Yeah you right, IEO only work with an exchange who already have a "Brand", "Name", "Nice Rank" & "Good Reputation". Other exchange IEO was really shit, to be honest IEO only work for 1-3 top exchange by coin markets like Huobi or Binance. They already have a brand name, because of that the project who launch on their platform get a good benefit from the exchange platform. Just call it "FREE Advertiser" from the exchange Name/Brand.
Well, to be honest, I would agree if you change to the shit token.
Creating a token more easily than creating a coin, some of the projects only doing copy-paste for the code and distribute the token with using an airdrop. Then try to make a hype to sell his own token, In the past years, i found a lot project but the team background as "BountyHunter" creating an ICO/Token they conduct an ico with only 600-1000 ETH. Paying a shit exchange to with low due diligence to make his own token can be tradeable on an exchange, only need 4-6 month they all disappear with making chaos on that project/price.
There was another website with about the same logic, they had per minute lottery, per hour, per day, per week, per month and per year as the latest if I am not wrong, they did a beta and only allowed people to play with fake money and not real, they couldn't find a big increase in user numbers during the beta and gave up I believe.
If you guys insist on this, I know it will have very small and tiny numbers at first and that will look bad for you because you are basically required to have a lot of people buying tickets to keep this up but I am sure in the end you will get more and more people and finally hit to a number that is actually fun to gamble. Be careful about the affiliate people tho, freebitcoin had trouble with it on their lottery section, don't remember what the problem was but you can ask them yourself.
The loteo lottery was really different from other lottery casinos they not using a number lottery, In here the chance of winning the lottery is determined by : "how many tickets are in the lottery" The more tickets you use in the lottery, the more chance you got to win the lottery, We all know LOTEO was really young gambling lottery. The player lottery was not too much right now the chance lottery on 1:94 maybe around 30-40 ticket purchase, but they really have a good prize pool for a small lottery i hope the pool lottery can increase more higher. I don't know about the problem I think we don't have a really big problem at the affiliate program, The team not make a big bonus for affiliate program from every ticket has been purchased by the downline. They only get around 1-4% from the downline, if he wants a big bonus from affiliate he should to becomes "Premium Partner" first.
It means you are very updated about the project. You really are a long time fan of EOSBET.
GP fans of EOSBET? I'm laughing right now because of this, you need to know about GP. He the hatter of all gambling platform man if you don't know about that. He only asking an annoying question to every thread gambling ann.
The shit things about @GP
He has time to responding/troll/asking at a gambling thread service ann, but not make a single reply about this case/problem by using his service. I also remind him to respond about this case, just curious what clarification he gave to us about this problem. Anyway if he doesn't make a single reply in email/thread in the next days better to make Type Flag #3.
EOSBet fantasy token holders selling its tokens for 70% less like they paid!
What does this mean?
Something wrong doing that? Oh come on, everyone freely to trade, buy or sell his own token. Did we need to get your approvement before doing a trade and its a dividend the main concept still on gambling, dividend just a bonus for a player. Stop trolled the gambling section, better to solve your service problem. One of your customers got problem by using a service, already few days still waiting for your response. You have time responding at here but don't have time to reply the thread/email your customer. Here :'t forget thanks to me.
You already become a "Hero Member".
You should already know and have some experience trading with using FA/TA, You know right the best trading using your own speculation not from other people. It's already a basic rule investment/trading, anyway about DogeCoin. The coin price sometimes up just because Altcoin Season or some people try to make the price up without a good reason about the project, I never have seen the price moving up because of the news from the Dogecoin it's self.
No one forced you to join a bounty, its freelance jobs you can't hope too much getting a big reward with only "Sharing/Post" on your social media. Make your own due diligence, feel free to join if the project was really good, if not then skip the project. Anyway, stop complains about your income in a freelance, get a real job man you know crypto was really volatility about the price. ICO Token price for bounty based the token sale price, if they already go to the exchange the team already don't have a responsibility to protect the price.
I've read stories of accounts getting locked for reason like deposits are coming from gambling sites. That's what I had in mind when I said it puts crypto in a bad light in some way.
Yeah, My country was really stricted about the gambling online. In here the police sometime make a patrol at Internet Cafe checking the costumer did he playing a gambling casino like lottery/poker. Some people sometimes got caught and the police bring him to the office police I tried several my local gambling using a fiat, the problem it's on the Deposit/Withdrawal its need time to verify the transaction around 24h. In cryptocurrency you can only doing that in a few mins, also they cant track my transaction gamble went using a crypto.
bagi yang sering kena delete mungkin ini ada kaitannya dengan aturan baru moderator. silahkan disimak thread ini : dijelaskan ttg rule baru, saya sudah baca tapi masih kurang faham maksudnya. jika ada yang bantu menjelaskan saya sangat berterima kasih. Kagak ada hubungannya om, itu cuman fitur bumping yang digunakan untuk "Up" thread agar topic bisa selalu paling atas. Postingan/topik yang dihapus sudah jelas paling antara OOT/Menyalahi aturan bitcointalk Untuk "bump" yang lama, itu dari last post di thread tersebut. Cuman sekarang bump menggunakan "bump power" bukan lagi dari "Last Post" thread, saat ini fitur "Bump Power" hanya berada di board ini : - Service Announcements - Announcements (Altcoins) - Tokens (Altcoins)
Atau mungkin menggunakan ekstensi metacert untuk browser bisa jadi alternatif lain untuk menghindari akses website yang terkontaminasi DNS Hijack ini mas?
Ane belum pernah make sih, jadi gk bisa ngasih review buat ekstensinya. Kalo masalah menyimpan koin di Exchange, Indodax masih aman dan belum pernah di hack. Ane pribadi menyimpan koin atau HOLD koin di indodax sudah cukup lama. Keamanan indodax juga sangat baik dan kalaupun terjadi pembobolan si OSCAR pasti tanggung jawab untuk semua kerugian membernya.
Belum pernah di-hack bukan berarti tidak bisa di hack, hanya saja memang belum ditemukan celahnya. Bisa ajh di masa mendatang, Indodax menjadi target penyerangan hacker dan berhasil menemukan celahnya "Mencegah lebih baik dari pada mengobati". Untuk masalah ganti rugi, jika jumlah kerugian yang hilang lebih besar dari dana perusahaan maka hal itu bisa disebut "Out of Fund" yang dimana perusahaan tidak bisa melakukan ganti rugi dikarenakan dana yang dimiliki tidak cukup untuk melakukan ganti rugi. Mungkin Exchange bisa melakukan beberapa cara yang bisa dilakukan sampai bisa pulih kembali : - "Refund" dilakukan secara bertahap.
- Melakukan Limit terhadap Withdrawl dari Jumlah Witdrawl & Waktu yang dilakukan.
- Melakukan recovery asset, dengan melajutkan aktifitas trading (Fee Trade), dll.
Cuman biasanya kalau exchange udah kena hack, semua costumer pasti melakukan hal yang sama yaitu "Mau cepet-cepet withdrawl semua assetnya". Makanya exchange yang terkena hacked agak sulit recovery, terlebih lagi untuk Indodax yang memang exchange masih berada dikelas menengah.
Gak semudah itu, kalau untuk dari "Search" google mungkin orang biasanya akan melakukan pengecheckan dari alamat website dan dll tapi kalau udh DNS Hijacking agak sedikit mudah terkena phising. Untuk masalah nama + ssl masih bisa disamakan seperti kasus Myetherwallet + Etherdelta yang memang salah satu huruf masih bisa dimanipulasi dengan L/I yang agak sedikit sulit dibedakan apabila browser menggunakan font dafault yang dimana terjadi kesamaan dalam huruf hanya dengan "Capslock". Terlebih lagi, orang yang melakukan access melalui "Bookmark" yang memang udh berangapan seperti yang ane bilang diatas yang dimana fitur "Bookmark" dijadiakan salah satu cara untuk menghindari phising "Gua udah bookmark, gak mungkin lah mengujungi web phising" jadi lebih rentan ketimbang orang yang terkena phising dari Search Engine/Source tidak dikenal. Mari kita kasih contoh Bitcointalk terkena DNS Hijacking, hacker melakukan redirect website dari asli ke phising Oke lah kalau disini masih bisa dibedakan dengan font yang memang ada sedikit perbedaan tapi kalo ane test di browser ane yang memang font nya masih dafault itu hampir sama banget perbedaanya hanyalah kesejajaran huruf antara i dan l, Yang bisa jadi pembeda hanyalah orang yang menggunakan fitur "Auto Login Forever" yang dimana akun tidak dalam keadaan login ketika mengunjungi website maka patut dicurigai sedang mengujungi halaman phising. Yah untuk menghindari kesamaan kata yang hanya dengan menggunakan "Caplock" mungkin mengganti jenis font, pilih jenis font yang memang setiap huruf tidak bisa disamakan hanya dengan menggunakan capslock.
Bookmarks adalah hal sepele yang sering dilupakan oleh banyak orang. Padahal untuk melakukan bookmarks cukup sederhana. Sinkronisasi melalui akun gmail juga bisa memudahkan kita dalam mengelola daftar bookmark. Jika tidak mau sign in di browser, bisa menggunakan Evernote/Google Keep dan note online lainnya untuk dimasukkan daftar website penting agar terhindar dari phishing.
Kelemahan Bookmark sebenernya cuman satu, yaitu kalau site yang di boomark terkena " DNS Hijacking" pada website yang disimpan. Dari hal tersebut si-hacker bisa meredirect dari website asli ke website palsu yang dibuat, gegara hal tersebut banyak user yang tidak sadar bahwa dirinya mengunjungi website phising yang dibuat oleh si-hacker. Dikarenakan udh berpikiran "Gua kan udah Bookmark websitenya + klik link dari bookmark yang gua simpan pasti aman lah", salah satu exchange yang pernah terkena DNS Hijacking adalah Etherdelta.
But can Some coins just disapere? Or Go to Zero? I Think If market is Red its a Good time to buy!
I Don't undestood that Panic about altcoins!
Sure can, if the project was fraud & scammer at that time. Example like Bitconect a Ponzi project, He on top 20 rank by coinmarketcap with a price around 400$/1B went they announcement close the lending site the prize drop to around 1$ with only 1 day then you can see right now bitconect already disappear.
What do you think about WhiteBit exchange? please share your experience
Never know/hear about the exchange. is it secure? I heard 96% of all assets are stored on cold wallets.
Other exchange also saying this same statement on their exchange, but still, get the hack. The safest place to store your coin, token or asset is on your own personal. Went you can control all of your assets, exchange was not really a good option cause exchange the target attacking from the hacker. Not your key, not your crypto.
maximum profit ratio and minimal loss.
No one knows about the maximum profit/minimum lose we can get. We can't predict this bruh. To answer your question, "The best crypto who making a lot profit" we already know the answer its "Bitcoin". If you ask about "Altcoin" Of course all cryptocurrency at 2017, That's the biggest rally on all altcoin reaching an all-time high profit from a low price.
As long as it can be proofed then it will just be the same for lottery game. What you really need is just some lucky charm which can let you be the winner, even if you use 1 tickets you might actually have the chance to win but of course it will be ony slightly chance. I do not think the chance will be benefit for each players here because it will be just the same for everyone when it comes to lottery, as long as you are lucky then 1 tickets will be enough
Some people already got lucky with only a single ticket based on my experience. I doing some research at the lottery entry, checking the winner on the explorer a few members already win the ETH Lottery just using the 1-2 ticket and they double up the chance by using 100 LOTEO they can beat someone who using 30 tickets. I guessed @roycilik maybe one of them, who win the lottery just using a small ticket entry maybe you can ask him its is t "True" or "Not" His name already on the " Wall Hall Fame of LOTEO Winner".
Pengalaman ane waktu mendapati topik yang sama, pernah sekali membuat thread dengan topik yang sama dikarenakan memang sebelum saya membuat topik lupa untuk "Search" topik terlebih dahulu. Dikarenakan waktu itu lagi excited banget bikin thread mengenai topik yang ane buat, pengen sharing juga sekalian belajar. Beberapa member seperti om @Joniboini melakukan saran untuk membuat tutorial dengan versi yang belum ada di topik yang lama akan tetapi topik masih berkaitan satu sama lain. Sehingga bisa menjadi pembeda walaupun topik yang dibawa sama. Terkadang dibeberapa kondisi ada seseorang yang memang ingin malakukan update dari topik yang dibahas akan tetapi thread dalam keadaan locked, jika hal ini terjadi mungkin bisa lakukan beberapa cara dibawah. - PM Si-Pembuat Thread
Jika dirasa ada hal penting yang ingin di update di thread tersebut, akan tetapi thread dalam keadaan locked bisa coba untuk menghubungi @OP terlebih dahulu untuk meng-unlock thread tersebut apabila user masih aktif hingga saat ini. - Menghubungi Moderator
Opsi ini bisa dipakai apabila memang si-pembuat thread sudah pensi/vakum lama dari bitcointalk, sehingga kita tidak bisa menghubungi beliau untuk membuka thread tersebut. Kita bisa meminta bantuan moderator untuk melakukan unlock thread dengan kuasa beliau sebagai moderator.
Jika memang sudah terlanjur membuat topik yang sama, mungkin bisa bertindak seperti ini : - Deleted Thread : Apabila thread tersebut belum dikomentari sama sekali oleh user lain.
- Locked Thread : Apabila memang orang lain telah mengingatkan anda tentang topik yang sama atau sudah ada yang me-repply dari thread yang agan buat.
- Merubah judul thread & isi konten menjadi "Deleted" dan memindahkannya ke board "Archival"
I am actually the person who did the Arabic translation for the ANN and the Bounty for them, they gave me like 32k of CATT which is got like in value of 20 -30 usd which is disrespectful. A part from that, they are solid and working to deliver as i am seeing them grabbing a great position in the Top exchangers with a great volume. Keep going Catex.
You got a scam then, go make a thread. Based on the bounty thread, you should get more than hundreds of thousands token or maybe millions. Since we don't have a spreadsheet of how many people who make a translation it's kinda hard. The bounty manager also an f***ng a***ole, he locked both thread ANN + Bounty and keep avoiding the question from the participant.
The altcoin was really crying because of the bitcoin movement, well you should have at least 50% asset on bitcoin to gain some profit went bitcoin doing some rally. Because the first rally bullish will be on bitcoin after that the altcoin will follow, but with almost 1 year the altcoin still no making any movement keeping decrease went bitcoin up or down. The altcoin season will not be the same as 2017.