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I received 86 coins, thanks.
Yo soy más de BMW Nos vamos haciendo con ellas a precios muy asequibles, hay que darle duro a la PTC, para que puedan cumplirse nuestras expectativas con ellas a largo plazo. Buenas noches y estar atentos a los sucesivos dumps Lo q no me queda claro , si tu bmw , va a poder con el mercedes , ya lo veremos
totalmente cierto, las ven a este precio y el jefazo las está tirando prácticamente, porque deshacerse de 2.5mill y hace unos dias tb de un pico y a principios de semana de otros 3 mill de ptc, es que ya lo ve, en plan "con esto me pago la gasofa del mercedes para un par de viajes".
Supongo q seras eso q decis . pero porque seguis dandole el poder al de mercedes , tendreis q cortarselo , no ??
no more blind than he who will not see ,
8 hours Unconfirmed
Due to a known issue with digishield (which has been fixed on Digibyte, however, since NAUT will be proof of stake very soon, there's not much purpose in resolving it as it won't affect proof of stake). no te lo crees ni tu
no more blind than he who will not see ,
8 hours Unconfirmed
Pretty funny how everyone in here only reacts with mild disinterest when someone is trying to squeeze the market Everyone is discussing what he's trying to accomplish, whilst buying at the same time. If price suppression really was the intention it kind of backfired I wonder why the wall would still be there if it is though? It's obviously getting eaten fairly quickly. Edit: Lots of smaller sales have been pulled higher up in the orderbook though. He is buying in his own wall Maybe - but I got a piece of it and I know others in here did as well. If he's trying to cause panic it has not been successful. When I saw the wall I quickly put a buy order in on the lower end thinking it may crash the price for a little while and let me get some more for cheap. When it clearly didn't happen, then I took my bite of his wall and said, "thank you!" He is creating volume... Volume.... ?? BITTREX BTC VOL 0.24799735 BTC 24 h.
5000 kh/s , 1,15 coins ,12 hours , no thanks
I think that'll be the only mining
this is a faucet?
NO MORE MJ CoIN! Please donate.
Please donate to keep this faucet running:
Swiss Coin Exchange @swisscex We have a voting winner: #NewYorkCoin @NewYorkCoin
You need to open the wallet every 20 days to mint new coins.
update and close it? The wallet has to be open in order to mint new coins. It would be best to leave it open for a few hours, at the very least, and probably a day or two would be best - especially if you haven't had it open for any length of time since February. Also - the less coins you have, the longer it will take to successfully mint new coins. One more thing - your wallet needs to be unlocked as well. thank you so much by the information I have received from you grateful
You need to open the wallet every 20 days to mint new coins.
update and close it?
I mined coin 18k in February, just updated my wallet . I saw that we had entered into POS
It's normal, it has the same coins?.
Donation sent
Greetings from Spain
Resumen . Un blade 5.2MHs , 24 horas minanado en , en Scrypt coins :0.02436060 al cambio de hoy : 0.00548113 Btc. Mejor nos cambiamos de pool
Hello, is running right ?
Algunas monedas dan la posibilidad de minar en multipool y que te paguen en esa moneda, por ejemplo sync ( ) , en hashco .ws también hay varias: BC, C2 (NC2), CINNI, ECC, FAC, HBN, MINT, PMC, QRK, TOP, ZEIT. Son las que aparecen en sus Latest HashCows News and Updates, desconozco si haciendo login salen más Gracias por la info , acabo de empezar a minar , en , posteare en 24 horas lo q he conseguido. Y seguire leyendo a ver si hay forma de poder minar x11, porque las scrypt han bajado demasiado para hacer esto rentable. Un saludo
Tywors , los G-Blade son totalmente incompatibles con los algorritmos Scrypt-N y X-11 ?
y a traves de alguna multipool ?
Un saludo