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621  Local / Esquina Libre / Re: preguntame lo que sea sobre politica y economia on: November 12, 2012, 10:59:43 AM
Los impuestos son necesarios, en su justa medida,

Y esto ¿es una proposición lógica o una opinión?
622  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Roger Ver's bio published on Daily Anarchist on: November 12, 2012, 10:55:18 AM
Statists gonna state.
623  Economy / Speculation / Re: How long before the price tanks sharply because Silk Road is down? on: November 12, 2012, 09:34:25 AM
(seriously I like to be on your ignore list and stay on it if you are that ignorant)

You are now on my ignore list too, because you respond to good arguments with verbal abuse, condescension and anger, and we all here need to see less of your behavior.
624  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Implementing demurrage: how many functions to change? on: November 12, 2012, 09:25:21 AM
Try as I might... I still don't understand why anyone would voluntarily choose a currency with built-in savings devaluation over a currency that does not exhibit this trait.
625  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Random selection of the representants. on: November 12, 2012, 09:22:24 AM
Now, going back to topic.  So, what other benefits does random selection of thugs have over electing liars?
626  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Random selection of the representants. on: November 12, 2012, 09:19:33 AM

Thanks!  :-)

Go fuck yourself. You're the one attempting to hijack somebody else's thread with your AnCrap bullshit. Your behaviour suggests that in fact you are the "gang of thugs".

Hahaha.  Did anyone else read this raging, intolerant, abusive reply and was instantly reminded of the following GIF?

Blahblahblah seems to have some anger management issues.  I've seen him constantly insulting and hurling abuse at people who think differently from him -- quite a lot of his participation in this forum consists on that.  He seems to have a finely honed bigotry for people who express views different from him, ranging from calling his targets "tards and bullshitters" to telling them "go fuck yourself".  I wish some of us could help him adjust his reactions to new ideas, but clearly he's not in an emotional condition or state that lends itself to listening calmly.

In short: it appears that blahblahblah has chosen this forum to be his pet playground where he angrily throws sand at everyone, without consequences for him, in pure Internet Brave fashion.

He is now on my ignore list.  I encourage everyone else who appreciates polite conversation not punctuated by abusive tirades to just ignore him as well (as I'm sure quite a few people already did).

Have a great day!  :-)
627  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Corporal Punishment (Re: Our response to Dmytri Kleiner's misunderstanding of money on: November 12, 2012, 08:59:10 AM
Taking onboard earlier arguments that small children are not chattel, that they are their own person, to take your argument to its logical conclusion, you're basically suggesting that parents are slaves.

No.  The dichotomy "either children are chattel or parents are slaves" is false.

I seem to recall making the analogy in the first place. However, your interpretation seems really emotional and black-and-white. EITHER it's "brutal sadistic terrorism", OR it's not.

Ah, so now you have a problem with "my emotions".  Derailing for Dummies tactic engaged!

So, what happens if we remove the parents from the equation altogether, as per AnCap? Lord of the Flies, much? Grin

If I had a Bitcoin for every time someone in favor of beating children up has told me "If I accept that using violence against children is very wrong, then the world will turn into Lord of the Flies", I'd own the entire Bitcoin economy.

This is a variation on the theme "If we're not allowed to beat Negroes up, we'd have insanity, cats marrying dogs, white people miscegenation, and degeneration on an epic scale".  Yeah, great "argument".
628  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Corporal Punishment (Re: Our response to Dmytri Kleiner's misunderstanding of money on: November 12, 2012, 07:17:22 AM
guys guys I just lamped my 2 year old so he wouldn't break my stuff and now he hates me what's the best way to hit him to make him like me again? URGENT THX

Hahaha! /thread!
629  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Corporal Punishment (Re: Our response to Dmytri Kleiner's misunderstanding of money on: November 12, 2012, 07:16:15 AM
I don't even have to look at that one before I can undermine your use of it.
What you've done is extremely intellectually dishonest but I can help but aesthetically admiring such an exquisite example of sophistry.

Since you're going to play word games with the book title instead of actually examining the arguments there is no possibility for further discussion.

You are, once again, correct.  MoonShadow does not want to have any kind of honest discussion -- he just wants to keep his beliefs so that he can feel good about beating children up.
630  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Colorado and Washington voters approve cannabis legalization (your move, feds) on: November 12, 2012, 06:51:57 AM
governments exist at all because having a permanent criminal class...
...might as well make the criminal class a professional trade, amirite?
631  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Corporal Punishment (Re: Our response to Dmytri Kleiner's misunderstanding of money on: November 12, 2012, 06:50:19 AM

I know full well that you don't respect my opinion, although you might respect my right to express same.  I question even that, but you don't have any power to prevent it, so there it is.

That said, I can accept your concession.

I hope someday you look back and are able to laugh at the angry man you left behind

And be able to look straight at the angry adults he raised, who will hate him.
632  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Corporal Punishment (Re: Our response to Dmytri Kleiner's misunderstanding of money on: November 12, 2012, 06:49:23 AM
Fine.  Come up with others, I'm willing to engage you on any front.

Nah, you're not willing to engage with anyone.  You're only attempting to excuse your parental abuse (or wishes thereof).  That's why you say (appalling) nonsense and contradict yourself at every turn.
633  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Corporal Punishment (Re: Our response to Dmytri Kleiner's misunderstanding of money on: November 12, 2012, 06:45:44 AM

I bet you consider this to be a rational perspective, perhaps even an argument.

I consider it to be the seed of the tyrannical state.

Well, you're a tyrant with defenseless creatures, so of course you would be terrified at the idea that a bigger tyrant could put you in your place in regards to your abhorrent behavior with children.  The "seed of the tyrannical state" is obviously a threat to the "seed of the tyrannical MoonShadow".
634  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Corporal Punishment (Re: Our response to Dmytri Kleiner's misunderstanding of money on: November 12, 2012, 06:43:16 AM
There's no need to rebut a contradiction.

They literally belong to me, in every philsophical sense.
Granted, I can't destroy my children, like I could for something that I really own

So do you really own them, in every philosophical sense, or do you not really own them?

Pick one and be consistent.

He can't, because doublethink.  On one hand he wants to justify his brutal and violent behavior against his children by saying "they're mine, so it's okay to beat them up like any other beast of burden I might have".  On the other hand, he knows full well that his children aren't his property because observable reality, so he has to disclaim that belief somehow.  To rescue his own self-image of an "upstanding father", doublethink must necessarily ensue.

You've taken his beliefs and torn them apart quite well.  I congratulate you for putting this child abuser in his proper place.
635  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Corporal Punishment (Re: Our response to Dmytri Kleiner's misunderstanding of money on: November 12, 2012, 06:40:57 AM
Well of course having many children does not give me license to choose corporal punishment as a disiplinary option.  It's the fact that they are mine that does so.  And yes, they are mine.  They literally belong to me, in every philsophical sense.  I created them, thus they are mine.  I nurtured them, thus I have "comigiled" my human labor time with developing them into what they are today, thus they are mine.  They are too young to express knowledge of, and therefore claim, human rights of self-ownership; thus they do not have self-ownership, and therefore my own cliams to ownership are superior to any others.
Since they are your property can you use them for sex if you want?

Of course.  Isn't that what slaveowners used to do, when negroes were property too?

MoonShadow, I hope you enjoy those sexy children you have there, in full compliance with your belief system that your children are yours.
636  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Corporal Punishment (Re: Our response to Dmytri Kleiner's misunderstanding of money on: November 12, 2012, 06:39:34 AM
Well of course having many children does not give me license to choose corporal punishment as a disiplinary option.  It's the fact that they are mine that does so.  And yes, they are mine. [...] They literally belong to me, in every philsophical sense.

There you go.  MoonShadow considers his children to be chattel or equivalents thereof.  I called it earlier today.

It used to be that negroes, women and children were chattel.  Then that changed to include only women and children.  Then that changed to include only children, and you're witnessing the last vestiges of this bigoted discrimination in MoonShadow's words of "I have a right to beat up my children because I own them".

It's called moral progress and we're two down, one to go.  Woohoo!

Of course, MoonShadow's children won't be saved from the feudo-medieval beliefs he holds.  They will, unfortunately, be beaten up by this man.  And that pains me, honestly... but there's nothing much we can do about it right now -- the man has violent beliefs, he is anonymous on the Internet, he is refusing to listen to reason, the practical effect is that we cannot influence his behavior.  All that remains is to wish that, perhaps, one or more of his children will recognize that MoonShadow is an abuser and will grow up to not be an abuser themselves.
637  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Corporal Punishment (Re: Our response to Dmytri Kleiner's misunderstanding of money on: November 12, 2012, 06:27:04 AM
It was just a contrived example. Perhaps the child wriggled out of reach, or did something else like crawled onto a glass coffee table for the first time and started jumping on it? The point was that it was something dangerous for the child, falls onto you, the adult, to be the responsible one and make sure that the child develops in an environment where these calamities are not possible, to the extent that is humanly possible and any reasonable person would or could have guessed that a calamity could take place.  Letting your child run through a busy street, letting your child crawl onto a breakable deadly thing, those are miserable failures on your part as a parent.  This should not happen to you, and I feel sorry for your child if he lives in an environment where these deadly calamities might happen.

Frankly, it baffles me that adults would ask me these questions about child-rearing.  I don't know if they're playing dumb or just are dumb.  "But how will I prevent my child from putting metal things in power sockets, if I cannot terrorize him with physical violence?"  Ummmm, if you're asking this question, either you're not qualified to be a parent because you can't Google elementary things about child safety, or you're not qualified to be a parent because you're looking for shitty reasons to beat your child up.

verbal communication or understanding was impossible due to age, whereas a simple "smack on the bottom", if deemed appropriate by the parent, would communicate everything the child needed to know

Translation from "everything the child needed to know": I better act differently because otherwise this big giant who could murder me will inflict pain and terror on me.

Is it any wonder that statism is rampant these days?

Where does Anarchy and Capitalism come into it?

At the risk of playing Captain Obvious here:

That which you are doing to your kid, when you brutalize him and terrorize him when he disobeys you, is exactly what the State does to you when you disobey the State.

If you can't see it, it's because you were abused enough times and with enough intensity to come to the conclusion that said abuse is "normal".
638  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Our response to Dmytri Kleiner's misunderstanding of money on: November 12, 2012, 06:19:21 AM
Reply moved to
639  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Our response to Dmytri Kleiner's misunderstanding of money on: November 12, 2012, 06:13:13 AM
Post edited for being in the wrong venue.

Try again in the split topic where this belongs.
640  Other / Politics & Society / Corporal Punishment (Re: Our response to Dmytri Kleiner's misunderstanding of money on: November 12, 2012, 01:35:28 AM
Nonsense.  Should I permit a toddler to stick his hand into the blue light on the top of the stove, so that he remembers not to do it again, or would the much less permanent harm that a spanking causes him help his young (and not very rational) mind to remember to leave the blue light alone?  Sure, I can reason with an eight year old, and teach them a safe way to cross the street, but if a three year old is inclined to run away at any opprotunity, not using the non-permanent pain of a spanking in order to instill a healthy fear of vehicular traffic is the parental failure.

I shouldn't even have to use the "don't pee on the electrical outlet" example.  A toddler can not be reasoned with, as they have no more capacity to understand the risks than a puppy does.  How do I train the puppy to stay in the yard (and thus away from traffic and other harm)?  By using a collection of positive and negative results to it's actions via treats for desirable behaviors and judicious use of pain for undesireable behaviors.  The goal with children is to instil a rudimentary concept of consquences so that the child might just live to the age of reason unmaimed by his own actions, but the methods are similar.  This is not abuse.  To fail to do so, or at least attempt to do so, is neglect.

I really get tired of this kind of bs coming from people who obviously never had children.
Will you listen to this parent of a three year old disprove everything you just said?

I think it is futile to try and persuade that guy, simply because he has already told us that it is okay to use brutality to "teach" children "lessons", that children are "irrational", and that our facts are "bullshit" because we "clearly don't have kids". This is obviously a guy who has doubled down on violence, so reason ain't going to do the trick. Do you think that a person who beats defenseless creatures up to get his way will understand reason?

Don't waste your time on that guy.
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