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61  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Bitcoin Nation on: December 15, 2013, 03:45:14 AM
There is better, or at least simpler option. One that does not require anyone to move. Look at how Cosa Nostra and Yakuza function. They live in same country as everyone else, but they are effectively their own people and their own nation, with their own economy and services.

Not practical. A lot of the Cosa Nostra members are currently in various Italian prisons. I don't want any Bitcoiner to go to jail for breaking the financial regulations.

Cosa Nostra does not use Bitcoin, Bitmessage, PGP, and other cryptography tools. They are old style underground economy and society that did not have the tools we have now, but they can be a foundation of rules and mistakes to learn from and build on top of. Also, Cosa Nostra needs to have image of powerful and violent to do what they do. They are not liked by authorities, and can be easily demonized in media, because they can be violent and sometimes kill people. If people just withdraw into background, not bothering anyone, the worst they can be accused of is not sharing. I want to share idea later, but am still working out details.
62  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine... Revolution. on: December 15, 2013, 03:40:32 AM
Since Yanukovich is friend of Russia, does that mean that Yanukovich is more socialist communist, and opposition party and protesters are more independent capitalists?

It is the other way around. Yanukovych is supported by the oligarchs and metal giants. Communism is no longer relevant in the ex-USSR. People have realized that it is a failed ideology.

So is the fight between crony corporatist and small business free economy types? Or is it simply fight between corrupt thief and people who do not like corrupt thieves? I do not know what the Ukrainian people are like, but i do not like Yanukovich for being such authoritarian.

Also, what is bitcoin situation like in Ukraine? Are there exchanges? Can it be used at all?
63  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What's wrong with unequal wealth distribution? (Was: 2013-12-10 Bitcoin Proves.. on: December 15, 2013, 03:35:41 AM
If rich value them and use them to trade, why would they be useless? Can you trade 1 kilogram bars of gold? No. But I bet you wish you could.

'cause they can't pay them "slaves" nor "bread"

I do not understand.

You're not alone Tongue

even worse that i understand that(why) you guys don't understand

I did not understand because I did not understand your english. Who is it that you call "they" and "them", and why is slaves and bread involved? Please to be more specific.

Also, it would be pretty bad if you did not understand what you yourself have said. So I am glad that you understand what it is that you said that we did not understand. Hopefully you can explain it to us too.
64  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Are corporations people? on: December 15, 2013, 03:26:49 AM
im not sure where i said that they did not provide a service to society. what i said was that they game the system to pay employees at part-time wages, which means they won't make enough money and will require government assistance. it's so bad that even have their own "specialists" that help employees sign up for government assistance.

Why not employees ask for more, or quit and find a better job? Or move to find a better job if they have to. Or move back in with their parents, and spend time learning new skill so they do not have to work as cashiers? It is strange for us in our country to see people in America struggling to live on their own, making so little money and barely able to survive. Here they would just live with rest of family until they actually have money to move out. Even if they do not have good job and much money, they can still share house and food with family, and be ok. Why must everyone have their own house, their own car, and their own everything?
65  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Bitcoin Nation on: December 15, 2013, 03:21:21 AM
How will that "floating city" handle big waves though? And do we even got chains strong enough to anchor that thing and survive fighting against the winds hitting such a huge surface area? What if the wind is asymmetrical, causing it to try to turn, distributing the strain over the anchors unevenly?

You know about that giant pile of plastic trash floating in Pacific Ocean? Maybe a ship like this can park there. They would not need to anchor, since they would just float in circle just like all that trash, and they can "mine" the trash as resource. Maybe melt it, and use it as source for 3D printing.
66  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine... Revolution. on: December 15, 2013, 03:18:31 AM
It is good that nature has given them many resources to build defenses. Also good to hear they have possible gas exports, instead of their exports being only bread and Chernobyl radiation. I hope they succeed in their revolution. Since Yanukovich is friend of Russia, does that mean that Yanukovich is more socialist communist, and opposition party and protesters are more independent capitalists? Many people in old Soviet countries were thoroughly brainwashed into communism, so it would be terrible if they had revolution that turned them into something like Cuba. Pro communist people are easy to control when you promise them government handouts paid for by rich people and business taxes.
67  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Bitcoin Nation on: December 15, 2013, 02:51:25 AM
There is better, or at least simpler option. One that does not require anyone to move. Look at how Cosa Nostra and Yakuza function. They live in same country as everyone else, but they are effectively their own people and their own nation, with their own economy and services.
68  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Are corporations people? on: December 15, 2013, 02:22:53 AM
you must live in a bubble. heard of the income disparity? the middle class is dying along with the economy. what do you think is contributing to this? why do you think 4 of the top 10 richest people in the U.S. are the waltons, yet they are "struggling" to pay their employees minimum wage at part-time rates, just so that government can come in and pick the rest of the bills for the employees?

These Waltons, how do they and their company makes money? Do they provide useful service? If not, why do they make money? Who are they taking profits from, underpaid employees? Are you saying  these employees are actually contributing millions of dollars to economy, but Waltons are taking all those millions for themselves, and only paying them  minimum wage? They must be very spectacular employees.
69  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What's wrong with unequal wealth distribution? (Was: 2013-12-10 Bitcoin Proves.. on: December 15, 2013, 12:02:36 AM
If rich value them and use them to trade, why would they be useless? Can you trade 1 kilogram bars of gold? No. But I bet you wish you could.

'cause they can't pay them "slaves" nor "bread"

I do not understand.
70  Other / Politics & Society / Re: How long would it take for Anarchy to start working? on: December 14, 2013, 11:54:11 PM
Walter, I must keep my eye on you. You may be of help, later.

My belief is that we  must make anarchy, by making government services not as convenient as private services. In same way that file sharing made music and movie services more convenient than government-sanctioned legal services, despite file sharing being illegal. We need tools to replace government, and must make them work in a way that makes them impossible to destroy by governments (make them decentralized like bitcoin), and make it easy for people to use anonymously. In short, the only way to compete with government monopoly and make it go away is to create powerful tools that make the gray market much easier for businesses and people to work in.

Have you a concrete idea how what private services you would use to prevent animal cruelty?

Professionals with black clothing and silenced weapons, I hope...

There are private charities that check on animals and secretly confiscate ones that they see are abused, providing them with sanctuary, rehabilitation, and new homes. They publicly document their animal's abused state online to show everyone that animals they take were abused, and they had right to save them. When old owners try to sue them, they show pictures to public and to court to prove they are right to save these animals, and win cases every time. I know of one that does this for livestock, and one that does this with ferrets. This could be done with private courts, too. This needs no law, this only needs people's popular opinion. Opinions change, and ethics evolve. I hope they will continue to evolve for better.

We had a man beaten to death for paedophilia here in the UK recently who it turned out was just unpopular with his neighbours. 

We have people all over the world jailed for paedophilia, who are just some people the neighbors or police did not like. So what is different?
71  Other / Politics & Society / Re: the social Bitcoin on: December 14, 2013, 11:49:03 PM
So if I had cancer and I did a heredity test with my kid that would screw up the results? Just because DNA is altered by something doesn't mean a computer definitely couldn't identify what person it was, a sophisticated enough machine could check for cancer, etc. You are saying you could make a vial of my blood in a lab? I don't think so.

If you test your normal cell, it will be ok, but if you take your cancer cell and test it, it will have DNA that will not be like yours. It may pass heredity test, but it will not pass test as your DNA. You did not mean that anyone who is related will not get DNA money, and only one person in family will get money, did you?
I can not make vial of your blood in lab, but I can make your DNA in lab. I can then inject that DNA in blood cell. It takes very long time to make DNA, and I would need to inject it into blood cell one by one, because blood does not divide. To make vial of your blood in lab, I would need to make your DNA in lab and use it to clone and grow bone marrow, which can then grow your blood. It is still very new and very difficult to pull off technology, which will take years with technology we have now, but it will become much easier and faster to do, even to create blood cells themselves in vials, very soon.

What are you talking about when you say 'spend and waste it'? Spending isn't wasting money it's enjoying it at least. Spending is investing in the products you buy, it doesn't cause the money to disappear from the economy.

This is what I mean by people who are not rich do not know how to use and take care of money. When you buy something, you are not investing. You are using up money on something that itself will get used up. There is difference between earning or spending money, and between making money. Wealthy people and corporations actually make money, by putting cheap things together to make more expensive things. As saying goes, sum is greater than its parts. When people earn money, they just trade one thing they do not need, like their time and labor, for another thing they do need, like money. When people spend money on products, they also trade something they do not need, like money, on things they do need, like products. And those products wear out, which means that they need to trade more labor for more money, and more money for more products. Wealthy people invest by spending money on things that will make them more money, like property, stocks, building businesses and companies, or even buying labor that they can combine with other things to make products that are worth more than labor and those other things.

So if poor people get money, who only know how to convert it to products that will wear out, then all they will have is less and less money as their products wear out. If they did know how to take care of and use money, they would use it to invest in things that would make them money, and if they knew how to do that, they would not have been poor to begin with. Does this make sense?

How much cash does a corporation have at any one time? What proportion of their wealth is in physical money?

Millions of dollars, and billions for some corporations. It is cash that is transitioning through their corporation, which they just received for selling their products, and they will be using in a few days to pay their employees and suppliers. If you take most of their cash, they will not be able to pay their employees, who will go hungry and quit, and they will not be able to pay their suppliers, who will not sell them more supplies to make products out of. So company will go out of business. Many businesses had to close when Cyprus took money from banks, because many businesses kept their money there for reasons I mentioned.

It's just a hit to large corporations, a tax that they'll pay to the poor.

Corporations made lots of money because they made things that people wanted to buy. They are rich because people traded money that they did not want for corporation products. So corporations already served poor people by giving them what they want. Why must corporations give even more?

The richest country in the world by GDP per person is Qatar; they don't work or do anything productive with their labor, they get Pakistani servants to do everything for them. So why are they the richest? Because they a have valuable natural resource.

People in Saudi Arabia are like this too. They have much natural resource, so people get paid $1,000 for doing nothing. Everyone is rich, and does not need to work. Because of that, everyone does what they want, not what is needed. Because religion is very respected, most people there go to school to learn and get degrees in religion.  So natural resource of Saudi Arabia is poisoning everyone's minds. What is worse is that natural resources are not unlimited. When it runs out in Qatar and Saudi Arabia, you will have entire country full of people who do not know how to do anything, and do not know anything other than religion. They will be very poor, very desperate, and very religious and very angry. It is going to be big problem. Much worse than terrorism is today.

People are poor because they are cut off from the wealth of natural resources, usually either land or energy.

If that is true, explain Israel, Dubai, and Japan? They have no resources at all, but are riches countries in middle east and Asia. Not wanting to use your mind and not wanting to be productive is what makes people poor. In fact, if you look around at different countries, you will see that those with many natural resources are most poor and corrupt, and those without are much more wealthy. Reason is because those without resources must rely on their own intelligence to make money.

Being efficient and productive is valuable for ensuring that your military seizes the best resources... This is a tax that corporations will pay to the poor for monopolizing natural resources for decades; that is all.

It is very not efficient to seize resources with military. It is much cheaper to ask for and trade for those resources with people who have them. This is because people who have those resources know best how to get them, and if you take resources, you will have to deal with angry people trying to kill you. Only reason corporations monopolize natural resources is because no one else knows better than they do how to extract them. If you and your family and friends were given oil rigs over Norway, what would you do with them?
Also, if you take resources from corporations, or tax corporations, then you will just become the new monopoly that is controlling those resources. You will either be extracting resources yourself, or having corporation work for you. So who will later tax you for being new monopoly in charge of resources?
72  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What's wrong with unequal wealth distribution? (Was: 2013-12-10 Bitcoin Proves.. on: December 14, 2013, 10:27:22 PM
If rich value them and use them to trade, why would they be useless? Can you trade 1 kilogram bars of gold? No. But I bet you wish you could.
73  Other / Politics & Society / Re: the social Bitcoin on: December 14, 2013, 08:49:23 PM
Instead of the majority trying to force a redistribution of Bitcoin, a new cryptocurrency would be created which gives a universal allotment of coins to each new user. DNA would be used to identify a new user, once they have been identified their DNA signature is recorded on the Blockchain and they can't claim again. This DNA system ensures that there is one unique payment for each person.

Cancer people can use their cancer DNA, which is different from their own DNA, to claim more money. Viruses can also be used to change DNA, since that is how viruses reproduce - they change the DNA of cells to make those cells make more viruses. If you test for DNA by taking blood samples, people who had bone marrow transplant will have same DNA as people who donated the bone. Also, I can print custom DNA that is not like any other person's DNA. It takes long time, and can not be put into people yet, but soon technology will change that. DNA is not a scarce or unique resource, like time, energy, and work.

If people end up with lots of money, and corporations get obsolete currency, as you say, that will be very bad. People with little money will not know what to do with lots of money besides spend and waste it, and corporations will not have money to buy supples to make products, and money to pay their employees. Poor people with lots of money will not have jobs, and will not have products to spend money on, so their lots of money will become worthless too. Money is not measure of one's wealth. It is measure of one's production capability and ability to think. So corporations will still be rich, because they still have their buildings, factories, people, and knowledge of how to run their business.
There is reason that wealthy people and corporations have much money - they know how to use it and how to take care of it.
74  Other / Off-topic / Re: Illuminati is out convincing you that Bitcoin is worthless. on: December 14, 2013, 08:33:50 PM
This tom truong's post is very funny. Maybe some day I will tell him why Wink
75  Other / Politics & Society / Re: How long would it take for Anarchy to start working? on: December 14, 2013, 08:21:18 PM
Walter, I must keep my eye on you. You may be of help, later.

My belief is that we  must make anarchy, by making government services not as convenient as private services. In same way that file sharing made music and movie services more convenient than government-sanctioned legal services, despite file sharing being illegal. We need tools to replace government, and must make them work in a way that makes them impossible to destroy by governments (make them decentralized like bitcoin), and make it easy for people to use anonymously. In short, the only way to compete with government monopoly and make it go away is to create powerful tools that make the gray market much easier for businesses and people to work in.
76  Other / Off-topic / Re: Alex jones calls Bitcoin a "Bubble" & "Globalist NWO" Creation on: December 07, 2013, 12:22:14 AM
That was from April.

"There will be alternatives to the dollar, and this might be one of them,"

He wasn't sure. I am confident he has been so advised by his long-time confident Gary North hence. Gary's article on Bitcoin being a Ponzi was just published a few days ago.

Why April? Article says

"There will be alternatives to the dollar, and this might be one of them," said former U.S. congressman Ron Paul. If people start using bitcoins en masse, "it'll go down in history as the destroyer of the dollar," Paul added."

and article date is December. Nothing about April. Nothing about him thinking it is ponzi, either. So is Ron Paul disagree with Gary North, because article is more recent than Gary's that was published more days ago?

I do not know Ron Paul, and he does not live near me, so I can not ask.
77  Other / Off-topic / Re: Alex jones calls Bitcoin a "Bubble" & "Globalist NWO" Creation on: December 05, 2013, 04:22:37 AM
We already refuted that semantic shell game obfuscation delusion. See the thread that I quoted from. Numerous prominent Libetarians and Austrian economists have weighed in on this in agreement with me, such as Peter Schiff and Gary North who is a key advisor and long-time close confidant of Ron Paul, Lew Rockwell and the Mises Institute.

Ron Paul disagree with Gary North and you.
78  Economy / Economics / Re: Peter Schiff on Bitcoin on: December 05, 2013, 04:18:21 AM
Why did nobody tell Peter Schiff that he can easily create digital currency backed by gold, if he just use Colored Coin and backed it with gold?
79  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Newbie with Questions on: November 30, 2013, 04:37:48 AM
Would still take weeks. You will make more bitcoins buying bitcoins directly than paying for electricity to make bitcoins. The same thing for altcoins too, except for very cheap altcoins, which are too crap and too risky anyway.
80  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Where do you spend you bitcoins? on: November 30, 2013, 04:31:37 AM
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