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7321  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Reddit’s science forum banned climate deniers. on: August 13, 2016, 02:07:41 AM
Good, these fucking retards wont be happy untill our planet looks like venus from greenhouse gasses. Im all for free speach but if its my message boards that i own and i see idiots speading bullshit that hurts humanity im allowed to strop it if i want too. reddit is not a government organization they dont owe you anything they are allowed to have opinions. I share this opinion with them, science denyers are whats wrong wit hthe world right now. idiots with a voice

Wow, now we're talking Venus.  There's no relation between atmospheric dynamics on Venus and Earth.

I got some news for you.  It's the religious Warmers that are the science deniers. 

But there's no need to call them fucking retards.  Just call them Climate Tards.
7322  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do people hate islam? on: August 13, 2016, 02:04:14 AM

"Successful" religions are just about all steeped in a history of violence. The major difference I see between modern Islam and modern Christianity is not doctrinal, but that modern Christians have adapted to a larger world and don't, for the most part, take it too seriously. ...

Successful religions are also highly adaptable to various cultural standards. 

Historically those that tried to take over the world came to various rude awakenings, unless those in the religion started laughing at it.
7323  Other / Politics & Society / Re: He is clearly after my man-cherry :o on: August 13, 2016, 02:01:39 AM
AND.. he is apparently unaware of the rules here.
Trolling.. pointless 1 word garbage posts.. Personal insults.. Spamming..

Oh I'm quite aware of the rules here, thank you.

I'm laughing my ass off over here that you're now crying about them Cheesy

I am going to post one of the few good things from the frigid north place called cana-something-or-other.

Yes she is fricking nutcase just like this misspelled Sputnik monkeychild.

But man, we in the US of A are so far ahead, all you can do is drink to it.

Here's what we got, and this is 1967.

So, Spunknicker.  Let's see you do it.  Try real hard and report back.

Can you bench press 24?

Oh, by the way.  Sure, the USA is all screwed up.  See, we excel at things, so of course we excel at screwing up. 
7324  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Reddit’s science forum banned climate deniers. on: August 13, 2016, 01:48:06 AM

I think this is why Warmers, even those who are actual scientists, tend to do very poorly in debates and discussion with climate skeptics.

Such debates are few and far between these days.  It is pretty clear to me as an observer that this is a defensive strategy on the part of the Warmunistas and it is abundantly clear why the strategy is necessary.

Debates did occur in the past and thanks to technology they have not all been memory-holed.  One of the most interesting take-aways I've had from these are that early on, the fascination with the money-making potential of the global warming fear mongering was palpable.  While we no longer see debates on the actual science, we can see opertunistic wealth generation in abundance these days.  Much of it occurs through intercepting value as it transferes through the 'sustainable growth' and 'green energy' systems which have been forged in the ovens of the political machine.

Sadly, the blog writer linked to thinks nothing of lying in the pursuit of his cause.  I quote-

The basic dilemma of climate denial is that, for decades, science has pointed to two very clear conclusions. First is the overwhelming evidence that the planet is warming. Second is the overwhelming evidence that the warming is due to human activity

Quite obviously, although any number of scientific articles can be dredged up to support it, if the planet is warming it would be only a fraction caused by human activity.  (See IPPC reports).

But then this "Adam Frank" does describe himself as a "science evangelist."

Well i guess  that at least agree on the first conclusion.

For the second conclusion... Well let's say that the corelation between human activity increase and CO2 increase is not a proof, but it would be an incredible coincidence no?

It is completely unknown what percent of "recent warming" is due to human activities.  For purposes of discussion let's pick some numbers.  Say 10-40%. 

The writer states unambiguously "Second is the overwhelming evidence that the warming is due to human activity."

He's a bald faced liar.

Any part of that not make sense?
7325  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do people hate islam? on: August 13, 2016, 01:43:06 AM
People hate Islam because of the current media view on it scaring the shit out of people. Combined with the fact that due to the mass number of Muslims around the globe, there are a large number of secular and unfortunately fundamentalists alike.

Many people on here will accuse Islam of having barbaric views but religeon is about what you focus on. I assure you Judaism and Christianity have barbaric scripture as well, but we don't focus on them in today's society. its unfair to blame or categorize all of Islam as one group of people because they are actually hundreds of millions of people, with very different beliefs and values depending on where they are from and how religiously they were raised.

I repeat my question. You've seen in the history of examples that describe where Orthodox Chrestians first attacked others? For example, in Russia, where the main religion is Orthodox Christianity. Were there cases when the first Russian attack on other countries? Personally, I know, in the history of the Crusades the Catholics and Muslims terror.

The crusades were some of the most violent attacks in human history, you cant gloss over the crusades and say "Sure the crusades but what have Christians done lately?".....

The crusades were to reclaim lands taken by terrorist Muslims....

7326  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Islam and stereotypes on: August 13, 2016, 01:40:45 AM
All the stereotypes here thinks that Islam only orders to kill ..but let me tell you Islam Gave rights to women and gave every human being their rights to live and right to make property and rights of the neighbours ............Islam is here for the previous 1400 years and Islamic terriosm Only started After United States started to Invade Muslim Countries ? Whats your take on this
It was a secret that has been known in the Islamic teaching may kill another in the name of jihad and was recognized by the Islam.
what was crusades then Huh? If Islam Orders to jhad then why christians ordered crusades that were against Islam and if Muslims wont fight against crusaders then Islam wont exist today
7327  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Islam and stereotypes on: August 13, 2016, 01:39:42 AM
There are apparently 4300 recognised world religions, yet here in the UK there is only ever one that is forever causing problems. ....

No more needs be said.
7328  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Reddit’s science forum banned climate deniers. on: August 12, 2016, 06:42:52 PM

I think this is why Warmers, even those who are actual scientists, tend to do very poorly in debates and discussion with climate skeptics.

Such debates are few and far between these days.  It is pretty clear to me as an observer that this is a defensive strategy on the part of the Warmunistas and it is abundantly clear why the strategy is necessary.

Debates did occur in the past and thanks to technology they have not all been memory-holed.  One of the most interesting take-aways I've had from these are that early on, the fascination with the money-making potential of the global warming fear mongering was palpable.  While we no longer see debates on the actual science, we can see opertunistic wealth generation in abundance these days.  Much of it occurs through intercepting value as it transferes through the 'sustainable growth' and 'green energy' systems which have been forged in the ovens of the political machine.

Sadly, the blog writer linked to thinks nothing of lying in the pursuit of his cause.  I quote-

The basic dilemma of climate denial is that, for decades, science has pointed to two very clear conclusions. First is the overwhelming evidence that the planet is warming. Second is the overwhelming evidence that the warming is due to human activity

Quite obviously, although any number of scientific articles can be dredged up to support it, if the planet is warming it would be only a fraction caused by human activity.  (See IPPC reports).

But then this "Adam Frank" does describe himself as a "science evangelist."

7329  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do people hate islam? on: August 12, 2016, 06:03:40 PM
I do not want to blame, which is one religion. I'm just saying. Under the guise of religion, people do evil. The evil that does not support any religion. Terror is not a religion of terror done by people who hide behind religion.
Yes, terror certainly can be a part of religion.

Planes being driven straight down by Islamic terrorists shouting Allah Akbar proves it.

Please stop the Takiyya.

It is very obvious.
7330  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Reddit’s science forum banned climate deniers. on: August 12, 2016, 05:58:51 PM
I scanned the NPR article mostly because in my youth I gained a lot of information about the world through that channel and much of my family still does.  As expected, the content was a cacophony of exaggeration, misinformation, and gross logical errors.  I doubt that it was simply an accident on the part of the author.

Anyway, I just thought I'd mention that Dr. Salby (or his fans) have a new lecture out on youtube which might be of interest to some:
As with his recent lectures, the mathematics do not exceed the capabilities of those with a basic exposure to differential and integral calculus.

The main focus of this lecture seems to be an exploration of the very important residence time of CO2 in the atmosphere.  As usual, Dr. Salby derives this value through multiple methods and compares the result.  As far as I can tell, 'popular' science has devolved to the point where this basic method is no longer even understood much less valued by the the practitioners of scientism.

The values Salby comes up with for residence time are vastly below those used by the 'modelers' and explain nicely the observation that the models are proving intensely invalid as the years drift by.

Salby's work in the current socio-political pseudo-science landscape also explains the desire on the part of the warmunistas like Dr. Mann to discontinue the use of data and lock the 'science' into a 'settled' state as well as the push to criminalize the activities of people like Dr. Salby using RICO statutes and the like.

I am quite familiar with the issues of CO2 residence time in the atmosphere.  It is something of an interesting subject.  One fascinating thing about climate religioscience is that no actually interesting issues can be taught.

Such things would require examination of alternative explanations and views, which cannot be allowed.  They would require asking questions in the forbidden zones, the areas where Thinking Cannot Be Allowed.

I think this is why Warmers, even those who are actual scientists, tend to do very poorly in debates and discussion with climate skeptics.
7331  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Do you also think that USA is the biggest plague of the world? on: August 12, 2016, 04:42:28 PM
I can bench-press 22 lb's so...

7332  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Aliens found on the moon on: August 12, 2016, 04:29:13 PM
Well, that's really totally stupid.

All you've done is link to a picture.
7333  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do islam hates people? on: August 12, 2016, 04:27:18 PM
Hating Islam IS progressive. Islam stands against everything that liberals want for people. I just don't fuc...get young people who protect killers, because they don't want to hurt their feelings. The only way to fight fire is with fire.
Also, Liberals believe that if they could somehow 'educate' Muslims, they will have a heart's really quite unbelievable that there are zero street smarts for a younger generation. It's literally in the Quran to lie to Non-Islamists. People are crazy for comparing Islam to Christianity. Really stupid and crazy.

We are Christians and we don't necessarily follow 100% what is written in the Bible, in industrialized countries this is seen as a waste of time and energy. If we followed everything that is in the Bible we would be just as bad, just look at Jehovah's witnesses - just as stubborn as Muslims can be.

Muslims can be just the same as we are. They can still worship and believe in the Quran while finally not having their entire lives based on it and live modern lives, its possible and its what we want.  Give them jobs and opportunities, they will catch up with us. They are people like everybody else.

Given the world natality balance and Islamic immigration level to our industrialized countries, we really have no choice.
If the worst of Christianity is the Jehovah's and the Worst of islam is ISIS, you have just made the point opposite of your belief.

Given them <blah blah blah>?

How about you, buddy.  You yourself give them stuff.  Don't speak for others.
7334  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do people hate islam? on: August 11, 2016, 10:14:30 PM
Islam is nice religion like others religion. ....

Can I say that the true or nice Muslim are the victim from terror tragedy?

So, maybe that's why people see Islam as religion of terrorists and they hate terrorist.
I don't have Muslim or Islam, but I hate terrorist.

Is it okay to stone women to death?

Is it okay to kill homosexuals?

Is it okay to kill those who attempt to leave Islam?

Please answer simply yes or no.

You just described almost every religion out there, not specifically Islam. The Christian bible has several instances of women being stoned to death as well as people being burned alive with fire for partaking in homosexual acts.

No, I have not described almost every religion out there.  I have specifically described Islam today.

You are attempting to equate Christianity of way in the past as comparable.

People see through that pretty darn fast.
7335  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Americans drumming up business for mustache rides ? on: August 11, 2016, 10:10:55 PM
Consider your ass PWNED ..again  Cool

Know what league your in kids.

So big boy, how much do you bench press?


Let's hear it.

Curious minds would like to know what league you are in.
7336  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do people hate islam? on: August 11, 2016, 08:44:09 PM
Islam is nice religion like others religion. ....

Can I say that the true or nice Muslim are the victim from terror tragedy?

So, maybe that's why people see Islam as religion of terrorists and they hate terrorist.
I don't have Muslim or Islam, but I hate terrorist.

Is it okay to stone women to death?

Is it okay to kill homosexuals?

Is it okay to kill those who attempt to leave Islam?

Please answer simply yes or no.

7337  Other / Politics & Society / Re: America and Israel ???? Global Conspiracy on: August 11, 2016, 08:39:58 PM
All the conspiracy junkies in here..
Its crazy..

Isreal is Isreal.. And Palestine does not exist.
It should, but so should Isreal.

Difference is that instead of the Palestinians targeting military targets in Isreal, they go after the civilians by attacking with knifes or run them over with cars.

That is not war or fighting for good.. That is terrorism.

Isreal is not perfect.. As you see IDF soldiers treating the Palestinians bad.. (Gee, wonder why?)

7338  Other / Politics & Society / Re: We are using the Earth's resources at the quickest rate recorded on: August 10, 2016, 03:56:09 PM
There is a new report that humanity has already used up a full year's allocation of natural resources including the most needed one like water, clean air and food. This should pose a lot of concern because we are using more than what the Earth can replenish in a year. I don't know about you guys but I think the problem should be made of the highest of political agendas for governments all over the world. It's time for them to put a hard stance on the issue and save the planet.

Here is the link to the report

You should read the works of Julian Simons, an economist who studied these issues in considerable depth.  He disagreed with your point of view.

There was one commodity that he did think was in short supply.

7339  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Do you also think that USA is the biggest plague of the world? on: August 09, 2016, 09:19:35 PM
.... the previous President was trying numerous times to assassinate your political "play toy" once you were done with him by pounding a place he visited with 200 cruise missiles ?


I thought those things hit what they were pointed at.

What place you talking about, little boy?

Lazy ?

Learn to use Google son LOL

Got it.  So it wasn't "a place" but "a number of places."

7340  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donald Trump Vs Hilary Clinton on: August 09, 2016, 09:16:26 PM
it's a very tough choice but I would say Trump. If Hilary wins she will just continue Obama's policy to provoke Russia and China, if Trump wins anything is possible, even peace.

The US, Russia and China should form a united front against Islamic terrorism.

Hillary won't go for that. In fact, she'd continue getting the US on the wrong side in conflicts.
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