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61  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: it is Core, not Bitman blocking segwit on: April 09, 2017, 11:12:57 AM
The fact was that agreement
was not bound to Maxwell nor to any other Core dev other than to who signed that
document. All signatory developers were not granted any authority to make future
development decisions by the Core dev group.

Then wtf was the point of the meeting? Just a few dev hanging around stroking each other's dicks?

There was a huge blocksize debate at the time, pressure was on Core to increase the blocksize limit, Blockstream/Core fucked everyone over by pretending to support 2MB block increase.
If nothing was agreed upon, then there would have been another meeting for the blocksize issue, but nope, Blockstream/Core played everyone, now nobody trust anything they say.

It seems to me that the miners were attempting to pull a fast one. They were trying
to get a handful of people to decide the future of the Bitcoin Network. During that
meeting, all invited parties told the miners they had no actual authority and the
miners got mad because they are ignorant as to how the Bitcoin development
community actually works. They thought they could dictate the future.

Now you're just shilling for Blockstream/Core.
The fact is the exact opposite. Blockstream/Core is still fucking everyone over by keeping blocksize at 1MB.

SegWit gets merged by Core without a word (and still have less support than BU).
Blocksize increase pull request instantly get closed by Blockstream co-founder on Github.

Why begin accusing me of being a paid troll or shill? The fact is you are the noob
who copies and pastes from other forums and websites and literally checks off
talking points as you go. Half the time your points have nothing to do with our
original conversation. Normal people do not resort to calling people shills or trolls.
But you do that to hide the fact that you likely are one.  Like I said in my original
post to Jonald, you are just here to “perpetuate the obfuscations”. But, if you are
not a paid shill or troll then you are prone to paranoid delusions.

That's the problem with you trolls, you spending too much time on personal attacks and too little on facts.

I just don't like watching people going around making idiotic statements with zero proof then act like they are some kind of know-it-all authority on the future. If you have a theory, post it as a theory, don't state it as a matter of fact, then go for bullshit gymnastics and personal attacks when someone ask you for proof.

I disagree with your analysis and conclusion.
In fact, it seems to have a major flaw.

According to my simple research chjj changed Ext Blocks code 1 hour and
21 minutes before Jihan commented that he loved Ext blocks. So, if that is true,
 that means Jihan likely got chjj to change the code and not Blockstream or

So, you wrote a lot, and that is nice, but your time stamps do not match the
proper time line. If your conspiracy was to be correct then chjj should have
changed AFTER Jihan’s twitter posting, not BEFORE as he did.

This would also explain tany other issues and contradictions on the GitHub in
a reasonable way. In this case, chjj issued pull after Maxwell’s email to the
Core Devs could be seen as a “cover my ass” pull request. Either way, Jihan
twitter commented after the chjj change was made.

So as a non-technical person who hasn't gone deep into the details yet,
I think you are overall wrong due to timeline error.

I think I have shown simply that Jihan tweeted his love for Ext Block after chjj
change its code. Your facts were not complete and you jumped to conclusions.

If you play with timezones I am sure you can pull out different numbers.

But that is just more of the same nitpicking on trivial bullshit.

At the end of the day you just don't know what the exact time was when Jihan learned about Extension Block, and the exact time when he decided to support it, it could have been hours it could have been days.

The history of Extension Block is here:

The first commit of Extension Block was on Mar 23, 2017, it was a small commit, just a few lines, and it reads:
"This repository contains the specification for extension blocks with a BIP141 ruleset"

This proves Extension Block is base on BIP-141 right from the get go, so it was immune to ASICBoost right from the start, not hours or minutes ago.

I actually asked Christopher wtf was he doing on that botched edit, he said the edit was strictly within the context of the new stuff in extension block only, not the regular stuff, and he said he removed that line because it was redundant and overall the edit changed nothing.

Christopher wasn't aware of ASICBoost until Greg's proposal, he simply didn't know how it works, so he didn't know BIP-141 already implied ASICBoost immunity. His knee jerk reactionary edit later changed nothing, Extension Block was already immune to ASICBoost right from the start.

And it didn't matter what Chris knew, Jihan would know what BIP-141 means for ASICBoost.

This ASICBoost distraction is just a total bullshit, regardless of what Jihan did, if the code allow this shortcut, then any miners can build their own ASIC to use that shortcut, Jihan's patent only forbids others from selling it in China, not forbidding miners from building their own, so fix the damn code instead of blaming other people.

The blocksize increase is not the true issue since Jihan doesn’t even really care
about that either. He cares more about the potential loss of profits if ASICBoost
is restricted from the network. He basically said so in the Bitmain published
statement. He only cares about his patents while drapes himself in how he
doesn't want to harm the Bitcoin community, yet that is what he has been doing.

People who think that Jihan is a true believer of the blocksize increase is naïve
at best and a paid shill at worst. You have been used by a Chinese businessman
who thought he would use the blocksize issue as a pawn, including its adherents.
The very people Satoshi created the Bitcoin system to control, you are advocating
we should trust. The only thing you should trust is that they will try to find the
next block over their competitor.

The blocksize increase is the true issue, it has been for over a year, because it affects everyone's bottom line. It is ignorant for you to use tunnel vision and pin everything on ASICBoost when Jihan will also profit from a blocksize increase, there are many things in play here.

It doesn't matter who Jihan is, I expect him to do everything he can for his business, and right now he's speaking the truth and he's openly opposing BlockStream, and his words make sense, that's good enough for me.

That's what I don't like about you trolls, the blocksize limit is fucking up the network right now, it's already happening, and instead just acknowledging it, you idiots circle jerk around the issue then keep pointing fingers at someone else. Blockstream/Core is clearly the culprit here.

You twisted my words. So you are either not reading properly or doing it
intentionally. You are stating there is no evidence. Have you already looked into
this subject? Maybe you should publish your report on your findings, since you
claim there are no patterns or anything of any interest. I’m sure that would be
an interesting read, as much as your prior analysis ont chjj and the ext block
github was, Lol. You cited a "fact" that was based on only 3 months of data,
when the technology in question is over 2 years old.

You lack of imagination is remarkable.

You said Jihan have already used ASICBoost in production.
I asked you for proof.
You went for personal attack.
I out trolled you back.
Now you want a report?
What are you even on about?

You made the accusation.
I haven't seen any evidence.
So I asked you for them.
You talked shit.
So I dug a little, I found data that went against your claim.
So I showed that data to you, and asked you for evidence for your accusations again.
You tried to act like a smart ass, knowing full well you had nothing.
And instead of just man up and admit that.
You started 'lol'ing at the data I found.

It's like you have no idea how stupid you actually look.
And the funny part is you actually think people can't see through this shit.
Like at this point any of your insults actually do anything.

What's with the smartass teenager act anyway? Obviously you're not a teenager, who the fuck is going to respect some loud mouth finger pointing dumb fuck who can only ever talk shit.
62  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: prediction: this will be the next thing Core attacks on: April 09, 2017, 10:01:56 AM
extension blocks are still 'iffy' and not a simple solution.
it ends up requiring segwit and still using backdoors to implement it (going soft using the anyoncanspend method for segwit has been admitted as a backdoor)

it also increases the TIER network strategy rather than a peer node network. and opens up more back doors.

having to 'opt-in'  much like 'opting-in to use segwit keys does not 100% fix the promises that all these DCG partner bips keep promising to fix.

so although i like it because its another diverse node away from blockstream(core) domination. the gesture of fixing things is not a real fix.

it ends up leading to as i said more of a tier network.
differing UTXO sets.
different levels of validation nodes
some tx's seen by some nodes but not others..
it just makes a peer network ugly and non consensus and no longer existant...
which is the ultimate betrayal of the bitcoin ethos. because although is then more 'diverse' its a tier network so less decentralised.
plus it relies on back door implementations.

what needs to be done is an actual fix that even people with funds from the last 8 years can use without having to bait themselves into something that separates them from other nodes.(meaning a solution where all nodes see the same thing)

the real fix is to use real nodes consensus and just upgrade the network properly

Yeah Extension Block being based on SegWit doesn't sit well with me either. Who knows if it's just some kind of good cop bad cop routine.

But the Bitcoin well has been poisoned by BlockStream/Core so badly, anything that can immediately get the blockchain out of their death grip is a plus, hopefully after the great escape, there will be big diversity on implementations, then someone come up with a truly great and open solution from scratch.
63  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Fuck: SegWit, LN, Blockstream, Core, Adam Back, and GMazwell on: April 09, 2017, 05:51:16 AM
This whole ASICBoost bullshit is yet another distraction from Blockstream/Core keeping the blocksize at 1M and screwing everyone else over.

ASICBoost was out of the bag ages ago, patents don't stop any nameless mining farm from building their own ASICBoost rigs. If Core don't like ASICBoost, they should just fix the damn code instead of crying about it every year.

The ASICBoost write paper used way too much tech jargon, and when it comes to implementations all you get is "We will not discuss the optimal solution in this paper, but further information can be provided by the author on request."

So a year later half the devs still don't know how it works, if the devs can't even figure it out, it'll be even worse for users, so you end up with all these trolls trying to get away with making the most ridiculous statements, creating new enemy-of-the-week trying to distract people from Blockstream/Core's own fuck ups.

ASICBoost is:
1. A programming short cut of using 3 sha256 operations instead of 4 when mining a block hash.

2. It is possible because sha256 processes data in 64 bytes chunks, but the header is 80 bytes long.

3. So the block header is split into 2 chunks when sha256 computes its hash.

4. The merkle root inside the block header, spans over the position that sha256 split the chunks.

5. The merkle root is 32 bytes, 28 bytes of it (head) ended up in the first chunk, 4 bytes of it (tail) ended up in the 2nd chunk.

6. The second chunk has 16 bytes of data and 48 bytes of padding.

7. Of the 16 bytes of the data in the second chunk, 4bytes is the merkle root tail, the other 12 bytes are  time/difficulty/nonce, all known values by the miner.

8. That means if a miner can generate a bunch of hash with the same last 4 bytes, then the entire 2nd chunk, all 16+48 bytes of it becomes a fixed known value.

9. A fixed value means it can be reused, this allows miners to simplify the sha256 mining loop, so that it only uses 3 sha256 operations instead of 4 and increase efficiency.

10. The more 'hash with the same last 4 bytes' a miner can generate, the more times they can use the short cut, the more performance gain, this process is called 'finding partial hash collision'.

11. To generate these partial hash collisions, miners have to keep changing the data on the block then get a new hash at high speed, but different ways have different costs, only a few of them is worth while.

12. One of the fastest way to find hash collisions is to keep changing the extranonce in the coinbase, at the same time keep reordering tx in the block. This modifies both side of the merkle tree parallelly and allow further math shortcuts to take place.

13. Changing the coinbase and reordering tx is computationally costly, it is only worthwhile if you can do both at the same time without affecting each other.

14. In regular Bitcoin, modifying tx changes the right side of the merkle tree, and modifying the coinbase changes the left side of the merkle tree, the coinbase on the left doesn't care what happens to the tx on the right, and vice versa. There are no double overhead modifying data on any side, so in the end you can gain a 20% advantage with ASICBoost.

15. But if the coinbase merkle root includes the hash of all the tx, then ASICBoost is no longer worth the effort, in fact it'd make mining slower, because now every time you reorder the tx, the coinbase also changes, and you have to use an extra 10 or so operations to update the left side of the merkle tree. That 20% advantage is gone.

16. This is what happens in BIP-141 SegWit, the coinbase has a new merkle root call the 'witness root hash', that includes all regular and side tx. This makes the reordering tx also updates the coinbase, miners have to run extra operations for each reordering, this double overhead makes it too costly to use ASICBoost.

17. Extension Block is base on BIP-141, they have the same commitment structure, so Extension Block is immune to ASICBoost.

18. If anyone is using ASICBoost, the 'overt' method involves modifying block header data directly, so you'll see strange version numbers and other weird data, the 'covert' method involves reordering of tx, or empty blocks, these are also obvious.

19. If there is a new way to use ASICBoost without obvious side effects, then it's just another valid optimization on generating hash, optimization happens all the time.

20. The excuse of ASICBoost patent may lead to centralization is also silly, there are so many patent involved with mining already, from chip to connectors to cooling, everywhere you look there is a patent. Mining is so competitive, every year there are a bunch of new optimizations with a new bunch of patents. The biggest problem with ASICBoost is once it's used, it'll leave obvious patterns in the blockchain, the anomalies will be spotted very quickly.

64  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: AsicBoost Probably the reason Segwit is being blocked. on: April 09, 2017, 05:30:01 AM
coindesk is a well known Blockstream mouthpiece.

65  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: it is Core, not Bitman blocking segwit on: April 09, 2017, 05:24:35 AM
Ext Blocks only recently patched it to prevent ASICBoost use, and since then, Jihan will
no longer support that Ext Block proposal.

  Very interesting...  do you have a source?

He does, it's a sphere, it's made of glass, it's on the floor of his toilet and it has wet brown stains on it.

not sure i get the joke.

But seriously, AgentofCoin...regardless of the fact that this is a distraction from the scaling debate,
you made an interesting/important claim here about I would like to know where you
got that from.  Surely, you didn't just make this up?

He can't answer you, AgentofCoin likes to use his secret crystal ball instead of facts.
66  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: it is Core, not Bitman blocking segwit on: April 08, 2017, 10:04:03 PM
Ext Blocks only recently patched it to prevent ASICBoost use, and since then, Jihan will
no longer support that Ext Block proposal.

  Very interesting...  do you have a source?

He does, it's a sphere, it's made of glass, it's on the floor of his toilet and it has wet brown stains on it.
67  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: it is Core, not Bitman blocking segwit on: April 08, 2017, 10:01:05 PM
First off, the fact that Jihan signed the HK Agreement doesn't mean anything of any value in relation to this current ASICBoost issue.

Not when someone with tunnel vision keep accusing Jihan of stop supporting SegWit once he realized he can't use ASICBoost on it.

The SegWit agreement was already derailed by Greg's 'dipshits' comment right after the agreement was signed, it was later furter derailed by Greg+gang changing the story to 'SegWit was the blocksize increase'.

The key here is Jihan was not the only miner who was pissed at Blockstream/Core and switched to BU. Pinning the entire mass exodus from Core on ASICBoost is just another distraction from the real issue: The 1M blocksize limit.

Second, Maxwell never signed the HK agreement, so he could not have broken the agreement that he was not a party to. So, part of your "fact #1" is not actually factual.

Irrelevant word play, when you resort to nitpick on a micro level, you should know the HK Agreement wasn't even a legally binding contract, but an acknowledgement of consensus between miners and Blockstream/Core.

Adam Back represented Blockstream when he signed the HK Agreement (he used a bait and switch at the last minute, but f2pool corrected him afterwards), Greg was part of Blockstream and Core, so everyone in Blockstream is in the same party that signed the agreement.

Greg actively and vocally went against the HK agreement right after it was signed, Greg's bullshit continued to this day. Greg wasn't the only one from Blockstream/Core working against the agreement, but he was the most vocal, that's why he's now called "One Meg Greg", miners switched to BU once it was clear that Blockstream/Core wasn't going to keep their promises and offer 2MB non witness blocks as promised.

This Blockstream circus has been going on for over a year, you have to be intentionally dishonest or grossly uninformed to claim Greg didn't break the HK Agreement.

You stated that your "Fact #2" was that Ext Blocks also blocked covert ASICBoost and
Jihan supports that, so you imply Jihan's innocence, since he would never accept the
Ext Block proposal if it also hurt the purported covert ASICBoost advantage and patents.
This is not a correct record of the events.

Ext Blocks only recently patched it to prevent ASICBoost use

I knew you'd fall for it. Ext Block had always been immune to ASICBoost, simply because its design is base on BIP-141 (SegWit), which hash all regular and side tx into the coinbase merkle root.

And now I know you really are a paid troll, only a paid troll would act stupid all the time then suddenly become smart enough to pick up on small details and try go for a kill. But you were lazy and didn't check commit history, so you didn't notice it was just a bait.

The funny thing is this time I'll use Greg's ASICBoost inhibiting proposal and BIP-141(SegWit) to prove you wrong, using one shill against another just for kicks.

Take a look at Greg's ASICBoost inhibiting proposal on 5 Apr 2017:
BIP proposal: Inhibiting a covert attack on the Bitcoin POW function

It is this final optimization which this proposal blocks.

==New consensus rule==
Beginning block X and until block Y the coinbase transaction of
each block MUST either contain a BIP-141 segwit commitment
or a
correct WTXID commitment with ID 0xaa21a9ef.

(See BIP-141 "Commitment structure" for details)

Notice the bold part, the key here is "BIP-141 commitment structure".

What this means is that if your proposal uses BIP-141(SegWit)'s commitment structure, then it is immune to ASICBoost. (BIP-141 is what Extension Block is base on, that's why Extension Block is immune to ASICBoost)

As to what the 'commitment structure' is, it is described in the spec of BIP-141 (haven't changed since 2016):

Extensible commitment structure

The new commitment in coinbase transaction is a hash of the witness root hash

Commitment structure
A new block rule is added which requires a commitment to the wtxid. The wtxid of coinbase transaction is assumed to be 0x0000....0000.

A witness root hash is calculated with all those wtxid as leaves, in a way similar to the hashMerkleRoot in the block header.

Transaction ID
A new wtxid is defined: the double SHA256 of the new serialization with witness data

A non-witness program (defined hereinafter) txin MUST be associated with an empty witness field, represented by a 0x00. If all txins are not witness program, a transaction's wtxid is equal to its txid.

So, in BIP-141, you have a new commitment hash (a new markel root) in the coinbase called the 'witness root hash', this hash is base on all the 'wtxid' in the block, 'wtxid' is all the tx in the block, including both witness and non-witness tx.

That means, in plain english, in BIP-141 (aka SegWit, which Extension Block is also base on), every time you reorder/add/remove/replace a transaction from the block (to generate a new hash), the coinbase is changed.

By placing the hash of all the tx on the left side (witness root hash inside the coinbase), everytime you change the right side (reorder tx), you also change the left side at the same time.

This renders ASICBoost useless since one of the shortcut ASCIBoost relies on, is the fact that in Bitcoin when you change the tx order (right side of the Markel Tree), the coinbase (left side) doesn't change, which makes it much cheaper to generate and filter hash collisions (which will then be used for the sha256 msg expansion short cut in the mining outer loop).

Greg further explained BIP-141's ASICBoost immunity here:


Any protocol improvement that requires a hash in the coinbase transaction (left side of the tree) that changes based on transactions in the right side of the tree is incompatible with the most efficient covert boosting implementation.

Greg is a well-known for his lying, but he is also hell-bent on destroying Jihan and it took him a year to come up with this, so I might as well use it against another shill.

Now, about Extension Block, and why your accusations and prophecies don't stand up to facts.

On 3 Apr 2017, Jinhan posted this on twitter:" I love the extension block proposal. It is compitable with BU."

This was the spec of Extension Block on 1 Apr 2017 (2 days before Jihan's tweet, 5 days before the so-called ASICBoost patch):
The commitment serialization and discovery rules follows the same rules defined in BIP141.

The merkle root is to be calculated as a merkle tree with all extension block txids and wtxids as the leaves. Regular txids, although not necessary for security purposes, are included for the possibility of regular TXID merkle proofs.

This establishes three facts:
1. Extension Block uses the same commitment structure as BIP-141(SegWit), which is immune to ASICBoost.
2. In Extension Block, all txid, regular block or extension block, are all included in the Merkle Root. (Changing right side of the Merkle Tree = changing the left side = high tx reorder cost = immune to ASICBoost)
3. The Extension block spec Jihan supported on 3 Apr 2017, was immune to ASICBoost.

In 4 Apr 2017, 1 day after Jihan voiced his support for Extension block, chjj, an Ext Block dev, made the following changes in the Ext Block spec:
-txids and wtxids as the leaves. Regular txids, although not necessary for
-security purposes, are included for the possibility of regular TXID merkle
+txids and wtxids as the leaves.

In this commit, chjj basically tried to remove the ASICBoost immunity from Extension Block.

What he did here was changed the spec to no longer include regular txid into the coinbase merkle root, this means miners can reorder regular txid (changing right side of the tree), without changing the coinbase (left side of the tree), this allow ASICBoost to efficiently generate and filter collision hashes for the mining loop short cut.

But he did a half ass job, because the line above still read:
"The commitment serialization and discovery rules follows the same rules defined in BIP141"

Following BIP-141 means all regular/extended tx is still in the new merkle root in the coinbase, still immune to ASICBoost.  

On the surface, it may look like chjj had no idea what he was doing.
(this is also the part where you got fucked over, thinking ASICBoost actually would work on Extension Block after chjj's botched edit)

This is evidenced by the issue he created the next day, 5 Apr 2017, soon after Greg posted the ASICBoost inhibiting proposal:
chjj commented Apr 5, 2017

I haven't read this too closely, but if this is actually real we should take preventative measures:

We may need to add an extra commitment to the coinbase prevent asicboost.

chjj's edit lasted only for one day, quickly fixed after some knee jerk reaction from the devs on Greg's ASICBoost inhibiting proposal.

A more experienced dev, indutny, made the following comment the next day:
indutny commented Apr 6, 2017 - Contributor

I believe that this proposal is not compatible with ASICBOOST, at least according to Greg's suggestion. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Extension Blocks still require commitment over whole tree (both main and extension), which means that re-arrangements of TXs are still as expensive as in SEGWIT.

indutny was correct, Extension Block has always been immune to ASICBoost, Ext Block's commitment structure was base on BIP-141/SegWit, so add/remove/reorder/replace any regular/extension tx has the same effect as SegWit - it changes the coinbase, making ASCBoost's collision filtering short cut no longer works, hash collision generation and filter too costly.

But one thing is curious tho, chjj removed 2 lines from the Ext Block spec to make it look like Extension Block wasn't immune to ASICBoost, at the same time Greg was posing the ASICBoost inhibiting proposal.

Right after he removed that line, he created an issue to ask for help on dealing with ASICBoost, then quickly accepted a PR to 'fix' the ASICBoost issue.

Delete ASICBoost immunity > Ask for Help on ASICBoost > Accept PR to deal with ASICBoost, all within 2 days. The delete commit was also burried under a bunch of other edits, with a disguised description.

What a series of strange coincident. It's as if chjj wanted to make a big deal out of ASICBoost in the Ext Block issue/pull request while Greg was also making a big deal out of ASICBoost at the same time.

and since then, Jihan will no longer support that Ext Block proposal. Jihan only supported the Ext Block version that
allowed Covert ASICBoosting to remain intact.

I just established, using verifiable facts, that Jihan/Bitmain/AntPool supported Extension Block, which was and still is immune to ASICBoost.

The issue of ASICBoost a few years ago, which I was around for, centered around the
community acknowledgment that Miners should not use it. In addition, Miners agreed
not to use it. The CURRENT ISSUE is that ASICBoost has been purportedly redesigned
to allow for covert ways to ASICBoost, which would be in violation of the community
and miner verbal agreements.

Again, still no proof that ASICBoost was ever used in production.

With all these screaming you'd expect at least a little proof, but nope, just a bunch of idiots regurgitating the same script.

The real reason Jihan even put ASICBoost on the market but not enabled it was because 'first to market' is how you win patent wars. ASICBoost was being patened by other people in other countries, obviously the next move was to put ASICBoost on market to defend the patent.

That's also why Jihan Wu made the 'ASICBoost? Do you have any basic understanding of patent law' tweet then deleted it, him or his lawyer probably realized speaking that truth wasn't going to be helpful to future patent lawsuits.

And the real current issue here is a bunch of trolls are suffering from verbal diarrhea, trying to distract people from the real issue: the blocksize increase.

I never claimed ASICBoost was newly discovered and no one in the community is.

All the knee jerk responses, screaming and finger pointing, foaming at the mouth baseless accusations about ASICBoost suggest otherwise.

Of course, the burden in on the community to determine if there is any evidence.

You made the accusations, the burden of proof is on you, back up your own words instead of cry wolf nonstop then looking around like a moron waiting for someone else to clean up your mess.

Your "fact #4" relied on faulty data and an incomplete examination of all the
data we could be analyzed. When you dismiss the current accusations outright
and cite a Twitter guy that only went back 3 months, that is disingenuous and
misdirection. We still need time to look over everything. It is likely, based upon
past Bitcoin events, within the next two months or less, someone will publish a
full scientific report either confirming, denying, or concluding that it is
indeterminable. As a Bitcoin supporter you should be interested in those results,
regardless of who is right. You shouldn't be prejudging.

Ultimately, you declaration that there is no evidence is very premature.
You may be correct in the end, but your "Fact #4" is not an actual fact yet.

The blockchain (that immutable thing you call 'faulty data') has always been out there for everyone to see.
There are no long strings of empty blocks.
There are no pattern of funny version numbers.
There are no pattern of weird tx orders.

If there is some kind of secret way to use ASICBoost that can hide this well from everyone for this long, then ASICBoost automatically become yet another optimization. But then again, there aren't any abnormal hashrate:blockrate ratio.

You made accusations with absolutely nothing but bullshit prophecies, then you complain about people showing up with facts dating back months? Normal people just can't be that silly, trolling as a job is one thing, but this is just bad acting, very unprofessional.

Your "fact" implies that AntPool is innocent since they only profited 14% fees.
Ultimately, that statement is irrelevant entirely. ASICBoost is about cutting the
time down on finding blocks to gain the blockreward
, not to gather as many fees
as possible. In addition, it may be possible with this new proposed covert ASICBoost
design, it could account for AntPools high empty block count. This may or may not
be correct, we still don't know. The community is still looking into this.

So, I'll give you 0.5 points for your fifth "fact". (1.0 out of 5.0)
Due to it being partial correct, but wrong as a "fact" to disprove the current accusations.

Again, no long strings of empty blocks.
No abnormal hashrate/blockrate ratios.

It takes time to calculate the next block template, during which miners mine empty blocks, AntPool has the highest hash rate, naturally they'll have more empty blocks than others.
Empty blocks existed before ASIC was even in the picture.

Try look for some abnormal patterns from the blockchain, instead of keep pulling crystal balls out of your rear.

Your "fact #6", you stated that "Greg's math is wrong" which can not be a "fact"
and then you cited Bitman's public response to the current issue, which does not
cite any math or proofs as to why "Greg's math is wrong" or what is the math
determinations in general. I only stated that the community needs to begin
independent investigation. So this "fact #6" can't be a fact as well.

So, I'll give you 0.0 points for your sixth "fact". (1.0 out of 6.0)
Due to citing something that doesn't prove your asserted "Fact #6".

He did say why Greg was wrong.

Why are you even arguing for Greg. Greg doesn't even understand the difference between 1MB and 2MB.

Maybe the community should also investigate why your facts seem not to add up to what
the current evidence is and what it is currently pointing to. I would assume your high error
ratio has to do with being heavily biased in general and not having a problem with it, since you
are pushing an agenda that doesn't care about anything other than your own personal ego
and financial satisfaction. If you cared about Bitcoin and the community, you wouldn't post
those "facts" because they are self serving and a true distraction. "Nothing to see here guys".
"Don't try to look into any of the accusations, because there is no evidence. Case closed."

Or they should investigate why there are so many unprofessional trolls posting similar bullshit narratives non stop.

No logic, no facts, wrong every time, yet keep repeating them like their jobs depend on it.

Sometimes they don't even remember what they posted a page ago, like they're working on multiple sites at the same time, or more than one PR worker is using the account.

Talking about me acting like a cult prophet is laughable. Anyone can go back through my
post history and take a look if I have spoken like a prophet

1. You are laughable.
2. They can, I did, and you have.
3. Cult prophet wannabe proof:
AgentofCoin: In time, all will be revealed.
AgentofCoin: within the next two months or less, someone will publish a full scientific report
AgentofCoin: Jihan will no longer support that Ext Block proposal.

In time, you'll find a better job than acting like a robot online all the time.

take a look if I have attacked people, purposefully misconstrued info,
shilled positions that are unreasonable, fallen in line with "party" positions, or whatever.

You do realize you just got out trolled because you asked for it by name on page 1, right? Here:

It would likely be best for you to stop quoting Alex.BTC since it is obvious that he is not interested in learning anything, but perpetuating the obfuscations. In time, all will be revealed.

And you do realize I was just using you to explain to people Extension Block is immune to ASICBoost, right?

This whole ASICBoost bullshit is just another distraction from Core keeping the blocksize at 1M slowing everything down.

The ASICBoost write paper used a lot of tech jargon, that's why after a year over half the devs still don't know how it works.

ASICBoost is:
1. A programming short cut of using 3 sha256 operations instead of 4 when mining a block hash.

2. It is possible because sha256 processes data in 64 bytes chunks, but the header is 80 bytes long.

3. So the block header is split into 2 chunks when sha256 computes its hash.

4. The merkle root inside the block header, spans over the position that sha256 split the chunks.

5. The merkle root is 32 bytes, 28 bytes of it (head) ends up in the first chunk, 4 bytes of it (tail) ends up in the 2nd chunk.

6. The second chunk has 16 bytes of data and 48 bytes of padding.

7. Of the 16 bytes of the data in the second chunk, 4bytes is the merkle root tail, the other 12 bytes are  time/difficulty/nonce, all known values by the miner.

8. That means if a miner can generate a bunch of hash with the same last 4 bytes, then the entire 2nd chunk, all 16+48 bytes of it becomes a fixed known value.

9. This allows miners to simplify the sha256 mining loop, so that it only uses 3 sha256 operations instead of 4, and increase performance.

10. The more hash with the same last 4 bytes a miner can generate, the more times they can use the short cut, the more performance gain, this process is called 'finding partial hash collision'.

11. To generate these partial hash collisions, miners have to keep changing the data on the block then get a new hash at high speed, but different ways have different costs, only a few of them is worth while.

12. One of the fastest way to find hash collisions is to keep changing the extranonce in the coinbase, at the same time keep reordering tx in the block. This modify both side of the merkle tree parallelly and allow further math shortcuts to take place.

13. Changing the coinbase and reordering tx is computationally costly, it is only worthwhile if you can do both at the same time without affecting each other.

14. In regular Bitcoin, modifying tx changes the right side of the merkle tree, and modifying the coinbase changes the left side of the merkle tree, the coinbase on the left doesn't care what happens to the tx on the right, and vice versa. There are no double overhead modifying data on any side, so in the end you can gain a 20% advantage with ASICBoost.

15. But if the coinbase merkle root includes the hash of all the tx, then ASICBoost is no longer worth the effort, in fact it'd make mining slower, because now every time you reorder the tx, the coinbase also changes, and you have to use an extra 10 or so operations to update the left side of the merkle tree. That 20% advantage is gone.

16. This is what happens in BIP-141 SegWit, the coinbase has a new merkle root call the 'witness root hash', that includes all regular and side tx. This makes reordering tx also updates the coinbase, miners have to spend 10 extra operations for each tx reordering, this double overhead makes it too costly to use ASICBoost.

17. Extension Block is base on BIP-141, they have the same commitment structure, so Extension Block is immune to ASICBoost.

18. If anyone is using ASICBoost, the 'overt' method involves modifying block header data directly, so you'll see strange version numbers and other weird data, the 'covert' method involve reordering of tx, or empty blocks, these are also obvious.

19. If there is a new way to use ASICBoost without obvious side effects, then it's just another valid optimization on generating hash, optimization happens all the time.

20. The excuse of ASICBoost patent may lead to centralization is just silly, there are so many patent involved with mining already, from chip to connectors to cooling, everywhere you look there is a patent. This field is so competitive, every year there are a bunch of new optimizations with a new bunch of patents.

So, ASICBoost doesn't work on Extension Block, and ASICBoost was never used in production.

Stop crying about it being used and just show us the proof for all your accusations.

68  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Fuck: SegWit, LN, Blockstream, Core, Adam Back, and GMazwell on: April 07, 2017, 08:40:23 AM
It is disgusting how arrogant the fuckers are.  Just because they have commit access and a few PhDs, they think they own the blockchain and can convert it to their personal profits via Lightning.  

Even if BU is total shit and buggy, it can be fixed.  You can never fix those assholes Adam Back and G Maxwell with the corrupt censorship and dishonest PR campaigns.  Time to flush the toilet.

Well said.

If they have the talent, they may afford this kind of arrogance.
But SegWit is such an overly complex bloated piece of shit, they clearly don't have it, or they're intentionally fucking up Bitcoin.

Nobody worth their salt will stay working with these arrogant but untalented kidults.
That's why people like Joseph Poon (first author of Lightning Network) is now going against Blockstream.

Here is the funny part, the Blockstream/Core walk around acting like they represent the 'Bitcoin Community', but Adam Back, the 'President' of Blockstream, never believed in Bitcoin and never even committed a single line of code to the Bitcoin Core code base.
69  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Fuck: SegWit, LN, Blockstream, Core, Adam Back, and GMazwell on: April 07, 2017, 08:17:58 AM
This just in:
Inside the Dragon's Den: Bitcoin Core's Troll Army
April 07, 2017

Here's what is known:

1. Poon alluded to "a secret channel where they organize their PR and trolling campaigns" which is "basically where a lot of decisions around PR happens."

2. There is a secret channel on the Bitcoin Core slack called #dragonsden

3. There are 21 members in this chat group, as of January 27th, 2017 (the date of Cohen's talk)

4. The known members of this channel, based on the information in the above glimpse of the channel are: BashCo (/r/bitcoin moderator), mrhodl (twitter troll), alp (twitter troll), moli (unknown), belcher (JoinMarket developer), BtcDrak (Bitcoin Core developer/activist) and Bram Cohen. These seven members represent 1/3rd of the total members in the channel.

5. BashCo is Theymos's second in command. Fellow /r/bitcoin moderator ThePiachu wrote in a blog post:
6. This establishes proof that there is collusion between Bitcoin Core and the moderation team of /r/Bitcoin.

7. At least one Bitcoin Core developer is present in this chat. There are 14 more chat members we cannot see.

This information provides further evidence of the Bitcoin Core propaganda machine and demonstrates the conclusive link between Bitcoin Core and the /r/Bitcoin moderation team. Everything written above is factual and verifiable.
70  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: it is Core, not Bitman blocking segwit on: April 07, 2017, 07:42:35 AM
1. Jihan supported before understanding the final SegWit Implementation code. After learning the Coinbase references are used, he would obviously retract that support.

This is the same kind of idiotic argument I keep seeing around here.

The problem with your story is that you simply don't know what Jihan knew, and it was Greg who broke the HK agreement, not Jihan.

I know you tried your best to pretend to be logical, but in the end you just failed the simple common sense test. This is what happens when you have to make something sound 10 times more complex than it actually is.

2. Extension blocks do not change the Coinbase references, only add new anchor txs.
Those anchor txs should not effect the way ASICBoost works, the way new Coinbase refs do.

You're just trying to misdirect people without technical background here, the key to ASICBoost is the rearrangement of tx in a block, SegWit makes it costly to rearrange tx, so does Ext Block.

Granted there was still a little loop hole remaining in the tx in the canonical block, but it's so easy to fix, after Greg's crying, the Ext Block devs just eliminated the entire ASICBoost issue by adding 2 words in the Ext Block spec.

Just add a little extra crap to the merkle root calculation step, and ASICBoost instantly becomes a total non-issue, that is how small an issue this is, this is how weak your speculation is.

3. This comment is jumping the gun. In depth investigations begin now.

And yours is a year late. The ASICBoost issue is over 2 years old, Core/Blockstream already cried about it a year ago, nobody gave a fuck. Stop pretending ASICBoost is some newly discovered game changing trick only Bitmain knew about until today.

30 Apr 2016 Luke Parker: AsicBoost claims 20% efficiency improvement in Bitcoin mining
13 May 2016 - ‏@olivierjanss: Note to miners: We, the core devs, discovered a patented optimization in your ASIC. We will make it obsolete in the next update.

4. This data set should be larger and go farther back in time. Likely prior to the patent dates.
The ASICBoost could be throttled from time to time to prevent obvious indicators.

So go ahead and gather older data then, you're the accuser here, the burden of proof is on you, so back up your accusations with facts instead of pure speculations, prophecies and red herrings.

5. Fees are irrelevant here. The exploit centers around gaining more block rewards.
In a future with less block reward and more fees, this exploit is worthless.
That fact was for the idiots who keep regurgitating the 'AntPool is using ASICBoost to mine empty blocks' bullshit script.

6. We need independent verification, which will begin now.
Blockstream already spent a year digging and got nothing solid on Bitmain. All Blockstream got is 'ASICBoost maybe used in the future', but it's obvious Bitmain/AntPool will be instantly caught if they actually use ASICBoost in any meaningful way that affect results.

It would likely be best for you to stop quoting Alex.BTC since it is obvious that he
is not interested in learning anything, but perpetuating the obfuscations.
In time, all will be revealed. This is a new development and nicely explains many
previously unknown factors. If motive needed to be determined, this would be a
reasonable assumption to investigate further, and so the community will.

Your adherents to your viewpoints in light of new information still being gathered, is telling.

This is hilarious, all I did was post facts, and all you did was make speculations and then justify them by acting like some cult prophet talking bullshit prophecies  (read: Charles Manson/Heaven's Gate).

ASICBoost is an old issue, Greg is using it again as a distraction, get that through your head.

71  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Well, well, well, now we know what Jihan Wu’s been up to. on: April 07, 2017, 04:02:45 AM
Yea the situation has change dramatically in the US since the last time I researched it which was a few years ago. The point I was trying to make, was that internet speeds do not follow moore's law and are not guaranteed to get better over time as end users do not always get access to that better technology due to ISP monopolies and the high cost of replacing infrastructure. They can drop dramatically in a short period of time, as the 2011 article showed the speed dropped 14% in the course of 3 months. In many countries, and in certain areas of the US and other countries, speeds have dropped dramatically. Including in my area where I have 20% of the speed I have 4-5 years ago. Read the rest of my posts

Irrelevant, bullshit is still bullshit, 2011 is still 2011 and 2017 is still 2017, the internet has never stopped changing 'dramatically'. It doesn't take a genius to know things will only keep improving.

All you need to do is type 'average internet speed' in a search engine and you'll find similar facts. Instead you went out of your way to dig back 5 years and pull out bullshit links from fucking 2012 using data from 2011 just to support a bullshit statement, search engines don't even show results that old unless you really dig for it.

I am so fucking sick and tired of you shills/trolls/uninformed fucks making idiotic statements over and over base on either outdated data or just flat out bullshit, repeating the same FUD week after week.
72  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Well, well, well, now we know what Jihan Wu’s been up to. on: April 07, 2017, 03:47:06 AM

Internet connection speeds have not improved. In the US, the average internet connection speed has been dropping recently due to increased loads due to HD video streaming etc and not enough investment in new infrastructure to counter this.

A big cause of this was many years ago ISP's set up coaxial networks instead of fibre to try and save money, and it's just not economical to rip out the coaxial and replace it with fibre now. Another cause is that in many areas people only have the choice of one ISP. That ISP has a monopoly and has no incentive to invest in a better network as there is no competition. Government regulations prevent new ISP's from setting up in the area, due to the ISP's lobbying to get this regulation past.

What a load of bullshit.

Why the fuck are you quoting shits from 2011 when we're now in 2017 and FCC has stated that 'Average U.S. Internet speed has more than tripled since 2011', back in 2016?
Average U.S. Internet speed has more than tripled since 2011

As for which nationwide ISPs deliver the highest average download speed, the study found that Cablevision checked in at number one with an average speed of 60 Mbps, followed by Verizon and Charter at 50 Mbps, Cox at 40 Mbps and Comcast at 35 Mbps.

As for the average Internet speeds across different states, New Jersey had the highest figure with 57 Mbps while Idaho came in last with an average Internet download speed of 14 Mbps.

The FCC’s full report is available in its entirety via the source link below.

What kind of dumb fuck use 2011 data in 2017 for something as fast growing as the internet, you're either yet another intentionally dishonest shill or yet another uninformed dumb fuck trolling over shit he doesn't understand.
73  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: ASICBOOST Aftermath: What Now Must Be Done? on: April 07, 2017, 03:25:27 AM
We need to activate UASF as soon as possible as an counter measure for Jihan centralized blockchain that will only benefit him.
Wake up the truth has been revealed !

Now this is just hilarious, you idiots were just proven wrong again by facts, and you just go ahead and repeat the same bullshit anyway? Did you even feel shame when you click the 'Post' button?
74  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Fuck: SegWit, LN, Blockstream, Core, Adam Back, and GMazwell on: April 07, 2017, 03:11:46 AM
You know Blockstream is fucked when even the leading LN devs go against them in public, stating what everyone knew all along: Core runs PR and trolling campaigns:

Bitcoin Core Runs “Trolling Campaigns”, Says Lightning Network Developer

Joseph Poon, Lightning Network developer, has publicly stated today that Bitcoin Core has “a secret channel where they organize their PR and trolling campaigns.” He further stated that “many people have talked about it (more than 5 people) and it’s alluded to it in various places which are publicly accessible since it’s basically where a lot of decisions around PR happens.”

Speculations regarding organized trollings by Blockstream specifically have been made for quite some time, especially after Alex Bergeron, better known on reddit as brg444, who constantly argued in favor of Blockstream in a somewhat trolling manner, was actually hired by Blockstream.

However, it is the first time someone prominent and well-known has publicly stated Bitcoin Core is running trolling campaigns in secret channels which may explain some of the toxicity coming out of some parts of bitcoin’s community.
75  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Fuck: SegWit, LN, Blockstream, Core, Adam Back, and GMazwell on: April 07, 2017, 03:10:34 AM
We have our new "Blockstream's lie of the week", this time the enemy is the ASICs, again.

Looks like the block extension proposal really fucked Blockstream big time.
It is simple and it solves immediate blocksize problems.
What's even better is that the Block Extension is "party neutral" so Blockstream can't even go against it by bashing the BU straw man, so they needed to create another enemy to distract people for another week, Blockstream ran out of excuses so now they have to regurgitate bullshits from a year ago:

Olivier Janssens, 12:05 PM - 13 May 2016 - ‏@olivierjanss: Note to miners: We, the core devs, discovered a patented optimization in your ASIC. We will make it obsolete in the next update. Thank you.
Luke Parker, 30 Apr 2016 - AsicBoost claims 20% efficiency improvement in Bitcoin mining

The bullshit didn't work then, it doesn't work now.

If you're a newbie all you need to know is every time people from Blockstream open their mouth, it's a lie. Blockstream spent millions on SegWit, they have a deadline coming, but their walls are crumbling and even LN devs are going against them now.

The good thing about this ASICboost bullshit is that it makes it so obvious who the paid shills are on this forum. These dumb fucks are paid to jump to conclusion with zero facts, all you need to do is ask them for proofs, then they break down and disappear (the stupid ones argue back and make their shilling look even more obvious).
76  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: ASICBOOST Aftermath: What Now Must Be Done? on: April 07, 2017, 03:00:08 AM
Note that BitMain also whines about an army of paid trolls. Let's see.... their twitter feed shows everyone criticizing them, and every poll and survey shows them in a huge minority in terms of human beings (not hashrate). Yet the forums are filled with a handful of overactive zealots fighting tooth and nail on behalf of BU. Yet we're expected to believe that it is Core that has the troll army and not BU?

Read the news before you troll you stupid lazy fuck, leading LN dev just public stated what everyone knew all along: Core runs PR and trolling campaigns:

Bitcoin Core Runs “Trolling Campaigns”, Says Lightning Network Developer

Joseph Poon, Lightning Network developer, has publicly stated today that Bitcoin Core has “a secret channel where they organize their PR and trolling campaigns.” He further stated that “many people have talked about it (more than 5 people) and it’s alluded to it in various places which are publicly accessible since it’s basically where a lot of decisions around PR happens.”

Speculations regarding organized trollings by Blockstream specifically have been made for quite some time, especially after Alex Bergeron, better known on reddit as brg444, who constantly argued in favor of Blockstream in a somewhat trolling manner, was actually hired by Blockstream.

However, it is the first time someone prominent and well-known has publicly stated Bitcoin Core is running trolling campaigns in secret channels which may explain some of the toxicity coming out of some parts of bitcoin’s community.

According to your dumb fuck logic, LN dev must also be fighting on behalf for BU too then?

This kind if idiocracy is what I am talking about, there is a limit on how stupid you can be when you work as a shill for someone, when your logic degrade to this level the script just doesn't work anymore, why the fuck do you idiots even repeat them? It isn't working, does your PR handler even read what you're posting?
You know Blockstream is fucked when even the LN dev go against them in public, if I were you I'd start looking for a new PR job, at this rate Blockstream won't last long.

77  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: ASICBOOST Aftermath: What Now Must Be Done? on: April 06, 2017, 08:56:11 PM
Hahaha... fucking yea.
Gettin out of busnes companies that not use assic boost tech to cheat is bullshit.
With those miners hmm one asic company that they profit depend on not including segwit technology is joke. They don't want activate segwit to not lose profit same time they won't make any good progress and bug fixes because they want keep patented asics going.
Whole situation is in deep shit at end i have more respect to Core/Blockstreem than for Jihad miner company. Etherum will eat those big blockers without any knowledge about codding.
Whole fight about crypto scene will end faster than it start. Whole bullshit how BU devs are is joke.
Bitcoin won't go forward without good DEVs and Core are much better than BU for sure.
Give Jihad year more of trolling and he will get less than ETH gpu miners.

Here is another shining example of a shill, when the shill can't refute the facts you posted, they just quote you anyway and repeat the same bullshit.

Watch how he even began his reply by "Fucking yea" hoping people is so fucking stupid they'd actually think I was agreeing with the bullshit that follows.

Again, the shilling is too fucking stupid and too fucking obvious.
78  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: ASICBOOST Aftermath: What Now Must Be Done? on: April 06, 2017, 08:46:00 PM
If you are referring to my proposal to decentralize mining again, I'm not in ANY way connected with Blockstream, or Core or anything. Not so much as a single PM shared with a Core dev ever, for example. You are just railing against an average member of the bitcoin community with your tirade.

No, I was simply referring to your fucking idiotic 'summary'.

Your side has lost, and is just digging a deeper hole for itself with every new denial, lie and obfuscation. I encourage newbies and those who have not followed this issue closely to read all that BU has to say - and also what the rest of us have to say, the reporting in the media and so forth. I rather doubt you'll be happy with their reaction once "Joe Average" digests it all.

What side? What the fuck are you even on about? Have you even read my earlier posts?
Even if you haven't, I am just pointing out facts here, but you're against facts that's why you think I am on the other 'side'.

See, this is the kind of scripted shilling bullshit that are just too fucking obvious.

Let's look at your bullshit 'summary' again:

Summary of the situation: Bitmain has been producing and mining with ASICs using an exploit that gives them a dramatic advantage over competing miners. This exploit is incompatible with Segwit, so Bitcoin Unlimited was created to gin up the appearance of public opposition to Core and place monopoly control over bitcoin mining and the protocol in the hands of Bitmain and associates.

Tell me genius, if the ASICBoost is incompatible to both SegWit and Ext Block, and Bitmain supported SegWit and now supports Ext Block, then how the fuck could you possibly jump to that idiotic conclusion base on 'This exploit is incompatible with Segwit'?

How the fuck does your mind even work?

79  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: ASICBOOST Aftermath: What Now Must Be Done? on: April 06, 2017, 08:34:58 PM
Let me rephrase:

I personally have never said or accused or agreed to any accusation that BITMAIN is employing ASICBOOST for any purpose. Please do not accuse me of being a shill.

I am just chiming in to express my opinion on how divided the bitcoin community is, nothing else.

Let me rephrase:
Anyone who've followed Bitcoin news for longer than a week and still can't see this ASICBoost non-issue is just the same regurgitated half digested bullshit Blockstream pulled out off their collective ass, is either intentionally dishonest or just a complete dumb fuck.
80  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: ASICBOOST Aftermath: What Now Must Be Done? on: April 06, 2017, 08:24:15 PM
It seems to me that you are also accusing me of being a shill, when I have never expressed my viewpoint on this debate. I am merely exhausted from all of the infighting within the bitcoin community, and I'd prefer things to me negotiated in an amicable way, instead of calling each other retarded.

I am describing what I am seeing, a bunch of stupid fucks agreeing to an obvious smear campaign base on something the other guy didn't even fucking do.

When people keep making idiotic statements where the stats don't check out, the facts don't check out, the historic facts are ignored, even fucking common sense is ignored, these people are by definition fucking morons.

You don't negotiate when the other idiot keep repeating 1+1=3, if he's simply uninformed, fine, learn the truth and move on, but when the same facts have already been explained over and over again, and they keep repeating the same bullshit, that is not a discussion, that is a shill operation, and shills deserve to be trashed for spreading bullshit nonstop.
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