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7101  Other / Archival / Re: [BIG LIST] Crypto Debit Cards on: April 24, 2021, 04:40:16 AM
Question: to those who have the binance card, opinions? Top 3 cards if you have to recommend? Would like a world-wide card kinda thing.

And Is binance fees 9% or 0.9%?

Although there are few shops which simply decline the Binance card, it's a great card. It has basically no fees and high limits.
The fee is 0.9%, but unless you withdraw from ATM, you'll get 1% cashback as BNB so basically there's no fee.
Forex exchange is at VISA rates with no extra fees. No monthly fee. No other fees.
7102  Bitcoin / Electrum / Re: bitcoin unconfirmed 6 days - can't do CPFP says mempool too large. on: April 23, 2021, 01:45:29 PM
i need to accerlate his first one then mine?

You have to accelerate all the transactions your transaction depends on.

So if your tx is "third in chain" then it means that your tx parent's unconfirmed parent needs to be accelerated first.
Then wait unil that one is confirmed.
Then accelerate your tx unconfirmed parent. Then wait until it's confirmed.
Then accelerate your tx.

If you enter your tx at you'll find easily which are the unconfirmed parents (go backwards via the red arrows from the left side)
7103  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: April 23, 2021, 12:35:08 PM

Try to get used to not help the trolls by quoting them  Wink
Some may have them already on ignore.
7104  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: overflow incident on: April 23, 2021, 12:00:07 PM
how's that possible?
where did it go?

As written in the linked article, the chain was forked.
This means that the problem doesn't "exist" on this blockchain.
The problem existed on an alternate blockchain until block 74691, then the correct blockchain/fork took over and the other blockchain/fork was dropped.
7105  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin Greed: Mining - Shall we kill everyone in CHINA with smoke from coal? on: April 23, 2021, 11:55:46 AM
So Chinese need to be killed and Bitcoin is a scam because rainy season didn't start yet.
I agree with the point that you may need to seek professional help.
7106  Other / Meta / Re: Report plagiarism (copy/paste) here. Mods: please give temp or permban as needed on: April 23, 2021, 10:19:46 AM
This topic Can Bitcoins kill Central Banks? (archived here) by La56 is a 100% copy/paste of this medium article cCan Bitcoins kill Central Banks? (archived here) with no source info and bad/missing spacing too.

Blatant plagiarism.
7107  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: What happens when.. on: April 23, 2021, 10:00:08 AM
1st point he made was who determines the value of bitcoin? As of now the price changes every second. Hypnotically you have the equivalent of $1 in your account you want to buy a soda with it but then the stock drops a little your 1 dollar is now $.98?

Can't buy that soda that will effect business owners in a negative way..

Why you think in USD when you talk about Bitcoin?
1 BTC = 1 BTC. If the soda price will be in BTC, that's what you'll pay.

If you get third party in equation, then the third party will get his fees and the associated risks. In your case, the shop selling soda will have a payment processor that will show you a price in Bitcoin and will give the shop 1$ no matter the Bitcoin price goes up or down. Or, if the shop accepts directly Bitcoin, then the shop will have to also take the risks.

But again, it's apples and oranges what you were talking about. 1 BTC = 1 BTC.

2nd point was what happens if many of the big corps start holding bitcoin but continue to pay bills with their cash/ credit methods and lets say these big corps manage to collect 17m Bitcoins out of the 21m.. With those remaining 4m coins actually in circulation won't that increase the prices in some way?

1 BTC = 100000000 satoshi.
So the 4M coins remaining is 400 000 000 000 000, plenty for the "circulation" needs.
But you're right, it's still a finite supply and it seems to be a very good investment vehicle. And yes, the more entities buy Bitcoin, the more the Bitcoin price will rise, overall. At least for quite a while.
This makes your 1$ soda be cheaper every day* if you buy with Bitcoin  Wink
(Of course, the price also falls some days, DYOR before investing).

3rd point he made was many people are not financially smart what happens when a person fails at paying back a personal loan they obtained? the coins where spent to idk pay off an electric bill. Said borrower fails to pay back but now the people/persons that lent the coins have lost their investments. Yes investing is a risk but without investors putting up their assets loans will cease or have outrages interest rates to guarantee they make.

I don't understand what you mean. People can invest smart and can invest bad, no matter it's Bitcoin, it's gold, it's stocks, art or whatever.
You may have to re-word and rewrite this in a clearer way.

Where can I read more on Bitcoin to further my knowledge?

"Bitcoin" is a wide topic. For now I see you are interested in it only as investment and I don't know good sites on that.
But this forum is a pretty good place you can ask and get useful answers, just make sure you ask clearly  Wink
7108  Local / Anunturi Monede Alternative / Re: [ATMN] Antimony Coin - O noua moneda crypto on: April 23, 2021, 09:22:53 AM
binance inca nu am vazut sa emita carduri la clienti si nici nu cred ca o va face curand avand in vedere ca este bazata prin Asia, cel putin nu inca in Europa din ce am vazut, nu ma contrazic pentru ca nu am studiat in detaliu, ceea ce dorim sa facem deja exista dar vrem sa o facem mai bine si in Europa, la noi acasa.

Ei, ghinion, acele stiri sunt vechi. Chiar au carduri emise si deja exista clienti din Europa si Romania au asemenea carduri in uz.
Dar, cum spuneam, cred ca inca este loc de competitori pe piata.

Chestia este ca nu ne-am dat interesul tare ca sa strangem fonduri, daca vin e ok iar daca nu o sa mizam pe ce avem noi sa ducem proiectul pana in anumite puncte cheie unde se vor putea vedea scopurile si seriozitatea proiectului.

Si asta suna incurajator pentru potentialii investitori.
7109  Other / Off-topic / Re: I am diagnosed with severe PTSD on: April 23, 2021, 09:17:29 AM
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that's triggered by a terrifying event — either experiencing it or witnessing it.

If such a variation in price can have this effect on your health then:
1. You didn't do your homework at investing, you didn't do a "background check" for Bitcoin and possibly you invested too much - more than you afford to lose.
2. You should get out of this market ASAP. Money is not everything and if your health cannot cope with the big price variations Bitcoin market is used with, you better take care of your health by giving up Bitcoin.

Keep in mind that these are ideas. You should do as you think, it's your money.
Also keep in mind that I do believe that Bitcoin price will recover and get to new ATH, but I cannot tell if that will happen in a day or 10 years.
7110  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: April 23, 2021, 09:05:40 AM
It looks like we're heading down to $35k-$40k

7111  Local / Anunturi Monede Alternative / Re: [ATMN] Antimony Coin - O noua moneda crypto on: April 23, 2021, 08:56:32 AM
Dorim sa punem pe piata o moneda care va avea o continua dezvoltare de 'multi' proiecte conectate intre ele, pentru anul asta ne limitam la moneda, dezvoltarea exchange-ului propriu, listarea pe exchange-urile de top si mult marketing,
In anul doi avem in plan sa fondam o 'banca' prepay similara cu revolut, si alte tipuri de banci prepay dar sa fie syncronizata cu exchange-ul, in modul asta se vor putea adauga si retrage fonduri cu cardul sau transferuri bancare in valuta traditionala.

Aceste planuri trebuie sa existe neaparat in descriere/topic. Daca echipa de marketing nu si-a dat seama de atata lucru, fie inca nu exista, fie trebuie schimbata.
Fara asemenea informatii, tot ce vad este cineva care cere bani pentru o moneda care nu pare sa aduca nimic nou.
Si daca acele planuri sunt intr-adevar pe bune, atunci un sincer "bafta!". Chiar daca Binance cam face deja ce incercati voi, alte cateva afaceri pe aceeasi tema nu strica.

daca doriti sa contribuiti la traducere nu ma supar

Poate ca - daca nu face altcineva asta intre timp - o voi face "intr-o zi cu soare", dar nu azi.
Este mai mult vorba de mici (?) corectii ici-colo, nu cred ca este necesara re-traducere, dar tot ar necesita niste timp si atentie...
7112  Local / Bine ai venit! / Re: Salut La toti on: April 23, 2021, 08:33:20 AM
Sunt claudiu si sunt un entuziast al crypto si tot ce tine de crypto.
Va salut pe toti si sper sa putem comunica si invata lucruri bune unuii de la altii.
Spor si abia astept sa va cunosc.

Salut si Bine ai Venit!

Crypto este un subiect interesant si foarte larg, vei avea probabil multe de invatat. De aceea recomand cu caldura sa cauti cu aviditate informatii pe directia care ti se par tie de interes (tehnologie, investitii, cod, bitcoin, altcoins, tokens, ...) si bineinteles sa intrebi to ce nu ti-e clar. Cu cat mai precis intrebi, cu atat mai bune vor fi raspunsurile.
In plus, mai ales pe paginile internationale, unde e mai multa lume, mare grija la dezinformare si tepe; intreaba si nu te arunca cu capul inainte.
7113  Local / Anunturi Monede Alternative / Re: [ATMN] Antimony Coin - O noua moneda crypto on: April 23, 2021, 08:23:04 AM
O sa trec peste faptul ca topicul arata ca unul pe jumatate (sau trei sferturi) tradus automat, iti voi spune ca avand nume romanaesc si fiind moneda ta, ma astept la mai mult.
Inca poti sa editezi si sa corectezi.

In schimb am o nedumerire: la ce foloseste aceasta moneda? Doar ca este rapida, posibil anonima si cu taxe mici la tranzactii? Pai exista monede care deja fac asta de ani de zile.
Bun, am inteles, ai un premine care sa-ti ofere un trai linistit. Dar.. cam atat.
7114  Local / Discutii Servicii / Re: Load DeFi si Liquid Swap on: April 23, 2021, 08:06:51 AM
Să zicem că s-a ivit o problemă și am nevoie să vând btc de ~3000eur , dar nu prea vreau să rămân fără btc și sunt în România.

O idee ar fi să iau un loan cu acoperire în btc, binance cere 3700 de euro în 6 luni (de ex.) cu 0.104 btc collateral

Dacă ofer în plus btc pentru împrumuturi, la 1.2% APY am calculat eu că trebuie să pun la bătaie 3 btc timp de 6 luni pentru a acoperi cei 700 de euro dobânda de mai sus. Sau sa ofer btc pentru liquid swap, care poate oferi câștiguri mai mari.

În schimb, la Nexo văd că are 6% APR pentru btc, deci ori nu stiu eu ce înseamnă APR și APY ori intenționat nu se dau cifre concrete.

Întrebarea mea este: are rost să mă complic pentru o sumă relativ mică să-mi fac cont la vreuna dintre aceste case de schimb și să blochez btc în speranța că nu ies în pierdere, sau e mai eficient să cumpăr btc în umătoarele 6 luni pentru a acoperi cheltuiala, și cu asta basta?

In primul rand eu nu voi recomanda DeFi. Pur si simplu inca nu mi se pare sa prezinte suficienta incredere.

Acum, cu Binance e destul de simplu, ca in mod normal nu cere KYC la sub 2 BTC/zi. Daca in schimb doresti sa primesti cei 3000 EUR pe cardul lor, atunci iti va trebui KYC. Nu stiu cum e cu KYC la imprumuturi. Sa citesti despre KYC, sunt postari inclusiv in romana, in principiu e bine sa-l eviti daca poti.
Dar depinde de tine. Daca TU crezi ca pretul Bitcoin va creste, atunci clar, mai bine iei imprumutul in BTC daca poti. Chiar si cresterea de pret ar putea sa-ti acopere dobanda si nu va fi nevoie sa oferi tu imprumuturi. Daca in schimb pretul o sa scada, ar fi fost mai bine sa fi vandut. Deci, cum nu putem prevedea viitorul, trebuie sa te gandesti tu cum sa faci.

Apoi mai e o problema. Regulile zic sa nu tii investiti in Bitcoin bani pe care nu-ti permiti sa-i pierzi. Ce o sa faci daca trebuie sa dai inapoi creditul si nu ai bani, iar pretul Bitcoin a cazut in cap, chiar si temporar?

Eu nu pot sa zic cum sa faci. Doar sa iei in considerare un pic mai mult decat doar lumea Bitcoin.
7115  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Should I stake my crypto? on: April 23, 2021, 07:47:33 AM
Would you mind to share your experience when staking crypto? I wonder to know how staking can generate more profit.

Been a week crypto market's down almost half of its value, Bitcoin itself has been down more than 10% since Sunday.

Do you have any thought of alternative crypto investment? Share your favourite staking platform like Coinbase or SnapBots below!

Staking altcoins will earn you altcoins. But keep in mind that you may end up with the altcoins losing more value against bitcoin than what you earn by staking. So do that only if you find an altcoin you trust and want to invest into. I didn't find such investment profitable on long term with altcoins that allow staking.

There are websites where you deposit your bitcoins and you can earn some small amounts. But those amounts are very small. There are websites advertising they give big amounts too, but those are usually scam. And the problem is that you send your coins to 3rd party and - whether it's scam or not - it can easily happen that you lose all your coins (not your keys, not your coins). All in all the risk is big and the benefits are small.

At least for Bitcoin, over time, my experience has shown me that holding with patience can give nice returns. You have to just keep safe your coins/keys/seed.
7116  Economy / Exchanges / Re: How The Exchange Gets BTC From The Blockchain on: April 23, 2021, 07:25:38 AM
An exchange sells BTC to people. People pay full amount to an exchange. People cannot buy BTC without an exchange.

What have you done on this forum since 2017?
So many years and you understood exactly nothing.

Most exchanges don't sell Bitcoin themselves. In those exchanges, users sell and users buy, the exchange only matches orders and takes a fee.

For example miners go to exchanges and sell the coins they mined.
If you'd read you know that every mined block comes with a reward. Every transaction sent contains a fee that also goes to miners. Miners earn coins for the electricity, gear, effort. Those coins are not handed out by Satoshi from his (virtual) bag.

Also people who has bought at some point may sell now. There are people that buy and sell all day long earning money from their trades (also some who don't know how things works will lose money too).

There are also exchanges that sell you bitcoins directly. What they do is buying coins from the exchanges from the first example and sell them for you, getting an extra fee for doing this for you.

I hope that it's clearer now.
7117  Economy / Economics / Re: How is it supposed to be alt coin season after bitcoin falls? on: April 23, 2021, 07:07:41 AM
This "alt season" shit used to drive me nuts last year when I was browsing the altcoin sections (before I put them all on ignore).  There were so many threads about "when altcoin season starts?"

Altcoin season may be real. But far too many expect all the useless scam shitcoins and dead projects come back to life because of this; too many hope that their worthless bags of coins will worth something again. And that's why they all hope and ask "when". Too many don't understand that with so many altcoins and new ones still coming out, altcoin season means every "season" something else.
7118  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: If I die can someone achieve my btc. on: April 23, 2021, 06:50:18 AM
the transaction was very easy and faster

Although the overall idea of the topic sounds legit, I'm not convinced about this part. These days everybody complain about high fees and slow transactions and you tell about easy and fast, a bit strange...

On the overall topic it's simple. Share private key/seed/hardware wallet with the loved one if you trust her enough with that and problem solved. Also tell her where you keep the backup private key or seed.
7119  Economy / Exchanges / Re: Case of Thodex exchange aka Turkish Mt.Gox? on: April 23, 2021, 06:43:02 AM
a news agency has spotted him in

He will be spotted in whatever countries don't have extradition treaties with Turkey.
I am expecting that he ran before they've started searching for him. In that kind of countries one has to be extremely cautious, whether he did wrong or not.
However, the chances he's clean are slim.
7120  Economy / Speculation / Re: Bitcoin will never go below $50,000 again on: April 23, 2021, 06:36:55 AM
...And this is why one should never say never.
It's just 9 days since the starting post and we're already under 50k.
OP, I have a feeling that you've jinxed it  Grin

I'm not worried though. There are quite a number of companies and entities that just love to buy the dip.
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