Hi dev, do you need Indonesian translation? I'd like to reserve it. Just pm me
In the Bios I had made the following settings: Settings > Advanced > PCI Subsystem Settings: PEG0 set to Gen1 PCI Latency Timer set to 96 PCI Bus Clocks Above G4... set to Enabled
Has anyone an idea why the performance is so bad?
Try to restore your motherboard BIOS settings to stock. And then set Gen2 on PCI Subsystem Settings, with PCI Latency Timer set to 32 PCI Bus Clocks. Use IGD for you Integrated Graphic Config instead of PEG. So connect you monitor directly to your motherboard. Try uninstalling your current nvidia driver with DDU and try to clean install newest driver or use driver version 384.xx. Hope it helps
So.. to sum it up, in order to keep the rig running all the time, after every restart and so on.. First, this is how my Cast XMR folder looks like, with Cast XMR, devcon and OverdriveNTool inside: https://s18.postimg.org/d456tnk7d/Capture.jpgBelow is the bat file content (Mine.bat, which calls itself when the timer expires). I start numbering the Vegas with r1 and p1 to work with OverdriveNTool because I use the Intel iGPU. If you don't use an iGPU they should be numbered starting from r0 and p0. cd devcon.exe disable "PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_687F" timeout /t 5 devcon.exe enable "PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_687F" timeout /t 5 OverdriveNTool.exe -r1 -r2 -r3 -r4 -r5 -r6 -p1Vega56 -p2Vega56 -p3Vega56 -p4Vega56 -p5Vega56 -p6Vega56 timeout /t 1 cd @echo off echo ------------------------------------------------------------------- echo Restarts the miner every 40 minutes //you can set it to your own liking echo ------------------------------------------------------------------- echo: set executable=cast_xmr-vega.exe set commandline= -G 0,1,2,3,4,5 -S xmr-eu1.nanopool.org:14444 -u YourWalletAddress.RigNameOfYourChoice %* set runforseconds=2400 set restartinseconds=2 set /a counter=0 timeout 2 :start start "cast_xmr-vega" %executable% %commandline% echo: echo The program is going to run for %runforseconds% seconds timeout %runforseconds% taskkill /f /im %executable% cd Mine.bat echo: echo Restarting the app in %restartinseconds% seconds (%counter%) timeout %restartinseconds% set /a counter+=1 echo: echo: goto start If you want your rig running ALL the time without you having to do anything even if you restart Windows or the computer powers off, you can call your own bat when Windows starts and you can automate the login process in Windows, following these steps: Step 1: Configure BIOS Settings to power on the computer automatically if for whatever reason power is lostBefore we even get to Windows, make sure your mining computer’s BIOS settings are in order. Power on your computer, and press the “delete” key a few times immediately after power on. You should end up in the BIOS configuration area. Do the following, then save & exit: Change power options so that the computer automatically turns itself on whenever power is restored. The reason for this is two-fold: first, it’ll make sure that your miner automatically starts up after a power outage. Second, it makes powering the computer on much easier if you don’t happen to have a power switch connected to the motherboard. Disable all components that you don’t plan to use. This might save a little bit of power, and since your miner will likely be running 24/7, it’ll add up. For me, that meant disabling onboard audio, the USB 3.0 ports, one of the SATA controllers, the Firewire port, and the serial port. If you’re running a lot of GPUs (4+), additional tweaks might be necessary to ensure that they’re all recognized by the OS. Exact tweaks vary by motherboard, but setting the PCIe speed to Gen1 is usually a good place to start. No need to change anything now, but make a mental note that you may need to come back and play around a bit if all of your GPUs don’t show up in the OS later. Step 2: Configure automatic loginIf you’re building a dedicated mining rig, then you probably want your mining rig to boot up and start mining automatically, without any user intervention. We’ll need to enable auto-login for that to be possible. Right-click on the Start Menu and select “Run”. Type “netplwiz” (without the quotes) at the prompt, and click “ok”. Uncheck the box that says “Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer”. Click “Apply”. You’ll be prompted to enter your password to confirm the change. Step 3: Configure your miner to start automaticallyWe want our rig to automatically start mining whenever it’s powered on or rebooted. That way, we keep mining losses to a minimum whenever a power outage occurs, and we don’t have to worry about manually starting it back up in other situations. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the folder where you created “mine.bat” in the previous step. Right-click on your mine.bat file, and pick “Copy”. Now, navigate to %AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup (should be something like C:\Users\[YOUR WINDOWS USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup). Right-click anywhere on the empty background of the Startup folder and select “Paste shortcut”. You should see a shortcut to your mine.bat file appear in the startup folder. Windows should automatically execute it upon bootup. Note: This simple methods don't deal with hash rate drops you can experience when switching the VGA output on your iGPU and so on, there is the JJ script for that, but I don't experience that. This mostly works for rigs running 24/7 at home or remotely via Chrome Remote Desktop. thank you for the tip. with this setting helps my vega rig run more stable without loss of hash rate. it helps also reduce the possibility of sudden freeze, that I think caused by HBM high temps/errors.
permisi suhu dan master di forum ini gw pengen built mining rig pake 1080ti kira2 pake brand dan type apa yg bagus? di tawarin sama seller pake MSI gtx 1080ti gaming x dan MSI gtx 1080ti gaming x trio fan gw butuh saran dari para suhu dimari buat milih apakah ad brand lain yg lebih manyus hashrate nya thanks buat master dan suhu yg balesin topic ini Maaf sebelumnya saya hanya memberi pendapat aja ini bisa benar ataupun salah. Menurut saya mau merk apapun 1080 Ti sama cuman beda brand sama garansi aja sih, kalo di lihat dari segi base core clock, boost core clock, cuda core sama semua. Saya pribadi memilih galax 1080 ti exoc, kenapa ? harga terjangkau di banding merk lain dan udah versi overclock jadi baseclock sedikit lebih tinggi. oh jadi rata2 brand itu ga bikin performa beda ya?hanya di garansi aja kalo vga yg ada embel2 oc berarti udah overclocked ya gan? Iya gan sebelum beli saya survey dulu yang saya lihat sih hanya beda garansi dan menang nama saja. Ya dari settingan pabriknya vga itu udah di oc jadi base clock sedikit lebih tinggi di banding yang non oc. bukan cuman menang nama gan, brand2 seperti msi, asus, dan gigabyte memang harganya lebih mahal, tapi garansi juga paling lama 3 tahun, dibanding merk2 lain. zotac btw garansi cm 1 tahun. garansi panjang + merk bagus = harga jual (resale value) nya lebih tinggi.
mksdnya cloud mining apa mining gunakan rig sendiri. kan tgl beli alat mining aja, byk tutorialnya koq
maaf saya newbee boleh minta saran situs atau website cloud mining yg bagus atau terbukti membayar. daripada cloud mining yang ternyata banyak scam alias penipuan, kl mau coba mining utk pemula tanpa harus beli alat bisa dicoba mining dengan cara rental di miningrigrental atau nicehash. siapin btc untuk pembayarannya, hasil mining masuk ke wallet sendiri.
permisi suhu dan master di forum ini gw pengen built mining rig pake 1080ti kira2 pake brand dan type apa yg bagus? di tawarin sama seller pake MSI gtx 1080ti gaming x dan MSI gtx 1080ti gaming x trio fan gw butuh saran dari para suhu dimari buat milih apakah ad brand lain yg lebih manyus hashrate nya thanks buat master dan suhu yg balesin topic ini saran ane : 1. Harga, pilih yang rasio harga-performa nya paling efisien. 1080 Ti berkisar 10,5 - 15 jutaan, cari harga yang paling murah dgn performa yang bagus. performa (hash rate) bisa diliat dari core dan memory clock nya. merk memorynya juga pengaruh untuk kemampuan overclocknya. saran ane kl bisa yg samsung, walopun micron pun gpp. trs single, dual atau triple fan. kl saran ane, minimal ambil yang udah dual fan, supaya suhu lebih stabil untuk overclocknya nanti. untuk perbandingan core dan memory clock bisa liat disini : https://videocardz.com/nvidia/geforce-1000/geforce-gtx-1080-ti2. Garansi. pilih yang garansinya panjang di atas 1 tahun kl ada. jadi untuk harga jualnya lagi masih terjaga. 3. MSI brand yang bagus kok. Distributornya juga ok, harga tapi agak tinggi. semoga membantu
inti dari maksud pelarangan bitcoin itu :
- pemerintah tidak mengakui bitcoin sebagai alat tukar yang sah di indonesia. artinya tidak boleh ada mata uang selain rupiah untuk berniaga. ini untuk melindungi perekonomian dalam negeri sendiri.
- transaksi yang bersifat investasi dalam bitcoin yang dilakukan oleh para investor belum / tidak akan mendapat jaminan apa2 dari pemerintah karena investasi bitcoin belum/tidak teregulasi dalam undang-undang, jadi ga bisa dapat misal jaminan simpanan spt kita menyimpan uang di bank atau jaminan dalam transaksi saham yang sudah teregulasi. dan juga karena pergerakan harganya yang sangat volatile. artinya segala untung ruginya pemerintah ga tanggung.
- namanya orang indonesia, kl denger ada investasi menarik kebiasaannya pada latah. ikut2an tanpa tau seluk beluknya. invest without knowledge. nah ini yang sering dimanfaatkan oleh pebisnis2 yang kotor. menawarkan investasi dengan return selangit, alhasil jadi lah lahan untuk bisnis penipuan. inilah salah satu yang membuat pemerintah melarang bentuk investasi dalam bitcoin, yaitu untuk melindungi warganya juga.
- buat kita2 yang udah paham dengan segala risk dan rewardnya, investasi baik trading ataupun mining dalam bitcoin dan altcoin pada akhirnya seperti trading2 di platform lain, contoh forex, options, dll.
kesimpulannya :
Do not make an investment without knowledge
hal kyk gini ini udah sering kejadian gan. untuk menghindarinya kita harus selalu teliti dan cermat dalam setiap bertransaksi atau memberikan address key kita.
pastikan website yang kita kunjungi bener2 website asli, cek lagi di halaman address bar browser kita, kl beda addressnya atau kl ada embel2 tambahan yang aneh dan ga lazim, segera tinggalkan gan, karena itu pasti phising yang akan mencuri data2 yang kita masukan.
terus dalam bertransaksi atau memberikan address wallet kita ke orang lain, JANGAN pernah kasih PRIVATE KEY, kasih lah PUBLIC KEY.
untuk agan yang udah pernah di hack, disarankan untuk bikin address baru aja, simpan baik2 bila perlu buat backup untuk data2 walletnya. jangan gunakan address yang sudah pernah di hack.
selalu teliti dan cermat
if you see the price pattern over the last 2 years, at this time of the year Bitcoin's price was always sky high, but after that there was always price correction coming. I think the BTC's price is still going to rise until new year and then starting the correction. So, if you are going to make a quick bucks it is still a good time to buy. But, if you are going to invest it for a long term, looking for more profits, it'd be wise to wait a little bit until we see the price correction, and then buy at the dip.
simply buy whenever there's dip like this, and hodl. I think you will not be disappointed later or maybe next year
Saya iingin mencoba peruntungan bitcoin dengan cara memining namun saya bingung berapa modal yang saya harus keluarkan untuk membeli atau membuat peralatan mining. Mohon pendapat master2 semua. Thanks
1. modal pertama yang agan perlukan itu adalah pengetahuan. pahami dulu sambil baca2 definisi mining itu apa, bagaimana prosesnya, caranya gmn, apa aja peralatannya, sarana dan prasarana penunjangnya apa aja, dan resikonya apa aja. 2. setelah ada gambaran jelas, baru anda tentukan sendiri berapa agan akan meresikokan uang anda untuk mining?karena mining ada sifat investasinya, saya sarankan untuk pemula JANGAN pakai uang kebutuhan sehari-hari agan untuk beli alat2 mining. 3. tidak perlu modal puluhan juta langsung di gelontorkan, yang penting agan kuasai/pahami dulu poin 1 sambil praktek. kebanyakan tanya2 dan baca2 tanpa praktek akan bikin agan sendiri bingung dan makin bingung dan makin bingung lagi. 4. praktek? ya langsung beli alatnya, misal agan udah punya pc dirumah ya tinggal beli 1 vga card aja dulu. belilah yang sesuai budget. belajarlah install dan setting vga itu untuk jadi miner. 5. pelajari apa itu wallet, bagaimana set up nya ke miner kita, jadi penghasilan miner masuk ke wallet pribadi kita. 6. hasil mining akan masuk ke wallet, setelah itu pelajari gmn caranya untuk jadikan rupiah ya? apa itu exchange? dimana aja? 7. nah setelah dpt usd/rupiah pertama agan, dan selanjutnya dan selanjutnya, baru deh kl mau mikirin ekspansi atau nambah miner. lagi2 hitung baik2, JANGAN nafsu, JANGAN pakai uang kebutuhan sehari hari agan. NB: VGA harga 2 jutaan jg udah bisa mining (walaupun hasilnya kecil), tapi balik lagi ke poin2 diatas. kl udah mahir silakan upgrade sebanyak2 nya
saya awalnya juga buta soal mining tapi memang seneng sama komputer dan hardware2nya dari dulu. jadi udah ga asing sama hardware2 untuk mining. untuk bisa memulai mining ini juga perlu pengetahuan teknik2 dasar merakit komputer. komponen2nya apa aja dan gimana installnya sampai bisa berfungsi.
Kl saya, pas mau memulai langsung beranikan beli 1 vga dulu untuk praktek, jadi ga cuma baca2 doang tanpa praktek. Ga rugi kok beli vga2 mining, kenapa?harga jualnya stabil. mau nyerah?tinggal jual aja lagi, balik deh modalnya. Dan jangan tergiur beli ASIC dulu, karena investasinya besar bgt dimuka untuk pemula. Baiknya kita paham dulu teorinya, sarana dan prasarana yg perlu disiapkan, resiko2nya dari mining, dll. jangan sampe nyesel udah beli mahal2 ternyata kita ga bisa terima segala resikonya, hanya karena dijanji2kan profit tinggi aja.
Yang tadinya biasanya kl beli pc minta dirakitin tokonya, nah sekarang saatnya bongkar sendiri casing pc nya tancepin vga dan install drivernya sendiri. nah baru deh sambil googling tutorial atau nonton di utube, sambil praktek. Belajar dan praktekin langsung sampe dapet tuh share pertama kita.
Tips : 1. untuk pemula yang mau mining pake vga, ga usah mikir repot2 gimana cara modding bios, setting overclock, dsb. jalan aja stock alias settingan pabrik. sambil banyak2 baca lagi. kl memang terlalu bikin pusing stop aja, toh dgn settingan pabrik kita ttp bisa dpt share/hasilnya.
2. jangan kebanyakan baca2 minta2 ajarin orang, usaha dulu beli alat miningnya (vga atau asic) langsung mulai praktek sambil belajar. dijamin lebih cepet paham daripada udah nanya2 install vga atau setting internet aja ga bisa.
with a little effort for research, you will find that actually any AMD or Nvidia cards now are making good profits and quick ROI. If you specifically just want to mine cryptonight, there are alternatives in polaris based cards, e.g 470, 480, 570, 580. with tweaks here and there you can actually reach a quite high hashrate because AMD cards are good in cryptonight. For just under $300 each you can buy 2 580's and have almost the same hashrate as Vega 64. For a cheaper price, since distributors tend to raise the Vega price along with high demand.
Someone has the price from Baikal already? Asicminermarket is shit 5000$.
Asicminer is a joke. Yet when the units arrived at them, they'll start mining with them and tell their customers there's some delay. Better wait the official price from Baikal and buy directly from them. Hopefully it's going to be on our hand way before obelisk hit the street.
Hi, you can PM me about all of the things you need and how much you are willing to pay. I can provide you GPUs, MBs, PSUs and any others from almost any brands and ship them to you.
ane sering transaksi di triv gan, selama ini belum pernah ada kendala. Status dana kita juga uptodate selalu, customer service lewat chatting selalu dibales, yang lewat email juga selalu dibales. mudah2an kedepannya bukan cm btc dan eth aja, ltc, dash, bch ok tuh, jadi ga terpaku harus exchange di vip.
Nah, are you that desperate mate?
I applied the airdrop and got approved yesterday. It is exciting moment and I spent 2 days find the main thread on the forum. Am I need post 10 posts here and get qualified to earn the onion? Also I don't know when I could arrive the 100 balance on onion coin. Welcome to the community, mate. You can start posting not just in this thread only, but everywhere in this forum and the DeepOnion's own forum. Make a good quality posts, not just spamming around. For your first 100 onion, you can exchange your other crypto into onion. The exchange is available on cryptopia.
For beginners I would suggest to go with Nvidia cards. Just play a bit with the OC settings and you're good to go.
1070 would be a very good choice, if you cannot afford 1080 Ti.
Did you try it on another miner e.g Claymore or XMR-STAK? Try to uninstall the driver using DDU in safe mode, and then re-install the driver, preferably the blockchain driver.
After restart open device manager and disable then re-enable it again to activate HBCC.
Try other miners first and don't overclock it yet. See what happen.