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61  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Bitcoin or Altcoin on: March 25, 2018, 04:26:22 AM
I am sure everyone is aware about the rise of altcoins like ETH and Litecoin so I just want to know expert's opinion whether to invest in bitcoin or altcoins as the price of bitcoin is too high now for an individual to invest into it ? Do you think these altcoins will survive and pump just like bitcoin or its better to stick to bitcoin ?
i still prefer to choose BITCOIN instead than others crypto, but if i want to invest in others coin, i prefer to choose ETH because for now it price is most stable than others and the price is still not as high as bitcoin yet.
62  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: finish college or keep playing bitcoin? on: March 25, 2018, 04:22:13 AM
Right now I love bitcoin from 2106 till now and currently I'm in college but by playing bitcoin I can make a lot of money what should I do? I prefer to play bitcoin instead of college. I also realize that bitcoin will not last forever therefore I want to take advantage when bitcoin still exists.
Bitcoin not the reason why you should leave your study. i think you can take both trading/playing bitcoin and studying. i am bitcoin user too, still studing and working too. if your reason to leave your college world because of bitcoin it make bitcoin as the bad guys and will change people's mindset on bitcoin as something bad and destructive. so my advice doing both is better, finish your study as fast as possible then focus your time on bitcoin or you still can working while playing bitcoin
63  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: [SHARING] Belajar Bitcoin Dari Bocah Umur 11 Tahun - Bocah Ngapa Yak? on: March 25, 2018, 03:17:07 AM
Terlepas target bukunya untuk pemula atau anak yang seusianya, yang pasti si Andrew ini adalah anak yang memiliki kecerdasan diatas rata-rata, mungkin termasuk orang dewasa sendiri. saya mungkin tidak pernah melakukan penelitian atau ada sumber dari penelitian yang pernah dilakukan, tapi saya sangat yakin lebih dari setengah pengetahuan pengguna bitcointalk tentang bitcoin masih kalah dengan apa yang diketahui si Andrew ini.
64  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: [SHARING] Telah menemukan Titik Kenaikan atau Turunnya Harga Uang Virtual on: March 23, 2018, 02:52:34 PM

     ===> terlalu banyak peredaran uang virtual dalam market, mengakibatkan banyak penjualan dan sedikitnya

Memang jika dikaitkan dengan hukum permintaan dan penawaran, apa yang agan jelaskan di atas benar. Tapi saya kurang setuju dengan pernyataan agan diatas "terlalu banyak peredaran uang virtual mengakibatkan banyak permintaan dan sedikit penjualan", ada beberapa alasan kenapa saya kurang setuju, diantaranya:

1. Uang virtual seperti bitcoin jumlah yang beredar terbatas, tidak lebih dari BTC21 juta, sedangkan permintaannya sangat tinggi. Seharusnya jika mengikut hukum demand and supply, harga bitcoin akan terus tinggi.

2. Jika kita melihat perkembangan pengguna (investor, trader atau user) uang virtual khususnya bitcoin, semakin hari semakin banyak seharusnya tidak akan mengurangi jumlah permintaan meskipun telah muncul berbagai jenis uang virtual lain.

65  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: [DISKUSI] Menyikapi Gagal Paham BI dan TV Indonesia Tentang Bitcoin on: March 23, 2018, 04:01:24 AM
Thread ini sebenarnya sudah lama ingin saya tulis, namun karena beberapa alasan baru kali ini sempat.

Langsung saja, saya mau mengajak teman-teman berdiskusi tentang tanggapan (orang) BI dan (orang) media di Indonesia, dalam hal ini adalah TV, lebih khusus CNN Indonesia, lebih khusus lagi Desi Anwar sebagai presenternya.

Agar tidak ada komentar SPAM (alias asal komen tanpa lihat dulu thread lengkapnya), silahkan lihat dulu tayangannya di link berikut:

Tujuan Diskusi:
1. Mengajak semua orang untuk lebih memahami apa itu Bitcoin dan yang berkaitan dengannya.
2. Mencoba memberikan pandangan-pandangan, gagasan, ide, pendapat agar sosialisasi tentang Bitcoin dan yang berkaitan dengannya lebih masif dan mengena di masyarakat.
3. Menghilangkan persepsi menyesatkan tentang Bitcoin dan yang berkaitan dengannya di masyarakat akibat tayangan-tayangan di media (cetak, online, elektronik) yang bahkan (mungkin tidak memahami isi pembahasan) tentang Bitcoin.

Bahan Diskusi:
Sesi 1 - Wawancara dengan CEO Bitcoin Indonesia, Oscar Darmawan
05.45 s.d. 12.21 : Presenter menganggap PT Bitcoin Indonesia sebagai pemegang kendali terhadap Bitcoin di Indonesia, padahal seperti kita ketahui platform PT Bitcoin Indonesia sendiri adalah marketplace (atau yang lebih kita kenal dengan vip, atau juga sekarang Indodax), bukan perusahaan yang menerbitkan Bitcoin. Ini tergambar dari pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diajukan.

Sesi 2 - Wawancara dengan Kepala Departemen Kebijakan Sistim Pembayaran Bank Indonesia, Oni Wijanarko
34.20 s.d. 36.00 : Pak Oni menganggap ketika orang memperoleh keuntungan dari harga Bitcoin yang meningkat (dalam perdagangan/ trading) maka jumlah Rupiah pun juga akan semakin banyak, sehingga menimbulkan inflasi. Padahal seperti yang kita ketahui juga bahwa ketika ada orang yang memperoleh keuntungan dari kenaikan Bitcoin, pada saat yang bersamaan ada orang yang rugi. Artinya Rupiah hanya berpindah tangan saja, tidak menambah jumlahnya.
40.00 s.d. 42.45 : Pak Oni menganggap bahwa transaksi Bitcoin atau mata uang kripto tidak bisa dilacak. Padahal setiap transaksi PASTI bisa dilacak. Dan dalam pembahasan juga menganggap setiap orang yang melakukan transaksi Bitcoin menggunakan nama samaran. Padahal yang digunakan adalah alamat wallet (saya menganalogikannya sebagai nomor rekening). Artinya seperti yang telah disebutkan pak Oscar hal itu lah yang bisa diatur oleh pemerintah, sehingga peredarannya bisa dilacak oleh pemerintah untuk menghindari kekhawatiran terhadap pencucian uang atau kegiatan negatif lainnya.

Gagal Paham Lainnya
- Presenter menanyakan poin-poin yang sudah dijawab sebelumnya.
- Mimik muka presenter yang (saya anggap) nyinyir terhadap Bitcoin.
- dan lain-lain.

Silahkan agan-agan mengungkapkan tanggapannya, idenya untuk menyikapi ini, apa yang harus kita lakukan dan lain-lain.
Diskusi ini tidak saya tujukan untuk menjelekkan pihak tertentu atau menganggap salah. Tapi hanya sekadar untuk membuka pikiran dan wawasan kita bersama.


Salam Bitcoiner Indonesia
saya rasa selama berita yang ditampilkan berpengaruh positif untuk perkembangan bitcoin tidak lah perlu dipermasalahkan, meskipun para presenter tersebut memberi pernyataan yang menurut kita salah, mungkin karena mereka belum mengerti, tapi intinya selama itu positif untuk perkembangan bitcoin kita dukung aja deh.. hehe
66  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: Setelah Facebook dan Google Akankah Twitter 'Melarang' iklan cryptocurrency? on: March 22, 2018, 04:29:44 PM
saya rasa adanya pelarangan dari google, facebook maupun twitter ada positifnya juga untuk perkembangan bitcoin n cryptocurrency secara umum. sisi positif menurut saya disini adalah akan dapat mengurangi terjadinya scam atau penipuan-penipuan yang berkedok crypto.
67  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: [DISKUSI]Market Mulai Membaik? Setelah G20 Mengakui Crypto Sebagai Asset. on: March 22, 2018, 03:45:12 PM
Kabar baik setelah beberapa bulan Bitcoin Bearish. Dan beberapa waktu lalu banyak kabar negatif tentang Crypto, kini G20 mengakui Crypto sebagai asset.
Dengan ini akankah harga Crypto akan membaik. Kalo menurut agan gimana nih, akankah Bitcoin kembali ke tahtanya? yang waktu itu sampai tembus 297jt.

Sumber :
"Arus teknologi tidak perlu dilawan", istilah tersebut sangatlah sesuai digunakan untuk perkembangan bitcoin untuk saat ini. bagaimana tidak, bitcoin dan cripto lain merupakan hasil dari perkembangan teknologi, meskipun saat ini masih banyak negara yang melarang/banned namun lambat laun negara-negara tersebut juga akan dapat menerimanya, secara lapang dada ataupun terpaksa.
adanya pengakuan terhadap cripto pada pertemuan G20 merupakan sebuah tanda bahwa bitcoin, dkk. sudah mulai bisa diterima oleh negara-negara didunia. mungkin tidak dalam sekajap mata, karena segala sesuatu membutuhkan proses.
untuk yang masih ragu untuk berinvestasi pada dunia cripto, saat ini adalah saat yang tepat, dimana harga-haraga coin sedang berada pada posisi terendahnya ditahun 2018 ini.
68  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: Asosiasi blockchain indonesia resmi diluncurkan, angin segar untuk bitcoin ?? on: March 22, 2018, 03:36:32 PM
Seperti judul di atas, indonesia saat ini ingin mulai menerapkan teknologi blockhchain dalam berbagai industri maka dari itu asosiasi blochchain indonesia resmi diluncurkan.
Didirikan oleh 6 perusahaan lokal yaitu Blocktech Indonesia, Blockchain Zoo, Indodax, Indonesian Blockchain Network, Luno, dan Pundi X.
Apakah akan menjadi angin segar untuk bitcoin di indonesia?? Atau mereka hanya ingin teknologi blockchain saja?? Cukup menarik saat ini karena indonesia sesungguhnya memiliki banyak potensi industri untuk diterpakan teknologi ini.
berita yang bagus buat perkembangan bitcoin dan crypto lainya yang menggunakan teknologi blockchain. semoga dengan adanya asosiasi resmi ini, bitcoin dkk bisa diterima oleh seluruh masyarakat indonesia dan pemerintah sebagai alat tukar.
69  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: [kuesioner] tolong para master buat skripsi saya on: March 22, 2018, 03:39:43 AM
setelah sekian lama ane nanya tentang boleh tidak menyebar kuesioner di forum,akhirnya ane penelitian juga  Grin
jadi para masta dan suhu sekalian,penelitian ane ini tentang faktor2 apa saja yang dapat mempengaruhi keputusan para suhu untuk berinvestasi di dunia cryptocurrency ini.
nah untuk itu ane mau minta tolong ama suhu suhu sekalian,kalo suhu nggak keberatan untuk menjadi responden ane. kalo suhu bersedia,suhu bisa nolong ane dengan cara mengisi form kuesioner ane di

semoga pertolongan dari suhu sekalian dapat melancarkan perjalanan ane untuk meraih gelar sarjana dan melancarkan rezeki suhu dan master yang ada di forum yang tercinta ini  Grin Grin


P.S:[sekalian sensus temen ane pesimis katanya orang yg main di crypto itu cuma sedikit ]
Submitted ya gan. Sebagai sesama mahasiswa yang sedang berurusan sama yang namanya kuesioner, sudah seharusnya untuk saling mendukung bukankah begitu? hehehe
btw, semoga lancar dan segera selesai, juga bisa bermanfaat buat banyak orang.
70  Economy / Micro Earnings / Re: SteemitBtc 50% referral and bonuses on: March 22, 2018, 03:25:58 AM

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what is the difference with it is the whole difference thing???
71  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: What if everyone withdrew their coin in fiat? on: March 21, 2018, 03:42:21 PM
Would there be enough money in the exchanges? Would bitcoin fail?

If EVERYBODY wanted to dump all their BTC, the price would go to ~$0/BTC... So yes, in this case there would be enough FIAT on the exchanges.
It's all supply and demand. If the supply is huge and the demand is 0, the price goes trough the floor.

isn't bitcoin supply limited? about the demand maybe it will influence the price, but the supply only limited for 21 million only and there is also about the dead bitcoin.
72  Economy / Speculation / Re: Will The Price Of Bitcoin Increase Forever? on: March 21, 2018, 03:17:41 PM
As I heard a lot of prediction about bitcoin that it is going to $ 1mn till end of 2020 and people will see it soon. As a holder of bitcoin I am always worried that bitcoin may not go down as I am much money in it. I mostly think that I should sell my bitcoin now and make my money but also fears to post the train of bitcoin. So what are you people suggestions that will bitcoin will always continue to grow or will it stablize at some price or may go down?
lol.. i mean no offense, but the price in trading world is always fluctuate, sometimes the price is rising in other time the price is falling and never will happen for the price to rise all the time.
73  Economy / Speculation / Re: I will not Die Untill Bitcoin will reach at Least 50K on: March 19, 2018, 07:46:09 PM
I am not a Writer so there will be lots of mistakes in my writing methods but i can promises you writing method could be mistake but predictions not, I have a long run in Bitcoin and some Alts, I have seen Bitcoin and Believed in Bitcoin from its 10$ price and Still alive to see all time High 19K (Dec 16, 2017) also, In my point of view (I use to create my views with News and upgoing BTC network) BTC will reach 98K or much more than my expectation very soon and this article is about that.

Before going anywhere further lets start from Bitcoin's startup and early times
According to legend, Satoshi Nakamoto began working on the Bitcoin concept in 2007. While he is on record as living in Japan, it is speculated that Nakamoto may be a collective pseudonym for more than one person. is born!
I've been working on a new electronic cash system that's fully
peer-to-peer, with no trusted third party.

The domain was registered at, a site that allows users to anonymously register domain names and currently accepts Bitcoins.
Nakamoto publishes a design paper through a cryptography mailing list that describes the Bitcoin currency and solves the problem of double spending so as to prevent the currency from being copied. Block 0, the genesis block, is established at 18:15:05 GMT. Version 0.1 of Bitcoin is released. Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio for Windows, it lacks a command line interface and is so complete that it furthers speculation that it was developed by more than one person, The first transaction of Bitcoin currency, in block 170, takes place between Satoshi and Hal Finney, a developer and cryptographic activist. Bitcoin mining normally stayed in Solo Mining and in Sep 18, 2010 Bitcoin Pooled Mining (operated by slush), a method by which several users work collectively to mine Bitcoins and share in the benefits, mines its first block. December 9, 2010 Mining Difficulty increases The generation difficulty exceeds 10,000

The Financial Action Task Force, an inter-governmental group that develops and promotes policies to prevent money laundering and funding of terrorists, publishes Money Laundering Using New Payment Methods, to warn about the use of digital currencies to finance terrorist groups.
Silk Road, a Bitcoin marketplace, launches an illicit marketplace for drug deals, called the eBay for drugs Helped for price increase in a short term but was bad for long term Bitcoin Future.

Bitcoin Exchange Rate while Established
New Liberty Standard publishes a Bitcoin exchange rate that establishes the value of a Bitcoin at US$1 = 1,309.03 BTC (As of Oct 5, 2009) which amount of Bitcoin's value as of Oct 5, 2017 is $5,590,251.88 and Today's value as of Nov 20, 2017 is $10,681,665.16, Price as of Oct 5, 2009 was established using an equation that includes the cost of electricity to run a computer that generated Bitcoins. Nov 6, 2010 Calculated by multiplying the number of Bitcoins in circulation by the last trade on MtGox, the Bitcoin economy exceeds US$1 million. The price on MtGox reached US$0.50/BTC.
An Australian member of the Bitcoin Forum attempts to sell his 1984 Celica Supra for 3000 BTC, and becomes the first person to offer a vehicle in exchange for Bitcoins.
June 2, 2011 At MtGox, the exchange rate touches US$10 per BTC. The Bitcoin generation difficulty surpasses 100,000. and ATH created The price of a Bitcoin on MtGox reaches an all-time high of US$31.91 with a market capitalization of around US$206 million on June 8, 2011 exactly after 6 days when Bitcoin Touched $10

May 22, 2010 when 10,000 BTC spent on pizza which Pizza's Today's price is $81,599,850.00 as of Nov 20, 2017
The first, real-world transaction using Bitcoins takes place when a Jacksonville, Florida programmer, Laszlo Hanyecz, offers to pay 10,000 Bitcoins for a pizza on the Bitcoin Forum. At the time, the exchange rate put the purchase price for the pizza at around US$25.
After Pizza transaction and exchange Bitcoin started being popular in few handful people and Over a five day period beginning on July 12, the exchange value of Bitcoin increases ten times from US$0.008/BTC to US$0.080/BTC. July 17 The MtGox Bitcoin currency exchange market is established by Jed McCaleb.

Crash and Panic
A lot of people are worried about the fluctuation and selling there BTC on pressure But New Bit-coiners are doing so we must note that.
Serious and BTC believers are holding all the BTC they have. As few people are concentrate in News which are created by Centralized monetary system. We have to believe our self first that BTC and we Bit-coiners are decentralized, our market is global market Short-term actions of governments are not important, on a global scale they can't fight the inevitable. Regulations are as good against bitcoin as sandbags against tsunami.

We are sometime focusing in Chinese Government news at the mean time I am focusing in Chinese People. Did anyone think about that Chinese Government indirectly handled a lot of profit to Bitcoin? I think no or some yes. While Chinese government issued warning and ban the deposit in the mean time Chinese Community is more curious in investing in Bitcoin and they are searching some other option of Deposit so now see what, is it loss of bitcoin or its loss of Chinese Government? of course of Government its not just a Chinese production so we don't need to worry about anything or any single government, We are Global Ruled and not Ruled by one we are Ruled by Each of Us.

Bitcoin Price Moving up by 2014
The bitcoin price is the result of supply and demand for bitcoin. The more demand there is, the higher the price goes. The more supply there is, the lower the price, The supply side of bitcoin is fairly well known, even if we look into the future. Bitcoin supply growth will drop below 15% annually very soon and finally 21 million no more then that so supply side is always lower and demand side will be always higher.
China Warns on Bitcoin but Traders are still Legal to trade.
India Warns on Bitcoin but Traders are still Legal to trade.
Singapore Government will not interfere in Bitcoin.
More then 40% of American and 20+% Globally known Bitcoin in this small movement so expect 40% global population know about Bitcoin by 2014.
New Business adopting Bitcoin and even some third party transaction are helping people to transact with bitcoin in Amazon, E bay, Walmart and such web stores.
Overstock to come on Mid 2014 and Overstock CEO clearly described why (Patrick Byrne thinks bitcoin could be a helpful addition to the payment system and his company plans to accept the currency, You’re getting rid of the interchange fees. We’re paying credit card companies around 2%. For a company whose margin is 1%, picking up 2% on that is quite attractive)
Every day New Bitcoin Accepters are on the way Today you can buy almost everything from your Bitcoin House to Car and Grocery to Electronics so why not it will reach 50K? Bitcoin have that potential to reach until i will die and Bitcoin have that potential to grow that one day 1 Satoshi will count 100$.

New Investment in Bitcoins
There are many Bitcoin supporters who believe that digital currency is the future and the only Global Currency. Those who endorse it are of the view that it facilitates a much faster, no-fee payment system for transactions across the globe. Although it is not itself any backed by any government or central bank, bitcoin can be exchanged for traditional currencies; in fact, its exchange rate against the dollar attracts potential investors and traders interested in currency plays. Indeed, one of the primary reasons for the growth of digital currencies like Bitcoin is that they can act as an alternative to national fiat money and traditional commodities like gold.

In March 2014, the IRS stated that all virtual currencies, including bitcoins will be recognized as Asset, would be taxed as property rather than currency. Gains or losses from bitcoins held as capital will be realized as capital gains or losses, while bitcoins held as inventory will incur ordinary gains or losses.

Some Other Important Price Prediction
In the past three years, Bitcoin price has increased exponentially, surging by 0.09, 0.22 and 0.66 percent in 2015, 2016 and 2017 respectively on a daily basis. In 2017, Bitcoin price increased by 0.66 percent on a daily basis, as Bitcoin price surged from $980 to $2750 within a six-month period.

If Bitcoin daily gain since 2010 is considered, by 2020, Bitcoin price should reach $250,000. This, of course, assumes that Bitcoin price will increase at an average rate of 0.42 percent on a daily basis, if the seven-year trend of Bitcoin price continues, Bitcoin will be valued at around $250,000 by 2020.

Bitcoin’s value cannot be predicted based on a linear calculation and graph. Bitcoin’s growth in terms of user base and market cap is exponential and because of it, Bitcoin price can’t be calculated with one certain formula.

After the activation of the Segwit protocol and testing of the Lightning Network, the Bitcoin market has been on a steady rise to reach $80 billion market cap. Presently, the market capitalization of Bitcoin stands at almost 50% of the entire crypto market. In addition, it has exceeded the 1% of gold’s estimated $7 trillion market cap. Due to the limited supply, people will start to realize that they might miss out of the opportunity to mine/own Bitcoin has the price will go up in a rapid way. In case the price will rise at the same pace as right now, Bitcoin price by 2020 will reach $20,000, according to the market experts’ opinion.

John McAfee Bullish on Bitcoin Price Reaching $1 Million by 2020

The former Libertarian presidential candidate and onetime fugitive had previously predicted that the bitcoin price would end the decade at $500,000 — and had made the same promise — but he stated that this forecast was predicated on the assumption that bitcoin would rise to $5,000 during 2017.

However, bitcoin has vastly outperformed that prediction, and just this week it rose past $11,000 during a period of intense volatility. Consequently, McAfee feels confident that bitcoin will reach $1 million during the same period — confident enough to bet his manhood on it.

Last All time high price Edit on: Dec 2017
The unreasonable prediction, but nothing is imposible. I believe even the prediction come true, the bitcoin price will not ever reach like in that prediction in near future but possible to reach $50 k or even $1 million for every bitcoin in long time future.
74  Economy / Economics / Re: Why Should I Choose Bitcoin ?? on: March 19, 2018, 07:36:22 PM
Why Should I Choose Bitcoin ??
                                                It's the first question one should face while starting to deal in bitcoins and answer this will satisfies you to choose bitcoin over others. Some of the benefits that Bitcoin have over other includes :

1-Quick transactions – Bitcoin is transferred quickly over the Internet.
2-No expenses/low charges – Unlike credit cards, Bitcoin can be utilized for nothing or low costs.. This enhances revenues margins deals.
3-International installments – Bitcoin is used all over the globe; e-commerce sellers and service suppliers can easily agree to take international payments. Which uncovered new potential commercial centers for them.
4-Information is secure – As we have seen with late hacks on general retailers’ disbursement processing systems, the Internet is not generally a secure place for private information. With Bitcoin, clients don’t surrender private data.
5-Much More Easier – Bitcoin is Much more easier rather than we think.Means to say It’s Much more easier than transfering a Payment from bank account From bitcoin you can even transfer a Payment in few clicks even While listening songs.
-Hope this will help you in believing Bitcoins !
All you said is the true but for general why people should choose bitcoin is because its desentralization monetary system compared to centralization system that used today in all over the world where the monetary system controlled by central banks. The other reason why bitcoin over other crypto, because bitcoin in the king of all crypto. Hail the king!  Hail bitcoin!
75  Local / Off-Topic (India) / Re: Do you love India? Then please do it.... on: March 19, 2018, 07:25:29 PM
Yeah.. I love bollywood movie especially shahrukh khan, aamir khan, salman khan movies. I love some places in India too, not its city but the beautiful places in all over India like Shimla, ladakh, agra, goa, kashmir, himalaya etc.
76  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: GPU mining will die in 2018! on: March 18, 2018, 03:49:38 AM
I dont think it will be happen in 2018 but i believe in near future especially for bitcoin mining that already touching the total of bitcoin ever made, 21 million bitcoin. For other coins, i still believe there is still far for stoping the mining while new coins continuesly created.
77  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: BTC Mining vs Buying on: March 16, 2018, 04:24:52 PM
Is it better to get BTC via mining or buying now?

It was no longer profitable early this year for mining. However, with the recent price surge, does mining becomes profitable now?

If yes, any suggestion? There are quite many cloud miner in the market.

mining, buying, hunting (bounty campaign, faucet,etc) is just the way how to get bitcoin, how how to get profit. if you want profit invest your money by buying it, you can do with long term periode by investing or dotrading on bitcoin that you get by mining, buying or hunting to get profit by short periode of time.
78  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin Anonymity on: March 16, 2018, 04:02:39 PM
Most probably most of us knows Bitcoin as anonymous or Bitcoin is one of the anonymous way in order to do transactions online because you don't know who's behind of that address and they don't also know you. I've read in differents thread here in the forum saying that the "good thing about Bitcoin is because you can do transaction without knowing your identity."

But to tell you what, Bitcoin uses blockchain to record the transaction chronologically and publicly. So in other words you can be tracked using your transaction history in the blockchain. Maybe we don't the person behind the address but if they insist to track you down until you withdraw it to fiat there's a chance that they can track you. The list below are the advantages and disadvantages of writing down transaction in blockchain.


  • You can check the transactions confirmation and other information such as the quantity of bitcoin you've send or received.
  • You can use it as evidence that you already paid or received.
  • It can never be deleted.
  • Incase you've been scammed you can track him. (But you it needs a lot of work)


  • They can track you using your transactions via Blockchain
  • The transaction is not that much anonymous

What i'm pointing out is that most of the users of bitcoin thought that bitcoin is so anonymous and I want to clarify that for me it's not. So i post it here to know what's your opinion and perspective in regards with with bitcoins anonymity.

PS. All of the stated above are just according to my own perspective.
I just want to share my opinion as well as my perspective in regards with this topic.

what? this just base on your perspective? are'nt you have the source to say it like that. but its okay if just your opinion,  as long as i know the problem why many countries ban bitcoin is because they cant tracked the transaction history with their current technology.
79  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Do u follow what politicians say about cryptocurrency? on: March 16, 2018, 08:52:57 AM
Nothing good coming from the politicians, they are the SH*T of all countries. the only thing in their head is what profit they get and never think about what good for the citizen. i dont know in your country, but mine is always like that.
80  Economy / Economics / Re: Bitcoin or gold? on: March 16, 2018, 08:45:57 AM
i guess it depend on what is your purpose is, saving or investing. if you choose saving, GOLD is the best thing to buy because it price is unchanged. if your purpose is for investing, buy bitcoin from now or hold it if you already have.
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