadsheets. Thank you for your reply. "Tios123" will send you a private message later on today.
And thank you again, for sharing all those awesome pictures of you wearing the Tio t-shirt Wink

78  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN+BOUNTY]*TIO*RE-INNOVATING THE TOUR GUIDES & OPERATORS SECTOR-ON ETHERDELTA on: December 02, 2017, 09:06:05 AM
when the next division bounty tio I have not got it in this month and in the last month and only half of it, and I want to ask when there is more news about the existence of the market that will come out again whether there is a desire to sell the market in Indonesia

Your stakes of the second bounty have been calculated.The other half of the first  bounty will also be paid, We'll proceed with the payment as soon as we clear out the work load that's on us.

Thank you for your understanding. We're always online..don't hesitate to ask any questions. Thank you.

Thank you, Mwkakul for keep bringing up the listing on Bitcoin Indonesia. Yes, we would love to get listed on their exchange. May I ask, if you have a direct relationship with bitcoin indonesia?
79  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN+BOUNTY]*TIO*RE-INNOVATING THE TOUR GUIDES & OPERATORS SECTOR-ON ETHERDELTA on: December 01, 2017, 10:52:23 AM
I wanted to tell you some words, but after haroldtee I have nothing to say.
I didn't read this thread for a long time, but now I see, you are still working hard. Just continue your work and all will be good!

Thank you, Bregan, that means a lot/
80  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN+BOUNTY]*TIO*RE-INNOVATING THE TOUR GUIDES & OPERATORS SECTOR-ON ETHERDELTA on: November 30, 2017, 05:33:00 PM
Sorry for the wait, guys. The human factor in timing got a hold on us. We've been uploading the domains on the website..still working on it, hopefully getting it done tonight.
Your stakes of the bounty have been calculated. We'll proceed with the payment as soon as we clear out the work load that's on us.

Thank you for your understanding. We're always online..don't hesitate to ask any questions. Thank you.
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