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Great that worked! I will run a permanent node to help the network, maybe add this to the first page as an additional node:
I can't get the latest source to build on my ubuntu box:
g++ -m64 -fstack-protector-all --param ssp-buffer-size=1 -Wl,-O1 -o eccoin-qt build/bitcoin.o build/bitcoingui.o build/transactiontablemodel.o build/addresstablemodel.o build/optionsdialog.o build/sendcoinsdialog.o build/addressbookpage.o build/signverifymessagedialog.o build/aboutdialog.o build/editaddressdialog.o build/bitcoinaddressvalidator.o build/alert.o build/version.o build/sync.o build/util.o build/netbase.o build/key.o build/script.o build/main.o build/init.o build/net.o build/irc.o build/checkpoints.o build/addrman.o build/db.o build/walletdb.o build/clientmodel.o build/guiutil.o build/transactionrecord.o build/optionsmodel.o build/monitoreddatamapper.o build/transactiondesc.o build/transactiondescdialog.o build/bitcoinstrings.o build/bitcoinamountfield.o build/wallet.o build/keystore.o build/transactionfilterproxy.o build/transactionview.o build/walletmodel.o build/bitcoinrpc.o build/rpcdump.o build/rpcnet.o build/rpcmining.o build/rpcwallet.o build/rpcblockchain.o build/rpcrawtransaction.o build/overviewpage.o build/csvmodelwriter.o build/crypter.o build/sendcoinsentry.o build/qvalidatedlineedit.o build/bitcoinunits.o build/qvaluecombobox.o build/askpassphrasedialog.o build/protocol.o build/notificator.o build/qtipcserver.o build/rpcconsole.o build/coincontroldialog.o build/coincontroltreewidget.o build/noui.o build/kernel.o build/scrypt-x86.o build/scrypt-x86_64.o build/scrypt_mine.o build/pbkdf2.o build/moc_bitcoingui.o build/moc_transactiontablemodel.o build/moc_addresstablemodel.o build/moc_optionsdialog.o build/moc_sendcoinsdialog.o build/moc_addressbookpage.o build/moc_signverifymessagedialog.o build/moc_aboutdialog.o build/moc_editaddressdialog.o build/moc_bitcoinaddressvalidator.o build/moc_clientmodel.o build/moc_guiutil.o build/moc_optionsmodel.o build/moc_monitoreddatamapper.o build/moc_transactiondesc.o build/moc_transactiondescdialog.o build/moc_bitcoinamountfield.o build/moc_transactionfilterproxy.o build/moc_transactionview.o build/moc_walletmodel.o build/moc_overviewpage.o build/moc_csvmodelwriter.o build/moc_sendcoinsentry.o build/moc_qvalidatedlineedit.o build/moc_qvaluecombobox.o build/moc_askpassphrasedialog.o build/moc_coincontroldialog.o build/moc_coincontroltreewidget.o build/moc_notificator.o build/moc_rpcconsole.o build/qrc_bitcoin.o -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -LC:/deps/miniupnpc -lminiupnpc -lrt -LC:/deps/boost_1_55_0/stage/lib -LC:/deps/db-4.8.30.NC/build_unix -LC:/deps/openssl-1.0.1h -LC:/deps/qrencode-3.4.3/.libs -lssl -lcrypto -ldb_cxx -lboost_system-mgw49-mt-s-1_55 -lboost_filesystem-mgw49-mt-s-1_55 -lboost_program_options-mgw49-mt-s-1_55 -lboost_thread-mgw49-mt-s-1_55 -lQtGui -lQtCore -lpthread /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lboost_system-mgw49-mt-s-1_55 /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lboost_filesystem-mgw49-mt-s-1_55 /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lboost_program_options-mgw49-mt-s-1_55 /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lboost_thread-mgw49-mt-s-1_55 collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status make: *** [eccoin-qt] Error 1
Not sure why its looking for the mgw versions?
Not mining there unless there's a fee. And no, I'm not joking. Don't worry I won't go hungry Just trying to get miners onboard! Not working though... if anyone has any suggestions feel free to throw them at me...
***** New Mining Pool ***** opened today on dedicated hardware in the US, for support etc. you can find me on #boolberry Currently fee's are 1.5% Happy hashing!
180 confirmations required before skc is spendable? is that correct or am I going mad? Seems way too long to me! EDIT: Figured it, surprisingly never actually knew there was a difference between block maturity and transaction maturity. You learn something everyday
I'll point some hashrate to it.
I was concerned about the lack of pools being available for the coin so I decided to start another, its only in testing for now but I would appreciate it if people could point some hashing power at it
We love you RK Explorer is back up on new more permanent box: can you repoint DNS for
Great explorer! Well done Out of interest is the site based on one of the various open source projects or did you write this from scratch?
Just a quick heads up on the explorer, it will be on the temporary address until probably Thursday (new server won't be provisioned until then!) For now its on:** UPDATE ** Won't be until Monday now
Anybody here able to run a block explorer for Skeincoin?
It would be greatly appreciated as our current block explorers are down.
Hi, I am in the process of moving it to another server, IP will change too so I'll msg you new details if thats ok? Might down for a day though as I'm super busy in RL
When will Moneropool be fixed? I'm out and can't remote into the PCs to move them to another pool for several hours. I'm losing 8KH/s.
Ask the DDoS'ers I guess
Is there a miner for Mac?? Check out my mining GUI
I've just created a quick and simple OS X mining GUI (well, its more of a launcher actually...) that comes with precompiled static binaries of Wolf's CPU miner. CPU miner binaries tested on 10.8 and later, the GUI has only been tested on my 10.9.3 machine but I don't foresee any issues. Hopefully its useful to someone you wish to donate feel free to PM me for my XMR or BTC wallet address! Sheepman OP updated. Please notify us when you'll get a more permanent URL If this behaviour of outperforming during a btc downtrend persists I will have to consider rotation. Please explain "rotation". Holding more Monero than Bitcoins? the present trend is not representative, this is just speculation before going to Mintpal. Is there a GUI windows wallet for XMR? Check the OP Mine is a mining GUI only not a wallet, OP needs to be updated again.
I've just created a quick and simple OS X mining GUI (well, its more of a launcher actually...) that comes with precompiled static binaries of Wolf's CPU miner. CPU miner binaries tested on 10.8 and later, the GUI has only been tested on my 10.9.3 machine but I don't foresee any issues. Hopefully its useful to someone you wish to donate feel free to PM me for my XMR or BTC wallet address! Sheepman
Can't transfer anything from my wallet. Opening the wallet gives me this: Starting refresh... Refresh done, blocks received: 0 balance: 27878365.39291181, unlocked balance: 27878365.39291181 @devs: This looks like a problem with your datatypes. Please tell me you thought about this issue before increasing the block reward like crazy. Hahahahahaha
You better hope theres some buyers then