Data as of 09/04/2021Updated the lists in the OP (and subsequent post) to reflect the forum members that still qualify in each of those lists. Currently, on those lists there are, lacking <= 20% merits to rank-up (activity may not be met though): - 42 Heroes (on their way to Legendries) - 69 Sr. Members (on their way to Heroes) - 54 Full Members (on their way to Sr. Members) - 44 Members (on their way to Full Members) - 203 Jr. Members (on their way to Members) Added this week (7): user_id name Status posts activity activity_Met merit rank ProbableInitialRank trust url 1803753 Kylapoiss Active 612 490 Y 223 Full Member Old Era Newbie =+0 / =0 / -0;u=1803753 1111151 mikelsmith2020 Active 216 216 Y 99 Member Member # +1 / =0 / -7;u=1111151 1681586 RickDeckard Active 200 98 N 85 Member New Era Newbie =+0 / =0 / -0;u=1681586 2857554 Iron Fist Active 53 53 N 9 Jr. Member New Era Newbie =+0 / =0 / -0;u=2857554 1020432 Blitzfontaene Active 202 196 Y 8 Jr. Member New Era Newbie =+0 / =1 / -0;u=1020432 2868018 Active 117 117 Y 8 Jr. Member New Era Newbie =+0 / =0 / -0;u=2868018 142897 w0lverine Active 44 44 N 8 Jr. Member Old Era Newbie =+0 / =0 / -0;u=142897
Removed (*) this week (11): user_id name Status posts activity activity_Met merit rank ProbableInitialRank trust url 820936 aliashraf Active 1477 1302 - 1006 Legendary Sr. Member =+0 / =1 / -0;u=820936 1289002 Maus0728 Active 1377 854 Y* 1005 Hero Member Member =+3 / =0 / -0;u=1289002 167310 elma Active 1508 1176 Y* 502 Hero Member Sr. Member =+0 / =0 / -0;u=167310 2817036 GeorgeJohn Active 1122 322 N 252 Sr. Member New Era Newbie =+0 / =1 / -0;u=2817036 1713234 Johnyz Active 1273 1064 Y 100 Full Member Old Era Newbie =+0 / =0 / -0;u=1713234 3121388 blucepheus Active 141 70 N 100 Member New Era Newbie =+7 / =0 / -0;u=3121388 2893698 DigitalFarns Active 79 79 N 10 Member New Era Newbie =+0 / =0 / -0;u=2893698 1583465 Dernoste Active 114 114 N 10 Member New Era Newbie =+0 / =0 / -0;u=1583465 2421279 Billo_ Active 113 113 N 10 Member New Era Newbie =+0 / =0 / -0;u=2421279 1628762 wecanbothwin Active 47 47 N 15 Jr. Member New Era Newbie =+0 / =0 / -0;u=1628762 2148436 PirateHunterr Inactive 37 37 N 11 Jr. Member Old Era Newbie =+0 / =0 / -0;u=2148436
(*) Due to enough merits for the next rank, or being banned.
Update 09/04/2021:The dashboard gives you access to anyone’s complete merit history in the TX tab, surpassing the 120 day limit. Link: BitcoinTalk Merit Dashboard. Updated the Merit Dashboard to reflect the most recent sMerit available data: Total sMerit: 878.069 Total TXs: 475.105 From Users: 23.312 To Users: 38.459 minDate: 2018-01-24 22:12:21 maxDate: 2021-04-09 02:48:01 Aggregate awarded sMerit for the last complete week (29/03/2021 .. 04/04/2021) is 3.759, which is up 7,71% from the previous week. In addition, there are 1 new Legendary and 4 new Hero Members this week: aliashraf -> Legendary from Sr. Member during Merit System kick-off. elma -> Hero Member from Sr. Member during Merit System kick-off. esmanthra -> Hero Member from Old Era Newbie during Merit System kick-off. NotATether -> Hero Member from New Era Newbie during Merit System kick-off. seek3r -> Hero Member from New Era Newbie during Merit System kick-off. New: added Matrix Tab (last Tab) to reflect and update this analysis: Merited on multiple Subsections and the Correlation MatrixNote: -Copper Members and non-native ranks (staff, etc) are displayed as real (regular) ranks.
But you already can … (but shouldn’t) : Bitclout is a decentralized crypto social network, where every profile has its own token that gains or loses values on the platform. There are well known profiles such as Musk and Biever with their token up for sale. Slight problem: they did not create those accounts themselves, but rather were placed there as "reserved" accounts, should the real person want to join the platform (but let’s exploit the tokens associated to their names meantime). Some of the platform’s "features": - Everyone can have their own "coin". - To Access the network, you need to pay (all payments are made with bitcoin). - To Access their support line you need to pay. - The tokens only have "value" within the platform, but no current market value outside. - If a profile is deleted, the token loses its value for all posessors. - You can't currently change any of those tokens for fiat, nor back to bitcoin. - The have allegedly moved around 160M$ worth of bitcoins through the platform. - There are reasonable doubts on how they secure the keys (to the tokens presumably). - There is no face Company behind, but rather an anonymous group. Wonder what could go wrong there? but hey, everyone can have and trade their own " shitcoin" … See:
De hecho, la oferta de poder cobrar todo o parte de su salario en bitcoin se extiende más allá de los jugadores, alcanzando a todos los empleados según versa el comunicado.
Sería interesante (más adelante) conocer números al respecto (cantidad de personas que se acogen a la opción y porcentajes), tanto de como de los empleados. Personalmente, este segundo conjunto lo encontraría más interesante, dado que son los que tendrían un sueldo más ajustado a sus necesidades y se podrían permitir menos el lujo de hacerlo porque pueden, y sería más por que quieren.
Esta es buena (léase con ironía): Bitclout es una red social crypto descentralizada, donde cada perfil tiene su propio token que cotiza en la red, y que la gente puede comprar o vender … ¿y esto no se le ha ocurrido a las grandes RRSS existentes? Yo diría que la idea la habrán ponderado, e incluso es posible que no la hayan descartado, pero se les han adelantado. Hay perfiles de personas muy conocidas en la red (Musk, Biever, etc.), ya con su cuentas creadas y sus tokens a la venta. Ligero problema: La inmensa mayoría de estas cuentas no fueron creadas por la persona interesada, sino que las ha creado la plataforma a modo de "reserva" del nombre (y de paso explotar la venta de sus tokens). Algunas características operativas: - Para acceder a la red, has de pagar (con bitcoin). - Para acceder a su soporte, has de pagar. - El token tiene valor dentro del entorno, pero no tiene valor de mercado fuera del mismo. - Si se borra un perfil, el token queda sin valor para todos los tenedores. - A fecha de hoy, no se pueden cambiar estos token de vuelta por fiat ni bitcoin. - Se supone que ya ha movido unos 160 M$ en bitcoins (¿wtf?). - Hay dudas razonable acerca de la seguridad del almacenamiento de las claves (de los tokens según entiendo). - No parece haber compañía matriz detrás. A ver lo que dura … Ver:
Veo que coincides con la opinión de @gmaxwell entre otros … Habrá de todo como es lógico, pero todo lo que se escape de casos de uso racionales en términos de aplicación y precio, tienen para mí la misma gracia y sombra alargada de sospecha que gran parte de las ICOs en su momento, aplicado ahora a un terreno del 1 on 1, sin grandes complicaciones conceptuales ni de desarrollo.
En cambio, en el 2017, China estaría conspirando para destruir bitcoin (en favor de ethereum), o en el 2018 China podría destruir la red de Bitcoin, a modo de arma desestabilizadora … Bromas aparte, concuerdo con lo que indicas, cuanto menos ahora y por años por delante. He leído algún libro donde se defiende que bitcoin destronará, si no destruirá, al USD. Concretamente, en "Hard Money You Can’t F*ck With" se revisa el dinero a lo largo de los tiempos, llegando a un climax casi al final del libro, fundamentado en extensos capítulos al respecto, donde indica que: Bitcoin is slowly ticking away in the background, block by block, gathering more value, security and strength every day. A neutral global currency that can’t be inflated into oblivion and can’t be controlled by a single government. No politics, no bullshit. A currency that isn’t tied to one economy, that can’t destabilize the whole planet at once. A currency that allows nations to trade on neutral ground, with fair, hard-coded rules, without choosing sides between the US and China. It feels inevitable, doesn’t it?
Hay verdades en la cita anterior, pero también menosprecia el poder de los estados en su lucha por la hegemonía de su divisa. Bitcoin parecería triunfar como un ente neutral, adoptado por las masas transaccionarias, pero éstas están supeditadas a los países, y no veo claro que la neutralidad se imponga a los intereses de unos y otros.
You should add the source to the information explicitally. There’s a weird habit of leaving it out, which will lead to surprises in the short term:, one should at least provide something of their own on the content (i.e. opinion, criticism, question, scepticism, whatever …). I’ve been seeing so called predictions for some years now, mostly way above market price for what was expected. Probably, most of them are wishful thinking, with the hope of seeding in people’s minds large figures in self-benefit. Some will obviously get it right, but it’s pretty much a guessing game. Edit: OP, you should add the link to the initial post ... <...>
Correct, with no "/b"
Yesterday I came across some data that Coinbase reported regarding their quasi-closure of Q1. The data is an estimate, but per their own words, is based on their information as of the date they published the information (06/04/2021), so it should/could be rather accurate. Amongst the information they released they stated that: •Assets on Platform of $223 billion, representing 11.3% crypto asset market share ◦Includes $122 billion of Assets on Platform from Institutions
See: the above would imply that more than half of the assets on the platform are related to Institutions. That could give the reading that, on the one hand, many individuals and institutions manage and keep their crypto assets on the platform (the data prompts state "on Platform" instead of "managed through the platform" - but it may be misleading terminology). On the other hand, perhaps the term Institution is rather laxed here, and whilst we have in mind the big corporations that give such juicy headlines, smaller retail stores are possibly counted here amongst the institution's sum. It’s not just the biggys that make market, but they do push it and make way more noise.
Not really my piece of cake, but let’s play "spot the differences" (there really are some) with regards to this posted 3 months ago: Miami’s Treasury Department UsingBitcoin
Miami is putting Bitcoin on its balance sheet and offering its city workers the option to be paid in Bitcoin. This is the beginning of the road to an $80 Trillion Bitcoin market cap! above cropped-up whilst trying to verify if the OP’s content was effectively taking place (as opposed to it being announced a something under consideration, which is the status I last read some time ago). I don't think its effective yet; at least not on a public source that I’ve managed to see. Back to the side topic, clear intent right? (no "woopsie, I forgot the source" applies).
Following a similar line, 500 million LinkedIn account records are up for sale (for a price that is not too steep) on these type of hacker sites, 2M of them being downloadable as proof for a couple of bucks. The enclosed information included, amongst other, the full name, email, phone number, some professional data, and links to other social media accounts. It is not clear though how recent that data is. Again, from a cryto point of view, the most obvious mayor risks are targeted sim swaps or phishing campaigns that could be performed by a hacker who knows before hand which profiles work in crypto-related firms or environments (allegedly not derivable from the hacked data itself). Mass phishing email/sms campaigns may hit the jackpot, but targeted attempts on certain profiles could render decent results if people are not careful enough. See:
Y por si fuésemos pocos, parió la burra: Se filtran los datos de 500 M de usuarios de LinkedIn. Por ahora, la BD filtrada es de pago, lo cual reduce su alcance (no su peligrosidad), aunque hay 2M de los registros consultables a modo de prueba de concepto por un par de dólares. La información filtrada contiene, entre otros datos, nombre completo, email, teléfono y datos profesionales además de los relativos a otras cuentas de redes sociales. No está claro por eso la recencia de la información en sí. Nuevamente, bajo el punto de vista de las criptomonedas, para mí el mayor riesgo está en el sim-swapping targetizado, seguido del phishing, en base a información que ciertos perfiles puedan publicar en sus perfiles profesionales o de interés. Esto no es derivable a priori a partir de los datos filtrados, pero si uno conoce ciertos perfiles relacionados con bitcoin o las demás criptomonedas, puede cruzar con la BD para obtener datos de contacto para probar de hacer alguna trastada. Ver:
Yo no traceo los posts no meritados (alguna vez lo he hecho por diferencia de posts entre capturas de perfiles meritados), por lo que hay información que me pierdo y que podemos ver en el post de @famosos@Muertos.
Viendo las listas anteriores, y sobretodo el umbral inferior de posts de cada lista, da la sensación de que posteamos el foro local poco más de 10 usuarios. No obstante, utilizando la misma herramienta ninjastic, vemos que el número de posteadores(*) en nuestro foro local fue de:
187 en enero 2021 84 en febrero 2021 82 en marzo 2021
Mirando las listas resultantes completas, hay muchos perfiles con uno o dos posts que desconozco. He mirado alguno de los casos, y los posts realizados están en las secciones de Altcoins, de ahí que no me sonasen de nada (soy poco frecuente en esas latitudes).
(*) Cuentas, que no necesariamente personas distintas
Just take some time to look properly through the above posts and you should get the idea. .. Yes, every account can potentially send sMerits and receive Merits, but logically: - An Account can only send sMerits if it has sMerits to send - An account receives Merits (and therefore also sMerits to send at a ratio of 1:2 vs received Merits) it they post something that is considered interesting to another person with available sMerits. Newbie accounts start-off with 0 sMerits, so they need to earn at least 2 Merits before being able to send 1 sMerit to another person.
You seem not to be taking into account the fact that some boards are based on a bump performed by pressing the "bump" button, which in turn will depend on the bump power of the person who pressed the button. I recently bumped a relatively old thread in order to aid a local who posted on a global service thread needing assistance, and until I pressed the Bump button, the thread was not given any visibility (regardless of the other person’s post in it).
Trimming DT2 by the number of net inclusions seems adequate, although that would mean that, perhaps, DT2s on local boards may have a harder time getting on DT, unless they are known on the more general boards (or have a couple of DT1s on the local board itself).
Besides that, I’m pretty sure many DT2 members aren’t even away they are actually on DT, nor that being on it gives more weight technically to the feedback they may leave. Displaying their DT status somewhere easy to spot when one sees his own (or open to all) profile information (i.e. Trust(DT1): or Trust(DT2): ) would be useful to this end, without the need to become aware by other means (i.e. lists). Probably even a text on the Feedback page, with a reminder, would be useful, in a similar fashion to when Merit Sources see that they are a Merit Source and are shown a brief explanation on it.
Según reporta Coinbase, y a falta de tener el cierre definitivo, los datos que ofrece ahora mismo para el Q1 2021 son los siguientes: •Verified Users of 56 million •Monthly Transacting Users (MTUs) of 6.1 million •Assets on Platform of $223 billion, representing 11.3% crypto asset market share ◦Includes $122 billion of Assets on Platform from Institutions •Trading Volume of $335 billion •Total Revenue of approximately $1.8 billion •Net Income of approximately $730 million to $800 million •Adjusted EBITDA of approximately $1.1 billion
No es la época del dominio de Mercado de MtGox, pero un 11,3% del share de Mercado de todas los criptomonedas están en el Exchange, según versan sus datos. Eso sin mencionar lo gestionado por la plataforma que se ha llevado a carteras privadas. Lo interesante de ver es que ellos tasan 122B$ como pertenecientes a instituciones, lo cual es más de la mitad de los 223B$ en la plataforma. Eso denota que, por un lado, mucha gente confía en el Exchange para dejar sus criptomonedas (por los motivos que sean). Por otro lado, el término "institucional" puede que tenga una lectura inflada aquí. Por inversión institucional, normalmente visualizamos las grandes corporaciones que hemos ido viendo estos días en los medios. Puede que también en este monto incluyan cualquier no particular que tenga allí una cuenta (por ejemplo, un comercio de cualquer tamaño). Probablemente, también incluyan en el montante los depósitos en sus servicios de custodia más profesionales, aunque con el resumen anterior no lo podemos discernir. En todo caso, números de impresión de cara a una salida en bolsa … Ver:
¿Qué podía ir mal, ofreciéndote 20-25% semanal (2019) o un 8-10% semanal (2020)? Pues lo esperado … Unas 300 personas (de un total de 4.000 afectados estimados) han interpuesto una querella común por presunta estafa de un equivalente de 210 M€ en cripto, además de blanqueo de capitales, delitos contra la Hacienda Pública, falsedad documental, etc. Aparte de estar el cabecilla en búsqueda y captura, Javier Biosca (Algorithms Group), la justicia ha ordenado que se tracen unas 200 wallets en el devengo del caso. Claro que si además parece que le persiguen por la deuda grupos de " grandes inversores (rumanos, chinos, colombianos…)", fácil no va a ser dar con él. Por cierto, acabo de ver en el artículo que en España hay una Asociación de Afectados por Inversiones por Criptomonedas (AAIC). Ver: