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761  Other / Politics & Society / Re: It's time to expel Russia from the UN on: October 24, 2022, 03:56:32 AM

Russia has survived the war alone and expelling Russia from UN is not an easy task
Many writes are writing about the bans - but there are so many countries which are invaded by the other one and noone ever talk about them

Yes, the Russian empire has subjugated many peoples and does not want to let go.
762  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russia is the most aggressive country on: October 24, 2022, 03:51:07 AM
If Russia is aggressive - so is India and USA and China
all the powerful countries are killing and damaging the people and the infrastructure at the cost of peace and this will affect lots of people and generation for ages

You are right, any war is bad. But Putin started this war and sows death on Ukrainian soil. What do you propose to do in this case?
763  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Obama's inglorious departure on: October 24, 2022, 03:45:02 AM
Today, Biden has to correct the mistakes of previous American presidents.
Biden is making some very strong decisions

They are so strong (smelling) that he reeks of rot.     

Yes, the aroma of the war with the smell of blood started by Putin is much more pleasant for you.
764  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Despair is a sign of defeat on: October 24, 2022, 03:40:46 AM
you mentioned it right - But this war has created so much trouble in the world already
This should be stopped. And let the people come back to the life again.

Undoubtedly, a peaceful life is better than war, and you call for an end to hostilities in the midst of war. Now imagine this situation: there is a second world war, the Americans and the British landed in Normandy and at this stage peace is made. Almost the entire territory of Europe remains under the rule of Germany and Italy. How do you like that?
765  Other / Politics & Society / Re: It's time to expel Russia from the UN on: October 23, 2022, 09:54:07 AM
As it turned out, Russia did not apply for UN membership after the disappearance of the USSR, like all countries formed after the collapse of the USSR.
766  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Despair is a sign of defeat on: October 23, 2022, 09:49:27 AM
Rise and falls of Empire is part of evolution. Currently there is a lot going on in the world. Russia is just a start. Look there is financial and resource struggle going on around globe, rising unemployment rising population, rising debts and what not the world down the line 25 years will be a radically different place than we can imagine right now.
Russia has survived the war and there is another drone which they are purchasing from Iran to attack Ukraine.
Those are called Shahid 136 - and they are smaller than the old drones. But they are making a lot of damage to the Ukraine.

 Moreover, not so much the Ukrainian army, how many civilians are being killed.
767  Other / Politics & Society / And you prove on: October 23, 2022, 09:43:35 AM
Alik Bakhshi

And you prove

    In organizing a series of poisonings of Litvinov, Skripals, Navalny, and the murder of Nemtsov, Putin refuses to accuse Russian intelligence services of involvement. In the appearance in the Crimea of ​​soldiers without identification stripes and military equipment with removed numbers, Putin flatly refuses. In the shooting down of a Malaysian Boeing in the sky of Ukraine and the death of 298 people, the tragedy in Bucha, the bombing of the Mariupol theater, in which civilians were killed, the shelling of houses throughout Ukraine and the death of thousands of Ukrainian citizens, Putin has one answer - and you prove it. Putin even managed to accuse President Zelensky of the war he started with Ukraine, calling him the organizer of the fascist regime, from which Russia is forced to defend itself. What happened in Bucha, according to the Minister of Foreign Affairs Lavrov, is actually setting up a fascist regime in Kyiv, and the destruction of houses and the death of their inhabitants is on the conscience of the Ukrainian army, which specifically shoots at its own people in order to blame Moscow for this. Prove it's not. Blatant lies are Putin's calling card.

    As you know, Putin positions himself as a connoisseur of history, but he hides the fact that Germany was actually forced to attack Russia first in order to get ahead of the Russians, who are planning a large-scale invasion of Europe and, first of all, Poland as the former territory of the Russian Empire. For this purpose, Russia concentrated a huge army on the western border in order to regain the territories lost as a result of the First World War. The conquered Poland could serve as a springboard for a further attack on Germany. I must say, Hitler was well aware of Moscow's secret negotiations with Britain and France to create an anti-German bloc. To ensure the security of Germany and at the same time both to save Poland from the communist invasion, ahead of the Russians, Hitler sent troops into Poland, but all of Poland could not be saved. The Russians invaded, but it was too late, most of Poland was already safe. Of course, Hitler understood that Moscow would not stop. And in fact, the Russians, in accordance with the implementation of the intended goal, attacked the German troops stationed in Poland, having previously bombed Minsk in order to blame the Germans for this and present the outbreak of the war as defensive. Stalin, however, like Putin, who attacked Ukraine, did not expect the fierce resistance of the Germans, who, having defeated the Russian army, put it to flight right up to the Volga itself. And only the help of the allies saved Russia from defeat. Let Putin prove that it is not so.

768  Local / Политика / А вы докажите on: October 23, 2022, 09:36:22 AM
Алик Бахши
А вы докажите

    В организации серии отравлений Литвинова, Скрипалей, Навального, убийстве Немцова Путин отказывается от обвинения причастности российских спецслужб. В появлении в Крыму солдат без опознавательных нашивок и военной техники со снятыми номерами Путин наотрез отказывается. В сбитие в небе Украины малазийского Боинга и гибели 298 человек, трагедии в Буче, бомбардировки Мариупольского театра, в котором нашли смерть мирные люди, обстреле домов по всей Украине и гибели тысяч украинских граждан у Путина один ответ, - а вы докажите. Путин даже в  затеянной им войне с Украиной умудрился обвинить президента Зеленского, назвав его организатором фашистского режима, от которого Россия вынуждена защищаться. То, что произошло в Буче, по словам министра иностранных дел Лаврова на самом деле есть постановка фашистского режима в Киеве, а разрушение домов и гибель их обитателей на совести украинской армии, которая специально стреляет по своим, чтобы затем обвинить в этом Москву. Докажите, что не так. Наглая ложь – визитная карточка Путина.

    Как известно, Путин позиционирует себя знатоком истории, однако он скрывает, что Германия на самом деле вынуждена была первой атаковать Россию, чтобы опередить русских, планирующих широко масштабное вторжение в Европу и в первую очередь в Польшу как бывшую территорию Российской империи. Россия с этой целью сосредоточила на западной границе громадную армию, чтобы вернуть территории потерянные в результате первой мировой войны. Покорённая Польша могла служить плацдармом для дальнейшего нападения на Германию. Надо сказать, Гитлеру прекрасно было известно о тайных переговоров Москвы с Великобританией и Францией для создания анти германского блока. Для обеспечения безопасности Германии и одновременно чтобы обе спасти Польшу от коммунистического нашествия, с опережением русских Гитлер ввёл войска в Польшу, однако всю Польшу спасти не удалось. Русские вторглись, но было поздно, большая часть Польши была уже в безопасности. Конечно, Гитлер понимал, что Москва не остановится. И в самом деле русские в соответствие с осуществлением намеченной цели напали на германские войска, находящиеся в Польше, предварительно нанеся бомбовые удары по Минску, чтобы обвинить в этом немцев и представить начавшуюся войну как оборонительную. Сталин, впрочем как и Путин, напавший на Украину, не ожидал ожесточенного сопротивления немцев, которые разбив  русскую армию, обратили её в бегство аж до самой Волги. И только помощь союзников спасла Россию от поражения. Пусть Путин докажет, что не так.


769  Local / Политика / Re: Фиаско президента Обамы on: October 23, 2022, 06:39:11 AM

PPS  интереснее такая мысль:  а какая разница между исламом и фашизмом?..
Я вот сколько не размышлял не нашел разницы

 Разница такая же, какая между христианством и фашизмом, то есть без разницы. И Муссолини и Гитлер были христианами. Кстати, две мировые войны развязаны христианами. Эпоха крестовых походов, принёсшая неисчислимые беды на Ближний Восток, тоже на совести христиан, не говоря уже о Холокосте.
770  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Obama's inglorious departure on: October 22, 2022, 07:40:08 PM
Today, Biden has to correct the mistakes of previous American presidents.
771  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Whose Crimea on: October 22, 2022, 07:37:17 PM
With the return of Kherson, the road to the Crimea opens. If you manage to blow up the Crimean bridge, then their tamnets will be thrown into the sea.

  Русские массово покидают Херсонскую область пока есть такая возможность в преддверие наступления украинской армии.
772  Other / Politics & Society / Re: It's time to expel Russia from the UN on: October 22, 2022, 07:34:18 PM

Expelling Russia from the UN is not going to affect it much. It is facing so many sanctions but it is still surviving it like nothing is happening to it. The world needs to think deep and come out with severe measures that can make Putin go down. He is the devil himself. I hate a human being who inflicts pain and sorrow on others. This is what Putin is doing to the world now, someone should take him out.

Resignation will not save Putin, he has already been recognized as a war criminal, with all the ensuing consequences.

By the way, Biden called Putin a murderer. One must think the American president has every reason to call Putin that.
773  Local / Политика / Re: Бесславный уход Обамы on: October 22, 2022, 10:12:51 AM
Сегодня Западу приходится исправлять все ошибки, которые натворили все американские президенты после Рональда Рейгана. На Путина нет второго Рейгана, который бы и руки не подал убийце и вруну.
774  Local / Политика / Re: Фиаско президента Обамы on: October 22, 2022, 10:00:29 AM

Русский народ не может благополучно существовать в демократическом обществе по причине неспособности активно заниматься рациональной экономической и политической деятельностью, а неизбежное появление на этом фоне олигархов, скажем так, не русской национальности, ведёт страну к обнищанию и в итоге окончательному распаду империи, что противно великодержавному мировоззрению русского народа.
  Таким образом, Россия как империя и страна демократическая это нонсенс! Попробовав демократию на вкус, Россия вновь вернулась к тоталитаризму, как единственному возможному варианту сохранить империю, вне которой русский народ потеряется. 

   Из всех народов бывшего Советского Союза, имевших счастье, освободится от Москвы только эстонцы, латыши, литовцы и грузины смогли обрести демократию. В тюркских республиках, где кумовство традиционно выше закона, демократия вылилась в её профанацию, прикрывающая тоталитарные режимы. В этом плане упрекать новые государства, как то Азербайджан или Узбекистан, в недостаточной демократичности, как это порой исходит от лидеров западной демократии, по меньшей мере, не разумно. Кстати, и в этом вопросе Запад грешит двойным стандартом; что-то я не слышал, чтобы Запад был в претензии к монархии в нефтедобывающих арабских странах. Даже напротив эти страны являются стратегическими союзниками западной демократии.
   Слов нет, демократия это хорошо, но надо принимать во внимание, что не все народы находятся на одном уровне цивилизации. Пока сам народ не решит перейти к демократической форме правления, бесполезны обвинения в адрес диктаторов, или насильственные методы внесения демократии, как это случилось в Ираке. Вспомните пример демократии в Турции, там демократия не была преподнесена из вне. Турецкий народ оставил истории Османскую империю и самостоятельно перешел к демократическому государственному устройству. Пора бы уже и понять западным политикам, что главное Зло на планете находится за стенами Кремля, и первейшая задача состоит в недопущении возврата освободившихся народов в лоно Российской империи. Одно то, что вокруг себя Путин собрал отбросы цивилизации в лице тегеранских мракобесов, кровавого сирийского диктатора и армянских нацистов-дашнаков с химерической идеей создания «Великой Армении от моря и до моря», говорит о том, что собой представляет современная Россия. С распадом СССР и крахом коммунистической идеологии Россия не изменила своей сущности как Империи Зла и, если президенту Рональду Рейгану удалось опустить её на колени, то все последующие президенты, включая и Барака Обаму, оказались политическими импотентами, пассивно наблюдающими, как «друг Путин» свёртывает зачатки ельцинской демократии, открывая шлюзы великорусскому шовинизму, захлестнувшему в имперском угаре всю страну.  Монстр обрёл силу, что не замедлило вылиться в агрессию против Грузии и Украины. Путин умело воспользовался политической слепотой Обамы и его полным невежеством в понимании русского менталитета. Успеху Путина в его агрессивных планах способствовало также преимущество авторитарного режима перед демократией в быстроте принимаемых решений.   
     Всё, что было достигнуто Рейганом, практически сведено к нулю. Рональд Рейган после сбитого русскими корейского Боинга смело и точно назвал Россию Империей Зла, подчеркнув, что у Запада и России совершенно разные моральные ценности. Да, сегодня Америке явно не хватает второго Рональда Рейгана, он то уж точно не убоялся назвать Путина тем, кто он есть, а именно, лгуном, и не то чтобы не подал Путину руки, как это сделал Обама, да и вообще отказался бы встречи с вруном. Неужели Обама не понимает, что договариваться о чем-либо с человеком, за которым нет ни одного правдивого слова, последнее дело.
    В противостоянии Путина и Обамы Путин, безусловно, выглядит победителем. Он осуществляет задуманное в отличие от Обамы, которому во внешнеполитических вопросах мало что удалось реализовать из обещанного. В известной Каирской речи Обама, первым из американских президентов, дал правдивую оценку арабо-израильскому конфликту и обозначил, что решение проблемы видится созданием двух государств для двух народов. Слов нет, Каирская речь прекрасна во всех отношениях, однако это только речь, за которой не последовало никаких действенных мер. За два срока на посту президента Обаме не хватило ни мужества, ни смелости дать бой еврейскому лобби, чтобы решить арабо-израильский конфликт, который является одним из основных факторов дестабилизирующих Ближневосточный регион. Обаме не удалось ни на йоту сдвинуть этот закоснелый конфликт и то, что Обама молчанием обошел его на 70 –той сессии Генеральной Ассамблеи ООН, есть косвенное признание в бессилии положить конец арабо-израильскому конфликту, что равносильно политическому фиаско 44-го президента Соединенных Штатов Америки.
1. Востребованный лжец для государства Израиль.
2. Мирный процесс и прочие «еврейские штучки».
3. Зачем Ирану бомба?
4. Империя Лжи и её главный лжец.
5.Назад в империю, или восстановление исторической справедливости по Путину.
6. Международный терроризм и его интересанты.
7. Чечня и дорога к власти или возрождение империи по Путину.
8. Великорусский шовинизм, и Путин его фюрер.

775  Other / Politics & Society / The fiasco of President Obama on: October 22, 2022, 09:14:38 AM
Alik Bakhshi

The fiasco of President Obama


     Of all the speakers who spoke from the rostrum of the 70th anniversary session of the UN General Assembly, I would single out three, namely Barack Obama, Vladimir Putin and Benjamin Netanyahu as leaders of states conducting military operations on the territories of other countries and thereby responsible for the political climate on the planet . It is important to note that the speech of each of them contained one noteworthy moment.
   So Netanyahu, speaking from the rostrum of the UN General Assembly, did not amuse the audience with a drawing of the Iranian atomic bomb. This time, he began to accuse everyone and everything of all mortal sins against Israel, while forgetting that Israel holds the record for the number of accusatory UN resolutions. Regarding the conflict with the Palestinians, Netanyahu, a known political liar (1), repeated his usual lies about Israel's sincere desire for peace and the implementation of the slogan "two states for two peoples", placing all the blame on Mahmoud Abbas, who refuses to continue the record according to the terms of the negotiations. Netanyahu did not say that in all 25 years of fruitless negotiations, Israel practically did not stop the seizure of land through the construction of Jewish settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory (2).

   Another ten years of such negotiations, and the issue will be closed due to the absence of an object of negotiations. It is for this outcome that Netanyahu needs constant endless negotiations.
   For a quarter of a century of these negotiations, they have not moved a single step towards the final result, that is, the creation of a Palestinian state. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the main factor destabilizing the entire Middle East region. Under the auspices of Washington, Israel, feeling impunity, is pursuing a policy of apartheid against the Palestinian Arabs. The permanent war led to the emergence of al-Qaeda, an organization that set itself the goal of a military struggle for the rights of the Palestinian people. As a result, the war crossed the ocean. The then President of America, George W. Bush, instead of treating the disease itself, that is, to solve the Palestinian issue, began to treat its symptoms. America behaved like an elephant in a china shop: it launched a war in Afghanistan, which was up to the Palestinian problem like a light bulb, then it was Iraq's turn, under the far-fetched pretext of eliminating the chemical weapons allegedly possessed by Saddam Hussein. It must be said that the destruction of Iraq as a state, and you can’t call it otherwise, is the apogee of the stupidity of Bush Jr., who naively decided to bring democracy on the bayonets of marines to a people who do not understand its value. It's like bringing a roasted pig into the house of a believing Jew as a delicacy. Barack Obama had the difficult task of correcting the political mistakes of a man who happened to be in the presidency of America, and even for two whole terms.
    Obama set the task of withdrawing American soldiers from the Middle East region, but it was not there, Netanyahu wants to drag America into a new war, now with Iran, using the powerful influence of the Jewish lobby in Congress. The rationale is simple, it is to Israel's advantage that America constantly conducts military operations in the region, leaving in the shadow its quiet strangulation of the Palestinian Arabs.
    The most interesting thing is that the confrontation between Iran and Israel is just pure rhetoric. The atomic baton in the hands of Tehran poses a danger primarily not to Israel, as Tel Aviv wants to convince the international community, but to the countries directly surrounding it. The verbal skirmish between Tehran and Tel Aviv is more of a distraction from what is really going on. And the reality is that Iran has no reason to bomb Israel, and even with nuclear weapons, which will not spare the Palestinian Arabs equally with the Jews, whose problems the ayatollahs use for purely propaganda purposes in order to achieve at least some authority in Muslim countries, authority , which they, oddly enough, actually do not have. The Tehran ayatollahs are, first of all, pragmatists to the marrow of their bones, and then confessors. This is confirmed by the fact that Iran, along with Christian Russia, is also an ally of Christian Armenia - the worst enemy of Muslim and, by the way, Shiite Azerbaijan. It is difficult to imagine that Sunnis will begin to fraternize with Shiites if a Palestinian state is created with the help of Iran. And what will Iran get from this? Nothing! And the main thing that undoubtedly understands in Tehran is that an atomic attack on Israel by Iran is tantamount to signing a death warrant for itself. It should be noted here an important fact - the Arab organization Al-Qaeda, which is really an enemy of Israel, has no ties with Iran, on the contrary, it is its opponent, speaking on the side of the Syrian rebels in their war with dictator Bashar al-Assad, whom he supports Tehran together with Moscow. The totalitarian regime of the ayatollahs, as well as sovereign democracy in the person of sovereign Putin, does not need democratic revolutions. More details in my article “Why does Iran need a bomb?” (3).
        I would like to draw your attention to the paradox - democracy among the Arabs does not bode well for Israel either. The fact is that for a dictator the main task is to maintain power, everything else, including the return of lost territories, is secondary. Thus, Bashar al-Assad is more willing to “wet” his people than to fight for the Golan annexed by Israel. Strange as it may seem, in a true democracy, a term-limited head of state is much more free to choose the decisions to be made, and even more so those that will have the support of the people. A dictator clinging to power in Damascus is less dangerous for Israel than a popularly elected leader. Therefore, Israel is wary of social developments in the Arab countries.
    The second after Netanyahu, it can be said, no less a liar on a global scale, President Putin (4), a revanchist who started to restore the Russian Empire within the borders of the USSR (5), from the UN rostrum calls on the World to put an end to global terrorism. It is necessary, in truth, to have impenetrable impudence, so that, being the first terrorist on the planet (6,7), who perpetrated total terror in Chechnya, to call for an intensification of the fight against Islamists. As it turned out, by Islamists Putin means not ISIS with Hezbollah and not even Iranian obscurantists, who are Putin's great friends, namely, the Syrian opposition that rebelled against the dictatorial regime of Bashar al-Assad. In connection with this approach to the Syrian problem, Putin in his speech accused the democratic countries of trying to overthrow the legitimate power of the dictator. Dictator Putin, I'm sorry, a permanent sovereign, could not have had any other approach, if, according to Putin's own definition, the political system in Russia is represented by a new hitherto unknown sovereign democracy. This explains why Russia has the totalitarian regimes of Iran and Syria among its allies.
    Putin circumvented Russia's violation of the Budapest Memorandum, according to which Russia pledged to be the guarantor of Ukraine's territorial integrity. It is not clear how Western leaders, after such political lies, continue to negotiate in the hope of reaching an agreement with the Kremlin liar, who uses their credulity and decency.

    The Kremlin's revanchist ambitions, made clear by the attacks on Georgia and Ukraine, mirror Putin's plans to rebuild the Russian empire. The actions of Putin's Russia during the annexation of Crimea and territorial claims to eastern Ukraine under the pretext that Russians live compactly there exactly repeat the actions of Hitler's Germany during the annexation of the Sudetenland, where the German population was 90%. It should be noted that today's military hysteria organized by Putin in Russia is very reminiscent of the situation in Nazi Germany on the eve of World War II. The Russian president has not bothered to explain Russia's aggression in Ukraine, which suggests that there is still more to come, given Putin's view that the Ukrainian people as such do not exist. It seems that during his service in the KGB in eastern Germany, the spirit of Hitler moved into Putin, so to speak, reincarnation is evident. What Putin is creating in Russia is national socialism with a clear component of it - militarism, and this is nothing but fascism. The common problem of the West in “friend” Putin is the result of a misunderstanding of what the Russian people are and what Russia is (Cool. The political blindness of Bush Jr. and Obama's timid "reset" that he hoped to bring Russia back under Yeltsin did nothing. Russia has returned to its hypostasis.
     The speech of the President of the United States of America was excellent. Listeners had the good fortune to experience Obama's oratorical talent. He did not read from the sheet like Putin and Netanyahu, his speech was interesting and voluminous. In enumerating military conflicts and explaining in detail America's role and involvement in them, Obama did not mention the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which is more than half a century old and in which America is most directly involved. It is unlikely that Obama has forgotten what he has been doing since his first day in the White House. I believe that the reason is not in forgetfulness, but in the unwillingness to expose to the audience their helplessness in solving the problem, which was a headache for previous presidents. If Netanyahu and Putin are known liars, then you can’t say the same about Obama, however, if you deliberately avoid discussing your participation in what you yourself are involved in, namely, in one of the main conflicts in the Middle East, then this is tantamount to hiding the political crimes to cover up Israel, with its apartheid against the Palestinian people, and having a record number of accusatory UN resolutions, can be attributed to political deception in the form of a policy of double standards. Because of Israel, the United States of America is forced to pursue a policy of double standards. Calling "friend Putin", a man who has covered the Chechen people in blood, and waging war against the dictator Assad literally for the same thing, is an example of classical hypocrisy.
    To be sure, America became the America we know because of democracy, as Obama reminded the audience. Democracy in the countries of Europe made it possible to eliminate the former, seemingly insoluble problems between European states, which ultimately allowed the creation of the EU and other countries can follow this example. However, not every nation, by virtue of its mentality, can accept democratic conditions of life, so the experience with democracy in Russia failed. The Russian people cannot successfully exist in a democratic society due to their inability to actively engage in rational economic and political activities, and the inevitable appearance against this background of oligarchs, let’s say, of non-Russian nationality, leads the country to impoverishment and, as a result, the final collapse of the empire, which is contrary to the great-power worldview Russian people.
  Thus, Russia as an empire and a democratic country is nonsense! Having tasted democracy, Russia again returned to totalitarianism, as the only possible option to preserve the empire, outside of which the Russian people would be lost.

   Of all the peoples of the former Soviet Union who were lucky to be freed from Moscow, only Estonians, Latvians, Lithuanians and Georgians were able to gain democracy. In the Turkic republics, where nepotism is traditionally above the law, democracy has resulted in its profanation, covering up totalitarian regimes. In this regard, it is at least unreasonable to reproach new states, such as Azerbaijan or Uzbekistan, with insufficient democracy, as it sometimes comes from the leaders of Western democracy. By the way, in this matter, too, the West sins with a double standard; something I have not heard that the West was in a claim to the monarchy in the oil-producing Arab countries. On the contrary, these countries are strategic allies of Western democracy.
   No words, democracy is good, but we must take into account that not all peoples are at the same level of civilization. Until the people themselves decide to move to a democratic form of government, it is useless to accuse dictators, or forcefully introduce democracy, as happened in Iraq. Remember the example of democracy in Turkey, where democracy was not presented from outside. The Turkish people left the history of the Ottoman Empire and independently moved to a democratic state system. It is time for Western politicians to understand that the main Evil on the planet is behind the walls of the Kremlin, and the first task is to prevent the return of the liberated peoples to the bosom of the Russian Empire. The mere fact that Putin gathered around him the dregs of civilization in the person of Tehran obscurantists, the bloody Syrian dictator and the Armenian Dashnak Nazis with the chimerical idea of creating a “Great Armenia from sea to sea” speaks of what modern Russia is like. With the collapse of the USSR and the collapse of the communist ideology, Russia did not change its essence as the Empire of Evil, and if President Ronald Reagan managed to bring it to its knees, then all subsequent presidents, including Barack Obama, turned out to be political impotent, passively watching how "friend Putin" curtails the beginnings of Yeltsin's democracy, opening the floodgates to Great Russian chauvinism, which swept the whole country in imperial frenzy. The monster gained strength, which did not take long to turn into aggression against Georgia and Ukraine. Putin skillfully took advantage of Obama's political blindness and his complete ignorance of the Russian mentality. Putin's success in his aggressive plans was also facilitated by the advantage of the authoritarian regime over democracy in the speed of decisions.
     Everything that was achieved by Reagan is practically reduced to zero. Ronald Reagan, after the downed Korean Boeing by the Russians, boldly and accurately called Russia the Empire of Evil, emphasizing that the West and Russia have completely different moral values. Yes, today America clearly lacks the second Ronald Reagan, he certainly was not afraid to call Putin for who he is, namely, a liar, and not only did not shake hands with Putin, as Obama did, and in general would refuse to meet with a liar. Doesn't Obama really understand that negotiating anything with a person who doesn't have a single truthful word behind him is the last thing.
    In the confrontation between Putin and Obama, Putin certainly looks like the winner. He is carrying out his plans, in contrast to Obama, who, in foreign policy matters, did not succeed in realizing much of what he promised. In the famous Cairo speech, Obama, the first American president, gave a truthful assessment of the Arab-Israeli conflict and indicated that the solution to the problem is seen as the creation of two states for two peoples. There are no words, the Cairo speech is beautiful in every respect, but it is only a speech that was not followed by any effective measures. In two terms as president, Obama lacked the courage and courage to fight the Jewish lobby to resolve the Arab-Israeli conflict, which is one of the main destabilizing factors in the Middle East region. Obama did not manage to move this inveterate conflict one iota, and the fact that Obama passed it over in silence at the 70th session of the UN General Assembly is an indirect recognition of the impotence to end the Arab-Israeli conflict, which is tantamount to the political fiasco of the 44th President of the United States of America .
1. liar in demand for the state of Israel.
2. The peace process and other "Jewish stuff."           
3. Why would Iran bomb?
4. The Empire of Lies and its chief liar.
5. Back in the empire, or the restoration of historical justice Putin.
6. International terrorism and its interested parties.
7. Chechnya and the road to power or revival of the empire of Putin.
8. Great Russian chauvinism, and Putin, his Führer.


776  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Obama's inglorious departure on: October 22, 2022, 07:01:45 AM
This clip was made pretty famous in retrospect. I remember it being very popular at the time, but it has since gotten more relevant:

Obama's foreign policy was terrible. Mitt Romney's would have been a bit better in hindsight but who actually knows. Russia's power was underestimated, and Obama had the audacity to ridicule Mitt Romney over it.

Side note - there wasn't much talk about China being a geopolitical threat either. A lot of people couldn't foresee how fast China's economy would've grown in the past decade, including myself. 2012 foreign policy talk was just the Middle East, and many other things got overlooked, North Korea as well. NK were on the pathway to nuclear weapons at the end of 2016, if they weren't already developed.

  After Reagan, America had weak presidents, which allowed Russia to become a threat to the world again after the fall of the USSR.
777  Other / Politics & Society / Obama's inglorious departure on: October 22, 2022, 06:14:52 AM
The problem that the world has today because of Russia's war with Ukraine lies also on Obama's conscience.

Alik Bakhshi

Obama's inglorious departure

In the conclusion of the article "America Needs Change" (1), which I wrote on the eve of the 2008 presidential election and in which I predicted the victory of Barack Obama, were the following words:
“The future president of America will traditionally get the problem of the Arab-Israeli conflict, and its solution primarily depends on how ready the new owner of the White House is to fight the Jewish lobby of the American Congress. Of the two candidates, in my opinion, Barack Obama is more suitable for this task, as a young and ambitious politician, less bound by any obligations.
On the other hand, John McCain understands better what today's Russia is, whose imperial policy should not close one's eyes and condescendingly treat the curtailment of the institutions of Democracy. However, it should be noted that an experienced Joseph Biden as vice president may well complement the political baggage of a Democratic candidate.”

I was not mistaken, the American President really intended to end the Palestinian problem and bring peace to the Jewish and Palestinian peoples. Thus, in his famous Cairo speech, Obama expressed his vision of the political situation in the Middle East, and the first of all American presidents expressed support for the Palestinian people in their desire to achieve freedom, saying: "The United States will not turn its back on the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people to live in dignity in their own state" .

Unfortunately, I must admit that my hopes were not justified, Obama, in his good intentions, suffered a complete fiasco (2), and further on proclaiming the slogan “two states for two peoples”, he did not take any effective steps for all 8 years of his stay in the White House. He did not have the courage to fight the Jewish lobby in Congress (3), and the fact that even before the departure of Barack Obama from the presidency, America abstained, yes, just abstained, in the vote in the Security Council on a resolution condemning the settlement Israeli policy in the occupied territories highlights Obama's cowardice. How can one not recall the words of Yeshua Ha-Nozri:

"cowardice, no doubt
one of the worst vices"
M. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"

Clever, but cowardly, and therefore from his mind there was no use. He was given the Nobel only because he outlined the right path, but, alas, he did not make effective efforts to achieve the goal, the words remained words.

During the long two terms of his presidency, Barack Obama did not understand what Russia is and who Putin is. He missed every chance to stop the revanchist Putin in his aggressive plans to revive the empire within its former borders. Of course, a dictator, and Putin is undoubtedly one, has an advantage both in the idea of ​​the decisions he makes and in the speed of their execution. However, Obama, instead of actually helping Ukraine with the supply of weapons, limited himself to timid sanctions against Russia. Yes, Barack Obama is far from Ronald Reagan, who stopped Moscow's military expansion. Reagan went beyond words, boldly calling the Soviet Union the Evil Empire, he organized military support, providing weapons to the freedom-loving people of Afghanistan. It was thanks to Reagan that the Evil Empire collapsed, it’s a pity that all subsequent presidents of America, including Barack Obama, misunderstood, here I repeat, what Russia is and who Putin is (4.5) reduced Reagan’s achievements to zero. Outgoing President Barack Obama spoke beautifully and correctly, but ...
After all, people are judged by their deeds, not their words. I think Obama will have a serious conversation with his conscience in the future.

1. America needs change.
2. The fiasco of President Obama.  
3. Obama, restore America's conscience and save Israel.
4. The state-forming people and its Fuhrer, or Ukraine and further down the list.
5. Great Russian chauvinism and Putin is his Fuhrer.

778  Other / Politics & Society / Re: It's time to expel Russia from the UN on: October 21, 2022, 06:33:20 PM

Expelling Russia from the UN is not going to affect it much. It is facing so many sanctions but it is still surviving it like nothing is happening to it. The world needs to think deep and come out with severe measures that can make Putin go down. He is the devil himself. I hate a human being who inflicts pain and sorrow on others. This is what Putin is doing to the world now, someone should take him out.

Resignation will not save Putin, he has already been recognized as a war criminal, with all the ensuing consequences.
779  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Whose Crimea on: October 21, 2022, 06:25:56 PM
With the return of Kherson, the road to the Crimea opens. If you manage to blow up the Crimean bridge, then their tamnets will be thrown into the sea.
780  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Despair is a sign of defeat on: October 21, 2022, 05:40:49 PM
Rise and falls of Empire is part of evolution. Currently there is a lot going on in the world. Russia is just a start. Look there is financial and resource struggle going on around globe, rising unemployment rising population, rising debts and what not the world down the line 25 years will be a radically different place than we can imagine right now.

 So, evolution assumes the fall of the empire, as a step in this evolution. Russia is an empire in which it holds many peoples under it, carrying out denazification, depriving them of their native language and culture. I hope the war with Ukraine initiated by Putin will be the last for the Russian Empire.

Russia will always be involved with fighting wars. After all, any country that takes over the world has the new job of fighting to keep it.

No dear, this war with Ukraine will be the last for Russia.
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