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6561  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: The Largest Bitcoin Scam of Them All? on: September 21, 2011, 03:41:47 AM
Show me a company on GLBSE with a business plan, contact info, sustaining capital, or a business license.

Why? Why waste time on you?
6562  Other / Off-topic / Re: [POLL] I'm Done!: Animal House 2 on: September 21, 2011, 03:40:25 AM
Jesus was not on this Earth to make rules, he was here to sacrifice himself for our sins. 

Did he sacrifice himself, or did he let others kill him?
6563  Other / Off-topic / Re: [POLL] I'm Done!: Animal House 2 on: September 21, 2011, 03:37:26 AM
Again, if you are having sexual relations with men you are sinning.  It's a sad example of cognitive distress that you are unable to come to terms with what I am telling you.  You are free to disagree and take the wrong interpretation if you wish, but you will not change what God is telling you.

Sadder still that you can not tell me in your own words WHY I am sinning. God told you have having sex with someone of the same sex as you was sinning? He told me just the opposite. Perhaps that "sin" only applied to you? Or do you have something more concrete?

It's troubling that you took I reply I made to someone else and applied it to yourself automatically.  It suggests your cognitive dissonance is again in action.  Why did you assume your own situation was comparable to rape or theft?

It's troubling that when you wanted to give other examples of sin besides homosexuality, your fist thoughts were rape and theft. Why did you think that homosexuality belongs in the same category? And if it doesn't, what other types of sin that don't actually cause any harm can you think of to compare to homosexuality? Is wearing cotton-polyester mix a good comparable sin? Is you talking in church? What about you touching anyone while you're on your period?

Frankly, I don't even remember the details of why Saul is so pissed at Jonathan.

I'm sorry if you don't like what the passage says, but it is what it is.  It doesn't matter how you would like to remember it.
What the passage says is EXACTLY what I have proposed it says: Saul is angry at Jonathan because in Saul's eyes whatever Jonathan did was shameful, the result of his perverted mother, and brought shame on his mother's nakedness (whatever that means). Why are you avoiding the actual statement of that passage, trying to explain it with "But it's his MOTHER who was naked" when that was beside the point? Why are you avoiding all of my other questions too?

You avoided the question, and, ironically, you were actually the one who simply repeated what was already being said there. So, let me bold it for you:
Why would Jonathan, upon meeting David for the fist time, give up his most prized possessions in a show of giving himself up to David's power? i.e. Those two never met before, and Jonathan just suddenly goes, "Oh, hi. Here's my stuff, and I'm giving my power over to you." Why? How are we supposed to understand his actions?

It must be very chaotic in your mind, as the truth tries to peak through and your perverted urges shut them down.   As I said, it is a transference of official position in respect of David's great victory over Goliath.  It is the respect of a soldier.  Had you actually read the bible, instead of just googling for quotes to support your perversion at random, you may have been aware of that story and why the people, even aside from Jonathan, had such respect for David's reputation.  
Fine, I'll concede you this one. Even though this passage happens AFTER David and Jonathan are back at Saul's house, and make a covenant with each other, I doubt anyone will budge. And for someone who is so quick to point out one's own piety and bible reading, you really don't strike me as someone who read it to understand it. It seems you just skimmed it for the words, and had someone else tell you what is meant, and which words are important.

Out of curiosity, just how much do you think this "perversion" or mine consumes me? By the way you talk to me, it seems as if you think my life, morning to dawn, is nothing but this homosex perverion.
6564  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Beenz vs Bitcoin on: September 21, 2011, 03:16:26 AM
I don't think centralized v.s. decentralized matters much. My first thought:

Beenz - Small group of guys at the top REALLY hyped about it, trying to get a larger group of "common" people out here hyped about it as well.
Bitcoin - HUGE group of random common people REALLY hyped about it, trying to get a smaller group of guys at the top hyped about it too.
Basically, one was an idea trying to spread from a few at the top to the many below, while the other is an idea built from the bottom up. Beenz can fail if the small group of people doesn't convince the larger group of people. Bitcoin succeeded simply because it's already a larger group to begin with.
6565  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: The Largest Bitcoin Scam of Them All? on: September 21, 2011, 03:08:13 AM
Geze guys, just go f*ck already. The manly sexual tension between you two is making ME feel weird. You're worse than a married couple even.

I have it on good authority that Randy is actually a big titty'd Scandinavian woman. Although, she has a fat ass.

... is that what the "folds" is for?  Tongue
6566  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: The Largest Bitcoin Scam of Them All? on: September 21, 2011, 02:55:25 AM
Geze guys, just go f*ck already. The manly sexual tension between you two is making ME feel weird. You're worse than a married couple even.
6567  Other / Off-topic / Re: [POLL] I'm Done!: Animal House 2 on: September 21, 2011, 02:47:01 AM
You're right, simply stating facts isn't all that creative;topicseen

JUST came across that myself. I withdraw my statement and apologize. Though do provide a link next time please.
6568  Other / Off-topic / Re: [POLL] I'm Done!: Animal House 2 on: September 21, 2011, 02:42:57 AM
6569  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: The Largest Bitcoin Scam of Them All? on: September 21, 2011, 02:42:04 AM
anyone just needs to read all the TROLLING you've been doing for the past few months .... pussy...

Hey now. Pussies can take a hell of a lot more abuse than dicks.
6570  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Unknown National Chain Restaurant to Accept Bitcoin This Weekend on: September 21, 2011, 02:37:07 AM
Heh, converting the money and energy of your parent's food, support, and basement into internet diarrhea since 19-whatever, eh?

The irony is, regardless of what that guy did, his actions resulted in a HUGE boost to discussing and collaborating on better Point-of-Sale systems. So, thanks SA for getting us focused on a much needed topic, even if it was obviously your original intention.

I'm also still a bit lost on the whole SA goon lied to Bruce == Bruce is a liar and should not be trusted. Someone please explain?
6571  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: The Largest Bitcoin Scam of Them All? on: September 21, 2011, 02:31:21 AM
LOL! Some asswipe, with a s*it for a name, comes on this forum, thinking his "article" should be taken seriously, insults everyone, and is now demanding answers from people with actual work to do?

Why are you guys even acknowledging him?
6572  Other / Off-topic / Re: [POLL] I'm Done!: Animal House 2 on: September 21, 2011, 02:02:17 AM
Actually I have repeatedly told him platonic love is just fine, but that his insistance on perverting it into a sexual relationship later is the problem.

Again, there's a huge difference between platonic love and romantic love. You can love your close friends, but you can be in love with only one person. I would ask if the love you feel for your parents is the same as you feel for your friends, and is the same that you feel for Jesus, but since you've apparently never been in love, this question is likely pointless.
The worst part of it is, Christians who are against homosexuality NEVER stop to ask if the love is one of "sexual relationship." Two guys together? "Sexual perversion!" and "you're going to hell!" That girl you were caught with, was it a "sexual relationship," or just "platonic love?" And if you two never did anything sexual, why was it perverse and sinful?

Rape makes some people happy, murder makes some people happy, greed makes people happy, gluttony, theft...everything can make a person happy.  You can't base your moral compass on what brings you pleasure.

I base my moral compass on whether something is causing harm or hurting someone. Do you know what the one main difference is between rape and a consensual relationship? Or between any of those things you listed, and a heterosexual or homosexual relationship?

No, you quite clearly implied you were providing the "actual quote" and then referenced a cherry picked version you thought would make your case better.

Eh, fair enough. I just thought that the quote I provided was a more detailed and more precisely worded one. Heck, I even used the original language part for that quote. Is the original language word, which translates into "male prostitute" not good enough?  And what about my question regarding the bible condemning lesbianism? Where in the bible does it say that the relationship you were busted for was a sin? (or are you trying to avoid this question too?)

1 Samuel 20:30-31
Then Saul's anger burned against Jonathan and he said to him, "You son of a perverse, rebellious woman! Do I not know that you are choosing the son of Jesse to your own shame and to the shame of your mother's nakedness? "For as long as the son of Jesse lives on the earth, neither you nor your kingdom will be established. Therefore now, send and bring him to me, for he must surely die."

Advocates of a homosexual reading of this passage will sometimes point to the description of "nakedness" in this verse and claim that it is referring to a sexual relationship. The inference here is that the context implies that Jonathan somehow chose David sexually (as a homosexual partner). This interpretation then goes on to claim that Saul is upset because Jonathan could not be established as king unless and until he had a female partner with which to bear children who could become heirs to the throne.

But let’s be honest about the passage. Who is described as naked? It’s Jonathan’s mother! There is nothing in the passage that describes a sexual relationship between the two men. In fact, this passage says nothing about ANY type of marriage. Saul is upset about one thing: Jonathan took David’s side against Saul! Jonathan and David were sworn to each other as brothers, and Saul was simply MAD that Jonathan would treat David more like family than his own father.

There are similar explanations for everything you can bring up here, you are trying to fit what you wish God was telling you into what he is telling you.  It doesn't work that way.

Frankly, I don't even remember the details of why Saul is so pissed at Jonathan. But let's really be honest. Does the passage actually "describe" Jonathan's mother as being naked, as that "explanation" says? Looking at the passage, it seems to just say that Jonathan's actions, whatever they were, have "brought shame of [his] mother's nakedness." What kind of action can bring shame similar to someone else's nakedness? Why does Saul use this old oft-used term about bringing shame in such and such a way? What action is Jonathan being accused of that is being called perverse and shameful, as opposed to, say, hurtful, foolish, or something that would cause Saul to simply be angry? Sorry, but the explanation given by that page is extremely weak. For a book with god as the editor, that is some REALLY weird choice of words.

It's true that the armor part is a symbol of transfer of power. So, please explain, why would Jonathan, upon meeting David, give up his most prized possessions to him in a show of giving up himself to David's power? My guess, love/crush at first sight. What is yours?

I have already told you, do you think if you repeat it the truth will be obscured?  It is about a transference of official power, not love of any kind.

You avoided the question, and, ironically, you were actually the one who simply repeated what was already being said there. So, let me bold it for you:
Why would Jonathan, upon meeting David for the fist time, give up his most prized possessions in a show of giving himself up to David's power? i.e. Those two never met before, and Jonathan just suddenly goes, "Oh, hi. Here's my stuff, and I'm giving my power over to you." Why? How are we supposed to understand his actions?

Not sure what this bowing is about, as I didn't bring it up. Explain?

I think I see the problem, you are just copying and pasting things you have found online without bothering to try and verify them for yourself?  That is very dishonest, I have been telling you to trust in God and his word rather than the lies of other people, many of whom have apparently abused you.

I have copied that one piece of text for ease, but you're assuming that I haven't verified them. My words and my understanding of this are my own, not God's or anyone elses. They are not words I have simply been force-fed by my parents and church, but rather ones I have come to after thinking about this for a very long time on my own.
As for you, how do you know that your words are not the words of Satan? He can make you feel happy, content, and very self-righteous too, you know.

"After the boy had gone, David got up from the south side of the stone and bowed down before Jonathan three times, with his face to the ground. Then they kissed each other and wept together - but David wept the most." - Samuel 20:41 (The couple crying over their parents forcing hem to break up)"

Since we both agree a kiss does not imply a sexual relationship, what could you be referring to but the bow, unless you didn't read what you posted?

Ah, yeah, sorry, it's that thing about you not knowing what is platonic love and what is romantic love. A kiss like that likely implies a romantic relationship. People don't cry and kiss when they are forced to part.  Not even in cultures where they kiss to say hello. No one else in the bible has ever parted that way either. Frankly, I don't know of any cultures where kissing to say good bye is just a normal, casual thing.

Kettle <-> Pot. Homosexuality was not illegal, and love between men, and even marriage between male monks, wasn't that uncommon until some time in the 1400's (I think, though I may be off by a few centuries). Marriage itself was simply a property transfer contract until the liberalization of the last 2 or 3 hundred years or so. So, perhaps the bible has always spoken out against homosexuality, and gays are just trying to make it fit the current (new) culture, or perhaps the bible never said anything against homosexuality because it was never considered as anything weird, and Christians are just "taking a little bit out of the Old Testament (about 5 to 7 "mentions?") to try to make it fit into their own (still somewhat-new) culture?

Please stop attempting to troll, it's painfully obvious when you do so.  

Not attempting to troll, and if you just brushed that off as such, that's rather sad. But I guess I can keep history lessons out of it. (though you'd be surprised how many gays have actually contributed to your religion to make it what it is today)
6573  Other / Off-topic / Re: [POLL] I'm Done!: Animal House 2 on: September 21, 2011, 12:08:44 AM
What do we call it when socially maladjusted fat people have sex without pretending they're animals? How about "making the beast with two backs and four chins"?
That's called an anime convention.

People have sex at anime/comic conventions? I thought that was impossible for geeky/nerdy types without some sort of fluffy covering to hide what they actually look like?
6574  Other / Off-topic / Re: [POLL] I'm Done!: Animal House 2 on: September 20, 2011, 09:31:37 PM
Just fyi, "yiffing" is a (rather weird) slang term that litteraly means "to have sex." It's only as specific as that. So, sure, "to have sex" is a perverted fantasy, but not really a unique one :/

I think the technical definition of 'yiffing' is actually 'Sex between two socially maladjusted and/or fat people who like to pretend they are animals'.

Ok, you got me there  Roll Eyes
6575  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: The Largest Bitcoin Scam of Them All? on: September 20, 2011, 09:30:08 PM
"The Dodd-Frank Act grants federal district courts jurisdiction over SEC actions charging federal securities violations where (i) conduct within the United States constitutes a significant step in furtherance of a violation, even if the transaction occurs outside the United States and involves only foreign investors, or (ii) conduct occurring outside the United States has a foreseeable substantial effect within the United States"

Well ain't that some sh*t (in a specific use of the word). Conduct within the United States can be charged with violation, even if the conduct occurs outside the United States? Huh???
6576  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: The Largest Bitcoin Scam of Them All? on: September 20, 2011, 09:25:48 PM
One suggestion is another more-or-less libertarian system: private arbitration.
Arbitration hasn't worked out too well. There's a tendency for arbitrators to be "captured" by their "regular customers". The "National Arbitration Forum" turned out to be a front for a debt-collecting firm. Also see "The Arbitration Trap", from Public Citizen.

Oh yes, I'm quite aware of all this. Personally, it bothers me to see so many companies require all disputes to be handled through arbitration instead of public court when you sign contracts with them.
But that doesn't mean that the system can't be improved, or a more transparent system specifically dealing with international law and international currency can't be established. That project is still in it's infancy right now, but with so much outsourcing, offshoring, cloud services, etc, it is DESPERATELY needed. Granted, that project is very much beyond the scope of this forum  Undecided
6577  Other / Off-topic / Re: [POLL] I'm Done!: Animal House 2 on: September 20, 2011, 08:42:57 PM
Have I made my point?

That the Internet is a wonderful thing? for porn!   Grin
6578  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: The Largest Bitcoin Scam of Them All? on: September 20, 2011, 08:37:03 PM
I mostly agree, but how do you make a truly "enforceable contract" when you're clearly violating the arbitrary laws imposed by the "enforcement monopoly"? Besides the "mafia way", which is obviously not a solution for GBSLE, I can't see much better alternatives than trying to improve their reputation system. This way at least it becomes harder to be a "fake gentleman".

One suggestion is another more-or-less libertarian system: private arbitration. Those types of "courts" already exist, and perhaps with this can be expanded on even more (like, a company willing to submit to arbitration in various locations around the world, with the decision being enforced by the legal system of the country where the dispute happens). It can get really complicated really fast, though, but that also probably means that there is a huge untapped market for online- and bitcoin- specific arbitration courts. Perhaps even putting up some publicly verifiable collateral (Bitcoin) with a third party as a part of your initial business start-up costs will help with establishing reputation, too (e.g. as a start-up, you have %80 operating cash, and 20% collateral cash held with escrow or arbitration service, from which payments are made to customers who were harmed, or to stock holders if the business fails. Then as business reputation and cash flows improve, the %20 gets adjusted to %10, and so on. This way the business can still claim that 20% as part of their company asset/equity, and will have an incentive to do whatever it can to reclaim that money for personal use).
I agree that a large part of the enforcement will also simply be customers not wanting to deal with you if you sound shady.
6579  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: The Largest Bitcoin Scam of Them All? on: September 20, 2011, 08:29:42 PM
It seems the root of the complaint here is that the GLBSE is not subject to a regulatory authority, like the SEC.

Good luck telling the SEC that they have no authority over the GLBSE.

Is GLBSE based in USA? Does it transact using American currency? Then why would the SEC have any authority over it?

I think initially it was a bit scary that the GLBSE went into business, but now its so much discredited that its a good thing. Anything that identifies these people so easily is a good thing. Thats why I dont like censorship, which is what the OP is suggesting.
Same thing with GLBSE....instead of 6 page proof of smoke&fire just say "GLBSE" closed.

I was opposed for saying that a company has to prove that its not a scam....well if you think a company is innocent till proven guilty(and even then it still gets a second/third/tenth chance apparently), then the GLBSE is all for you....but again all that does is expose your identity, which is a good thing.

You're confusing "GLBSE" with "Companies listed on GLBSE." GLBSE is just a service. Some of the companies it lists will be scams, some will be risky businesses, and some will be good businesses. It's not that a "company is innocent till proven guilty," it's that the company is an unknown until it is researched, establishes itself, and becomes known. There's no guilt or lack of it (unless the business is exposed as a scam). No one should ever invest in anything they don't know about, anyway, and, hopefully, most of the companies listed on the GLBSE that did not provide any business details were not invested in, either.
6580  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Request for phone clients on: September 20, 2011, 08:17:43 PM
(Not sure if any Android developers are still on this forum, but...)

On the screen that confirms that you have sent money (if there is one), it would be useful to see the current updated balance of the address you send the money to. Not sure how it would be implemented (Connected to Pulled directly from network communications?). The reason I believe this will be useful is if, say, a restaurant brings out a bill with a QR code to a table with a lot of people without splitting the bill, each person paying will be able to easily keep track how much has been paid to that address, and how much is still left to pay. A network-based confirmation of payment receipt would also be useful for the payer other situations as well.
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