Earlier this year, a similar Ponzi Scam was organized and many patters are the same: Scammer: arguelles84Posted it here: English: archive German: archiveChinese: archive- Layout of their ANN is identical - Self-moderated to remove warnings - The German "translation" (google translate copy paste) was also posted in project development to hide his negative trust for promoting a ponzi scam. I think the owners are the same and according to his trust rating we can expect some fun.
Phantastisch hatte ihm ja vor fast einem Monat geschrieben bzw. sogar zweimal, was ist denn daraus geworden @phantastisch? Hab ihm gestern nochmal geschrieben mit Verweis auf den Thread, mal schauen ob und wann Meldung zu erwarten ist.
Anstatt 2 Mods, wie ursprünglich für gut befunden, haben wir jetzt keinen. Bis es mehr Spam gibt, ist es denke ich nur eine Frage der Zeit. Ich habe keinen Verlgeich, wie stark der Unterschied zwischen dem Bullrun 2014 und dem Bullrun 2017 war aber beim nächsten starken Anstieg würde das bestimmt ähnlich heftig ausfallen.
Hello OP!
Just for my curiosity, do you expect the medium of communication to be in English? I'm in a neighbouring country (where they say the language is a cousin of yours) and almost everything that's local (or even those claiming to be international) tend to be in the local language. Which, by all means, is great, but seeing some of the Bitcoin discussions happening in my own mother tongue, I can't help but feel the essence of ideas or even technicalities are lost or even misrepresented simply because of language nuance.
Hi Language for communication as well as for articles is planned to be in German but I will also include some texts written in English. Like sharing links of good articles posted on Bitcointalk or other websites. Most topics I posted here so far are available in German and English whereby I think the German ones have more quality because of the language barrier. I agree that translations also from English to German can affect the meaning but for me it's actually other way round that I'm more comfortable to describe difficult things better in my own language. However, if the members of the project tend to like more articles in English, that should be possible, too. Sharing my own experience: other than the academic aspects, do spare a thought for the social and practical aspects people tend to overlook, for example: - tech guys tend to overshadow or dominate discussions. Make sure moderators (offline and on) are able to observe to ensure the newcomers are taken care of - fintech discussions tend to be male-oriented and in some cases, the resulting style or even content of discussion leads to exaggerated machismo. Not everyone's cup of tea Personally, I like it to keep things simple and especially for crypto related content it's better to avoid overfeeding new members (like you said). I'm still very new to crypto (joined in 2018 without much prior knowledge) so I hope to know a bit where to add content and what's important to cover in articles. Someone who joined back in 2011 would explain things different because the surrounding stuff also changed (in my opinion). If there should be problems I reserve the right to ban members like in ICO shitcoin groups. No FUD Just kidding, I hope everyone will be interested in a discussion understandable for everyone. Actually, I think KYC is an important topic - privacy is not only an aspect of Bitcoin, with GDPR here people do need to know their rights. I'm curious why OP would talk about Ripple specifically though... it's not nearly as interesting as almost any other alternative currency in the top 10 now.
That's true, I don't think much about XRP. The reason to write about it was because I've thought when a newbie is searching interesting altcoins and is finding an article shilling XRP on the web he might consider it as a good investment - which XRP isn't. Therefore, I planned to write a few words about it or just link an article on the web which points out the disadvantages of XRP. Another and perhaps better idea would be a short list about the top 10 coins + selected other ones and write a few sentences about each one. OP edited to avoid any confusions.
Wenn wer Interesse daran hat: Hier hat jemand seine Bachelorarbeit über Bitcoin-Mixer geschrieben und versucht, die ausgehende mit der eingehenden Transaktion zu indentifizieren und so den Mixing-Vorgang aufzuschlüsseln. Untersuchter Mixer war coinmixer.se (aktuell offline) und es ist ihm dort gelungen, den Vorgang aufzuschlüsseln. Hier der Post: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5117328.0Er hat es sogar bei mehreren Mixern geschafft, lediglich bei chipmixer.com war er nicht erfolgreich. Ich weiß allerdings nicht, welche anderen Mixer er alle geknackt hat, im Post spricht er lediglich von bitmixer.io und coinmixer.se. Die Universität ist die Ruhr-Universität Bochum, theoretisch sollte madu also auch Deutsch können.
Gibt den ersten Kandidaten, ist bereits in Reputation berichtet aber für alle daran Interessierten auch nochmal hier: javijavier hat sich als Referenzen für seine Übersetzungs-Erfahrung von anderen Leuten whitepaper kopiert und diese als seine eigene Erfahrung eingereicht, um als Übersetzer akzeptiert zu werden. Berichtet habe ich es hier, als ein anderer Nutzer den Account mit einer Fake-Übersetzung im Bitcoingarden berichtet hatte. Whitepaper in der Referenz nur deshalb, weil die Bitcointalk-ANNs zu den rechtmäßigen Übersetzer-Accounts zuzuordnen wären. Ist mal garnicht unverschämt.
Soweit ich weiß gibt es immer noch regelmäßig neue coins/tokens wo man sich coins mit z.B. bestimmten social media aufgaben verdienen kann die coins/tokens kannst du ja verkaufen sobald du sie hast. Falls du multilingual gut drauf bist kannst du dir auch durch übersetzungen coins verdienen. Du kannst ja einfach mal im Marketplace-Services Unterforum umsehen, da gibt es meistens auch aufgaben zu erledigen für coins. https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?board=52.0Manchmal gibt es da Geld für kleinere Aufgaben aber man muss auch aufpassen, dass es kein Scam ist. Meist sind das leider immer nur Newbie Accounts, bei denen man vorher nicht sagen kann, ob es ein Scam Angebot ist oder nicht. Accounts mit höherem Rang kann man da eher trauen, da diese nicht ihren Account aufs Spiel setzen würden. Oder halt Umfragen, wobei da gute Angebote rar sind. Die war sehr gut, ist aber schon rum (hatte ich damals auch nicht gesehen): https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5050824.0Theoretisch kannst du beim Marktplatz auch Dinge anbieten, wenn du daran interesiert bist, hier längerfristig was zu machen. Z.B. Signatur designen, ANNs erstellen, Escrow anbieten (benötigt sehr hohen Trust) oder Bounties managen. Aber das kostet viel Zeit, die ich persönlich kaum habe. Ansonsten halt Bounty (Altcoins) oder eine Signatur, die auch in BTC bezahlt. Stake könnte dir vielleicht gefallen (ist aber Gambling). Am besten immer in Services Ausschau halten, wenn es neue gibt. =) Lohnt allerdings auch erst ab Member oder Full Member.
Can I know why you talk about KYC disadvantage and XRP? I mean, that's kinda a 'heavy' topic, and it's still being debate in the crypto 'industry'.
I've not written about these topics yet but I thought at least about an article regarding KYC. Most issues arise when people are not aware how things work in crypto and identity theft through KYC scams is a big problem if someone is not aware of it. Mainly such things like to protect your personal data and don't send it to every shady ICO / Exchange (I would generally recommend to avoid handing out personal data to any third party since big exchanges can also be hacked (and were also)). Of course, there are far more reasons why most KYC processes make no sense don't matter if it's for the sake of the customers, the company or money laundering but that would be another wall of text here. I'm still not sure if I'm going to write an article about risks of investing in XRP, most likely I will just link some good ones in German language. Like you've said it is very complicated to understand (at least XRP) and it would be for advanced users. Most articles are not written yet completely and the total number will depend on the time I have to write them. I think you should instead list about interesting topics that they can learn further (including heavy politics), so, instead of talking about that subject, you can list subjects that's controversial or at least interesting to read further. For example: - KYC dilemma. - Crypto exchanges practice in general (wash trading, etc) - How to get crypto without investment (like bounty) - STO & ICO, etc
Yes, that's a good compilation. The basics will be enough to give it a start.
I am a firm believer that education is the key to spread awareness about bitcoin or cryptocurrency.
+1 That's it, especially for very technical things like crypto. It's always the same when you try something new: at first you don't know much about it but if you get some advice it will help understanding things better. I have read one article that will help you on starting your project, it is from Start or join a group or cause. I will just mention some points that might help you along the way: [...] Very good article and I'm surprised how close it comes to the steps I took so far. I have set up some rules (around 10 pages, I tried to keep it short but still informative) and most points are already included like some core team members managing the main stuff, admins for the group and normal members. Everything is possible to scale up (if necessary). And of course a welcome message. In addition, I suggest that instead of using telegram group, you can use discord. In discord you can create your own server, you can create text channel and voice channel there. [...]
Honestly, I have to admit that I don't know Discord very much and never used it. I have heard from it, but it's very unpopular here in Germany what I know so far (at least in my city). Out of 100 people 2 are using it, so my estimation. If there are many users interested to have a Discord channel I can imagine to implement it (with a dedicated admin who has more knowledge than me regarding Discord ) The main issue I expect are the barriers that people won't join if I use Discord as main channel (and I'm not familiar with it). Right now, new participants have only to send a mail, receive a welcome message and a few instructions that communication will be done on Telegram. So, they have only to install Telegram and they are members of our group (my experience is that already 25-30 out of 100 people have Telegram). I hope it's not a too big barrier, only time will tell. See you around.
Good luck!
Many thanks! And also many thanks for your great reply!
Yeah, looks like they are at least alts, which is no problem if they don't join the same campaign to gain advantages due to enrolling multiple accounts. If they did so they'll receive a red tag. If you don't have a proof that they abused a campaign they won't be red tagged because they did nothing wrong. But to have a valid proof you need to archive the posts as evidence. You can use http://archive.is/ to do it. A quoted post is no proof because it can be manipulated on your side (to accuse him of being an abuser while he isn't) or the abusers can delete their posts and you won't have a proof after he did so. And you can use the form from known alts and report it there, including the archived posts.
Wäre super wenn wir nur auf local boards umändern könnten, vielleicht kriegst du es hin
Ach, das bekommt ihr schon hin. 3 Posts sind dort schnell gemacht auch wenn es am Anfang vielleicht schwer fällt. Ich bin recht langsam im Englisch schreiben, Deutsch geht mehr als doppelt so schnell aber bisher gab es keine Probleme. Beginners and Help ist immer sehr dankbar, wenn Newbies ein paar einfach Fragen stellen, die man leicht beantworten kann oder zu generellen Themen, die nicht so technikaffin sind, weil das dann noch in Englisch zu schreiben wird je nach Thema schon schwierig. Aber mit der Zeit klappt es und es gibt auch dort Leute, die immer ihre Bereiche haben, in denen sie kommentieren. Und nicht selten gibt es dann auch mal das ein oder andere Merit, wenn eure Antwort hilfreich war. Sorry für etwas OT Update 1Im CoinForum läuft euch ein IoTeX-Thread mit ThirtyThirty als extrem engagiertem und lustigen Forums-Compadre. Er hat vorhin diesen Text geschrieben, der eine wichtige Info zusammenfasst, die ich euch nicht vorenthalten will. ThirtyThirty (das Chicken) ist echt in Ordnung, kenne ihn dort vom Palai. Definitiv ein guter Nutzer, der Mehrwert in die Beiträge bringt. Vllt. ergänzt du noch unter den zitierten Text direkt die Quelle, Plagiate werden derzeit gesucht und da wäre es schade, wenn dein Account wegen drauf geht. Ist ja an sich schon gekennzeichnet aber es gab schon Fälle, bei denen es trotzdem kritisiert wurde (mit Konsequenzen). Ansonsten auch ein Danke von mir für alle Updates, gibst dir da ja echt viel Mühe mit.
Danke für die Gratulation Damit sind natürlich jetzt alle auf meiner Trust Liste DT2 also auch Gratulation an alle auf meiner Trust-Liste. Hatte sie vor ein paar Tagen noch einmal leicht geändert und werde auch immer regelmäßig einen Blick drauf haben, dass ich keine schwarzen Schafe auf meiner Trust-Liste habe aber bin zuversichtlich dass dort alle vertrauenswürdig sind und das nicht machen. Dass sich mal ein Nutzer auf DT2 als Scammer erweist, wird bestimmt nicht ausbleiben, daher als guter Tipp an alle: immer die eigenen ausgewählten DT2 zu checken (als DT1). Damit wird einem der (wenigen) Nachteile des neuen Trust-Systems gut vorgebeugt.
Regarding female users my guess is: The reason might be a mixture of not much interest for technical things and the fear of risk to make a mistake due to technical related things. But it’s just my speculation and maybe the number of women is higher than we expect. The people I know are mostly male so I have no positive news regarding that – for now Because I’ve launched a little local crypto project just a few days ago at my university in Germany. Increasing the number of people using Bitcoin is always a good goal and I’m willing to put some effort into it to arouse interest of Newbies for crypto. I’ve described it here in a more detailed way to avoid too much OT here: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5117781.msg50051523#msg50051523It will be possible to participate anonymous, only requirement will be an e-mail address and a Telegram account because the majority of the project will be managed in our German Telegram group (which is not built yet). Getting to know the proportion of male and female participants won’t be possible that way but I’m sure some will tell it by themselves which gender they are. I’m curious how many participants are willing to join, if there is no demand, I’ll discard the project but I don’t hope so. I have received no request yet, but there are holidays right now. Sorry for a little bit OT here but I think it’s worth a try to encourage other people to do a bit research about BTC and try it. The main reason that people don’t get involved with crypto, especially female users, is just fear of doing something wrong because they don’t know how to use it. I’m sure if we can invalidate the fear, we will see many new people owning BTC.
Currently I’m trying to build up a little crypto project limited to my local university in Germany. I’ve launched it just a few days ago and will have a look if there is any demand and if it’s possible to manage it the way I’ve planned it. Increasing the number of people using Crypto is always a good goal and I’m willing to put some effort into it to arouse interest of Newbies for crypto. The project will not be that big and managed in a decentralized way by several members of the project. I’m planning to pick some valuable members to be admins there and help me managing the group when they have gained my trust. The number of admins will depend on the total number of users, if there is not enough demand, I would be able to manage it with another user which I trust and know from another site. How will it work? Everyone will be able to join or leave the project whenever he/she wants and spend time how much is available. During examination phases time can be very limited and there will also be a point when my time gets limited due to study work. Everyone how it’s comfortable for them, it’s a voluntary and decentralized project. The main part will be exactly the thing why many people are scared to take a try for crypto: making mistakes because they don’t know the tech, the details and how to use it. I will present some known topics which are important for Newbies before they start: - general facts about BTC and crypto like history, what is BTC, how is it working (mining) and which other cryptocurrencies are existing - list of known beginner mistakes - possibilities to store crypto safe like sorts of wallets and best exchanges - risks and opportunities of other crypto investments (ICOs) or better how to avoid getting scammed by them - additional things like privacy and a short overview of different altcoins An important point will be to present not much technical stuff at the beginning to avoid confusing new users but some tech for those who are willing to look at it. A short conclusion of how Bitcoin is working (mining should be enough for example). If someone is interested to have more knowledge about tech there will be also interesting things. Joining the project will be completely without risk, no need to invest existing money, that’s another point to make it beginner-friendly. There are quite a few ways to earn a few BTC without risk and I will list popular opportunities. I’m sure many people are scared of losing money because of the picture drawn of Bitcoin in the media which I deem as an important factor why people don’t trust BTC because they don’t know it. I’ll also encourage new users in our group to suggest new topics to discuss if they found interesting ones. The target group is huge – over 40,000 students are member of the university here and I’m very confident to attract some of them joining the project. It will offer a great opportunity to gain knowledge about crypto and as well as owning the first Satoshis. I hope that many of them will be thankful that they get to know about the crypto space and joined – back in 2019 When it’s going fine, it’s also possible to expand our project to other universities but first, I have to see if it works. Of course, it will be possible to participate anonymous, only requirement will be an e-mail address and a Telegram account because the majority of the project will be managed in our German Telegram group (which is not built yet). I’m curious how many participants are willing to join, if there is no demand, I’ll discard the project but I don’t hope so. I’ve distributed a few posters and will distribute some more during the following days. Yet, I haven’t received any request, but there are holidays right now. I think it’s worth a try to encourage other people to do a bit research about BTC and try it. The main reason to stay away is just fear of doing something wrong because they don’t know how to use it yet. Feel free to post good suggestions or improvements. I'll look how the project is proceeding and make adjustments if necessary.
Thanks to everyone for your congratulations and kind words I can imagine how hard it was for DarkStar_ to pick someone when having so many outstanding applications but only one spot to fill. Hopefully, the rumors are true that some spots will open up next week as announced by DarkStar_ and everyone will get another chance to apply here. And it’s great to see all the people applying here even if it’s only one spot to fill, some other campaigns would be proud to have all applicants of this free spot as entire set for their spreadsheet. I wish you all the best to get accepted at this great campaign. =)
Würde ich auch unterstützen, dass man allgemein stattdessen ein Subforum "Marktplatz" einrichtet, in dem alles auf einmal gepostet werden kann, was mit Angeboten oder Nachfragen zu tun hat aber trotzdem mit nochmaligem Unterforum Auktionen (damit man dort die Einträge nicht mehr editieren kann). Auch wenn das aktuell wenig bis garnicht genutzt wird, wer weiß, wie viele Mitglieder es beim nächsten Bullrun hier gibt. Aktuell hat es den Nachteil, dass einige Beiträge zudem doppelt gepostet werden, weil sie auf beide Kategorien passen und dadurch entsteht in einem Beitrag eine Diskussion, im anderen auch und es gibt ein totales Durcheinander, wie hier, hier und hier passiert. Und wieder ist fast ein weiteres Jahr vergangen und es hat sich nichts getan. Vielleicht möchte sich der zukünftige neue Moderator dieses Unterforums ja mal der Sache annehmen.
Wenn wir denn mal einen bekommen, das liegt auch schon wieder eine ganze Weile, obwohl phantastisch zurück ist.
[5]: Consider boards post count are accepted in.
Important point, maybe you can mention here to check the signature campaign rules if local boards are accepted. I have seen many members making really great contributions to their local boards buth they have never posted much in the English sections. If they are forced to post the same content in English now due to a signature campaign, the post quality will be affected in a negative way. When it comes to technical things it's very important to use the right words and explain details. Some Bitcoin or crypto related content is difficult enough on it's own but if you have to explain it in a another language that's even more challenging. And it's also a benefit for the advertised projects / services to get high quality content in a local language compared to medium-quality posts on page 5 upwards of a thread. The visibility of the local high quality content will be much higher. Very good read, OP and I think if everyone who is involved in signature campaigns would read your topic (and act accordingly) the number of spam posts would go down a lot.
Username: 1miau Post Count: 322 BTC Address (must be SegWit): 3QGE2bqHmtEZNqH8znDfhERz7mMhxaxjCA
Will change my signature and avatar if accepted
Accepted, please PM me once you change your signature. Many thanks for accepting me, I'll try my best to fulfill the expectations while being part of the club now. I've changed my signature and sent a PM.
Well written OP, Not forgetting MLM is also been used in the ICO market enabling shitprojects raise huge funds even more than the somehow legit projects in the aim of deceiving the general public. Projects using MLM to hype their ICO are usually shitcoins with nothing to offer except tokens been tradable on few worthless exchange in future. I discourage investing in projects that uses MLM. No doubt MLM benefits only the early adopters and they need those I call "new fools" to keep the project they're using MLM to promote alive.
Do you mean referral links? It's similar when you compare that both are free advertising by the existing user and therefore he is interested in geting referrals. MLM is much bigger because the referrals of your referrals etc. still get rewards. But in general agree, many ICOs use it and it's always recommended to keept that in mind when you get over a referral link that the person posting it is interested in getting you in. Don't trust, verify Good point.
Bonjour tout le monde Oui, c'est vrai, sa traduction en allemand n'est pas très bien. He has used most likely Google Translate or similar, there are just too many coincidences we know from automated translation tools. I have reported his fake translation here: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4415262.msg50019254#msg50019254If he continues, he'll also get a red tag from me, usually I start tagging after 2 or 3 fake translations depending how "fake" they have been to give them some benefit of doubt.