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61  Local / Bine ai venit! / Re: Salutare de la un Stepn user! on: February 11, 2023, 12:29:29 PM
Bine ai venit !

Nu m-ai nimerit cu portofoliul ala  Cheesy
Nu am mare incredere in monedele astea walk/click/sweat to earn.

Daca merge sa faci o specula de la inceput foarte bine. Dar eu personal nu vad sa aibe vreo crestere pe termen lung. Sau vreo utilitate. Sau vreun scop. Sau sa rezolve vreo problema... intelegi tu ideea  Tongue

Cat despre Solana am o parere foarte proasta ca si produs finit. Mai rar blockchain care se blocheaza o data la cateva luni si efectiv are nevoie de force shutdown si restart.

Acum la BNB ar fi mai mult de vorbit. Un fork dubios de ETH... Singura parte bune este ca exchange-ul are o reputatie foarte mare (si cota de piata) si "oarecum" poti dormi linistit ca sunt sanse mici sa patesti ceva de genul FTX.

Pana la urma depinde ce cauti: specula sau libertate.
Spor la alergat  Grin
62  Other / New forum software / Re: Who is owning and why it is down? on: January 29, 2023, 07:19:17 PM
Seems both of them, .com and .org , belong to Slickage.

Must have registered both and started recently also using the .com one.

Might be a good sign  Grin
63  Local / Altcoins (Monede Alternative) / Re: Discutie despre PI network on: January 20, 2023, 09:51:34 PM
-Sunt foarte suparati ca cineva a vrut sa le listeze "moneda" pe niste platforme mai mult sau mai putin dubioase de traiding

Acuma parerea mea generala ramane ca este un SCAM.
Ce nu pot sa inteleg este de ce mai sunt oameni care cred ca se vor imbogatii din ceva de genul.

Nu a listat nimeni Pi pentru ca nu ar fi avut cum. Tokenii din Candy Crush sunt mai aproape de a fi cryptomonede decat asta.
De fapt au listat IOU ! Practic un "voucher" cu un echivalent 1 la 1 cu moneda respectiva si ofera utilizatorilor "ocazia" sa tranzactioneze acea moneda inainte ca ea sa existe  Cheesy (asta e scam-ul exchange-urilor)
Si cand se lanseaza moneda dai swap la vouchere sau pur si simplu se intampla automat. Iti dispar IOU si apare o cantitate de moneda in portofelul de pe exchange.
Asta e teoria cel putin...

Pentru ca nu poti lista ceva pe un exchange crypto care nu are legatura cu crypto. Si in proportie de 99,998% nici nu va avea.

Si referitor la intrebarea cu "de ce mai sunt oameni care cred?": inca mai sunt discipoli OneCoin pe pamantul asta, SCAM masiv care a pagubit multi oameni si a pus diverse persoane din interior pe lista FBI Most Wanted. Pe langa astia Pi... care a facut niste bani din reclame si a furat niste date personale e pistol cu apa. Tot SCAM. Tot TEAPA ! Tot pierdere de timp ! Tot motiv de cearta cu rudele care sunt sigure ca va fi noul bitcoin ! Dar daca tot au stat ca boii sa dea refresh intr-o aplicatie de pe telefon, macar cu speranta sa ramana.

Multa bafta si grija de cele 12 cuvinte
64  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: De ce oamenii ar trebui să utilizeze adrese SegWit on: January 15, 2023, 05:39:50 PM
Aici a fost greseala user-ului, nu a binance.

Eu cred ca oarecum impart vina. Nici Binance nu avea un check pe campul de adresa sa te anunte "ba nene, vezi ca nu trimitem pe adrese cu bc1p. scrie alta ! " sau ceva de genul, dar nici userul nu s-a interesat. Daca in loc de Binance era un DEX tot se pierdeau BTCii...

Neah, mergem pe legacy. Fuck the segwit. Multumim domnului Black ca a venit peste noapte cu a lui companie si a impus solutia salvatoare pentru btc spre propriul sau avantaj.

Una peste alta, segwit a facut mai rau ecosystemului decat bine

Vad ca este un trend sa mai apara cate unu care arunca cu noroi in segwit dintr-un motiv sau altul

Nu este nimic rau in a se mai adapta si updata codul. Da, s-a scindat comunitatea pro si contra block-uri mai mari si a aparut mizeria de BCH.
Dar pana la urma e imposibil sa fie toate lumea de acord. Pana la urma sunt implicatii financiare. Minerii, pool-urile de minat, exchange-uri si nu in ultimul utilizatorii au propria lor agenda. Nu se gandesc mereu la "binele comun" ci la propriul bine financiar.
Deci clar ca parerile sunt impartite din cauza asta

Acum cand vorbim de segwit, trebuie sa ne gandim mai mult la toate altcoins bazate pe codul bitcoin, ceea ce se ignora de regula. Litecoin spre exemplu este tot timpul prins in jocul politic cu oameni precum Luke sau Garzik care se cred zmei, pana la urma tot cu mizeria de bip91 am ramas, macar am incasat bani gratis lol.

Sunt de acord cu schimbarea, dar schimbarea cand apare doar pentru interesul unora, nu ar trebui sa ne convina.

BIP91 a fost propus, votat si activat pentru a incerca sa impiedice un split al retelei. Dar pana la urma orice fork, "tare sau moale", poate imparti comunitatea si are un oarecare risc de genul asta...

Domnul Black fiind cine, compania fiind care si solutia salvatoare constand in ce?!

Ce intrebari sunt astea ? Faci misto ? Cum adica cine este domnul Black si care e compania lui ?  Embarrassed

Poate omul rezoneaza cu parerea asta:

Litecoin spre exemplu este tot timpul prins in jocul politic cu oameni precum Luke sau Garzik care se cred zmei, pana la urma tot cu mizeria de bip91 am ramas, macar am incasat bani gratis lol.
Esti haotic... Sari de la un subiect la altul fara nicio noima...

Nu este foarte coerent explica ideile... dar nu sare de la un subiect la altul si daca nu au noima e vina ta, nu a lui Smiley
65  Local / Offtopic / Re: Offtopic - Romānă on: January 12, 2023, 09:46:33 PM
Traiasca si infloreasca ChatGPT bounty hunters! Grin

Hahaha ! Bine ca mi-ai spus ca am apucat si eu sa ma bucur de vorbele de duh ale poetului  Cheesy
Ce ChatGPT, zici ca sunt de la varianta alpha, dupa ce a analizat doar vreo 2-3 modele si alea din surse indoielnice.

M-a pacalit AI-ul asta Smiley)

Lasa ca dupa ce mai posteaza de vreo 30-40 de ori, in cazul in care nu ia ban, sa vezi ce incepe sa faca conexiuni si sa posteze numai capodopere Smiley)
66  Local / Offtopic / Re: Offtopic - Romānă on: January 12, 2023, 09:22:12 PM
Am cumparat  un modul ModMiner Ouad de la si astept sa imi vina si o placa Raspberry PI, in total cam 500 si ceva euroi...

Nu inteleg ce a vrut sa zica autorul !
Adica ai dat 500 EURO pentru o placa de minat din asta mica ? produsa acum 10 ani ? cu ~700 MH/s si 66W ? cu un profit aproximativ de $0.0016 pe luna in cazul in care au curentul gratis ?

si ai cumparat de pe un site care nu mai exista si este la vanzare ?

ori ai copiat postarea in 2013 si acum ai dat doar ctrl+v si ai postat-o sau .... nu inteleg.
67  Other / Meta / Re: Moderator Account may be compromised? on: January 02, 2023, 03:47:34 AM
Seems he was targeted with some malware ...
68  Economy / Collectibles / Re: [FREE RAFFLE - 5 Lots] ColdKey Buyer Funded Cards🎄🔑💳🎅 FREESHIPPING WORLDWIDE on: December 22, 2022, 07:58:06 PM
92 - Rizzrack

Thank for the awesome raffle !
69  Economy / Collectibles / Re: 🎅[FREE RAFFLE] XMAS Special: Bitcoin Pennys🎅 on: December 16, 2022, 10:11:26 PM
19 slots left ! Hurry up so it can arrive until XMAS  Cheesy
70  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: NEM (XEM) Official Thread - 100% New Code - Easy To Use APIs on: December 16, 2022, 09:53:04 PM
I still would like to see how the process is going to work...

This is not an automated digital system: please check your inbox !

I know for a fact they don't have anything better to do.

71  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Will Cristiano Ronaldo NFTs(CR7) be successful after its launch on Binance ? on: December 04, 2022, 08:05:56 PM
Of this list, the most interesting is  of course, the first item,since many fans would like to have the opportunity to chat a little, even online, with their idol.Everything else looks pretty simple and there is a possibility of buying the same T-shirt at auction.

I would assume the virtual meet & greet would be valid to the guy who minted the nft, or at lest once per each nft. In this case I don't see much resale value. And if you did not have the "zoom call" with cr7... how could you prove that?
72  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: De ce oamenii ar trebui să utilizeze adrese SegWit on: December 04, 2022, 02:39:08 PM
Singurul BTC real e Legacy Wallet .... care incepe cu 1.

Restul asta ziselor improvizatii de securitate si diminuare a fee urilor .... au vulnerabilitati, reducerea taxelor , da nastere unor exploituri de double spending !

Nu e ca spun eu.... Asa se va intampla!

Singurul BTC real , e BTC LEgacy wallet.... incepand cu 1.....

Au fost facute cateva concesii pentru variantele astea de scalabilitate, dar la nivel de smart contracts. In sensul ca la segwit a fost eliminata o parte din semnatura digitala (de aia e segregated witness) si s-a cam inchis, cel putin pentru moment, usa unor potentiale contracte inligente in reteaua BTC. Desi Taproot a mai crapat un pic acea usa...

Dar pana la vulnerabilitati si ce mai zici tu e cale lunga.

Am o senzatie ca esti fanboy CSW sau gresesc ?

As aprecia daca ai dezvolta putin subiectul, decat sa arunci niste afirmatii fara pic de explicatii.

O zi buna si tie Smiley
73  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Will Cristiano Ronaldo NFTs(CR7) be successful after its launch on Binance ? on: December 02, 2022, 11:02:02 PM
It's tailored made for CR7 fans.
For example a SSR (super super rare... I think) NFT like this one (only 7 will be minted) would give you the following:
(1) Virtual meet and greet with Ronaldo congratulating you on owning an SSR NFT.
(2) Signed NFT statue from Ronaldo.
(3) Signed Ronaldo Binance shirt.
(4) Automatic whitelist into all future CR7 drops.
(5) Free CR7 Mystery Box (from a future collection).
(6) Entry into giveaways to win Ronaldo and Binance merchandise.

How much should this cost in your opinion ?
74  Economy / Collectibles / Re: 🎅[FREE RAFFLE] XMAS Special: Bitcoin Pennys🎅 on: December 02, 2022, 09:42:53 AM
57 - Rizzrack

Thanks for the raffle dude  Grin
75  Economy / Collectibles / Re: [BEAR MARKET BLUES FREE RAFFLE] [MYBITS BARS] [BLOCK 764,000] on: November 20, 2022, 12:08:08 PM
So it seems the winners are :
gilt - Mauser (00000000000000000006f2fe502d3d4dd7c8479ee735ced4e24cbc91fd874a95)
gold - Frank AlpenCoin (000000000000000000048e7aaee04e6fd5d01b025e21fdb47f7ec8372e2cdeae)
silver - bitcoiner24h (000000000000000000043643962d789c078197d4bda2c6dc28c10a44637f4258)

Congrats to the winners and thanks again MrMojoRising26 for this awesome raffle !
76  Economy / Collectibles / Re: [BEAR MARKET BLUES FREE RAFFLE] [MYBITS BARS] on: November 17, 2022, 01:25:33 PM
89 Rizzrack

Awesome bars ! Thanks for the raffle and gl to everyone  Grin
77  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Security risks of BSV hardfork; Wright trying to add the same to Bitcoin on: November 15, 2022, 09:06:04 PM
According to CMC, with their hyperinflated exchange volumes, BSV has a daily volume of about $55 million with a $750 million market cap. Lower metrics than BCH, SHIBA, Filecoin, Apecoin or Axie Infinity.

I seriously doubt that exchanges made any bets on BSV and use it as collateral, investment or in any vital financial product or department.
If all of this is indeed true and they "upgraded" the code with some backdoors all it will do is lose more worshippers and get delisted from those few exchanges that stil tolerate them.

The fact that they expect such code to be implemented into BTC is bonkers. Could a judge obligate open source devs to change the code ?

Regarding the lawsuits, I propose we make a coin and do a ICO to raise funds for future lawsuits.
Call it CWLF ( craig wright lawsuit fund) and list it on some exchanges.
And everytime he loses and will be obligated to pay damages the money will be used to buy the coins off the exchanges so price goes up and investors get some ROI. Rinse and repeat. The way I see it he will not stop going to court and we might as well get something out of it. Of course with the ones being sued receiving the most percet of CWLF Coins.
78  Other / Meta / Re: Account hacked on: November 15, 2022, 10:38:52 AM
<wrong signed message>

Am I the only one who sees a space in the signature ? Between the Q and s highlighted below?

If you quote the post and see the BBCode there is no space but if you copy&paste it from the thread the space will be obvious.
Might be some weird Firefox bug or a BBCode parser error. idk...
Either way first message did not verify...

P.S. this is not really related to the topic. Just wanted to know  Tongue
79  Other / Meta / Re: Report Malware and Suspicious Links here so Mods can take Action ! on: November 11, 2022, 07:59:39 PM
Virus and Malware in the download link !

[ANN] RadiumX New PoW coin . No ICO. No Masternode

What makes you think this file contains a virus or malware? I checked the wallet file with VirusTotal and it found nothing. Have you checked this file yourself? I'm not touching on the other aspects of your post - newbies, just woke up, spam, etc.

I can confirm it has malware ! Remcos and keylogger to be more specific  Smiley
80  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: List of useful Bitcoin block explorers on: November 10, 2022, 10:16:19 AM
Small update:

The following explorers are showing Taproot addresses without any stats [not sure if you should change their "YES" in the Bech32m column...]:


bitquery shows info for taproot addresses:

The problem is that by default it displays info about the inputs and outputs in the last 7 days.
You would need to manually adjust the date range so it displays older info. It's in the top right of the page.

I like the fact that you can search between dates but find it very annoying that the default is 1 week
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