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61  Local / Español (Spanish) / Re: [Encuesta] Acerca de crear dos valiosas nuevas secciones en esta comunidad on: October 08, 2018, 09:11:31 PM
@MbyzIco ese es el tema. Que toda información de relevancia sobre el mundo de las crypto está siendo, finalmente, relegada a un idioma. Incluso aunque soy de las que creo que hoy en día el Inglés es esencial, también he vivido en suficientes sitios como para saber que no todo el mundo tiene acceso a un nivel avanzado del mismo, con los peligros que ello supone en un mundo tan complejo como este. Ya está bien de la tiranía de la información, si este foro pretende, de alguna manera, convertirse en estandarte de Bitcoin, habrá que informar al mundo por igual, independientemente de la oportunidad que algunos tienen y otros no de expresarse en otro idioma.
Cada vez que leo la máxima de que "todos deberían ir a la sección inglesa" para tal o cual cosa, más me pregunto qué tiene que ver eso con la intención inicial de Bitcoin: la descentralización.
62  Local / Español (Spanish) / Re: [Encuesta] Acerca de crear dos valiosas nuevas secciones en esta comunidad on: October 06, 2018, 08:00:00 AM
No todo el mundo habla inglés, por lo que publicar/leer en la sección inglesa seguiría siendo innacesible para algunos. Yo preferiría una sola sección (tal vez meta) donde se hablara de todos los asuntos relacionados con el foro, incluyendo estos. Pero bueno, cualquier iniciativa que abogue por la descentralización y el acceso más igualitario a la información, la apoyo. Así que mi voto es SI.
63  Local / Esquina Libre / Re: En Ingles no hay consideraciones. on: October 04, 2018, 12:35:46 PM

Si el mensaje es bueno, las debilidades del mensajero, pueden ser acotadas claro esta, para que no se repitan, pero hay que elogiar el contenido de tener valor en si mismo.

Pues es la actitud general que he visto de la gente, si te soy honesta. Cuando el mensaje es bueno, sí se puntualiza al mensajero a lo mejor que sería conveniente que mejorara su gramática, pero se tiende a respetar al mismo, pues subyace un tema interesante. Claro, que ésta no es una situación cotidiana en estos días, sino una rareza. Lo normal últimamente es hilos malos mal escritos que yo creo que ponen de los nervios al personal.
Sea como sea, lo único que nosotros podemos hacer en nuestra sección es tratar de ser más permisivos con la ortografía, pero no esperar que otros la sean. Al final este es un foro con millones de personas y cada cabeza es un mundo, para gustos los colores y por debajo de la puerta te echo un ladrillo.

El truco básico aquí es no darle importancia a las tonterías ni tomarse nada muy personal  Smiley Wink
64  Local / Esquina Libre / Re: CONCURSO SEMANAL DE MERITO 4 AL 11 DE OCTUBRE on: October 04, 2018, 12:27:47 PM

PREGUNTA 10 (hasta 3 méritos)
Es un lugar imaginario donde la soledad permaneció por un siglo.

. Macondo.  Smiley
65  Local / Esquina Libre / Re: En Ingles no hay consideraciones. on: September 30, 2018, 12:04:59 AM
Entiendo que hay posts en el foro en inglés que son imposibles de comprender y que, por ello, algunas personas se desesperen, ya que para eso existen herramientas que pueden ayudar a la transcripción. Lo que no entiendo, entonces, es por que en las reglas se prohíbe específicamente el uso de Google translator. Muchos anglo hablantes no son capaces de hablar otro idioma y exigen que el suyo lo sea con perfección literata.
Pero bueno, es un gran apunte a tomar en cuenta. Honestamente yo soy una obsesiva de la ortografía en español para aquellos que son nativos, por supuesto, pero supongo que es momento de relajarse un poco con el tema y no juzgar a alguien por cómo expresa sus ideas sino por las ideas que busca expresar.
Gracias por puntualizar eso.
66  Local / Esquina Libre / Re: Porque siempre las cosas vuelven? on: September 27, 2018, 09:46:58 AM

Por lo demás esto es la esquina libre asi que venga, a desahogarse que nos echamos unas risas.

Jajaja tienes razón, en realidad el post en sí es una auténtica joya. Sólo que no acabo de entender muy bien la historia, me dejó picada y no contesta el muchacho jajaa.
67  Local / Esquina Libre / Re: ¿Pueden los moderadores de esta sección banear usuarios? on: September 27, 2018, 09:36:32 AM

-   Los moderadores globales si ven reportes de foros locales, y pueden actuar sobre los mismos (claro que el idioma es una barrera).

Ooook. Entonces supongo que los reportes de plagiarismo habría que hacerlos en ambos idiomas, español e inglés. Asimismo, los plagiadores hispanos entonces lo tienen bastante más sencillo, porque el proceso para "pillarlos" es un poco complejo. A mí tampoco es que me fascine ir por la vida de "policía del foro" pero sí me tocó las narices que me escriban privados pidiéndome méritos por un hilo plagiado... en fin.

Para casos extremos, supongo que lo mejor es directamente escribirle un privado a los moderadores de esta sección y ver qué te dicen al respecto.

Millones de gracias por tu investigación, me queda mucho más claro todo ahora.
Un saludote.
68  Other / Meta / Re: What if.. on: September 26, 2018, 12:31:17 PM
all the OP creators have to clean up their thread by themself. By creating a post, they receive automatically admin rights for that certain thread.
Why? They are more focused on the subject. They get responsibility, that leads to more mature behavior.
Takes ton of workload off from forum mods who can pay more attention to thousands of op creators rather than to millions of posts
This is called a self-moderated thread, as said, and it works just fine.
An other what if..
the thread can be automatically adjusted how many comments there could be.
There could even be upvote, downvote system linked to the thread. If it is negative enough the thread gets locked.. no massive megathreads. More upvotes mean more longer post slots, seems like a quality discussion going on..

It would be kind of sad to stipulate the conversation you are about to have based on a preception.

Less junk, more quality? Isn't that what you look for with this merit system.
Hell yeah, lets go further with this fantasy. The merit system could be also integrated to it. Differently. Firstly, all merits are deleted. From ALL.. there are some senior forumers here also creating non quality stuff. I bet it would clean ALL forum much better.
Only moderators can distribute merits to OP creators. Then OP creators can distribute it to the posts that are on topic, with quality of course etc.
So, in sort, since you are new you think that everybody should star over, so you have the same opportunities they had. Well, this is totally unfair and also absurd. I came here after the implementation of the merit system, from your perspective then, could I keep mine? All of them have been gained with effort. So the collateral damage would be huge just because you are new and you want everybody else to be new, no matter if they have spent years in here contributing and providing information. Maybe you can propose to erase all the forum and start over, but just be conscious, all the signatures and bounties will disappear too, so you will be unable to earn your cents in here.  Huh
Now, the seniors and administrators must also reduce their rank to newbies? Just because you got here late?

Maybe this is something that Bitcointalk 2020 can evolve into, maybe not. Think with me. Think differently

This never will be evolving, for every single month newcomers will ask for everybody to become a newbie so they don't feel less. So, if your suggestion were implemented (impossible, by the way), all of us will probably be newbies forever.
Besides, wtf, the people here have been contributing for years. To rank-up is not so difficult, all you need to do is to enjoy learning, read a lot and use a muscle called brain which, usually, is under your skull, to be patient and humble, and also grateful for all the free information you can have in here.
69  Local / Esquina Libre / Re: ¿Pueden los moderadores de esta sección banear usuarios? on: September 26, 2018, 12:21:49 PM

Pues mira que no lo tengo claro del todo... Leí en Meta que Administradores y Moderadores Globales si pueden banear, pero no sé si los moderadores locales pueden o si lo escalan hacia arriba con alguna indicación y apreciación del caso.
También están los casos de usuarios “Nucleados” (Nuked). Un Newbie puede ser baneado con mayor facilidad tengo entendido.
En cuanto al reporte, entiendo que la visibilidad debería ser para todos (locales, globales y admin), pero que operativamente la actuación le corresponde al moderador local, el cual podría escalar el caso si hay implicaciones no locales.
Sí, es el tema, que no encuentro la info por ningún lado y que, para colmo, llevo meses reportando plagiadores en habla hispana y nada de nada, ahí siguen tan campantes.

En lo relativo al plagio, con reportar al moderador el link origen debería bastar, junto con una breve explicación.

Tampoco sé si los reportes en esta sección se escriben en español o en inglés, porque no sé quiénes los van a leer. Llevo meses reportando en español los post hispanos y en inglés lo ingleses (jeje evidentemente) pero, al no ver resultados estoy empezando a dudar un poquito.
 En fin, creo que realmente nos falta bastante información de cómo funciona el sistema de reportes en nuestra área local.

70  Other / Meta / Re: Can we have a Meta board in the Spanish section? on: September 26, 2018, 09:41:27 AM
I really don't think local boards need their own Meta sub sections and would just be overkill and unnecessary. The rules/FAQs/guides or anything else that is important and you think users need to know can just be translated and stickied. Compile a general thread yourself if you wish or just speak to your local sub mod about sticking one of the ones you mentioned as they have the power to pin topics there.  

I get your point but, obviously, I can't concur with you. The discussions about the forum on the local boards, from my perspective, are quite necessary if we want to avoid the centralization. Notice that not many people speak/read English, and the policies should be discussed in any language for us to come in here and be able to make propositions after a local-debate.
Now, as mentioned, this is kind of messy not being sure where to discuss the forum problematics, changes and new policies. Duplicated threads can be created, and given the lack of a space, some of the debates are partial and dissected into pieces.
Now, regarding general threads, some of the rules were translated by users that are no longer actives, so some of the stickies are outdated and contain information that is no longer valid. Even if we just ask the mods to stick another thread, it will be kind of difficult to determinate in which board should we implement those related to the forum policies, for there is not a designated place to this kind of conversation, but multiple boards being used under subjective appreciation. That's messy  Smiley!!
71  Other / Meta / Can we have a Meta board in the Spanish section? on: September 26, 2018, 09:17:30 AM
Hello all.
As some of you know, the Spanish board is pretty active, and we have a nice community in there. Given the recent changes related to the forum normative, we have come to realize that we don't exactly know where to have our discussions about the forum itself.

One example illustrating the situation we are living happened a couple of weeks ago when the merit for becoming Junior member was implemented. Both @DdmrDdmr and @Paxmao, two of the most active users, translated the new normative into Spanish, overlapping each other unconsciously, for there is not a place designated to any forum discussion.
- DdmrDdmr created his thread on the "Free corner childboard",
- Meantime, Paxmao was translating the same stuff into the main Spanish, a board that, honestly, I think that not many of us know how to use

The forum is in constant change and evolution, and I feel that we need to keep the people informed by translating some of the most relevant posts from here and posting them into our own Spanish-space. Honestly, some of the conversations tend to be repeated into different boards in the Spanish section, and the example above is just one in between many. Besides, I've seen some confused Newbies and, even though we have our own version of the "Beginners and Help" board, there is not a place to forum discussions yet, so this is kind of messy for the newcomers too.

So, what is the process to ask for our own meta board in the Spanish Section? Is there any application system for us to communicate with the admins so we can have some arrangement? Any special pray?  Tongue

72  Local / Esquina Libre / ¿Pueden los moderadores de esta sección banear usuarios? on: September 25, 2018, 10:41:09 PM
Se me acaba de presentar esta duda, ya que, desde hace tiempo, he estado viendo que el tema del plagio comienza a ser un pequeño tumor en crecimiento en la sección española.

He reportado ya bastantes casos, pero no he visto acción alguna hacia los usuarios plagiadores, por lo que me pregunto, ¿pueden los moderadores de esta sección, de hecho, banear usuarios?
¿Alguien sabe la respuesta?

Y la otra pregunta sería: cuando reporto un post en la sección española, ¿este reporte es visto únicamente por nuestros moderadores o por los admins y global moderators también?

Una disculpa si son preguntas demasiado básicas, pero la práctica no me ha empujado a cuestionármelas hasta que me han pasado cosas como estas:

Este es "su artículo":
Copiado directamente de aquí:

Estaba pensando incluso en empezar un hilo de plagio para esta sección (porque ahora sí que me he enfadado pero de veras...), pero creo que es necesario primero conocer el alcance de nuestros moderadores.

Saludotes a todos. Wink
73  Local / Esquina Libre / Re: No hemos aprendido nada aun. on: September 25, 2018, 10:30:37 PM
... Embarrassed

Tantísima razón que tienes... Sin ir más lejos me acaba de llegar un Pm de un usuario rogándome por un mérito por un artículo que, para colmo, es plagio. Mira:

Este es "su artículo":
Copiado directamente de aquí:

Creo que es momento de comenzar un hilo de plagio, porque he visto demasiados casos en la sección española últimamente, para que los moderadores tengan algo de ayuda en acabar con esta lacra.
74  Other / Serious discussion / Re: Black Mirror and the "Chinese new social credit system" on: September 24, 2018, 03:13:54 PM

However, as with most things related to regulations, the devil in the details. In this case the issue is what will be considered as "positive" and being China... I don´t think any of us is going to be surprised when the list becomes available.

Yep... actually, I just found this video

In it, Chinese people are actually being asked about their thoughts on the new social credit system and the replies are... well, I'm just speechless, this is better for you to see it with your own eyes. Undecided
75  Other / Serious discussion / Re: Black Mirror and the "Chinese new social credit system" on: September 23, 2018, 07:58:41 PM

Nice!! Thanks for sharing, but if you pay attention to the third column,

How do you interpret this? Meaning: this is a subjective information and a really sensible one, for it is evaluating some people due to their attitude on the internet. But, what happens if, for instance, another person uses my computer or cell phone? How many new and imaginative ways of scamming will appear?
Every single point is disturbing:
- "Interactions with other internet users": What kind of interactions? Really?
- "Reliability of information posted of reposted": Based on what? On the mainstream speech, maybe?
- "Shopping habits": !!! WTF.

Obviously, the pic you shared is just an interpretation by the Wall Street Journal, as said on the bottom, so, as far as we know, there is no reliable information for the moment.
Now, I was searching also for the topic because I really found it both concerning and interesting. One of the most concerning parts is how it is going to be implemented. Whereas the population is going to be informed or not, the fact of being punctuated could affect the brains of the people, as in a sort of a weird perpetual-gaming activity.

Anyway, thanks for the info, of course. I guess this is a typical case of "waiting and see" what is going to happen.
I found this interesting article,, in which they explain how it could shape the society into something new... just in case you are interested!  Wink
76  Other / Meta / Re: Analysis - Ranked up Newbies in the new Era on: September 23, 2018, 01:41:05 PM

So... 1.637 "New Era Newbies" have been promoted from the initial 67.000 demoted ones?

Sounds like a pretty good number to me, mostly when this new system is barely a week old!! besides, many of them have actually deleted all their post, so they have better chances to get the merit they need -they don't have a shitty post-history anymore, so...
Probably some people are right, and 1 merit to junior is not enough. Being demoted is an indication of being a probable shitposter. To have a number beyond 30 in your post count with not a single merit in your history is more than enough ingredient for having some doubts about the user-quality. So, having "back" 1.637 zombie posters in less than a week doesn't look really nice to my eyes.
Or maybe, after spending some time in Meta, I'm just depressed.
77  Economy / Reputation / Re: A red trust for absolutely nothing on: September 23, 2018, 12:08:01 PM
At the moment the forum is on life support, and many of us are trying to ensure that it isn't turned off. It isn't helped by the fact that so many spambies are depriving the boards of oxygen.

You just described my feelings here!!!

To the OP, just don't act so ignorant. There are people in here that have been for years building this site. Of course, they deserve some consideration, even though not all of them are decent ones. Your red-trusted post was an insult to anyone's intelligence. If you can't see that, maybe this is not a place for you to be in, that' s all.

78  Local / Esquina Libre / Re: Porque siempre las cosas vuelven? on: September 23, 2018, 11:59:50 AM

Jovencito, opino que debe revisar la ortografía, la puntuación y demás si quiere que entendamos algo de lo que está planteando en esta amalgama de palabras a las que, por más que me esfuerzo, no le encuentro ningún sentido.

Y, bueno, pues finalmente, estás en un foro sobre Bitcoin, no sobre relaciones de pareja y conceptos anticuados como el "qué dirán" y un infinito "blablabla" que, reitero, es tan desordenado que no hay línea argumental que seguir, pues como que no pegan mucho aquí...

Un psicólogo, algo de terapia, nunca viene mal tampoco.
79  Other / Serious discussion / Re: Black Mirror and the "Chinese new social credit system" on: September 23, 2018, 11:00:19 AM

The problem is that it works well in small scale , such as an Uber or Airbnb service. Using this in everything in your life is crazy, like the episode.

Yep, one thing is to have some kind of control over the people offering services, and another one, and a really different one, is about to have some kind of control over the people's personal lives.
To be punctuated about every single tiny social-act looks like something pretty dangerous, and, despite some thoughts here, it hasn't happened yet. One thing is to be punctuated in here, for instance, due to the quality of your post, or your integration  into the forum (or whatever), and another is to receive some positive or negative point because of the face you show to the people in the morning -I guess I probably would have a really bad punctuation in that situation  Tongue.

Whatever, sometimes it scares me the shape the society is taking...


80  Other / Serious discussion / Black Mirror and the "Chinese new social credit system" on: September 10, 2018, 08:02:22 PM
I don't know if you ever have seen the TV show called Black Mirror. If not, please, stop everything you are doing and go directly to Netflix or another platform you like to expend some quality time seeing this both dystopic and prophetic show.

Well, If I remember correctly, it was in the first chapter from the third season when they described on the TV show a social system based on points. In that chapter, a desperate girl was trying to go to a wedding because her "rating" was good enough to be "accepted" on a determinate status of her society. The status is managed towards how do you behave, so the people can "vote for you" (ops, really similar to our very "liking" actual nightmare). The girl tries hard to be highly ranked in order to be able to participate in some social events, as well as having a good job and so.

Ok. This is happening. In China, actually. The Chinese government is about to implement a system called "Social Credit system", designed to be fully operating in the next 2020. As in the Black Mirror chapter, the design is focused on creating a system based on behaviour: the best you behave, the best options do you have in life. As a dystopic nightmare, the Chinese people are going to be their own "social police", by voting their fellow citizens and ranking up or down depending on their own criteria.
You can read more about that in here:

So, what do you people think about that?
Are the Black Mirror nightmare ideas becoming truth? Or, on the contrary, being an inspiration instead of a warning?
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