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61  Other / Politics & Society / Re: How to Sustain a new year resolution on: January 25, 2023, 08:57:18 AM
The best way to sustain a new year resolution is to write it where you can see it each day especially in the morning,  so you can have that consciousness as you walk into the rest of each day until that resolution becomes a belief system or a culture

Remind yourself of your resolution each day by saying it out loud
62  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Dealing with low self-esteem on: January 25, 2023, 08:46:36 AM
Few of the ways we can deal with low self esteem are

1.Is to equip Oneself With the right and useful information and skills,
The Holy Bible did advice that we study to show ourselves approved, that a workman that needs not to be ashamed will rightly dividing the word of truth,

  the first step is to get the right information and skills and equip ourselves with a lot of it

2.Second step Is to learn how to express ourselves with few words and a display of bold and friendly charisma by mimicking the people that we fancy their pattern of speech delivery,  it will help in shaping us to find our own pattern

3. Thirdly is to place value on oneself by setting out personal goals and achieving them ,

Succeeding in life in different fields helps to get rid of our low self-esteem because success will put you on the spotlight and you will become a beacon that people will look up to and that will increase your value in the society.

These will help to reduce your low self esteem.  Thanks
63  Other / Off-topic / Re: COVID-19 has changed the world dramatically. on: January 25, 2023, 08:23:15 AM
Indeed covid19 has changed the world drastically ranging from sports,  economy , health sector and so on,
It has opened our minds that if not health issues, any other thing can rise and shut down the whole world,

It has further Illuminate us that there are powers that be, that intend to control the population and checkmate the excesses of the human race
64  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Religion in our society on: January 25, 2023, 08:15:05 AM
Religion has help in civilization and taming of humans who are wild in nature,
But those who have misinterpreted religion are the cause of the ugly face of religion  ,

Religion like every other thing in this world has its good sides and it's bad sides depending on which side you stand in viewing it

It is said that the more the religious centers in a place or dwelling ,the more the sin committed in that area , and that's because evil forces are always around to challenge good will,

There is a saying that states that,  wherever God build His church , the devil also build his shrine nearby.
65  Other / Serious discussion / Re: Why do people forget their passwords? on: January 15, 2023, 04:08:46 PM
People forgets their password because they use multiple passwords for their  logins in different  platforms , perhaps it's due to security reasons

 but if they have one password for all their logins it won't be so easy to forget such password except in the case of amnesia which is a health condition for memory loss which may occur naturally in old age or in the event of an accident that affects the side of the  brain that is responsible for memories.
66  Other / Serious discussion / Re: How much money is enough money? on: January 15, 2023, 03:58:14 PM
Every new level has got a new devil
And more money comes more problems

There is no money that is ever enough

It is said that the day you stop working is the day you start dying  ,

The best one can do is to train his or her self to be contented with what life offers and make judicious use of it to achieve simple goals,

But so far as you've got an ambition to go further in life, no money is will ever be enough  because the real difficulty is not getting to the top but rather the real difficulty is staying on top. Thanks 
67  Other / Serious discussion / Re: Marriage: Character or Beauty? on: January 15, 2023, 03:43:41 PM
It all depends on the needs of a man when going into marriage  because non of these qualities are less important ,

So  if a man feels that beauty will bring him joy and peace of mind in his home,  I will advise that he choose it and same goes for character  ,
 but as for me I will go for something that wont  fade with time

 , it could be beauty, it could be character, it could be something else,  I'd sure will know when I'm ready for marriage.  Thanks
68  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Do you believe racism has come to stay!! ? on: January 12, 2023, 03:29:14 PM
I believe that there is only one race and that is human race ,

And as to Why racism is still surviving in this time and age is because  Of  behavioral patterns being transfer by show of modelling the culture of racism from the people who lived during the time when racism was legal to the young ones who weren't in existence at the time when racism was legal but got to practice racism not just because they were told that they have superior skin tone but because the ones before them either consciously or unconsciously had showed them how to go about the behavior of their ancestors to other races ,

Remember a child can forget forget what was told to him or her but can hardly forget what was demonstrated to him or her.

Racism is a cultural ideology practice by white supremacist,
although cultural ideologies can be reduced but can be wiped out so long as the people who once practice such are still in existence  , such ideology is likely to be transferred to the next generation.

So racism is here to stay
69  Other / Politics & Society / Re: I feel guilty. on: January 12, 2023, 02:49:44 PM
It is natural  to feel guilty it shows that you're still human,

The errors we make growing up is part of who we are,  we shouldn't live in regrets because every bad or good story has got lessons to be learnt,

What is more important now is the way forward,  wallowing in regrets won't change anything,  just as you've decided to act on the positive by wanting to  rehabilitate your friend is a right move but don't just stop there,
 share your story of this incident , it will help save lives for those who have the intentions of sharing habits or informations that might affect  people's lives perhaps  forever ,

Everything happens for a reason  , it is what we make out of it that counts  ,

It was necessary for Judah Iscariot to betray Jesus Christ for the prophesy to be fulfilled  , if he hadn't done it,  the prophecy wouldn't had been fulfilled  , but him committing suicide wasn't part of it,  so it is what you make out of what you think is your errors that matters ,

In life just remember that it is necessary to make errors sometimes
70  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Crisis wars and bad situations why they Are good ? on: January 11, 2023, 08:19:20 AM
Crisis is bad but the bitter gain about it is that,  it helps  to reduce over population

It sure promise to eliminate the weak or not too creative people because when crisis comes,  only the brave,  the strong  , the wise or creative ones and as well as the favoured ones will survive .
71  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do people withdraw their generosity during crisis? on: January 11, 2023, 08:08:06 AM
The mindset of most people or Countries who withdrew their aids from people or Countries they should have help is because they didn't see the possibility of profiting from the situation,
For instance  , Politicians tends to help the masses during election season just to gain the sympathy of the public so during election proper the electorate will consider voting them

Most celebrities and wealthy individuals help the poor because it will make them more popular by putting them in the limelight for the right reasons and gaining more relevance in the society

Some rich countries help poorer countries because of what they stand to gain especially when the poor country is endowed with natural resources,

The Rwanda genocide would have been prevented if Rwanda had natural resources then,  the West refused to step in because there was nothing to gain from the massacre.

The bottom line remains that most people  give help because of what they stand to gain  whether you're succeeding in life or  not, nobody likes investing in an unprofitable venture
72  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why does celebrity marriage frequently end in divorce?  on: January 11, 2023, 07:30:30 AM
From my point of view  ,I will say that most celebrity marriages are founded on the basis of getting more relevance in the eyes of the public  , it is more like a collaboration or a contract to enhance or grow one's reputation or popularity ,

The ecstasy or euphoria of the union would be there in the early stages of the marriage but in most cases will fade as time goes by because the marriage wasn't formed on core marriage values,
Marriage is beyond feelings or agreement  , marriage is seeing your spouse as an extension of yourself , and for that reason you'll do everything to grow and better the union which will benefits the pair of you

Celebrity marriages fail because the home was not separated from the industry   
73  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What makes Countries More Powerful Than Others on: January 11, 2023, 07:11:17 AM
According to societal analogy The Military Might of a country is the first thing to consider when comparing how powerful a country is to others. The level of a country's military intelligence  ,hardwares ,tactical operations,  records of successful battles won ,involvements in peace keeping in other countries and being an ally to smaller countries who seek military help to combat external and internal aggressions etc are part of the qualities used to identify a powerful country

More so , as power have different types,  the second criteria used to qualify a powerful country is its Economic Status , which involves   ,the high standard of living of the citizens of a country , the sufficiency of food supply of a country , the availability of jobs and social amenities ,the presence of industries and production companies etc

Another criteria would be The Political Stability of a country,  the favourable laws that encourages the freedom of Human Rights and laws that encourages economic policies  etc  ,shows how powerful a country is
74  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is marriage a kind of punishment? on: January 09, 2023, 10:51:42 AM
When people get it wrong in marriage  ,it may seem like a punishment especially to the weaker spouse  ,

marriage is a beautiful, pleasurable, promising and profitable partnership  ,

It is very important that people should marry  people that they love,  that they can tolerate, that can assist them to meet up in their shortcomings in finances, social life, qualifications , sexual activeness,  religious beliefs and so on.

And again,  it is good to  marry someone you're compatible with and have an understanding together because marriage will not always be rosy,  there will be up and down moments but understanding ,tolerance and good virtues will get you through when tough times surfaces
75  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What are the unwritten rules of healthy life? on: January 09, 2023, 10:32:11 AM
one of the ways of living healthy in life is to never live a life that depends on borrowing  , be contented with the little you have,  watch and make it grow and also make it a culture to live within your means. Thank you
76  Economy / Economics / Re: Rich Mindset vs Poor Mindset : 6 key differences on: January 09, 2023, 10:21:06 AM
🗝️ Rich people spend on necessities and what is needed not what is desired. A rich person with a perfectly functioning phone would not need to spend money on a new one. A truly rich person does not care about trends, they care about net worth. Poor people spend on both necessities and desires. A poor person spends beyond their means. They care about the latest trends, not about net worth. 🗝️🗝️

This statement is not all that true, in recent times I got to witness that the unnecessary spenders are rich people,  they buy things they won't make use of just for pride sake and for the fun of it where as poor people don't have that much to play with because most of them live on survival and so they spend only on things that are needed and necessary most at times .

Some rich people are just fortunate, it's not like all rich people live on a workable or proven principle  ,
77  Economy / Economics / Re: What is your biggest obstacle to achieving financial freedom ? on: January 09, 2023, 10:06:25 AM
I find it very hard to manage funds , especially as I still reside with family  , and I have a generousity problem  , I can't see someone in lack and withhold my last dime even if it might be my capital  ,I don't mind giving it out to solve that problem  , I think when I eventually start staying alone,  I will seat up.
78  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Education seems to have failed in some developing country on: January 07, 2023, 10:12:18 AM
Education hasn't  failed,  perhaps formal education has, and the mindset of people in some developing countries have over prioritise formal education  while downdgrading informal education like craft and art  ,
Informal education are mostly responsible for the vast development of some western countries  ,

Governments in developing countries should give relevance to informal education like the acquiring of useful skills  ,

Brains birth good ideas but it takes skill to bring it to reality
79  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Election in Nigeria,a do or die affair. on: January 07, 2023, 09:59:54 AM
If the salaries of political office holders in Nigeria are not too enormous then election wouldn't be a do or die affair.
80  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Power Or Money ? on: January 07, 2023, 09:54:03 AM
Power is good but it is restricted by geographical location where as money has no boundary , with money you can be powerful in any geographic location but I can't say same with power,  so I choose money
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