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6581  Bitcoin / Electrum / Re: Electrum's wallet protocol isn't rich enough? on: June 25, 2021, 06:37:19 AM
the server should really generate a "paged" result set and allow the client to request specific pages or subsets in smaller blocks.

Hmm.. you're right! This sounds a lot better, just unfortunately for some reason this idea didn't cross my mind yesterday  Smiley
6582  Other / Archival / Re: How to clear the list Show new replies to your posts? on: June 24, 2021, 07:33:51 PM
What am I doing wrong?

I think that you should simply stop relying onto "Show new replies to your posts", which you cannot control and focus to "Watchlist" only.
The new posts will sort the watchlist every time and you have the control over it - to unwatch. And if you want to read again something you've already opened and disappeared from the watchlist (for not getting new posts) you can use the "Edit watchlist" as list of topics.

The "Show new replies to your posts" is not related to watchlist, it's related to wherever you ever posted.
Ah, and if necessary, you can obviously also ignore the boards you no longer have interest in.
6583  Economy / Economics / Re: Founders of South African Bitcoin exchange disappear after $3.6 billion 'hack' on: June 24, 2021, 07:18:20 PM
(Ponzi Scheme) ==> Africrypt boasted returns of 2-11% a month  Roll Eyes

This clears it up big time.
How on earth did so many people fall for a Ponzi ran by kids? (Yeah, rhetorical...)

I'd say it's just normal that they're gone off radar with so much money at hand. And the "investors" just simply deserve their fate, like anybody "investing" in Ponzis.
6584  Bitcoin / Press / Re: 2021-06-23 Forbes - Say Goodbye To Bitcoin And Say Hello To The Digital Dollar on: June 24, 2021, 06:57:04 PM
The sooner they die, the better. 

Actually I'm not convinced that CB IOUs will be better than the current stable coins. The CBDCs may have "lovely" features like seizing the money of your wallet, features the current stable coins most probably don't have.
By no mean this would mean that current stablecoins are any good, especially as they are most probably not properly backed.

I'm curious how many will "invest" into digital dollar LOL
6585  Bitcoin / Electrum / Re: Electrum's wallet protocol isn't rich enough? on: June 24, 2021, 05:35:19 PM
I don't know if the restrictions are in ElectrumX or Electrum itself (I didn't use ElectrumX directly) but two things may be:
1. Afaik, if an address has a large number of transactions, they are not retrieved. In some rare cases it may be good to "lift" the restriction or at least return the last few and the current balance.
2. Well.. read this thread about OP_RETURN in Electrum console/RPC

However, I don't need them myself, but maybe they give you or others some ideas.
6586  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Previous Answer to your Answer on: June 24, 2021, 01:16:45 PM
There are at least two problems here.
1. People answer over and over again because they are lazy to read the answers, or because it helps *them* (rank, posts count) to post.
2. It may happen that people try to rephrase the answer in order to make it clearer, and they may even add more details.

The best way to counter that is to close the topic after you've got your answer.
Anything else will allow people continue to answer, unfortunately.

And be assured, in most cases the people answering over and over again will most probably skip/ignore your complain.

Keep in mind that, like everywhere in this world, there are all kinds of people on this forum too, and some have different goals than helping you (or anybody).
Try to get the best of this forum and don't worry too much  Wink
6587  Bitcoin / Press / Re: [2021-06-24]Crypto honchos see miners fleeing China as crackdown deepens on: June 24, 2021, 01:00:06 PM
There was already the news that also BIT Mining is moving out of China. Good. Businesses will always try to stay on best profit. It would be even better if they would start building their own facilities for producing electricity. Because without that, still fossil fuels based electricity is the one that's going to be used.

Unfortunately, although this should be a good news, it was wrapped in a way to increase uncertainty and shake the weak hands even more.
6588  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Despre securitatea portofelelor hardware on: June 24, 2021, 12:53:41 PM
Pentru modelele care apar in eMag, am adaugat si link catre eMag, dar pretul pentru acestea este foarte umflat. Ma indoiesc ca cineva ar vrea sa comande de la eMag - doar cineva foarte grabit...

Ei, nu eMag... Exista magazin de "crypto stuff" care e prezent si aici pe forum (inclusiv in sectiune de Romana), si are preturi mult mai putin umflate decat eMag-ul...
Nici nu ma gandeam la magazine "de uz general"; nici prin cap nu mi-a trecut ca as gasi asa ceva pe eMag, dar intr-adevar este, si intr-adevar e doar pentru cei "prea grabiti" sa caute mai bine.
6589  Local / Altcoins (Monede Alternative) / Re: De pe ce platforma este indicat sa investesc in XRP? on: June 24, 2021, 09:34:22 AM
Eh, una peste alta, chiar ma bucur ca s-a calificat Danemarca in optimi.

Si eu, si chiar au meritat sa se califice. Imi pare rau de Ungaria, ar fi fost monumental sa fi castigat.

Totodata, remarc cu bucurie ca, pe langa crypto, mai avem o pasiune comuna Smiley

E.. nu chiar.. mai uit la unele turnee finale, iar in rest nimic. Ar fi exagerat sa-i spun "pasiune".

XRP, in schimb... nici nu stiu ce este macar?! Lol. Aparent trebuie sa asteptam finalul procesului intentat de SEC pentru a afla ce este. Momentan imi vine sa-l numesc struto-camila. Dar criptomoneda nu este, asta e cert...

Nu ma astept ca procesul sa rezolve aceast dilema.
XRP este o afacere care s-a hranit din "vestul salbatic" al crypto, de la fake news la pump and dump. Este un fel de moneda electronica si este acceptata de un numar surprinzator de mare de afaceri si case de schimb. La fel ca USDT sau Dogecoin, e ceva ce poate fi foarte util pentru a deplasa rapid fonduri. Si atat. Cu fiecare "minut" in plus in care tii moneda, risti degeaba.
Asa cum USDT are "spate" doar pe hartie si trebuie sa ai incredere in "aia" sa nu iei teapa, si XRP e cam pe acolo, atat ca nu e nici macar stable, si merge pe incredere si pe noroc (sa nu arunce aia pe piata alt batch de "monede" chair dupa ce ai cumparat tu).

Na, pai filozofia crypto zice sa te bazezi pe matematici si sa nu ai incredere in nimeni. Dar cine citeste filozofii? Tongue
6590  Local / Bine ai venit! / Re: Salut! on: June 24, 2021, 09:14:50 AM
scuza ca am vazut asa tarziu postarea o constituie prezenta unui al doilea job.
Cat m-or tine balamalele, cel putin...

Chiar ma intrebasem cum de ai devenit asa... pasare rara.

Stiu cum e cu 2 joburi, ai mare grija ca poti ajunge extrem de usor sa iti "scartaie" balamalele fara sa-ti dai seama. Temporar merge, dar pentru perioade lungi devine periculos. Oricum, bafta!
6591  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: I feel uncomfortable if I don’t buy on: June 24, 2021, 07:12:12 AM
I guess this is the part where I wait.

Waiting is part of the game.
Just think of all the people who was around in the previous bull run(s) and the following depression(s) : do you think that those thinking like you did afford to buy every time it went lower? No. Sooner or later the waiting game starts and you better get used with it, since I expect more ATHs and more depressions in the following years.

And yeah, getting nervous when the movements are way different than you thought it's also part of the game. Bitcoin is not for fainted hearths. In time you'll get somewhat used and you won't get this nervous any longer.
6592  Local / Presa / Re: [2021.06.21] Dăianu: Cripto nu sunt monede. Vor fi strict reglementate. Pot să on: June 23, 2021, 08:07:25 PM
logica de guvernant

Eu nu ma apuc sa ma bat cu morile guvernamentale de vant. Exact din cauza ca nu le inteleg (lipsa de) logica.

Pai care ar fi functiile de baza?

Ai uitat de singura functie de baza care conteaza pentru ei: sa fie "approved by BNR"
Probabil ca nu are sens, asa ca voi detalia.

Fusese undeva la teveu o batranica la niste alegeri, care a povestit exact dupa aceeasi logica. Dialogul aproximativ a fost:
- Cu cine votezi, maica?
- Cu dom' primar!
- Pai de ce nu votezi cu [cutarica]?
- Ei, o sa-l votez cand o sa fie primar!
6593  Bitcoin / Press / Re: [2021-06-23] South Korea seizes crypto assets from wealthy tax dodgers on: June 23, 2021, 01:46:41 PM
How on earth can someone know you have a stash of crypto in the first place

If you buy from centralized exchange, the agencies that have jurisdiction there can ask the exchange for documents related to the money flow (the money you have deposited) and can easily lead to the address(es) you withdrawn to (of course, it's a different story whether you give them your private keys or not).
And if you didn't withdraw, they may seize your funds directly at the exchange.
6594  Local / Altcoins (Monede Alternative) / Re: De pe ce platforma este indicat sa investesc in XRP? on: June 23, 2021, 01:40:32 PM
cand a picat Eriksen pe teren, toate camerele erau pe nevasta-sa, sa-i surprinda trairile

Mda, si pe ea, si pe coechipieri, public, adversari... operatorii au fost mai penibili decat cei de la stirile de la ora 5.

Probabil ca tipa asta a vrut sa o copieze pe

S-a mai intrat pe teren, mai cu o reclama, mai cu fundu' gol  Grin dar in general primeau un "coverage" mai lung de "ah, iata si o domnita pe teren, e escortata afara"  Cheesy
Si poate ca daca nu era ceva atat de obscur, poate ca ar fi primit, cu sau fara interdictiile UEFA (clar, nu mai mult de 2 propozitii/fraze in plus).

XRP, care nici macar criptomoneda nu este.

Daca e cat de cat cunoscut si poate aduce de-o bere in plus, multi o sa investeasca. Lumea nu gandeste in termeni "nu merita riscul sau efortul", nu. Pe asta se bazeaza shitcoins, FOMO, Musk, ... nici Bitcoin nu ar fi ajuns asa un fenomen daca nu atragea mai-mai ca borcanul cu miere...
6595  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Despre securitatea portofelelor hardware on: June 23, 2021, 01:28:54 PM
ai pus pe site referral links? Nu mi-am dat seama, sincer sa fiu...

Modelul nu este nou, dar este inteligent. Oricare click de "Comanda" duce la[cuvant cheie] care face redirect la magazin, cu ref link.
Ochiul neavizat vede link la ceva local, iar dupa ce da click afla ca a fost ref link. Eu chiar am testat, dar cum deja am HW nu o sa-l ajute prea mult pe OP...
6596  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: "Coins That Use POW or POS are Screwed" Opinions? on: June 23, 2021, 11:37:57 AM
Let me know what you think.

I think that's some fancy way to tell "please buy the coins I'm HODLing, I want to make an early retirement, as soon as possible".
No. I stopped at "incentivizing centralization"? LOL
6597  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: TWO months HALF time; BTC went from 53K to 26K (euro) on: June 23, 2021, 09:32:50 AM
13th June April price of 1 BTC was around 53K EUR and on 21st June it was around 26K ...

And one year ago, the price was under 10k USD. We know that Bitcoin price is highly volatile.

and it's no secret that during these two months, the main news (technology) focus was on fact China has been on the spotlight for quite some time now...

and recently I've watched on Youtube that they are doing their own "NASA" type stuffs on their own up there...

I kept thinking what's the point in all this? I mean I get it about being on their own and have control over things etc... But what would the future look like...

The focus was basically on Elon's tweets, maybe El Salvador too. China news were 2: the coal mine accident(s) and the alleged new stop of mining in China.
The fact that some want all the eyes turn in that direction and cry about that on any channels possible makes me, at least, pay less attention to it and you should too.
However, I couldn't follow completely your logic, so maybe I'm wrong.
But I wonder how you didn't wonder how future will look when you bought your smartphone (for example) made in China, but you wonder now after these news...
I wrote somewhere else too: moving mining out of China has 2 benefits: decentralization of mining and less food for "bitcoin is owned by commies" narrative.
6598  Bitcoin / Hardware wallets / Re: Ledger fake device Warning! on: June 23, 2021, 08:01:57 AM
Interesting video and personally, I have nothing against Ledger but this looks like a design flaw, am I right? I think this could've been prevented [regardless of the data breach] if there was no room [more compact] for an additional component...
- If the temperature of the device is going to be a concern, then they should probably come up with a new design.

Probably USB implants can also be smaller. And if needed other parts may get removed to basically keep only the USB functionality. I feel like the "design flaw" is not that big.
I've never noticed my Nano S running hot, so I don't know if temperature was such a concern. I think that they just found the standard USB stick size just fine.
6599  Economy / Services / Re: [OPEN]Bounty pool - Royse777 [Monthly payment in BTC] on: June 23, 2021, 07:42:04 AM
and NeuroticFish. There is a dedicated column especially made for you two :-D

Since I wasn't actively looking for campaigns I would have missed this if you wouldn't have mentioned my name  Cheesy
You are resourceful, hats off for that. I really hope that you'll get fast to a portfolio that'll speak louder than any campaign.

Of course, if you want to pay for what I was doing already for free, I don't mind  Grin Thank you!

BTC: bc1qn3j9h57h3gjag0683zguvcrymffj5wvtdf2u5k
6600  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Despre securitatea portofelelor hardware on: June 23, 2021, 06:45:48 AM
Frumos webite-ul. Desi e multa informatie, e bine structurata.

Mi se pare ca ai lasat voit mai putin vizibile Ledger Nano S si Trezor One ca's mai ieftine si nu iei asa mult din ref links. Si e pacat, ca pentru un incepator care nu-i convins, pretul poate sa fie un factor important (pe care cred ca nici nu-l mentionezi).
In plus, poate ca merita mentionat ca exista cel putin un magazin in Romania care vinde HW. Sincer, dupa ce au patit Ledger cu datele cumparatorilor, cumpararea de pe platforme mai mici/mai putin cunoscute poate fi foarte interesanta.

Per total pagina nu e rea deloc. "Critica" mea se vrea constructiva; si bineinteles, poti sa tii sau nu cont de ea.
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