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6141  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Given negative trust for no reason on: August 13, 2021, 10:02:09 AM
A while ago I asked for a loan deal and was given negative trust for some reason.

From what I see the reason was valid.

No one was hurt, scammed and no thing was exchanged.

Now think: what if somebody would have given you that loan?
But no, I see that same mindset here, hence imho the negative trust is still well deserved.

Is there anyway to take negative trust off my account for asking a question.

You'll have to ask those who left you the negative trust. But I think that you'd just waste your (and their) time.

Because this is pretty unfair and vengeful of people who don't for example know me as a person.

Not unfair at all. The warning is there. You may convince some to trust you, but it will convince more to use escrow when dealing with you. Which is just about right.
6142  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: How to give btc users no transaction fees. on: August 13, 2021, 09:37:29 AM
Between June and July of this year, average btc transaction fees was in the range of $5.

This only shows how many use centralized wallets and services, which are known for overestimating the fees big time.
I've been following the blocks and I do know how many blocks were not full or just. In many occasions one would have had the same result with 3 sat/vbyte (or even 1!) and still paid 400 sat/vbyte. Here's where these numbers come from.
6143  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Prices rises - Tx fees stay low? on: August 13, 2021, 09:17:05 AM
The fact that the fees are low could tell that traders are not that active. In a normal situation.
Just after the hash rate drop we had, the situation is not so much normal and without more info this indicator can mislead you big time.
All in all, when OP has posted we were at the end of difficulty adjustment period. The hash rate grew in the last 2 weeks and that's why the tx fees are still low. With the new diff period I expect that next week, if the price goes in a similar way, the tx fees will no longer be nicely low.

Edit: I just noticed that the diff period has already ended not too many blocks ago.
6144  Economy / Economics / Re: Bank of Ghana to pilot CBDC with German securities printing firm G+D on: August 13, 2021, 08:13:28 AM
This is a step in the right direction and we need to see more of this.
And this coming as a government programme carries more weight and it would be safe to say that digital currencies could see light in the future.
But state owned digital currencies are really not what I pictured to be coming hope this isn't what will be trading soon.

As written in the other posts, at least for Ghana it doesn't look at all as a step in the right direction.
And you seem to be contradicting yourself too - if it's that good why wouldn't you use it in trading?!  Cheesy
6145  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Guvernul vine! ANAF si DIICOT ii urmaresc pe traderi on: August 13, 2021, 07:59:34 AM
Din ce vad, atat Uniunea Europeana, cat si celelalte tari se afla intr-o nebuloasa totala in ceea ce priveste pozitia fata de crypto. Azi il interzicem, maine il acceptem, poimaine il taxam, raspoimaine inchidem exchange-urile, saptamana viitoare il interzicem din nou, pentru ca apoi sa venim cu alta idee

Gandeste-te ca 99% din populatie nu stie si nu intelege ce-i aia crypto. Normal ca bajbaie. Apoi mai vin si consultantii, consilierii si poate si lobby-istii, care vor aduce argumente cand pro cand contra. Iar statul/politicienii vor sa nici nu supere pe nimeni (ca le trebuie voturi), dar si si sa taxeze cat de mult posibil (si sa fie fair, si fiidca statul are in general o foame continua de bani).

Intre timp, El Salvador merge mai departe si le ofera cetatenilor libertate in ceea ce priveste finantele crypto. Si nu e doar cazul El Salvadorului. Mai multe state micute au adoptat pozitii similare.

In El Salvador exista si foarte multi care nu inteleg ce-i cu bitcoin asta care le-a picat in cap peste noapte, si precum la noi vaccinul te va face sa prinzi 5G direct, si la ei probabil Bitcoin o sa le fure banii din portmoneu cand nu se uita.

Poate ca e mai mult o strategie de testare sau de alungare a cetatenilor care vor sa foloseasca crypto sau o fac deja. Banuiesc ca numarul de utilizatori crypto scade destul de mult in momentul in care cineva vine si schimba regulile aproape saptamanal.

Chestia asta merge mai degraba cu firmele. Si nu cred ca vor sa alunge potentiale afaceri platitoare de taxe. Nu. Doar bajbaie.

Oricum, oricat de multe tari ar interzice vreodata BTC sau crypto, trebuie sa retinem ca intotdeauna va exista cel putin o tara care sa le sustina. Pentru ca pentru unele tari, mai ales pentru cele mai mici din punct de vedere al economiei, lipsa sustinerii crypto din partea marilor guverne reprezinta un mare potential. Deci oricum ar fi, crypto va ramane. Iar pentru cine vrea si poate, nu doar va ramane in viata crypto ci va oferi o libertate pe care nicio alta moneda nu ti-o ofera.

Nu as baga mana in foc ca ar exista tot timpul o tara care sa sustina crypto (ca presiuni la nivel guvernamental exista, iar guvernele se mai schimba, si nu neaparat in bine), dar suficienti oameni  vor exista. Si asta ar trebui sa ajunga. Daca se poate la suprafata, e super. Daca nu, si underground este o optiune. Am incredere ca rasa umana este per total suficient de inteligenta.
6146  Economy / Economics / Re: MicroStrategy Buys $250M in Bitcoin, Calling the Crypto ‘Superior to Cash’ on: August 13, 2021, 07:51:08 AM
They generally buy at any time, at any price, despite the multimillion-dollar quarterly losses.

This is how one does proper DCA. He's just doing it by the book.

Actually, I like the way Saylor has been thinking lately. His concept is that bitcoin is already property, and not some form of money. And that this digital property will be able to freely coexist with fiat, as is now happening with the same gold or real estate. And those who now give up Bitcoin will lose a lot, as Bitcoin will continue to expand.

For institutional investors the "coin" functionality of Bitcoin doesn't matter much, or at all. Let's face it, for (all of) them it's just "digital gold", whether some of us like it or not. They invest to make money. Don't we do the same, whether we expect or not to spend in some years like we do with cash now? It helps the price, it helps the ecosystem with advertising and liquidity, it's a win-win situation.
6147  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: De ce NU ar trebui sa ne bucuram de monedele fiat digitale on: August 12, 2021, 12:14:06 PM
Ai perfecta dreptate dar hai sa fim seriosi acum... fie ca ne convine sau nu mai avem nevoie si de "incredere", vorba cantecului

Cred ca sunt batran. Mi se pare ciudat sa zic la o piesa doar din 2007 "oldies but goldies"  Cheesy
Totusi "Pentru inimi" imi place mult mai mult.

De exemplu monedele fizice incarcate. Ai incredere ca Lealana, Casascius etc au generat adresele intr-un mod responsabil si nu au pastrat cheile. Valabil si pentru diverse cold wallet-uri de genul ballet etc. Incredere dobandita cu greu pe decursul a multi ani, corect, dar tot incredere se numeste  Wink

Eiii.. mere si pere...
Pe cand, da, ai dreptate, la asemenea produse ai nevoie de un dram de incredere (si apoi sa verifici pe blockchain, si apoi si speri ca intr-adevar nu mai are nimeni cheia..), nu as pune produsele fizice legate de Bitcoin in aceeasi oala cu Bitcoin. Si deci o tranzactie cu un Casascius nu o vad ca pe o tranzactie cu bitcoin (desi na, "deal"-ul contine si bitcoin).
6148  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: De ce NU ar trebui sa ne bucuram de monedele fiat digitale on: August 12, 2021, 11:38:52 AM
Se numeste AliExpress si chiar daca dureaza cateva luni, merita !! cu tot cu noile taxe bagate prin iulie Smiley))))

Acum vorbind serios... nu e chiar asa. Sunt multe lucruri in China care se misca mult mai bine ca la noi: infrastructura, constructii, dezvoltare, cercetare etc. Doar sa nu patim si noi ca Muntenegru Smiley)

Mare grija mare. Si pe AliExpress gasesti si produse bune, si produse facute cu picioarele, si produse fake (probabil ca unele mai bune si altele nu). Si exact aici e problema: chestiile facute in China sunt ieftine, dar controlul de calitate lasa de dorit, deci poti foarte usor sa iei un rebut.

Faza cu Muntenegru e de antologie si arata cum China da cu o mana si ia cu doua. Acolo cred eu ca scopul a fost ca China sa puna mana macar pe o parte din garantiile oferite. Prea au facut acolo totul cu chinezi fara sa se intrebe ce ar putea sa mearga prost. E clar un exemplu ca se poate (usor!) chiar mai rau ca la noi!  Grin (Banuiesc ca au uns chinezii acolo juma' din clasa politica, altfel nu-mi explic...)

Dar cred ca discutia aici nu era despre ceea ce produse se pot lua ieftin din China (ca AliExpress exista si acum 3 sau 4 ani de exemplu), ci ceea ce zice China ca face (de la politica pana la infrastructura "ieftina si buna" -> vezi Muntenegru). Si de fapt am avut noroc, ca altfel am avea 10G Chinezesc, cateva reactoare nucleare in lucru (forever?) si asa mai departe. Daca nu ma inseala memoria ceva tronson de autostrada au castigat (sau au fost pe aproape?) dar macar nu singuri.

Poate te-ar interesa asta:

Exista niste discutii intereante pe tema asta, cum ar fi "ce cauta cloudflare in ecuatia asta?", deci proiectul cred ca mai are de lucru/finisat. Dar na, fiind de la un Hackathon nu ne putem astepta la minuni, se pot face imbunatatirile in timp.

Partea cu tranzactii BTC fara internet nu e chiar asa revolutionara. Pot semna o tranzactie pe care ti-o dau tie si o propagi tu cand vrei. Doar ca trebuie sa ai incredere ca nu cheltuiesc input-ul ala intre timp...

Incredere? Pe bune?! Asta ai invatat tu la Bitcoin?!  Cheesy Cheesy
Nu. Tranzactiile fara internet sunt o poveste, o gluma proasta. Pana la momentul unei confirmari tranzactia nu exista (ca si din mempool poate sa zboare oricand).
6149  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Discussion (Altcoins) / Re: HACKER returns $260m in funds | One of the biggest Crypto hacks ever. on: August 12, 2021, 10:20:59 AM
This is really very interesting. He stole one of the largest amounts and again returned half of it!!

There's still long way until all the funds are recovered. Let's not be calling the hacker "nice" too early  Wink

the hacker allegedly fucked up and made an extremely rookie mistake by sending a certain amount of the stolen funds on a centralized wallet. Hence apparently why this hacker has suddenly had a change of heart and is now trying to be a white hat lol.

If he wanted to be a white hat he could have asked for a reward for telling the flaw. Now he's more like fighting to not lose his freedom.
6150  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: [WARNING]: Binance Admitted that EU / SEPA / FIAT situation is out of control! on: August 12, 2021, 10:17:33 AM
About KYC, i was in advancel level (addres, id card , phone etc).
They ask me level pro too (source of wealth) and provided it a lot of time (all docs required)  but everytime was declined in few minutes (usually binance take not less than 10 days for verification!)

I don't know that well all Binance requirements. But since you've already sent all the info to Binance, maybe you could ask guidance on what they didn't like/what you can send different. (This way you may also get to discuss with a different support operative since the first one was not helpful).

Again, it's just an idea. I'm really sorry that you got caught in this crazy situation.
Clearly the SEPA part will get fixed at some point and then the communication channel with the bank should get back to normal; but I don't know who can give a proper time estimation for that...
6151  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: [WARNING]: Binance Admitted that EU / SEPA / FIAT situation is out of control! on: August 12, 2021, 10:07:24 AM
finally Binance support admised that EU / SEPA / FIAT situation is out of control.

Im prettt sure they will work out on that. They are big exchange and they will not let doen their client just because of an issue.

I've read the initial story and this new part too and more and more I think that there may be a deadlock situation.

Something like Binance received the money, but cannot fund the account because now OP needs to be KYC for that.
.. and also cannot send the money back because of the recent SEPA issues.

Maybe I'm wrong, but there may all may be fuzzy:
* Binance support is too scared to be bit more malleable with the rules
* The bank just give back to Binance generic "wait more x days answers" because they wouldn't care less to save Binance's image
* For some reason the full KYC was rejected too and OP is too angry (I clearly understand that!) to try more on that path

Unless one of the 3 parts becomes more malleable, I think that it's a deadlock situation.
I'm not affiliated with neither of the parts and I can't say for sure that I'm right with my assumptions, however, this is my tiny attempt to help.
6152  Economy / Economics / Re: MicroStrategy Buys $250M in Bitcoin, Calling the Crypto ‘Superior to Cash’ on: August 12, 2021, 09:38:20 AM
A post about the first anniversary of its Bitcoin adoption appeared on Twitter yesterday:

Michael Saylor has also tweeted about this.

My rookie year playing for the #Bitcoin Cyber Hornets is officially over. I want to thank Folded handsmy teammates for all the support and coaching they have provided to help me along the way.

It was a crazy year, but the roller coaster just goes on. They were one of the more vocal institutional investors and Michael Saylor was one of those who tried (and still trying) to open the eyes of the other possible institutional investors go on this path. Although not too many said it publicly that they went on this path, I'd still say that he's a trend setter.
6153  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin being decentralised an illusion? on: August 12, 2021, 09:19:07 AM
After reading some articles from, I am still not fully convinced that Bitcoin is decentralized and without Bitcoin being decentralized, it carries little to no value.

Despite many supporters claiming that no government has control over the Bitcoin network or price (and that even if they do have control, they wouldn't hurt it due to innnovation), this seems to be proven untrue time and time again. For example, over the years, everyone labelled China threats as FUD and that they would never completely ban Bitcoin. Earlier this year China banned BTC mining, and over half of the entire network shut offline in the following weeks.

Also most recently with the Infrastructure Bill, the broad language used to define a “broker”, is a major blow to decentralization.

The arguments in the endthefud article don't seem to hold up. The articles claim that governments can't and won't cripple Bitcoin's decentralisation and even if they try to ban it, other governments will embrace it. While the second part is true, we're starting to see first hand that the first part is not with China turning their back to crypto. And now US and UK also starting to turn their back to crypto. If Bitcoin can be crippled with a little tax provision in a bill, is it really going to stand the test of time as being decentralised? And if it's not decentralised, what other value does it have?

You are exaggerating and yet again I will be questioning the motifs why's that.
China problems did not shut "over half of the entire network", not even half of the hash rate, if that's what you wanted to mean. (Although hash rate and network are... different concepts.)
Then "US and UK also starting to turn their back to crypto" is plain FUD and complete misinterpretation of reality. The fact they tax crypto businesses sound as acceptance to me. Yes, the tax law is not properly written and average Joe may get in trouble (financially) and that could affect decentralization on some degree, but not as big as you (or your sources) inflate it.
6154  Economy / Services / Re: LoyceV's Avatar for Rent [first 🦊🦊2 YEARS🦊🦊 rented out] on: August 12, 2021, 08:03:01 AM
What really got me is that it isn't Saturday today Sad Big mistake!

I wish I'd be you! I just can't confuse a working day with week-end...  Grin
6155  Economy / Services / Re: LoyceV's Avatar for Rent [first 🦊🦊2 YEARS🦊🦊 rented out] on: August 12, 2021, 07:37:43 AM
One hundred and twenty-fifth week paid.
Thanks again for your great timing! Mine is terrible, somehow it feels like a Friday, so I totally forgot it's Wednesday today.

Seeing the time of this post I tend to believe that wherever (whenever?) you've been wandering it was not Wednesday there  Cheesy Cheesy
Beware with so many hops, you may break something!
6156  Other / Serious discussion / Re: Apple's new algorithm scans your personal files. Protect your right to privacy. on: August 12, 2021, 07:27:12 AM
never expect privacy on someone elses service/property.

This is the actual point.
People write on FB, Twitter, Youtube (i.e add text/media onto their servers) and then they are surprised that those companies do whatever they want with that data.
Same with phones/tablets. I don't think that the data stored by Apple (or Google or whatever) was ever that much private. The fact that some new rules were made by politicians and the companies are eager to comply (to avoid later fines for this or other things) is just a detail.

One discussion could be about the (fake!) illusion of privacy they give for the personal data. But whether their intentions are good and bugs or evil employees ruin than, whether their intentions are bad and hide when caught behind bugs... the result is pretty much the same: there's no real privacy when data is on others' servers.

There may be one exception: the zero knowledge cloud providers. But it's their infrastructure, their software, their.. everything, and even that should be taken with a grain of salt because bugs or intended loopholes may exist.

So for privacy, your own stuff, maybe even buried in the backyard... meaning 100% old school... that's the way.
As we know: "if you want something done, do it yourself!"
6157  Economy / Goods / Re: ~ Buying a TESLA CYBERTRUCK with BITCOIN ~ on: August 12, 2021, 07:08:57 AM
Elon said he didn’t want to start delivering them until he could do so at scale to avoid million dollar resales on the secondary market.

We all know that whatever Elon tells has to be taken with quite a pinch of salt...

The main factor for me will be how many people cancel their preorders. The $100 deposit is nothing but when it comes time to plunk down $70K you might see the numbers thin a bit. That is my hope anyway. I’d love to see a >50% cancellation rate so that there’s a chance I could get mine in 2022.

OMG LOL! You are quite an optimist, aren't you? Cheesy
I really liked your view on this. Good luck! (for real)
6158  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Do you still have thoughts of picking Gold over Bitcoin, read this. on: August 11, 2021, 08:08:07 PM
Does it seem gold is working as a stable coin? cause when bull runs end normally we cryptocurrency holders convert our holdings into a stable coin, more likely USDT/BUSD/USDC.
If so then why do we need gold rather we can use any stable coin or fiat money cause that's are less fluctuated than Gold.

Gold is better than the stable coins you've mentioned. Imho gold can be considered more stable than fiat and the stable coins, since fiat and the fiat-pegged stable coins are hit by inflation. So it's usually not the gold rising, it's the fiat falling, but the chart is no different.
6159  Economy / Economics / Re: Bank of Ghana to pilot CBDC with German securities printing firm G+D on: August 11, 2021, 07:55:44 PM
do you really afford to waste money on something that was not implemented yet in any country on a large scale?

I wouldn't be surprised if some money is basically stolen by being moved here and there and free services are marked as paid with large sums.
Since Ghana is testing out D+G proprietary CBDC solution it could be fair to be.. paid for that.
So the politicians will move around some money, of which a big part will go to their pockets. Typical poor/corrupted country "job".

However, ... is internet so widely developed in Ghana? Or will they pilot it, then decide it's not possible to do it on full country scale?

they save on cost for printing

They may indeed save the cost of printing, but still CBDC has to operate alongside with fiat, especially on country side.
On the other hand, for CBDC you need some infrastructure that also costs money...
6160  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Do you still have thoughts of picking Gold over Bitcoin, read this. on: August 11, 2021, 11:38:24 AM
It's quite surprising how people still consider gold a more profitable investment than Bitcoin.

Gold is not more profitable, but, at least in theory, it's safer since the daily price fluctuation is rather small.

Also, while we are now in the middle of bull run, clearly gold cannot match investments in bitcoin.. but the history tells that bitcoin bull run doesn't last forever. When the fiesta ends (temporarily) and price will go down, then gold can become a good place for storing wealth until a new bull run will start.
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