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641  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What's your opinion of gun control? on: January 06, 2016, 01:37:15 AM
you can control yourself and your brain you dont need any gun
If the gun on and you cant control yourself , this is mean  early're in trouble.
and exactly what is your brain going to do when some lunatic breaks into your home and points twenty knives at your throat? are you going to think those knives away? do you have superpowers? firearms, like them or not, are a deterrent and protection against crime, as far as civilian use goes. they can and should be used to protect the home and nearby people in the case of a violent event. keep your sheltered 'ill be fine' mindset out of here.

I support gun control to limit the number of killing crimes as long as there is a good government. But when the government is corrupted and no one take his rights or a country has some unstable system, guns are required for everyone to protect himself and his family from evil people
the government's popularity or how 'good' it may be has little to do with stopping crime imo. there is a correlation in reducing the number of criminal acts committed however.
save for a dystopian society where everything is micromanaged by the government overlords, there will always be crime regardless of the state society is in.
642  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: Reindexing blocks on disk WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR on: January 06, 2016, 12:03:13 AM
This is likely a hardware error. Bitcoin Core is very hardware intensive so it could be causing the crashes from working the hardware to hard. The only solution is to either upgrade your hardware or switch to use another wallet.

These crashes likely indicate that you have some faulty hardware.
it is 99% a hardware error, and from my past experiences, it has to do with the system somehow mismanaging power somewhere. based on what i know about bitcoin core, which takes up a fair bit of memory (ram) try running memtest ( for an hour or two, every test. if something comes up, its a memory issue and you should get those swapped out asap. if your system is stable without bitcoin core running, try getting hard disk sentinel ( on the off chance it might be a hd related issue. if it isnt either of those, its either a dying cpu or insufficient power supply. (cpu is unlikely, assuming your system is stable without core running. more likely, it might be the psu doesnt have the wattage to support your system with core running. however, its probably a memory error)

cant really suggest much else without knowing other pc specs / recent activity / changes though.
643  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do Atheists hate Religion ? on: January 05, 2016, 08:44:30 PM

That's stretching the meaning of faith beyond reason. Pun intended. What you are talking about isn't religious faith. Which I believe was what he was talking about. Yes people don't know the future. So they have to make assumptions about how things will work. And they act based on that. But that isn't religious faith. If things don't work how people expect, people change their assumptions. Change what they have faith will happen. If you want to use that word. But you can't do that in religious faith. You have to believe in something against all evidence to the contrary. Or lack of evidence.

We could get really detailed here. I don't want to go that far.

By the definitions of "religion," all people have religion. And their religion involves a great deal of faith, no matter who they are.

When a person talks "formal religion," one that has a name and some holy or sacred writings, remember that he interprets the doctrine and aspects of his formal religion differently than everyone else who has the same formal religion... differently at least a little.

The religion of a little child often can be twisted this way and that in the little child, by those who want to train him in formal religion. But his religion that is based in reality is strongest of all religions. This is because he still holds the memory of how he was created and built in Mommy's tummy, even though he can't express the concepts involved, and even though he can't easily be made to understand that he might be being asked to express them. The rest of us have chosen to bypass such complicated memory concepts, and in so doing we have made our religion less than reality... usually far less.

The idea that atheism is not a religion, or that atheists and others live without religion, is entirely false... by the definitions of what religion is. All suggestions of belief or faith, and all faith systems, are simply attempts at describing reality. The further we get away from the reality of the little child, the further we get into religion.

cant really say atheism is a religion, even by the technical definition:
(credits to
atheism does not in any way contain a fundamental explanation for the universe and its origins, it does not contain a set of beliefs, etc. atheism is just the lack of religion, or as biomech (i think, a bit fuzzy) put it earlier, irreligious.
prefix a -> not
theism -> belief in the existence of supernatural beings, or gods, that created the universe or something.
atheism -> lack of the belief in the above.
atheism is literally not religion.

However, number 6 in the definition fits atheism, especially when the atheist is adamant in thinking about and expressing the points to his atheism, and the fact that he is an atheist.

i think that definition of religion is more attuned to describing a person or idea as religious, example: he plays the trumpet religiously; not describing the following of an idea (christianity, judaism, islam, etc). if definition #6 is to be taken literally as you have, anything and everything would be a religion, from coloring books to harry potter. i just took a randomly sized screenshot to list the definitions, not to take all of these as literal definitions of what a religion in the context of this thread is. for the purposes of this thread, im more or less referring to a religion as definition 1, and 2 and 3 to an extent.
644  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: Master-P SCAMMER. I lost complete faith in this forum now. on: January 05, 2016, 05:59:27 PM
Well that's the problem. You claim he stole money to people, but he can also says he lost the funds while doing his escrow job. Hence he's an incompetent escrow, but unless a precise contract was established precising he had to take care of the funds, there is nothing illegal in being incompetent  Cheesy
Fair point. If an investigation were to take place they could likely uncover the truth. However, as you said, it more than likely wouldn't happen.

Legal action for 24 BTC ? I don't think someone will start a legal action against him for only twentyfour bitcoin.
All without taking in account that I doubt a scam of only 10k$ would lead the police to a complete investigation :/
I said they could, not they would. I agree that it wouldn't be worth it to launch an investigation, I'm just trying to say that it could be a possibility if they really wanted to waste money.
even though they could, im not so sure the case would sound all that great in court.

'so you guys just... handed the guy 10k dollars in bitcoins without any sort of collateral or written agreement that he will give it back to you guys? and exactly why? you guys are stupid.'

it might go something like that.
also, someone has logged into the master-p account about 6 1/2 hours ago today.
645  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: Master-P SCAMMER. I lost complete faith in this forum now. on: January 05, 2016, 11:52:14 AM
How much would it cost to ship to Canada? (Postal code: L3X 0H8)

that is what i can provide when he was asking to ship a SSD from me. (this address even locates a house in google map)
it is the probable living position he is living on.

He probably lives in Canada then but no the postal code will not give you his address, Google Maps just zooms in to the center of the postal code or the most populated area.

if he put a fake address to me, he would't even be able to attempt to scam the SSD from me.
it could, however, have been a neighbor's (hey I'm away, get this package for me) or a relative's (hey uncle,  they don't ship to my place, could ya get it for me) address that he used. safe enough to say he lives in that area though.
646  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donald Trump says he will never quit US presidential race on: January 05, 2016, 10:21:06 AM
They're doing their best to drive Sanders out, Hilary has already tried to play the sexism card a number of times on him and then there was that shit with the blacklivesmatter protesters, don't get me started on Ron paul either because what he went through was downright abuse and blatant propaganda on the part of the media.
the media is just paid off by the corporations sanders is against, not hard to see. especially with the last debate where there was clear favoritism for Clinton. I hear she's losing points in the polls recently because her bullshit is being exposed in a way the dumb public can understand though.

^ agreed that the american military won the vietnam war. But the american people didn't win anything. Neither did the vietnamese.

Does Trump really have some backbone? Or is he merely as his name implies, a trumpet.

More like a parrot quoting Ayn Rand's ghost

Don't know about that. More like socialize costs and privatize gains as most others. He isn't that much libertarian. More a populist. He says whatever he believes people want to hear to get attention.

One unusual and interesting thing about Trump is he has a long history in business - in the business of paying off politicians who try to get things from him, shut him down, whatever.  

So this is a guy that knows exactly what it means that republicans and democrats are the same.  He knows the system, from a capitalist point of view.

It's certainly not an Ayn Rand point of view, because she thought that intelligent capitalists should go on strike, instead of working the system.

Anyway, he may just be a guy who would be able to reform the system.  Well....maybe.....

Have my doubts about that. Like you said he is working the system. He has been buying politicians to make them do what he wants. Maybe he can now be the president. Why would he want to change a system where he is so successful?

If Trump ever becomes King, I mean President, I wonder how long it will take Congress to impeach him?

as long as it takes for each of them to grow a brain and find an actual politician suited for presidency.
647  Other / Politics & Society / Re: First pic of the flat earth on: January 05, 2016, 10:07:20 AM
Go pro uses a fisheye wide angle lens.

so the lense works on the earth the same way when you launch the I mean robot...( puppy would be cruel)

but anyway they have done studies that folk will not give up 'dogma' beliefs even with evidence in front of them .....just the way humans are built

faith in the 'improbable' is more attractive then faith in the probable.....thus why people by lottery tickets and get into BTC I guess (oops last point is a bit too close to home... scared myself) Smiley

rather, I think people are just detached from reality enough to the point where fantasies (winning huge bets gambling, believing in an all powerful god and an afterlife, etc) become more appealing to the point where they ignore the reality in front of them. and with how sheltered children are being raised in this and the past generation, I wouldn't be surprised if that was at least somewhat correct.
648  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donald Trump says he will never quit US presidential race on: January 05, 2016, 09:47:02 AM
A recent poll found that 35% of Americans are republicans, 35% are democrates, and 30% are independents. The Donald has the support of 25% of republicans. One-quarter of 35% is about 8.5% of Americans. Yet, Trump supporters scream that he will be president. Are they delusional or stupid? One poll found that 80% of Trump supporters are high school graduates or high school dropouts, so I think stupid rather than delusional. He leads the poor white trash and they think they will take the presidency. Yawn.

Yeah yeah, paint all school graduates or dropouts as stupid without ever having known their circumstances, even though I'm in the UK I'm a school leaver and I think Trump is a moron, the reason he's popular is because he basically snubs elitist twats who think that everything in life revolves around getting a university degree and in order to have any sort of valid opinion you have to have more than one masters in a subject in order to be classed as intelligent.

As many people are saying now, Donald Trump is something that the political establishment has created themselves because of your exact sort of smug arrogance, while I don't support him in the slightest, it's great fun watching people like you squirm in horror over him. Anyone who is that hostile to Trump only have themselves to blame for being so blatantly hostile towards a specific demographic and it's now coming back to bite them in the arse, these people don't support him because they all like him, they support him because he's the only person left that's not part of the political establishment and is not willing to play by the rules the mainstream media sets.

The only people who were honest in politics and had genuine beliefs or arguments were driven out, so now Donald Trump is what has replaced them.
accurate. but not everyone honest in politics has been driven out, sanders seems pretty honest.

Maybe he will never quit but I hope that he won't win it
he has pretty good chance to. pretty pathetic that a businessman has a better chance at presidency these days than actual politicians.
649  Economy / Reputation / Re: ►►►►►HumanResources is Islamic State(IS) MUST READ,Save this forum!◄◄◄ on: January 05, 2016, 09:35:30 AM
I have good reason to believe that what was stated in the OP is true.
and i have just as good reason to think that the sky will be purple tomorrow, a rather bright shade of pink the next day, and will go on strobe mode for the rest of the week, plunging the entire human race into an epilepsy panic.

even though their advertising methods may seem fishy to some with the upfront payment and money flaunting, this is still a baseless accusation. it might just be a honeypot operation for all we know, although that seems unlikely too.
650  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do Atheists hate Religion ? on: January 05, 2016, 09:29:04 AM

That's stretching the meaning of faith beyond reason. Pun intended. What you are talking about isn't religious faith. Which I believe was what he was talking about. Yes people don't know the future. So they have to make assumptions about how things will work. And they act based on that. But that isn't religious faith. If things don't work how people expect, people change their assumptions. Change what they have faith will happen. If you want to use that word. But you can't do that in religious faith. You have to believe in something against all evidence to the contrary. Or lack of evidence.

We could get really detailed here. I don't want to go that far.

By the definitions of "religion," all people have religion. And their religion involves a great deal of faith, no matter who they are.

When a person talks "formal religion," one that has a name and some holy or sacred writings, remember that he interprets the doctrine and aspects of his formal religion differently than everyone else who has the same formal religion... differently at least a little.

The religion of a little child often can be twisted this way and that in the little child, by those who want to train him in formal religion. But his religion that is based in reality is strongest of all religions. This is because he still holds the memory of how he was created and built in Mommy's tummy, even though he can't express the concepts involved, and even though he can't easily be made to understand that he might be being asked to express them. The rest of us have chosen to bypass such complicated memory concepts, and in so doing we have made our religion less than reality... usually far less.

The idea that atheism is not a religion, or that atheists and others live without religion, is entirely false... by the definitions of what religion is. All suggestions of belief or faith, and all faith systems, are simply attempts at describing reality. The further we get away from the reality of the little child, the further we get into religion.

cant really say atheism is a religion, even by the technical definition:
(credits to
atheism does not in any way contain a fundamental explanation for the universe and its origins, it does not contain a set of beliefs, etc. atheism is just the lack of religion, or as biomech (i think, a bit fuzzy) put it earlier, irreligious.
prefix a -> not
theism -> belief in the existence of supernatural beings, or gods, that created the universe or something.
atheism -> lack of the belief in the above.
atheism is literally not religion.
651  Other / Politics & Society / Re: First pic of the flat earth on: January 05, 2016, 09:21:24 AM
Why are people so obsessed with flat earth? Where this stupidity comes from?
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

It is usually the people on the low end of society that believe similar nonsense. Their education is usually wrong or very limited and their wealth is at the same level. People with a scientific background would never believe things like this in addition to people who have a decent amount of money. Those people could easily verify this on their own with various spacecraft.
it goes slightly beyond that too, psychologically. not only are these people on the lower echelon of society not as educated, leading to a lack in the scientific explanations of the world, these people refuse to believe any scientific explanation that is presented to them, and cling to irrational explanations that are in tune with their religious beliefs. the less educated at the least know about their disadvantage, and inferiority complex shit. just my speculation. the other group of people that believe the flat earth crap are the overly religious, and blindly swallow up whatever their faith throws at them because said faith make up a very large part of their life and identity as a follower of that faith. its like kids believing whatever their parents say.
652  Other / Archival / Re: Need a 0.075 loan for ~1 month on: January 05, 2016, 07:37:08 AM
repaid: 02d41512b93ae0d97fbe5304d9d55ad37de4e1535be5dd8cb6194229d30b9ceb
653  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is Hillary Clinton Trustworthy? on: January 04, 2016, 09:57:31 AM
I think Clinton is more dangerous than Trump in matter of starting World War III vs Russians. She seems a mad person to me.
its not just about the risk of war, hillary is flat out losing it (mentally). she constantly puts out lies for the public to hear and she demonstrates no real reasons she should be elected president ('ms clinton, why should you be president?' 'im a woman' -cnn debate). benghazi, the whole email thing, etc. no matter how many 'womyn' or sjw's she might appeal to, she should never be allowed to be president. that being said, itll come down to sanders and trump, and unless sanders pulls some points together soon, i think it might be trump 2016.
654  Other / Meta / Re: New sig campaign to end sig campaigns on: January 04, 2016, 09:46:03 AM
paid signature or not, people exist that will post crap regardless. it's possible a thread started with the intent to keep out people with a paid signature might just attract dedicated trolls without a signature and clog up whatever discussion all the same.
if anything, the self modded threads' goal should be to cut out all crap regardless of who posts it.

Yes, and signatures incentivize volume, not quality of posting, so targeting them specifically would seem a good way to improve the forum's overall quality of content. There's probably an interesting discussion to be had on whether we might be better off with more self-moderated threads in general - centralized vs. distributed moderation, essentially.

I'm just pointing out that for any users unhappy with moderation policy, as many seem to be in the case of the sig campaigns, the forum software does offer tools to use.
the volume of posts being the problem, there isnt a real direct way to solve the issue. the most direct solution would be to limit the number of posts a paid signature advertiser can make in a certain period of time, or implement a greater timer in between posting. however, we know this wont happen. the only feasible solution (without admins directly imposing new policies or intervening directly in the campaigns themselves) i see is a really strict anti spam policy that would be maintained by campaign managers, as they alone control who stays in the campaign and who gets booted, aside from the moderators / admins banning users for spamming.

although the self moderated thread idea might allow for quality discussion devoid of spammers and trolls, they wouldnt necessarily cut down the spam (in regards to the whole forum) as h@c said above.
655  Other / Meta / Re: New sig campaign to end sig campaigns on: January 03, 2016, 10:17:06 AM
Shorena: I don't think it's possible for a user to restore posts they delete from a self-mod thread. As for deleting old posts, I expect that would depend on the user doing the moderating. Probably they'd be left in place most of the time. Too much work to keep track of every post, plus the point is to remove the incentive to post crap, not to remove ads per se. Providing a clean environment for discussion as it's happening should be enough.
paid signature or not, people exist that will post crap regardless. it's possible a thread started with the intent to keep out people with a paid signature might just attract dedicated trolls without a signature and clog up whatever discussion all the same.
if anything, the self modded threads' goal should be to cut out all crap regardless of who posts it.
656  Other / Meta / Re: Personal details for escrow on: January 02, 2016, 09:24:58 PM
You can use External Escrow Services...
People provide Escrow to help others more than to earn from it!! No one is going to reveal their Personal information for this...

That is why I stopped escrowing. I think people way under value the escrows here and what they provide. I would spend way too much time and hardly ever get tipped. I noticed Mitchell also stopped offering for the same reason. The more honest guys that stop will lead to problems I am sure. I would never use some off forum website to escrow...
that goes for any service offered here on the forums.
657  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: Master-P SCAMMER. I lost complete faith in this forum now. on: January 02, 2016, 03:10:38 AM
Here's my fuckin' theory: TECSHARE is in on the scam.
actually, i was the one that messaged him when i saw this thread. thats when he told me the fabrication of his account having been sold. as for now, im leaning towards thinking it was an exit scam.
658  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: Master-P SCAMMER. I lost complete faith in this forum now. on: December 31, 2015, 06:38:20 AM
I have looked into this closely enough and I can confidently say that master-P has the following alts (this may not be an all-inclusive list):

u missed this ?
Yup that would probably be another of his I said my list is not all inclusive.

As I had mentioned previously, I find it suspicious that there had been so many instances when someone agreed to buy BTC then disappeared, especially considering that most of the people actively suggested master-P once escrow was funded as for the most part once two people agree on a transaction and both parties confirm the details with an escrow the transaction actually goes through/gets completed smoothly.

I think hes trying guys. I say this because i just received .250 and i see kingzee addy in this transaction as well so im assuming its from master-p. ill wait for him and others to confirm
That is .75 out of over 20BTC....tbh that is really not saying very much to me

Its a start is all im saying man. Id rather it start somewhere than not start at all ya know
id like to think that everything will get returned too, but if what QS posted above is correct, and newflesh is master-p's alt, then its highly likely he was using those account sales to amass funds for an exit scam. in addition, a DT account was listed on there, which might have been the master-p account itself. it just yells 'exit scam' to me.
i might just be being overly speculative, but partially returning the money might just be a delaying tactic.
659  Economy / Services / Re: Master-P's FREE Escrow Service | IPO/ICO/Sig Campaign 1% | Acc Trades 0.005 fee on: December 31, 2015, 03:19:40 AM
I would be interested in hearing who you trust on the forums...

I have chosen to trust theymos and nonnakip. 
IMO They wouldn't offer escrow service. The admins could implement some strict practice to ensure the escrow process to be secure, like ID check, transaction history check etc and recommend the escrow for us.
I aint doing any trade here till the admins really start implementing some vigrous rules.
it wont happen. if the admins were to verify an escrow providers identity and let officially let them offer services on the forum, thats more or less equivalent to the forum vouching or staking their rep or whatever on that escrow provider. should something go wrong, the blame for whatever damage is caused can come back to the forum and its admins for more or less backing the escrow provider by recommending that user as a trustable figure.
660  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: Master-P SCAMMER. I lost complete faith in this forum now. on: December 31, 2015, 12:12:01 AM
was the real Master-P always such an asshole?

i find it hard to believe that he/she could have made it into big5 with an attitude like that.

I'll be adding blatant sig spammers to my ignore list so I don't have to spend as much time sifting through garbage posts while trying to resolve this. Starting with you.

Can someone show me where I can download Armory 0.93.3? I can only see 0.93.2 as the latest/stable on the Armory website.

the sooner you realize that nobody is interested in your opinion on anything the sooner you can start working on returning those coins

pretty sure anyone would be incredibly frustrated being in a situation like this, especially since their computer was hacked. however, if these hacking allegations are true, and REAL-master-p is actually the real master-P, then imo theres a pretty good chance the coins will be returned, which is what matters most right now.
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