Hal yang perlu diketahui adalah : - Apabila alokasi diberlakukan dengan jumlah $250.000 maka alokasi Bounty sebesar 60% Token dari Total Supply. Hal itu tidak mungkin dikarenakan biasanya bounty dialokasikan sekitar 1-5% paling besar adalah 10%.
- Hal ini murni kesalahan Bounty Manager, mungkin bisa disamakan dengan kasus BountyHive pada Bounty ICHIBA Coin.
- Walaupun begitu, telat nya respon dari Team yang tidak "Aware" juga jadi permasalahan. Dikarenakan pada awal Bounty dijalankan beberapa member bertanya tentang alokasi & cara perhitungannya. Harusnya dari pertanyaan tersebut team sudah mengetahui keselahan dari Bounty tersebut.
- Bounty Manger tidak responsive & melakukan distribusi secara sepihak tanpa membuat spreadsheet publik terlebih dahulu
Best Scenario yaitu BM & Projectnya bisa saja terkena redtrust dari anggota member DT, Apabila ada DT yang mungkin aware tidak masalah ini. Bounty Manager banyak membuat peserta campaign membuat waktunya untuk mengikuti bounty dia.
Worth or not depending went you are buying, if someone buying BNB with the lowest price and the price pump to the next level price he will shilling the token "Worth to buying". I'm not a fan of the binance token, but i see with a few weeks to much fomo on their price history with a past of the weeks. I better to avoid fomo than i get stuck on that token went i buying the high price.
We are chatting with other people? Or my friend. Most of cryptocurrency user preferer using Telegram & Discord, but if they don't have a friend on a gamble game they will use gambling game chat. Gamble was an 18+ game, so not everyone comfortable with gambling.
Try to research about USDC Coin, They already have audited about their stable coin. USDC was 100% backup by the project, I remember went Tether got a bad news about their case the value down to around 0.5$-0.7$. I think right now better to avoid Tether, because we all know Teahet not backup by a money.
I tough its already correction at 8100$ a few days ago from $8700 and now we are still moving around $8300-$8500. Right now the market still on a good fundamental and strong trend, i would glad we can reach the next target to break the resistance at $10.000. Thats my target S2, From my speculation & analysis my S1 already reach at $7000-$7500.
Lets me make a simple conclusion, Don't invest/join to a PONZI SCHEME. If you find some project or website offering a service about profit without know "Where the company get & share the amount of money investment" avoid that service, Ponzi always everywhere in cryptocurrency or not they targeting a person with don't have knowledge about investing because was really easy.
Besides Hi/Lo that's coming there are two more which is being featured on the site but they are surprise for Summer and Fall of 2019. My guess is that blackjack and poker. If you mean with bigger rewards, check out the jackpot slot.
Has anyone won that $47K jackpot? It looks reset to $4500 this time. Congrats to the winner.
Blackjack would be good, they add Baccarat first than blackjack. Honestly, I don't know how to play with baccarat. Blackjack was really a good game went we win and goy "Blackjack" the payout will be 2.5 odds, I'm still waiting for EOSBET to add Blackjack, right now I'm playing on other gamble sites.
Why? The news was part from fundamental strategy, if we talk about the technical analysis we all know that the prediction it's from the chart & indicator but if the market have manipulation from the price all prediction from the technical analysis will be waste. To be honest, i really like fundamental news than techninal analysis.
Not really surprised, because lottery ticket just based on your "Luck" everyone can be a millionaire from lottery only a few bucks from the ticket if he was very lucky. The hardest things this man gonna find it will be his "Life Style" will change or not. I saw a few people on youtube went they win the lottery and be a millionaire, their life was really bad on psychology & life style.
The first thing you need to know, yobit already have a bad reputation from their service. About ico price, not only on yobit at other platforms the price went enter the market will determine from supply & demand. If you can't take you to lose went investing at ico/cryptocurrency, then don't invest on the project. You need to learn first about term & risk about investing on a project.
Dead Token just like another ICO, i already sold my LivePeer Token. They have some problem at the past regarding the project, and i already never get uptodate news about LivePeer Token. But I believe its just a Dead Token/ICO just like other ICO. Better to sell before the price keep decreasing and going to dust.
kenapa bisa terjadi hal sepatal ini atau cuman skedar drama manager mengurangi alokasi bounty kalau tahu dari awal alokasi cuman $ 25 k pasti tidak ada yang mau ikutan bounty CATEX malah bounty bejalan 12 minggu tidak setimpal kalau hanya $ 25 k
Lebih jelasnya coba ditanyakan ke "Bounty Managernya", dikarenakan sampai saat ini BM-nya sendiri masih belum memberikan statment terkait masalah ini. Terlebih lagi team CAT.EX lepas tangan mengenai masalah ini untuk mengurusi Bounty Hunter. Sebenarnya masih belum jelas juga. soalnya patokanya USD bukan token dan ini tentu yang bikin ribet. dalam artian saat rate berapakah team menentukan sebagai rate untuk bounty. ditambah sepertinya ada miss komunikasi penulisan alokasi yang salah.
Untuk patokan sudah jelas berbasis USD, penentuaan rate sampai saat ini belum diketahui diharga berapa Bounty Manager mematok alokasi token dari harga fiat yang ditetapkan. Dikarenakan sampai saat ini spreadsheet belum bisa di akses.
That will allow holders to sell their BET, same thing when its going to be listed on any exchange. But since they don't seem to have that plan, its going to stay this way until they decide to do it nothing is left to do but wait. If the casino disappear over night , the only who gained from it is just them those holders are just going to look up and wonder why did they believe.
Not everyone has a big bag for "BET Token" we need to make a huge amount of bet to get so many "BET Token". I believe if someone sell his BET Token, the token will not selling with a cheap price. Because we know its really dificult to get "BET Token" with a high amount of token.
The cycling will be repeated, remember went bitcoin cash reaching all-time high price. How much someone dumps bitcoin cash? Around 90% from the all-time high. This it's just another manipulation from someone to make the price pump and he can dump/sell his bags. That's how the whale work, a lot of fake news we can found on the internet, I suggest just avoid CSW Crypto, he also dump bch at the past.
Ada juga kekhawatiran dari David Gerard, salah seorang pakar Blockchain: Crypto-currencies are vulnerable to fluctuations in value, which Gerard said could create a barrier to the success of Facebook's so-called GlobalCoin. "Normal people don't want to deal with a currency that's going up and down all the time," he explained. Tidak akan berpengaruh, dikarenakan konsep dari Globalcoin yang dilaunching faceebok akan menggunakan Stable Coin. Jadi tidak akan begitu fluaktif. Sesuai dengan perkiraan saya, bahwa facebook tidak akan berani melaunching cryptocurrency mereka dengan harga coins yang begitu fluaktif sehingga solusi nya yaitu stable coin. Hal ini sama dengan JP Morgan yang melaunching crypto dia sendiri, palingan coin yang mereka launching akan digunakan untuk layanan & customer mereka saja. Sama hal nya seperti facebook credits yang beberapa tahun lalu di launching hanya saja berakhir gagal. Source : https://ourbitcoinnews.com/facebook-to-launch-its-stablecoin-globalcoin-in-india/
I read a couple of post at their telegram, on the first days went the bounty was launch. A few people, asking about the bounty how the reward calculation and the people including the budget "$250.000". The weird thing, they did not try to change this mistake since the first day? I believe the team of CAT.EX know this problem, or maybe he wants to take a profit from this mistake for their own purpose marketing and explain this problem went the bounty & distribution started. I believe they should know about this, but don't want to fix this mistake in the middle of a campaign.
The people who waiting for bitcoin price at $2.000, now they must enter the market with a high price than $3.000. A lot speculation makes a prediction about bitcoin will be under $3.000 or maybe $2.000 look at now they enter the market with a FOMO & shorter trader getting rekt.
Update : Mengenai permasalahan bounty program CAT.EX The bounty manager wrote $250k instand of $25k. We've tried to explain everything to them but they decided to make a negative review, even knowing fully well the issue is not from CatEx exchange team. $250k means 60% of the total supply of catt was allocated for bounty. Which is impossible. Source : https://t.me/catex_group/109170Kebetulan dibulan-bulan kemarin, saya ikut dalam bounty program CAT.EX. Ditelegram CAT.EX dijelaskan bahwa reward bounty mengalami kesalahan penulisan oleh Bounty Manager yaitu $25.000 bukan $250.000. Sampai saat ini belum ada konfirmasi apapun dari bounty manager, dan mulai ada beberapa thread di child board reputasi mengenai masalah ini.
I believe it's just a stable coin using cryptocurrency technology for their own payment system just like "Facebook Credits". The implemented this currency only for their customer at Facebook not really impact at the cryptocurrency, They also need to consider the protector of their customer. The customer will not want their money fluctuations because not all people using cryptocurrency.
I think blockchain.com mark you creating a lot account with the same IP/device that's why you got this problem, try to use a mobile device blockchain.com if you still got this problem went using a browser Laptop/PC.